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02x15 - Mad Grey Dawn

Posted: 03/21/16 21:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Gotham: Is it loaded?

Ain't no point in an unloaded g*n.

It's Kristen Kringle's final paychecks.

She never picked them up. I don't like it.

Strange: Oswald, you are making progress.

By the laws of Gotham City, is hereby declared sane.

You are a free man.

I was wondering if you'd heard from Kristen Kringle lately.


Do you think that something bad has happened?

We have no idea when she might wake up.


Nygma: So that's the game, is it, Jimbo? Gonna try to outsmart me? I don't think so.

We've met before?

Yes. You k*lled my parents.

Who hired you?

You'll never know their name.

I'm a monster. You need to k*ll me.

You're just a man.


He's in there.


Bruce: Alfred, I've left home for a while to live on the streets with Selina. Trust me, and honor my wishes. Don't try to bring me back.

(distant siren wailing)

(over P.A.): Welcome to the Gotham Museum of Art.

The museum offers hundreds of new events and programs each month, including lectures, performances, tours, family activities and more.

The Gotham Museum Café Gift Shop is located on the...

(announcement fades)

♪ ♪



(indistinct chatter)

(alarm sounding)

(clamoring, coughing)

(whizzing, crackling)

(alarm continues)

(alarm bell ringing)

Keep moving.

(sirens approaching)

(tires screeching)

(paint can hissing)

Okay, folks. Don't panic.


(indistinct radio transmission)

Solo robber hit the museum about an hour ago.

Scared people away with a b*mb that never went off.

Anybody hurt?


Why us, then? Isn't it a Robbery Squad case?

b*mb threats are you guys.

Whether the b*mb goes off or not.

So get on it.

Gordon, you stay.

Internal Affairs is reopening the file on Galavan's m*rder.


Anonymous tip.

Someone called in, claims they saw you, not Penguin, k*ll Galavan that night at the docks.

I.A. gets a dozen crank calls a week. Probably just bored.

This tip came with a detail we didn't put out to the public.

The umbrella.

So someone in the GCPD is trying to make trouble for me, by spreading lies... been known to happen.

Lies, huh? Tell me the truth again.

I didn't k*ll Galavan. I wasn't there.

What was that all about?


Detective Gordon.

Hey, Ed.

I'm ready for our sit-down.

Our what?

You wanted to interview me about Ms. Kringle leaving town with Officer Dougherty?

Oh. Right. Yeah, sorry. Rain check.

We got to get to Gotham Museum.

Oh, the art heist.

Yes, I heard about this. Very bold.

Uh, yes, rain check.

Tallyho, chaps.

Go get that bad guy.

We'll talk later this afternoon.

And Ed? Don't worry.

I'll find out what happened to Ms. Kringle.

I have the utmost faith in your abilities, Detective Gordon.

Believe me.

(distant siren wailing)

Boss. You'll never guess who just knocked on the door.

If I'll never guess, then why not just tell me, jackass?

If you say I have three guesses, well, then that's a game.

It's an annoying and stupid game, but at least it makes sense.

Son of a...

(panting): Hi.

Well, well, well.

I heard they let you out of Arkham.


(chuckles): Happy day.

I'm sane. I have a certificate.



But-But I-I hope I'm not intruding.

I-I just got back in town, and... thought it'd be rude not to say hello to an old friend.


An old friend?

Oswald: Well, yes. I mean... we had our ups and downs, but on the whole, I thought we were friends.

Weren't we?

(laughs): That's what I recall anyhow.


You k*lled my brother.

You messed with his mind and made him your sl*ve.


I guess I was pretty terrible, huh?

I want to apologize sincerely.

I wasn't thinking straight.

Apology accepted.

Let's k*ll him.

Wait. What?

Uh, Butch, listen.

I've changed. You have no reason to fear me. I'm...

I'm a good person now.

I was thinking about visiting your mother's grave.



I miss the old bird.

Her sobs would often lull me to sleep at night.

(with German accent): Oswald... Oswald!

Save me.


That does sound like her.

Tabitha: You know, I think he's for real.

Those loony bin doctors must have done a real number on him.

It's actually kind of sad.

Let him go.


You heard me.

Look at him. He's a pathetic loser.

He doesn't pose a threat to anyone.

Are you serious? No way. He has to die.

Who's the boss here?

I believe in an eye for an eye. We've all lost something. Including him.

We're square, you and me.



(chuckling): Mmm.


You know, I didn't realize you were so sentimental.

