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01x06 - Overtime

Posted: 04/05/14 10:53
by bunniefuu
That beach house doesn't belong to Alex Moreno.

No.26 is owned by a company called Blue and White Holdings.

The director of that company is Steven Blakely.

Steve Blakely knew Moreno?

I've found dozens of photos of naked children taken in the same house.

The question is, did he know what Moreno was doing there?

We're going to be great parents.

Isn't that what everybody thinks?


Some of us have got to be right, statistically.

Unfortunate when our private desires conflict with our public duties.

I'd tread very carefully if I were you, Miss King.

Thank you for the warning, Judge Renmark.

Miss King?

Constable Payne.

We met last night.

You OK?

I'm fine.

Sorry. You're meant to be at Crime Command by 8:30.

Yeah, right.

Can you just...

Yep, we'll be outside.

We've compiled a list of people who might hold a grudge against you.

Mostly crooks you've prosecuted.

If you could help us narrow it down, or maybe add anyone we've missed.

I don't need this.

I know who did it - Alex Moreno.

You've secured a conviction against...

He was acquitted.

What of?

He's a photographer. Grooming kids.

A photographer?

Bombings like this, our first guess is always going to be g*ng-related.

Do you have anything to suggest g*ng involvement?

It's early days. Forensics will come back with the preliminaries.

I have a name now - Moreno.

He was questioned about his connection with Steven Blakely, at my prompting.

Within 48 hours, this came back at me.

Miss King, we appreciate your frustration...

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be patronising me, you'd be out, now, arresting Moreno.

Janet, we have nothing to link him to this.

Then find a link.

I want you to do something!

I know it's hard, but you have to trust us here, OK?

We know how to do our jobs.

I will put Moreno on our list.

What I need you to do is go through all the potential suspects and start eliminating people.

Then you leave the rest to us, OK?

All your bank accounts have been frozen, ATM cards stopped.

If you need cash, just ask us.

Your old mobile phone's been deactivated.

You can use the pre-pays we supply.

Otherwise, we're going to leave you alone here at work.

It's a very secure building.

Not much to say at times like this.

Not really.



Look, are you up for a chat?

You're suggesting she go into hiding, that's your solution?

If you want her to be completely safe...

I want you to do your job and protect her.

Which is why we're here and not in your office.

If you want to be extra-safe, we can always move her interstate.

..someone tried to k*ll Janet with a b*mb.

There's no danger to the rest of your staff.

Jack will provide watertight security.

Not on my budget, I won't.

Fine! I'll formalise that with the Police Minister.

Right now, getting Miss King back to work should be our first priority.

We will not be intimidated!

Assuming Ms King agrees.


Yeah, sure, I'll go back to work.

How long before I can be with Ash and the kids?

We've got to complete a full risk assessment.

Couple of weeks, a month at the most.

Something's wrong.

Let it go.

No. Can't.

You ran the Blakely m*rder trial.

Someone's making porn at our beach house?


Why should the a*t*matic assumption be that my father had something to do with this? It could be anyone.

We believe the photo was taken with a hidden camera.

The girl is Alex Moreno's daughter.

Her father was the child groomer, the one Renmark acquitted.

The photographer?

Do you think our father is a child pornographer?

It might not be your father.

It might be someone associated with him.

This is what we're trying to establish.

Renmark's judgements.

Can you look at them for me?

I've got to head out.

How are you?

Look specifically at sexual offences against minors, whether Renmark treats them any differently.

I was going to pop my head in before, but Tony said we should give you some space.


How's Ash? Is she...

I'm just keeping track of who's in and who's out.

Can you let me know when you'll be going over to see Justice Renmark?

I wasn't planning on seeing him at all.

Well, that is a courageous decision.

Sorry, courageous?

We all know silence can be interpreted as a sign that one has something to hide.

I don't have anything to hide about Janet and Erin.

I respect a man who's willing to take that chance, regardless of what his friends and colleagues may think.

Alright? OK.

Can you stay on your man please, Jack? Stay on your man.

