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02x02 - Hack Me If You Can

Posted: 03/30/16 15:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stitchers"...


Good morning, Sunshine.

How are you feeling?

Doctor said I'm good to go.

What is going on with you?

Climbing buildings... Slugging people?

I can't help it. I died and then I came back.

I get a second chance to live my life.

You see how she reacted after Cameron revived?

I've never seen her like that.

This is the rev 2.

How is this suit going to protect me?

How do you feel?

Slightly badass.

His name was Ed Clark. Why did he k*ll himself?

He didn't and he wasn't my father.

Les Turner ordered me to stop looking into Ed Clark's m*rder.

This facility is under my authority until a new director is appointed.

I smell something. I smell incense again.

Whoever k*lled Ed also k*lled Turner.

Hey, dad.

What's that smell?

That is sandalwood.

When you said "fully furnished", I pictured one of those little dorm fridges.

Maybe a futon.

The apartment is completely tricked out with smart appliances.

I can turn on any device...

With touch of an app.

Lights, washer, dryer, stove-top.

I'm sorry, how much money do you make?

Not much. When you live with your parents for years, the benjies start piling up.


Can I make you some tea?

Oh! Well, actually, that would be...

No? Okay.


Wow, now you don't even have to get off your fat ass to boil water.


Living on my own is going to be great.

You just moved out yesterday, but yes, it is a big step.

What is this about a big step?

Aw! There she is.

Hey! What are you doing here?

Get out of my way.

Camille! How wonderful to see you.

And with my Linus.

Yes, it is a treat to see you, Camille.


We came to see this hovel you left us for.

He doesn't mean that.

Yes, I do.

So you don't like it?

He likes it. We both do.

Does it matter what I like? You have done it already.

Baba, why are you being so...

Ah! You never answered my question.

I heard "big step."

Are you two...

What? Us? Here? Together?


Ah, well, I just thought...

Don't take it so hard, mom.

Certainly don't take it harder than Linus abandoning us.

Abandoning you? I'm 24. I can't live at home forever.

I know that, Linus.

And what I know is that a pain that a mother feels when her child leaves, is real and it is deep.

(Cell phone bleeps)

(Car honking)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ take me inside ♪

So, the house you're living in, the house that you thought was Ed's, was actually your parents' house all along.

So, I guess when my father left me, instead of having me go to Ed, he had Ed move in.

You didn't know that till that memory of you and your dad in the kitchen came back?

(Chuckles) Oh, I love how the brain works!

Okay, but you never answered my question.

What do you think my father meant when I heard him in Turner's memory talking about "moving the asset"?

Hey, give it a rest.

I've seen how you get when you're obsessed and it's not pretty.

Speaking of pretty...

I'm not quitting until I find my father.

You got to get out of your own way.

Okay? You're letting your new emotions affect your reasoning.

You gotta take a step back, and wait for the "ah-ha!" Moment to come to you.

Ah-ha! Come to me!

Oh, my gosh!


How do I look?

Like a trust fund kid with a death wish.

(Sputters) Hop on.


Seriously, hop on! You might actually like it.



Feels good, right? Okay. Now picture this.

You and me, cruising down the highway, all right?

Wind, in our hair. No, but we'd be wearing helmets. So, no.

But seriously, you gotta hold on or you're fall, okay?

(Mimicking acceleration)

You guys are the hottest couple ever.


Actually, we're not...

We're not sure if this is the right bike for us.

Right, Pumpkin?

Actually, I didn't even know that shnookums wanted a motorcycle until he died last week.

You did what now?

But lucky for muffin I was there to save him.


Why tempt fate, right?


Okay, so I guess this is...

I guess I'll take it.

Hmm. Sold.


Oh, man! My first motorcycle.

Aren't you a little young for a mid-life crisis?


(Cell phone ringing)

Oh! Um...

We actually gotta go to work.

Is there anyway that we can put this aside for later?


(Mimicking) I'll be back.

'Cause Arnold said that in Terminator 2...

He rides a motorcycle. Sorry.

Power heels?

I have a meeting with our division head, Mitchell Blair.

He was Turner's boss. He's going to be here today.

Turner had a boss?

Can't imagine him taking orders from anyone.