He's not leaving without some kind of punishment.

He's not. Okay.

What'd you have in mind?

(camera shutter clicking)

(indistinct conversations)

Your little private inside voice is screaming.

Want to tell me what that powwow with Barnes was all about?

I.A. is reopening the investigation into the m*rder of Theo Galavan.

Anonymous person called in, saying they saw me k*ll him.

That old chestnut, huh?

Is there something I can do?

Are you still friendly with your gal over in I.A.?


Our paths have been known to cross.

Can they cross again soon?

I need to know what they have.


Mr. Thatch? Detective Gordon.

This is Detective Bullock.

What can you tell us about the painting that was stolen?

The painting is entitled "Mad Grey Dawn" and depicted a railway expl*si*n at the turn of the century.

A minor work compared to much of the collection.

Strangely, he simply defaced two much more valuable paintings in another section of the gallery.

A Marché and a LaRue.

Follow me.


What kind of art thief would take time to defile such masterpieces?

An ignorant one?

Gordon: No. This took a lot of time and effort.

He knows what he's doing. He's not interested in profit.

He's trying to send a message.

Which is what?

No idea.

What about the painters themselves?

What about them?

The question marks are directly over their signatures on the canvas.

There's entire books written on each of them.

I'm sorry... He would want to keep it simple.

What about their names?

Marché means "market" and LaRue is "the road," yes?

Yes. Or "the street."

Market Street.

The painting he stole... depicted a railway expl*si*n, yes?

Yes. A bombing, actually.

It was known as Bloody Monday.

Today is Monday.

And Union Railway Station is on Market Street.

(subway train squealing)

(indistinct chatter)

(over P.A.): Attention, please evacuate the train station... (alarm bell ringing) an orderly fashion.

Please find your nearest exit and evacuate the train station.

Thank you. Move.

What are we looking for?

I have no idea.

Get these people out of here! Go! Go!

Get out of here! Go!

Move! Move.

(indistinct chatter)

Come on.

Officer: Move.



(faint beeping)

Listen up! The device is inside the lockers.

Pinkney, get these people out of here.

Get them out of here.

Outside, now!

Get them out of here. Go!

(indistinct, overlapping shouts)

Outside now. Now!


How much time till the b*mb squad gets here?

Too long. Get back.

Back, back, back, back.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Move! Move! Move!


(high-pitched ringing)

(muffled shouting)

(muffled): Get a medic.

(sirens, horns honking)

(footsteps descending stairs)

Hey, Ivy.

Hey, Cat.

Hey, Billionaire Boy. What is he doing here?

(door slams)


They're right upstairs.

(sighs): He's staying with me for a while Don't touch anything.

What is this place?

Ivy works for a g*ng that runs the magic mushroom trade.

(muffled clamoring)

What's a magic mushroom?

Some give you visions. Some give you energy.

Some help you to sleep.

I've cultivated over a dozen kinds.

What are we doing here?

The g*ng is run by Gilzean's nephew, Sonny, and his merry band of losers.

So these mushrooms are illegal.

Yes. They're illegal.

Which means there's always a ton of cash around.

You're going to rob them?

Uh... yeah.

Okay. How do we do it?

We don't.

You have money, remember?

A lot of it.

Selina, I told you.

I want to survive on my own.

Find out who I am without my money. Without being Bruce Wayne.

Besides, I don't mind stealing if it's from criminals.

What's the plan?

Meet Psilocybe Arkrescens.

Also known as The Blue Devil.

Selina: She slipped a few of them in the g*ng's lunch today, so all we have to do now is wait.

What will they do? Instant death.

Kidding. (chuckles)

They'll be in a state of relaxed bliss. Like a dream.

Trust me. It's great.

(muffled chattering)

How long until they're out?

(thud, groaning, glass breaking)

(camera shutter clicking)

From art thief to mad bomber in the same day?

What the hell is next?

I don't know, but he wanted us to find it.

I think that's what the heist was about.

He's playing a game.


That's exactly what this city needs.

Did you find any other brainteasers that might indicate his next piece of performance art?

No. Either he's decided to keep it a surprise, or he's taking a break.

I doubt we're that lucky. I want every available resource on this thing.

You got it.

Excuse me, Officer Pinkney, can I get your signature on this chain of custody form?


Thank you.


Detective Gordon.

Been working together for over a year, Ed.

You can call me Jim.

Jim. Heard you were able to save the day.

I got lucky.

I don't believe in luck.

