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01x01 - Cigarettes and Funions and Crap

Posted: 03/27/16 04:21
by bunniefuu
Last night, I woke up with one of those 3:00 a.m. panic att*cks, realized our "One Year Fertility Break" had turned into three and now I am way closer to 40 than 30.


We're like "That Couple with No Kids" in a family neighborhood.

The neighbors kind of think we're pitiful and weird, which is ridiculous, because we're objectively so much better than them.

But we're ready to try again.

Totally. Yeah.

We wanna do this. We're... We're all in.

We are all in this time.

woman: How often are you having sex?

Excuse me?

How often are we having sex?

Uh... I mean, to be hon-- we've been off our game a little bit lately.

I've been working crazy hours on this huge pitch, for a fancy new theater at The Hamilton School, where Jack works?

She works...

So the last month... isn't really an accurate representation of how often we... have... intercourse. Ahem.

Right. And also, I've been having this, like, persistent kind of acidy thing in my stomach here...

That's... it's kind of a problem.

Maybe the fact that I'm talking about it so incessantly is another factor in why we're not reaching our potential, I guess.

I'd say we do it, uh...

1.5 times a week?

I mean, not that we have fractional intercourse, She means... we have it, like, six times a month.

woman: Hmm.

She-- she wrote it down.

Is that more than--

woman: Okay, got it.

That means we're doing well?

That's pretty good, right?

Yeah, that's pretty good I would say, right?

I mean, what's your--

National average?

Yeah, we're doing good, right?

[duck quacking]

[birds twittering]


woman: Trakarskys!

How'd it go?

The doctor asked us how often we had sex and we lied.

With disturbing specificity.

man: Oh, you gotta lie.

Like I'm gonna tell the whole neighborhood we haven't had sex in two months?

Well, you just did.

neighbor: Yoo-hoo!

Oh, boy.

Party time for the Real Housewives of Hawthorne Heights!

Hey... Lori.


Lori: Okay, carry on.

Why would she be coming to Jenna Weeden's divorce party?

They used to work together or something.

You're gonna change before we go out, right?

Nobody under 40's gonna hit on that biz-cas bullshit.

Hey what are you doing?

Wanna crack a couple beers, watch a game, maybe get some pizza?

Um... no, I gotta read over some college essays, so.

Is it because he's crying?

Do I actually have to answer that question?

It's called teething, okay?

He's trying to get teeth.

Imagine that for the first time.

Making teeth.

It's a big deal.

Yeah. Thank you, honey.

[dog barking]

[football game plays on television]

What the hell?


Are you jacking off to football?

[turns TV off]


That is so f*cked up.

I was just-- I was just cradling it.

It's okay, because we... are about to do some intercourse.

You ready for this?


Do you know why...

Jenna got divorced?

I couldn't pick Jenna out of a lineup, so I have no idea who you're even talking about.

Well, when the divorce party went "predictably dark--"


Oh, my God.

You have to have some water or something.

She said they fell deeply "out of lust and deeply into like."

You air quote so much when you're drunk.

Does that sound familiar to you?

Oh, yeah? You like that?

I don't know.

That's good, 'cause it is about to get real dirty up in here.

Can you even hear what you're saying?

Can you even hear yourself?

Can you?


I can hear you.

What does that even me?

Oh, God. Did you smoke the entire pack of cigarettes?

Did you eat an entire bag of Funions?

Of course not.

There's till some left, I think.


'cause this is raw.

This is cigarettes and Funions and shit.

Come here. Come here. Slap me.


Spank me.

Spank you? No.

Pull my hair and spank me.

This is seriously what you want?

Spank me. Come on.

What are you talking about?

Spank me. Spank me. Spank me. Spank me.

[slap] Like that.

I'm not doing it.


I'm not doing it.

Ow! What the f*ck?

It was like a sexual atrocity.

Seriously, arms were flailing, and breath was stinking.

We should've filmed it for an abstinence PSA.

Ah, the venerable cycle of masturbation.

I don't think that's a thing.

Oh, no. The less you get it on, the more you jack off.

The more you jack off, the less you get it on.

Well, maybe that is a thing.

Shit, bro, you okay?

I don't know, man. It's like...

Is it really that serious?

I think it might be. I think it is that serious.

I mean, we love each other.

That's-- it's not a like, it's a love situation.

That's not the problem at all.

We're, like, trying to manufacture passion, and it's resulting in me getting a f*cking black eye.

I would love to blame it on two years of, like, robotic baby sex, but even before that, it wasn't like it was "9 1/2 Weeks."

Can you say something, please?

I may or may not have done something in another dimension that no one in this universe could ever know about.

