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05x13 - Labor of Love

Posted: 03/14/16 04:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

Mary Margaret: You're going to hell?

Emma: The Underworld. I'm getting him back.

Cora: My time in the Underworld is done. Yours can be, too. Just do what I say.

Mary Margaret: Tell me your father's okay.

Henry: He's in a better place now.

Mary Margaret: That means everyone here...

David: Can be saved.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(In Hades' underground prison, Hook is unconscious in a small space, before he suddenly gasps and wakes up. Screaming can be heard in the distance. Hook grimaces in pain as he manages to roll over and get onto one knee, clearly very injured)

Hook: Is this a bloody trick?! (He manages to get to his feet, and goes to step off the small platform he is on, but is stopped by a female voice)

Meg: Stop. That's exactly what it is... A trick. Don't move. He wants you to think you can escape, but... you can't. No one can.

Hook: Aye. We'll see about that. (He takes one step off the platform)

Meg: Don't! He'll hunt you down.

Hook: Hades has already done his worst to me.

Meg: I don't mean Hades.

Hook: Who, then?

Meg: No. Just don't.

Hook: Look, this isn't my first cell. I don't just sit around and rot. Now, somebody's come down here to save me, and I need to make her job easier.

Meg: How do you know she's here?

Hook: She got me a message.

Meg: How do you know that wasn't one of Hades' tricks?

Hook: Because I know! When you love someone, you know. Now, what's keeping us in here?

Meg: Something you don't want to face.

Hook: Well, I'll be the judge of that. (He steps off the platform and grunts) Time to go. (He begins to limp towards her)

Meg: Are you mad?

Hook: Perhaps. (Holds his hand out for her) But I'm the best chance you have. Here. Come on.

Meg: (Whimpers, before taking his hand and standing)

Hook: You ready? All right, go. Go!

(The two begin running from the room they were in and instantly Cerberus can be heard growing from down one of the corridors. Meg is clearly scared and is panicking)

Meg: I told you we'll never make it.

Hook: (Stops her) We won't... but you will. I'll draw the hell beasts away. You run. And once you're free, find Emma Swan. I'm Captain Killian Jones... Captain Hook. Tell her to find me.

Meg: Okay.

Hook: Go!

(Meg runs away and Hook turns back to where the growing is coming from, and from in the shadows, a three headed dog appears, and slowly Hook begins to step backwards)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mary Margaret is walking through the cemetery, peering at graves. David follows behind her)

David: Mary Margaret. What are What are you doing? We've got a lot of ground to cover.

Mary Margaret: (Stops in front of a grave) David, these graves. (Sighs) They're all from my father's kingdom. They were my subjects. I was supposed to protect them. And now how am I supposed to protect our daughter in the Underworld?

David: Because you're not doing this alone. Mary Margaret, we will find a way to protect Emma. We always do. Now, come on. She's looking for Hook in the woods just south of here. She's good... but nobody's better at tracking than Bandit Snow. Let's go help her.

(They both start walking for a few meters together, when Mary Margaret stops, as she's spotted something.)

David: What is it? (Follows Mary Margaret to where she is walking) Mary Margaret? What's wrong?

Mary Margaret: (Kneels down in front of a grave and reaches out to touch it)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(At the summer palace, a young Snow White and the Evil Queen, are sitting on the thrones in the throne room, as they listen to the villagers problems. Snow White is holding a "wanted" poster with a picture of dead eye on the front)

Man: Princess Snow, you must stop him. The bandit and his men... they're terrorizing our villages and roads.

Snow White: But my father... he's on a diplomatic mission. I'll send word to him.

Man: By the time it reaches him, we will all be dead. We need help now.

Evil Queen: Fear not. My stepdaughter will take care of all of you.

Snow White: (Looks at the Evil Queen in surprise) I will?

Evil Queen: (Looks at Snow White, smiles and nods her head encouragingly)

Man: What do we do? People are dying. Princess Snow?

Snow White: I'm sorry. (Stands up and begins to run out of the room) I'm so sorry. (Leaves the room and shocked subjects behind)

Evil Queen: (Watches Snow White flee with an evil smile on her face.)

