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05x14 - Devil's Due

Posted: 03/21/16 05:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

Emma: Killian, we're here to help you. We just can't find you. Where are you?

Meg: In an underground prison.

Belle: The Underworld.

Mr Gold: I'll only be gone for a day.

Belle: Come back to me.

Mr Gold: I always do.

Peter Pan: And those people you came down with... maybe one of them doesn't make the trip back, but your dear old dad does.

Mr Gold: Not interested.

Peter Pan: Not yet.

Hades: For every soul your friends free, one of them is going to have to stay. You get to decide who.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Hook is still sitting on the ground in Hades's throne room, and Hades is standing in front him, waiting for Hook to choose who stays in the Underworld)

Hades: (Sighs) Oh, come on. All you need to do is choose three of your friends to stay here. Carve their name. W-what's the problem? Is it the chisel? So unwieldy for the one-handed. Or writer's block?

Hook: (Throws the chisel on the ground) I'm not doing it.

Hades: I must say... I'm not angry. I'm disappointed. (Walks to Hook and leans down) And on second thought... I'm angry. I guess it's off to solitary. (Grabs Hook by the hair, who screams in pain, before dragging him to his feet, leading Hook to the River of Lost Souls, where a boat awaits) Now, listen carefully. This is the River of Lost Souls. Touch it and it will make you lost. Reducing you to a mindless, tormented husk. So please, keep all arms and hand inside the boat.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mr Gold enters the pawn shop.)

Mr Gold: Father? (Closes the door. He walks further into the shop, only to discover a piece of parchment with a note written on, which he picks up and begins to read. It's from Pan)

Peter Pan: (Voice over) "My son... this shop is yours to do with as you wish. And my offer still stands. Use what's in the case when you want to accept it, and we can be a family again. Your father."

Mr Gold: (Picks up his fathers old Pan flute and examines it.)

(Mr Gold locks the door, before walking over to a brewing substance in a black pot. He opens a jar which contains fluid and an eyeball, and pours the fluid away, before walking over to the bubbling potion and dropping part of the pan in, followed by the eye-ball He then turns and picks up a glass ball and holds it over the potion)

Mr Gold: Show me... show me who I seek. (The glass ball reveals Belle having lunch with Leroy, and after a few more moments, Gold drops the ball and it smashes, and he scrambles to the ground, trying to gather the smashed glass) Oh, no! Oh, Belle. Oh, Belle.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Henry, Regina and Robin are back in the Blanchard apartment, examining the damage left behind by Cerberus. Regina is holding an arrow)

Regina:Found more arrows.

Robin Hood: (Sighs and walks down the stairs.) You do not want to see what that hell dog did upstairs.

Emma: So, we think we're ready?

Mr Gold: (Enters the apartment and looks at the group) What are you doing?

David: We're gonna get Hook. What's it look like?

Emma: We know Hades will have him in some sort of isolation. Meg told us there's an entrance nearby.

Mr Gold: So all 45 of you are gonna slip down into the deepest level of detention in the Underworld. Hades knows you're here. He'll have put up barriers to keep the living out of all the places he doesn't want us going. You walk into his domain, you'll all be puffs of dust.

Emma: So we get a new plan.

Mr Gold: Correct. Five of you occupy yourselves as you will. Perhaps cleaning? (Turns to Emma) You and I will go in with the assistance of a helpful dead person. I can extend their aura, if you will, so that two living souls can get through Hades' barrier.

Emma: Wait a minute. Yesterday, you hid in your shop. Today, you're gonna lead the charge to find a man that you hate?

Mr Gold: Yeah, because I-I realized that if don't step in, we are never gonna get home, and I want very much to get home to my wife.

Emma: Okay. So how do we get a helpful dead person to loan their aura so we can confront the god of the Underworld himself?

Mr Gold: You leave that to me. I've got someone in mind. Someone I've known a long time.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Milah is carrying an armful of sticks, whilst Rumplestiltskin follows behind her, limping, and Baelfire, carrying a net to catch frogs and butterflies with)

Rumplestiltskin: Milah. Milah! You don't have to be doing this yourself. I said I would help.

Milah: You said that. And somehow, it still didn't get done.

Rumplestiltskin: Well, I was chasing dragonflies with the boy.

Baelfire: (Walks away)

Milah: Did he protect you from the big ones?

(Baelfire walks away, having heard enough of his parents arguing. He comes across a snake, and curiously, he bends down to look at it.)

