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01x13 - Clear

Posted: 03/14/16 07:36
by bunniefuu
My name is Alex Parrish. I'm an FBI agent. In July, a t*rror1st blew up Grand Central Terminal in New York. But before that, I was still a trainee. These people were my friends... or at least I thought they were. One of them is a t*rror1st. And now I'm racing to find out who they are before they strike again.

Miranda: Meet the class above you.

Liam: These are the people that are gonna spend the day kicking your ass.

You're Alex?

Relax, Tebow.

[Whistle blows]

I'm gonna smack you around.

You're just gonna try not to bruise.

I don't feel like going back in there right now.

Take me somewhere?

I'm your teacher.

The woman you thought was your sister has been kidnapped.

Please help me.

I know there is someone else, Ryan.

When's this gonna end?

The Voice: The first time I saw you at the Academy, I knew what you were capable of.

You weren't the t*rror1st before, but now you're going to be.

If you want to remain safe, you're going to do exactly what I say... both of you.

Which is what?

Return to work in the morning and then wait for further instruction.

But I...

[Cellphone beeps]

Oh, my God. I'm so... I'm so sorry.

How did this even get on you?

Vasquez: I have no idea.

I must have been drugged, like you were.

The last thing I remember is leaving the hearing to walk to the subway.

And when I woke up, it was on me.

Alex, l-listen to me.

Listen to me.

You were right this whole time.

Elias was just a puppet, and now we are, too.

You said you were looking into everyone in our class, right?


What did you find?

Okay. [Breathing heavily]

Elias called in a tip on the orders of the t*rror1st to frame me.

The idea of our class was just a red herring.

So, what are you saying?

It could be anyone you've ever met?

No, not anyone.

Because that person on the phone just told me that they saw me the first day at the Academy.

They had my fingerprints from orientation.

We need to start all over again.

We need to... We need to look at everyone who was there from the first day at Quantico... field counselors, the other classes, Liam, Miranda, just...



This is all my fault. I missed the bigger picture.

How could you think straight? You were running for your life.

For someone with a b*mb strapped to their chest, you're thinking straight.

I was always better than you.


We're gonna find whoever's doing this, okay?

And we're gonna stop them.

And you are going to survive.

Liam: So, you survived the integration.

Now, instead of toe-to-toe, you are one unit, one class.

Time to leave the animosity behind.

All right, change! Let's go!

♪ If only you had known me before the accident ♪

If you're going to survive...

♪ For with that grand collision ♪

.. you're going to need to learn how to survive together...

♪ Came a grave consequence ♪
♪ Receptors overloaded, they burst and disconnect ♪

.. which means you must understand each other completely.

♪ Till there was little feeling ♪

Running late, Raina?

♪ Please work with what is left ♪


I slept late.

Really? Through morning prayers?

What are your physical strengths?

What are your weaknesses, your blind spots?

Nice. Thanks for thinking of me.

Well, you know where the cafeteria is. Go make yourself one.

♪ That reduces me to rubble ♪



♪ That looked safe from far away ♪

I'll see you at the gym.

Liam: What are your breaking points?

♪ I don't know why, I don't know why ♪
♪ I don't know what I expect to find ♪

In the FBI, you don't have to just know yourself, but your partners equally.

♪ And everything just goes on ♪
♪ as planned ♪

He's really more of a machine than a man.

♪ You want to teach, but not be taught ♪
♪ And I want to sell, but not be bought ♪

You may not like each other...

[Inhales deeply]


♪ So let us not be lonesome ♪

How about these?

♪ So let us not be lonesome ♪

.. but you're going to have to learn to trust each other, starting right now.

♪ Lost in between our needs and wants ♪


♪ Our needs and wants ♪
♪ I don't know why, I don't know why ♪

Parrish, Perales, I said "time."

♪ I return to the scenes of these crimes ♪

Okay. You've proven that endurance isn't your weak point.

Now give up your little grudge match and get your asses to class.


I would have won.

Yeah? Well, I would have made you work for it first.

