02x16 - Small Time Heroes

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x16 - Small Time Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

Iron Man: Good as new.

Data crux up and running? Check.

Next, the tower's central grid.


Thor, more juice, please, but don't overdo it.

Of course not! Mjolnir can cast lightning with unrivaled precision.




"Unrivaled precision?"

I suspect this store-purchased machine is not as sturdy as the Starktech I am used to.

Hawkeye: No offense, but right now Cap's old-timey radio is the most high tech piece of gear in the tower.

You looted Cap's room after he left the team?

No. Well, maybe a little bit.

Let me know if you need any peppermint candy.

Look, Tony, when you fried the tower to stop Ultron, we knew this wouldn't be easy, but, as awesome as Thor and I are, tech's not our thing.

Maybe we need another brain to balance all this brawn.

No way.

You're looking at the man who built the first Iron Man suit in a cave.


Man: (ON RADIO) Eyewitness report.

A S.H.I.E.L.D. transport is under attack by, it looks like, Absorbing Man!

Absorbing Man? We could stop that guy in our sleep.

And exactly the kind of morale boost we could use right now.

Avengers, assemble!

This is all of us.

We're... already assembled.





Reinforced S.H.I.E.L.D. level steel?

Don't mind if I do.





Advanced foam compound.

Turns out it's stronger than steel.

Who knew? Well, besides me.

Could you not save some battle for me, Hawkeye?

Guys, all that matters is we won.

More importantly, we won on TV.

Check your hair.


My hair is eternally perfect.


Megan McClaren, what a surprise!

Thanks for the breakout, crusher.

Anything for you, Titania, my love.

Allow me to introduce the brand new, sleeker and more efficient Avengers line-up!


Uh, not my best TV moment.



Uru! Enchanted Asgardian metal!


Just the power-up I need.



Gotta say, Tony, not quite the morale boost we need.

Iron Man: Avengers, all eyes are on us! bring them down!

Hawkeye: Don't have, to tell us twice!


Wanna go viral?

This takedown will break the Internet.

That's not good.


We're Avengers. We got this.

Hawkeye: Come on!




Taste your own metal, blondie!



Absorb anything you want, you still make a great target.



Thanks, toots.

Anytime, babe.



Skin like a hammer and dumb as one too!


Hawkeye: Try to hit what you can't see! Thor!

What are you doing? Don't they need you in there?

No one likes a backseat driver, Megan.



What do I do with things made of Uru? I throw them!


Iron Man: Thor, let him go.

As you wish!



Anti-gravity electro-sphere.

I just created it. Patent pending.

So, it took three Avengers to barely stop Absorbing Man and Titania.

I mean, we're not talking world threats like Thanos or Hyperion here.

Absorbing Man is... somewhat formidable.

Then I guess it was... somewhat heroic to beat him, but where's Captain America?

The Incredible Hulk?

It's true.

We've downsized to eliminate some unnecessary overhead.

The new streamlined Avengers can handle anything and everything thrown our way. And now we gotta go.


To continue protecting the world.


Hawkeye: I miss the Avenjet!

Hawkeye: Okay. What to do now?

Found some board games in Cap's room, play my old acoustic guitar, read by candlelight...


Not perfect!


What did people do before electricity?

Boar hunting.

I'll get everything back up and running.

I just need a little time.

Hey, taking down Ultron the way you did wasn't easy, Tony.

Don't be so hard on yourself. We still have faith.

Only through struggle does one truly prove himself.

The Avengers that left will soon realize their mistake and recognize the strengths in your leadership.



Falcon's a tech nerd, how about we give him a shout?

Yes, I'm sure by now he's dying to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. and get back onto our team.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Falcon reporting in.

North quadrant 5-11 all clear.

Falcon: Heading in.



What are you doing up here?

S.H.I.E.L.D. recon, you?

Avengers' stuff. We're rebuilding and redesigning the team.

It's much more efficient.

We brought down some mega super villains this morning.

Yeah, I saw that on the news.

Look, it might be difficult, but I bet I can convince the other guys to let you join our team again.

The Avengers were great with you on it.

Are you serious? Tony, we left for a reason.

Or did you forget how many times you risked our lives...

...by recklessly keeping us in the dark?

Uh, shouldn't you take care of that?


What, this?

That's a new smoke effect.


It makes me look mysterious.

No, it makes you look like you still can't be 100% honest.

Tell Thor and Hawkeye I said "Hi."

Well, let me know if you change your mind.


