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01x10 - The Call of the Drongo

Posted: 03/28/16 04:07
by bunniefuu







Makuu: You look tasty!


[STUTTERING] Who's there?

I'm Makuu the crocodile! And I'm gonna eat you!



Goigoi: You look tasty!


[STUTTERS] Goigoi... the jackal?

That's right. And I'm gonna eat you!




Janja: You look tasty!


Janja: I'm gonna eat you!

Janja the hyena!


- ALL: Help!


Lion Guard!

Thank goodness!

What is it? What's wrong?




Lion Guard, we'll need to split up!

Fuli, you and Ono take on Goigoi.

Beshte, you and Bunga go after Makuu.

Leave Janja to me!

You three, take us to 'em!

Till the Pride Lands' end...

All: Lion Guard defend!

Okay, where was Janja?

[STUTTERS] Right behind my den!

Okay. Stay back.

[GRUNTS] Janja! Show yourself!

Huh. Nobody here.

All right, Makuu! We're coming to getcha!


Hello? Makuu?

Maybe he heard us and ran! Or swam!

Anyway, he's gone now!

Blesmol: [GASPS] Oh, no!

What is it?

Makuu ate all the roots I was having for lunch!

[SCREAMS] Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.

Oh, no sign of Goigoi from above. [SCREAMS]

I searched around every tree in these woods. Not a jackal in sight.

But... My leafy greens are gone!

The jackals must have eaten them!


Well, at least they didn't eat you.

There's no trace of Janja and his hyenas anywhere around here.


Not even their scent.

And, believe me, if they were around, you'd smell them.

But they were here!

They've eaten all the bugs that I was going to eat for lunch!

Hey, the crocodiles ate my lunch, too!

And the jackals ate mine!

Did you find Makuu or Goigoi?





Strange. Janja wasn't here either.

I bet Makuu, Goigoi, and Janja heard us coming!

See, that's just how good we are.

We just show up, and all of those baddies run off!

Kion: I'm not so sure.

[SNIFFS] I didn't even find any hyena tracks.

No sign of Janja at all.

Hey, wait. I didn't see any jackal tracks, either!

Did we see any crocodile tracks?

Uh, I don't think so.

And last I checked, none of them eat roots or leaves.

Right. And Janja doesn't usually eat bugs...

Are you sure it was Makuu, Goigoi and Janja you saw?

Well, I didn't actually see Janja.

I didn't see Goigoi, either.

I didn't stick around long enough to see Makuu.

But I sure heard him.

[SHUDDERS] He said, "Mmm-mmm! You look tasty! I'm gonna eat you!"

[GASPS] That's what Goigoi said.

And Janja!


Makuu, Goigoi and Janja all said the same thing?

Something weird is going on.

Ono, scout the Pride Lands.

See if you can find Makuu, Goigoi and Janja.



Hold on! Do you hear that?

Janja: We've got you now!

Sounds like Janja!

Janja? Ahhh!

This way!

You guys wait here. Time to figure out what's going on.

Till the Pride Lands' end...

All: Lion Guard defend!

I don't hear Janja anymore.

I can't see him either!



[WHISPERS] Janja. Come on.


It's not Janja!

No, no, no, I'm not.

I'm Tamaa the drongo!

A drongo...

Well, don't worry, Tamaa.

We won't let Janja hurt you.

Why would Janja hurt me?

[GASPS] Oh, right! You heard him just now.

Yeah, and he sounded close.

Oh, he was. Very close indeed!

But then he and his hyenas ran off.

They went... that-a-way!

Thanks, Tamaa!

Till the Pride Lands' end...

All: Lion Guard defend.

Good thing that drongo actually saw where the hyenas went!

Yeah, he's the first one to see anything!


Tamaa's a drongo!

That explains everything!

Everyone, everyone! Follow me! Quick!


I figured it out. Come on!



You look tasty! I'm gonna eat you!



Kion: Not so fast!


You sounded just like Janja.

That's because he's a drongo.

And drongos can make their voice sound like other animals.

Isn't that right?

Yes, it's true.

I can sound like other animals.

Any other animal in the Pride Land, really.

It's my little talent.

Which you've been using to scare animals all over the Pride Lands.

Admit it!

Who, me? No!

[IN JANJA's VOICE] I never... I mean... [IN MAAKU'S VOICE] It wasn't me who... [CLEARS THROAT] [IN GOGOI'S VOICE] I can explain... [NORMAL VOICE] All right, kids. You got me. I pretended to be Janja. And Makuu. And Goigoi. But so what? Is there any harm in that?

You scared little animals, so they'd run away.

Is it my fault that my performances are so convincing?

It's a compliment, really.

But you did it to steal their food!

Steal? No, no, no!

It's an act! It's a show!

It's all in fun! I do some voices... and if my audience happens to leave me a little food as a reward, well, is that so wrong?

Uh, yeah.

Who do you think you are?

Who do I think I am?

