02x05 - Beneath the Surface

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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02x05 - Beneath the Surface

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm burning up. It's so humid here.

Took you long enough.

I was with the rest of the team, taking down the Wrecking Crew.

It was all over the news.

Check out piledriver's face when he realizes he's holding an expl*sive arrow.



So now we're avenging... tourism?

You read the dossier?

Yeah, of course.

Small-scale stakeout. In and out, no problem.

You and I both know small-scale espionage with Hydra can unveil big-scale problems.

Um, we've taken on Galactus.

This'll be a breeze.

Black Widow: There's our target.

Hawkeye: Kaboom!


Never gets old.


The package, hand it over.


We don't know what you're talking about.

Have it your way.

(Bracelets power up)

Hawkeye: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You sure about this?

They seem like a nice couple.

Nice couple? You really don't see it?

(In robotic voice) Stealth mode compromised. Initiate attack.

Yeah. Guess I missed that.


Black Widow: Hawkeye, no!

(Black Widow grunts)

expl*sive arrows?

How much attention do you want to draw to us?

They worked just fine on piledriver.

This is a spy mission, Hawkeye.

Huh, looks like we did stop a crime... A fashion crime.


Why are we here again?

S.H.I.E.L.D. had intel that a Hydra black market sale was going down, but we didn't know what was being sold, or to whom.

We got to them before the sale.

Mission complete. You're welcome.

Espionage 101.

Nothing's ever what it appears.


Hydra doesn't deal in valuables.

They deal in weapons.

Iron Man: Okay, Arsenal activation attempt 12.

Testing Vox systems.

Hello, Arsenal.

Do you understand?

Black Widow : Tony, I need your help.

Arsenal, didn't expect your voice to be so feminine.

It's me, Tony. I need you to ID an artifact.

Iron Man: The serpent crown. An object of ancient power. Origin unknown.

Although it's similar to the crown Doom used to control the Midgard Serpent.

Implying a similar function?

I'm not sure, but I'll wager whoever wants it isn't just looking to accessorize.

Hawkeye: Got something here.


Thor's fighting giant robots on Bleecker street?

Why didn't you tell me? I'm heading out.

Cancel that, Hawkeye. We'll handle it.

The crown is a serious threat.

Ugh, we could be taking down giant robots, and instead we're protecting gaudy jewelry.

You heard Tony. This thing's incredibly dangerous.

We need to find out who Hydra was going to sell it to.

All right. You had me at "incredibly dangerous."

Looks like the transaction was going down on a cruise ship.

Then I've got an idea.

(Ship horn blares)

Excuse me, miss, have you seen a...


Whoa! I couldn't even tell it was you.

That's the idea, "honey."

And you're subtle. Next time, I'll just bring the Hulk.

Um, I'm immersing myself in my cover identity.

Being obnoxious isn't good cover.

Haven't been on a cruise ship, lately, have you?

(Horn blares)

(Latin music playing)

(Hawkeye imitating Latin dance beat)

Hey, I think I've seen you before.

Are you on TV or something?


Black Widow: Over here, dear.


Stay on mission.

Hey, I wasn't the only one of us on the dance floor.

Yeah, but I was the only one of us placing trackers.

Hawkeye: Missed that. Total spy mode starting right now.


Women: Aw...


Is someone finally having fun?

Fun? The limbo position made it easier for me to scope out that guy who's following us.

Spy mode, remember?

(Tires screeching)


You said these robots were big.

Captain America: They don't have to be big to be a threat.

Falcon, full force on the center module.

Structural weakness.

Technically, Hulk, these are the third-largest robots we've ever battled.


If they're not big enough for you, Hulk, why have I taken down three to your mere one?


I thought having Hawkeye and Widow out in the field would mean less bickering.

Cut the chatter, guys.


Those robots are so huge.

We've identified our contact, Clint.

I know you still have your spy skills, even if you're a bit rusty.

Rusty? Please.

Did you even notice the guy following us?

Not every villain is a giant monster.

Yeah, I saw him. Just not convinced he's our guy.

We'll probably never see him again.

(Knocking on door)

May we help you?

Excuse me, I may have made a mistake.


(Whispering) Hail Hydra.

I am prepared for the transaction.

Show me the crown first.

The payment is here.

Natasha, don't!


(Both coughing)

Hawkeye: The crown.

This one's on me. I missed that.

He's trapped. There's nothing but open sea for hundreds of miles.

That's what he's hoping for.


See? Dead end.

He's an Atlantean?

And you knew that, didn't you?

Black Widow: Double-palate speech patterns. Briny body odor.

Vaporizers hidden in his clothing to keep him moist.

But now we've lost him.

Au contraire.

Look at you planning ahead like a proper spy.

And you called me rusty.

If Hydra was selling the crown to Atlantis, that must mean Attuma.

Of course, he's Hydra's former ally from the Cabal.

Widow to Avengers...

Can't talk, fighting.

Just tell me you didn't lose that crown.

It's still in our sights.

He's a quick fish, I'll give him that.

Hawkeye: Uh, Attuma looks a lot different than I remember.

That's lady Zartra, a high advisor to Attuma.

Forgive me, lady Zartra. I was pursued.

Then what better time to test our new acquisition?


Hawkeye: Well, now we know what the crown does.



Finally, a giant monster.


No, no, no, no...




Giant monster, I take it all back!


Avengers, emergency assemble.

Man down.

Okay. So now we know.

