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02x30 - Girl Meets Legacy

Posted: 03/20/16 15:36
by bunniefuu
(audience laugh)

Lucas (reading): "It has been a long time since New Years on the roof". "Remember that"? "I know we've been avoiding it but now the flowers are blooming and it is Spring: the season of love"! "Hi! My name is Lucas Friar and I am here to talk about us".

Maya: Do we have to talk about this?

Lucas: We have to make some decisions!

Riley: We have chosen to completely forget about this! (yells) He's in my room!

Cory (O.C.): You have to make some decisions!

Lucas (reading): "This is very hard for me. We have to be very careful about what's going on, because I don't want to--"

Riley (interrupts): .. lose either one of you as my friends?

Lucas (continues reading): ".. lose either one of you as my friend".

Maya: You were with him when he wrote this?!

Riley: No. Maya, I think we just all know what's at stake here.

Maya: Nothing's at stake here. Just tell me right now: nothing will affect our friendship.

Riley: (shrugs) It won't.

Lucas (pretending to read): "What... about... what... I... want"?

(audience laugh)

Riley: One card for each word...

Maya: Why did he do that?

Riley: Emphasis.

Maya: Why did he do that?!

Riley: Lucas, what do you want?

Lucas: I don't want anything bad to happen to us... but I especially don't want to be responsible for something bad happening between the two of you!

Maya: We know that.

Riley: Why do you think we like you?

Maya: What's it say on your last card?

Lucas: Oh, I'll get to it.

(audience laugh)

Lucas: See? I have different feelings for each of you and I don't entirely understand them.

Riley: We don't understand this either.

Lucas: That's why the smartest thing to do would be to make the right decision, right now, and just move on.

Riley: Great! How do we do that?

Maya: You mean, choose one of us over the other? What happens then?

Riley: That would be the end of us.

Maya: What's it say on your last card?

Lucas (reading): "I don't want this to be the end of us"!

(Theme music playing)

♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ For a day ♪
♪ Like this to come ♪
♪ Struck like lightning ♪
♪ My heart's beating like a drum ♪
♪ On the edge ♪
♪ Of something wonderful ♪
♪ Face to face with changes ♪
♪ What's it all about? ♪
♪ Life is crazy ♪
♪ But I know ♪
♪ I can work it out ♪
♪ 'Cause I got you ♪
♪ To live it with me ♪
♪ I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world ♪
♪ Light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn ♪
♪ I'm singing "Go-o-o" ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world ♪

Girl Meets World
Season 2 Episode 30
Girl Meets Legacy
Original air date: March 11, 2016

[ INT. John Quincy Adams Middle School - Classroom - day ]


(audience laugh)

Why is Farkle a goose?

Riley: That's the Einstein Academy Goose.

Oh! Of course. The Einstein Academy Goose. Why is it on Farkle's desk?

Maya: Einstein captured Farkle.

It was their end of the year prank.

Maya: So, since they took our mascot...

Riley: We took theirs, and now we are even.

(audience laugh)

Farkle is not our mascot.

Maya: What would you call him?

(audience laugh)

Where's Zay? They got Zay too?

Zay is back in Texas; he's at Vanessa's Spring Formal.

all: Ooo-oo-oh.

Alright guys, listen up. It's your last week of school. This is my last chance to teach you something.

Maya: You have more to teach us?

I have so much more I wanna teach you. So much more... I mean, you guys are gonna be leaving this place; what will you be leaving behind? What is your legacy? I want to talk about not just what you've gotten from this place... but what you've given.

Maya: He's right! We still haven't thought of our class prank! I was thinking we could let all of the air out of school. Everybody would just be like (makes strangling noises). That would be hilarious.

Farkle: I'll tell you what's hilarious: nobody saved me! Why did nobody save me?!

Riley: Farkle, we looked for you for a whole five minutes and then we took the goose.

(audience laugh)

Maya: He's the new you!

Donnie Barnes, regular goose.

I'd see that movie.

(audience laugh)

Farkle: Oh, please. Farkle cannot be replaced by a goose. Farkle is unique and one of a kind. (at goose) Hah!

(Goose honks back)

(audience laugh)

Farkle: You don't know me.

[ INT. Matthews Kitchen - night ]

Riley: You haven't taught me enough!

