01x09 - Depth Charge

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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01x09 - Depth Charge

Post by bunniefuu »



Captain America: We've got confirmation.

The city's been evacuated.

Typical monster attack protocol.

[chuckles] What's it say about being an Avenger when the word "typical" can be used to describe a rampaging monster?

[grunts] Less talking, more smashing!

Speaking of rampaging monsters...

Don't sweat at talkin'... he's just grumpy 'cause he missed breakfast.

Didn't miss it. Fridge was empty!

Let me at him!

If I can't eat, I gotta smash!

Let him out before he breaks down the door. Again.



Uh... Oops.


Don't you just love it when the Hulk goes all "rage monster"?

Like we need another one to deal with.

[laughs] Hopefully his rage will serve us well in battle this time.

Famous last words.




Back off!

Stay on the big monster.


[alarm wailing]

[both grunting]

Hawkeye: Whoa! Get off, you big green...

Still a fan of his rage, Thor?

Finish this off, would you?


Hawkeye: What's the big idea, Hulk?

Did you mistake us for a full fridge?

I know monsters. I know when they want to make trouble.

Takes one to know one, right? [chuckles]

This one was running scared.

Scared? What would scare a giant monster?


Captain America: A big tidal wave?

You had to ask.

Iron Man: It's not just a giant tidal wave.

We've got surfers.

Scanning the leader. Yow! An Atlantean.

This guy's not going to go down easy. He's heavy on muscle.

Atlantean? You mean, like, the lost underwater nation of Atlantis, Atlantean?

Yeah, that's the one.

Do I really have to say the words? Avengers, assemble!

All right, buddy. What's your beef?

You will address me as Attuma.

I've spent years amassing my Atlantean army.

Now you surface dwellers will experience a true conqueror's ambition.

So you came to the big apple to make a name for yourself. How novel.

I've studied your kind.

This city is the first step.

Soon, the entire surface world will fall before me.

Tough talk, but nobody floods my city, and gets away with it.


Now is not the time to be reckless, Hulk.

We need strategy, not mindless chaos.

Time for a little fishing.

Of course they're running away.

But didn't their boss just say they came here looking for a fight?

Something's not adding up here.

Head's up, they're going underground!

Iron Man, we've got Atlanteans on the subways.

[yells] I hear you, cap. Loud and clear.




You have no idea how vulnerable your beloved city truly is.


Jarvis, deploy rubber ducky.

Rubber ducky?

When you invent an undersea suit of armor, you can name it whatever you want.

Iron Man: You're running away from me? Seriously?

You're going to be so embarrassed when I post this video online.

Keep laughing, fool.

Avengers, these tunnels are crawling with Atlanteans.

I need you all down here, except Thor.

Thor, you're our wildcard.

Keep as many of the Atlanteans top-side as you can.

They obviously want to be underground.

As you wish.


How come Thor stays up here and has all the fun?

Iron Man: Because Thor knows how to follow strategy.

You just stick to what you do best.

So Hulk smash. Again.



[Hulk grunting]

Time to put my tech to use.

I don't need a rubber ducky suit to tell me they're deploying in a specific pattern.

Quick, Hawkeye, they're getting away.

Cap, wait, look.

What is this Atlantean slimy thing?

Don't. We have no idea what this thing is or what it does.

Iron Man, Falcon, are you getting this? Any ideas what it is?

I'll take a look.


Oh, man, I hate it when you say "uh-oh."

Cap, get out of there. Whatever it is, there's hundreds of them down here, and they're powering up.

Already on it.

Cap, Hawkeye, we gotta get top-side.


Falcon: Uh-oh.

Deep breath, guys.

Now what?

Feels like this whole place is going to come down.

Yeah, right on our heads.

Why do I get the feeling you guys were just a distraction?

[expl*si*n] And there it is.

[laughs] I can do this all day.



Ah! Victory is ours!

This is a new one, guys.

Those Atlantean devices have destabilized the bedrock beneath Manhattan.

This whole island is going to slide into the ocean.

Shellhead! Please tell me your rubber ducky has a built in anti-earthquake gizmo.

Attuma separated the top layer of bedrock.

He knew exactly the right stress points. His devices were perfectly placed.

Not bad for a snarling sea-barbarian.

Try and stay dry while Falcon and I get a look at what we're dealing with.

I hate to say this to you guys, but this is even worse than we thought.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Iron Man's gift for stating the obvious?

Bring 'em on!

We shall drive these Atlanteans back to depths of the ocean, where...

Iron Man: Thor! We need you up here, buddy.


No time for buts, just get yours up here.

What about me?

You're our heavy a*tillery, Hulk.

You know that. Don't step outside the box.

Whatever. Maybe you can make it back here before I've smashed them all. [roars]

You see what we're dealing with here?

Can you buy us some time?

With pleasure.


Whoa! How long can he keep that up?

Hopefully, as long as we need him to.

