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04x02 - The Dead Name

Posted: 03/30/16 17:26
by bunniefuu

Oh, my God, what is she wearing?

She dresses like a bank teller.


Can you believe Avery set her up with Doug Wyatt?

I didn't think he was that desperate.

He's not.

He's just tired of dating women without no substance.

You know the ones who shop all day, and delight in cutting down other women?

Oh, my God, totally.


Welcome to the Real Housewives of Hell.



Ladies... And I use that term loosely...

Allow me to introduce you to Gina Williams.

Her "Diamonds and Denim" gala raised over 1.4 million for the Wish Bank last year.

(tepid applause)

This year, I've challenged her to raise two million.


We should do a casino night.

I love it.

Black tie. James Bond...

I've done casino nights before, and, frankly, the cost to stage the event eats too far into the proceeds.

But it's fun. And it will be a big draw.

We already have a big draw... Your husbands...

And your boyfriend...

Are the B.C. Furies football team, and people will pay big money just to party with them.

What, like a house party? Sounds cheesy.

It can still be formal.


Cheesy is taking ourselves too seriously.

Okay, I love it. It plays to our biggest assets, and low overhead.

Let's plan a party.


Good morning!

Looking good, girl.

Good morning.

Hi. Good morning. Aw...

You didn't even try the lemon!

Because nobody likes lemon cake.

Courtney, thank God.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

How's it going?

He didn't even try the other flavours.

Because I like chocolate.

But what if I get chocolate on my wedding dress?

Fine. You know what? You pick.

I don't even care what flavour we get.

Oh, you don't care.

Of course, he cares, and just because you've chosen to live your lives together doesn't mean you have to lose your individuality.

So, you choose the cake of your dreams, and you choose a groom's cake.

A groom's cake?

I've never heard of that before.

It's a tradition, it started in England.

Sometimes, it's a novelty cake, like a race car or a golf ball, something that reflects the groom's interests.

Can you do the Titanic?

He's really into marine history.

(sighing happily) Anything is possible.

(sirens wailing)


You okay?

Do you know that if your request for time off is within two weeks, your Staff Sergeant has to fill out a... a T424B form, not to be confused with the T424A form?

Acting Staff Sergeants don't have to authorize last-minute requests.

Well then, you go tell Hughes he can't go to Disneyland with his children.

Love to, but Accident Investigation just called.

There's a single car collision that's not making any sense to them.

They're hoping for fresh eyes.

Oh, wait, that sounds like a job for Acting Staff Sergeant. I'm coming.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Vega wouldn't be attending a motor vehicle accident.

Yeah, well, he's in court, isn't he? If he doesn't like how I do things, he can testify faster. Psst!

Hey... hi!

You are such a natural at scheduling. I need next week's roster sorted out by the end of the shift. Could you help me out with that? Thank you so much.

You definitely have the "Delegate and Disappear" part of the job down.

You can't turn a tiger into a house cat, my friend.

Remember that.

Oh, God, what is he doing here?

He must have heard the call for a detective over the radio.

All I did was search the body for I.D.

And I'm telling you not to touch the body until I give you permission.

A witness saw her get thrown from the vehicle. It's obvious how she died.

No. Actually, it isn't.

You're kidding, right? She's street pizza.

Hey, Kennecki. You're fired.

Relax. I'm kidding. Maybe...

Why? Why isn't it obvious how she died?

All of her injuries from the accident are postmortem.

Your victim was dead before she crashed the car.

Are you sure?

Courtney... Sorry.


I didn't mean to scare you.

You're early.

I needed to talk to you.

Uh, last week's paycheck still hasn't shown up in my account yet, and I was just wondering...

That's so frustrating. I've talked to the bank three times. I'm so sorry.

I wouldn't bug you, but it's the end of the month.

Of course. Yeah. Just, um, hang on a second.

I will just, um...

There's a little extra in there for you, for the inconvenience.

Oh, you don't have to do that...

Take it, take it, you've more than earned it.

Thank you. Do you mind if I head over to the bank and deposit this?

Please. Please, uh, yeah.