Beautiful pass there, Connor.

Can you...

Um, I appreciate you seeing me.

Yeah. How are you?

Did you find out who did it?

Not for sure. Look, Maya, I just...

We're both involved in this somehow.

There's some sort of a connection, so I need your help.

I've told you everything that I know.

Have you? Because we had a conversation in my office, and I saw something in you, some sort of a shift.

Was that the conversation when you accused my father of being a paedophile?

I know it's hard to come to terms with the idea of your father doing that sort of thing.

Do you think? I'm just trying to make sense of this.

How can you be so on our side one day, and then just so against us?

It's not a matter of being for or against.

There are people trying to k*ll me.

And that's my dad's fault?

Oh, no, wait, he's dead, so that makes it hard.

There's still a connection.

That is bullshit. It's bullshit.

I know I've asked you this before, but please, if you know anything at all about Alex Moreno, you need to tell me.

Both our families are being att*cked by someone, and I'm sure he has something to do with it, I just don't know what his involvement is.

I can't help you. I can't help you.

Push him left, Jack, please.

OK, stay on your man, Connor.

This is not a good day for you.

I'll leave you to it.




God, it's so good to hear your voice.

You too.

Are you OK, safe?

Yeah, yeah, fine.

How are the kids?

Good. I mean, they're a bit ratty, but they miss you.

So, where are you staying?

I'm not supposed to say.

No, me neither. I forgot.

Do they have any ideas yet about who might have done this?

Not yet.

Do you have any ideas?

I thought I did, but I don't know.

So, what's the plan?

I mean, how long do we have to stay in these places?

I don't know, Ash. I just...

I don't know.

Have you had dinner?

My minder bought me some Thai.


Looks oily.

You should go to them.

They'll keep for a moment.

Ash, I'm so sorry about your job.

Oh God, Janet...

About everything.

About the way this has come out.

It'll be alright.

In the end, it will be alright.

I'd put the kids on, but the last thing you need right now is a burst eardrum.

I love you.

Me too.

And you'll see, it won't be long.

Terrific. Now to each other.

Big smiles. Yep.

Just relax for a second.

There's a champagne in the car.

I'll just be a couple of minutes.

The artist at work.


So those details I gave you about the real-estate agent that handled the rental for the beach house, that all check out OK?

As far as I know.

So I rented a house and some creep photographed my daughter.

We're the victims here, right?

That's the theory, yeah.

So what are you doing here?

You said, on the night Steve Blakely died, you drove down to Coogee, walked your dog all by yourself.

Yeah, that's right.

Toll tags show us that you do that trip pretty regularly.

When I can.

But on the night Blakely was m*rder*d, you didn't use the tollway.

I probably went a different way.

Yesterday, between 7 and 9pm, where were you?


Just a straightforward question.

I've got an exhibition on at the North Sydney Gallery of Modern Art.

It was my opening night yesterday.

I was doing a Q and A in front of about 100 guests.

So can I get back to work now?

You have a think about which way you drove down to Coogee.

You'd be amazed what we can do these days to prove which way a vehicle travelled... or didn't travel.

I'm sorry about my behaviour yesterday.

After I went home, I kept thinking about what you said.

I appreciate that.

There you go.

You think my father was cooperating with this Moreno person?

In some way, yes.

So if that's right, there could be more people involved.

It's possible.


There are some things that happened to me when I was little.

There was a couple... the Nelsons.

They used to babysit us.

My mum and dad did the same for their kids when the Nelsons had something on.

Mr Nelson, Keith... did things to me.

How long ago was this?

I remember, the first time it happened, I was wearing my fairy-penguin pyjamas.

They were still really new.

I got them for my seventh birthday, so...

Mr Nelson, he was a friend of your father's or...

I went to preschool with Becky, his daughter.

Mum and Dad, they met them there, and yeah, we were all really close for a while.

I even called him Uncle Keith.

And you've never told anybody about this?

I just wanted to forget it.

I mean, what point is there, really, in... in digging all of these things up?