Now set your armor to match my electromagnetic frequency.

We're about to pull a high-tech whamma-jamma.

Got it.

And... now!

Well done, my friends.

Don't congratulate us yet. My armor's not appreciating this.

Yeah, my levels are already in the red.

Not to mention, this only holds off the tidal wave.

The island's still sliding into the sea.

Hawkeye, you take the South-East quadrant. I've got the North-East.

Hulk, you...

I want Attuma.

We need proper strategy to compensate for their superior numbers... [roars]

Not exactly what I had in mind.

You're wasting your breath, Cap.

Hulk only follows his rage. And sometimes his stomach.
Captain America: Okay, Iron Man and Falcon made some sort of energy barrier. I can see it a few blocks from here.

Now we can give our full attention to Attuma's army.

You think you can protect your leader from me?


Get down there and see if you can keep our big green friend on our side.

A little teamwork, maybe. [roars]

Help has arrived!

Do I look like I need help?

You have yet to taste Mjolnir!

Soldiers, attack the Prince of Thunder!

He is but a sl*ve to his surface-dweller masters!

You want me, brute? Here I am.


[both grunt]

[glass shatters]

Oh, come on!

We're keeping the tidal wave in check, barely.

But what about the island itself?

The shield won't keep it from sliding into the ocean.

But no pressure, right?

Hawkeye: It's like there's an endless wave of these guys.

[chuckles] No pun intended.


[chuckles] You disappoint me, Hulk.

You are supposed to be the most powerful Avenger.



Cap, what's happening down there?

The shield's getting pummeled, and it's from our side.

[grunts] It's Hulk, he's on a tear.

Iron Man: Well, put a leash on him. This isn't going to work out If we have to get Hulk under control too.

Thor, they're compromising the energy barrier.

Get in there, and help Hulk end this.

His ferocity... like the great beasts of Asgard.

Cap, I can't just keep firing gas arrows at these guys.

Iron Man: Hulk, will you get a grip?

Your wrestling match with Attuma isn't helping anyone.

Is that it? Are you finished?

Is the incredible Hulk going to surrender to the superior warrior?


Maybe you're all right.

Hulk, what are you doing?



The energy barrier...


I just defeated the strongest among you!

How much of a threat do you think you pose?

I don't believe it. Attuma took out the Hulk.

Falcon: I've done the calculations.

The entire island will slide into the sea in 3.9 minutes.

How are we going to stop it?

Split up. We can cover more ground in smaller teams.

Thought you could benefit from a bird's-eye view.

Looks like you're really getting the hang of this superhero stuff.

Something's got to give.

At this rate, the battle will never end.

Only because we're wasting our time with these pawns when it's their King who must be dealt with.

Come! Let's see if you can do better than your snarling green pet.

How's this?




Hawkeye: Cap, it's about to be bye-bye Big Apple, and hello New Atlantis.

Don't count on it, Hawk.

I think we've still got an ace in the hole.

Victory is mine!

The world will now recognize me as its new ruler!

You sure about that?


Captain America: Looks like your water level's dropping.

But... how?

My army, we must find the source of this reversal.

Back to your underwater posts!

You guys keep Attuma busy.

I'm gonna find out what's going on down there.

Ace in the hole, huh?

And I thought I'd seen everything.

Looks like New York's got a giant, green, guardian-angel.

Okay, big guy, I'm impressed. But I'm also here to help.


All right. No, no. You got this.

Just hang in there a little while longer.


The Hulk's bought us some time.

He's actually holding up the entire island, keeping it from sliding into the ocean!

You're kidding, right? That's impossible!

No, just incredible.

[Attuma grunting]

Did you hear that, villain?

Where is your victory now?!




Attuma, we are not finished!





[both straining]


Pathetic! You were no match for me on the surface on your world.

Now you're in mine.



Sorry, pal. We're not done yet.

This new armor has got all kinds of cool stuff I haven't even got to try.

Say hello to rubber ducky.


[muffled growling]








Are you all right?

Forget about me, we gotta get back down there.

Attuma's way more powerful underwater.

Hulk needs our... [Attuma shouting]

[shouting continues]


[Attuma groans]

Never mind.


You think you've won?

[Hulk roars]




Now we've won.

[breathing heavily]


Uh, guys?

At ease, friend.

You fought well today. Hulk, we are not your enemies.

Everybody just relax. He's all right.

Right, Hulk? You still with us, big guy?

How's your rage?


Under control.

Of course it is.

Iron Man: The Hulk got his rage under control, and saved the entire city.

That's why he's Avenger of the month.

Hey, how come everyone gets Avenger of the month except for me?

Asgard is filled with a great variety of ferocious beasts, and I learned early on you cannot always judge them by their appearances.


[Hulk roars]

Are you kidding me?

Hey, what's going on up there?

[Hulk growling]


What? Full fridge.

And that's why we have a Hulk. [chuckles] Oh, boy.
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