Well, everyone answers to someone.

And no, I don't know what Blair wants.

Well, I'd like to meet this guy and ask him about my father.

Right now I'd like us to focus on the case.

Where's Camille?

She's still babysitting Fisher.

Which I don't get, 'cause he's been out of the hospital for a week.

Yes, men are such babies when they're sick or shot.


Derek Steelman, 28 years old.

He got hit by a car this morning in Downtown LA.

At one point he was number 3 on the FBI's most wanted hacker list.

Until the FBI caught him posting internal memos from one of the "big five" oil companies.

I could only find two photos.

Well, he was a hacker. He wouldn't have wanted a big Internet footprint.

Instead of prison, the FBI offered him a deal.

He turned white hat, started working for some of our off-the-books agencies.



Both: R.E.S.P.E.C.T?

Among others.

His job was to prevent cyber-t*rrorists from breaching our systems.

So he could have been k*lled because of something he found out.

Wait! What is that?

That's an Insulin pump. Derek was wearing at the time of death.

Witnesses say Derek looked disoriented before he walked into traffic.

Was he drunk? On dr*gs?

But we can't wait 48 hours to get his tox screen.

If Derek was m*rder*d, we need to know how and why.

All right, Derek's mind map indicates there are a few speed bumps along memory lane.

Might have something to do with getting hit by a car.

Okay, what happens if we hit one?

We'll take a detour.

I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync. Life-sci?


Everything just sounds so much better British.



The big man himself engineering?


What's with you?

I'm just happy because this baller is getting his first motorcycle today.


Communications is highly impressed by this news. Go.


We are go.

And as medical officer I advise against the purchase of a motorcycle.

Fantastic! Comp check, Kirsten, one two, one two. Do you hear me as your rider?

Oh, I hear you, Baller.

Okay, I'll take that as a go.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark. In three, two, one... mark!


I'm in Derek's workshop.

He's got enough equipment in here to crack any database he wants.

Which, I suspect, is a violation of his parole.

I am the only reason you are still alive and I am sick of cleaning up your messes!

I'm gonna deal with it my way. You knew this from the start.

If you can't deal with it, then by all means, cut me loose at any time.

It's not that simple, Derek and you know that.

Then what do you want me to do?

Do as I tell you or you are going to end up dead.

She just threatened to k*ll him if he didn't do something.

You see a name?


Take me as close as you can to his time of death.

I'm with Derek on the street. So far he seems okay.

Tell her to watch him closely.

See if anyone brushes past him, makes physical contact that could mask a needle prick or a chemical transfer.

Kirsten, look for anyone making contact with him.

He just got an e-mail.

Uh, I can't see it.

Uh... hey, just try moving just your consciousness closer to him.

What? I can do that?


Okay, the text reads, "five million sent. Destroy the list."

Who is it from?

Stealaglance? I know that website.

It's where married people go to have affairs.

What? I bought stock.

Okay, well maybe Derek worked for stealaglance.

Or blackmailing them. Wait.

Something's wrong.

I'm seeing double.

Heart rate is elevating.

He's checking his Insulin pump.

Ayo: A sudden overdose of Insulin could be fatal.

He's trying to tear it out. Everything is getting dark.

Oh, God! Car!

Make the bounce!

Okay, the car finished him off, but it was really Derek's Insulin pump that k*lled him.

Derek's Insulin pump administered a massive overdose.

So he was suffering from Insulin shock.

Could it have malfunctioned?

His pump is one of the most reliable on the market.

Failure rate of less than .0002.

Here's what I think might have happened.

Derek was blackmailing a billion dollar company, and the last email he got came from, who turns out to be Jacob McGuire, founder and CEO.

Maybe McGuire had Derek k*lled for stealing his client list.

Which, if it were ever released, would effectively put stealaglance out of business.


How could they trigger Derek's pump?

Could have been hacked.

I mean, it's Internet and cellular connected.

It's difficult, but mostly makes sense.

But why would they k*ll him if they know that their client list was still out there in the wild?

I said "mostly".

Then find McGuire and make him make total sense.

Wait, hey, I want to meet this Blair guy.

Yeah, if he was Turner's boss, he must be a total badass.

Yes, a badass who is not on time.

