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01x04 - The Superhero Code

Posted: 03/28/16 13:28
by bunniefuu
Lunch is ready.

I'll grab the plates.

Oh, just like you grabbed the heart of the girl I love?

Still not over me getting Skylar her powers back, huh?

Nope. And you'll notice your tomato slice is very thin.

Wow, you showed him.

Yeah, I also skimped on his lettuce.

Oh, no, stop the madness.

I will get the plates.

Why are they all broken? What happened?

I was doing the dishes, and I accidentally broke them with my super strength.

That still doesn't answer why you put them back in the cabinet.

Because now we have service for 36 tiny people.

Hey, guys.

Hey, Kaz, I didn't smell you come in.

Did you shower?

Yeah, I had to.

My younger brother Kyle's coming to visit, and the pen I was chewing on exploded all over my face.

I didn't know you had a little brother.

Yeah, well, growing up, Kyle and I never really bonded, but now that he's older and I moved away, I think he misses me.

This is our chance to finally become best buds.

(Doorbell chimes)

That's him.


The bionic people!

Wow. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're more excited to see them than me.

I am.

So when my mom told me that Kaz was an intern with the bionic people, I just had to come see for myself.

Okay, well, now you saw 'em, so what do you say you and I get outta here and take our chances eating some street meat.

Kaz, do you mind? The grown-ups are talking.

I can't believe I'm sitting next to the Chase Davenport.

You're my favorite bionic hero.

I get that all the time.

Really? 'Cause I've never heard that.

Seriously. Never. Not one time.

Wow. She does not like you.

Okay, Kyle, your room's all set.

Thanks. Wait till my friends hear that Bionic Bree made my bed.

Or more accurately, Bionic Bree threw your backpack into an empty room.


So this entire time, I thought he was excited to come see me, but really, he was using me to get to you guys.

(Chuckles) Yeah. How about that?

Come on, can you blame him?

Who would wanna hang out with the intern?

Why did you tell him that?

I was trying to come up with a cover story.

It was either that or chauffeur.

I didn't think I could pull off the hat.

Why am I even lying to him?

I'm just gonna tell him that I'm a superhero.

You can't. The superhero code says that no hero can reveal his or her true identity, thus exposing all heroes' existence to the general public.

Can't I make an exception for my brother?

No. People fear the unknown.

If they found out that we have powers, they could turn against us.

She's right.

But just to be clear, there is no code that says superheroes can't date each other.

I'll add it in.

Okay, yeah, but what about these two?

The whole world knows they're bionic, and they're pretty much celebrities.

Yeah, now.

When we were first outed, everybody freaked.

And the only reason they came around is because of my likable charm and charisma.

Yeah, neither of which exist.

We were able to explain our abilities with science.

Unlike fire, ice, and ET over here.

Please don't zap me.

I'll take a zap.

Or anything at this point.

Kyle is my only younger brother.

He won't tell anybody that I have superpowers. I promise.

Sorry, Kaz. No.

Kaz, you do not need to be a superhero to bond with your little brother.

Just spend some time with him.

Yeah, she's right.

Well, Bree, I can see making beds isn't one of your bionic abilities.

(Laughs) He is so cute.

How long is he staying?

Hey, how about I give you the grand tour, huh?

Okay. Can Chase come?

Oh, I'm sure he's got plans.

Nope. I never do.

Consider yourself lucky, Kyle.

You're the first outsider ever to see the heart of our bionic operation.


Yeah, but unfortunately, you'll have no pictures of your historic visit because Chase made this a camera-free zone.

That's right. Chase. Not me.

Just to be clear, it was the bionic guy.

But instead of a picture of Mission Command, how would you like a signed 8 X 10 of me?

It's super glossy, so my bionic smile really pops.

It totally does.

What are you doing?

It's no biggie.

I've got, like, 500 of 'em.

You want one?


I'm trying to look cool in front of my brother.

You keep one-upping me.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

I mean, I can't help it if he thinks I'm awesome.

I am the smartest man in the world, and I can generate a force field, and I happen to be having a very good hair day.

Look, it's bad enough I can't show Kyle any of my superpowers.

Could you just back off a bit?


I'll give you two some time alone.

So you can talk about me.

I'm sorry. Uh, just keep him in here, and out of all the unauthorized areas.



Ready for the rest of the tour?

Where'd Chase go?

Oh, you mean the guy who seems awesome at first, but then you get to know him, and you realize he's a not-awesome fun k*ller?

