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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 03/21/16 02:07
by bunniefuu
It's for "Alison". That's what he called me.

I wasn't allowed to be Ivy.

I love you.

After everything Ivy's been through, I've hurt her.

You having an affair, leaving our home because you gave up.

Do you know who this is?

It's White's half-brother, Dylan.

I'll put you on record as never having seen this man, never having the impression he was attendant on Colbridge Road, yes? Yes.

Get out! Stop using her as an excuse.

You didn't even think she was your sister in the first place.

Will you stay?

I don't want to be on my own.


I hope you're dusting off a spectacular excuse.

I need you over here, Elliott.


Do you want a cup of tea?

Come in.

Are you awake?

Incident room, PS Porter speaking, how can I help you?

Is this concerning Phoebe Tarl?

Elliot. My office.

To be unreachable in the middle of an investigation of this scale...

Sir, if you'd let me explain...

A skeleton's been found at 5 Colbridge Road.


Get yourself down to the mortuary. Lisa will fill you in.

Where's Mum?

Ivy, if you just let me explain...

Her keys aren't here.

Can we talk? Maybe she just needed some time.

Eloise, hi.

How long's this going to go on for?

This being? The silent treatment.

I've said I'm sorry, but there are things we need to talk about.

I need a lift. I'll take you.

Craig, are you all right to?


How long's it been down there for? The body was wrapped in sheeting.

It's weathered better than our friend there.

The results will be in soon.

How did we find it? I went looking.

The rest of 5 Colbridge Road - gardens, surrounds - it's being pulled up as we speak.

There could be more.

What's with your total inability to answer your phone?

I ended up getting rat-arsed with my mate, didn't have my charger.

Lucky mate.

Does Ivy know about this?

I haven't slept.

You look great. Don't.

Did you get my messages?

The situation at the school, him working there...

I didn't come here for that. I don't want to hear...

I just needed someone to talk to.

Have you got any sweetener? There's one in already.

I don't know what to do.

Ivy. I don't know how to fix her.

Fix us all, make us a family again.

How could anyone?

You're always too hard on yourself.

Don't say that. Don't talk like you know me.

It's been years.

13 years.

Last night, I shouldn't have said what I said.

Don't blame Em. Blame me.

... For the news.

The hunt for missing Bristol schoolgirl Phoebe Tarl has entered yet another day.

There have been no sightings of the ten-year-old since she was abducted by serial kidnapper Mark White.

She hates herself for thinking... for not knowing...

That was classy... leaving me here while you go off with Ivy.

I should be with her. I should be the one trying to make it right.

Me and her, we were just...

You have ruined the only thing that matters to me.

What have we found?

It's Dylan. White's half-brother.

The dental records match.

Dr Pradesh is saying he's been down in the cellar for seven years, meaning...

... Ivy was down there with him.

She's been protecting White this whole time.

He kills Dylan, his own family, and she keeps quiet.

Even now, when he has Phoebe, Ivy doesn't speak up, doesn't say, "Oh, by the way, he's k*lled before."

Every f*cking thing she's told us was a lie.

Sorry. Come in, come in.

Sorry, it's a bit of a tip.

It's not even close.

I remember your bedroom floor.

Place'll just about do till I go back home.

I can offer you poor-quality coffee, poor-quality tea, or my home-made mini-bar... sod the Yardarm.

Sorry I missed your call last night. I was...

Well, doesn't matter.

Were you OK?

You know...

Want that drink?

Is it OK if I hang here for a bit?

Course. I'd like that.

Am I all right to smoke?

Can I tempt you? Sure.

Wouldn't be me and you if I wasn't coercing you into bad habits.

Your parents have a lot to blame me for.

I don't know how to say this, other than to just say it.

I'm sorry.


I get it, you're friends with Tim. No...

No, not for that. Well... for that, too, but...

No... um... for that day.

For not meeting you. If I had... You don't have to.

I f*cked up royally. I let you down.

I'd get it if you couldn't forgive me.

I haven't. El, stop...

I should've stuck to the plan.

I should've met you, then none of it would have happened. Eloise...

Fine. Sorry. I'm stopping, I'm stopping.

There's nothing to forgive.

Hardly. I'm being serious.

A million different things put me on that street that day.

If I had breakfast...

If I got a lift with Mum...

If I never had my earphones in...

If, if, if, it's...

It wasn't your fault.

How long were you going to let me pretend for?

It's totally rank.

We need to see Ivy. She's not in.

