01x15 - Planet Doom

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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01x15 - Planet Doom

Post by bunniefuu »

Asgard, your favorite son has returned.

Let the great feast...

Oh, no.

Ah, the wayward prince returns.

Get lost on your way back from Midgard?

Volstagg, tell me we are both incredibly early.


Is father upset?

Odin: [screaming] Thoooor!

No, he's redecorating. And I'm leaving.

Odin: Has it occurred to you that Thor's day is a holiday in your honor?

I put your name right up front, hoping you might not forget.

Father, forgive me.

But I was caught up in a glorious battle for honor.

The villainous serpent society...

Is on Earth!

[castle rumbles]

Not in Asgard.

Thor, I do not understand this double-life.

Traipsing around with Earthlings. I hold them no malice.

But humans are fragile.

On this we differ, strongly.

The true power of mankind comes from within.

In some ways, they are even stronger...

You try my patience, Thor!

Comparing Asgard to...

Heimdall: Apologies, all-father.

I have an important message for the Odinson.

To risk Odin's roar, it must be. Speak, Heimdal.

For just a moment, Midgard disappeared from my all-seeing gaze.

Something is wrong on Earth.

[Odin grunts]

I'd rather go with your blessing.

You do not belong in that world, Thor.

One day, humanity will disappoint you with their weakness.

Stark, do you read me?


What trickery is this? Where is Avengers tower?

[Thor screams]


No, it cannot be.


How could Doom have conquered Manhattan in mere hours?

Where are the Avengers?

Intruder detected. Engaging.


Hawkeye, where have you...

Looks like the intel is good, people. Snap, air support.


[Spider-Man speaking] For a guy who's supposed to save humanity, he seems kind of slow. I really hope the one isn't a dumb blonde.


If you'd zip it and help take out these D-bots, Slinger, Maybe we live long to find out.

[Spider-Man speaking] We're sticking our necks pretty far out there, guy.

So if you are the Thunderer...

...a little help?


No one call him a dumb blonde again. Agreed?


Where is Iron Man? Hulk? Captain America?

Barton! What's happened here?

Barton? He knows your ID?


Looks like we got a lot to talk about. But not here.

Defenders, move out.


They call me Bull's-Eye Barton.

Little guy here is Peter Parker. Call-sign "Slinger."

And our aerial specialist is Snap, AKA...

Sam Wilson, I know.

What I do not know is how you do not know me.

Pal, if I'd met you, I wouldn't forget you.

What matters is they said you'd come. And here you are.


Ever since Victor von Doofus took over, there's been talk of the "Thunderer." Our salvation.

The only man Doom has ever feared.

With a hammer powerful enough to knock him off his throne and bring a new era of freedom.

Someone exactly like you.

We've been waiting years. Got a tip from someone on the inside you were showing tonight.

Years? But I've only been gone since this morning.

[laser blasts]

Oh, no! It's her!

[Sam grunts] Sam!

Slinger, get us to shore now!

All who defy Doom deserve death
at the hand of the Black Bride.

No! You would never stand with Doom!

Tell me this is one of your spy games, Natasha.

How did you know my...


He said you would try to trick me, Thunderer.

We've prepared a little trick for you.

No more tricks. No more games!

[Thor grunts]

Mjolnir. To me.


All things are possible with the hands of Doom.

Whatever that thing is, it's sucking up half the power of Manhattan.

We can use the blackout to cover our escape.

Avengers do not run.

Well, Defenders make sure to stay breathing so they can fight another day.


Got it.

Take him now!

No targets in scanning range. They are gone.

Doom: Do you have him?

I have his w*apon.

Bull's-Eye and his merry men have scurried back into their holes.

We will find them, my lord.

Of course we will, my bride.

The helicarrier?

It was.

Fury managed to crash it here before he... the stealth generators still work, though.

Thanks to Sam and...

[g*n cocks] Pete?

She knew you were coming.