Actually, can you run to the pharmacy for me? Um, I just...

I have a k*ller headache. I forgot my aspirin.

Of course.


Don't make excuses for Kennecki.

(chuckles) I'm not that creative.

What can you tell me about the victim?

I found an oily substance on her hands.

Did that cause the accident?

Not directly.

It smells like peanut oil, and look what I found.

Allergic reaction?


Depending on the severity, anaphylaxis can be fatal within minutes, and this was severe.

Well, if she's that allergic, she'd probably have an epi-pen, right?

There wasn't one in the car.


Definitely suspicious.

Which is why we need to get moving on this.

Listen, no one will ever fault you for not being dedicated, but you can't touch the body without the M.E.'s permission.

That's kind of the number one rule...

But the car, it belongs to Russell Bowman's wife.

The cell phone in the car is registered to her.

I wanted to confirm the identification and get the ball rolling...

No pun intended.

No pun received.

Who's Russell Bowman?

The starting quarterback for the Furies?

Best arm in the league three years running?

I could have got the notification by now.

So, are you here because you want to work this case, or because you want to meet the great Russell Bowman?

Well... he has a right to know.

He certainly does.

And once we get a positive identification, I'll notify him.

Now, I'd like to get her cell phone, please.

Forensics has it.

(clears throat)

And I would love to go get that for you.

(grunting triumphantly) Yeah! Mm!

No, no, don't get up. I've got it.

It's research, babe.

Feet off the table, Gary.




You're so beautiful.

Thank you.

It's so nice to finally see you.

Meet you. In person.

You, too.

(both stammering awkwardly)

Sorry. Come in.



Go, go, go, go, go! Up the left, up the left!

This house is amazing.



Stop it. You're making me blush. Come on.

Who is that?

I don't know. One of the caterers?

Okay, so "Courtney" is the last person she spoke to.

She's also got three declined calls from that number.

Crestwood Hotel. How may I direct your call...

The Crestwood. Hotel. Mid-level place off the highway?

You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking that they're...

Having an affair.

Great minds do think alike.

Hmm, how about this, before we lock ourselves into one theory, why don't we run down every call that Avery made or received over the last two days, starting with that Courtney person.

Got it.

On it.

I'd like you to do the interviews in person, please.

That could take a while.

Well, you just take all the time you need.

How's Bets?

The things she wants to do to Kennecki?

(sighing) Phew!

I don't think they're anatomically...

(laughing) I'm talking about the case.

Well, she said anaphylaxis probably set in within a couple minutes.

Avery was dead before she hit the pavement.

Well, AIU said that she was coming from this direction.

So, what's down here?

I don't know. Let's go see.

Courtney Meissenger?


Detective Mitch Kennecki.

What can I do for you, Detective?

You made a phone call to Avery Bowman's cell phone this morning?

Mm-hmm, yes. Mrs. Bowman was ordering some baked goods for an upcoming event.

How did she seem when you talked to her?


Is everything okay?

How well do you know her?

She hired me to cater the desserts for her last fund raising gala.

Just the one event?

Well, she was calling to book me again, so I assume she was happy with my work.

Before that, I'd never worked with her, so I wouldn't say I knew her well.

Has something happened to her?

Well, you may want to hold off on filling that order.


Thanks for your time.


So, what was she doing down here?

Garbage can? Rock-Paper-Scissors?


Acting Staff Sergeant.


Peanut oil.

Avery Bowman's epi-pen.

Hasn't been used.

So whoever she met down here got peanut oil on her...

Why wouldn't she use her epi-pen?

I don't know.

Maybe there's a struggle, epi-pen gets dropped, Avery panics, goes for help?

Why wouldn't they go after her?

Because they knew Avery would never make it.

Because they knew Avery.

Aspirin didn't help?

No, it didn't.

Well, go home. I'll close.

No, no, take the rest of the day.

I have the town hall meeting anyway.

You should skip the meeting. You work too hard.

I'll see you tomorrow. Go.

Okay, well, feel better.

Thank you.



(sighs nervously)

(sighs in frustration)

Dental records confirm it. Avery Bowman is your victim.

