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02x13 - A Dead Man Feels No Cold

Posted: 03/08/16 04:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Gotham...

Bullock: Last night some psycho froze a cop to death.

Nygma: He was using supercooled liquid helium.

It's one of the most effective substances in the world for rapid temperature reduction.

He just wants to know where it comes from so we can track down the guy.

Do you confess to m*rder?

Yes, I do.

I'm not a criminal, you know. I'm just... insane.

I almost crossed the line, didn't I?

How out of character.

Scared me a little.

Welcome to my world.

I can freeze you, like we planned...

But... I can't bring you back.

Victor: Solution A14. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Nora: I'm just thinking of all those poor mice you're experimenting on.

What are you going to do now, look for this Malone guy yourself?

Honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead.


You are going to help save my wife.

Nora: My husband did terrible things, but he did those terrible things for my sake.

I'm dying. He wants to save me.

I'd like to make a confession.

I'm the man that's been freezing people.

A16. It worked.

Am I dead?

I can't believe it worked.

I'm coming for you, Nora, I'm coming to save you.

(tires squealing)

(alarm ringing, sirens wailing)

(tires squealing)

(alarm continues ringing)

Where is everybody?

Listen up.

Ace Chemicals makes the liquid helium Victor Fries uses to power his weaponry.

Fries was spotted entering the building 20 minutes ago.

He's desperate and extremely dangerous.

Let's do this.


What the hell happened here?

Night janitor.

Could be a hostage.

Officer: Detectives.

Canisters gone.

Looks like he got what he was after.

What's he planning?

"Free my wife."

How was Switzerland?

They have mountains, snow.

People are polite.

Alfred said you wanted to talk to me.

Alfred wanted me to speak with you.

He's worried about you.

He's worried that you might be concealing any trauma you must be feeling.

He needn't worry.

I tell him I'm fine, which I am, and he doesn't believe me.

You were violently abducted. You nearly died.

You must have been very scared.

It's normal to feel trauma.

It's nothing you need to be ashamed of.

I wasn't scared.


What did you feel?

I felt alive.

Intensely alive.

Do you think I'm abnormal?

You're certainly unusual, if you're being honest.

I'm always honest.

That's a good way to be.

Tough to pull off.

I try.

And how do you feel now?

As I say, I feel... fine.


I have a second chance at life.

What do you plan to do with that chance?

My plans remain unchanged.

Find the man who k*lled my parents.

Bruce, you need closure.



Not a dangerous and possibly endless obsession.

I'll find him.

You're a schoolboy, not a homicide detective.

I believe people can be two things at once, don't you think so?

Yes, they can.

So, you find the culprit, what then?

I'll let the law take its course.

Is that the truthful answer?

It's the answer I'm giving you.

What happened to Honest Bruce?

That's a very good question.

I guess that's the other Bruce.

Sorry, I don't mean to be flippant with you.

This conversation has been very useful.


Perhaps we can do it again sometime.

Sure, we can do that.

Barnes: "Free my wife"?!

This guy thinks by k*lling seven cops, he can get us to free his wife?!

I'll free my boot up his frozen ass!

Tin can lunatic, son of a bitch, I'll tear his...

(sighs) I'm going to take a breath.

What about this hostage... the janitor... any demands?

Not yet.

Obviously, we're dealing with a madman, and once he realizes that we're not going to release his wife, he's going to come to us, try to get her, right?

What else would he do?

I guess.

When he does, we'll be ready for him, and we'll take him.

Where is she now?

In a holding cell.

Lee and a paramedic are seeing to her.

Lee says if she doesn't move to a hospital soon, she could die.

Damn it.

(sighs) We can't secure Gotham General.

There's too many access points, too many civilians.


They have a full ER facility, right?

We'll take her to Arkham.

This way she can get the care that she needs, and we can capture Fries without endangering any civilians.

Makes sense.


It's a lunatic asylum, filled with crazy people.

You got any better ideas?


You prep her to travel.

I'll call the director at Arkham.

And get that out to press.

I want Fries taking the bait.

I'm going to let you tell Lee that we're taking her patient to the nut house.

She'll understand.

Oh, yeah, totally, completely.

Lee: Let me get this straight.