Here's the fare, and the extra is so you never tell anyone about this.

What are you guys doing out here?

The tower started making sounds.

Define "sounds."


Okay... Just a bump in the road.

I'm Tony Stark, I've got a million ideas for what we do next.

Camping is your brand new idea?

I wonder if Cap's team is sleeping on dirt right now.

Iron Man: Have some faith. Hawkeye, there's more here than meets the eye.


I'll say!

Man: The Avengers? Give me the package!

Cover me!

A.I.M.? Really?

So far, not into the new idea, Tony.


This wasn't part of the plan.


Okay. Looks like I do this the old-fashioned way.


Uh-oh! Servos... losing control!

That's one you owe me, Stark.

Ant-Man, right where I thought you'd be.

We found Ant-Man willingly?

Time to start a campfire!




And do not come back!

You ruined everything!

See why I don't like this guy?

Doesn't even appreciate some help.

Hello? We sent A.I.M. packing.

Yeah, with my Pym Particles.

You just let 'em get away with one of the most dangerous substances in the world.

That was him.

Pym Particles in the hands of A.I.M.?

We're, we're talking unparalleled molecular destruction.

Let's go!

Iron Man: Relax, Ant-Man.

We've got this.


Whoa... Whoa!

Hawkeye: Stark!



I heard what happened to the tower. Your suit got fried too?

You need help?

No, just a tune-up...

And the tools to do it.

I thought your lab was here.

It is.

I believe this is called "punking."

It's not a prank, Thor.

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.

Uh, what are you gonna do with that?
Hawkeye: If you lay a single Pym Particle on me...

Oh, come on!

You actually live in this anthill?


You know what rent's like in the city?

Iron Man: Yeah, they don't pay rent.

Iron Man: Your gear is... charmingly handmade.

That's one way to describe it.

Well, we can't all be billionaires, Stark.

It might not be pretty, but this is some of the most cutting-edge tech on the planet.

Joey, give Iron Man Alpha Access.

Joey: Hey, how ya doin', Ton'?

He's like Jarvis, but interesting.

And hurry this up, before we lose A.I.M.

Okay, "Joey." scan this circuit.

Joey: Forget about it, Ton', I'm all over this.

Ahh! Stay back.

Sit, boy. Heel!

Huh, Euclid likes you. He's never had good taste.

Well, can you make him like me less?

Ants are valuable, Barton.

They can lift 25 times their body weight.

These beasts? Surely, you jest?

Try them. Tesla and Newton could use a bit of exercise.




Hulk would love this!

Joey: I dunno, Ton'. You might be lookin' at a total re-wire here.

Know what I'm sayin'?

I think I can repair my own armor.

Oh, excuse me, boss.

What was that?

Oh, nothin', uh... What?

Joey's right. I'd re-route that left repulsor.

Otherwise it might overload the whole system.

You're lookin' at the guy who built the first Iron Man armor in a cave.

Sure, but if I remember, Tony wasn't the only one in that cave.

So, you back up and running?

My Pym Particle detector says A.I.M. is still on the move.

I do not want to get dragged through the sky with Thor again.

I can solve that problem.

Hawkeye: Giant ants? I take it back!

I'll fly with Thor. Please let me fly with Thor!

I told you, Euclid likes you.

He's just trying to show off.


The Pym Particle signal is coming from inside that semi!

Joey, can you scan it?

Joey: It's a mobile lab.

Some guy in there is, like, all head, it's disgusting.



M.O.D.O.K, we know your bloated head is in there!

Come on out!


That's not M.O.D.O.K.!

Oh, but it is!

A M.O.D.O.K. unlike you've ever seen!

The Pym Particles are working!

Working? He's doing this to himself on purpose?

With Ultron, master of machines, running loose, I cannot depend on the cybernetic parts of my body.

Now, I no longer have to!

I, M.O.D.O.K., am now master of the physical form!

Guys, I think it's time to call the other Avengers.

A Hulk would be helpful right about now.

There... are no other Avengers.

What? Don't tell me you broke up.

We are all the Avengers needed to beat the likes of M.O.D.O.K.!


Do you guys still have Cap's number?

Red Skull needed his cabal to fight you Avengers.


But now I am finally powerful enough to defeat you alone!



Matching strength with Thor!


Hawkeye: Ooh, someone's getting a big head.



Heads up, the way M.O.D.O.K.'s using these particles, they're subject to scientific principles, like stimulated absorption, and...

Iron Man: The only scientific principle we need to apply here... is the bigger they are...