It's like a tree falling in the forest, except it's my d*ck going into another woman.

You had an affair?

Hey, shh! No, no. It's too messy.


Why don't you yell it, huh?

I was startled.

Because the legally deaf woman on the other side of that bridge can hear it.

So... you were with a hooker?

No. I'm talking about an escort.

What's the difference?

No penetration.


No penet-- is that even a thing?

Okay, okay.

Sometimes, there's penetration, okay?

But there's not supposed to be, right?

That's why they can advertise.

12, I don't know, something like that, sites here in Portland alone.

When's the last time you guys made out?

If I stuck my tongue in Emma's mouth, she'd probably just crack up laughing.

You do it with someone you don't know, someone who doesn't laugh when you get your sexy on.

This actually worked for you?

You took this back into your bedroom?

Fuckinay right I did.

This is a lot for me to process over f*ckin' hot cocoa.

Female TV host: On today's Home Seekers, zookeeper Amanda and her accountant husband...

Oh, God...

Oh, God.

Homer, lock it down, buddy.


I have officially hit the age where a hangover lasts 24 hours.

female TV host: We've got our work cut out for us.

male TV host: One thing I know about women, they never stop talking about bathtubs or closets.

If I hear that line one more time, "Where do your clothes go?"

I'm going to--

female host: I'm going to piece together why you never got married.

male host: Claw-footed tub, authentic Victorian staircase...

What are you doing?


I just thought maybe we could, you know...

Are you seriously proposing sex right now, when I'm one pug fart away from regurgitating vital organs?

Suddenly over it.

If I die, know that I loved you.

Love you more.


What kind of monster lets a guy pay her 400 bucks to treat him like shit?

You don't look like you're begging.

You don't realize what kind of a bargain you gave that dude.

He can have any woman, any thing he wants... except not getting what he wants.


Until you.

Izzy Silva.

His angel of denial.

Okay, Nina, that actually didn't suck, but do you have any idea how guilty I felt?

This morning, there was a homeless guy outside of our apartment, who asked me for a cigarette.

So I gave him 80 bucks, hugged him, and said, "God bless you."

I've never said that to anyone in my life before.

"God bless you?" Who says that?

I am so disappointed in you, Iz.

Translation: you don't want to float my half of the rent again.

Si, senora.

[sighs] Fine.

One more week.

There's my little hooker.

We're escorts. It's different.

Oh, right, absolutely.

It is different.

That's what you told me.

It is. Don't worry about it.

I texted you, like. 20 times last night...


Oh, my God, I think I just sprouted ovaries.

You did?


I think I'm officially the chick in this relationship.

That is so f*cking sexist, Andy.

Both genders pursue that which retreats from them.

Oh, so you're baiting me, huh?

Oh, get over yourself.

You free tomorrow night, Andrea?

Don't f*ck with me, I'm menstruating, okay?

Yes, I'm free.

professor: Because of the complicated nature of rationalist thinking...

[text alert sounds]

[professor continues faintly]

Who is it?

Another hubby lost his mojo.

Easy-peasy. Bread and butter.

[cell phone rings]

It's probably not fair, but I kinda wanna pop you in the other eye.

You do? Why?

I don't know. I'm missing our old apartment, living downtown, being in the middle of everything.

Why? Is there something else I should be violently enraged about?

No. No. I can't think of anything.

Are you drunk already?

Maybe a little bit.

Get drunker. You sound weird.

I'll be home around 9:00.

Okay. Have fun. I love you, weirdo.

I love you more.

f*ck. What the f*ck am I doing?

Oh, my God.

Okay, this can be undone. Undo it.

This is, um...

Something came up at work.

I have to cancel.


Something came up at work.

Very sorry.

I have to cancel.

...And send.


woman: Fred, are you in there?

Um, no.

[text alert sounds]


Hi, you.


Um, so I haven't exactly settled on a formal cancellation policy, but this is definitely not it.

You need to get paid.

I really do.

Could you just wait a second?



I'm sorry. Something came up at work.

I had a...

Um... um...

It's a long story.

Here it is.

You are so not a Fred.

What do you mean? What's-- what's wrong with Fred?

I have an Uncle Fred.


Oh, my God. My scalp is sweating.

Can you see that from here? The way--

What do I owe you?

So what was your excuse to the wife?

My wife?

Your wife. Yes.

Um... Happy hour?

Well, you have a mini-bar.

I do?


So when did you know you wanted to be a high school counselor?

I'm not a high school counselor, first of all.

I am Assistant Dean, Head of Student Services.



Sorry. That's very different.

It's a big difference, yeah.

Is it?

Kind of like the difference between prost*tute and escort.


Okay, well, as clearly stated on my profile, I don't screw my clients, so, yeah, it is very different.