Rematch tomorrow?

You're on.

You dropped something.

Are those Booth's tags?

♪ And everything just goes on as planned ♪

I haven't had a chance to mail them yet.

Yeah, sure. Of course.

No time to just walk downstairs and put them in the mailbox.

♪ I don't know why, I don't know why ♪

Let's not do this here. Talk later.


Khaled says whoever took his wife finally made contact.

They're demanding $5 million cash for her safe return.

I mean, do you even have that kind of cash?

Actually, don't answer that.

On one hand, how could I possibly pay the ransom for someone who conned me for over a decade?

But then [sighs] I don't know.

On the other hand, she's... she's the only semblance of family I have left.

Look, if you want to find out who's behind it, you got to follow the money.

The question is, is it worth $5 million to find the answer?

How could we even follow the money?

It's in Croatia.

W-With my father's help, if you're willing to let me get him involved.

Well, at least you asked this time.

Do it.

My suspicions were correct...

Mom said you never went home for New Year's.

I was visiting a friend.

And you lied to me, to her?

He who makes peace between people by inventing good information is not a liar.

Don't quote your Hadiths to me.

What friend? I know all your friends.

You used to tell me everything.

You always thought so.

Miranda: I've told you before about the dangers of secrets.

Now it is time you learn their value.

In the field, secrets can very quickly become currency.

This week, we are going to talk human intelligence.

Who knows what that means?

Intelligence gathered by means of interpersonal contact, as opposed to more technical intelligence-gathering disciplines, such as signals, imagery, messaging, and signature intelligence.

[Light laughter] It was a rhetorical question, Dr. Olsen.

Which he answered correctly, by the way.

But... who are these people you're using these methods on, and what kind of intelligence are you gathering from them?

It's time you learn how to source informants.

When approaching a source, it is imperative that you know everything about them that makes them tick... their interests, their fears, their pressure points, and, of course... their weaknesses.

When you know how to exploit a weakness, you can get a person to do almost anything you want.

[Indistinct conversations]

They're just as scared of you.

[Sighs] I don't have my badge yet.

My reinstatement interview is in an hour.

I'd say show them your I.D., but I'm pretty sure everyone knows who you are.

She's with me.


Thank you.

I'm surprised you're still talking to me.

Yeah, what you believe in on your own is your business now, as long as you show up here and do your job.

I'm going to the morning briefing.

I'll head upstairs with you.

Oh, they didn't tell you?

Tell me what?

You don't work upstairs anymore.

On whose orders?

Hannah: Mine.

[Sighs] I'm sorry.

Hannah, I didn't know that...

That I'm the Special Agent in Charge of the Joint Terrorism Task Force?

Well, since everyone above me was m*rder*d when the bank blew up, I was next in line.

So now it's my job to get the JTTF back up and running.

And it's your job to stay far, far out of my way, down in Operations.

Did I do something to piss you off?

You mean besides turning the deaths of 32 of the finest agents the Bureau's ever seen into your own last stand?

You may have come to your senses and said what the commission needed you to say, but until I'm sure you meant it, you're gonna work your way back up to good standing.

If this is about Ryan, you should know that...

[Chuckles] Oh, that's the thing about you.

You make everything so personal.

See, when I walk through those doors, I leave my personal life outside.

Now, if we were to run into each other on the street, at a café, on the subway, two feet outside the front doors, sure... maybe then I'd tell you how much I don't like you or respect you or particularly enjoy the fact that you used my ex-husband and his considerable feelings for you as a bulletproof vest not once, but twice in your fugitive escapade.

But in here?

In here, we talk only about the work, and we do so without question because that's our job.

So what you're gonna do is you're gonna keep your head down and your nose clean and perform mostly clerical duties for agents upstairs, and you're gonna do so with no questions.

Do you have any questions?

No, you don't, because there are no questions.

[Cellphone ringing]

Okay, that's not the ringtone of a Bureau-issued phone.

Yeah, well, they took my Bureau phone when they suspended me.

