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02x08 - Fatherland

Posted: 03/17/16 04:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on X Company...

You think he'll turn just because your family took a holiday years ago?

Does he even remember you?

Thank you for your kindness.

It's the least I could do.

I can't do this.

I'm scared, Neil.

Go on.

Before anyone else sees. Go on.

Thank you, Neil.

You were inside Faber's apartment. What if he'd seen you?

He knows your face!

Sometimes you take a risk.

I think maybe I just want to run away.

How much money do you have?

(g*nshots and groaning)

How did this happen?

It was Martin. I caught him trying to sneak away.

Faber knows about Camp X. He's planning an attack sometime in the next 24 hours. We have to radio Sinclair!

Radio's destroyed.

Then we have to fix it!

Where's Aurora?

I don't know where she is.


(chugging) I feel like Polly Peechum!

I smell of yesterday.

We can shop when we get there.

Resort towns always have nice shops.

Yeah, that's true.

Coffee, please.

man: Certainly.

We haven't slept yet.

Here you are.

Thank you.

And for yourself.

Thank you.

I've never been on a train alone.

I mean, without Franz.

How does it feel?

He'll be angry when he sees I've gone.

Any regrets?


Getting out of Paris is exactly what I need.


When was the last time you saw the ocean?

Too long.

This was his.

You know, I'm sure that your boy is with us, in a way.

You're sweet to say that.

And you'll finally be able to say goodbye.

(whispering): That's very beautiful.

Oh! I completely forgot I was wearing it.

It's lovely.

A gift from Franz.

It was his way of apologizing.

It must have been a big fight.

Whenever I look at it all I think about is how he thought this would make it better.

Take it.

If you like it, you should have it.

No, I...

I can't.

Of course you can!

These are... these are real diamonds. It's too much.

You've been such a good friend.

At least now, when I look at it I will think happy thoughts.


You're too generous.

It looks good on you.

Sabine, do you know where this came from?

How can you not know where she is?

You were working together.

She was supposed to come back.

Any luck?

I got the receiver working, but I can't transmit. Broken tube.

You're saying she left, just like that?

No, I'm not saying...

Guys, guys. Shh, quiet.


What is it?


"Mobilizing to Dieppe."


"Raid's tomorrow at dawn."

And we're down to just us.

Plus George, Miri, and Conrad.

It's not enough. How did the Germans know to attack our camp?

Our location was betrayed.

Yeah, but how?

Martin betrayed us because Neil let him go.

Now look where we are.

Are you trying to say something?

I thought I just did.


We'll make do with who we have. We can split up, recruit some locals once we get north, and get our instructions.

Let's look at this radio, see what we can do about transmitting back.

Be careful.

Here you go.


Klaus Frommer?

Perfect. Have a seat and roll up your sleeve, please.

Thank you.

Good to meet you, Frommer.

How have they been treating you here, everything all right?

You can speak freely.

You getting enough food?

I have no complaints.

Good, good.

I hear you've been getting some R&R at that training camp in Whitby.

Well, you know how boys talk. It seems you have private meetings with Colonel Sinclair himself.

You're seeing him later today, in fact. Is that true?

(distant voices)

You were in a Russian camp six months.

And now you're here, k*lling time.

Card games, ping-pong.

That's a long time to do nothing. To feel helpless.


What would you say if I told you that today you had an opportunity to serve your country?

Do you see this?

What is it?

These initials stand for Sternberg and Meier. They're Jewish jewelers. Quite famous.

Where did Franz tell you he got this from?

He just brought it home.

And when he gave it to you, was it in a box?

No. Why?

I just don't think he bought it in a shop.

You see, it's worn. It's not new.

Sabine, I think it was taken from a Jewish house during the roundup.

What roundup?

You remember when we first met?

You were talking about the noise, the trouble in the streets?


That was the roundup. French police helping the Germans purge the city of Jews.

Their houses were looted by neighbours, by soldiers, by the police.

By anyone who wanted, really.