♪ I'm the bird of 1000 voices yes indeed ♪


♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪


♪ It's all in fun it's just a game ♪
♪ Tamaa the drongo that's my name ♪
♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪


♪ When I was just a baby bird ♪
♪ I learned I had a skill ♪


♪ To imitate both night and day ♪


♪ You know it was a thrill ♪


♪ But when it came to hunt and peck ♪
♪ It wasn't all that great ♪
♪ I had to find a different way to earn the food I ate ♪
♪ That's why I'm the bird of 1000 voices yes indeed ♪


♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪ [SQUAWKS]

♪ It's all in fun it's just a game ♪
♪ Tamaa the drongo that's my name ♪
♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪


♪ So imitating bad guys is my way to earn to a meal ♪
♪ Nobody's ever harmed all that hurts is how they feel ♪
♪ Now listen very closely you won't believe your ears ♪
♪ 'Cause doing other voices is a skill I've had for years ♪

[IMITATING JANJA] Better look out Janja's here [IMITATING MAKUU] I'm Makuu cower in fear [IMITATING GOIGOI] Goigoi here I'll give you what for And let me tell you kids I got plenty more...

♪ 'Cause I'm the bird of 1000 voices yes indeed ♪


♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪
♪ It's all in fun it's just a game ♪
♪ Tamaa the drongo that's my name ♪
♪ Bird of 1000 voices Bird of 1000 voices ♪
♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪
♪ Bird of 1000 voices yes it's me ♪

Thank you. Thank you very much.


Can you do an imitation of me?



Right, right, right.

You're the leader of the Lion Guard.

Imitate Kion first then me!

Bunga. Focus.

Tamaa, tricking others and taking their food upsets the Circle of Life.

If I had an amazing talent like yours, I'd use it to do good.

[SIGHS] You're right! Of course you're right.

Why, oh, why, did I never think of that?

The food I snatched from the beaks, snouts and mouths of the innocent?

The heartbreak. The pain.

Hmm... I feel so ashamed.

Poor little guy.

Tell you what. From this day forward, I'll only use my own voice.

[AS JANJA] I promise! [NORMAL VOICE] Er... I promise!

Hmm, okay.

Hapana! Janja and his crew!

They're about to attack a herd of impalas!

And this time, I can see them.

And we're here wasting time talking to you.

No more imitating!

Drongo's honor!

I still wish you would've done my voice.

Now I'll never know what I sound like.

Hey! Don't run away!

We just want to invite you to dinner.

We do?


They're gonna be the main course!


Good one, Janja.




What's so funny, hyena?

Uh, nothin'...

Don't you remember?

Janja made that great joke about eatin' the impalas. [LAUGHING]

Er, wait how did it go again?

Stuff it, fur brain.

I'm going to give you hyenas till the count of three to get out of the Pride Lands.

You can count to three?

[LAUGHING] Ooh, I wanna hear it!

Nice seein' ya, Kion.

Love to stay and chat, but we were just leaving.

[LAUGHS] We were?

One... Two...

We're going, we're going!

The faster, the better.

That was a close call.

You said it. We were so busy searching for phony crocs, jackals and hyenas, we almost missed the real hyenas' attack.

Let's just hope Tamaa keeps his promise so we don't have any more false alarms.

Hi. How ya doin'?

Ooh. That's a nice sized pile of grubs you got there!

Uh, thank you.

So, uh, you think you're gonna eat 'em all?


'Cause I wouldn't mind eating a bite or two, if you've got some to spare.

I'm feeling a little peckish.

Ha! Get it? Peckish!

I've got a beak, see? I peck things with it. [CHUCKLES]

Pretty funny, right?

Uh, yeah.

Seriously, do you have some food you can give me?

I'm really hungry.

Sorry, but these are my grubs.

You'll need to find your own.

I bet you wouldn't say that to Janja!


You know, sometimes I think the Lion Guard doesn't like us.

I know, right?

So now what are we gonna eat, Janja?

Tamaa: [AS JANJA] Mmm-mmm! You look tasty!

I'm gonna eat you!


Did you just say you're gonna eat me?


Does that mean you're gonna eat me?

No, fur brains. It means I didn't say anything.

But somebody did.

Yeah. It sure sounded like you.

Yeah, he did.

And he also sounded like he's over there.

[AS JANJA] Mmm-mmm. Did you hear me?


I said I'm going to eat you!

Yeah, I heard you. Grab that bird.


Wait, don't eat me.


[NORMAL VOICE] I mean, wait, don't eat me!

He is a little small.

Hardly enough to go around.

If he helps us with my new plan, maybe we won't eat him at all.

What do you need me to do?

Oh, you'll see.

Now just say what I told you to say.

But make it sound like you're Kion. Got it?

Uh, I don't think I can.

I've never done Kion's voice before.

Oh, is that so? Well, that's okay.

I gotcha. No problem.

So how's about you sayin' somethin' for me in your own voice?

Sure, I can do that! What do you want me to say?

Say goodbye.

'Cause if I'm not eating impala today, I'm eating drongo!