And then you said that stuff about my dad... and I started wondering about whether maybe he knew... because later, in my teens, Dad, he looked after me a lot and he taught me to be really strong.

And now I just don't know... if that was 'cause he knew... or if it's just that he sensed that I was really struggling.

I don't know.

Moreno rents Steven Blakely's holiday house.

Moreno's daughter gets photographed there by hidden cameras probably installed by Blakely.

Now it turns out that Blakely's daughter has been sexually assaulted for years by one of his best mates, who is now a senior executive in the public service.

It could be a coincidence.

Bullshit. We've got a child-pornography ring involving a prominent group of people, with Steven Blakely in the centre.

Things go wrong with his dying wife.

Suddenly he's facing jail.

His associates get nervous that he might talk.

They try and shut him up. Possible?

It's possible.

I start wondering where Moreno was on the night Blakely was k*lled, and our car gets bombed.

There's your conspiracy.

Moreno has an alibi for that night.

And Moreno, Nelson - no histories of v*olence.

God knows where they'd get expl*sives.

They hired someone.

It's bloody hard to see how.

There's nothing in Moreno's phone records or bank records to back that up.

Nelson arranged it.

Janet, if I go to Terry Renner with this, without any evidence, he is going to call me crazy and laugh in my face.

Then go over Renner's head.

Where I'll get the exact same reaction, only without the laughter.

Keith Nelson is a highly respected public servant.

Who's got a lot to lose.

Once he's charged, comes under pressure, he'll want to make a deal.

He will have to name names.

But Janet's conspiracy theory does sound far-fetched, and Nelson does have friends and contacts in the media.

Until we have some concrete evidence, I suggest it's just a sex crime and we keep this discussion to ourselves.


How dare you.

Mr Nelson...

You're accusing me of things that supposedly happened 15 years ago, without any evidence, and you expect me to take them seriously?

They're serious allegations.

15 years.

Maya Blakely was a child at the time, a small child.

I understand.

It's a bloody witch-hunt.

The Blakelys are both dead.

You expect me to what?

Mr Nelson!

You leave me hanging.

Mr Nelson, are you refusing to cooperate with this investigation?

I'm going to put the question to you again.

Did you engage in sexual activity with Maya Blakely when she was a minor?

Never! Anybody who says I did is a f*cking liar.

Forensics are still trawling through his computers, but it's not looking promising.

However, we did find this in his desk in a locked drawer - a 32-GB USB stick.

Full of child porn?

Completely empty.

When I say empty, I mean really empty.

Forensics can usually retrieve images even when they've been deleted, but this has been scrubbed using very sophisticated software.

So it's Nelson's word against Maya's.

Not quite.

In her statement, Maya described an identifying mark on Nelson's penis, a birthmark shaped like a map of England.

'I know it sounds strange, but I remember thinking of the map on the wall at school.'

That's your case. If Maya's right, and he has a mark like that...

How do I find that out, pants him in front of the jury?

Maybe you should get a search warrant.

Can you get a warrant for a man's undies?

It's got to be a court order, I suppose.

Still 15 years old.

It makes it extremely difficult.

It's winnable.

If you're so passionate about it, why aren't you running it?

Janet was the first one to hear Maya's story.

Oh, so you're a witness.

I told her we'd put our second-best person on it.

I'm flattered.

I hope you can stick around so I can pick your brain as this evolves.

Now I'm flattered.

I might be just looking for someone to share the blame if it doesn't get up.

Now we just sit back and allow things to take their course. Agreed?


Things only get to my desk when the damage is done.

I can't make any difference at all.

I'm completely impotent.

Get away from her.

Get the f*ck away from her!

That's what you did in Adelaide, isn't it?

You're a filthy f*cking r*pist!


My letter of resignation.

I thought I should make it easy for you.

Well, a perfectly honourable course of action.

I thought so too.

I've made us all look terrible.

Well, you're barely an apprentice at that pastime.

Janet's had a crack, Tracey's month in court was a standout and my performance in the Vasilich appeal was definitely a podium finish.

