09x16 - Pandora's Box

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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09x16 - Pandora's Box

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

Potable water?

Are you trying to tell me you had nothing to do with that?

(Phone chimes)

Oh! Sorry, I gotta get going.

Hot date?

(Laughs) If it was, would that bother you?

(Kids chatter, fire crackles)

Georgie, what happened?

Adam was at the party with Olivia and they were... they were kissing. (Crying)

(Hooves thud heavily)

(Horse grunts)

♪ ♪

Okay. That should be enough.

(Horse pants)

How does she sound?

Her breathing is pretty laboured after the exercise.

Should we try treating her?

Yeah... Let's get her into the barn.


(Hooves clop)

What the...?

(Amused Chuckle)

I'm finished G.G.

Okay, just give me a minute.

You said we could throw rocks in the pond.

We will, as soon as I finish reading this article.

Okay, I'm off to Maggie's. (Light kiss)

Did you call Adam?

Mm! (Cup thunks)

Seriously? You forgot to cancel my tutoring session?

Was that today?


And he's gonna be here in fifteen minutes, and he's always early!

How could you forget?

(Cell phone rings)

Okay, I guess I'll be finishing this later.

I'm sorry, It's just been so busy.

Katie: Yay!

Maybe I can catch him before he leaves.

Oh, wait, one sec. Hello, Mitch.

Did you, uh, manage to fix the lock on the main cabin?

Well, good morning to you too.

I'm, uh, I'm actually at the Dude Ranch right now...

I thought you were gonna deal with that yesterday?

Well, something came up.

Jack: Come on, honey.

Mitch: Lou, who stayed here last night?

Uh, a group of guys, pretty young.

It was a fishing trip or something.

Did they already check out?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why?

Uh, I think you better get down here and see this for yourself.

Mitch, I don't have time to play games.

Would you please just tell me what you're talking about?

Hello? Lou?

What? Mitch?

Sorry, I think my battery's gonna die.

Hello? (Phone beeps) I think he hung up on me.

(Disgusted huff)

Hey! Where are you going?! What about Adam?

I'll call him on the way.

(Georgie sighs, door opens)

(Vehicle rumbles away)

Georgie: Oh no! Don't let her leave!

Don't let her leave!


I don't need your help with the science test.

Uh, yeah you do. You have a "C" average, and to me, "C" stands for complacency.

Well, to me, it stands for complete waste of time.

Well, my mother can't pick me up for a few hours, so...

Adam, I'm sorry about the miscommunication, okay?

But since he's already here...


Look, it won't hurt to brush up a little for the test.

I'll be back from the Dude Ranch soon.

And Adam, I'll give you a ride home on my way into Maggie's, okay?

(Georgie sighs heavily)

No wonder she's afraid of this thing.

She's gonna look like Horse Vader.

I know, but she needs the steroids for her airway obstruction, and this is the only way to get it into her lungs.

Okay, well, how long do we keep it on?

Twenty minutes, twice a day, if she'll let us.

We'll give it a try.

Hey, girl, this is gonna help you breathe better, okay?

Be good.

(Frightened whinny)

One more time?

Here you go.

(Horse snorts)

It's okay.

(Nervous snorts)


This is exactly what she was doing at the clinic.

Well, we just have to be patient.

We have to earn her trust. I'll do some TTouch.

Okay, thanks. I'm gonna make some more notes in her file.


(Sighs, drawer slides open)

She seems to have settled a little.

(Drawer slides shut)


What's in the box?

Nothing. Just something from the... from the clinic.

We should get back to Penelope.

Yeah. I was just gonna see if you wanted to check her lungs.

She seems a bit calmer now.

Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's do that.


(Receding footsteps)

(Door clicks open, bangs shut)


Oh. My. God.

(Sighs heavily)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

You know, it's ironic.

If you let me keep my trailer here, none of this would've ever happened.

I'm not in the mood, okay?

Oh, come on, lighten up.

It's not funny.

Really? You don't see any humour in this?

No, I don't. And neither should you since this is your fault.

My fault?!


You were supposed to be here last night.

What came up, another online match-up?

Wow. Really.

Look, what I do on my own time is my business.


Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if you brought this on yourself.

Excuse me?!

I don't know. Did you say anything to these guys to make 'em want to get back at you?

No, I didn't!

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure! God!

I mean, they might have given me a little attitude when I brought up the house rules, but...

The what?

The house rules. It's a small handout.

It's more like a list of suggestions.

Uh... (tape rips) does it look like this?

You're kidding me.

"House rules." (Laughs)

I guess they didn't think too much of your suggestions.

Oh my God, those little...

You know, to be fair, it doesn't say anything on here about rearranging the furniture.

Adam: Okay, let's go over the periodic table.

I already know it by heart.

You can't just memorize it, you have to know why it's organized that way.

It's all about incorporating recurring trends.

Here's a recurring trend: these study sessions keep getting more and more boring.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was being paid to entertain you.

Entertain me? I'd settle for not putting me to sleep.