You know, [CHUCKLES] now that I think about it... maybe I can do Kion's voice!


Tamaa: [IMITATING KION] Hey, impalas!

It's me, Kion.

Leader of the Lion Guard.

The hyenas are back in the Pride Land.

So you better run to the Outlands!

Impalas, what are you waiting for?

Hyenas are coming! Escape to the Outlands!

[GASPS] Right now!

You don't have to tell me twice!

Panic and run, panic and run.



Tamaa: [AS KION] Shoo! Scat! Run!


[LAUGHING] Let's go, boys.

Our dinner is being delivered!

I sounded good, didn't I?

Would you believe I'd never done Kion's voice before?

Ya gotta love it. Right?

So, can I go now? I did what you asked!

Hmm... not yet.

You still might come in handy.

I think I'll keep you around for a while.


Could you at least stop breathing on me?

I've got sensitive feathers.

[LAUGHING] Sensitive feather.

Pretty quiet.

Guess Tamaa really is keeping his promise.

No sign of Janja, Cheezi and Chungu either.

Panic and run! Panic and run!

Head for the Outlands.

They're the only safe place to be.

Whoa! What? No!

Where'd you get such a crazy idea?

From Kion.

I never said that.

Yes you did. I heard you say it to the impalas.

And everyone knows zebras have the best hearing in the Pride Lands.

So if you heard Kion say "Go to the Outlands," why didn't you go?

I am going! I just... Uh, don't know where the Outlands are.

Hold on. You say you heard me?

But you didn't see me.

So? Hearing is believing.

Not with Tamaa the drongo around.

But why would Tamaa fool the impalas into going to the Outlands?

[SCOFFS] Sounds more like Janja to me.

Maybe it was Janja. And Tamaa.

I know Tamaa's a troublemaker, but you really think he'd help Janja?

Maybe he didn't have a choice.

C'mon, Lion Guard. To the Outlands!

Just a minute.

I thought we weren't supposed to go to the Outlands!


Come on, fellas!



This was so easy.

I should've got myself a drongo a long time ago.

You better get used to us, birdy.

'Cause I'm never letting you go!


Hear that? You're never gettin' away from us!

Why would I want to get away? This is a great set-up!

[LAUGHING] Yeah! Huh?

I've always worked alone.

But it's gonna be a lot easier now that I have a partner.


Sure! Didn't you hear Janja?

From now on it's just gonna be me and him!

Just you and Janja? But what about us?

Oh, I hadn't thought about that.

With me helping Janja, I don't know if he'll need you two anymore.

He won't?

Not with me around.

But if you were to let me go...


Ah. Ow. Easy.

[LAUGHS] Nice try, birdie.

But we ain't lettin' you go till Janja says so.

Is that a fact?



I see...

Cheezi, let the bird go!

Uh, okay, Janja.


I don't think it was really Janja who said that.

No kidding! Janja's gonna be super mad.

What are we gonna tell him?

How about... nothin'?

Phew. My little talent sure got me out of that mess.

But it got those impalas into a mess.

I've gotta try and help 'em.

[IMITATING KION] Let the impalas go, Janja!

You hear that?

[IMITATING BUNGA] We've got you surrounded, hyenas!

[IMITATING FULI] There is no way out!

[IMITATING BESHTE] You better run away while you can!

[IMITATING ONO] Or be prepared to fight the Lion Guard!


They're everywhere!

Any sign of the hyenas, Ono?

Negative. I don't see them.

Tamaa: [IMITATING BUNGA] This is your last chance, hyenas!

But I do hear something!

Leave now or we're gonna come get you!

Hey, that was me.

But I'm right here.

It's Tamaa! Come on!

Wow. I really sounded heroic.

Hey! Wait for me!

Tamaa: [IMITATING KION] You asked for it.

We are comin' in!

[IMITATING FULI] Unless you leave now.


Which way we gonna run? They're all around us!

I don't know. Maybe we can...

Hey, why isn't there a bird in your mouth?


[IMITATING KION] You are running out of time, Janja!

Nice try. But we know the Lion Guard ain't here.

That's what you think.

Oh, he's really good!

That time he didn't even move his mouth.

Get away from the bird, Janja!




It's not what you think.

See, uh, we, we were just helping out these poor lost impalas.

You know, we thought we'd show 'em the way home.

We'll take care of the impalas.

Why don't you find your own way home?

We'll do that. Let's go, fellas!

[IMITATING KION] And don't come back!


[IN NORMAL VOICE] Sorry. I was on a roll.

That was a brave thing you did back there, Tamaa.

You helped save the impalas.

Thanks, guys. It felt great to use my talent for good.

But just so you know, I don't growl like that.

Ah, good tip.

And this time, I really have learned my lesson.

From now on, I'm sticking to my promise.

No more imitating others.

Unless it's for good!

That's great, but couldn't you imitate me one last time?


[AS BUNGA] Zuka Zama!

I really do have a great voice.


[GASPS] Hey! Wait for me!