Because they knew no one was coming back.

Franz works in an office. He sometimes has difficult duties but he would never participate in looting houses.

He's a good man.

Next stop: MantesLa-Jolie.

I'm sorry, I just...

I don't understand.

Where does a good man get a necklace like this?

Sabine, when I suggested this trip, it was so that you could say goodbye to Ulli properly.

But for you to do that, I think you need to understand what really k*lled him.

What do you mean? I, I was there...

The monster, this, this machine that k*lled Ulli is the same one that is k*lling the Jews.

And the same one that k*lled Max.

What monster are you talking about? What machine?

By the time we reach the coast, I'm going to ask you a very important question about what you are willing to do about the monster.

Helene... you're scaring me.


Next stop: Mantes-La-Jolie.

Now, let's go find our compartment.

We'll need some privacy.

I can't do anything with this.

We need to acknowledge we received our orders.

And we've got to warn Sinclair.

Are you sure that they're planning an attack on the Camp?

The file in Faber's safe... it shows he has an agent on the ground.

There's photos, surveillance.

He's given approval to strike sometime within the next day.

Well, I need a new vacuum tube in order to transmit.

Where do we get a vacuum tube?

Harry. Train stations on cargo routes have radios?

They'd be compatible. The tubes are interchangeable.

So we nick one and hitch a ride north?

Rendezvous with the others.

We do that first...

And Aurora?

Aurora left us.

She hasn't left us.

She just isn't here.

You don't know what she's been through.

Something you'd care to share?

We have to go.

(beeping) Any news?

Section F cells in the north are mobilized, ready to help.

Alfred's dead drop?


What about Harry?

Still not confirmed.

We don't know what's going on.

Mayhew'll be here tomorrow.

I need to know they're in place at Dieppe.

The minute I know.

To come this close...

I know. I'll keep the line open, sir.

Thank you. (beeping)

You'll talk, make him feel comfortable, as you always do. At 1600 hours, I will cause a distraction, and you'll move to your target...

Hydra... with this.

Now, there's a canvas detonator inside.

Snapping it in half pulls the canvas.

Four seconds later, it's over.

The blast will be strong enough to blow Hydra, to cut off all Allied communication between Britain and North America, as well as multiple agent outposts in France.

And if Colonel Sinclair is within range when it detonates?

The operation will be all the more effective.

Of course, if you're successful, then this is goodbye.

But this is also your chance to strike a blow for Germany.

He saved me.

He brought me here.

And why do you think he did that?

Why do you think he meets with you every week?

For a friendly game of chess?

He's using you, Frommer. He's doing his job.

Now you do yours.

It's not like that.

If that's what you think, then he's doing his job well.

And you are failing.


This is from your father.

He doesn't know about this mission, of course.

But he's proud of you and expects great things.

You don't want to disappoint him, do you?

Maybe destiny brought you here for a reason, Klaus.

Have you thought of that?

And what they count on is ordinary, decent people... like you... not asking questions.

It's impossible.

Next stop: Mantes-La-Jolie.

It's inhuman.

If Franz knew they were trying to exterminate people he would fight back, he would say something!

Would he? What about the "imperfect" children that they believe don't deserve to live?

He was trying to protect Ulli.

He did tell me.

When it was too late!

Do you ever wonder what else he doesn't tell you?


How do you do?

Nice to meet you.


How do you know each other?

We met at a park.

She was reading a German book. I couldn't help myself.

So, naturally, you gave the gift I gave you to her.

Yes. Because I don't want it anymore.


Helene told me it was made by Jewish jewelers, stolen from a Jewish house.


Is she wrong?

I must apologize for my wife's behaviour.

She hasn't been sleeping well.

Sabine, would you mind going to the dining car?

I think we could all use a drink.

Get it yourself.

You know what? I'll go.

Helene, no.

There's no need.

It's rude of us to bicker in front of you.

I'm sorry. Please. Sit down.

Of course.

When did you two meet?

A few weeks ago.

Have you been enjoying Paris?