You can answer the question now.

I was kind of a hot mess in high school, and...

Don't look at me like that.

This isn't-- this is a true story.

I wasn't too popular with the faculty, really, except for this one counselor, and she was really great, and she kind of saved me--

Fred, this sounds like a story that you've told at a few dozen barbecues.

Why don't you give me the real shit?


My father was a cheating assh*le in a V-neck sweater, so my bullshit detector is, like, wicked sensitive.

So you're an escort with daddy issues?

That's so rare.

Blow me, Fred.

Well... I know what you were saying before, by the way, about, like, your family, because my family, also, was, like... a quiet little corner of hell.

Mine was shiny perfection right up until it wasn't.

Yeah, Mom's been on the Geese 'n' Oxy diet ever since.

Is that something I should know?

Vodka and pain pills. Yeah. I'll never be like her.

So instead, you just do this?


Just kind of like an emotional tourist.

Damn, Fred. That's... That's pretty good, actually.
I'm Jack, by the way.

I can't do this any longer.

It's Jack Trakarsky.

Jack Trakarsky.

I'm Izzy Silva.

Izzy Silva.

I've never told a client my full name before.

[both talking at once]

It's a long handshake.


It might be the light beer, the craft beer, the vodka, and the wine talking, but...

I don't think that I stayed just because you have a mini-bar.


You're not too old or too annoying.


Thank you.

I figured there are worse ways to avoid doing a sociology essay.

And you are also unhideous.

You think I'm unhideous?

That's cool.

Do you wanna make out?

Shit. Sorry.


I sound crazy.

I promise I won't boil your rabbit.

I don't have a rabbit, so you can't.

I have a pug.

Who boils a pug?

I'm not a monster.

Do you have a cat, though?

No, I don't have a cat.

Um... oh, shit.

We're-- we're over.

I'm sorry. I should--

Thank you.

So I guess you better make a move on me now, right?

That's the hole in your game, isn't that what you said?

Show me what you got.



I mean, come on, we're never gonna see each other again, right?

Okay. Okay.

Um... I'm bringin' it.

No. Don't say that.

It's been a while for me.




You're like a unicorn.

Okay... that's not what I was going for, but... we can keep going.

No, I mean you're the rare girl that looks better up close.

Like, the closer I get to you, it's--

No, that-- that was nice.

Was it?


You're nice, I think.


[fabric tears]


No, it's fine, it's fine.

It's my roommate's. Keep your focus.

I'll pay for that--

No, it's--


I'm sorry. This is not--

That was way too far.

Jesus, I can't do this. What's wrong with me?

No, you know, I--

It's all good. This is my bad.

The booze and the unicorn line definitely factored in, but-- you know what, let's take it back.

Let's pretend this didn't happen.


Okay, yeah.

[cell phone rings]

This is my wife.

I'm gonna go.


Hey, babe.

No. I...

I'm going to be home...

Okay, so...

All right. I love you more. Bye.


Emma: Are you f*cking kidding me?

I came clean!

Don't I get points for coming clean?


I don't know.

You want f*cking "points"?

You get points for admitting to scarfing down the second half of my panini, not for confessing to spending happy hour in a hotel room with a hooker!

She's an escort.

Oh, great.

She's an escort, okay?

She's, like, getting her Master's in psychology, so.


Sex was never part of the agenda, I swear.

I made sure it wasn't.

It said it right in the profile.

You're a f*cking idiot.

Are you... figuring out ways to k*ll me?

Tell me more.

Tell me more about this fascinating young lady.

It's not about her.

Oh, so you did find her fascinating.

I don't know. I mean--

That was well said, Jack.

Let me rephrase the question...

Did you like her?

Oh, my God.

This has nothing to do with her.

This is about us, okay?

Did anything happen?

We didn't have sex. We absolutely did not have sex.

That's not what I asked, Jack.

Did anything happen?

I want you to tell me precisely what you did with that girl.

We made out, for, like, a brief time... and then I snapped out of it, and I-- and that was it, it was over.

Show me.

Show you what?

I want to see her.

Honey, that's not a good idea.

Show me.

Are you serious?

Do it.

I think maybe we should talk about this.

Do it.

Emma: I made him show me what she looked like.

Carmen: And did he?



Was she a total skeeze?

Actually... she looks... exactly like what she is-- a grad student from Colorado.

Look at her skin.

Make it bigger.

It's perfect.

Do you ever see that movie "Mask" with Eric Stoltz in the '80s?

It's like a Doppelganger. Turn it away. Please.

You're a good friend.

I try.

I hate her!

You wish he hadn't told you?

I don't know.