Rumplestiltskin: I know my leg slows me down around here, but I-I can do better. I can change.

Milah: You're never going to change, Rumple.

Rumplestiltskin: I can. I can be whatever you want me to be.

Baelfire: (He is now reaching to touch the snake, and the snake in return is poised in a threatening manner, ready to bite him)

[Milah: Just go play with the boy. That's one thing you can do, at least.

Baelfire: (Screams in the distance)

Rumplestiltskin: Bae! Bae? (He and Milah run round the bush to see Baelfire on the ground in pain. He kneels down with Milah and rolls him over) Bae, what's wrong, son? What's wrong?

Milah: (Hears the snake hissing and uses a rock to k*ll it)

Rumplestiltskin: (Examining the snake bite worriedly)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Milah is getting ready to help kids cross the road, when her eyes land on Mr Gold, who is standing on the sidewalk waiting for her. Milah doesn't look happy to see him)

Mr Gold: (Waves) Morning, Dearie.

Milah: (Doesn't say anything as she steps onto the road, allowing for the children to cross safely)

Mr Gold: Don't worry, I'm not dead. Just visiting.

Milah: (Once the kids have crossed, she stops in front of him) How'd you find me?

Mr Gold: You are standing in the middle of Main Street, so, you know... I must say, I do love the irony of your job. You watching children, keeping them safe, keeping them close.

Milah: What do you want?

Mr Gold: I have an opportunity for you. A romantic adventure to save the man you once loved.

Milah: You?

Mr Gold: I'm talking about Killian Jones.

Milah: Killian... is here?

Mr Gold: He's receiving some, uh, special attention from Hades. I need to retrieve him.

Milah: I'm supposed to watch the kids.

Mr Gold: Well, they're dead anyway. It's quite simple, really. Can you stand helping me if it lets you save him?

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Hook is travelling in the boat and he looks up at the entrance to where he is being sent. The scene then shows him being chained up over a pool, which is part of "The River of Lost Souls". He is raised up, and Hades is walking on the platform below)

Hades: Now, I want you to think about why you're here. You tried to escape. You freed another prisoner. You refuse to do what I ask, and do you know the most important reason?

Hook: (Strained) I couldn't begin to guess.

Hades: Hope. You and your colleagues brought contraband, hope, into my world, and that is strictly forbidden. And despite some... creative beatings, I still see hope in your eyes. Now, I would like that to be gone before you reach the water. (He lowers Hook with his magic so Hook is eye-level with him) You have interfered with my carefully cultivated existence, so... I am going to hurt you. Then I'm going to collect your friends and hurt them. So there's going to be no one left to save you. (His hair becomes blue flames) Feel free to go mad. (Walks away)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Milah and Mr Gold are standing together on the street, watching Emma from a distance.)

Milah: (Looking at Emma in shock and surprise) Her?

Mr Gold: Yes, her. Come. Let me introduce you. (Guides Milah towards Emma) Miss Swan?(Get's Emma's attention, and him and Milah stop in front of Emma) There's someone I'd like you to meet. This is Milah, my ex-wife. And Hook's ex, also. She's also Baelfire's mother, of course. Emma knew him as Neal. They had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy. In prison.

Emma: (Uncomfortable) Yeah, well...

Milah: (Shocked and stunned) So, you've been with my former lover... and my son? Is that right?

Emma: (Also looks stunned) Huh.

Mr Gold: I'm sure we're gonna laugh ourselves sick about all this one day. I suggest you follow me before this gets even more awkward.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Regina enters Granny's diner by herself, and is on the hunt for the Blind Witch. Regina walks up to the counter, where the mute maid is working).

Regina: Hey, where's your boss?

Mute Maid: (Can't speak, and tries to signal she doesn't know where Hades is)

Regina: No, not some deity... your boss here. The blind witch? (Notices Cruella De Vil trying sneak out the back) Never mind. (Runs after Cruella and manages to catch up with her) You.

Cruella De Vil: (Sighs and turns around.) Hello, Darling.

Regina: You can help.

Cruella De Vil: I can? I mean, of course I can.

Regina: Tell me about the graveyard. I need to find someone.

Cruella De Vil: Oh, it's just a chat you want. Well, if you're looking for someone, simply use your magic. Oh. Having trouble, are we? Magic's a little tricky down here, isn't it, darling? Let's sit down and be civilized.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Milah and Mr Gold are making their way towards Emma and Hook's house, where the entrance to hell's underground is located)

Emma: The way in is here? So, what, the gates of hell are in my house?