That's my cell.

I'll get you a new one. Don't answer that down here.



[Ringing continues]


The Voice: I want the contents of JTTF server room 33.

You and Natalie have two hours to get them.

I-I don't even have clearance to the JTTF server room.

I-I don't know how...

I have faith in your resourcefulness.

I'm sure you'll figure something out... both of you... because, if you don't, Natalie dies.


All right. Let's do exactly as we talked about, and you'll be fine, okay?

Hey. So, I just got this, and they asked me to check if it was working.


Special Agent Parrish. You're good.

Can I check my clearance?


♪ ♪

It's good to be back. Thank you.

Okay, to access the server room, we need two things... an access key card and a master thumbprint to delete the internal records of whatever it is that we have to download.

There's only one JTTF agent in New York who has high enough clearance to have a master thumbprint.


The Agent in Charge.

Hannah Wyland.

Okay, I'll get the thumbprint.

You work on the key cards. How many are there?

I.T. would have one.

You'd never get it off them.

And the ASAC next in line to her.

Ryan Booth.

You guys aren't talking much these days, are you?

You mean since we broke up because he was still in love with you?

No, we aren't.

I know he feels bad about it, but...

Can you use it?

Weaknesses... everyone has them, but everyone can be exploited in different ways.

You can use their family.

You can exploit their honesty, their sexuality.

Whatever you use will hit close to home.

Earlier, you noticed each other's physical weaknesses.

[Hailee Steinfeld's "You're Such A" Plays]

Now you're going to team up and assess their emotional ones.

Can you turn someone, even if they're one your own?

♪ You keep calling, you keep calling ♪

The first step is identifying personality types...

♪ Saying that you want it back ♪

.. using the Myers-Briggs test.

♪ All my loving, all my loving ♪

Seems like a definite extrovert to me.

You know, more of a feeler than a thinker.

Mm. Seems more like a provider to me.

[Chuckles] Natalie would know, huh?

♪ You ripped it out and you chewed it ♪
♪ And the more you talk, you prove it ♪

Um, provider it is.

♪ Yeah, you prove it ♪

Know the 16 types.

Are they a guardian, a healer, or a performer?

A born performer.

Oh, wrong.

We've known him longer than you.

He's a clown... trust me.

Like Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Madonna, Caleb Jacob Haas is a dynamo... similar qualities to a performer, but a dynamo encapsulates a need to keep things at a fast pace rather than let them turn real or emotional.

Uh, but given that you're a commander, Nimah...

♪ Damn, you're such a ♪

Miranda: Knowing your target is half the battle in turning a source.

Johnny 5... I don't know.

Does Myers-Briggs work on androids?

♪ Those electric cigarettes ♪

He is serious, a rule-follower.

♪ Are you joking? Are you joking? ♪

A complete introvert.

♪ I can't, I can't ♪

Looks like an inspector to me.

I'm an extrovert, in case you were wondering, in every way.

♪ Yeah, you ripped it out and you chewed it ♪

Miranda: Step two... once you have identified the personality, what is the best approach to turning your fellow NAT?

We need to figure out his weak points, which, at this moment, may be the double Dutch?

Since providers are sensitive to the needs of others, the best way to turn them is to be direct.

Ohh. Directness is so something a "visionary" would suggest.

Coercion's the way to go.

Providers value their family and friends.

thr*aten that, and he'll turn.

Why am I not surprised a champion such as yourself would want to take advantage of someone's openness?

I think this is all a bunch of B.S.

Put a g*n to his head, or mine, and we'll find out already.

Flattery is the way to go with Caleb.

Make him feel pretty and important.

Let him call you any celebrity names that he wants.

Or not?

Studies on FBI sourcing techniques show that money is effective 45% of the time, coercion... 75%, and a sense of civic duty... 83%.

But if you feel that hollow platitudes are the best method, who am I to quibble?

Miranda: In the field, you only get one shot, so choose the best one or you fail.

Iris: Quid pro quo is rational enough for an inspector to bite.

