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02x09 - Butcher and Bolt

Posted: 03/24/16 10:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on X Company...

I don't understand being afraid to k*ll those people.

I don't understand anyone who is.

How did the Germans know to attack our camp?

We're down to just us. Plus George, Miri, and Conrad.

And Aurora?

Aurora left us.

You don't know what she's been through.

Something you'd care to share?

My name is not Helene.

She's a spy.

You know her?

My husband, who died? He beat him. Starved him.

We were at w*r!

Both of you!

If I don't report back to my cell within the next few hours, they will deliver anonymous photographs of your wife and me to your superiors.

That's why I know you will let me walk off this train.


She's not coming, is she?

What aren't you telling us?

She k*lled Rene.

All this time, she was lying to us?

I think she k*lled him so he wouldn't suffer.

Klaus! Stop!

Klaus, I meant what I said before, son.

So did I.

Krystina. (g*nsh*t)

I know what he meant to you.

Get everyone ready.

The attack on Dieppe is tonight.

Butcher and Bolt



In a few hours when the troops hit the beach we take advantage of the distraction and go after FREYA.


Who's she?

No, it's not a she. It's German long-range radar.

I got a crash course back at the Camp.

But why...

Well, their radar beats the pants off ours. It sees much clearer, much farther.

They want us to get inside the installation, photograph everything we can, then blow it up. Make it look like an air strike.

No survivors.

So they don't know that we just got a window inside their radar secrets.

So we can develop counter-measures behind their backs.

If we can cr*pple a major radar station...

It'll be a huge help to the boys landing on the beach.

I like it.

This radar station's gonna be heavily fortified.

So when you say "get inside"...

That's what our guerrilla army was for.

Which we don't have anymore.

(doors clanging)

You're late.

I, um... had to take care of something.

I came as fast as I could.

What'd I miss?

Sir? Minesweepers have finished in the Channel, and the Canadians have departed Newhaven port. All on schedule.

Were you able to sleep?

It doesn't matter. Working will help.



Working will help. Clock?

Plus 37 minutes.

First landing?


Everything today is in real time. I need you on top of those relays.

Yes, sir.


Welcome back.

Any word on my request?

Seconding a squad of soldiers for a side mission right before an attack does raise certain questions.

My team lost half their men.

We need to give them a fighting chance.

A detachment of 14 Royal Winnipeg Sabers from Green Beach will peel off as the main force engages.

They have coordinates to rendezvous with your people.

They don't know anything more.

What did you say to make it happen? I told them I had a very tenacious Canadian on my back and he wouldn't climb off.

They were remarkably sympathetic.

Jacob too?

Gone! Don't change subjects!

Harry, let her speak.

It's beyond reckless, Aurora. What the hell were you thinking?

I was thinking... how often do you get the wife of a Gestapo boss this vulnerable?

This close to turning against Germany?

I steered her to a train going toward the coast... yeah, to spend more time with her but also to be here by tonight.

And then when Faber showed up, which, obviously, I hadn't planned for, well, I made the most of it.

What did that look like?

I told him everything we'd discovered thanks to his wife.

I saw his fear. His need to protect her.

Your big discovery is that Faber loves his wife?

Enough to lower his w*apon and let me walk away, yeah.

And maybe more. What are you saying?

I'm saying maybe he'll work with us.

Come on.

That's a hell of a leap.

So what, you're guessing about Faber? Meanwhile, we get massacred in the woods. Where were you?

There's no way I could have known, Harry.

We got orders we've waited on for weeks. Where were you?

I was on my way here.

There was an attack at Camp X yesterday. A b*mb was brought into Hydra.


We were able to radio them to alert them in time so no harm. But again, where were you?

We were only able to warn the Camp because of what we saw in Faber's safe, which wouldn't have happened...

We're going into... have happened without her.

We're going into a w*r zone.

And we don't have a leader.

Sinclair trusted Alfred with this operation, so I think Alfred should lead us.

And I bet I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Chain of command never stopped you before, Harry.

You want me replaced?

Do it.



Well, we should vote.



We're not voting.

There will be thousands of men on that beach today with much bigger problems than ours.

You picked a hell of a day for a mutiny.

Mutiny? Really?

How about "desertion"? Or "breach of trust"?

What are you talking about?

You k*lled Rene!

You told no one except the enemy.

So how do you expect us to trust a single thing that you say?

Over here!

We sent them to Sinclair's dead drop.

Let's see what they left us.


We're practically a second Front. What's that for?

That's for me.

I'm not leading you.

I'm not even going with you.

You need to figure things out, so we can do what we came for.

What I did, Rene begged me to do it.

I had no choice.

Check your supplies and say what you have to say.

I'll be back in five minutes.

Where are you going?