(The scene switches to Snow White running through the woods. She glances behind her and isn't watching where she is stepping, until she falls into a hole and screams. She grunts as she stands, and begins to immediately try and climb out of the hole, but can't)

Snow White: No. Help! Anyone?!

Hercules: (Lowers the handle of a sword so he can pull her up) Grab on. I'll pull you up.

(Snow White grabs onto the handle, and the young man pulls her up one-handed.)

Snow White: Thank you. (She looks stunned when she looks at him)

Hercules: You gotta watch out for hunter traps. (Sheathes his sword, also entranced by her)

Snow White: I'm Snow White.

Hercules: Yes. You certainly are. I'm Hercules. But you can call me Herc.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mary Margaret is still bending down in front of the same grave, which belongs to Hercules. David is standing next to her)

David: (Surprised). You... knew Hercules?

Mary Margaret: We were friends when we were kids.

David: Define "friends."

Mary Margaret: (Chuckles) Do I detect a hint of jealousy?

David: Oh, it's not every day your wife tells you that she was friends with a god.

Mary Margaret: A demi-god... who also happens to be dead.

David: Hey, I'm sorry. I was just giving you a hard time.

Mary Margaret: No, I know. I know. David... if he's down here, he has unfinished business. We have to help him find a way to move on.

David: At the expense of searching for Hook?

Mary Margaret: No, David, think about it. He's... Hercules. He can help us. We save him. He can save us.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma and Henry are somewhere in the woods, Emma frantically searching for Hook)

Henry: Mom, we already covered this trail. It was cold.

Emma: Then we cover it again, and we keep going until we find a trail that's hot.

(Regina and Robin walk up to them, both also been searching the woods)

Regina: You think there'd be more of those in the Underworld. There's no sign of Hook in the North Woods.

Emma: (Sighs) Well, we have to keep going. Maybe out by the Troll Bridge.

Regina: Wait.

Emma: What?

Regina: There may be a way to make our search quicker.

Emma: How?

Regina: In Storybrooke, I have schematics... maps... of the whole town. Every last inch of it.

Emma: So you think the equivalent maps of this town are here?

Regina: Everything else in Bizarro Storybrooke has an analog so far.

Emma: (Walks off)

Robin Hood: I'm on it. You keep working here. I'll go get you your Intel.

Regina: Wait. (Stops Robin) Take Henry.

Robin Hood: It might be dangerous.

Regina: My mother's gone now. The office should be empty. And no one knows it better than Henry. He'll be fine. You'll be there to protect him.

Robin Hood: (Kisses Regina) All right, come on. Let's go. (He and Henry walk off)

Regina: All right, let's get back to it. (Turns to see that Emma has already walked away) Emma?

Emma: Regina, I found something!

Regina: (Catches up with Emma and sees the blood) Blood.

Emma: There's a trail of it. It's not dry yet. It's fresh. Killian. (Stands up) Killian?! Killian?! (She runs and follows the trail of the blood, and stops when she sees ruined cloaks)

Meg: Not Killian, but I know him.

Emma: Who are you? Where's Killian? (Helps Meg up)

(In the distance, Cerberus can be heard roaring and the three look in the direction the roar came from.)

Meg: We have to get out of here.

Regina: What the hell is that?

Meg: It's coming. Hide me. We have to go... now!

(They disappear in a cloud of smoke due to Emma's magic)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma transports the three of them to Mary Margaret's apartment, which looks un-lived in)

Regina: Your parents' apartment? Really?

Emma: (Takes a sheet off the couch for Meg) It's the first place I thought of. Here. Lie down.

Regina: What if whoever... or whatever... lives here, you know, comes home?

Emma: (Picks up a photo in a white frame, which is a picture of Mary Margaret and David) I don't think we have to worry about that.

Regina: (Walks forward and takes the photo from Emma) So this place is just waiting for your parents to die so they can move in?

Emma: Creepy, but that seems to be the case. I think we're safe here.

Regina: It's officially a cold day in hell when I move in with the Charmings.