Yeah. I get what you mean.

His powers are cool, but he's kinda uptight.

He's got all these rules.

Yes. Yes, he does.

And you know what else?

He thinks that you shouldn't go in the unauthorized areas because they're too dangerous.

Too dangerous?

Hello. I skateboard off people's houses.

I know.

But you're in luck, because I have access to every room in this place.

You do?

Yeah. See, I didn't want to tell you at first, but the truth is, I'm actually not just an intern here.

I'm running this operation.

Yeah, right. You?

Yes, me.

I'm gonna prove it to you right now by showing you the top secret weapons room, which is right through here.

Which is right through there.

Guess what I found in the washing machine.

Ooh, I love this game.

Uh, two buttons and a nickel.

No. My tablet.

I bet Oliver destroyed it with one of his powers, and tried to hide the evidence.

Oh, no.

Well, did he finish the load, because I had a pair of jeans in there.

You know what?

That is it.

First, he broke all the plates, then he broke my tablet, and now, I think it's time for me to break him. Where is he?


Frozen chocolate banana, Skylar?

Why, thank you, Oliver.

That's my favorite dessert.

This is way better than Chase getting my powers back.

Silly girl. It's just a banana.

No. Listen to me.

Oliver, you are the bestest, strongest, handsomest...


Uh... Okay, to be fair, this is not the weirdest thing I've ever done.

Save it.

Look, I knew you broke my tablet.

What? No, I didn't.

Don't play dumb with me.

You and your messed-up powers have been breaking stuff all over the house.

Bree, I don't know what you're talking about.

Besides the plates, I didn't break anything.

So I suppose that telescope just broke itself.

Okay, yeah, that was me, but it wasn't my powers.

I just get really excited when I see Mercury.

Look, it is one thing to accidentally break something, but it's another thing to hide it, and then lie to my face about it.

I didn't lie, and I'm actually getting better with my powers.

Oh, yeah?

Well, here's a reality check for you, Oliver.

You may think you're getting better, but the rest of us know that you're not.

I'm sorry you had to see that, imaginary Skylar.
And here we are.

This place is awesome.

Yeah, well, just another day at the office for me, Kyle.

I guess I'm a lot cooler than you thought.

Yeah, but to be fair, the bar was pretty low.

What is this thing?

Oh, that is a mainframe.

What's a mainframe?

It's a complicated system of... mains and frames.

What does it do?

Oh, sorry, that is top secret.

But I'm your brother, and I'm great with secrets.

Kevin Stuart asked me not to tell anyone about his year-old back zit, and I only told, like, three people.

Sorry, buddy. No can do.

We should probably head back upstairs.

All right, let's go see what Chase is doing.

What's a few more minutes?

Just try not to...

(Buttons clicking, alarm blares)

...touch anything.

Intruder detected.

Uh, hey, Kyle, you should probably get outta there.

Lockdown complete.

Activating electrified perimeter.


Hey, uh, buddy, quick question.

When did you tell Mom that you'd be home?

'Cause right now, it's looking like never.

Come on, you got about two inches here.

Can you fit through this?

What is that alarm going off?

Why are you in here?


What did you do?

I was showing Kyle around, and then, all of a sudden, the gates locked, got all electric-y, that thing starts blaring.

Don't you people have alarms that are a little less jarring?

Perhaps some wind chimes or the gentle chirp of a cricket?

I can mute the alarm, but the cage is locked for security reasons.

Why did you even let him in there?

To prove that I'm cooler than you.

I think it's working.

He initiated lockdown mode.

I'll have to disarm it remotely.


Oh, come on.

Why isn't my password working?

Did Kyle touch something?

Of course he touched something.

He's my brother; we're touchers.

Well, great.

Whatever buttons he pushed changed my password.

Now he's locked in there, and I'm gonna have to use my bionics to get him out.

Yes! Awesome!

Oh, it's not that awesome.

What if I just used these steel bolt cutters to cut through the cage?

No. If you touch metal to the cage, the jolt will electrocute you in an instant.

Let me try using my molecular kinesis to control them.


Stand back, Kyle.


Is he okay?

Yeah, I think so.

But I have to say, for a bionic hero, that was very disappointing.

(Crashing noises)

Oliver, I thought I told you no more...



Why is the coat rack smoking?

It is?

Oh, it is.

And is that my brand-new expensive leather jacket that was on the rack?