I also took a peek down her throat.

Swollen and congested airways. Consistent with suffocation.

Caused by anaphylaxis?

I'm still waiting for toxicology to confirm.

We also found a rag soaked in peanut oil and an unused epi-pen near the crash site.

Well, then, barring a stomach full of peanut butter cookies, I think we can lean toward homicide.

Any idea when you'll be able to get to the autopsy?

You're not the only homicide team in town.

(shakes newspaper pointedly)

Yeah, but we're the nicest.

And we've got your back. Kennecki will not be mouthing off anymore.

Oh, well, Lucas, Detective Kennecki can say whatever he wants.

(revs bone saw)

Anything at all.

(revving bone saw)

I never should have quit football.

Yeah, I don't like team sports.

I don't like the selection process.

Picked last?

No. Middle... ish.

Played a lot of hooky, though.

Not a sport.

It is the way I play it.

(knocking gently)

Hang on, Russell. Someone's at the door.

(footsteps approach)

Hi. Detectives Flynn and Lucas.

We need to speak with Russell Bowman, please.

He's in the middle of his workout.


Could you come back later?




No, she can't...

What happened?

It was a single-car collision.

She was pronounced dead at the scene.

(exhaling in grief)

We know this is difficult, but we have some questions for you.

Where was Avery going this morning?

I don't... I don't know.

She was gone by the time I got back.

So, you were out as well?

I had a breakfast meeting with my agent.

I need a minute...

Avery, can I come in?

Your dress just arrived.

What are you doing here?

Uh, Avery's dress just arrived, so I didn't want it to wrinkle.

Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.

I can help you with your bowtie.


Yeah, okay.

I don't mind.

The trick is you just have to use your thumbs.

My wife is useless with bowties.

Yeah, that's because she's all thumbs, but that's pretty much her only flaw.

How long have you two known each other?

We only just met. She's just been so welcoming.

I feel like I've known her for years.


What are you doing here?

I brought your dress. There was so much prep going on, I didn't want it to wrinkle, so I brought it in.

And then Russell needed help with his bowtie.

I'm just going to go.

She's a strange bird.

Be nice.

Nah, I think it's sweet.

The way you pick up strays.

Several calls were made from this number. I need to know who made them.

That's our main switchboard. Any one of our guests could have made those calls from anywhere in the hotel.

You don't track them?

Free local calling is just one of the Crestwood's many perks.


Well, how about... her?

You seen her before?

Far be it from me to speak out of turn.

You'll make an exception.

The past couple of weeks, one Theodore Stark checks in, leaves a spare key at the front desk for a female guest.

She collects the key, and the two are gone within the hour.

This Stark guy check in yesterday?

He did.

She did not.


I'm gonna need Stark's credit card information.

He paid cash.

Another one of Crestwood's many perks?

We pride ourselves on our commitment to privacy.

We were with, uh, his agent, Ray Calandra.

This is terrible. What happened?

Do you always go with Russell when he meets with his agent?

Yeah, I'm kinda like his back-up, unofficial manager.

Not technically, but...

Russell and I have known each other since we were kids.

We played peewee football together. He went pro. I didn't.

So you guys are tight.

Well, yeah, he's my boy.

How were things between Russell and Avery?

I've seen a lot of girlfriends come and go, but when Russell met Avery, it was game over.

Did Avery feel the same way about Russell?

Yeah, I think so, but at the end of the day, who knows what women think.

I mean, you must have some idea, though, right?

You live here.

I never heard them arguing, if that's what you're asking.

I can tell you one thing, Avery wasn't like the other wives.

Was Avery having problems with anyone?

I thought you said it was an accident.

We're still investigating, but we need to cover all our angles.

If somebody hurt her, they better hope to God you find them before I do.

Mr. Bowman, I know how painful this is for you, but you need to let us handle this.

Was she having problems with anyone?


I mean, she hated bullies, she valued her privacy, but... but she got along with everybody.

Did she have any close friends?

Gina Williams.

She runs Avery's charity.

Avery set her up with my teammate, Doug.

The four of us hung out a lot.