You plan on using a dying woman as bait.

A tethered goat at Arkham.

It's not like that.

Are you going to tell her husband where you're taking her?

Yes, but...

Then it is like that.

It's the least bad of several bad options.

We could spread false word that she's at Gotham General, but what happens when Fries att*cks?

It's filled with people who are too sick to move.

This is the rational way to go.

Sometimes the rational way is not the best way.

If there were a better way, we would take it.

Trust me, Nora Fries will be perfectly safe.


I-I got to go.

I'm going with her.

Lee, there are doctors at Arkham.

She's my patient.

I used to work there, I know those doctors. I'm going.

It's not safe.

It's safe for Nora, but it's not safe for me?

No, now, now, now, look...

Yeah, keep thinking, hotshot, I'm going to get my stuff.

No, you know what I meant.

If you use this on me, I'm going to scream.

Who was that?

One of Fries's victims.

I'd hoped to extract traces of Fries's formula from the man's tissue, but no such luck.

Speaking of, you had a call.

The GCPD wants to transfer Nora Fries to Arkham medical wing.

You mean the wife?

Apparently, she's very sick.

The police think Fries may try to break her out.

They need a more secure medical location.

Fries must be doing all this to save his wife.

How romantic.

How perfect.

Here I am desperately in need of his cryonic expertise, and he's going to make a house call.


The fates are smiling on us.

Swiftly, Peabody, we must prepare.

(muffled howling)

Reporter (over radio): ... having recovered from being frozen solid, before stumbling out, to the bewilderment of the GCPD.

He was taken to Gotham Memorial, where he was treated for minor injuries and released.

We are now getting word that Nora Fries, wife of the infamous Mr. Freeze, is being taken to the medical wing of Arkham Asylum...

Arkham? (Scoffs)

She belongs in a hospital, not thrown in among lunatics.

Reporter: ... there have been no official charges...

It's a trap.

Of course it is.

They're using her to get to me.

The fools.

They think walls and g*ns can stop me?


They have no idea.

(boom, then ice crackling)

They'll learn.

Let me go, you brutes!

I want to speak to Professor Strange.

Director Strange is very busy today.

But rest assured, nothing happens at Arkham not according to his wishes.

What is this thing? What are you doing to me?

You are to be the face of our rehabilitation program.

If we can cure a man like Oswald Cobblepot, we can cure anyone.

I refuse.

I refuse to be part of your program.

You have no choice.

Know this, woman.

Nobody yet has failed to regret vexing the Penguin.

And you are vexing me!

Oh... (chuckles)

Make your next decision very carefully.



(grunting, gasping)



Duck. (laughs)



(lock buzzes, then gate clanks and squeaks open)





Thank God.

It was only a dream.


It was only a dream.


You're supposed to chase me.

You're the goose.

No. No. I-I'm, uh...

I'm the... I'm-I'm a penguin.


Goose! (Gasping)

Goose! Goose!


He's not being the goose.

Peabody: It's fun to participate in group, Mr. Cobblepot.

You should try.



Yes. I-I...

I'd be glad to. (chuckles)

What is it they want me to do?

Be the goose.



Sweet mother. Is that Penguin?


Gordon: He seems drugged.

He's been quite agitated since he arrived. We put him on a mild sedative to keep him from hurting himself.

Dr. Thompkins, my assistant, Ms. Peabody, will accompany you to the infirmary.

She can provide whatever you need.

Thank you.

Oswald: Duck.



We'll set up by the main gate.

You should probably get the inmates back in their cells.

Oswald: Duck...



Gordon: Harv, come on.




I trust you won't mind sharing the wing with our dear Ms. Kean.

You've got to be kidding me.

Oh, do you know Sleeping Beauty? That's my name for her.

So lovely, so still.

Like an angel.


Is there a problem?

No. No problem at all.


Pinkney, I want obstacles set up to keep Fries from entering the main building.

Yes, sir. What about the bus?

Yeah. Good idea.

And Harvey, I want a sh**t up on that roof.

(grunts) Jim! Jim!

Jim, my old friend! Jim!

Help, please!



Give us a minute.


Thank God you're here.

You have to help me. They're torturing me.

t*rture is what you do.