Mr Gold: As was the stone of Excalibur. The pirate has a knack for targeting real estate with hidden value.

(The three enter the house, and it is abandoned. A baby cradle is one of the rooms, with a stuffed toy bear and tiger underneath)

Emma: (Sighs) Basement door?

Mr Gold: Basement door.

Emma: (Walks up to the door and unlocks it. She then attempts to put her hand in, but is repelled by magic and turns back to face Milah and Mr Gold) It's a barrier, all right. So what is she going to do?

Mr Gold: Joining hands will be fine.

(The three join hands, and Milah successfully gets them past the barrier and into the tunnels of hell)

Emma: It worked.

Mr Gold: Indeed. One step closer to Hell.

(Unknown to the three of them, as they descend deeper into the underground tunnels, the basement door closes)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Milah and Rumplestiltskin hurriedly approach a man, who is looking at pots on a table)

Rumplestiltskin: Ex-excuse us. Fendrake the Healer? S-Sorry to bother you, sir. I-It's our son. Oh, my... We... we... we left him at home, thinking it might be too dangerous to move him.

Milah: (Reaches into her bag and pulls out the dead snake that bit Baelfire) We need the antidote to this.

Fendrake: Atlanthean rat snake. It's a 24-hour poison. Your boy will die tomorrow.

Rumplestiltskin: (Distressed) No! No.

Fendrake: Unless you're willing to use magic.

Rumplestiltskin: Magic! We... we'll pay anything! What magic?

(Inside the healers tent, Milah and Rumplestiltskin watch as Fendrake picks up a small vial of potion)

Fendrake: There is a potion to cure your child. It's very rare.

Rumplestiltskin: How much?

Fendrake: 100 gold pieces.

(The scene switches to the doors of the healers hut banging open, and Milah and Rumplestiltskin walking out, not looking happy, and they begin walking away)

Rumplestiltskin: 100 gold! We won't see that in our lives.

Milah: No, but we'll get our cure anyway.

Rumplestiltskin: How?

Milah: You'll go back and take it.

Rumplestiltskin: Take it?! He'd k*ll me for sure.

Milah: Oh, now, there's a puzzle you'll have to figure out. He can't k*ll you if you get him first. (Walks away)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Mr Gold and Milah have made it into the tunnels and off the staircase. They are no longer holding hands, but just looking around)

Mr Gold: The spell's gone. We'll be able to pass through on our own now. Thank you, Milah. You can run back to protecting the dead children.

Emma: Hang on. (Turns to Milah) Milah... thank you so much. And... there's something you should know. Your son, Neal, Baelfire... when I was on my way down here on the River, I had sort of a vision of him. I think he talked to me.

Milah: What did he say?

Emma: He said that he moved on. And that he was happy. Whatever he had to resolve... he did it.

Milah: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Emma: I hear water this way.

Milah: That would be the River of Lost Souls. We can take it to where Hades will have Killian.

Mr Gold: I'm sorry, uh, "we" can take it? If you think you can get the pirate back, I doubt he's gonna swap the blonde for the dead woman.

Milah: You might be dark, but sometimes you're still an idiot, Rumple. (Turns to Emma) I have my reasons. Let me come with you.

Emma: Okay.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Cruella and Regina are in Granny's diner, sitting at a table together)

Cruella De Vil: I see you're admiring my fur. Doe skin, of all things. I'm not saying it's Bambi's iconic dead mother. And I'm not saying it's not.

Regina: Just tell me about the graveyard. If I find a headstone, does that mean that person's here in... "Underbrooke"?

Cruella De Vil: Underbrooke. (Laughs) Oh, you are clever. No, it just means they're passing through, that's all. Who are you looking for?

Regina: Well, never mind who. I just... I want to know where they are.

Cruella De Vil: (Opens her bag and pulls out a piece of parchment) I have a map here. Now that I've been made mayor. Oh, thanks to your recently departed mother. It's got a list of cemetery plots, and you have to know how to interpret the headstones. You see, there's three... what would you call them? Settings? If the headstone is upright, it means the person is still here in town. If it's tipped over, it means their soul has gone on to a better place, okay? Happy person, tippy stone.

Regina: And the third setting?

Cruella De Vil: If it's cracked... Well, that's bad.