You made a mistake. We all do.

Learn from it.

I don't trust myself anymore.

Well, I trust you, and I outrank you.

Consequently, I decline to accept this.

In fact, a brief's just come in - sexual as*ault, minor, 15 years old.

Please, Tony, if I'm staying, at least transfer me out of Sex Crimes.

To what, Homicide? First grisly m*rder that comes in, you'll be begging to get out of that, too.

Next thing, you're a wasted talent doing drink-driving and contested speed fines.

What you did, you did out of passion.

We need more of that around here, not less.

You'll hear from Tracey about that brief.

You make sure it goes to trial.

Ah, Richard.

You going in?


What did you, um...

Oh, nothing.

One hug, that's all I saw.

Completely innocent.

Be careful, though, he's a tricky bastard.

So, Mr Stirling.

You've worked with Miss King and Miss O'Shaughnessy a number of times, is that correct?

I suppose so.

Is it a matter of supposition?

No, it's a fact.

And how would you describe their relationship?

Professional, very professional.

Others I've spoken to have said they're extremely close.

Well yes, extremely close in a professional sort of way.

I mean, friendly, you know?

Just friendly?

No, I guess...

Erin virtually delivered Janet's babies, so maybe more than just friendly.

Delivering someone's babies, I'd call that intimate.

I suppose so.

Obviously, at one level, it's extremely intimate.

It's an intimate experience, birthing babies.

If you do that with someone, it inevitably gives rise to a kind of intimacy, obviously.

So initially you described their relationship as professional, but now you'd like to revise that to 'extremely intimate.'

You went and talked to Renmark So what?

As long as you told him the truth, there's no need to apologise.

Is there?

Of course I told the truth, but it's all about emphasis, and my emphasis was less than ideal.

You worry too much. Anyway, on the subject of Renmark...

Yes. I went through all his old judgements, everything since he went to the bench. My office? OK.

I didn't find anything unusual in the sexual assaults, in that they conform to the overall trends.

But it's the trends themselves that are bizarre.

I've graphed it all by year.

In his first few years at the bench, there's no strong trend.

Acquittal-to-conviction ratio is about average.

But then, the Criminal Procedure Act is amended, massively increasing the number of judge-only trials, and suddenly, he's acquitting just about everyone.

I thought he was pro-prosecution.

That came later. In the first few years after the Act was amended, he was the exact opposite.

Your interpretation?

For a lazy judge hearing a case without a jury, the easiest option is to acquit.

There's no appeal, so the decision's less likely to come under scrutiny.

You don't spend hours drafting a judgement.

You're home for an early dinner.


What's interesting is that then, his record changes again.

Suddenly he's convicting everyone that comes before him.

So there's nearly a 100% conviction rate for the last 18 months until Moreno.

It could be explained away as a statistical variation.

It's more than that. It has to be.

What do you mean by weird?

How can we know it's weird unless we compare judgements with evidence?

You want me to trawl through the trial transcripts in detail, look for any specific irregularities?

I know it's a huge and tedious job.

Tedious? I already made a start, just out of personal interest.

At the very least, it suggests a judge who's pursuing a personal agenda.

That's not an agenda, that's corruption.

How'd you get onto this, Janet?

Danny Novak made a comment about Renmark's decision in Moreno.

What is it that Mr Novak had to say?

It was extremely vague, but he implie the result in the case was dodgy.

Why tell you?

He knew you had him in the frame for Steven Blakely's m*rder.

He said he had nothing to do with it, and suggested I find out how Moreno was acquitted.

And you just believed him?

I wasn't sure at first, then I asked you guys to look into Moreno, next thing I know, my car blows up outside my f*cking house and nearly kills my entire family.

So yes, funnily enough, I am inclined to believe him.

Let's just assume for a moment that Renmark's decisions weren't based on the evidence in front of him but to please someone else.

Was someone paying him or blackmailing him?

A senior New South Wales public official corrupted?

Not entirely without precedent.