Funny tingling in the back of my neck says this might just be another one of Doom's traps.

Pete, this is no time for paranoia.

Paranoia's kept us alive this long, Barton.

How do we know "the one" is even real?

Why show now? When we needed him a long time ago?

I cannot answer that, Sam. I am beyond my depth.

But I am your ally and friend.

Please, just tell me how Doom came to wield such control.

[Peter sighs]

It started out years ago.

One day he's dictator of a tiny country no one's ever heard of, the next? He's everywhere.

Armed with technology no one's ever seen before.

No army on Earth could fight him.

So it was join Doom or be obliterated.

That's history 101, blondie.

Not my history.

It was only yesterday that we fought together as Avengers.

You are all heroes of great power.

Power? Ha!

All we have is the junk we cobbled together.

But you, you were the one. Were.

Our sources promised us this big butt-kicking warrior with a Doom-smashing hammer.

No w*apon? No threat. You're not the one.

Whatever curse vexes this world, we will stop it.

[lasers blast]

[Sam gasps]

See? I told you my common sense was tingling.

You led her right to us.

No, not her. Him.

Welcome, Thunderer.

Your timing could not be more perfect.


[Barton grunts]

[Thor growls]

[Thor screams]

Natasha: You are a strong one.


Your traitorous friends come from much weaker stock.

[Thor growls]

Any attempt to free yourself, and I'll eliminate a Defender of my choosing.

Natasha, please, listen. This is all wrong.

Doom has twisted your mind.

Take these three to the dungeon.

Doom will have words with this one.


Doom: Captain Rogers has proven a much better sculpture than soldier.


[Thor shouts]

Eerily familiar, is it not, barbarian?

ARC repulsors, enhanced by Banner's gamma rays.

I've spent years preparing for your arrival.

How did you conquer... everything?

Why do you remember me when the rest do not?

I conquered nothing.

I saved the Earth... from humanity.

I have eliminated every disease.

Eradicated world hunger.

Ended petty conflict.

All for the simple price of abject devotion.

The Avengers would've stopped you. The Fantastic Four...

Do not exist! None of them.

You have heard the saying, "knowledge is power"?

I have all the knowledge.

Therefore, I have all the power.
Natasha: My lord, it's the brain trust.

Stark is agitated. Again.

Stark, have you released the Thunderer's w*apon yet?

Hardly. For a hammer, it's complicated as heck.

We could use the blonde boy down here for a consult.

Assuming you haven't, you know, disintegrated him.


Viking guy.

Dress rehearsal for the opera today?


To me! [groans]

Stark: Don't pop a vessel.

Your hammer's locked in a static time-space bubble.


[laughs] Your w*apon's not going anywhere, except into Doom's hand, as soon as you release whatever hold you have on it.

I would as soon die than renounce my bond with Mjolnir.

Well, that might work.

Why does no light glow in your chest, Stark?

Why are you working for our enemy?

Enemy? Victor saved my life.

I was a weapons maker for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Until one of the bad guys grabbed one of my missiles and shot it right back in my face.

Suddenly he was just... there.

If it wasn't for Victor, I would have taken a chestful of my own shrapnel.

I've been working for him ever since.

Man: This is the one, huh?

Pretty puny.


Surely the Hulk serves no man. Unleash the monster!

[laughs] Monster?

That's exactly what I'd be if it weren't for Victor.

Banner: There was an accident. Doom saved me.

Made this suit to protect me from my own gamma radiation.

The man revolutionized power for the entire world.

It's not mind control.

Time. Somehow you traveled back in time.

Without extraordinary powers, I knew they would be simply human.

So I made certain that power never found them.

Alas, Asgard lies outside Earth's time stream, but I knew one day you would appear.

You stopped them from becoming heroes.

Oh, but they are heroes. My heroes.

These men helped me reshape the world, and they do so willingly.

Now it is your turn. Release the hammer.

It is the key to other worlds. This one is not enough.