Next time, let's not all hit the power unit at the same time.

Black Widow: Repeat, Hawkeye is down.

Need immediate...

(Groaning) (Growls)

We're on our way.

You want to follow me?

Then let's make it interesting.


(Atlanteans screaming)


You must obey my command, monster.


I'm sure you're quite the warrior on land, but here, you fight like an injured jellyfish.


You'll still want to avoid the sting.

You're not Hydra.

Who are you?

You just need to know two things.

You took my partner, and now I'm taking you down.


Don't mourn, you'll see your friend soon enough.

Giganto, to me.


(Black Widow straining)

'Tis rare for an Earth creature to rival the noble beasts of Asgard.

(Hulk roaring)


Yeah, big fish.

(Atlanteans scream)

Technically, big mammal.

Big mouth.

(Atlanteans groan)

Iron Man: All right, let's see what you got in there, buddy.

My hud's still picking up Hawkeye's life-readings.


Hulk, operation gut wrench.




Operation gut wrench? Which plan is that?

Oh, now I recall.

Thor: Did you lose this?


Sorry for the mess.


I am never eating fish again. Ugh!

S.H.I.E.L.D. gave you the codename "Hawkeye" because you never miss a target, or a clue.

Time to live up to that name.



Now, that's what I'm talking about.

(Atlantean screams)

Thought you could use these, archer.









You are the Avengers?

Figured it out just in time for us to take you in.

Better late than never.

Please, you must return control of the creature to me.

It's the only way I can defeat our hated enemy.

Really, you want the crown back so you can attack us again?

No, not you.

We wish to overthrow Attuma himself.

Overthrow Attuma? You're his chief advisor.

I defected.

Now I lead a small band of rebels in hopes of freeing our people from his cruel dictatorship.

But you made a deal with Hydra, Attuma's allies.

Air-breathers foolishly believe all Atlanteans are alike.

We're listening.

Things aren't always the way they seem.

The fall of the Cabal should have meant peace with the surface world, but Attuma pushes only for w*r, and he'll destroy both our peoples to get it.

I don't know if I believe her, but I believe in you and those Black Widow instincts, Natasha.

You make the call.

Avengers, stand down.

You sure about this, Widow?

I am.


Someone get mammal off me!

Zartra: No!

Zartra, I've long suspected you couldn't be trusted, but to side with the Avengers, you have sunk to a new low!

Give it up, Attuma, you couldn't beat us with the entire Cabal on your side.

Zartra, choose whatever ally you wish, traitor.

You will lose against the power I now wield.


(Hulk groans)

How fitting your attempt to overthrow me has provided the tool of your own destruction, and a mighty w*apon to wage w*r on the surface world.


Hawkeye: We are in it so deep.

Black Widow: Really?

Giganto... attack!

(All screaming)

We made a tactical error.

Yeah, the bad guys are now the good guys.

Thor: The Asgardians have a saying.

The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

Iron Man: Everyone has that saying, Thor.


Just keep hammering that whale.


This is my fault. I att*cked Zartra first. I should have seen it.

Hey, we all miss stuff. Happens to the best of us.

It only matters that you're with us now.

It will be a glorious battle.

Thor: Indeed.

Come, man-fish!

Prepare to feel the steely bite of...


No way, Goldilocks. He's mine.



Lightning doesn't work underwater?

You learn something new every century.

(Grunting) (Groaning)

You are in my kingdom, now, you jade freak.

My might is greater than ever yours.

(Thor groaning)

Ah, distractible, huh, Moby?

The traitor Zartra, eliminate her, and the resistance will fall.

Atlanteans will always resist oppression, tyrant.

If we go down, forgive me, lady Zartra. This was my mission. I failed.

No, Widow. You were too busy picking up my slack.

Now, watch this.

Black Widow: Giganto went toe-to-toe with Hulk and Thor.

You got something in your quiver better than them?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Ever hear of ultrasonics?

(Ultrasonic arrows whirring)


Hawkeye: We can hear these a little, but he can hear them a lot.


Obey me, fool beast!

I wear the crown.

I am your master.

(Atlanteans screaming)

Hawkeye's arrows are more powerful than the serpent crown.

I get it. Whales use certain frequencies of sound to communicate. Those sonics are overriding the crown.


Nah, just perceptive.

No, I command you!

(Attuma screams)

Hawkeye: Gotcha.

I think this would look better on you, my lady.

(All groaning)

Iron Man: I think they surrender.

Zartra: Giganto, finish him.

Zartra, no!

If you do this, you're no better than he is.

This isn't the way to peace.


There's always an alternative.


Say good night, fish-face.



S.H.I.E.L.D. is on their way to pick him up.

With your permission, miss, we'd like to extradite Attuma to stand for his crimes against the surface world.

The further he is from Atlantis, the better.

Thank you, noble Avengers.

You put aside our differences to stand with us.

You took the first step to peace between our worlds.

Now, let me take the next step.

This w*apon is too powerful for anyone to control.

We will live in harmony with all our fellow denizens of the deep.

Iron Man: Pretty slick, Slick.

Noticing that creature was sensitive to underwater sonics.

Eh, just part of my training.

Power of observation, that sort of thing.

Tony, leaving the crown down there, even miles deep, someone might find it.

Someone did.

While you guys were getting the keys to Atlantis, I slipped away and did a little fishing with a harpoon arrow.

You don't miss much, do you?

Guess that's why they call you, "Hawkeye."

Just trying to live up to the name.
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