Regina: Bad? They got pulled under to... wherever is worse than this place?

Cruella De Vil: Yes. But no one who's anyone goes there anymore. (Chuckles.)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Mr Gold and Milah are now in the same boat Hook was in and are heading to where he is. Emma is looking at the souls in the green water)

Emma: I hope this boat you found doesn't spring a leak.

Mr Gold: This boat is the best thing we could have hoped to find. After we pick up the pirate, it will take us all the way home.

Emma: (Stands up as the boat docks) This is it. He's down there. I feel it. (Gets out of the boat and is holding Hook's ring)

Mr Gold: (Sat down) I'm not leaving the boat. It's too valuable. You're capable of getting the pirate on your own, I'm sure. And don't even think about using magic. Hades would notice anything this close to his home base.

Milah: If he's not moving, I'm not, either. If he tries to steal this thing, I'll give a shout.

(Emma nods, before running down a tunnel towards Hook. Milah sits back down in the boat opposite Mr Gold, and they eye one another)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Milah and Rumplestiltskin are sat in a tavern, planning to k*ll Fendrake. A dagger is on the table and Rumplestiltskin is shying away from it).

Milah: For God's sake, Rumple, it's a dagger, not a dragon. Don't be scared of it.

Rumplestiltskin: I'm scared because our son is dying. He should be with us, not some village nursemaid.

Milah: (Angry) I didn't spend our last gold coin on a knife to slice the roast at his wake. Bae only has a couple of hours left. Let's spend that time doing something to help him, something... something brave. For once. (Kisses him passionately) Now go.

Rumplestiltskin: (Picks up the dagger) All right.

Milah: (Whispers) Yeah?

Rumplestiltskin: All right. (Gets up and leaves)

(Milah stays behind and goes to finish her ale, when a man bumps into her, causing Milah to spill her drink over her)

Man: Oh, did I make you do that? Oh, that's a nice dress and a pretty girl. (Grabs a cloth and tries to wipe near her chest)

Milah: (Trying to push him away) Stop it. I don't need that.

Man: No, I got it. I got it.

Milah: I'm fine.

Hook: (Walks up and pushes the man back) Leave the lady alone.

Man: Or what?

Hook: Well... (Punches the man unconscious, before taking a drink of a tray and sitting in front of Milah)

Milah: Thank you, sir.

Hook: Captain Killian Jones. (Kisses her hand) At your service, ma'am.

Milah: That doesn't look to be the uniform of any navy I've... Oh. You're...

Hook: Well, they call us pirates. We sail where we will and answer to no crown.

Milah: I've not seen the ocean much beyond our small port. Is it wonderful to travel so much?

Hook: Aye. Do you know... there are cities where the air smells of spices... and women are carried on jeweled chairs? Would you like to see that?

Milah: W-Well... I would love that, but... I have responsibilities here. An ailing child. Husband.

Hook: Ah, a husband. Well... it would appear a better man than I has won. But I am in port quite often... should that ever change.

Milah: It... it won't. But thank you.

(Hook nods, before standing up and walking to the bar for another drink. Milah watches him walk away, before turning back to her drink and taking a sip)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Hook is being lowered closer to the pool, when Emma runs in)

Emma: (Shouts) Killian! (Sees him lowered some more and is breathing heavily) Killian. (She sees a narrow beam leading to the platform where he is, he's lowered some more and she prepares to cross. She steps onto the bean) Hang on! I'm coming for you! (Continues to breathe heavily as she attempts to cross. She almost stumbles and falls, but manages to regain her balance. Just as Hook is about to fall into the water, she reaches him and pulls him to safety and helps him to sit up) I got you! (Sees all his injuries) Oh... Killian.

Hook: (Weakly) I told you to let me go. You shouldn't be here. Nobody should.

Emma: (Tearfully) I never listen.

Hook: (Small smile) You're impossible.

Emma: And you love me for it. (Chuckles before pulling him into a hug)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Milah and Mr Gold are still in the boat waiting for Emma to return with Hook, and they are managing a conversation)

Milah: So... you're married now. That's real.

Mr Gold: Look, about your, uh, unfinished business... if it is love for the pirate, then it's definitely off the table.

Milah: My unfinished business was never Killian.

Mr Gold: Then why...

Milah: It's Baelfire. Our son. I should have been there for him. Not... punished him because I'd... grown to hate his father. I was selfish. I thought if I could... change that, do something generous... maybe I could finish what I need to.