You saw a problem and you solved it. Bravo.

Hey, I want you to oversee forensics on this one.

Maybe our luck will hold, and we'll get something on the b*mb's signature or trace elements.

No other leads yet?

No, I have no idea what this guy wants or what he's after, which makes him dangerous.

Well, don't you worry. I'm on the case.



Be quiet.

Someone might still be awake.

(faint snoring)


(gasps): Who-Who are you?

Hey. Hey.

Hey, we're no one.

You're dreaming.

Pretty cool, right?



Listen, if you give us the coffee can and close your eyes, you'll be able to fly.

(chuckles): Sweet.

(tires screeching)

(car doors opening, closing)


Whoa! Where are you going?!

Hey, Cat.

Hey, Sonny.

You lose weight?


Keep cracking wise, Selina.

You ain't gonna be smiling when my uncle gets to you.

Let's see how many lives you really have left.


Hi. Penguin.


Hi. Hi.


Sorry to intrude. I... I'm, um, a bit of a mess.

I-I was just passing by and-and...

May I... Could I come in for a moment?

These feathers aren't as warm as they look.

Of course. Where are my manners?

It-It's so good to see you.


So how have you been, old friend? Well, I hope?

Yeah. Well.

I have been. Been busy. I've been really busy.

And what about you?

I hear that you've been released.

What... What's... What happened?

(chuckles): Oh, oh...

Well, just good ol' Butch and Tabitha having fun.

They talked about k*lling me, so... this was actually pretty nice of them, considering.

Pretty nice of them?

They did a pretty good job on you in Arkham, huh?

I'm here to tell you, Ed, as a friend, v*olence and anger are not the answer.

I am a changed man. Better.

And you can change, too.



Tempting offer.

(clears throat)

The thing is... (chuckles) ..the me I am right now is kind of hitting my stride.


And I'm really grateful for all that you've taught me, and that bad stuff you told me about Jim Gordon is really paying off.


Is it? It is.

It's helped me to create the perfect puzzle to get rid of my Jim Gordon dilemma.

Normally, I would love to share, but to be honest, the new you is kind of freaking me out.

I'm just really busy right now.

Well, I'll be on my way.

Thanks for coming by.

So, I spoke with my gal in I.A.

The snitch said Penguin was beating Galavan to death when you stepped in... and put a b*llet in his chest.

Someone else was there that night.

Either that, or Penguin talked.

He did just get out of Arkham... how the hell he did I'll never know... but lest we forget, he was in there for a m*rder you committed.

A grudge is not beyond the realm of possibility.

He could have talked when he was arrested, used it to cut a deal, but he didn't.

Did your I.A. contact give you anything else?

The witness has agreed to swear out a statement.

I.A. has officially reopened the investigation.

You are now the primary suspect in the m*rder of Theo Galavan.

Well, tell my uncle to call me!

Look, I know you think he's got a soft spot for you, but I'm pretty sure that's gonna change when he finds out you tried to rob him.

My guess is, he's not gonna be too happy with you either when I tell him that I just waltzed in here and grabbed the cash.

So, maybe you let us go and we call it even?

What kind of message would that send?


The Gilzeans are all about consequences.

More like all about pizza.

You ever try our product, Selina?


Aren't you being rather cowardly?

Assaulting a girl?

Sonny: No, he's right.

You know, when you're right, you're right!

Knock it off, Sonny. You made your point.

Stay out of this, Selina!

Call me a coward again.

You're a coward.

An ignorant, brutish...


While you're down there, kid, lick my boot.

Alfred: Strength costs wind. Now if you're gonna beat a big man, all you have to do is outlast him.




I actually think he wants a beating.

Is that your thing, kid?

You like pain?!

An ignorant, brutish, cowardly clown.

Yep. (laughs)

He likes it, all right.

Your mom and dad must've been real freaks, bringing up a weird kid like you.



Let's go!

Let's go!
Hello, Mother.


What a lovely spot.


I'm so sorry I couldn't be here for the funeral.

But I think you would be proud of me.

I'm a changed man.

Or... at least, I'm trying to be.

To be honest, I don't know if I'm gonna make it without you.


I'm terribly sorry.

I-I don't mean to interrupt.

Not at all.

(laughs) Lillies.

Her favorite, if memory serves.

Yes, they were.

Did you know her?

A long time ago.

I found her again only in death, I'm afraid.

I'm Elijah Van Dahl.

Oh, Oswald Cobblepot.


You're related to Gertrud?

My mother.