I say we send that to the EAD.

Shelby: I'm not sure that bribery is the best way to break a rule-follower.

I would convince him that he's doing the right thing.

Who said anything about bribing?

I offer him something... he offers back.

What do you have to offer him?

Do you really want me to answer that question?


Caleb, you choose.

Which one of us should approach him?

[Cellphone vibrates]

♪ Damn, you're such a ♪

Oh. It's the D-A-D, just in the nick of time.

♪ Damn, you're such a ♪

And here I thought the Croatia Project was just a cutesy name for a future pub crawl.

A tip... it's all about Mexico City these days.

Croatia... is none of your business.

Guess all those government tech contacts I made during my trip for my first startup won't come in handy, then.

Caleb: Shelby, come here.

Brandon: I'm a very good listener, in case you didn't already know.

If you need to try out a sourcing technique on someone you're sleeping with, you're doing something very wrong.

Sorry. You don't have to tell me.

I just...

My ex is suing me for sole custody of Renata.

I don't know what to do.

Come here.

What are we doing down here?

This is what your dad suggested?

Having her interrogate me again?

No. As soon as you transferred that $5 million this morning, they were able to trace it.

The woman you know as Samar Hashmi, Haifaa Said, hasn't been kidnapped.

She is alive and well and hiding out in Zagreb.

And with Samar being discovered, their con needed a new face.

And at $5 million, they could buy as many as they want.

You've been conned long enough, Ms. Wyatt.

If anyone asks for more money, do not pay.

Forget these people ever existed and let us take it from here.

I'm sorry.

I'm not.

They don't get to take my money.

We're gonna get it back.

Miranda: You all did well.

You did very well.

You accurately identified your peers' personality types and proposed strong approaches to turn them.

But there's no substitute for real-life experience.

The true test of your ability to cultivate human intelligence will happen in the field tonight.

You will go to a location where the FBI has hopes of cultivating real sources which means you will approach a source with the goal of having them call the number on these cards and agree to cooperate.

You only get one card because you only get one chance.

[Whispering] I have to go.

Where is Raina going?

You know that the two of you can't be seen in public at the same time... you know that.

But I got the last exercise.

She wanted to sit this one out.

Your assignment will be The 10th Justice, a local D.C. hangout popular with... corrupt congressmen, politicos, and ambitious aides.

You will have one hour to recruit an informant.

Do not disappoint.


Hey. I thought you called in sick.

I'm feeling better.

But you should keep a little distance.

Is it weird for you to be working together?

Oh, me and Hannah?

Me and you?

Me and Alex?

You just wanted me to say that so I could hear how crazy it sounds, didn't you?

Well, I know it's crazy, which is why I put in for a transfer.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that... because I'm trying.

I like Hannah, and I'm being nice to Alex.

In fact, I thought I'd take her to lunch.

That's nice of you.

But you're going to pay for it.

Seems only fair after everything you've put me through.

I can understand that.

Excuse me.


♪ ♪

[Chuckles] Yeah, have fun.

[Knock on door]

Have a minute?

Can I say no?

Look, I know you blame me for hurting Ryan, but [sighs] I had no one else to turn to when I was framed.

He's the only one who's ever believed in me.

Right, because he has integrity, decency, and honor.

Are you still in love with him?

[Chuckles] Okay.

Is that why you came in here, just to press my buttons?

No, actually, just to press this one.

Tech support left it at my desk when I was gone, and I couldn't figure out how to mobile-access the Bureau's network database.

Hand it over.

Okay. Are you serious?


I told you... You're in Operations.

Your new clearance level doesn't allow for off-network access.

How stupid do you think I am?

You know what? Forget it. I don't owe you an explanation.

You just used up your one warning.

I understand.

You forgetting something?


Thank you.


We still have a problem.

How do we get inside the server room without being seen?

I have an idea, but you're not gonna like it.

We call in a b*mb threat.

Man: Please exit the building single file.

[Alarm beeping]

Please exit the building single file.