Avery was a very private person.

If there was something wrong, I'd be able to tell.


You know, little things.

She'd close her office door.

She wouldn't want to talk very long.

Did you notice anything like that recently?

Gina, if there was something, it could be important.

On Tuesday, Avery asked if I could cover for her.

She said if anyone asks, she was with me all afternoon, then... then she left.

Did she say where she was going?


But I don't believe that she'd cheat on Russell.

Russell's agent, Ray Calandra, confirms that Russell and Gary were with him this morning.

Okay. Well, according to Gina Williams, Avery had a meeting on Tuesday afternoon, two days before she died, a "meeting" that she didn't want anyone to know about.

Well, she did make this call on Tuesday, but it's under 30 seconds.

Okay, well, that could be of the "Sorry, I'm running late" variety.

I'll get the details for you.

No, I asked Kennecki to run down the phone records.

Yeah, I offered to take half.

He got tied up at the hotel. Sounds like he has a promising lead.

How promising?

How about I've identified our k*ller?



This could be anyone.

That's Theodore Stark.

And he is...?

He's not in the system at all, so I'm thinking it's got to be an alias.

But Avery has met this guy at the hotel two Wednesdays in a row, and she was supposed to meet him there yesterday.

What happened yesterday?

He showed, she didn't.

Maybe Russell got wise to her afternoon delight.

But I checked the sketch against his friends and teammates, and no joy.

Yeah, well, I doubt this matches anyone.

So all we need is a decent likeness, a real name, and a reason to connect him to the m*rder.

Home stretch.

Hey, Lucas, did you track down those phone records yet?

And has anyone heard from Forensics?

(opera music blaring)

(text alert pings)

(slams dough)

We appreciate you coming in on such short notice, Ms. Page.

The life of a publicist, Detectives.

As long as politicians sleep with their babysitters, I'm always available.


What can I do for you?

Do you know this man?

No. Who's that?

Uh, Avery Bowman, she called you on Tuesday, yes?

Yes. We met. She put me on a retainer.


All she said was it was bigger than a sex tape, and she felt compelled to go public and announce whatever it was.

She didn't give you any details?

Believe me, I pressed her.

I can't draft a strategy without specifics.

But she said she needed to talk to her husband first.

Actually, it sounds like he could use a publicist.

Would you mind giving him my card?

I need to take this. Excuse me.

I'll take your card.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Hey, Bets.

Hey, this a bad time?

God, no, your timing couldn't be better, actually.

I just finished Avery Bowman's autopsy.

And? Are we still looking at death by peanut oil?

I'm calling it "suffocation caused by anaphylaxis," but yeah.

Wow, that is a new one, huh?

I found something else.

She had gender confirmation surgery.

Avery was transgender.

There is no way that Russell Bowman knew his wife was a dude.

The correct term is "transgender female."

Right. That.

Are you saying that based on evidence, or because you're a fan?

The publicist said that she had to tell her husband.

No, no, the publicist said that Avery wanted to talk to her husband.

That conversation could have been about going public.

News like that, there could be backlash from the sponsors, team management. He could lose a lot of money.

Yeah, it could be anyone in Russell's entourage.

Guys, you're being close-minded.

Just because Avery used to be a man doesn't mean she wasn't screwing around on Russell.

We still need to find this Stark guy.

Yes, Kennecki, we'll pursue all leads, and we'll keep open minds, and we'll stop misgendering our victim.


It's one hell of a hold-back clue.

It's not our place to say.

So how do we find out if this was the motive?

Very carefully.



Um, you can't come into my bedroom.

(whispering) I know.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what I was thinking.

If we're going to do this, um, we just have to have some boundaries.

I know.

This is... really hard for me, I'm sorry.

You think this isn't hard for me, pretending that I don't know you?

Um, okay, you can start serving the desserts now.

We met at a nightclub.

I knew right away I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, but it took three months just to get her to have dinner with me.

Hmm. She wasn't convinced?


She didn't want me to mistake her for a cleat-chaser.


I have some follow-up questions regarding Avery's medical history.

You want to know when I found out Avery was transgender.