I mean, it's worse than if he just f*cked her, right?

He met up with her, he liked her, he confided in her... he made out with her-- they made out.

We don't make out anymore.

It's so... intimate.

He practically sprinted home to confess at your bedside.

I mean, who does that, right?

Oh, f*ck.

He took relationship advice from his loser brother?

Was John Mayer out of the country?

So what are you gonna do?

So which one of you lovely ladies is Lola?


Okay, Lola... tell me something about yourself.

What're you into?

What's... what's... What's your jam?

What's my jam?

I don't know.


Can I be honest with you?

I'm a little drunk.

No shit. Really?

Okay, but here's the thing--

I usually-- I usually get drunk, because I get so nervous before these things, but you are my first lady date, so I got, like, double-- double super nervous.

Well, you're doing well.

Wow, you are really pretty.


For my age?

And very angry.

Are you shrinking me now, Izzy?

Wait. What? How did you--

Never mind.

Do you ever read a book and you know exactly what's on the next page?

There are zero surprises... you know, and you think, "I must've read this before."

But... no way, because it just came out.

I'm gonna go.

I helped make this mess, and I'm gonna go home and--

[object drops]

What was that?

Oh, you dropped your--



Can you be cool?


A little cooler than that, because you look like somebody who's getting a foot job under the table.

I am getting a foot job under the table.


Am I doing it right?

Do you want me to stop?

Shit, am I freaking you out?

This was Nina's idea and then you said you had no surprises in your life, and that made me really sad, actually, and have I mentioned that I'm pretty drunk?

Okay, I'm gonna need you to stop blathering and look me in the eye.


Are you okay?

I don't think so.

But-- but--



I just wanted to make sure--

Make sure you got paid?


I was actually... worried about you.

Oh, the venerable hooker with a heart of gold.

Lucky me. Take it.

A, I am not a hooker, and B, you called me, so...

My name is Emma.

Hi, Emma.

I'm Jack's wife.


Minibar Makeout Guy from last night?



Why would you do this?

He liked you.

I wanted to find out why.

Well, did you?

I mean, find out why he liked me?


Unfortunately, I did.

I like you right back, Emma.

So, I'm... I'm just gonna...





Are you eating here, or?

No, I... You know what, it's--

Interesting fact-- it turns out four out of five Griffin grad students actually live in this building, so--

Plus, I saw your name on the directory in the foyer.

I've been pushing the button non-stop.


Can we sit down for a sec?

Yeah, sure.

I love my wife.

I really do.

Just so you know that.

And I, um...

She's one of the few things in my life that I'm actually sure of.

Jack, I was your escort.

You don't have to break up with me.

You just don't call me again.

Right, right.



I like you, like, a lot, and... we can't have that, so.

I don't know when I'm gonna stop thinking about you.

I just really, really hope it's soon.

That's what I wanted to...

Okay. Bye.


Jack: The reason why I hired you is to save my marriage, actually.

I don't think I'm like the other guys that hire you, to be honest.

I came to this with, like, really... good intentions.

That sounds so crazy.

My marriage is in this, like, weird place.



I really don't talk about it with anyone, but for some reason, I feel comfortable talking about it with you.

What's that about?

You're beautiful.

Yeah? [laughs]

What's rockin' your world hardest, my Pebbles' 'do or my thermal socks?

I thought that this might help... in my wife and I's situation.

I'm sorry.

So am I.

What're you doing?

Can I turn this off?

What're you doing?

This is gonna take longer than three minutes.




Although probably no more than eight.

Are we seriously gonna do it on the kitchen floor?


I'll take that as a yes.

What the f*ck?


Oh, my God!

What the hell happened?

You're what happened.

What? What the hell did I do?

Listen to me closely, Nina.

I quit.

Yup. I'm serious this time, okay?

I'm done getting tangled in people's lives, and if you try to talk me out of it, I will snap, like, go the f*ck off.

Do you understand me?


Yeah. Roger that.

I'm very resentful that I don't have a f*cking solid door right now.

You chose that room!

Stop talking to me!


What're you thinking?

I met Izzy today.


We made out.

After she gave me a footjob under the table.

And I probably should've told you this a long, long time ago, but, um... she wasn't my first girl.

Or my second.

♪ I see the world through brand-new eyes ♪
♪ I see the light reflecting bright ♪
♪ From the faces and the things I see ♪
♪ Oh, now I see ♪

♪ And it's up to me to see it all through ♪
♪ But it's easy with you ♪

♪ Na, na, na... ♪
♪ Na, na, na, na Na, na, na ♪
♪ Na, na, na, na Na, na, na ♪
♪ Na, na, na... ♪

♪ And it's up to me to see it all through ♪