He's coming here to meet me.

You guys have a job to do.


(Music playing)

You looking good.

Feeling weak.


Considering it wasn't that long ago you were flat on your back, I expected to find you on the couch covered in potato chip dust.

Thanks for getting me off my ass in the hospital.

Golly, don't go all weepy on me now, Fishy.

Don't worry. You still bug me.

What's happening back at the lab?

Well, you know, nerds...

Techno babble. Pretty much everything as you left it.

How's Kirsten holding up?

No leads on Daniel Stinger, which makes her a little crabby.

Which makes me a little crabby.

Didn't know she could do crabby...

Or any other emotion, for that matter.

Right. So, tell me about your bag.

Come again?

This? Is this just for exercise?

Or can you actually learn how to...

Hit things by working on it? And by "you", of course I mean me.

Why are you making that face?

Why do you wanna learn how to hit stuff?

'Cause I wanna know how to protect myself.

Come on, you got shot and Turner is dead.

Here... Take a couple sh*ts.

Just like that?

Oh, that's fantastic...

If you're defending yourself against a group of marauding grandmothers.

Okay, calm down. Jeez!

Maybe you should just stick to the brain stuff.

Maybe you should stick to being a neanderthal.


All right, well, your form sucks...

But, you hit hard.

Story of my life.

Put your whole body behind it, all right?

Torque your waist, one punch leads to the other.

Like this...

Whoa! Careful! Easy, you're gonna pop a stitch.

Yeah... yeah, you may be right.

You know, with a little training, you'd kick ass.

Wait, really?

Yeah. I could teach you some stuff. Work on your technique.

Then you can be a lean, mean snarky machine.

Keep talking, string bean.



Camille told me that you don't have any leads on your father.

(Sighing) Nope.

Start with what you know. The day and time he left, the cab company. See if their have records to go back that far.

Don't worry. Stinger messed up somewhere. You'll get him.

I know, thanks!

I heard you two were going to talk to McGuire?

Who's McGuire?

He is the CEO of

His client list was hacked and he was being blackmailed for five million dollars.

Blackmailer got m*rder*d.

Sounds like McGuire had motive. What'd he say?

No, McGuire wouldn't talk to us without his lawyer present.

Kirsten: Wait, we should check his bank records.

There's no way he paid that five million from the company account.

He must have used a personal account.

We could hack his bank, why not?

And if we had the account numbers we could get in pretty quickly.

Or you could find a judge to issue a warrant.

(Exclaiming dismissively)

But that would also take time.

Guys! We could do this the legal way, or we could do it my way.

We still have RFID scanners in the lab?


I'll go get my couture.


You know the only thing I hate more than lines?

No, tell me.

Waiting in them.

If you'd like to cut in front of me, all you have to do is ask.

I thought that's what I just did.

I don't remember seeing you inside.

Oh, you just remember everyone in the same restaurant as you?

No. But you, I'd remember.


He's smooth, he's confident...

He smells like a million bucks. You're trouble.

And you're beautiful.

(Giggling) Keep talking, k*ller.

(Device bleeping)

On second thought, I gotta bounce.

What about your car?

I don't own one.

Wait, can I get your number?

That's okay, baby. I've got yours.

So, according to the trip sheets, the taxi dropped my father off at the Bradley international terminal the night he left me with Ed.

You got into their records?

Yeah, I mean they could care less about someone snooping through trip sheets from 15 years ago.

Now I just need to figure out what airline my father took and where he was going.

Hmm. Ooh!

So, how'd we do? Did you get his account numbers?

She's got brains, she's got all this.

The RFID scanner read the chips on every credit card in his wallet. Digital pickpocketing.

What will they think of next?

That's amazing.

What a time to be alive, you guys!

Miss Baptiste?

I'm Mitchell Blair.


How did you get in here?

Well, I built this place, so I think I know where all the entrances are.

Well, next time, you should let me know you're here.

It'll help me not sh**t you.

Noted. Noted.

Miss Baptiste, you are a legend at the agency.

And you, Mr. Blair, are an unknown.


Your reputation for plain talks is not for nothing.



Effective immediately, you're promoted to acting director of the Stitchers Program.

Not sure I want the job.

Sure you do.