You're Gertrud's son?


Uh, I'm sorry.

Uh, how did you know my mother exactly...?

How old are you?

Excuse me?

How old are you?

Gertrud left...

I'm 31.

31 years ago, yes.

That's right.

Oh, my God, she... she never told me!

Told you what?

That I had a son.

(short laugh)

Any word on the bomber?

Bullock's waiting on forensics.

Just wish I knew what his endgame was.

Feels like I'm missing something.

Is that why you're not eating?

Yeah, I guess.


I.A. is reopening the investigation into Galavan's m*rder.


An eyewitness came forward.

You told me it was over, Jim.

You swore to me.

I'm sorry.

I knew in my heart that it wasn't, but I let you lie to me.

I didn't. I wasn't!

We should have left when we had the chance.

Gone somewhere new, somewhere better.

Somewhere fit to raise our child!

You knew I couldn't do that.

I can fix this.


I mean, you did it.

You k*lled Galavan.

I'll find a way.

I have to.

What if you can't?


Hello, Officer Pinkney.

I'm so sorry to bother you at home.

Can I come in?

Uh, sure.

Make it quick. The ball game's on.

(indistinct chatter on TV)

What's this about?

(door closes)

Oh, Detective Gordon'll explain.

He's just behind me.

Ah, okay.

Hey, Pinkney?

What do you call a tavern of blackbirds?

A crow bar.

(laughs) You get it?

A crow bar?

I know, it's kind of lame.

Just came up with it on the spot.

(grunting) Oh!

(record skipping)

Gertrud came to work as a cook for my parents.

She was so young and beautiful.

So full of life.

So beautiful.

I was young then, too.

A boy, really.

A foolish, romantic boy.

When my parents found out, they forbade us from being together.

I was the heir to a great fortune, they said.

And she was just a cook.

I threatened to run away with her.

Turn my back on my family name and my inheritance.

It was the first and only time I ever stood up to them.

They must've known my words were just that.

A spoiled child making idle threats.

The next day, Gertrud was gone.

My parents told me only that they had come to an arrangement.

She would be taken care of.

And I must never make an attempt to find her.

And to my shame, I didn't.

I let them separate us.

I had no idea.

She never told me she was pregnant.

She didn't tell me about you.

If she did...

She told me that my father had died when I was still a baby.

Easier than the truth, I suppose.

That your father was a coward who wouldn't stand up to his parents.

She must've figured that the two of you would be better off making your own way.

Which, in fact, was probably the truth.

Look at you.

A strong young man.

She did a good job, didn't she?

She tried.

We both miss her terribly.

My poor boy.

You've been all alone in the world.


Yes, I have.

No longer.

You have a home.

And a father.

And a family.


"A family"?

A big, happy family.

They're going to be so thrilled to meet you!

S-Sir, please?

Tell me truthfully.

Is this a dream?

It's not a dream, my boy.

You're home.

(joyful crying)


(phone ringing)


Bullock: Forensics just landed.

The timer on the b*mb was activated remotely by phone, which was smart.

Gave him time to plant it in advance and set it off when he wanted.

We get a number?


Call came from a pay phone inside 17 West Dewy Avenue.

Just a few blocks from Union Station.

Pay phone, huh?

All right, I'll go over there and check it out.

See you tomorrow.

He's probably long gone by now.

I can't sleep anyhow.


(indistinct chatter from TV)



(door closes)

(indistinct chatter on TV)


(g*n clicks)


What the hell are you doing here?

Put your g*n down. Now!

Place your g*n on the floor. I won't say it again.


Listen to me.

I was just following up a lead on the bomber investigation.

You were following up a lead in Pinkney's apartment?


I didn't know that this was Pinkney's apartment building.

Why are you here?

Pinkney sent me a message.

Wanted to talk outside of work.

About what?


I have to take you down to the precinct.

There's been a mistake.

I hope so, son.

I hope so.

(helicopter blades whirring)

Selina: Almost done.

(softly): Okay.


Never seen someone take a beating like that before.

(low rumbling)

I think Sonny is right.

You do like pain.

When it was happening... was like nothing else existed.

Everything I've been struggling with, emptiness...

...and confusion...

It just vanished.

And for the first time... in a long time, I knew I was going to be okay.

I knew that whatever Sonny did to me...

...I could take it.

That he couldn't break me.

That no one can.


Nobody's unbreakable, Bruce.

You want your rep here?

I didn't do this. Somebody set me up.