Did I teach you to pass the mashed potatoes?

Riley: Yes.

Well then, there's a test on that right now.

(audience laugh)

You passed!

(audience laugh)

Funny Daddy.

(audience laugh)

What's bothering you Riley?

Riley: Everything gets harder. Everything gets harder and you didn't tell me! Were you going to tell me?

You didn't tell her?

Only every day. You tell her.

Life gets harder. Tell her Auggie.

Auggie: I'm doin' fine!

(audience laugh)

Riley: We're graduating middle school. We're supposed to be in the middle of our education. The only thing I'm in the middle of is a big mess with two of the people I care most about in the world.


Riley: Because we're not talking about it? Because Maya and I both like Lucas and so we know none of us is going to get hurt, so we're all scared to move.

You know what makes me happy?

Riley: How could you be happy about any of this?

Because you're talking to us about it. No matter what happens to you, we always want to be a part of what happens to you.

Riley: You always will be.

Thanks Riley. That's the greatest legacy any parent could have.

Well, you guys are both going to be fine, and there is nobody stronger than Maya; nothing can break her. I just don't see it.

(Maya enters and falls to her knees.)

Awwww, it's a poor baby. It's a poor, poor baby. Come here. Come here. Aww... (hugs Maya) Maya. No matter what happens it is nobody's fault.

Maya: Yes it is.

Whose fault do you think it is?

Maya: Matthew's! (points)

Well, of course!

Maya: You didn't teach us enough we don't know how to handle this, and now we're leaving, and you're staying behind, and you didn't teach us enough.

Riley: Yeah, Dad, you're more than a teacher, you're like a father to me.

(audience laugh)

Thanks, Riley.

He's the best teacher you're ever going to have and if there is one thing I know for sure he's taught you, it's how to express yourselves to each other, in the best possible way. And as long as you do that, there is nothing to worry about.

Lucas (reading): "Hi! It's me, Lucas Friar".

(audience laugh)

Lucas (reading): "Since no-one knows what to do, I made a choice".

OK, I'm a little worried.

Lucas (reading): "I choose to stop--"

Lucas, put the cards away. Say what you need to say.

Lucas: You both mean the world to me, and I would never do anything to hurt either one of you... so I choose to stop. You won't decide, so I did, and I decided we're just friends. That's all we are. I don't want this to be the end of us.

♪ ♪

[ INT. John Quincy Adams Middle School - Classroom - day ]

You came into this place, a bunch of young kids, who didn't know very much, and now look at ya: young men and women ready for what's next. Snap out of it. Get in here!

(audience laugh)

What are you doin'?

Lucas: We value our friendship too much to look at each other.

(audience laugh)

Turn your chair around. Get in your seat.

(audience laugh)

Now, the most important thing you can do in life is give people a reason to remember you. The people who do that are the ones we study in here. So, your last assignment from me, and for yourselves, is to figure out what you'll give back.

Maya: What?

Lucas: I looked at Riley.

Maya: I know, I saw.

Lucas: So, I'm looking at you to even it up!

Maya: Oh, well, a girl always wants to be looked at to be evened up.

(audience laugh)

Lucas: We're just friends, and I love your outfit.

Riley: (screams) Hey! (slams both hands on the window)

Lucas: Your hair smells nice!

Maya: You smelled her hair?

(audience laugh)


Lucas: I'm dying here!

(audience laugh)

What are you grateful for? Who do you want to remember you?

(Riley enters and sits down)

Do something about it... right now. Now, get outta here!

(The class leave and Riley is still in her seat)

Riley: I'm not ready to leave this place.

♪ ♪

[ INT. John Quincy Adams Middle School - Corridor - day ]

Ms. Kossal: What's going on?

Maya: I'm graduating, Ms. Kossal... and I wanted to say goodbye... and thank you for believing in me.

Ms. Kossal: I expect great things from you, Maya. You've been given a real gift... so grow! And when you feel something you know the rest of us feel, explain it to us... Paint us a picture.

Maya: I'll try.

Ms. Kossal: I'm glad I had the chance to be your teacher.

(Ms. Kossal hugs Maya)

Farkle: Just a quick goodbye, Mr. Norton, we both know emotion has no place in science.

Mr. Norton: Quite right, my dear boy. So, from one scientist to another, see you on Mars.