Or is that "need-to-know"?

The Hotel Dieppe.

The Naval Headquarters? But... that's Wehrmacht, not Gestapo.

Your orders?

I'm going in with an urgent message about the Allied attack.

A message they'll need to pass along to their Uboat Wolfpacks.

You're going through a lot of trouble to send a little misinformation.

Unless you want to watch them send the message out? If I can get close enough, I can memorize the settings, the markings on the machine, how it operates.

So it's true.

The Germans have an unbreakable code machine.

And you're going to walk out with a chance to break it.

Going to try.

Alfred, that's brilliant!

There's a place outside London.

All the top codebreakers.

What I'll learn is too classified to send by radio or courier.

You're not coming back.

I'm leaving with the troops.

I'll be there by morning.

You know? It works.

When you lead.

Everything's muddy now, but they're going to need you.

Not just today, after too.

I'm not sure they want me to lead.

I had to tell them about Rene.

You had no right.

I had every right.

We have every right. We're a team.

Why did you carry that alone? Why didn't you tell us?

I just thought it'd be simpler to just... fight through it on my own, focus on the work.

Maybe if you hadn't closed yourself off, things would have been easier.

Not when I'm supposed to lead a team.

It's not my job to feel.

We both know where that leads.

You scared me... when you didn't come back.

I came back.

Message from the Camp!

We got help.


"To replace the men we lost.

Thank you, Sinclair."


How many?

Fourteen men.

A detachment from the Royal Winnipeg Sabers.

They'll break off at Green beach, and meet up with us here, before these fields, just outside Pour-De-Lys.

So what's next?

Like you said... there's going to be thousands with bigger troubles.

Okay. You checked the expl*sives?

Yeah, I just have to rig them up.

Enough to make it look like an air strike?

Would be good to pull in a mortar or two for show once we're done, but yeah.

The more destruction the better.

You don't have to tell me twice.

I have to work on this.

Yeah. What are we thinking?

If we can, uh, find a way to come over the top, we'd have surprise on our side.

Overwhelm the Boche. You go in and do your business, we stand watch.

Respectfully, um...

We're behind the lines, right? So, the Germans will have their eyes out front when the boats land.

I think we should wait for the reinforcements here, then focus our attack from the rear.

That's a good idea. Let's do it. Conrad, we can get eyes on the harbour from here.

Now, you'll be our scout.

You've scouted the town, right?

I know my way around.

And you can move without being seen.

People look past a gypsy.

I need you to be Alfred's spotter.

He needs to get safely to the Hotel Dieppe.

He knows where it is; he has the map in his head.

You need me with you.

This is different.

What he has to do today, what he's about to learn in there, it could turn into the beginning of the end of the w*r.

It makes him more important than any of us.

He's that special, is he?

Yes, he is.

Don't worry. I'll take care of him.

Thank you.
What's her name?

Fei Yen.

All right, no need to draw blood. I won't pry.

I never did thank you.

What for?

Kicking my ass when it needed kicking. Dragging me through the Paris streets. Never giving up on me.

You'd have done the same. It was nothing.


Jesus, Tom.

Don't get soft on me now. I was just getting used to you with a backbone. Finish your letter. Go on.

Love and kisses.

(bombs detonating nearby)

This is it.

It's starting.

Here we go.

You take orders from Aurora better than the others.

Are you in love with her?

Why are you asking that?

(sirens going off) Why don't you answer?


How do you know there's a service tunnel into the HQ?

It used to be a hotel.

I saw the floorplans. Keep watch 10 minutes, then get somewhere safe.

No. I promised her I'd take care of you.

I'll be fine.

She wants you safe.

I keep you safe.


We should have seen them by now.

The reinforcements were told to use this road.

It's too open. We're too exposed.

The radar station's just ahead.

Should we split up? Do an advance scout, see what we're up against?

(large engine humming)

Bloody hell!

They're defending the approach to the station.

Do you recognize the make? Any weaknesses?

Yet another thing the Germans build annoyingly well.

That level of armor, anything less than heavy expl*sives...

Might as well be a pea sh**t. Got it.

Once our tanks push inland, the Germans'll scramble everything to engage.

Including this?


Where the hell's Conrad?

He should have had eyes on the beach by now.

(sh*ts fired)

Could be worse.

How's that?

Could still be using stick g*ns.


Let's go! Move! Go!

Go! Move. Stay inside.


Move, move. Stay inside. Stay inside.

Get inside.

There's a sharpsh**ter in the church.

sh**ting soldiers.

Show me where!

He went in there. In the tower.

Up there!

(nearby expl*si*n)

Get down! You saw the bloody t*nk.

It's a miracle they didn't see you.

Did you get a view of the harbour?

The tanks... they're dead on the beach, they're all breaking down.