(Birds chirp outside)

You wanna hear a joke?

No, not really.

What do you do with a sick chemist?

Well, if you can't helium, and you can't curium, then you might as well barium.

She's still pretty congested, but she's a lot more relaxed.

Mm. She doesn't have an issue with me touching her anywhere on her face.

So what's the problem with the mask then?

I don't know, it... it could be that she has a fear of something being over her face?

I'd like to check her file, see if there's anything I might have missed.

Yeah, sure. It's open on my desk.


(Footsteps thump)

(Papers flutter)

(Drawer slides open slowly)

(Box rattles)

(Approaching footsteps)



What're you doing with that?

(Coffee pours, door opens)

Where were you?

Uh... here.

Well, Katie and I just got back from having a little fun down at the pond and...

Jack, we had an appointment at my lawyers.

(Sighs) I'm sorry. I completely forgot.

Did you forget to turn on your phone as well?


You haven't answered one of my calls!


You see this button right here?

You just push this button. How hard can that be?

Okay, I got it.

I get that you don't want to deal with this, but I've worked very hard to build my business.

I know you have...

And I... if anything happens to me... want you to take on Fairfield.

What? I'm not in the horse breeding business, you know that!

It's not about you. We have grandchildren.

We have great grandchildren, God help us, and I'm thinking about their future!

Okay, I get it, Lise, but I'm not trying to avoid this.

I ju-I don't understand why you're in such a big rush to go over your will?

I mean, you're young, and you're healthy...

No, no, that's not the point.

The point is that anything could happen at any time and I want the family to be taken care of, and I need your help to do that!

And that's tough to do when you can't even be bothered to show up at an appointment!

I'm gonna take a walk.

(Door opens and closes)

Amy: Ty! Hey, I... I didn't mean to snoop.

Can we...

But you're acting so weird...

Okay, can we just get back to work?

No. I-I know what it is.


It's an anniversary present. I think that's so sweet!

No. It-It isn't, Amy.

Oh, you are not a very good liar.


I'm serious, Amy.

I think we can open it a bit early...

I'm not kidding, okay?

'Cause you know me...

I'm not kidding! It's not for you. It's...

It's from my dad.

How? I don't-I don't get it.

I got it from my mom last week when I was there visiting.

After he died, my mom found out he had a safety deposit box at some bank.

Wait. Ty.

So what was in it?

She didn't wanna know.

So she just wrapped it up and gave it to me to deal with.

Deal with what? I mean, you haven't opened it?

No. And I'm not going to.

The only reason I took it from her was so that I could get rid of it myself.

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

(Struggling grunts)

Okay, hang on a second.

I'm not sure this is the safest way to bring it down.

Uh, Lou, this is really heavy.

Maybe if we just change our positions a little, we can get a better angle...

Come on, I'm losing my grip here!

No, no! Oh! Oh! Oh no!

(Bed frame crashes)

Oh no, no, no!

Are you okay?

No, I am not okay! How could you just let it fall like that!

That is a very expensive bed frame!

How could I let it fall?

The whole reason it fell is 'cause you were obsessing about not letting it fall!

I was not obsessing, I was trying to make a plan, okay?

You can't just do these things haphazardly!

You know, I think it's best for both of us if I just bring the rest stuff down by myself.

Fine! But if anything else breaks, it's coming out of your paycheck.

(Door handles rattle)


(huffs) What now?


Kind of locked my keys inside the car, okay?

Well, I guess you didn't plan that out too well, now did ya?

Just call Jack, get him to bring an extra set of keys.

I can't. I locked my phone in there too.

Can I borrow yours, please?

No. I told you, my battery's dead.

Seriously? I thought you were just saying that to get off the call?

Well, I'm not surprised someone has pulled that stunt on you in the past.

But it's legitimate. My phone's dead. Sorry.

(Sighs) Where is my mom?

Maybe I should call her.

Come on. We're finally making progress.

You're actually not that horrible in science.

Told you.

Okay, so explain electromagnetic force to me.

What about it?

How does it work?

Oh, and don't forget to make it entertaining.

Okay. Can I use a real life example?

Sure, whatever helps.

Okay. Let's take two random people like, I don't know, how about you and Olivia?

Me and Olivia?

Yeah. You can be a proton and she's an electron...

'cause she's so negative all the time...

Where are you going with this?

Just like protons and electrons, you and Olivia are complete opposites in every way, yet you just can't seem to keep your hands off each other.

Uh, electrons and protons don't have anything resembling hands... or any appendages for that matter...

I saw you guys kissing, okay? At Jade's party!

Wow, I can't believe this.

Seriously? It was right out in the open.

You didn't think I'd find out?

I didn't think you'd care.

We kissed first.

I thought you said that didn't mean anything.

Wow. For such a smart guy, you can sure be dumb sometimes.


I should go.

How are you gonna get home?

(Footsteps descend stairs)

(Heavy sigh)

(Package thumps)

(Pen rasps)

(Pen thunks)

Just don't scratch the paint.