Mr Gold: So you want to move on.

Milah: Yeah. So I can... see him, and I can... say to him, "Son, I'm... I'm sorry for... everything."

Mr Gold: He'll forgive you. I betrayed him, as well. As a grown man, he re-entered my life, and he forgave me. He'll do the same for you.

Milah: That's a nice thought. It's just... I really want to see him again.

Mr Gold: You will. And when you do... tell him hello from his papa.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Fendrake is asleep and Rumplestiltskin sneaks in with the dagger, Milah thinking that Rumple will k*ll Fendrake. Instead of going to Fendrake, Rumplestiltskin starts looking through the potions, only to wake Fendrake).

Fendrake: (Inhales deeply) Who's here? (Sees Rumplestiltskin) You. I can k*ll you with a single spell.

Rumplestiltskin: Oh, I-I don't need a spell. I've got a knife!(Pulls out the dagger and moves towards Fendrake, but doesn't strike)

Fendrake: Then do it.

Rumplestiltskin: (He toils over it for a few moments, but can't bring himself to do it). I can't. I just can't.

Fendrake: Of course not.

(The scene transitions into Rumplestiltskin and Fendrake sitting next to one another in the hut. Fendrake hands Rumple a glass of a water)

Rumplestiltskin: Thank you.

Fendrake: How much does your son mean to you?

Rumplestiltskin: Everything.

Fendrake: (Holds the potion out to Rumple) Then you can leave here with the cure.

Rumplestiltskin: But I-I-I-I don't have any gold. I've just got a knife.

Fendrake: There will be a terrible price to pay, but not in gold. If you're interested... we can make a deal.

Rumplestiltskin: I don't know much about deals, but... if I can save my son's life, I will trade anything.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Milah and Mr Gold are now out of the boat, and standing back in the stone structure. Milah is kneeling by the river and watching the lost souls)

Mr Gold: They should be back by now.

Milah: They all look so lost.

Mr Gold: (Stands beside Milah) Yes. Yes, they do.

(Hades suddenly appears and freezes Milah. Mr Gold pulls out his dagger and points it at Hades)

Hades: Get your hand off that squiggly little thing. I'm not here to fight.

Mr Gold: Yeah, well, perhaps I am.

Hades: Oh, even when I'm here to talk about a deal.

Mr Gold: A deal?

Hades: Let's chat.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Regina and Mary Margaret are in the cemetery. Mary Margaret is reading off a map, and they are searching for Daniel's grave)

Regina: Thank you for coming.

Mary Margaret: Of course. I couldn't let you do this alone. Two... I found him. It's okay, you can look.

Regina: (Looks at Daniel's grave which is tipped, signalling he has moved on) It's tipped. He's not... here.

Mary Margaret: He's moved on. He's happy. (Pats Regina's arm before walking away, to allow her some privacy)

Regina: (Sighs) Daniel... I'm so glad you're somewhere better. But I'm also sorry I missed the chance to see you. You were my first love, Daniel, and you will always live in my heart. I just needed to know you were okay.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mr Gold and Hades are in Hades's chambers. Mr Gold is sat in a red leather chair and Hades hands him a glass of wine)

Mr Gold: You knew we were there the whole time.

Hades: (Laughs) Yes. You betcha. You know, I'm a fan of yours I mean, there are Dark Ones, and then there is you. You're quite the worthy rival to my hot throne.

Mr Gold: So is this how you treat rivals?

Hades: Did I say "rival"? I meant "supplier." You've sent so many lovely dead people my way. I mean, Regina does okay, but you've been at it longer, and she's gotten, you know, ugh lately. (Chuckles) So what I really need is you back up there doing your thing, and your friends... I want them down here, not doing their thing, because frankly, they piss me off. So I need you to sink that boat you found because it's their way out of here.

Mr Gold: Well, I was gonna use that boat, too.

Hades: No problem. I'll just wave my manicured hand, and boom, you'll be in bed with Mrs. Dark One by ten. You in?

Mr Gold: Well, you can destroy that boat yourself, I have no doubt.

Hades: I could do it myself, yes, but I want you to do it. So, are you a man I can do business with, or do I simply have to k*ll all of you?

Mr Gold: But my ex-wife saw you just now. She'll tell everyone.

Hades: I'm sure that's a puzzle you can solve. Now, just how eager are you to get home?