Who gains by having all these idiots convicted?

I'm sure the police are on top of the list.

Or a policeman.

Since we're playing hypotheticals, sure.

Back in the '80s, we would have been the number-one suspects, but if anyone in Crime Command had a judge in their pockets these days, even Steve Blakely, I would have heard a whisper about it somewhere down the line.

Fair point.

So forget us.

Let's ask the important question - who are the really good corrupters?

Organised crime. But wouldn't they want their mates acquitted?

Mates? They dog each other all the time.

The Danny Novaks of this world want to eliminate enemies, get rid of competition.

Well, politically sensitive business, going after a judge.

Sure is, which is why I'm gonna need something very concrete before I launch into a formal investigation.

When I get it, I'll be back.

Janet, thanks for coming to me with this.

See? You're walking into court, just like you've done a million times.

No-one's giving you a second glance.

You'll be fine.

I feel like a kid going back to clas after detention.

You can handle it.

When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, just stay detached.

Just deal with the facts of the case, that's all.

If you think your job's bad, remember, when you win this court order, I've got to watch a guy get his d*ck photographed.

I think we know who's got second prize in this one today.

Given Miss Blakely's clear recollection of such an identifying mark, we make application to the court to grant an order under the Forensic Procedures Act, requiring Mr Nelson to undergo an intimate bodily examination, specifically of his penis.

Your Honour, Mr Nelson is an upstanding citizen and family man whose reputation has already been severely damaged by these allegations.

Now he's expected to submit to an unnecessary and humiliating bodily exam without any reasonable basis.

It'll be carried out by a qualified forensic medical officer, no more humiliating than an ordinary trip to the doctor.

I'm not sure what relationship my learned friend has with his doctor, but mine does not take photographs of my genitalia.

The complaints Miss Blakely made relate to events which took place a long time ago.

It is simply impossible to assess the veracity of her account without the examination we request, something which Mr Nelson should also welcome if he is indeed innocent of the charges.

Yes, point taken, Mr Crown.

These allegations are serious.

And consequently, I grant the order, as specified in the Act.

Hey. Can I sit?

Does your mate want to join us?

No, he likes standing.

Hey, well done. They wheeled out the big g*ns and you didn't flinch.

Come on. Sinclair or no Sinclair, if I couldn't handle a warrant application, we'd really be in the shit, wouldn't we?

Yes, mate?

Fresh off the press - medical officer's report on Nelson.

Yeah. Um...

'The left side of the penis presents with a 28- by 13-...'

'28- by 13-millimetre... laterally oriented capillary vascular malformation, commonly called a strawberry birthmark.'

What about the rest?

What about the shape?

If I hung this next to my desk, people would think I was planning a trip to the old country.

We're on.

Yeah. No, great. Thanks, mate.


Hey, can we get a copy of this sent straight over to the DPP?

Mark it, 'Attention of Owen Mitchell.'

Ando. Got your mate Alex Morino here.


Says he wants to make a statement about Steven Blakely's m*rder.


That night, I didn't go to Coogee.

So you are retracting your previous statement?


But if I tell you the truth, and I can back it up, no-one needs to know, do they?

Where were you, Alex?

A brothel? Bullshit. At exactly the time Blakely was k*lled.

So he was previously too coy to bring this up, preferred to be a suspect in a m*rder investigation?

The place is called Barely Legal.

It specialises in Asian girls that look under-age.

Not a venue one attends with pride.

His story checks out a hundred per cent?

The girl he was with remembers him, and there's credit-card records, a secret card he uses for special occasions.

So where does this leave us?

I think the expression is, buggered.

His story on the rental of Blakely's house is solid.

It's rubbish.

But it's solid rubbish now that he's got an alibi for the m*rder.

He could have hired someone, a co-conspirator may have done it.

We have been all over this guy, and there is no evidence of that.

On the attempted m*rder of my family, no evidence there either?

Terry Renner is looking into the organised-crime angle.

This has nothing to do with a drug dealer I put away five years ago!