Perhaps if I knew more about Turner's responsibilities I'd feel better about the decision that's being made for me.

I assume his job involved more than lurking in the shadows and making cryptic comments.

Well, Les had his hands in a few other pies, but for now, your purview is strictly the Stitchers Program.

Out of curiosity, or...

Self preservation, was Les's purview as head of the Stitchers Program the reason Daniel Stinger k*lled him?

You're sneaky.

You're trying to get me to confirm that Danny k*lled Turner.

Then again, maybe I am the sneaky one for calling Stinger... Danny to...

Make you think he and I had a particularly close relationship.

What do I have to do to get a straight answer from this agency?

Start by doing your job.

Are we done here?

I think so.

Don't you?

Enjoy your promotion.

Oh, wow!

Whoever is behind this, is crazy good.

They ran an I and D scam.

Oh, my gosh!

It's an intercept and divert.

They rigged a computer at McGuire's bank, to direct all of it's data to a local node it intercepted the transfer, sent a false confirmation that the wire transfer happened, and diverted the funds somewhere else. Probably an off-shore bank account.

Is that easy to do?

By a single person? No.

I think we are dealing with a super-posse of black hat experts.

I downloaded the connection log from Derek's Insulin pump, it was hacked through the cellular connection.

Dude, who are these guys?

I don't know, but I think I found one of them. Lucy Woods.

I pinged the cell phone towers near the m*rder site and then traced the signal back.

Okay, she's the one I saw threatening Derek in the stitch.

You know what we need? An interrogation room.


Because Lucy's got some 'splaining to do.

Mmm-mmm. I'm not answering any more questions until somebody tells me where I am.

We told you, you're in a secure NSA facility.

Okay, why do I have to be brought here in a windowless van?

Because it's a secret, secure NSA facility.

Tell us about Derek.

Specifically, his Insulin pump.

Derek was so smart on his computer, but...

When it came to...

Real life stuff? You know, like taking care of himself? He was an idiot.

What do you mean?

He was diabetic, so I had to be on him all the time about that.

You know, "take your medicine", "watch your diet", I was such a total bitch about it, but I was just scared, you know?

I thought for sure he was gonna end up dead one day.

But I never thought that he would get hit by a car instead.

I don't think she k*lled him.

Hey, wait? k*ll Derek? Why would you think that I would k*ll him?

Someone hacked in and took control of Derek's Insulin pump. Their I.P. address matches yours.

I'm not a hacker. I can't even figure out how to disable candy crush requests from my grandma. I mean, I print cat photos on t-shirts in a mall kiosk.

That was Derek's world, it wasn't mine.

What mall?
Well, I, my friends, am impressed.

Someone spoofed Lucy's I.P. address to infiltrate Derek's pump.

So our super-hackers used Derek, a convicted hacker, as a front to swipe stealaglance's client list which were released, would destroy the company.

Super-hackers then blackmail McGuire whom they know would gladly pay five million to save his billion dollar company.

And once the money transfers, they ping Derek's pump and deliver a fatal overdose of Insulin.

McGuire will never go to the police because he'd have to go public about his client list being stolen.

And with Derek accidentally dead there are no loose ends.

Derek was the perfect patsy for the perfect crime.

That makes them hacking, framing, black-mailing murderers.

A quadruple threat.

Whoever these guys are, they're good.

Better than you two?

Both: Don't be ridiculous.

I've already traced the Insulin pump hack to a fixed address in Eagle Rock.

Let's go say hi.

All right.

Get this back to Catgirl.

I don't want anything to do with that.

(Music blaring on radio)

Okay, maybe Camille got the address wrong.

Or maybe Camille got the exact address these guys wanted us to have. One that leads us nowhere.

Yeah, but why this nowhere?

I don't know.

These guys are out-thinking us, I don't like to be out-thunk.

Whoever they are, they're really good.

Please tell me you're not fan-girling.

Well they're murderers, so no.

(Cell phone ringing)


You're not fan-girling?

I would have thought you'd be more impressed, Kirsten Clark of 986 Baxter Street.

Who is it?

I'm your team of hackers. Only there's no team, it's just me.

No way!

And FYI, not every homicide is a m*rder.

Sometimes it's justice.