[Alarm beeping]


Please exit the building single file.

♪ ♪

You look like an escort.

Thank you.

This is on you, right?

Depends on what you order.

Let's see what they can pull off, shall we?

Not too many strong candidates, and we all can't pick the same one.

Well, that congressman waxing poetic over there... definite visionary.

I gonna make him my informant.

Make it three glasses.

Bingo. See that suit buying everyone Crown Royal at the bar?

A little more of that, little bit of this...


I'll have him singing like Adele in an hour.


Good luck.

So, Miranda never said not to pair up.

I like our chances with that waiter over there... seems to know all the senators well.

What say, Johnny Football?

Want to team up and turn him?

If we come at him hot, he'll spook.

Let's wait for him to come to us.

How do you know he'll talk?

A bottle of Macallan?

♪ Ooh ♪

That is so cute.

I don't know where you've been drinking, but you'll need four of those to get one bottle of that.

You caught me. Not much of a drinker.


Never been much into cigars, either.

Most pro athletes avoid anything that impacts performance.

So why do it at all?

I'll try anything again to see if my tastes have changed.

If you only cling to what you think you like... who knows what you're missing out on?

Caleb: Looks like Rain Man and Princess Jasmine are double-teaming their target.

I've got my mark... just saw that cute busboy take a handout from that corner table over there.

Betcha he's had his pockets greased a few times.

Mira y aprende.


[Scoffs] You know, if you drop those in the mail, they get returned.

There's a mailbox right outside.

We can go together.

I miss him. Okay?
♪ ♪

A couple months after college, I went to Vegas for the NFL Draft with my girlfriend, Alicia.

We drove all the way down from Chicago, figured we'd make a little road trip out of it.

It was the best four days of my life.

Carried this with me ever since.

Where's Alicia now?

So, what can I get you guys?

Maybe we should play double-up, too.

See those lovebirds kissing at that table over there?

They cannot keep their hands off each other.

I could work with that.

We could, uh... We could play newlyweds in love, knock down their defenses by pretending to be just like them.


I think we'll make more headway if you don't lie.

Any further word from your father?

Ah, he's working with a legal attaché in Croatia, trying to track down Samar, but, you know, his favors only extend so far.


You said that Iris might have some contacts.

Maybe I should've handled this myself.

Okay. The couple is on the move.

I think I'm gonna chance it alone.


[Mid-tempo music plays]

That is for my little girl, Tricia.

Vasquez: You've got one, too?

You seem so young.

Had her when I was too young.

Lives with my ex now.

Yours, too?

It's that obvious?

Takes one to know one.

At the time, I thought I couldn't be the father she needed and an aide to Congressman Schumacher.

Do you regret it?

Every day.

Yeah, my job makes it tough, too.

That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

I work...

Wait a minute.

Is that Drew Perales over there from the Bears?

Looks like Vasquez's mark is more interested in me.


I know a fan when I see one.

Good luck.

Hey, what about working as a team?

You're just gonna ditch me?

Does every guy you meet treat you like you're the center of the universe?

You're on your own now, Parrish.

For a Fed.

You're Drew Perales, right?

You used to played wideout for Chicago.

Always nice to meet a fan.

Former fan.

That all changed when you sued the League.

Punks like you are destroying the game.


Please exit the building.

[Alarm beeping]

[Suspenseful music plays]

Exit the building single file.

[Alarm beeping]

♪ ♪

Please exit the...

[Alarm beeping]

[Exhales sharply]

Vasquez: So, what is it that the voice wanted?

These are schedules for all the presidential candidates for next week... their movements, their security details.

We can't give this to them.

They'll be sitting ducks.

We can't put this intel into the hands of a t*rror1st.

We can, but only if we can track them down before they actually use it.

We could plant a worm into an attachment so that, when the recipient opens it, the worm pings their location.

It's risky.

But it's our only shot.

[Cellphone chimes]

Go deal with him.


I'll get the worm ready to go.

I'll text you when it's time.


You have nothing to say for yourself?