It's a beautiful city.

I hear it's giving the Fuhr new ideas on how to redesign Berlin.


Is your family with you?

My... my husband is not with us anymore.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Was he in the military?

No, he was a civilian.

If I may ask, how long ago did he...


I'm sorry.

No, it's fine.

It was quite recent actually.

That's why I was so happy to meet Sabine.

I'm surprised you never mentioned Helene before.

I don't have to tell you everything.

Don't you think Helene should?

What do you mean?

I don't think your new friend is telling us the truth.

There are freight trains going north every day.

The numbers all start with 55.

We shouldn't have to wait long.

So, we assume she's gone then?

What else are we supposed to think?

You were the last one to see her. You tell us.

She knows we're heading to Dieppe. She'll meet us there.

How will she find us?

There's no more Resistance.

No safe houses.

We talked about looking for a schoolhouse as a base.

She'll find us.

What if she doesn't want to?

She wasn't there at the camp when it was being att*cked.

And the last time we saw her she was with Franz Faber's wife.

She is German.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that we don't know what any of us will do, the worse things get.

I don't know where she is right now or what she's doing.

Or if she made a mistake, got arrested.

But I do know that there is no one more loyal to what we do than she is...

Guys. Maybe we should just keep our eyes on the prize?

There'll be an office. That's where the station radio will be.

What about the guards?

Boche with g*ns?

We'll think of something.

How do you know the necklace came from a Jewish house?

There's an engraving on the back. Hebrew initials.

It's not often you meet a woman like yourself, Helene.

Young, alone in Occupied France.

A German who reads Hebrew.

You know what else is curious?

How quickly you became friends with my wife.

After all, you don't have any other friends here.

I see. It's curious to you that somebody might want to be my friend.

That I might be good company.

That was not my point.

You're annoyed that I made a choice of my own for once.

And that I chose to spend some time away from you.

You call her your friend but have you been to her home? Her work?

When you two meet, is it just the two of you? Taking walks in parks, sitting in cafes, eating oranges?

That was you, I take it? Black market?

How did you know?

Has she found a way into our home?

Has she been in my office?

What does that prove? That doesn't mean...

On one of your walks, did you meet Kruger walking Han's dog? You know, the Generalfeldmarschall who just got m*rder*d.

Ask him about the Jews!

The Communists, h*m*, gypsies, defectives!

Anyone the Nazis disagree with.

They're being sent to death camps by the trainload.

By the thousands! Ask him!

Do not listen to her...

This is what he does!

Because it's his job.

Is it true, Franz?

Tell me the truth, Franz!

There are those higher up than me have ideas I do not support.

I have nothing to do with their plans.

She's only trying to turn you against me. I do not know why you burden my wife with things that have nothing to do with her!

I'm not a child! I deserve the truth even if it's a g*dd*mn burden!

You know what? You're right.

The truth is, my name is not Helene. It's Aurora.

What are you saying?

I'm an Allied agent.

An agent?

She's a spy.

You know her?

It doesn't matter. I don't matter.

Even if our friendship has to end here, there's more you need to know.

guard: Watch it.

Here we go.

What have we got there, Frommer?

It just came in. There is a letter inside I want to share with Colonel Sinclair, from my father.

And some chocolate.

My father knew Colonel Sinclair when they were younger.

I was friends with his sons.

I don't like getting special privileges, but... our families go back a long way.

I'll take him in.

See you in a while, Frommer.



Where are you going?

Taking a break.

Again? You expect me to do this on my own?

I expect you to shut up and do as you're told.

Say that again.

Who do you think you are?


Don't touch me!



(quietly): Come on!

Don't start a fight you can't finish.


Off the tracks. Stop!



You see what's going on outside?

(distant grunting)

Aren't you going to do something about it?

The guards will take care of it.

Come on.

What's wrong with you?

Stoppt ihn.

It's hardly a fair fight, is it?

guard: We said to stop now!


You two are finished!

Huh? You think you deserve it because you let him into our camp? Because you let her into your tent?