Emma: (Sits down next to Meg) Are you okay?

Meg: (Stutters and still clearly shaken) I will be.

Emma: And Hook?

Meg: I... I don't know.

Emma: Where is he?

Meg: In an underground prison. I escaped through tunnels. They let out in a cave somewhere in the woods, and... next thing I knew, you found me.

Emma: Where is the cave? Could you find it again?

Meg: Yes. But it's being guarded by something... terrible. (Gasps in fear)

Emma: What's guarding the cave?

Meg: It... It has three heads. Its... Its teeth can crush your bones with a single bite. And those eyes... they burn right through your soul as it finishes you off. (Shudders) Nothing can defeat this monster.

Mary Margaret: (Enters the apartment with David) That's not true. I know exactly what this beast is... and how we can defeat it.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(It's getting near dusk, and Snow White and Hercules are sitting near a small fire somewhere in the woods)

Snow White: So, are you really a god?

Hercules: Demi-god. My mother was mortal.

Snow White: I've never met a demi-anything before.

Hercules: I can't join my father on Mount Olympus until I complete my Twelve Labors.

Snow White: And then you'll be immortal?

Hercules: That's the idea. But as much as I like discussing my family tree, you can't avoid yours forever.

Snow White: I can't face anyone until I figure out what to do about the bandits.

Hercules: (Stands up, and helps Snow White to her feet) I've got your answer. (Holds out a bow to her) You're gonna fight them.

Snow White: Me? I'm not a hero.

Hercules: You will be after I train you.

Snow White: No.

Hercules: (Grabs something from behind him, and opens it, which reveals all his medals from completing his labor's) Snow... you can't let the fear of failing stop you from trying. This medal... it was for the first Labor I ever completed... Defeating the Nemean Lion. I was scared. But I didn't back down. I fought the lion, and I won. And I wouldn't have this medal if I'd been too afraid to try.

Snow White: Easy for you to say.

Hercules: (Closes the small medal holder and puts it back down) Snow... I'm going to teach you how to stand up to those bandits so they never show their faces in your kingdom again.

Snow White: Why are you doing this for me?

Hercules: Because you're gonna make a great queen one day. I'm a good judge of character. And also, uh... it gives me an excuse to spend as much time as I can with you before I complete my final Labor. (As he says this, he shows Snow White how to hold the bow properly) I only have a few fleeting moments down here. And I want to enjoy them. (He places the arrow in the bow)

Snow White: So, what exactly is your last Labor?

Hercules: (Sighs) It's the most difficult one of them all... defeating the three-headed hellhound... Cerberus.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mary Margaret, Emma and Regina enter the Underworld version of Granny's diner, seeking the Blind Witch's help)

Emma: You really think she'll know where he is?

Regina: Of course. We need someone who sees everyone. Hey, child-muncher. (Walks over to the counter) We're looking for someone.

Blind Witch: Why should I help you, Regina? You burned me alive.

Regina: It was Hansel and Gretel.

Blind Witch: At your behest, and with your fireball.

Regina: Fine. Fine. But you stole my apple. What do you think happens when you steal from a witch, witch?

Blind Witch: Fair enough. So, who are you looking for?

Mary Margaret: His name's Hercules.

Emma: You know, from the myths.

Blind Witch: (Chuckles) I know who Hercules is. He comes in here on his lunch break every day. And no matter how hard I try to fatten him up, his muscles are always bulging. It's a shame. He'd make a great Sunday roast.

Mary Margaret: Lunch break from where?

[ Present. Underworld ]

(At the Underworld version of the docks, Hercules is moving boats with his strength, and he doesn't realize that Mary Margaret is standing behind him)

Mary Margaret: Herc?

Hercules: (Turns to face Mary Margaret and looks confused)

Mary Margaret: (Walks towards him) You don't recognize me, do you?

Hercules: Snow? (Scoffs lightly)

(They both hug tightly, happy to see one another)

Mary Margaret: You're still so young. When... How did...?

Hercules: You mean, uh, how did I die? That's, uh... That... That's not important. What are you doing down here? I mean, how did you...?