I started scratching at Moreno, and they came straight back at me.

There is not one scrap of proof, Janet, that there is any they.

It's because your people are too incompetent to find it.

Janet, none of these theories are any use unless we have proof, and the best way to do that is still with getting Keith Nelson committed to trial and getting him to talk.

Now, step back and allow that trial to take its course.

Miss King, could I bend your ear for a sec?

I was wondering, my brother's got a small legal problem with a job contract at the moment.

I thought, if you wanted a bit of a break from the big stuff, and you didn't mind helping, of course...

Can't, sorry. I don't know that much about commercial law.

No problem.


I don't get why you want to do this.

Thanks for your support.

I'm saying this for your sake.

I don't think you want me to get over all this.

If you want to get over it, go to a psychiatrist, don't go to court.

Lawyers always bully you into going to court, and then what?

They're going to call you a liar, they'll pick apart every mistake that you make, go through everything that happened, whatever did happen.

Well, it happened!

OK, you know what? It happened.

You don't think it happened?

I don't know. I didn't see it!

It happened! Don't touch me!

Going to court isn't going to help you get over it.

Hey, are we OK here?

Yeah, we're fine.

Are you alright?

He thinks that you're making me do this so that you can have a big win.

What do you think?

Come on.

Miss Blakely, have you read your statement?

I have.

Is it true and correct?


I tender the statement of Miss Blakely in evidence.

No further questions, Your Honour.

The statement of Miss Maya Blakely will be Exhibit A.

Miss Blakely, the events you describe in your statement allegedly took place between 1998 and 2001.

That's right.

At that time, how would you describe the relationship between Mr Keith Nelson and your family?

He was a family friend.

Your parents trusted him, didn't they?

Objection. Your Honour, Miss Blakely's parents are deceased.

She can't be expected to say what their precise attitude towards Mr Nelson was, given she was only seven years old at the time.

I'll restate the question.

Your parents regularly relied upon Mr and Mrs Nelson to babysit yourself and your brother, didn't they?

That's right.

And they wouldn't have kept doing that if they had the slightest reason to think that there was anything untoward going on, would they?

No, no.

They wouldn't have done it if you or your brother had ever expressed any qualms whatsoever about the Nelsons, would they?

Probably not.

Yet the arrangement lasted for three years, only ending when the Nelsons moved interstate for a time, isn't that right?


You know the reason why, don't you?

Because I never said anything.

And you are now 23.

Yet even as an adult, an educated, professional woman, you never said anything, not for 15 years, because nothing ever happened, did it?

When I was a child, I was really scared.

You were scared, of Mr Nelson?


Marion Nelson, Mr Nelson's wife, also submitted a statement regarding her recollections, and she says she thought you were very fond of her husband.

She says, in fact, and I will quote her. She says -

'I rather thought Maya had a crush on Keith.'

Is that the way you usually show fear?

I was nice to him because I thought that I had done something wrong.

And I thought that that was his way of punishing me.


I'm told you did a wonderful job in there.

He was staring at me the whole time, just like he used to.

Now he's been committed to trial, thanks to you.

I think Drew might have been right, because I feel a lot worse now.

I was happy. I'd packed all this away and I'd gotten on with my life.

Everything they say that you're supposed to do, I had done it.

Had you?

It will help, Maya, when he's convicted.

I can't do that again.

Yes, you can.

You haven't stopped him yet.

There's still the trial.

I can't do that again.

Please, you can't back out now, for your sake.

I can't.

Don't let him beat you again.

What else can I do?

I'm going to have to nolle it.


Our case is built on Maya's account.

Without her, I'm dead in the water.

We can't let Nelson just walk out of remand.

Let's load him up, then.

I'll make a call, get a kilo of dope found in his pocket.

That should fix the prick.

We think he's got some other information, about me and the car b*mb.

That explains a bit.

You spoke to Maya. Do you think she's going to change her mind?

No, but Nelson's been committed for trial.

We can buy some time, police can put pressure on him.

Maybe he'll give something up.