As much fun as it would be for me to kick your ass, I don't want to spend the night in jail.

How about I kick your ass instead?

I wouldn't take a swing at him.

He might just sue you.

[Both chuckles]

My friends dared me to get an Insta with him.

The Bears should've cut you in camp.

Weren't you just leaving, Concussion King?

Looks like it.


I like a woman who knows football.

Buy you a drink?


What gave me away?

You walked in here with a group and immediately split up.

Plus, a girl like you doesn't slum it with the busboy unless her parents are watching.

I saw that tip that table of lawmakers gave you.

Doesn't look like anyone is slumming it up in here.

I'm impressed.

You seem pretty well-connected.

Well, I know how to get people what they want from time to time.

Then you should have no trouble getting me the information I need on your buddies.

This bartender has zero interest in engaging with you.

Maybe if you hadn't immediately offered me as a suitable mate.

Well, I was only trying to help.

Sex proves effective 68% of the time in turning informants.

Of course, but this guy is gay.

I don't understand. How can you be so good at analyzing people and so bad at interacting with them?

I've studied facial cues and body language since childhood.

Observing people from a distance is easy.

It's talking to them that's the hard part.

Analyze my sister.

Uh, Raina Amin falls into a variety of categories.

Chief among them... healer.

Individualistic, nonjudgmental, an idealist, guided by her own core values and beliefs.

I have always thought the same of her, but a healer wouldn't lie.

What do you believe would cause a person like her to keep secrets from her family?

Oh, healers' gentle nature and dislike of negative emotions causes them to avoid conflict at all costs.

Perhaps she's afraid to tell you the truth because of how you'll react.

M-Maybe I'm a more suitable mate for him?


I'll ask him a personal question and see what happens.

Alex is looking particularly good tonight in the exercise, with her mark.

Yeah, yeah, it appears so.

You know the kind of trouble you'd be into if you ever got close to a trainee?

Even I couldn't save you from that.

Don't be ridiculous.

Pat: Another round?

Oh, God, no. I think I'm done for the night.

Yeah, good idea.

I think Schumacher needs me back at the office, anyway.

Hey, look, before you leave, mind if I ask you a few questions about your job?

You're not in any trouble or anything.

But your boss and his cronies who hang out at this bar might be.

I understand if you don't want to get your hands dirty.

How about if you help us clean up the political landscape, you know, in secret?

All tips will be anonymous. You have my word.

What kind of arrangement are we talking about?

What are you thinking?

I help you. You help me.

I have a D.U.I. I need taken care of.

FBI can handle that, right?

All right.

Call the number tonight, and the D.U.I. disappears.

So, I call this number, you get a gold star.

What do I get?

What do you want?

I might need some help at Customs.


How do I get in touch with you?

Here's my card... with my name.

Trainee Parrish, you have just failed this exercise.

What? You're an agent?

The test wasn't, Can you turn me?

It was, Can I turn you?


I failed, too.


Which is even worse than your fellow NATs that came up empty.

Whenever you are approaching someone, they are approaching you, reading you, searching you for a weakness to exploit.

They can use money, sex, ego, the dignity of a cause... whatever it takes, to turn you on their side, because the information that you have in your head is always more valuable than what is in theirs.

Never forget... a bad approach costs us nothing.

A bad agent costs us everything.

♪ ♪

You want to tell me what's going on?

About what?

Uh, you and Natalie... the only two people not outside for a very convenient b*mb threat.

You know, and here I thought this job meant something to you.


Hey, when did we stop being honest with each other?

We never started, Ryan.

Our entire relationship... it was built on dishonesty.

Oh, so you just want to rehash that all over again?

No. But I also don't want to waste my time trying to convince you of something that the Ryan I knew wouldn't need convincing of.

Oh. So what instead, hmm?

More conspiracy theories, more delusions?

Look, let's not talk about the people that we used to be, because you're clearly not that person, either, okay?

It's one thing to have your insane ideas outside of these walls, but if you've dragged another innocent person into your paranoia in here...