On our third date.

She didn't want the relationship to be built on a lie.

Obviously, I had no problem with it.

Who else knows?

Me and my agent.

Avery didn't like to talk about her past.

If she did, would you want to know about it?

It was her decision.

I fell in love with Avery MacLennan.

And what if she changed her mind?

Decided to go public?

You're thinking, jock finds out his wife is going to tell the whole world, and is worried about his reputation, so he kills her?

I loved my wife.

More than my career.

I'm not saying you didn't...

But how do I prove it?

Yo, Ray!

Tell her about the Rocket deal.

Rocket... "the pure energy drink."

They wanted Russell to be their spokesman.

We're talking a national ad campaign.

You know, cross platform, web, TV, print.

He would have made more money on that than he does playing ball.

What k*lled the deal?


What was her issue?

It's okay.

The company supports political candidates who still oppose LGBTQ rights, and since Avery's transgender...

Did Avery have a lot of input in your business decisions?

Input? I mean, she was basically Russell's business manager.

In a good way.

Was that a problem for you?

Me? Hell, no.

You know what they say... You get a girlfriend, you gotta drop two friends.

You know it. Sounds like things got pretty dull around here, huh?

Well, we all got to grow up sometime.

So how did you make the cut?

Because Russell and I are like brothers.

Avery knew I'd always look out for him.

What about Avery? Were you looking out for her?

She trusted me, if that's what you mean.

Did she ever... confide in you?

She told me stuff, sure.

What kind of stuff?

She really hated football.

And how candid was Avery about her past with you?

We didn't really talk about that.

I knew she didn't have any family in town.

Did she ever mention any old friends?



We found out that Avery met with a publicist on Tuesday, an expert in damage control.

You have any idea what that would have been about?

Anything you tell me remains strictly confidential.

I've been going over the foundation's books for estate purposes.

$20,000 is missing from the main account.

I found a cheque Avery wrote on her discretionary fund.

It was made out to "cash."

I'm sure she was going to tell me about it.

Avery may have been embezzling money from her charity.

How much?


And I found one more $20,000 withdrawal from a credit card one week later.

All made the day before she was supposed to go to the hotel.

Yeah, except she never makes it to the hotel for that third visit, does she?

Instead, she visits a P.R. person to get out in front of something.


Yeah, but then why the hotel?


You know what I think?

That she was having an affair.

She was being blackmailed.

That she was having an affair.

(beeps device on)

(text alert pings)

Russell Bowman's on his way up.


I think I just approved overtime on a detective who retired over a year ago, so there's that.

I checked with Russell's coach, and Russell was at practice both Wednesdays that Avery went to the Crestwood Hotel.

That makes sense, pick a time when no one would notice her absence.

Or the blackmailer chose that day and time because it was convenient for him.

Someone close to Russell.

That wasn't expected at practice.

That's a good theory.

All of Russell's people were alibi'd for m*rder, not blackmail.

I will re-interview the hotel clerk.


Want to come observe my interview with Russell Bowman?

Hell, yeah.


That's impossible. Nobody else knew.

Well, there's 20,000 missing from the charity, another 20 from a credit card.

What is she doing with 40 grand cash?

Maybe she lent the money to someone.

Someone she met at the Crestwood Hotel?

She would never be unfaithful.

You know what I think?

I think that you know who did it, and I think that you're protecting them.

Okay, thank you, Detective.

I loved my wife.

I'm sure you did, but did you love her more than football?

If Avery went public, you wouldn't have a career.

Detective, if you don't mind...

This is the guy your wife was meeting at the hotel.

Theodore Stark. Does he look familiar?

Kennecki. Give us a minute.

Detective Kennecki spoke out of turn. I apologize.

Do you recognize this man?


Russell, who was blackmailing Avery?

Next time you want to talk, call my lawyer.

(tracker beeps)

(starts engine)


I still can't believe I did that. I really am so sorry.

It won't happen again, I promise.

I know.

What is this?

A thank you.


And a goodbye, I think.

I can't take this.

No, no, no, no, we can make this work.

We... We just need time.

I don't think we can.