Mary Margaret: I'm not dead. Um, I came down here to help my daughter.

Hercules: You have a daughter?

Mary Margaret: And a son. And a grandson, actually.

Hercules: (Sighs) You are not a grandmother.

Mary Margaret: (Chuckles) Actually... it's kind of a convoluted story, but, um, I am. It's been quite a life.

Hercules: Yeah. Yeah, I wish I could say the same.

Mary Margaret: (Wipes her tear away)/ I'm so sorry. What if I told you there might be a way for you to leave the Underworld once and for all?

Hercules: I never finished my Labors. I can't move on until I do.

Mary Margaret: I know. And Cerberus is here.

Hercules: Here?

Mary Margaret: He's... He's guarding a prison where the man my daughter loves is being held.

Hercules: And...

Mary Margaret: Hercules, you're the only one strong enough to defeat that beast. It's your destiny.

Hercules: Well, that hero died. (Continues on with his job)

Mary Margaret: Only if you let him. Don't forget what you taught me. You can't let fear of failure keep you from trying.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Two of Hades's prison guards, throw Hook to the ground in Hades lair. It's clear that Hook is more bloodied and bruised)

Hades: Oh, this is going to be quite an exciting day.

Hook: (Groans in pain and rolls over slightly) It will be... when I k*ll you.

Hades: (Laughs) Why does everyone say that? You can't k*ll me. I'm Hades. This... (Chuckling) this is death.

Hook: Well, then, I'll find whatever's worse and do it to you.

Hades: (Bends down and inspects a puncture wound on Hook's neck) Oh, I see you've... you met my pet. You're about to realize his master is not nearly as friendly.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Robin and Henry have arrived at the city hall, and are outside Regina's office. Henry goes to open the door, but Robin's voice stops him)

Robin Hood: Wait. (Goes to open the door himself, but is stopped by magic) Protection spell.

Henry: Looks like Grandma Cora left this place locked up.

Robin Hood: Not completely. (Moves the sofa aside to reveal an air vent, which he pulls off, before inspecting) Okay. (Stands up and removes his bow and arrow) All right. You stay here.

Henry: No. Someone needs to stand guard outside, and only one of us knows where to look in my mom's office.

Robin Hood: (Hesitates) Be very careful.

(Henry crawls through the vent and when he gets into the office he starts standing up)

Cruella De Vil: Hello, darling.

Henry: (Stands and looks at her surprised) Cruella.

Cruella De Vil: Tell me, how is your mother? Oh, yes, with you, I need to be more specific. How is the one that k*lled me?

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina and Hercules are in the tunnel which leads to Hades's prison, looking for Hook)

Emma: This is the tunnel she said she came out of. Hook's in here somewhere.

Regina: All right, wonder boy, are you sure you can do this?

Mary Margaret: Regina! (Places her hand on Hercules's shoulder in a supportive manner) I know you can do this.

Hercules: We'll find your friend. Don't worry. (Starts walking forward) Wait for me here. (Begins walking into the tunnel)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(In a peasant village in Snow White's kingdom, Dead Eye, the Bandit, is taking money from the villagers)

Dead Eye: Where's the rest of it?

Man: That's all we have. I swear.

(An arrow suddenly flies past Dead Eye and lands in the tree beside him. Snow White is standing there and Hercules is beside her.)

Snow White: Leave my people alone!

Man: Princess Snow, please, help us.

Dead Eye: Where's your daddy's army?

Snow White: I don't need... an army. Return what you've taken from these people and leave my kingdom... or the next arrow lands in your good eye.

Dead Eye: (Chuckles) I'd like to see you try.

(Snow White goes to draw an arrow, but instead ends up spilling all her arrows on the ground. She quickly bends down in and attempt to retrieve them. The bandits laugh at her)

Dead Eye: (Still laughing, he walks over to Snow White and crushes a couple of her arrows under his boot) Run back to your palace, little girl. These are my woods now.

Hercules: (Suddenly drives his fist into the ground, causing the ground to shake. Leave her alone! Or you're going to have to answer to me.