Come on.

Both of you, stop!

Stop! Get up, now!

You... go North.

You... go South.

We have a job to do.

I don't care. If we see you again we sh**t.

See? The guards took care of it.

Now get out of my office.


Can I just borrow your jacket?

Hey! (muffled g*nsh*t)

Been waiting long?

No, no.

Nice to see you.

I hear your camp's putting on a theatre production.

More like a Kabarett.

Some of them are very talented. I'm just a piano player.

I'm glad you kept it up. As a child, you had an incredible ear.

You remember.

What's this?

I just got it today.

It's the little things, isn't it?

That get us through this, huh?

Reminds me, I...

I thought I'd lost this...

A picture of the three of you before the uniforms.

Different time, I know.

Things were just so much simpler.

I miss it. I miss them.

I have something to show you too.

I would recognize that handwriting anywhere.

How is he?

He says he's thinking about me.

That he's proud.

Of course he is.

It's not like him to say that.

Your father cares deeply about you, Klaus.

He went to a lot of trouble to make sure that you were safe.

I never thanked you.

For everything you've done.

I would not be alive... without you.

I look forward to coming here.

Just... the game.

Talking. It means very much to me.

(quietly): Me too.

Well, don't think that I'm going to let you win.

Let's play.

I want you to hear one more...

It's enough!

My husband? The man who loved me?

Who died? His name wasn't Max.

It was René.

He was an agent, just like me.

And we fought the same fight.

And your husband?

He knew him too.

In fact, he beat him, starved him, he ground glass into his wounds...

He shoved a gasoline-soaked cloth down his throat and threatened to set it on fire!

This is the man you share a bed with.

Is it true, Franz?

You're going to take the word of a woman you've just met, an enemy of Germany?

You didn't answer.

We're at w*r!

You did all those things?

That's not all he did, Sabine! You know it's not...

And you! Whatever you are!

For the first time since I moved to Paris, since I can remember, being with you made me feel like I was home.

But that was all a lie too. I was just a target. I was just... the way you got into my house.

Both of you!

What now?

We can't let her run off like that. We should see if she's all right.

It's a moving train. She's not going anywhere.

She's very distressed.

I could go and talk to her.

Sit down. Keep your hands right in front of you, where I can see them.

Sit down.

Now, Aurora.

Did you really think that you could get close to my wife, and I wouldn't find out?

Give me your purse.

I've seen your work with this one before.

Any other weapons?

Stand up.

Hands to the wall.

(heavy breathing)

Sit down again.

Your g*n?

It's not the most persuasive threat right now.

sh**ting me would be a waste of valuable intelligence.

Why don't we just enjoy the rest of the ride before the... real interrogation begins?

I've taken a personal interest in you since Villemarie.

How are Neil, Tom, Harry?

How's Alfred coping?

They're well, thank you.

I must compliment you... on a purely professional level...

On the liberation of René and Alfred.

Very creative use of a Jewish corpse.

As well as the assassinations of Richter.

Drescher. Brandt.

Of whom?

I wasn't aware of your relationship with René Vallieres.

My condolences.

I read in the report that he was shot during a pursuit by the Ste. Lynette police. But his actual cause of death was a single s*ab wound.

An almost surgical stroke.

His death would have been swift and merciful.

To spare him the indignities of recapture, I expect.

I am sorry for your loss as well.

I hear Ulli was a sweet, beautiful, trusting boy.

With big green eyes like his parents'.

Your wife, she's... she's a remarkable woman.

But she's also, in some ways, an innocent.

Not like us.

She deserves more than her solitude. She deserves every beautiful thing in the world. If you love her...

You've barely met her. I won't have you lecture me.

Actually, I met her often.

There's photographic evidence of us together.

In cafes, as you mentioned.

In a black market.

In the park, speaking with your man Kruger.

How do you think she's been passing the time while you work those long hours?

Standing by the door like a dog waiting for its master to come home?

(whispering): Which one of us doesn't know her?