I wanted you back in my life so much, but I don't think we can make this work.

But I miss you.

I never wanted to hurt you.

Then you should have stayed away.


Yes, that's him.

You sure?

He checked in this morning.

You didn't think to call the police?

I did.

I called Detective Kennecki and left a message.

Angie? Lucas.

I got something.

Gary Camper is our blackmailer.

This is Seven-India-15. We need back-up.

Gary Camper? Police!

Okay, will you hold him there, and I'll be there soon?


Any word on Russell Bowman?

Yeah, the uniforms just picked him up. They brought him in to the station.

Forensics found this hidden in the toilet t*nk.

How much is this?

40 grand.


The clerk said there was another woman at the hotel to meet Gary.

Maybe she was also being blackmailed.

You mean, other than Avery?

We assumed that Avery was being blackmailed because she's transgender.

What if it's something else?

Maybe Avery and this woman share a secret.

Yeah, and if that woman if more desperate than Avery to keep it hidden, maybe she k*lled them both. So, who's this woman?

Someone from Avery's past.

You run with that.

I'll talk to Russell.

I didn't k*ll Gary.

But you knew he was blackmailing Avery?

I figured it out.


Don't say anything until the lawyers get here.

I've got nothing to hide.

When you said the name "Theodore" and "Stark..." there were two kids on our peewee team Gary hated because they always got more game time.

Theodore and Stark.

Okay. What did you do when you left here?

I went for a drive. I needed to cool down.

I knew if I went home, I'd hurt him.

Damn it, Russell, would you stop talking?

Did he k*ll Avery?

Well, you're his alibi.

So who did it?

We believe that Gary was blackmailing Avery and another woman.

Maybe that woman's from Avery's past?

I already told you, she never talked about her past.

You never met any of her childhood friends?

None of her relatives came to your wedding?

Avery said her past was dead to her.

Okay, well, Russell, I'm trying to clear you for m*rder.

Oh, whoa, there's nothing to clear, because he didn't do it.

Her past didn't matter.

The people she loved, the people who loved her, they were in her life now, and they still are.

How's it going?

This is what I've got, Avery Bowman, maiden name MacLennan. Born February 9th, 1988.

Both parents are deceased.

That is it. It's like she didn't even exist until she was 23.

That doesn't strike you as interesting?

Yeah, of course.

2011, that's when she gets her driver's license, passport, credit cards...

She never legally changed her name.

That's unusual.

Avery's a gender neutral name.

There's also a female baby, Avery MacLennan. Born February 9th, 1988.

Pitt Meadows.

Died before the age of one.

That is a classic way of creating a new identity.

All right, I have to go out to Pitt Meadows to talk to that caterer.

Courtney Meissenger.


(opera music playing)

What are you doing here?

Did you tell anyone about me?

No. Of course not.

Courtney, I need you to be honest with me.

Did you tell anybody?

Are you being blackmailed, too?

How did they find out?

I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, we're just closing. Next time.

Thanks for coming. Sorry.

It doesn't matter, because as long as this person knows the truth, then neither of us are safe.

We'll go to the police.


We can't do that.

Then what's the alternative?

I can't believe that you're thinking like that.

I don't have that kind of money lying around.

I'll pay for both of us.

I'll take care of this.

No. And then what?

Avery, this isn't going to stop unless we stop it.

What's happened to you?


I'm just trying to protect us.

Like I always have.

Courtney, born and raised in Pitt Meadows.

She makes a mean chocolate cake.

President of the local business improvement association, member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Osprey Village community watch...

She's a big deal. Everybody knows who she is.

And her tragic story.

Keep reading.

Oh, she's a widow.

And when her husband died, the community banded together to support her in her time of need.

What do we know about the husband?

Andrew Seltzer.

Died three months after their wedding.

Drowned in a boating accident, the body was never found.

So, Andrew dies and Avery was born.

Flynn, you got a second?

Can it wait? I gotta get out to Pitt Meadows.

That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

I should have been on to Courtney Meissenger sooner.

There was no reason to suspect her before.

I talked to her the day Avery died. How do I miss that?