The doctors here are trying to help you.

It's t*rture, I'm telling you!

I don't see any signs of it.

It's mental t*rture.

It's therapy. You're insane, remember?

That's what your lawyers said, anyhow.


Good-bye, Penguin.

You owe me, Jim Gordon. I lied for you!

He k*lled Galavan! Not me! It was him!

It was him, Doc!

You owe me, Jim Gordon. I lied for you!

He k*lled Galavan! Not me! It was him!

It was him, Doc!

(distant): It was him!

(punches thudding)


I'd say that's learned him, Master Bruce.

We were supposed to have a training session.

Yeah, well, I got held up in the city, didn't I?

Besides, I thought your chat with Dr. Thompkins would keep you occupied.

And I thought you were against therapy.

Well, that's before I realized you're so keen on keeping secrets.

If I had told you what Selina and I had planned, you would have stopped me. Because I didn't, I got the name of my parents' k*ller from Silver.

Then you made us leave Gotham.

We lost more than a month we could've spent searching for M. Malone.

We left the city 'cause you were at the end of your emotional and your physical rope... and quite frankly, you're incapable of catching a common cold, let alone a k*ller. Wi...

Will you stop?!

Now, I need to ask you a very important question: Are we in this together...

... or not?


We're in this together.

Right. Well, I told you I had some business in the city.

Went to see a sergeant that I know, and we did some digging in some GCP files for any M. Malones that fit our particulars.

Age, size, height, race, whether they were free during the m*rder of your parents.


Patrick Malone.

Goes by the nickname...


Delightful chap, really.

Committed his first m*rder when he was 15.

Suspected of half a dozen since.

Now, I need to ask you, if you were in charge, what next?

You could've got this information from Detective Gordon.

Why didn't you contact him?

I'm the one asking questions now, Master Bruce.

We find this man...

... what do you plan to do?

k*ll him.


You can't stop me.

I bloody can and I will.

You're too young to have a death on your conscience, Master Bruce.

I know how your parents deserve justice.

I know you're not gonna stop till you find it.

But when we find this Malone, I will k*ll him and not you.

That is the deal.

Do you accept?


Say it.

We find him, we make him talk, you k*ll him.

You have no idea what you're missing.

Where am I? Where am I?

Nora, try not to exert yourself. You're in a hospital.

Who are you? This is not Gotham General.

No. You're in a... more secure place. I'm Dr. Thompkins.



They're scared of Victor.


Victor only did these terrible things because of me.

You're not responsible for your husband's actions.

He's not an evil man.

He believes the good of saving me outweighs the bad of his actions.

I understand.

But he's not my concern right now... you are.

And you have to try and stay calm. You're stable but you're still very fragile.

I could have saved him.

I saw him going down this path.

Becoming more and more obsessed.

Why didn't I do something?

I know what you mean.

It's hard, when you love someone.

You see the person that they were, the person they could still become.

You close your eyes to the truth.

He's coming for me, isn't he?

(sighs) The police think so.

So stubborn, my Victor.

You're pregnant?

(chuckles) Yes.

Do you know yet if it's a boy or girl?

Not yet.

I always wanted a girl.

You shouldn't be here.

Let's focus on you and not worry about me, okay?

(crying softly)

Winter stakeout at the loony bin.


Nora doesn't have long. Fries knows that.

He'll come soon.

He'd better.

We could freeze to death, waiting.

Which would be ironic.

(piercing whistle)

(tires squealing in distance)

You hear that?

(vehicle approaching)

(g*ns cocking)

Take cover!

Officer: Heads up! Heads up!

Officer 2: Heads up!

Officer: Open fire!

Officer: Go, go! Get the door! Get the door!

Hands in the air!

I can't. I can't.

Don't sh**t!

Where's Victor Fries?

I don't know!

Please, help me!


Let's go. Come on.

(alarm blaring, lock clicks and buzzes)

Go on. Go. Go in.

Aide: There's a few...



(whimpering) Mom... my...





Copy that.

Fries took out a wall in the east wing.

Gordon: Have B Team cut him off.

We'll head directly to the infirmary.

Alpha to Bravo, continue pursuing suspect.