Nay! You shall not corrupt Asgard!

Banner, Stark, are you blind?

Doom rules all with an iron fist.

And you help him maintain that hold.


There is no winning this time. If the fool refuses to see it, prepare the Thunderer and his Defenders for termination.

Doom: People of planet von Doom, I became emperor by necessity, to save humanity from itself, for you are a weak and corrupt breed.

Without my guidance, your lives would be chaos.

And when one threatens order, my order, they must be eliminated.

[crowd shouting]

Perhaps what my father says about humanity is true.

Perhaps I do not know any of you.


Odin: You do not belong in that world, Thor.

One day humanity will disappoint you with their weakness.

[echoing] weakness... weakness...

No. Friends, hear me!

Where I come from, some believe humanity to be fragile, weak.

Yet I have dedicated my life to this planet because I believe in your strength and honor.

I have never regretted my choice, and I do not regret it now.

You are better than this.

Stronger! Resist! Fight!

[Doom laughs]

They cannot fight, Thunderer. They're only human.

[crowd chanting] Doom! Doom! Doom!

[w*apon whines]

Castle, now!


Sorry, Victor.

But I'd rather be a Widow than your bride.


Brain boys, now!

Stark: No more play acting, Victor.


We've waited a long time for you to get here.

You're the only thing he's ever feared.

Get the Defenders their weapons.

Natasha: And don't disappoint us.


Punishment served!

Mjolnir! To me!



All I have taught you about power.

You have learned nothing?

[all gasping]

Thor: My friends...


Fight on.

Doom: I have defeated the last one to oppose me, and now I wield his power.



That's one thing you never understood about us mere humans, Victor.

We don't believe in impossible.

Please work.



[thunder rumbling]


Avengers, assemble!


Barton: "Avengers" does have a nice ring to it.

Doom: No! All the years of planning!

All I've accomplished!


I will just have to try again.

This time I will get it right.

Time machine.


I can do it again. Go back earlier.

Stop them from ever being born.


This time I'll ensure a way to prevent Thor from ever coming to Earth.

Then all will kneel before me.

Without their powers, they are nothing before Doom!


Do the powers make the man, or does the man make the power?



What? You didn't think I knew about your secret time-machine room?

But how?

Because no matter what Stark says, I'm the smartest there is.

Plus it's the only room you never wanted me to see.

You don't wanna hit me with the gamma radiation, do you, Vic?

"Unleash the monster."

Thor: You've miscalculated, Doom.

Powers or no, my friends were born heroes.

That will never change.

Nor will I.


Self destruct code...


Tell me I hit the right guy.

Reports coming in from all over the globe.

Doom's network is falling apart.

So what happens next?

You will make it right. It's what heroes do.

If Thor goes back in time and fixes things, we won't have to.

What's to stop Doom from just doing this over and over?

Changing time again and again and again until it sticks?

Your science isn't my strongest suit. Stark?

You were off-world, so you're immune to whatever this thing does.

We have to send you back to the moment that Doom first activated this machine.

That I do know.

Heimdall sensed it from the Asgardian plane.

Exactly midnight here in New York.

I'll program the time-space coordinates.

So what happens to us? Do we cease to exist?

No, Falcon. You will continue to be.

As you have always been... heroes.

Falcon? Cool.

Doom: All is ready!

Activate the time platform.



Causal feedback loop.

No! I planned for this.

Shall we recommence the project?

We will not recommence!

I've spent years mining the materials, perfecting the science, only to find it useless.

Finally. Something you say makes sense, Doom.

You almost blew up the tower.

I increased the training levels. We all need to be better prepared.

Prepared to what? Get squashed?

Hawkeye: Focus, people!

Someone owes me one ice cream maker.

Not cool.

Who touched my stuff?

[Thor laughs]

Think this is funny, goldilocks? Go back to Asgard!

What, hang with a bunch of Vikings?

No, I think I'll stay here where I belong.

Among friends.
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