Is that what you really think I am now, hmm... insane and paranoid?

I wish that you would understand what it's like to see you like this.

You need help, Alex.

And [sighs] I... I can't help you unless you ask me to.

[Cellphone chimes]

Um. I...

Go. Just go.

Worm good to go.

You ready?

Do it.

♪ ♪

[Cellphone bloops]

[Beeping, clicks]

Oh, thank God.

It worked?

Oh, Nat.

[Breathing heavily]

[Cellphone beeps]

The worm is active.

The t*rror1st is at Ward's Island, by the treatment plant.

[Drawer closes]

Okay, let's go.

I don't see anything yet. Do you?


I don't understand.

This is definitely the location the caller was at.

Well, let's keep looking.

Whoever they are, they were definitely one step ahead of you the whole time.

Well, not anymore.

Good place to hide... abandoned and far from everything.


I see something.

Let's go check.

♪ ♪

[Laptop beeping]

[Inhales sharply]

What's it doing?

This is the file we sent.

They opened it here.

They're gone.


[The Amity Affliction's "Chasing Ghosts" plays]



If you came here to apologize for throwing me under the bus, don't bother.

You played it well.

Plus, you losing doesn't hurt, either.


Well, um, can I...


I actually did want to apologize for what I said about your lawsuit.

♪ I wasn't gone ♪

Um, it was a low blow.

Trust me, I've heard worse.

♪ It was only harder to find me ♪

Why are you here?

♪ Just play along ♪

I mean, football to the FBI... it's... it's not a standard story.

And with everything that you started... your lawsuit still going on... I'm... I'm curious.

A couple years ago, Alicia was k*lled in a sh**t...

Chicago P.D. and two armed gunmen.

I'm... I'm so sorry. I...

Should have never happened.

The cops screwed up, and three people died in the crossfire.

There was an investigation, but in the end, Chicago P.D. stuck together.

They blamed the A*F, and they blamed the state police, and they blamed the FBI.

I just wanted somebody to stand up and tell the truth, like I had in the NFL.

But they didn't.

And I realized the corruption in the NFL... that was just the beginning.

I could do more.

I had to.

♪ No ♪

That's why I'm here.

♪ Don't let me go ♪
♪ It's hard enough on your own ♪

When did this happen, Drew? Chicago, right?

October 17, 2014, at 6:31 p.m.

♪ You're not alone ♪
♪ I've been out chasing ghosts ♪

I remember exactly.

I always will.

Caleb: You wanted to handle this yourself.

Now you have to.

What? So you're saying he couldn't find anyone to help?

It's a dead end?

Clayton's still looking into it, but the FBI doesn't exactly have a lot of agents stationed in Zagreb.

We are running out of time.

Oh, there it is.

When it's helpful for you, we're a "we."

But whenever I need something, it's, "I'm breaking up with you, Caleb."

"You destroy things, Caleb."

Do you need me or not?

I need your help.

That's all. I've been clear about that.

Okay. Well, then, let me be clear...

It's time that I help myself.

♪ ♪


Get dressed.

The assistant director wants to see you.

[Laptop beeping]

Why would the t*rror1st leave this behind?

Maybe they're not as clever as we thought.

They panicked, screwed up.


[Cellphone ringing]

All right, they're calling.

Answer. We need to know if they're on to us.

[Ringing stops]

It dropped.

[Cellphone rings, stops]

It dropped again.

Find a better spot. I'll look into this.


♪ ♪

[Cellphone ringing]


The Voice: You didn't listen.

[Laptop beeping]

What are you talking about?

Alex, ru...

Ohh! [Breathing heavily]

Come in.

I hear you're still in the middle of a custody battle.

Brandon Fletcher told me.

It was right of him to tell me if you weren't going to.

Sit down.

Ever since you told me about Renata at the NARB hearing, I've been thinking about you.

Natalie, I know firsthand what it's like to be caught between this job and neglecting your family.

How am I supposed to choose?

You shouldn't have to.