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Milah is watching over Baelfire, who is slowly dying. She looks worried as she holds his hand. The door opens and Rumplestiltskin arrives home)

Rumplestiltskin: Milah! I got it! (Holding out the potion to her)

Milah: (Happy) You got it?! (Takes the potion, unscrews the lid and lifts it Baelfire's lips allowing for him to drink from it) Bae, drink it up. (She and Rumple chuckle, and she turns to look at him happy) You did it.

Rumplestiltskin: I just thought about what mattered.

Milah: Well, the healer... do we have to go back and hide his body? How did you leave him?

Rumplestiltskin: No, alive and well. Milah, this worked out better than we thought. I didn't even have to steal it.

Milah: Tell me more.

Rumplestiltskin: Well, I had him. He was half asleep, I had the knife at his throat, a-and then it came to me in a flash. I thought, i-if I k*ll to save my son, then my son grows up with a m*rder*r, a monster as a father. Well, I-I couldn't do that.

Milah: What are you talking about, Rumple?

Rumplestiltskin: He gave me the cure because we made a deal. He wanted something else instead of gold.

Milah: What did you give him?

Rumplestiltskin: I signed a paper promising him my second-born child.

Milah: (Horrified) You... you sold our child?

Rumplestiltskin: No. No, no, no. Th-That's it. I mean, I didn't. W-We don't have a second-born child. We just have to make sure we never do.

Milah: Because you sold them! You sold our future.

Rumplestiltskin: No.

Milah: (Heartbroken) Our family. Rumple...

Baelfire: Papa?

Rumplestiltskin: Bae! (Makes his way to Baelfire, Milah following) Oh, Bae!

Milah: Bae. Oh! Bae, you're all right. (Laughing) You're all right. You're all right.

Rumplestiltskin: You go back to sleep. Everything's gonna be fine. Oh, Milah. Bae can be all the future we need.

Milah: (Angry and upset) Well... thank you very much... for deciding the rest of my narrow, little life for me. (Stands up) I'm going to the tavern, Rumple. (Leaves)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mr Gold arrives back to where Milah is and unfreezes her. She's look confused and suspicious)

Milah: (Stands up) What the hell?! Hades was just here. What's going on, Rumple?

Mr Gold: (Destroys the boat) Congratulations, Dearie. I've finally become the man you always wanted me to be. The one who takes what he needs.

Milah: Emma!

Mr Gold: Milah! (Uses his magic to throw Milah into the river of lost souls. He inhales deeply, and purposely injures himself when he hears footsteps) Hades!

(Emma and Hook come out of the tunnel to just see Mr Gold)

Mr Gold: Hades! (Turns to Hook and Emma) I tried to stop him. He blew my magic right back at me. Milah... I couldn't stop it. She's gone.

Emma: Milah.

Hook: Milah was here? Milah?

Emma: She helped us get to you.

Hook: (Sadly) Hades has much to answer for.

Mr Gold: Indeed he does.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mary Margaret and Regina are walking through the Underworld version of Storybrooke when they hear a horse whinnying and they both stop)

Mary Margaret: What was that?

Regina: A horse? Here? (Looks around before noticing the horse laying down. It's her childhood horse she had with Daniel)

Mary Margaret: What's wrong with it?

Regina: It's hurt. It can't stand. (Uses her magic to heal the horse which then trots off)

Mary Margaret: Regina, your magic. You did it.

Regina: I did. (Creates a magic fireball)

Mary Margaret: Regina, what are you doing?

Regina: Just checking. I'm back.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Hook and Mr Gold have arrived back safely and are waiting for the others to arrive. Emma is helping Hook stand straight. The door opens and Mary Margaret, David, Henry, Regina and Robin Hood enter)

Mary Margaret: Killian!

Henry: Good job, Mom.

Mary Margaret: Oh, look at you.

Hook: I'll be all right.

David: How did you do it?

Emma: Gold got us in. He got us help. He poofed us back here. He even had a boat to get us all back home. But it's gone.

Mary Margaret: What happened?

Hook: Hades att*cked. We lost the boat and... we lost a friend. I hear you took away my sacrifice. (Turns to look at Mr Gold) Everything I did to save my friends all went to give you back your power. I should k*ll you.

Mr Gold: Acknowledged.

Hook: But... you helped get me out of there, so I should say...

Mr Gold: Thank you. No need.

Hook: Stay of execution. We're even for now.