We're headed to the infirmary.

Copy that.

(alarm blaring)

Take cover!


(lock clanks)


What the hell?




(alarm blaring)

(alarm buzzes)

(alarm blaring)

Strange (over intercom): Hello, Victor.

Forgive me for getting straight to the point.

I'm a great admirer of your work and I would like to offer you a way out of your situation.

Who are you?

I'm a friend, but let me ask you: once you rescue your wife, what is your plan?

To steal a vehicle?

Blast your way out?

There is a set of keys on the chair.

They belong to a vehicle that is waiting by the loading docks.

How do I know it's not a trap?

It is not a trap, it is an exchange.

You get your wife and your freedom...

I can keep the police at bay while you escape.

As thanks, you will leave me one cartridge of your cryonic formula.

What do you say?

The police are coming, you can't beat them all and time is running out for you... and for Nora.

Go fetch that, would you, Ms. Peabody?

Fries is in the building.

We have to go.

We can't leave her.

The staff bailed when the alarm went off.

She'll die.

So we take her with us.

Come on.



Thank you.


I'll take it from here.

Gordon: Victor... Victor, listen to me.

We're trying to help her.

You're k*lling her.

No. No, Victor.


I understand why you're doing this.

I'm saving her life.

At the cost of how many other lives?

Too many to turn back now.

Soon as I've done what I need to do, I'll give myself up.

But now we have to leave.

Victor, I'm a doctor.

If we move her now, she might die.

A doctor. Good.

You're coming with us to push the wheelchair. Let's go.

No. No way!

Jim, I'm going.

She's my patient.

I can't let you do that. I'll go.

Thompkins: It's not your call. She needs me.

I'm not gonna hurt her.

I don't want to hurt anyone, unless I have to.

Jim, I'm going.

Victor, please... don't do this.

Nora, don't worry.

It's all under control.

(gasps) Help...

(gasps) We have to go. Now.

You. In there.

Do what he's saying. We'll be okay.



Okay, let's go.

(banging on door)

(footsteps approaching)


Thank you so much.

Gordon: Lee!

(echoing): Lee!


Strange (over intercom): Apologies, officers.

The extreme cold has shorted the wiring.

We're working on it.

Well, work on it quick!

Oh, we are.

We are.

Please put that somewhere very safe, would you, Ms. Peabody?

Good news, officers.

(lock buzzes, gate clanks)

Gordon: Did Fries say anything, anything at all about his plans?

Janitor: No, nothing. He just said "Sorry."

Bullock: Yo! Partner!

What'd we miss?

Fries got away with Nora and Lee.

I put a BOLO out on the vehicle, but that's all we got.

Fries has to put his wife on ice as quickly as possible, right?

He can't go home; there's cops at the door.

Where's he gonna go?

He's got the equipment with him.

He could freeze her anywhere.


He could freeze her, but he can't keep her frozen.

Not without one of those cryo chambers he built.

Then he is going home.

They're still at his house; they were never taken into evidence.

That's where he went, has to be. Come on.

Thompkins: Victor, please think about this.

How will you take care of her if you're in prison?

I won't.

You will.

Gotham will.

It's the law.

As long as she's legally alive, she's a ward of the city and the city has to keep her alive and safe.


I'm here, darling.

I brought you home.

I'm so tired.

I know.

It'll all be over soon.


I want you to let me go.

Let me die.

Nora, you don't mean that.

I can do this. The process works.

So I shall wake up one day with you in prison or dead? (sighs)

A life alone isn't one that I want.

I'll be there when you wake up. I'll be there.

I'll find a way, I will.

There's always hope.

As long as you're alive, there's hope, right?



There's hope.


My necklace.

The one that you gave me on our first anniversary.

It's on the nightstand.

Would you get it for me, please, dear?


I'm strong enough to use it if I need to.

If you hurry, you can make it out before he gets back.

I'm not leaving you.

This must be very stressful for you and your baby.

We're fine.

Could I have some water?

Thank you.


You heard him.

He's not a bad man at heart.

You have to tell them that.

I will.

And please tell them that I'm very sorry for my part in this.

I saw the man that he was becoming and I did nothing.

Because I loved him.

You know what that's like, don't you?