(audience laugh)

Farkle: Mr. Norton, can we just stop being scientists for one second?

Mr. Norton: Well, let me remove the protective goggles of my soul! Clear outta here!

(audience laugh)

Farkle: I'm really gonna miss you, sir.

Mr. Norton: The feeling's mutual, my boy.

Farkle: Is it possible feelings are stronger than science?

Mr. Norton: Hm. Keep discovering, Farkle.

Janitor Harley: Me?

Lucas: Yeah. I wanted to say thank you.

Janitor Harley: Why? I left some kind of impression on you? Clear outta here!

(audience laugh)

Lucas: Mr. Matthews told me I had to make a real difficult choice once.

Janitor Harley: I was at a crossroads; I was standing on the corner of Maple Street and Alcatraz.

Lucas: How did you make the right decision?

Janitor Harley: I always try and make sure this bench here is polished up and looking nice and inviting for you to sit on. You know why I do that?

Lucas: Why? (sits)

Janitor Harley: Because, you kids come and go, but this bench stays right here and all the problems of the universe get decided on it. I respect a nice place where good decisions get made. Gettin' a little worn down... A little old as time goes by, but aren't we all? Thanks for saying goodbye to me, Lucas. Means a lot to me. Make good decisions.

♪ ♪

[ INT. John Quincy Adams Middle School - Classroom - day ]

Riley: I don't wanna go. I'm not ready for high school... and I don't wanna go.

Why not?

Riley: 'Cause we did great here. This was the time of our lives; we were kings, Matthews.

(audience laugh)

Riley: What will I be next year?

Not kings.

Riley: No. The opposite of kings. Freshmen. Worms. Worse than worms freshmen.

You'll be fine Riley. You all will.

Riley: Also... and I don't say this a lot but... I like you.

(audience laugh)

You do?!

Riley: Yeah. You said you had a lot more to teach us.

And I will. You're my daughter.

Riley: What about the rest of my friends, Dad? You need to teach all of us more. We're a mess. We shouldn't feel we don't know how to feel and you need to teach us how to not feel.


Maya: You got one last lesson for the road?

Yeah. I do.

Maya: Well, I've never said this before but... you have my attention.

(audience laugh)

Good! This one's important. I've gotten to watch you guys become friends, and I've gotten to watch you grow. You guys grew up so fast... and I've been trying to teach you to keep your feelings inside...

Riley: And you were right. Look at us.

I was wrong! Your teacher was wrong. I can't keep you in this place. You've outgrown it. You guys are graduating to whatever comes next. You know why?

Maya: No.

You've earned it.

Maya: How do we know when we're ready?

Same way we know anything. Let's take one last test and see.

(all groan)

Farkle: Yay!

♪ ♪

Riley: Are you even allowed to do this? It's the last day of school.

I'm still your teacher. I can do whatever I want. Besides, this test isn't for a grade. This is a test to find out what you have actually learned here. Question one: What's the secret to life? Maya.

Maya: People change people.

And for extra credit?

Maya: What us does for them?

What does that mean?

Maya: How we help those who are less fortunate than us?

And are you an "us" or "them"?

Maya: I'm an "us". I'm very blessed. We all are.

Question two: Sneak attack. Riley?

Riley: Pearl Harbor.

And for extra credit?

Riley: Missy Bradford tried to tear our friendships apart. Lucas was new here and she tried to throw a sneak attack. I think that was the moment we all realized what we really meant to each other. The moment we all came together.

Good! Farkle, Canada?

Farkle: Our greatest allies are the people right next to us.


Lucas: I think I was the most changed by these people. I know that whatever I'm feeling, I can just tell my friends and everything would be okay.

Riley: Will it?

Lucas: I guess we'll see.

Maya: I thought we stopped?

Riley: I thought we were just friends.

Lucas: We're not. We're no good at it. We can't even look at each other any more. I don't need any note cards now that we have different feelings now.

And that's why your teacher was wrong. I can't hold you back from what you feel. Congratulations! You've all passed this test with flying colors.

Farkle: What happens now?

Now you graduate, Farkle. You walk out of here with everything you've learned... and you live life. You live it. You face whatever comes. This is going to be the greatest test of your friendship yet.

Maya: Wow. I made it to high school. We're gonna need some good teachers, Matthews.