Mr Gold: I just wanted to get home. And yes, you're welcome, Captain.

Robin Hood: Well, we're sorry you lost her.

Mr Gold: She made me who I am.

Regina: Okay, we don't have a way out, but we didn't have one before anyway. My magic's working now. So let's do this heart split. That way, when we find an exit, we can get through it.

Hook: (Looking at Emma shocked) Heart split?

Emma: It's a good plan. It'll work. Trust me. (Steps forward, sighs and clears her throat) Do it.

Regina: (Goes to remove Emma's heart, but is repelled by magic) Oh!

Robin Hood: What was that?

Mr Gold: Interesting.

Regina: What the hell?

Emma: What is this? Why didn't it work?

[ Present. Underworld ]

(The entire group is at the cemetery. Hook and Emma are standing together, while Emma still supports him. They are looking at three gravestones which say; Emma Swan, Snow White and Regina Mills)

Hook: Hades told me to pick three names and chisel them onto the headstones. He said whoever I picked would remain in the Underworld. I refused.

Regina: Well, it looks like he did the picking himself.

Emma: What does this mean?

Regina: It means we're stuck here, and now we can't use your heart to save Hook.

Mr Gold: Well... (Sighs) I got the pirate out in a day. But you lots managed to find a whole new way to fail. I'll be in the shop. (Walks away)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Fendrake is organizing his potions when a knock comes on the door. The opens the door to see to see no one there.)

Rumplestiltskin: (Already inside) Peekaboo! Some places never change, even after all these years. Wouldn't hurt to dust the chickens.

Fendrake: I know who you are, Dark One.

Rumplestiltskin: Well, I imagine you do.

Fendrake: You weren't like this before.

Rumplestiltskin: That's right. I was a mortal man then, and a moral one. A man in a desperate situation. And you took advantage, and I admire that a great deal. Full points. But I don't like carrying debt.

Fendrake: Unfortunately, Dark One, the contract is binding. Even if I wanted to change it, I couldn't. You owe me.

Rumplestiltskin: (Giggles) I owe you! That's right, but... I can't owe a debt to a dead man. (Rips out Fendrake's heart) Now, I don't like debts. But I do love a loophole. (Crushes Fendrake's heart, k*lling him)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Hades is reading a book when Mr Gold enters)

Hades: Oh, there you are.

Mr Gold: I destroyed the boat. Now send me home.

Hades: Oh. Thank you very much for that. It means so much to me that you took care of it. It shows passion. Was it terrible to do?I think you liked it.

Mr Gold: Stop fishing. I won't tell you that I liked it, because I didn't. Not in any way that matters. And I'll never do anything like that again.

Hades: Wow, you really mean that. I-I'm blown away. Well, I suppose you're ready to go home now.

Mr Gold: I am.

Hades: Good. Glad to hear it. (Sighs) Except... things have changed.

Mr Gold: No, no. A gentleman always keeps his deals. You have to keep...

Hades: Hey, I didn't say I wasn't keeping my deal. Sure, I'll send you home, just not today. Why, you ask? Because you tried to hide something from me. (Magically produces the glass ball that Gold broke earlier, which is now fixed) Ah. Let's take a look at your Belle. (The ball shows Belle sleeping) So pretty. I mean, I've been watching her for hours, and she is simply darling. You put this crystal ball together so well. Using the eyeball inspired. And then, Butterfingers, you dropped it. Insane, after all that work. And I couldn't figure out why an image of your wife would affect you so strongly. So I did a little digging and a little thinking, and I realized you weren't trying to conjure an image of her, were you? You were trying to figure out where your son went. You asked the crystal ball to show you your child, didn't you? So...

Mr Gold: No, no.

Hades: This is an image of your child... Your next child. Belle doesn't know it yet, but... she's pregnant. (Laughs) And guess what. Hmm. (Magically summons Fendrake) Remember him? You two had a contract. You tried to void it by k*lling him during a certain potentially baby-making liaison with your protege, the Evil Queen's mother, Cora. You rascal! (Chuckles) Which seemed smart at the time, but it turns out death doesn't actually nullify a contract. Not down here. Because here he is. And... here's the contract. (Produces the contract) Which he just signed over to me. So, just to be super extra clear, at any time, I can cash in the debt... and take your baby. All magic comes with a price... and now, Dark One, the price is... you work for me. And there's something I need you to do... that only you can do.

[ End of episode ]