Do you know where she is?

I'll tell her you swung by.

We've come to take her into custody. So, where is she?

It's nice out here.

Well, fresh air's a cure-all.

Yeah. I do feel less...

That is one of the best smells in the world.

Mmm... I can give you some cuttings, if you'd like.

Oh, I haven't been in the garden for an embarrassing amount of time.

Hang on.

We'll get you started again.

Um... if you'd like.

Is that a "yes"? Yes, it's a "yes", Henry.

Emma, I'll be back soon.

What did they say?

I have things to do, so...


I'll get these things out of your way.

You must be really happy, to go back to your old home, hm?

Your old life.

This, me...

Like it never happened.

It did.

You did. Just go.

Come with us, Ivy. We're in the middle of something, and your "hello" could do with some work.

Ivy, if you wouldn't mind.

I'm with my best friend. We don't have time for this.

Hey, what's with the heavy hands?

Ivy Moxam, I'm arresting you on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

Is this because of last night?

Me asking you to stay over?

Why did you let me lie in this late?

I thought you needed a sleep.

More like you wanted the peace.


... can we not? Not again.

I'm afraid it doesn't work like that.

You don't get to dictate when we talk about this... mess you've got us in.

I said I'm sorry. What more do you want, Yazz?

I want to feel like you want to make it right.

Like you don't still have feelings for her.

I don't have feelings for her.

You're my wife.

Finish your sentence.

Finish your sentence, Tim.

It's Eloise.

I've got to check that she didn't end up sleeping rough in some doorway.

You're behaving like a child.


Have you called Christina?

We need to go to the station, then.

I'll come and get you.

Ivy's been arrested.

She's not your responsibility.

I have to go.

No, you really don't.

If you leave in the middle of this, then...

... then we're done.

I'll be back as soon as I can.


Is anyone coming?

You've been on the job for nearly 48 hours straight.

Well, one of you has.

So, are you both good for this or not?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

I'm Detective Sergeant Lisa Merchant, joined by...

Detective Inspector Elliott Carne.

We're here to interview Ivy Moxam on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.

Anything you say may be given in evidence.

You have the right to legal representation.

Would you like to take that right?

I don't know what I'm supposed to have done.

Answer the question. No, I don't.

Elliott, what's going on?

We found him.

So Phoebe's safe?

It's over?

Not him.

We found Dylan.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

They'll realise they got it wrong and let her go, right?

We can be there for her without actually, physically being there.

She'll want her family. I want to protect her.

The whole knight-in-shining-armour routine is a bit dated.

Shut up, Eloise.

I think I love her.

The discovery of Dylan's body indicates that you have fabricated your version of events for the period you were in the cellar.

Can you explain why, Ivy?

Lying as you've done protects White.

Do you know where he is?

In your interview yesterday, when the following was said to you, "I'll put you down on record as never having seen this man, never having heard mention of him, never having the impression he was attendant on Colbridge Road," you replied, "Yes."

That was me giving you a chance. A chance to tell the truth.

I want to go over some dates with you.

Is that OK, Ivy?

2006, year three of your captivity, we have a witness placing Dylan at Sunbridge High, looking for his brother, Mark White.

Dylan's postmortem gives us 2009 as the year of his death.

As you know, his body was found behind the cellar wall.

The cellar you were kept in.

This gives us at least three years where we can only assume that Dylan was known to you.

Maybe even lived down there with you.

Did he?

Did he act as an accomplice with White in your original abduction?

By refusing to answer our questions, you leave us no choice but to charge you with perverting the course of justice.

Which carries a maximum 36-month sentence.

Don't you think you've spent enough time away from your family?

The back of Dylan's skull was missing.

Like it had been caved in.

Do you know how much force it takes to do that to a person?

The animal that did that... he has a ten-year-old girl with him.

Dylan was a 30-year-old man when he was k*lled.

Phoebe... doesn't stand a chance.

You don't believe me, do you? I do, actually.

Right. I believe you're in love with Ivy.

Just not this version. 13-year-old Ivy.

But that girl, she doesn't exist any more. She does. I've seen it.

I've been with her and I've felt how it was.

Nostalgia with a side order of guilt.

I feel it too, OK? It's not just you going mad on your own.

When I'm with Ivy... I dunno, I... I feel lighter somehow.

Of course you do.

It was first love.

It's not nagging about how you got in late, why you didn't text, it's not the obligatory good-night peck.

It's not real life.