Dead Eye: (Stands back up) Your boyfriend won't be around to protect you forever.(Walks away, his group of bandits following)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(At the summer palace, Dead Eye walks into the Evil Queen's chambers)

Dead Eye: We did exactly what you asked.

Evil Queen: (Hands Dead Eye a sack of gold) There's more where this came from.

Dead Eye: Are you sure you don't want me to k*ll her?

Evil Queen: I won't turn her into a martyr for these people to worship. No. I have to turn them against her. And these miserable people will finally realize the truth. I am meant to be their queen.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(In the Underworld Mines, Hercules is still making his way through them, looking for Cerberus. A loud growl comes and Hercules drops the sword as Cerberus comes into full view, and he turns and begins to run)

Mary Margaret: Herc!

Emma: Come on.

(The group stops when Hercules runs around the corner, stopping behind them)

Emma: Whoa.

(The snarling continues, and Mary Margaret goes to draw her bow, when someone whistles, the dogs growling instantly stopping)

Regina:What the hell was that?

Hades: I called them off. (Steps into view)

Emma: Who are you?

Hercules: My uncle.

Regina: Hades?

Hades: Don't look so surprised. (Stops in front of them) Who'd you think was in charge of this place... your mommy?

Regina: Well, if this is your realm, maybe you can answer a few questions. Like why does this hell-hole look like Storybrooke?

Hades: I have my reasons, and I don't have to share them with you.

Hercules: Leave them alone, Uncle.

Hades: There's that famous courage people love to talk about. Oh, Hercules, did you really think you could face Cerberus again?

Mary Margaret: Again?

Hades: (Gasps) You mean he didn't tell you?

Mary Margaret: Cerberus k*lled you.

Hercules: Yeah, I didn't want you to know. Snow, I couldn't let you down.

Hades: Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of, nephew. After all, losing your life to my little pet is what finally brought us together as family.

Mary Margaret: We're not afraid of you.

Hades: (Gasps) Oh. Snow White. (Gasps) Or is it Mary Margaret? My nephew said you were a spitfire, but trust me, you should be quite afraid of me because the next time you interfere with my family, I will come after yours.

Emma: Bring it. We're not gonna rest until we find Hook. (Steps closer to Hades)

Hades: Oh, and that must make you Emma. (Chuckles) Since your pirate likes to send you messages, I told him I would deliver this one personally. (Holds up Killian's bloody hook)

Emma: (Looks worried when she sees all the blood) What did you do to him?

Hades: It's not what I've already done you should worry about now. It's what I'm about to do. (He drops the hook, before disappearing in blue fire)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Cruella and Henry are still in the mayor's office)

Cruella De Vil: So, darling, this is actually quite fortuitous.

Henry: What do you want?

Cruella De Vil: Why, you, of course. I need your help. You see, Hades, the being that runs this place, has set up the most awful conundrum. For those of us in this ghastly Underworld, we have two choices... Leaving for a better place or a worse one.

Henry: I think I know where you'll end up.

Cruella De Vil: (Sighs) Charming. Just like your family. And also probably quite correct, which is why I need a third choice... to go back to the real world. Oh, how I miss it. The music, the gin, the glamour... the gin.

Henry: You're already dead. No one can change that.

Cruella De Vil: Actually, one person can... the Author. Oh, yes, that's you now.

Henry:No. The Apprentice told me it's impossible.

Cruella De Vil: Because he didn't want you to. But, Henry, you can. The Author's power is far greater than that bearded old man wanted you to believe.

Henry: I destroyed the quill.

Cruella De Vil: Oh, yes, yes, I know what you did. We hear it all down here. But I'm guessing you don't know much about the quill, do you? The sorcerer bequeathed the quill to all of you, but it is not a simple pen. It is a magical energy. It is a living, breathing entity.

Henry: It's alive?

Cruella De Vil: Oh, yes. And when you broke it, Henry, you sent it right down here to the Underworld, its purpose unfulfilled. It epitomized unfinished business. And now you are going to find it down here with my help. And you're going to send me right back to our world.

Henry: Why would I ever help you?