Look how cute you two are. Your heads all close.

Do you and Cameron have a ship name yet?

What does that mean?

Warmer... Warmer... Warmer... Keep going. Hotter... Bingo!

You pinged our phones to pull our information.

Considering you were all-American in high school, and have a 4.59 GPA in your computer science doctoral program, I would have thought you'd figure that out sooner.

Maybe that leave of absence you took is making you rusty.

Seeing how you know our names, why don't you tell me yours?

Well, that would be cheating, and I hate cheaters.

Oh, this isn't a game.

Isn't it?

Okay, tell me something, why Derek? There are dozens of hackers you could've used to blackmail McGuire.

Well, that's my business.

You tell me something, why do you care?

That's my business.

I think I like you.

Okay, then let's meet. We'll talk this out.

Ooh, girls' night?

Sounds fun. Find me, and we'll chat about whatever you want.

Sounds good. I will see you soon.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Oh, game on!

Okay. Oh, and Kirsten...

Be careful what you wish for.

My name is Ellie.

(Line clicks)

(music playing)

Please? Please, just let me do this.

My computer, my rules. You don't like it, there's the door.

Yeah, leave my Fishy alone. He's having fun.

Don't forget to torque your waist.

I'm torquing!

He actually looks like an ape playing piano.

Yeah, come on old man.

At the rate you're trying to log into the LAPD system, even I could hack in faster.

Maybe, but then I'd have to sh**t you.

Fair enough.

And, I'm logged in.

Okay, I'm looking at Derek Steelman's file.

No connection to anyone named Ellie.

Anyone with the first name Ellie arrested?

Yeah. Only about two hundred in the last five years.

Hmm. Well, this was fun.

Oh, where are you going?

We've got seven hours until the refractory period's up.

We'll stitch back in tomorrow and see if we missed anything.

Until then, my new bike is calling.

You're buying a bicycle?



You know how to ride?

Uh-huh. How hard could it be?

As we bid farewell to the wild one.

Yeah, we better not.

I can't believe all of this was done by one person.

Ellie left no digital breadcrumbs for us to follow, but she did make one big mistake.

What? What's that?

She spoke to me.

Oh, come on. You're not so bad to talk to anymore.

(Laughing sarcastically)

Ellie said that k*lling Derek was not a homicide, it was justice.

She also said that she hates cheaters.

And she likes games.

Okay so, maybe she and Derek were competing, he cheated, and that's why she k*lled him?

A hacking competition? Is that even a thing?


But why target stealaglance for extortion?

It's a website entirely devoted to cheating with very deep pockets.

It is the perfect symbolic target.



You know I have a lot of research to do, and if I have to watch you typing away with two fingers again, I'm literally going to scream.

Torque, woman! Nice!

Oh, God, please tell me that one worked.

I'm sorry. This one was also canceled.

And your bank card shows insufficient funds. As in none.

But... how is it possible that all three of my credits cards are...

You bitch.

Excuse me?

No, sorry not you. A different bitch.

I gotta go! Can I get my cards back, please?


The bank instructed us to cut the cards, but if you got a complaint, I'm sure there's a bitch at the bank you can talk to.


(Music playing)

They cut up all your cards? Even your super-special black one?

Especially the little black one.

Ellie hacked my accounts.

(Sighs) I pissed her off and she took it out on you.

Look, we will get your credit straightened out tomorrow. In the meantime, I researched every hacking competition around the world, and I pulled up a list of names.

Derek or Ellie on the list?

I can't tell. Most of them compete under aliases.

But I'm cross-referencing them now.

Wait, wait. How do we know she's not listening to us right now?

Well, frankly, I hope she is.

I'm coming for you, Ellie.

Okay, just in case we're not being paranoid, let's try not to make evil hacker lady mad again, huh?

I thought your new policy was not to live in fear?

And I thought your new policy was not to do anything reckless.

Anything new about your dad?


Within three hours of the taxi dropping him off at the terminal, there were 80 flights going to 67 cities in 34 different countries.

Over ten thousand passengers, and it seems he used a fake name.

So he could be...


(Knocking on door)

Wait, someone's here. Hold on.

Kirsten Clark?


We have a warrant for your arrest.