Give me that.


Skylar, how could you do this?

Okay, it was an accident.

I just haven't quite mastered my powers since I got them back.

So you burn my jacket?

And I broke your tablet.

And I shredded your purse.

My purse?!

Oh, you haven't seen that yet?

That's great.

Now I have to go apologize to Oliver because I blamed him for everything that you did.

I know.

And... I'm really sorry.

I'm just scared, Bree.

What if I never get my powers back to the way that they used to be?

Skylar, you will.

It's just gonna take a little bit of time to get used to them again.

It's like riding a bike.

Or whatever your alien equivalent is to riding a bike.

That would be riding a bike.

I'm trying to make a point. Don't start acting normal now.

(Alarm blaring)

Hey, you okay?

(Groans) I taste metal.

Yeah. Must be from the voltage your body absorbed.

(Metal clanking)

Or it was a piece of the bolt cutter.


When the bolt cutters hit the cage, it must've caused the voltage to surge.

If you knew this wasn't safe, why would you let me in here?

You wanted to go in there.

What do I know? I'm just a kid.

I still sleep in a race car bed.

Mom and Dad never bought me a race car bed.

Gotta know how to work 'em.

Chase, we have to do something.



Get me out of here!

Okay, I can figure this out.

There's a reason why I'm in charge of this place.

Please. If the guy with bionics couldn't help me, what chance do you have?

What chance do I have?

I'll show you what chance I have.

What do you think of your big brother now, huh?


Not exactly the response I was hoping for.

Hey, Oliver.

Uh, is this a bad time?

Are you still talking to pretend Skylar?

Don't be ridiculous.

Can't you see she's sleeping?

Look, I should not have accused you of breaking my stuff.

Especially now that I know it wasn't you.

Ha! I told you.

I would never go around breaking people's stuff without telling them.

What kind of jerk would do that?

Skylar: Me.


Well, when you do it, it's adorable.

It's taking me a while to get used to my powers again.

Rather than admit it, I blamed you for everything I destroyed.

I'm so sorry.

Can you forgive me?


It's just... The fact that you would throw me under the bus like that.

Yeah, we're all good here.

Okay. Now things can finally get back to normal around here.

Oh, I wish I could say the same for you, Bree, but you att*cked my character and accused me of lying.

That's something I can never forgive.

Not even if I set up daily one-on-one training sessions for you and Skylar to perfect your powers together?

Bring it in, old friend.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why should I have to train with Oliver every day to pay for something you did?

Would you rather pay for all the expensive things of mine you ruined?

Bring it in, old friend.


What's wrong, Kyle?

What's wrong?

My brother just shot fire out of his hand.

All: What?!

Kyle, do not freak out.

It's a little late for that.

Can someone explain to me why he thinks he saw something that he clearly didn't see?

I would, but after a few thousand volts of electricity passes through you, your short-term memory kind of...

What's the word for goes?

My brother locked himself in the mainframe cage.

I had to use one of my powers to break him out.

Wait. One of your powers?

How many do you have?

(Chuckles) Several.

Kaz, now he thinks you're a superhero.

What was I supposed to do?

He was in trouble.

I have to tell him everything.

What about the superhero code?

I have no choice.

I'm sorry.


I've been keeping a really big secret from you and the rest of the world.

I'm not supposed to tell you, because it could expose a lot of people and put them in danger.

But you're my brother and I think it's right for you to know the truth.

Oh, I know the truth.

These bionic freaks abducted you, and filled you with machine parts, to turn you into one of them.

Yes, they did.

All: Yeah!

(All talking at once)

Technically, technically, technically, I asked them for the bionics so I could help them save lives around the world.


But congratulations.

You now have a bionic brother!

Yay! Isn't that cool?

Yeah, I guess.

I mean, it'd be a lot cooler if you were a superhero.

Superhero. Do you hear this guy?

Seriously, do you hear this guy?

That was the best weekend ever.

Well, as long as you promise not to tell anyone about my bionic secret, you can come back and visit whenever you want.



So when do I get my bionics?

Oh, you know, I asked Chase, and he said no.

I have to say, that was pretty smart of Kaz pretending to be bionic.

Yeah. Now that I think about it, you should all say that when using your powers in public.

It's the perfect cover.

All righty then.

I guess from now on, we're bionic.

Seriously, Oliver? These are my new boots.

Sorry about that.

Eh, it's okay. Skylar was gonna ruin them anyway.