Pebbles in the gears.

Any sign of our reinforcements?

No one's getting through.

All up the beach, it's a carpet of just... bodies.

The water's gone red.

My God.

It's just a matter of time before they call it.

We're retreating? We just landed.

All right. No reinforcements.

We take the station alone.

What about the t*nk?

We could use the expl*sives.

Do we have enough?

To do any damage at all, we'd have to get underneath it. I don't see that happening.

We pick a man, take them down, then worry about the t*nk.

No. If we do that, there won't be enough of us left to as*ault the station.

C'mon. Look. There's a way through this. There always is.

If that t*nk doesn't move, we're done.

It'll move if it's ordered to. Harry, how fast can you get a signal out?

It's a disaster.

They're all pinned down at the seawall.

Do we have anything more recent?

It's hard to find a radio man still alive on the beach.

Communication's broken down. They're sending reinforcements straight into machine g*n fire.

Is there a boat in contact with the beach?

Sir, Aurora's team is requesting a message go out so the Germans can hear.


I need a destroyer to transmit this message in the clear.

And get Mayhew in here!




(g*nsh*t) (moan)

Don't sh**t!

I'm Canadian!

How many of you made it into town?

You're looking at it.

That can't be true Brass burned us.

Hung us out to dry.

Don't talk like that.

What would you call it?

How many of our men are dead on the beach?

Piled at the seawall?

You have any contact with the Royal Winnipeg Sabers? Green Beach?

No one from Green Beach got very far.

You thought the four of you would take down this HQ?

We owed it to our men.

I know how desperate things look, but there's a guerilla team in Pour-De-Lys, right now, with a critical mission.

If we can get there, four good men like you... you could make the difference.

If you want to help, we have to move fast.

Let's get going, then.

Go, go, go!

We could be your prisoners.

You still have your g*ns.

(several sh*ts fired)

(loud and distant g*nshots)


Go! Go!

Put the w*apon down.

An imaginary threat to lure the bad guys away?

Yeah. Theoretically.

You've got ice water in your veins, Miss.

Thought you spies were a shaggy lot. It's nice to see someone in charge.

Thank you, Major.

Oh, bloody hell! The t*nk's coming back.

What do we do?

Whatever we do, we gotta do it now.

Everybody choose a target. Go!

(swift gunning)

(massive shot fired)

Go, Harry!

Don't let them get near the station!


The expl*sives!

Harry, get back here! Run!

(roaring expl*si*n)


Get down!


Hold fire!


I didn't think you'd be joining us.

This is Gregson, Barrett, Leclerc Price.


You really all spies?

They... they jumped to their own conclusions.

Does that mean you couldn't...

I'm sorry.

Me too.

It's not looking good down there.

If they haven't called an official retreat yet, it's gotta be coming soon.

So we're out of time.

We've gotta go, boys. Glad to have you.

Shall we?

Where's Miri?

The last I saw her, she was picking off Germans from a church tower.

Nuns really didn't smooth off her rough edges, did they?

She's a survivor, Neil.

Yeah, course she is.

George, Conrad?


The generals are in agreement. The mission has achieved all it can at this time. Best to regroup, start assessing the wins and losses.

Calling a retreat 5 hours in? The men left on that beach don't get to retreat, and I've got a team out there waiting for reinforcements that'll never come.


Come in.

Thank you.

My God. Are these confirmed?

There's a lot of contradiction. It's chaos.

Casualties running at 60%?

Dead, wounded, captured, yes.

Three thousand men.

"First Canadian t*nk destroyed. The Royal Regiment, Wentworth, Fusiliers Mont Royal..."

Essex Scottish, gone.

They got HMS Berkeley.

And 100 aircraft.

Two years waiting.

All the Canadians wanted was to get in it.

I'll try and find out some more.

There it is. Stay down.

They're adding even more barbed wire, reinforcements.

It's a hell of a lot more fortified now than it was.

And we used our expl*sives on that t*nk.

Even with these good men, this is...

Guys, you were... you were right to question my judgment.

I do it all the time.

Rene once told me the only leaders who don't feel like impostors are the impostors.

To be honest, I feel like one right now.

I shouldn't have turned my back on you, Harry.

I'm sorry. You deserved better.

I should have told you all about Rene myself.

You know, 50% die in the first 6 weeks.

How the hell have we stayed alive this long?

Blind luck.

Good breeding.

I'm storming the castle.

I'm not going to order you to do the same.

Decide for yourselves.

You've earned that.

You know what I'm thinking about?


That first mission.

The air drop.

It was so loud in the plane, and then we stepped out into the sky and...



I'm glad you're here, Alfred.

Me too.


You just said my name.



Ready when you are.


(g*nshots and engines roaring)