How are we going to buy some time?

The case against him has fallen down.

The minute Nelson finds out...

What if he doesn't?

You mean what if we don't notify the court that Maya's withdrawn from the case?

We have to, don't we? So far, we're the only ones who know about it.

As far as I'm concerned, it's just a hiccup, witness with cold feet.

Nothing to bother the court with.

Oh, God, Janet.

If Maya doesn't change her mind, fine, we'll let them know... a few days before the trial date.

You weren't here, right?

You didn't hear a thing.

Going now.

I'm just asking for a bit more time - a week, maybe two.

Yep, you got it.

You're leaving early?

I'm off to get my fertility results.

Oh. They wouldn't tell you on the phone?

They said I had to come in.

What's the worst it can be?

Even if I can't have kids, I'll always have my job, hey?

Has Andy done his?

Mm-hm. 48 million sperm per millilitre, with 90% classed as Grade-A, showing highly progressive motility.

I bet he's learned that off by heart.

Plans on getting a tattoo of it next week.

Listen, Tracey spoke to me today.

Considering you helped me out with Collard, she asked if I wanted to take Clarke off you.


Is that OK?

I guess someone's got to finish it.

Looks like that someone's me.

It's completely revolting.

I'll bet.

Don't look at the photos.

You don't have to.

The whole thing's pretty much wound up anyway.

Just got to wait for Mrs Moreno to get back from overseas, get her into court to prove that Ruby's under-age.

Tracey's exact words were, 'I'm only giving you matters that will be quickly resolved, because I doubt you'll be around long'.

She's the absolute master of genteel malice.

Years of practice. I've got to go.

You'll be fine. Ring me.

The good news is, there's no sign of any physiological fertility issue.

Thanks. You hear about this sort of thing dragging on for years.

I can't rule that out, I'm afraid.


Given that you've been trying for so long and the efforts you've gone to, we would class you as having a fertility problem.

But you just said...

I said we'd found no physiological symptoms.

My diagnosis for you is idiopathic infertility.

It's infertility with no obvious physical cause.

So, what can you do for that?

Unfortunately, very little.

Even so, I would encourage you to keep trying.


We haven't really talked, since...


So, how's it going?

I mean, Ash and the kids, are they...

As well as can be expected.

And you?

I stopped watching the news.

That helped.

As long as I don't google 'DPP sex scandal', life is almost back to normal.

I don't suppose you've heard anything about when Renmark's going to decide it?

No. I've had other things on my mind.

Of course.

My minder has to knock off in an hour and I have to be safely locked away.

You bet. I should go home too.


Ready to roll?

I can't go back to that place tonight.

Not a lot of choice, I'm afraid.

I just want to see my kids and Ash.

I don't even know where you've got them.

Somewhere safe, and if you want to keep them safe, we need to follow the rules.

I haven't seen them since it happened.

Maybe I can arrange for a visit tomorrow night after work, OK?

If you feel like company, you can have a friend over, as long as they check out with security. Tonight.


There's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about.

Didn't do Oscar Wilde much good, did it?

You know, this place isn't as bad as you said.

OK, it's worse.

Still, it's safe, I guess.

Hence the name, safe house.

It's a prison.

Every minute of the day, I have this escort that ferries me around from here to work and back again.

Ash asked me when I thought it might end, as if there was some obvious end point, but...

There is. They'll catch the guy who did this.

Will they?

What if they don't?

How does it end then?

I mean, we have small children.

When do we decide that it's 100 per cent safe for them?

A month?

A year?

Ten years?

When I was seven, my family moved to Sydney from Perth.

My dad gave us this lecture about how we had to treat it as an adventure, and how he knew us kids would make the most of the opportunities.

My sister did fine, but I don't know.

I just got off on the wrong foot at school.

I didn't make any friends.

Every lunchtime, I would wander around the playground by myself.

But all I could think about was how I had let my parents down... and wasted the opportunity they'd given me.

Loneliness and shame.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.


I have been blessed with this perfect family, and I put them all in danger.