I don't know, Kennecki, but I don't really have time for this right now.

You know, this is partly your fault.


I'll take the next one, thanks. What are you talking about?

I know that you think I didn't deserve this opportunity.

That is not true.

And that my father pulled some strings in order to get me this promotion.

Okay, that one I'll give you.

I knew if I was going to last in Homicide, I was going to have to impress you.

I mean, hell, you're... You're Angie Flynn.

I had to come out swinging, make a name for myself.

Well, you've done that.

I needed you to know that...

I was more than a district commander's son.

Well, it's not about what I need, Kennecki, it's what the section needs.

We need detectives who have open minds.

I can be that detective.

Yeah, I know.

I've seen... glimpses.


(door opens)

Courtney Meissenger?

Detective Angie Flynn.

I think you spoke with my colleague a couple days ago?

Yes. Yeah, I just have some follow-up questions about Avery Bowman.

I heard she died in a car accident. That's sad. She was such a nice person.

Yeah. Generous, too. We heard that from a lot of people who knew her.

Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, I didn't... I didn't know her well.

Did you know she was being blackmailed?

They want more money.

I told you. This is never going to end.

If I go public, it will.

You can't do that.

Courtney, what this person is doing to us is wrong.

We shouldn't have to live in fear.

I'll find a way...

No. We end this.

You can't!

It'll destroy everything!

I had no idea Avery was transgender.

If that's what she was hiding, it wouldn't have mattered to you.

If she went public?

I'm so sorry, I think you're misinformed.

I told you, I barely knew Avery.

No, you knew Andrew.

And that bond didn't change for you when she became Avery.

Hi. You came.

Um, good news. It took some doing, but I managed to raise the money.

Why would you do that?

To buy us time, consider our options.

I've made up my mind.

You have the life you've always wanted.

So do I.

Think about what you're throwing away.

I have thought about it.

I won't let anyone shame me for the decisions I've made.

The decisions you've made.

What about the sacrifices I made?

I helped you disappear. I faked your death.

My entire life became a lie. For you.

And now everyone is gonna know.

They'll forgive you.

The insurance company won't forgive a million dollars.

Life insurance?

You took out a policy on me?

It had to be perfect.

It had to be convincing.

I can't believe that you did that.

Okay, please understand, listen to me.


Please understand that it's not about the money.

Stay away from me.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

Please understand.

I love my life.

My business. Everything that I've built.

I can't just throw it all away and start over.

I don't know how.

(opera music playing)

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry that you made me do this.


What did you do?

You really are so beautiful.

(cries in grief)

(gasps, choking)

(struggling to breathe)

(yelps with effort)


(wheezing shallowly)

(opera music playing)

I'd known Avery my whole life.

We were best friends.

Everyone knew she was different, and they hated her for it.

They hated her.

She never stood a chance.

And in high school, we pretended to date.

Then we got married, 'cause we were broke, and we were trapped.

She didn't think she could have a happy life.

She talked about su1c1de, and I knew I was going to lose her...

So you faked her death.

Mm-hmm. I did it for Avery.


And then you got the money to start this place, along with a loyal clientèle who wanted to support a grieving widow.

No, but I didn't... I never expected everyone to be so kind.

You need to understand that I did not want to hurt Avery.

And none of this would have happened if Gary hadn't blackmailed us.

I didn't have a choice.

She was just going to ruin everything, for both of us.

Digital Forensics called.

They found this e-mail on Gary's computer.

It was addressed to all the news outlets in the city.

Turns out, he just thought they were lovers.

He ruined three lives and didn't know the truth?

Dumb luck, huh?

Well, that's another mystery solved.

And you are welcome.

Can you file that away for me?

Hi. What can I do for you?

I wanted to thank you for catching Avery's k*ller.

Oh, yeah.

And I have a small favour to ask.

If I can, yeah.

I need you to suppress the news that Avery's transgender long enough to hold a press conference.

I'm going to honor Avery's plan.

Of course, yeah.

Mr. Bowman?

I just wanted to apologize for accusing you of murdering your wife.

You were doing your job.


Can I get an autograph?