Cruella De Vil: Mm, because, Henry, if I come back to life, guess what happens? The woman who k*lled me... your mother... Is no longer a m*rder*r. You see? You see, by helping me, Henry, you can restore mommie dearest to the pure soul she once was. You can save her.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Mary Margaret is sitting on a bed in her apartment, when Regina walks up the stairs and stops in front of her)

Regina: (Sighs) What are you doing? We have to find Hook.

Mary Margaret: I can't help you.

Regina: We can't have you quitting.

Mary Margaret: I'm not quitting. I'm being practical.

Regina: Since when are you practical?

Mary Margaret: This is all my fault. I thought I was doing the right thing. Hercules was destined to k*ll Cerberus. I thought it would help us get to Hook. But now...

Regina: Now is not the time to give up. Need I remind you I dedicated years to knocking you down? But nothing could stop you.

Mary Margaret: You took my kingdom. Cast your curse. I lost my daughter for 28 years.

Regina: And then you found her. You defeated me in a way no one thought was possible. You made me your friend by never giving up on me. So what's the difference this time?

Mary Margaret: And how am I supposed to help anyone stand up to Hades when all I have is... speeches about hope?

Regina: You're right. Mary Margaret can't help. In fact, we don't need her anymore. We need Snow White.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Snow White is still in the woods, and is by herself, attempting to snap the bow. Hercules finds her, and rushes over to Snow, seeing what she is attempting to do)

Hercules: What are you doing?

Snow White: (Sighs) I'm done, Herc. I tried to be a leader, but I am not cut out to be one. Regina will make a better queen than I could ever hope to be.

Hercules: So you're just going to abandon your kingdom?

Snow White: I don't want to be Snow White anymore.

Hercules: That's a shame because I was really starting to like her.

Snow White: I was crazy to think that I could stand up to those bandits.

Hercules: No one wins every battle, Snow, especially their first.

Snow White: You did.

Hercules: Can you keep a secret? My first Labor nearly k*lled me. It's the truth. The Nemean Lion. Do you know why no one could k*ll it? 'Cause his fur was impenetrable, like steel. With every blow I struck, all I did was blunt my sword.

Snow White: So how did you defeat it?

Hercules: When I had exhausted myself and I thought that the beast was going to k*ll me, I accidentally dropped my torch. I set the brush surrounding us on fire. The flames singed the lion's fur from his body.

Snow White: He wasn't invincible anymore.

Hercules: And I slayed him. Don't you see? If I hadn't failed, I never would have figured out how to succeed.

Snow White: Okay. (Exhales) So, how do I stop these bandits?

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Hercules is back doing his job at he docks, when Mary Margaret arrives and drops his sword on the ground)

Mary Margaret: Pick it up.

Hercules: It's pointless, Snow. (Walks over to a boat and puts down two anchors he was carrying) I can't defeat Cerberus. We're just going to antagonize my uncle.

Mary Margaret: Well, that's a chance we're going to have to take. Herc, how did Cerberus k*ll you?

Hercules: Why does it matter?

Mary Margaret: Because... Because that is the only way we're gonna figure out how to defeat him next time.

Hercules: (Sighs) He has three heads, Snow. Okay, when I would face one, no matter how valiantly I fought, the other two would attack. I never should have fought that beast alone.

Mary Margaret: Well, that's it. That's why you're going to win this time. You're not going to fight him alone.

Hercules: You want to face Cerberus with me?

Mary Margaret: Herc, I became that hero you always believed I could be. And we are going to fight that three-headed beast, and we are going to win.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma and Meg are still sat on the couch, whilst Regina and David are keeping an eye on things. David is looking at the window, when he clearly sees something that concerns him)

David: Regina? (Quickly steps away from the window)

Regina: What is it? Did Mary Margaret talk Muscles into giving it another go?

David: I don't think so.

(Glass shatters from upstairs and Emma's bed comes crashing down on to the kitchen counter. Emma and Meg instantly jump up from the couch, as it's Cerberus)

Emma: Run! Just go!