I do.

Thank you.

You've been very kind.

God bless you and your baby.

(footsteps approach)

Victor: Nora.

I got it.

I've got it.


I love you.

Please don't blame yourself.

I love you.

See you soon.

You should stand back.


I felt the breeze when you came in the window.

I'm glad you came. I need a favor.

(scoffs) "Nice to see you, Selina."

Sorry for not telling you that I was skipping town to go to my castle in France.

It's a chalet. In Switzerland.


Where's the king of snotty England?

Alfred went to the city.

This is the man that Silver told us about.

Alfred tracked him down.

Patrick Malone?

I thought his name started with M.

The M stands for Matches.

It's a nickname.

That's a lame nickname.

So you found him.

What do you need me for?

I need you to get me a g*n.

So you're gonna k*ll him?


Your butler know?

Alfred thinks he's gonna be the one to k*ll him.

That's why I'm asking you.


You couldn't even push that guy out of the window, so how do you expect to do this?

Because this man k*lled my parents.

You ever even fired a g*n before?

Please, Selina, you're the only person I can...

You don't even know what you're asking, Bruce.

Yeah, sure, the guy deserves it, but doing this, you won't ever, ever be the same.

That's what I'm counting on.

(sirens wailing)

(tires screeching)


How do you want to play this one?

Slow and careful.

No g*n play if we can help it.

Set up a perimeter. I'm gonna look inside.

Gotcha. Perimeter.

Hey, set up a perimeter.

Give me one more moment, Doctor, then I'll put myself in your charge.



No. No, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no. No!

Nora! I don't understand, it works.

My formula works. How... ?!

She switched cartridges.

She changed the cartridges?

Did you know?

Did you know she switched the cartridges?


I'm-I'm so sorry.

Bullock (over megaphone): Mr. Fries, this is the GCPD.

You're surrounded.

Please come out, give yourself up, and let's avoid any more sadness.


No more sadness.

Will you be very kind and go tell the police that I'll do as they say?

Nora loved you very much.

I'm envious of the bond you had.

(switch clicks)

(whirring, whooshing)


Gordon: GCPD.


Oh, my God.


You should go back to bed.

Can't sleep.

Heard you on the phone.

Hugo Strange called.

Victor Fries died in Arkham infirmary.

They couldn't revive him.

You okay?

I am.

Are you?

Wish you hadn't gone.

Wish you hadn't put our baby at risk.

You put us at risk when you put Nora at risk.

She was under my care.

That was different; that was police work.

That was you; it's all you.

Arkham was actually Barnes's idea, but it made sense. It was good police work.

What about Galavan? Was that good police work too?

What about him?

The way he died.

Whatever the truth is, it's not what you told me.

How do you know?

Because I know when you're being dishonest.

And you know what, if anybody deserves to die, it's Galavan.

Don't talk to me about police work.

It's you, you lie to me.

(rock music blaring)

(shouting, grunting)

I know you say there are no hopeless cases.

And there are none.

The beauty of life can spring forth from even the harshest of climates.

We simply need to be more... aggressive in our treatment.

Now I must go see to our newest guest.

(Oswald screams)

Good morning, Victor.

Where am I?

Legally, your corpse is in the Arkham morgue, but... obviously you're here.

Indian Hill.

Indian Hill's a toxic waste dump.

A useful fiction.

You're the one who spoke to me in Arkham.

Hugo Strange.

A pleasure to meet you face-to-face.

How is it I'm not dead?

It's simply astonishing, isn't it?

My guess is that you absorbed some of your own formula over the past months.

Your body underwent a profound cellular change.

When you were brought in here, you were actually overheating.

Now look there.

At the thermometer.

Negative 20 degrees.

And I'm not even cold.

Your formula appears to have lowered your core body temperature.

You can only survive in severe hypothermic conditions.

Anything above freezing will k*ll you.

But never fear, you won't be locked in there forever.

We've made some modifications to your suit to allow you to walk freely.

For now, rest.

Tomorrow we begin work.

One project in particular I think you'll find fascinating.

I should have died with Nora.


This all should have ended.

Then take this opportunity, Victor.

Pretend you did die.

Death is not an ending.

Death is a new beginning.