Janet, that's not your fault.

It doesn't matter whose fault it is.

They nearly died because of me.

That's all that matters.

You don't have to feel alone.

I'm here.

You're not alone.


Sorry. I...

I think it'd be better if you go.

I'll call you a taxi, yeah?

No, no, no.

I'm fine.

I'll see you later.

Excuse me, Owen?

You prosecuted Crown against Gianopolous, 2011.

Yeah, m*rder case.

Small-time drug dealer fired into a car, claimed he didn't know anyone was in it.

In Judge Renmark's judgement, he cites Crown against Sharp, implies the defence relied on the case.

No. The rule in Sharp didn't apply to the facts.

No, it doesn't.

Hey, Richard?

I'm going for silk right now.

I certainly hope no-one's appealing the decision.

No, no, it's not that.

Something about Renmark?

Yes, I'm just doing some research for Janet. Thanks for your help.

I can't wait to see you, Ash.

I'm leaving right now.

OK, bye.

Sorry, Janet, I need to speak to you.

OK. Deep breaths, deep breaths.

He's clever. He chooses his opportunities carefully, twists things just as much as he needs to.


Unless you're really looking, you wouldn't bat an eyelid.

That's the clever part.

He's cooking his judgements?

Like a judicial souffle.

Can you prove this?

It's all here, the concrete stuff - quoting obiter dicta that don't exist, distorting facts in old cases that no-one's read.

Except you.

You could put it down to sloppiness, but there's this case Owen appeared in where Renmark has completely misrepresented the defence's argument.

There's only one way to interpret it, and that's as an attempt to subvert justice.

Thank you.

One way or another, they're all connected - Blakely, Nelson, Moreno.

And Renmark?

Especially Renmark.

Now you've got the evidence.


All those dodgy statements, they relate to sexual as*ault?

No, they're all sorts of things.

Look, I don't claim to know exactly what's going on, but you needed something concrete before you could start a formal investigation, and here it is.


Who else knows about this?

Andy and one of our solicitors, Richard Stirling.

You trust him?


That's it, no-one else?


And the file?

Two copies. This one, and there's one back in my office.

OK. I want you to go back to your office and I want you to lock it up.

I'll talk to Andy. I want you to talk to this Stirling, tell him to shut up.

If we're going to go after a district-court judge, no-one else can know anything, otherwise we won't get anywhere.


You realise this could sink us both?

I can't go much deeper. Sorry if I'm dragging you down with me.

Thanks, Jack.

I need to go back to the DPP for a moment.

We're already 30 minutes late.

I'll be quick.

Miss King?

What dedication, working so late.

And you, I presume.

I was just congratulating Tony on how cooperative everyone's been.

I've finished taking evidence.

Now I just have to write my recommendation.

Well, I look forward to reading it.

I heard you've been reviewing some of my judgements.

Did you?

I finished my career with an impeccable reputation, and I stand by my record.

I wonder if you'll be able to say the same.

Is that supposed to intimidate me?

It's supposed to put you on notice.

Of what?

My findings could be very damning, but I'm offering you one last chance.

Resign now and go back to private practice, and I will tone down my report, and you might be able to salvage something of your career.

I'm not going anywhere.

Then we should await the decision of the Bar Association.

Goodnight, Miss King.

Pleasant dreams.


On the right. Up top.

I'm sorry. Excuse me.

I don't even know your first name.


Friends call me Bob.

Thank you, Bob.

Where was it? Taped up, underneath the desk.

We found this.

Over 84,000 photos.

f*cking hell.

You are days away from facing a criminal record and you have the gall to stand there and tell me what's appropriate?

Can't you make it lunchtime?

That won't be nearly so obvious.

Alright, yep, 9am.

No, not on the phone.

Can you talk to him? You used to work with him, please. Please!

Please just give him a day or two I know it'll work out better!

I'm not running this prosecution to find out who bombed your car!

What if it was blackmail?

That would mean that Owen was the one controlling everything.


What have we got?

Not sure.