(The four quickly run out of the apartment and into the hallway, all quickly fleeing down the stairs)

Emma: Let me guess the Cerberus?

(Just as the group manages to clear out of the hallway, Cerberus bursts through the door)

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Back in the same village, Dead Eye is once again terrorizing the villagers)

Dead Eye: (Spots a necklace on an old woman) What do we have here? (Snatches it from her)

Snow White: Give it back!

Dead Eye: Princess Snow.

Snow White: Give that woman her necklace. Then leave here and never come back.

Dead Eye: I seem to remember you delivering a similar warning yesterday.

Snow White: Give that woman her necklace. (sh**t an arrow, which hits a tree).

Dead Eye: (Laughs) Careful.

Snow White: (Loads another arrow into the bow and points it at Dead Eye's w*apon, before sh**ting it out of his hand)

Dead Eye: What the...?

Snow White: (Loads another arrow onto the bow) Lower your weapons. Or do I need to disarm all of you?

(The villagers courage also comes, and they pick up objects and point them at the bandits in a threatening manner)

Dead Eye: You think you're tough, Princess? This isn't over.

Snow White: Yeah, it is.

(Dead Eye drops the woman's necklace, and one of his men drops the sack of coins he is holding. Dead Eye then picks up his sword, before retreating, his bandits following him. Snow White sighs as she lowers her arrow, the villagers cheering. Snow and Hercules laugh as they hug one another)

Snow White: I did it! (Chuckles)

Hercules: I knew you could do it.

Snow White: (Sighs) Thanks to you.

Hercules: I guess you don't need me to train you anymore.

Snow White: Does this mean you're going to leave to defeat Cerberus?

Hercules: Do you want to come?

Snow White: I'd love to. But, Herc... I think my people need me more right now.

Hercules: You're gonna make an amazing queen.

Snow White: And Olympus will be lucky to have a hero like you.

(They look at one another for a few moments, before kissing gently)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, David, Regina and Meg meet Mary Margaret and Hercules on one of the main streets.)

Mary Margaret: Are you okay? What happened?

David: Cerberus. He found us.

Mary Margaret: Where's the prisoner?

Emma: She ran when the hellhound att*cked. We gave her a head start, but there was only so long we could hold it off.

Mary Margaret: (Sighs) We should split up. We have to find her before that monster does.

David: Go.

(Emma, David and Regina run off in one direction, whilst Mary Margaret and Hercules make their way towards the clock tower)

Mary Margaret: Come on.

(Meg is crouched by the clock tower, clearly scared. Mary Margaret sees her and draws her arrow, both her and Hercules making their way towards Meg)

Meg: You shouldn't be here.

Mary Margaret: We're here to help.

(The growling gets louder and suddenly Meg's eyes widen and she points to Cerberus, who is now in full view)

Meg: He found us.

Hercules: What now?

Mary Margaret: (Spots the library) We get her in there.

Hercules: (Helps Meg to her feet) Come on.

(The three of them run into the library to hide from Cerberus and they try to keep away from the windows.Cerberus prowls outside looking for them)

Hercules: Any bright ideas?

Mary Margaret: We hit all three heads at once.

(One of the windows shatters and Meg screams)

Hercules: How are we gonna do that?

Mary Margaret: With her help. Give her your dagger.

Hercules: (Holds his dagger out for Meg)

Meg: (Doesn't take it) No, no, I can't do that.

Mary Margaret: Yes, you can.

(The door to the library bangs, and the three jump back in shock, as Cerberus has found where they are hiding)

Mary Margaret: You can. You have to try.

(Meg finally takes the dagger from Hercules, and Hercules quickly searches for another w*apon. He ends up snapping a pipe off an air vent)

Mary Margaret: Ready?

(The door to the library bursts open and Cerberus enters.)

Mary Margaret: Now!

(Mary Margaret sh**t one of the heads with her arrows, while Meg and Hercules s*ab the other heads with their weapons. After a moments, Cerberus disappears in a cloud of black smoke. Meg begins chuckling before she begins to faint)

Hercules: Whoa. Hey, hey. Hey. (Catches her, before she stands back up, breathing heavily)

Meg: I guess I'm not used to all that excitement.