And that's why I'm granting you a leave of absence.


You can leave in the morning and return to the Academy and resume your training once you've sorted everything out.

[Voice breaking] I don't know how to thank you.

♪ ♪

Get your daughter back.

Hey, have a minute?

No, no, no. Uh, uh, leave the door open.

Um, I found these in the dorm, and I wanted to get them back to Ryan.

I know he's probably still undercover, so I was wondering if you had his home address in Chicago.

Once we left the post there, we left the city for good.

Oh. When was that exactly?

Last fall.

Guess I'll just hold onto them. [Chuckles]

Should we, um, talk about New Year's?

What about it? It was a mistake.

You said so yourself.

I won't bring it up again.


There is no flak jacket, no defensive-driving maneuver, no undercover persona that can protect you when using human intelligence.

[Death Cab For Cutie's "Black Sun" plays]

Sources require trust.

And trust requires vulnerability... on both sides.

Sources rarely offer up information without wanting something in return.

It's the name and number of the C.E.O. of the main Internet provider in Croatia.

I don't know all the details of your investigation, and I don't want to, but I do know that guy might be able to help you get what you need.

He's waiting to hear from you.

It is a transaction that you can lose from as much as you gain.

♪ And there is death upon the vine ♪

It's for Renata... so nobody gives either of you any trouble on the jungle gym or whatever.

♪ And there is yours, and there is mine ♪

Hey, Natalie.

♪ There is a desert veiled in pavement ♪

Um, I just...

You should know, no matter where I am...

♪ And there's a city of seven hills ♪

I'll always be better than you.

[Chuckles] I'll catch up one day.

You'll see.

Miranda: The closer you may be to a source, the better they may be, but then they have access to your life.

♪ How could something so fair be so cruel? ♪
♪ When this black sun ♪

The most valuable thing that I can tell you...

♪ Revolves around you ♪

.. is to be careful.

Just because someone is close to you... it doesn't mean that they aren't dangerous.

♪ ♪
♪ There is an answer in a question ♪

Human intelligence can give you the information you want.

♪ And there is hope within despair ♪

But once you have it, the question remains... who can you trust with it besides yourself?

♪ ♪

[Crying] Open the door!

Open the door!

[Sobbing] Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Hey, hey. Hey, what's going on?

It's okay. It's okay.

I can't... [Sobbing]

I can't... I can't do it anymore.

I just... I can't do this anymore.

I can't... I can't take it anymore.

I can't do this.

Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It's okay.

What do you want to be over?

[Sniffles] No.

You have to talk to me, Alex. I can't help you...

You have to help me. Ryan, you have to help me, okay?


I... This has to stop.

I can't fix it.

Okay. Okay.

I-I give up. I give up.

Calm... Calm...

Calm down, okay? Calm down.

It's okay. What do you need me to do for you?

You... I don't know what to do, Alex.

You're not telling me anything.

Okay, I don't...

Do you need me to check you in somewhere?

Yes! Yes, can you check me in? Can you please just check me in?

Okay, yeah, I... Okay.

Just... Just...

Okay, yes. Uh, okay, let me make a phone call.

Okay. Okay.

I need you to surrender your w*apon to me.

Just... Just take it. Take it right now.

Just take it.

It's okay.

[Cellphone vibrating]

This is Special Agent Ryan Booth.

Put me through to Psych.

I need to schedule a voluntary admit.

♪ But it's so hard for me to find ♪


What are you doing? Alex. Alex. What are you doing?

Hey, Alex.

[Cellphone ringing]

Hey, wait, Alex!

Alex, stop. Alex, wait!

♪ Be so cruel? ♪

[Breathing heavily]

♪ When this ♪

Don't hurt them, okay?

♪ Black sun ♪

Please don't hurt them. Please just... just don't hurt them.

The Voice: Whether any more of them dies is up to you.

I have another task for you.

And this time, you will follow my instructions to the letter.

Are we clear?

We're... We're clear.

We're clear. Please.

♪ Revolved around you ♪