Yeah. So... one last thing: How will the school remember you?

Lucas: I have an idea.

Maya: What's our prank?

Riley: I have an idea.

♪ ♪

[ INT. John Quincy Adams Middle School - Corridor - day ]

Riley: And that concludes our tour of the big, bad John Quincy Adams Middle School.

Maya: Not so scary, right?

Lucas: You guys are gonna do great here.

Maya: There's one more thing before you guys go.

Lucas: We wanted to give you something from our class to yours.

Riley: We think one of the greatest legacies in life is friendship.

Lucas: And no matter what happens in your new school, friends should always have a place where they can sit, and talk, and work things out.

Because sometimes, life throws you all up and knots people together for a reason. Is that what you were feeling? What's that?

(audience laugh)

Riley: I think everybody should leave their mark.

Maya: We work very well together.

(Plaque on the bench reads):

dedicated by
Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and Zay

♪ We got time, got time ♪

[ EXT. John Quincy Adams Middle School - night ]

Katy Hart: Congratulations, baby girl, you are now the most educated person in our family.

Maya: Mom! You didn't graduate middle school? Here you go.

Katy Hart: OK, it was a joke. (audience laugh) I am a high school graduate, with three days college under my belt, and if I hadn't taken neurobiology, perhaps I'd still be there, so take classes you understand, honey.

(audience laugh)

Congratulations, Farkle, only four more years 'til Princeton.

Farkle: I wanna go wherever my friends go.


Look at this place!

Different view than when we were growing up.

I'm glad you're here with us, Zay. So, how was the Formal?

Vanessa likes me better now than when I lived there. Now she's always missin' me 'cause I'm gone... You know, I got this whole love thing figured out. Don't be there.

(audience laugh)

Got this impossible choice to make right now.

You know what you should do?


Don't be there.

(audience laugh)

But I wanna be there.

Well, then you deserve what you get. (audience laugh) What's it gonna be? You got two great people, one follows the rules, one likes to break 'em...


One very blonde. One very brunette.


Gotta choose, man.

I know!

So, who do you like better? Me or Farkle?

(audience laugh)


Congratulations Riley, you did it!

Mmm... I had help.

You would've been fine without me.

I don't really see it that way, Dad.

None of us do.

Thank you for teaching my daugher so well.

My pleasure.

I don't think Farkle would have reached his full potential without you, Cory.

Thanks Minkus. He had a lot to live up to.

Thanks. That's why we want to see that he does!

Of course he will.

I don't really think you understand, Dad.


Their class prank. Oh, you haven't hear about that?

Nooo. What'd they do?

Well, we started talking about legacy...

About what we left behind...

And what we don't want to leave behind...

What we wanted to take with us...

This is good!

We stole something from school.

You what?!

This is good.

(audience laugh)

Well, put it back!

Nope. It's ours now. We captured the real John Quincy Adams Mascot and we're taking it home with us.

What did you guys do?

We stole you!

I told you this was good.

(audience laugh)

What are you talkin' about?

I called up Uncle Jonathan and I told him that you had a lot more to teach us.

She got you promoted, Daddy!

Of course, the superintendent of schools didn't want to move teachers around for only one student, so there would have to be a lot of other people who thought you knew what you were doing.

So, the parents put together a little petiton, got some signatures, and we presented it to him. I was very convincing.

(audience laugh)

How many parents?

All of 'em. We want our children to have the best.

You're going to high school, Cory... again!

(audience laugh)

We get to stay together.

You said that you had a lot more to teach us... and now you can!

♪ ♪

[ INT. Apartment - night ]

Riley: Still like him?

Maya: Yeah. You?

Riley: Yeah.

Maya: OK. I'll check again tomorrow.

(audience laugh)

Lucas: Any change?

Riley: No. I've felt the same way about you ever since I fell into your lap on the subway.

Lucas: You? (looks at Maya)

Maya: There was this camp fire, y'see... You and me, I was in a far away place, there was a million stars in the sky... What do you think?

Lucas: I think I don't want anybody to be hurt.

Riley: I think we don't know how to stop that.

♪ ♪

Maya: Still like him?

Riley: Yeah. You?

♪ ♪

Maya: Yeah.

(audience laugh)

Maya: Still like--

Lucas: Yeah.

Riley: OK.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