Yazz is.

By the way, all of the above? Exactly why I choose to stay single.

What am I meant to do about all this?

For starters, work out a pretty bloody eloquent apology speech for your wife.

And Ivy? We have to let her come to us.

The results are back, from the sheeting used to wrap Dylan's body.

What have I got, a match for White? DNA WAS found.

Ivy's DNA.

What you're saying... it doesn't make sense.

I can appreciate that. And you're certain?

The DNA, surely... Sometimes...

You hear stories about mix-ups, cock-ups... It's Ivy's DNA.

There's no forensic evidence that anyone other than Ivy was involved in Dylan's death.

She's not capable of it.

Unfortunately, unless Ivy tells us her version of events, we have no choice but to arrest her on suspicion of m*rder.

All she's been through and you dare to do this?

The fact remains if Ivy keeps refusing to answer our questions... then it's out of our hands.

She's my daughter. I'll talk to her.

It's Mum.

It's OK, darling, it's OK.

I'll just...

Everything that's said in that room is off the record. Understood?

Yes, sir.

I never tell my mum anything, if I can help it.

Ivy, the police have told me what they think they've found.

And it's... It's horrible, and you don't want to speak about it.

But you can tell me anything.

What you've... been through, none of us can know how it feels.

What it can push you to do.

I don't care what you've done, I'll love you no matter what.

Promise? I promise.

He's dead because of me.

He's dead because...

You hate me, don't you?

No, I love you.

Tell me what happened.


He was kind.

One time, he was left in charge.

So he let me out.

I nearly made it.

But he came back and he shoved me, and I fell.

He grabbed Dylan...

... and he got his head and...

When he finally stopped, Dylan was dead.

Mark White k*lled Dylan?

He was my friend.

If I hadn't have run...

... Dylan would still be alive.

I'm a monster. You're not.

You're my beautiful little girl.

He said if I ever told anyone...

... told you...

... that I'd be alone.

And you wouldn't love me any more.


That's the deal.

Craig, it's me. Again. Call me back.

Talk to me.

I'm your dad, Emma. And that means something, does it?

It means more than anything.

I know I've made some mistakes, love, maybe some you can't forgive me for, but...

... I will never, ever stop trying to make that up to you and your sister.


OK, Dad.

Shall I stay?


I presume you heard every word?

Interview resumed at 11.33. Present in the room...

DS Merchant, DI Carne, Ivy Moxam, Christina Moxam.

Could you explain to us, then, Ivy, how your DNA ended up on the sheeting that covered Dylan's body?


... it was so quiet.

White was sick on the floor.

He couldn't look at what he'd done.

What next?

He made me pour bleach over the body.

Then cover...

... his face.

Wrap it up.

So he'd never have to see it again.

Thank you for doing that, Ivy.

Dylan's role up to that point...

... was he an accomplice to Mark White on 2nd May, 2003, when you were abducted?


When did you first meet Dylan?

That day. When you were brought to 5 Colbridge Road?

Was Dylan complicit in your continued imprisonment?

Then why did you omit to mention him in any of the accounts you have given us of your captivity?

It makes every statement you have given us inadmissible in court, marks you out as a false witness. I couldn't. Why?

Because then you'd know.

That White had m*rder*d his own brother?

I wasn't meant to say, it was just for us.

How often did you see Dylan?

Whenever I was good, he was allowed to come visit me.

He'd bring his Game Boy.

He only had Tetris.

He never made an attempt to go to the police or alert anyone to your presence?

He was scared.

Of the police?

Of his brother.

Was Mark White ever violent towards Dylan prior to the attack that led to his death?


This propensity to v*olence...

... it's this which complicates things for me.

You know what he is capable of.

A man who has a ten-year-old girl in his care.

Yet you never said a word to us. He wouldn't hurt her.

She's too young. How can you be so sure of that, Ivy?

Everything has to be proper.

Proper is 16.

And Dylan, what was his relationship to you?

His medical records all point to an impaired cognitive function.

What mental age did he seem?


Younger than me.

So did you sometimes take on the parental role in the relationship?

But at other times, as in your abortive escape attempt... he took on the role of your protector.


Did he ever talk about his and White's family situation?

Just that his mum had given up on him.

And where did White fit into this? He saved him.

That's what Dylan always said.

"My brother saved me."

To repeatedly smash your own brother's head on the floor...

I mean, I'm all for sibling rivalry...

Do you ever take anything seriously?