On what charge?

Violation of California Penal Code 647(B) PC.


Cameron, I think I have to call you back.


(Knocking on door)

Where are they?

Oh, the cops? They left.

You got ellied.

Yes, I did. I got ellied.

So why aren't you in a holding t*nk downtown, with a dozen ladies named Trixie?

(Chuckles) Well...

The arrest warrant disappeared from the LAPD server.

Ellie didn't actually want me to get arrested, she just wants to show me how good she is.

Oh! She's really good. Yeah! She managed to freeze every bank account I've ever owned.

I'm poor now.

I don't care for it.

(Cell phone bleeps)


Oh, speak of the devil.

We were just talking about you.

Good things, I hope.

Ah, no. Not really.

Come on. This is like that Star Trek episode where Kirk and the Romulan Commander battle each other but in the end develop a deep, mutual respect.

Ah, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I do.

FYI, Cameron wasn't being paranoid.

I was listening in on your call.

And to be honest, for someone who says she's "coming to get me", you're doing a lousy job.

I'm just getting warmed up.

Cameron, I know you're listening in. So sorry about those credit cards.

Oh, no, it's fine. Once Kirsten catches you, I'll just make you into pieces.

Any idea when that might be?

I hope not right now, because I have bigger fish to fry.

Which is actually an apt analogy.

What are you talking about?

Well, it would seem from your frequently dialed list that you're good friends with Linus Ahluwalia.

Yes? I love that smart apartment he just leased.

They're so easy to hack.

What have you done?

Not much.

Just started a gas flow from his stove top and then upped the voltage in his unit. In theory, when he flips the wall switch the power spike should cause his fancy led lights to blow out and trigger a gas expl*si*n.

But, yeah. That's just a theory.

Call Linus!

Pick up the phone, come on!

Pick up, pick up, pick up!

Automated voice: We're sorry. Your call cannot...

She blocked his line.

Let's go! Let's go!


Smart locks. I love this place.




Do you smell gas?

You startled me.

All I'm saying is that Ellie is a hacking ninja. and that you and Kirsten could learn a few things from her.

She's a murderous psycho, who, if I'm remembering this correctly, just tried to k*ll you!

Yeah! Wait, why did she try to k*ll me?

To toy with Kirsten. Because you're expendable.


Okay. There you are. What took you so long?

Anyone else ever get an idea while in the shower?

Sometimes I get an idea.

Yeah, me, too.

But not every time I shower.

Oh, God, no! That's too many ideas.

Oh, my God. Continue.

(Sighs) Ellie is not just a hacker, she's like a hacking ninja.

Told you!

She deleted every online trace of her existence.

But the one thing that she couldn't touch was Derek's memory.

Yeah, but we don't know enough about Ellie to find those traces.

She's a cipher.

Here's the idea I had.

What if stealaglance wasn't a symbolic target?

What if Derek betrayed Ellie but felt really badly about it.

Like really badly.

Where does guilt manifest in the brain?

The lowermost part of the frontal lobe in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex.

Okay, so we look in the ventro-whatever for guilt markers. Five bucks says that's where we're gonna find Ellie.

Look at you saying words.

Hold on.

All of you give me your phones.

Ellie's tracking your movements using them.

I'm not going to risk a repeat of what happened to Linus.

Analog? Nice!


This isn't up for discussion.

Ellie wants to talk to me and right now our only link to her is my phone.

And if she uses her connection to you to k*ll one of us?

Would you be able to live with that?

No. That's why I won't let that happen.


Okay, be careful.

What do you see?

Derek's wedding.

There's no record of Derek ever being married.

Who's the lucky bride?

Kirsten: Hold up. We just took a turn into hot 'n heavy-ville. Derek and his wife are in the bedroom and they're not sleeping.

Whoa. That is not his wife.

(Door opens)

Kirsten: Busted!

Derek's wife just caught him in bed with another woman.

You ruined us with some stranger.

On a stupid website?

Kirsten: The wife is Ellie. She and Derek were married and he used stealaglance to cheat on her.

I should've hacked into your computer a long time ago.

Cameron: Can you see their address anywhere? Where are you now?

At their house. Different day.

Ellie burned everything that reminded her of Derek and left it for him to find.