You know, she's more than a friend to me.

She's also a very valuable source of intelligence.

If I don't report back to my cell within the next few hours, they will know that I've been arrested or k*lled.

They will deliver anonymous photographs of your wife and me to your superiors. They will prove that she was collaborating with a cell of Allied agents.

And you know better than anyone how the Nazis handle traitors.

You said yourself, she is innocent.

Your colleagues don't know that.

No one's above suspicion, Franz.

And you have to admit, she'd make a great cautionary tale.

To keep people in line.

conductor: Next station: Chambourcy.

Chambourcy next station.

(wheels screeching)

Next station: Chambourcy.

Your son is gone.

You have to protect Sabine now.

She's all you have left.

That's why I know you will let me walk off this train.

soldier: Thank you. Here.

Papers, please.

Of course.

I left them in my purse. Let me just...

It's a misunderstanding.

There it is.

conductor: All aboard!

Thank you.

I wanted to get on this train so I could tell you the truth.

Don't worry. Now I know.



(wheels screeching)

(train chugging)

(bell ringing)

You two put on a good show.

Didn't think the kid had it in him.

Now you know different.

Any trouble with the station agent?


He went for the distraction?



So I took care of it.

The point of the distraction was to distract him, not to k*ll him.

Didn't work. Ran out of time.

Might as well have just left a note saying we were there.

He said there was no time.

Yeah, I heard what he said.

Sorry, what's the problem exactly?

That I took a life in the line of duty?

Don't want to leave a trail of bodys.

He didn't have a choice. He did what he had to.

(train whistle) Harry, the signal.

We have to warn the camp.

I'm working on it.


(train chugging)


Got a signal!

You remember? You dropped the paint can, the three of you hid in the closet. Ollie started crying. Got your rook.

He was scared. So was I.

Because my father was so angry.

No, he wasn't. He just wanted you to think that.

He told me that, "If Klaus wants to pull a prank, he needs to learn how not to get caught." He loves you, Klaus.

He wasn't angry.

He had an odd way of showing it.

It was just his way. He wanted to make you stronger.

He wanted to protect you.

We... We all just want to protect the ones we love.

I can't stop thinking about my brothers. Still out there.

No one is protecting them.

It's hard, I know.

If you move there, you'll be in check.


What is it, Klaus? You seem...


(alarm sounding)

Find out what's going on. Go!

guard: expl*si*n at the front gate!

Let's go, lads!

Lock it down. Now!

Come on, move back. Now!

Get to your stations!

(men yelling)

(whispering): Klaus.

Krystina: We need men on the gate, guards at the armoury, Code Red protocol, all IDs accounted for.

woman: Yes, please. This needs to be broadcast.

Klaus! Klaus! Stop!

Klaus! What are you doing?

Please. Klaus, think.

I meant what I said before, son.

So did I.

Sinclair: Krystina.


(soft piano music)

She's not coming, is she? We're on our own.

You said before that we didn't know what she'd been through.

What aren't you telling us?

Oberfuhrer Franz Faber had a son.

I saw a picture in his safe, same time as I saw the file on Camp X.

His son was... different.

What does that have to do with Aurora?

She and Sabine were in church.

Sharing secrets. She told Sabine that she k*lled René.

Wait, René died in Ste. Lynette.

Yeah, he did.

That's not what she told us. She said it was the police.

I think she k*lled him so he wouldn't suffer.

And she told the wife of a Gestapo officer?

All this time, she was lying to us?

No. She did something I can't even imagine... to someone she loved.

And I think she carried it on her own, because she felt she had to.

When she gets here, I'll tell you the rest.

The rest?

I'll tell you the real reason we're here in Dieppe.

(soft piano music)

I, I can come back. It can wait.

I'm sorry.

I know what he meant to you.

I'm sorry you had to do it.

Your first time?


(whispering): Yeah.

It's never what... It's never what you think.

Mayhew will be here soon.

Get everyone ready.

The attack on Dieppe is tonight.