I do actually. I just don't let it affect my work.

We're still well within our rights to pursue the original charge.

You can't be serious?

What we do know, from her reaction... Dylan's body has power.

She shared that secret for seven years with one other. White.

We release the information, show him how little control he has, push him into making mistakes.

But we leave Ivy out of it.

A few moments ago, Chief Superintendent Burridge released the following statement.

"The body of a 30-year-old male has been identified as missing person Dylan Hawthorn.

His half-brother, serial kidnapper Mark White, is suspected of the m*rder."

Ivy, you're free to go.

I want you to find her.

I... I didn't want to make it harder.

Your possessions. Let's get you home, darling. If I could, em...

I just need a moment with Ivy to sign out her... things.

I just wanted to say sorry for...

I let you down. Where do I sign?

Please, let me try to explain. There's nothing to explain.

You're a policeman, you're just doing your job.

You're not my friend, you're not my family.

All sorted out?


Well done.

We're seriously low on sleep.

Go home. Get your head down.

Once you're out on the other side, you might see things differently.

Thanks, Lisa.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to presume.

Don't be stupid, Dad.

Come on then, you old lug.

I can't stay out long, Mum will worry.

I thought if I came here and I saw you...

But it's all the same headfuck.

You should've just told me you were married.

It's not that easy sometimes.

I thought about you every day.

So did I.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, Ivy.

You had to move on.

Don't think that it was some easy, seamless thing.

When I met Yazz, I was a mess.

And she was... Don't... You... You don't need to explain.

All those days we spent apart...

Thousands of them.

I don't know what you did, or...

... or who you've met or how you lived.

I wish I did, but I don't.


All my days, years...

All the things that I've done, it's like...

I want to hear about them.

If you want to talk, tell me.

Me and you, we don't really know each other.

Not any more.

But we did.

Yeah, we did.


Chris? It's late, so mint tea for the girls.


Today must've been difficult.

Do you ever feel like a bit of a fraud?

That's not me having a dig at you, it's just...

That year, before Ivy was taken, when you were always at the practice and I was here...


There was someone else.

Not like that, it was never an actual...

... thing. We just...

... talked.

But I needed someone who was mine, who'd listen and make time for me.

Who was he?

Actually, don't.

And then, that day...

I was with him...

And so, ever since then I've known...

... I was being punished.

That's ridiculous, Chris.

Life doesn't work like that.

And you went off with Sofia and I just...

I let you play the bad guy which was a shitty way to behave.

Do you hate me?

Right then.

I'll put the kettle on.

Hi. Yeah...

White was sick on the floor.

He couldn't look at what he'd done.

What next?

He made me pour bleach over the body.

Then cover his face.

Wrap it up.

So he'd never have to see it again.

We've got a man on the phone claiming to be White.

The call's coming from... ? Withheld number.

This is Detective Inspector Carne, can you confirm your name?

I'm the one you're looking for.

Yeah, I need to confirm you are who you say you are.

Your mother's middle name, what was it?


Mark, can I speak to Phoebe?

No, I'll only speak to my girl, Alison.

Shit, did we get it?

No dice.

Man's given his terms.

Sorry for the inhumane hour.

What is it now?

White called the station.

He'll only talk to you, Ivy.

Assuming he calls back...

You mean, he might not? He will.

We've drawn up a list of questions.

They're there to help you know what to ask him, a sort of script, so you feel in control.

The objective is twofold, keep him on the phone as long as possible and get as much information as you can on where he's holding Phoebe.

Succeed at both, then we have him.

Do I have to learn these? No.

You'll have them in front of you the whole time.

And we'll be right next to you ready to prompt you.

Line one, Mark White.


It's him. Withheld number again.

We'll have a trace in three.

OK, Ivy?

Chief Superintendent Burridge.

Alison, or I go.


I'm here.



Where is Phoebe?

I've missed you.

Your voice.

They found him.

He was ours.

Is she hurt?

She's not important.

What do you want?

We're not alone, I know that.

I want to be alone.

Meet me at 3.00. Cabot Circus by the cinema.

Just us.

No police.

Don't agree to anything.

What about Phoebe?

I said, just us.

I ca... I can't...

If you don't come, I'll k*ll her.

Did we get him?

One second, sir.

You did really well, Ivy.

We didn't get a trace.

So, you don't know where he is?

Then I have to meet him.

Ivy, I've lost eyes on you.

He's not stopping. He will. Move the car, Elliott!