1477 16th street.


I'm bouncing.



According to property records, the house is currently owned by a Lorna Beliansky.

Let me guess, no record of Derek or Ellie ever living there?


Well, maybe Lorna has some answers.

Thank you for coming, Mrs. Beliansky.

Are you sure I don't need a lawyer?

You're not in any trouble Mrs. Beliansky.

Then why did you being me here in a windowless van?

It's just something we do.

Agent Goodkin and I are looking for information on the previous owners of your house.

Derek and Ellie Steelman.

Gosh, I never met them.

(Cell phone vibrating)

I have to take this.


Hello, Ellie.

Where did you go with Mrs. Beliansky?

You seem to be someplace off the usual cell network.

We took her into my secret underground lair.

Ooh. I'd love to see that sometime.

I'll give you the address and you can come over.

Walking into a trap is your thing, not mine.

The neighbors told me they got divorced, but I'm not sure if that was before or after her accident.

What accident?

Tell me something.

Did you feel better after you m*rder*d Derek?

Did k*lling your husband serve justice?


No, wait! I'm curious, how does someone, even as good as you, find all that time to plan what you did? It must have taken weeks, months.

Fourteen months.

Well, here's my guess, you had all that time because you have nothing else to do and no-one else to do it with.

You're all alone.

That's why you keep calling me because you want somebody to make you feel like you're still worth talking to.

(Line disconnects)

Okay, so the day Ellie broke up with Derek, she rolled her car off the side of the Pacific Coast Highway.

So three years ago there was a single accident like that.

A woman named Linda Edwards rolled her SUV off the side of PCH.

Linda Edwards. L.E.



Linus: Ellie can't be Linda Edwards.

No, she has to be!

But she can't be.

Linda Edwards died three years ago in UC Santa Monica Medical Center.

No, it's the only thing that makes sense.

What makes sense?

You should be home, resting.

That's what I tried to tell him.

I'll rest when I'm dead and buried.

Medical records show that Linda Edwards died from her neck injuries suffered in the accident.

So we're back to nowhere again?

Dude, Fisher, you're a genius.

Linda Edwards was... Is an expert hacker.

I mean, they are hackers are all over the web, buried.

They don't leave an obvious footprint.

So what if Linda Edwards didn't die but instead stole the hospital records and the identity of someone who did?

I mean, who would know?

Dude, Cameron, you're a genius.

I totally missed that.

Okay, I'm cross referencing deaths at UC Santa Monica Medical Center with recent bank activity.

How quickly can a quantum computer...

Got it!

That quickly.

Three people died at the Medical Center the same night Linda Edwards supposedly did.

And bank activity?


Of the three people who died, Sarah McGurk sure orders a lot of takeout.

It's Linda. It's gotta be.

Okay, she lives in an apartment building just a few blocks away from here.

Okay, Kirsten, Cameron, go with Maggie to the building to pick up Ellie.

Good to have you back, Quincy.

Camille, pull up everything you can on the building, floor plans, schematics, access codes.

I'm on it.

What about me?

You... get me a donut and a cup of coffee.

Got it!

I'm back.

Uh, that way!

Linda Edwards? NSA.

Open up.

What is all of this?

She faked everything except the accident.

I saw a medical transport van downstairs.

Fisher! Shut down all of the elevators in the building.

On it!

Everybody, please stand back!

Fisher, we're in position.

Release the kraken.

Hello, Linda.

Hello, Kirsten.

I heard you won't talk to anyone but me.

Why didn't you tell me you were with the NSA?

I thought you knew everything about me.

Apparently not.

How did you find me?

You knew things only Derek knew.

I played the game to win.

And you played it for a whole different reason.

You let your emotions get in the way of your reasoning.

You wanted a friend.

I didn't find a friend, did I?


Do you know how many times Derek came to the hospital after my accident?


Nobody came.

Every friend I ever had either betrayed me or left.

I'm sorry.

But I'm told you're going to get the help you need.

Ah! Really now?

How did you beat me?

I cheated.

I have access to technology that gave me an advantage.

That wasn't it.

You found me because I didn't really want to disappear.

Let's say I was trying to find someone who did want to disappear.

How would I do that?

Your father?