Cause of death: blunt force trauma to the head.

Captain, listen to me.

m*rder w*apon was a crowbar.

We found it under the couch.

Your fingerprints were on it.

Gordon: At Union Station, I used a crowbar to open up the locker.

Somebody must have picked it up.

And that someone just happened to know that you'd be paying Officer Pinkney a visit tonight?

I told you, I didn't know that he lived there.

Forensics traced the bomber's call to a pay phone in the building.

Bullock will back me up.

He did.

But when I asked for the report, it had nothing to do with a remote timer or any traced call.

I know how this looks.

But Pinkney was one of us... why would I k*ll him?

Because he was the anonymous witness that fingered you.

We found this Internal Affairs form at Pinkney's place.

It's the exact same statement that the anonymous witness made, only Pinkney signed this with his own name.

I guess he got cold feet about putting himself on the line. So he sent in the anonymous tip instead.

Must have figured you'd get nasty.

I don't know how you figured it out, but you found out he was the witness.


Maybe you went over to his place to talk him out of it?

I told you I didn't know it was his place.

Or maybe you had no intention of talking and you just k*lled him.

You know me.

I know that something went down between you and Galavan that night.

I saw it in your eyes when I.A. was grilling you.

And now the one person who was about to shine light on this whole thing is found beaten to death with you standing over the body.

What am I missing?!

I was set up! Jim!

How many lying, son of a bitch, low-life weasels have you heard use that same line?

Somebody set you up?

That's what you're going with?

The least you could do is admit what you did.

Be a man!

Pinkney was one of us.

He deserves that.

I deserve that!

The least you could do is look me in the eye and remind me that you were a good cop once.

That you still know right from wrong.


I want to talk to my rep.

You're a disgrace to the badge.

(bangs table)

I trusted you!

But you broke my heart.

You, take him to county.

I don't want him here.



The bomber, Harvey.

Everything that happened today was set up to trap me.

The bomber, Harvey!

Reporter: The four-week m*rder trial of Detective Gordon concluded just minutes ago with the jury returning a unanimous verdict of guilty. The judge handed down the maximum sentence of 40 years to be served at Blackgate Penitentiary.

The jury was unanimous in its decision after deliberating less than 24 hours.

District Attorney Harvey Dent was not available for comment.


...throughout the trial, based on the overwhelming evidence against...

You okay?

This isn't right.

This can't be right.

Tell me something that is.

Reporter: Just hours ago, the m*rder trial of Detective James Gordon concluded with the jury returning a unanimous verdict of guilty.

The judge handed down the maximum sentence (beeping) of 40 years to be served at Blackgate Penitentiary.

The jury was unanimous in its decision...

Oh, my!

Awake at last.

District Attorney Harvey Dent was unavailable for comment.

Well, hello, dear.

Someone call Professor Strange.

(buzzer blaring)

We're gonna fight this.

(buzzer blares)

Lee. Did you hear me?

No matter what it takes, we're gonna fight this.

The evidence isn't gonna change.

You're innocent.

I'm far from innocent.

We both know that.

So, what, we just give up?

We move on.

Move on?

Move on to what?

You mean... me.

You mean I move on.

I've thought long and hard about this.


You have to listen to me.

I'm tired of listening.

This isn't fair!

How can you not be with us?

(crying): Birthdays... and first steps and skinned knees... and everything.

What, what, visits through bars and-and not knowing when the phone is gonna ring in the middle of the night to tell me when you're...

I don't want that for either of you.

You still have a chance at happiness.


You need to go somewhere.

Far away from here.

Somewhere fit to raise our child.

Start a new life.

Forget I exist.

It's the only way either one of us survives this.

No, Jim!

Don't try to contact me again.

I won't reply.

(sobbing): No.

Don't do this.

I'm sorry, Lee.

Jim, don't do this! I love you!

I'm so, so sorry.



(buzzer blares)

Elijah: A toast.

I want to thank you all for your generosity.

You have welcomed Oswald into our family with open arms and open hearts.

And for that, I am truly blessed.

(Oswald chuckles)

To family.

Uh, you guys have made me the happiest man on the planet.

I am so grateful.

I love you all.


All: To family.



Man: Brother.





(ship's horn blows)

Guard: Inmate Gordon, prison transfer!

Open gate.

(buzzer blares)

(dogs barking)

(buzzer blares)

I'm gonna find who set you up.

This ain't over.


(brakes hiss)

(door opens, dogs barking)

You were a good partner, Harvey.

I still am.