The bigger they get?

I was trying to tell you, in this state, the particles are absorbing electricity!

Iron Man: That's useful data.

Yes, thank you, Stark.

I have never tasted such power.

And I must have more!



Iron Man: Hold together, armor.

Who knew these were so light?


Bow before the sheer bulk of M.O.D.O.K.!

Full frontal as*ault, Avengers. No time to be shy.



Frontal as*ault used to be a little more effective with seven of us.

Hawkeye: We're half a team!

Ant-Man: No go. I can't shrink him.

The Pym Particles in his system are blocking any new ones. Huh?


Avengers, I think I need some help!



Thank you, Ant-Man.

Now, tell me, what else you got? You're the Pym Particle expert.

Wait, whoa. (CHUCKLING) You're asking me for a plan?

Yeah, you're asking him for a plan?

Hawkeye, you were the one who said we might need another brain.

Maybe leadership sometimes means knowing when to follow.

I've got an idea, but it's crazy risky.

Thor: Then I am certain we will love it.


Fear me, like you always should have, fools!

Your day in the Park of Amusements has ended, foul villain!

Thor, flying a bug? Ha!

How the mighty have fallen.

Tesla is a noble steed, with loyal friends.



Stop. Stop it!


First team's in. It's go time.

Hawkeye: Just so everyone's clear, I hate this plan.

Iron Man: This is the easy part.

Hawkeye: Oh, come on!

It's like an ancient ear wax museum in here!

Ant-Man, we've entered his brain, but this isn't like any brain I've ever seen before.

Ant-Man: (ON RADIO) Find the frontal lobe.

That's where the particles gather. Collect as many as you can.

Hawkeye: This is definitely the most disgusting day of my life.


Hawkeye: I see some of the particles!



Have a bad knee!



Ant-Man: Iron Man, sending you coordinates.

If you trigger that neuron cluster it should reverse the effects of Pym Particles.

Copy that. On it.

If I were a Pym Particle sensitive nerve cluster, where would I hide?

Found it! Time to push M.O.D.O.K.'s buttons.


Not now!

Hawkeye: Uh, tell me your armor didn't just overload.

The wiring fried.

Ant-Man: Just like I told you it would.

Now there's no way to stop M.O.D.O.K.


This isn't over yet.

I've still got a way to give M.O.D.O.K. a shock to his system.

Hawkeye, cable arrow from me, through M.O.D.O.K.'s brain, out his ear!

Congrats. That's officially the most bizarre order you've ever given.


Hawkeye: I really hate M.O.D.O.K.'s ear canal! Mega! Ugh!


Ant-Man: Nice, Hawkeye, you rounded up all the Pym Particles. Let's go!

Hawkeye: (ON RADIO) Iron Man's still in there.

Stark, are you about to do something crazy?


If you consider becoming a human lightning rod "crazy."

Thor, time to juice up M.O.D.O.K.

Iron Man: Hawkeye?

Let's see Mjolnir cast lightning with unrivaled precision.





Well, how about that? 100%.

Ant-Man: Stark, you're a genius, but that won't stop you from getting crushed in there.

I see your point.

Gotta get outta here before M.O.D.O.K. gets even more small minded.


No! What have you done to me?

I finally tasted...


Real physical power!

Thor: Just like I said, Stark, trying times make true leaders.

Even with fewer teammates and less equipment, victory is still ours.

I never doubted it, but I'll admit, we couldn't have done it without your help.

No problem.

To be honest, it was kind of fun playing Avenger.

Iron Man: Then maybe we should talk about working together again.



Oh, I'd love to stick around, actually.


Let us contact S.H.I.E.L.D. about M.O.D.O.K.

Iron Man: I'm not sure S.H.I.E.L.D.'s on our side anymore.

Remember, that's where Cap and the others are.

Then I've got a plan.

Hawkeye: (HIGH-PITCHED) I'm just an anonymous, concerned citizen who wants to let you know that, uh, what's his name, M.O.D.O.K. is tied up at the old amusement park.


Is that supposed to not be Hawkeye?


I'm just an anonymous concerned citizen...

It's not a laughing matter.

Looks like Ultron hit that park.

Tony Stark hit it.

His team continues to leave a path of reckless destruction in its wake.

Our team won't have that problem.

Nope. I smash with purpose.

Fury: If I expected problems, we wouldn't have pledged the full support and resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. to your team.

So what are we calling ourselves?

What do you think? You're Avengers. Now, go assemble!
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