Hercules: I'm Hercules.

Meg: Megara. But my friends call me Meg.

Hercules: Thanks for the assist, Meg.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(At Granny's diner, Meg is sitting at a table with a blanket around her shoulders, and Hercules sits in front of her, studying Meg. Emma, Mary Margaret, David and Regina watch on-wards)

Hercules: I... I think we've met before.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Meg is being chased by Cerberus, and she crashes into Hercules, who is out hunting Cerberus)

Meg: Please! Please! (Panting)

Hercules: Hey, what is it?

Meg: It's the monster!

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Still in Granny's diner)

Meg: You're... you're the boy that tried to save me.

Hercules: (Sighs) "Tried"? (Chuckles sadly.)

Meg: I'm afraid Cerberus got me... right after he got you.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Hercules and Meg are still talking while Cerberus approaches)

Hercules: Run. Run.

Meg: No, he'll k*ll you.

Hercules: I don't care. Now,go!

(Meg runs and Cerberus appears in front of Hercules, who charges at the hellhound)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Meg and Hercules are still sitting together in Granny's diner)

Hercules: I'm so sorry, Meg, I...

Meg: What for? You may not have saved me back then, but you made up for it now. (Holds his hand) Thank you.

David: Looks like Herc found a new friend.

Mary Margaret: Mm. Maybe defeating Cerberus wasn't Hercules' only piece of unfinished business. Maybe he needed to save her, too.

Emma: You okay?

Mary Margaret: Yeah. (Sighs) You didn't know me in the Enchanted Forest, Emma, but... I was someone who took risks even when she was afraid. I was someone who... I guess, inspired people. An old enemy reminded me of that. I just don't want to ever run the risk of forgetting who I was again.

David: What are you saying, Mary Margaret?

Mary Margaret: I'm saying I don't want to be Mary Margaret anymore. I want to be Snow White again.

Regina: Well, it's about time.

David: I think we can make that happen... Snow.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Robin is still waiting for Henry to come out of Regina's office, as he bends down near the air shaft)

Robin Hood: Henry. Henry, are you all right?

Henry: Yeah. (Climbs out of the vent)

Robin Hood: Did you find anything?

Henry: Uh, no. Nothing. Dead end.

Robin Hood: Okay.

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Emma, Mary Margaret, David and Regina are in the fire room, as Hercules and Meg prepare to cross to the other side)

Meg: Do you think you can get to the prison through the tunnels?

Emma: Yes, thanks to your map.

Meg: If it weren't for Hook, I'd still be rotting in that cell. You'll tell him that I did the right thing? That he was right to trust me?

Emma: I will. Thank you.

Hercules: Are you sure you don't want us to stay and help?

Mary Margaret: I think you've been down here long enough. And if you don't cross before your uncle finds you, who knows what he'll do?

Hercules: I was right. You became an amazing hero. (Steps forward and hugs Mary Margaret)

(Hercules and Meg hold hands and begin to cross over the bridge. Olympus appears on the other side)

Meg: What is it?

Hercules: Olympus.

(Hercules and Meg both chuckle, before crossing over. The clock ticks.)

[ Present. Underworld ]

(Hook is leaning against Hades's clock on the ground, still bloodied and bruised, as Hades walks towards him)

Hades: The prisoner you aided in escape... she moved on from this realm.

Hook: Good for her.

Hades: (Magically produces a chiseling tool)

Hook: Get on with it, then.

Hades: Oh, this? Oh, this? No. This isn't for you. (Chuckles) It's for your friends. (Forces Hook to take it) Yeah.

Hook: What in the bloody hell am I supposed to do with this?

Hades: Simple accounting, really. At first, I wanted your friends to leave. I really had such a smooth-running operation going here before they arrived, but now I've decided they've caused too much damage, so my vindictive side... Did you know I have one? It wants to punish them. So, from now on, for every soul your friends free, one of them is going to have to stay. And, Captain... you get to decide who.

Hook: (Looks shocked, conflicted and saddened)

[ End of episode ]