This is gonna damage the door frame.

I don't think this is a good idea.

Ugh. Can you just give me some space, please?

I've done this before. I know what I'm doing.

Okay, sorry.

(Blows out his breath)

(Hanger scrapes)

Ow! Agh!

What'd you do?

Nothing. I'm... I'm fine.

You know what? This is not going to work.

I'm just gonna get a horse and ride back to the ranch.

Yeah, your high horse.

What was that?



Ahh! Ow!

What? Oh, are you okay?

Oh, ow!

I twisted my ankle.


Oh my God, I'm bleeding!

Calm down. I'm the one who's bleeding.

Stupid coat hanger.

(Sighs heavily)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(Garbage can rattles)

(Package rustles)

(Approaching footsteps, door creaks open)

So you're opening it?

No, I'm... not going to, no.

(Chair scrapes)

I know things were complicated with you and your dad.

But you must be curious.

(Horse whinnies in the barn)

Why not open it? There-there might be something valuable in there.

Exactly, Amy. And what if there is?

Then I'm gonna have to wonder where it came from.


You remember my dad.

So you're worried that there might be something bad in there?

(Deep breath) I don't know.

You know, there could be something good in there, too.

Or nothing at all.

You're never gonna know if you don't open it.

(Irritated) Okay.

(Papers rustle, drawer slides open and shut)

Okay. I'm sorry. It's none of my business.

Thank you.

(Sighs heavily)

(Footsteps retreat)


(Door creaks open)

I couldn't get a hold of my mom.

And it's too far to walk all the way home, so...

Maybe Jack could give you a ride.

No. I think we have some unfinished business.

Yeah, we do.

I guess we didn't cover everything on the test.

Yeah. That's what I meant too.

Come on, let's get this over with.

It's fine. You know, it's probably just sprained.

Yeah, but you should still get some ice on it.

You know what? I'll... I'll tack up one of the trail horses and I'll take you back to the ranch.

No. There's no way you can get the rest of that stuff down by yourself, especially with your hand like that.

I'm fine. It's just a... it's just a flesh wound.

Whatever, Mr. Tough Guy.

Look, you're the one that can barely walk and you're pretending like it's nothing.

It's a bad family trait.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, I get it from my dad.

He has this old shoulder injury.

Whenever it pops out... Ow!... he thinks he can slam it back into place by himself.

(Chuckles) Kinda sounds like the good Dr. Cutty.

That's what everybody calls my dad.

Your dad's a doctor?

God, no.

It's just a nickname.

He's so damn cheap he does his own dental work.


This one time, I saw him pull out a bad molar with a pair of pliers.



And he had this chipped tooth once.

He ground it down with a steel file.

Okay, that's enough.

Ow, ow, ow... (Sucks her breath in)

You know, I actually...

I think that we just found some common ground here.

Why? Because we're the walking wounded?

No. Because we got crazy dads.

(Laughs) Yeah.

Okay. Yeah, let's um... let's get the rest of that stuff down off the roof.

Yeah. (Grunts)

(Sharp breath)

(Cell phone plays a tune)

G.G., can you help me draw a picture of my pony?

Um, yeah, maybe later.

(Door closes)

But G.G.!

Now look who's leaving their phone lying around.

Oh, I was wondering where that was.

Lisa, can you help me draw a picture of my pony?

Yes, of course.

You missed a call...


It's from your doctor. Is everything okay?

Yes. I uh... yeah. I had an annual last week.

It must be just a follow-up call.

Can we-can we draw the picture now?

Oh, yes, little Miss Persistent.

Just give me one minute. (Clears throat)

Hi. I'm wondering if I could speak to Dr. Anderson?

He just called... Oh, okay. Okay.

Um, yeah, could you ask him to please call Lisa Stillman when he's available.

Thank-you. Okay. Bye.

(Phone beeps off)

What's the next question?

Actually, can we talk about... you know.


I've been thinking about what you said... about Olivia and all that stuff.

But after you and I kissed or whatever you really brushed me off like it was nothing.

So you were trying to get back at me with Olivia?

No. It wasn't like that.

Yeah, right.

You know, she was probably just using you to get back at me too.

Actually, I don't think so.

We've kind of been hanging out since then.

We're going to a movie tonight.

Can we just get back to studying, please?
(Cell phone plays a tune)


Yes, this is she.

Oh, um... no. 'scuse me, no, I'm not interested.

Okay. And please, could you take me off your call list?

Thank you very much.

(Phone thumps, Lisa sighs)

Okay, so what's really going on here?

Telemarketers. It's just just-they're annoying, silly.


The doctor, uh... we, we just ran a few tests.

What kind of tests?

No, no big deal. Just... uh... he's hyper-cautious and he saw something on a scan, and because of my history, he just uh... you know, playing it on the safe side.

Really. Honestly. It's no big deal.

'Kay, I'm gonna go ask Katie which of these little critters she wants me to draw next.

You actually think there's a chance of her putting that thing on?

I don't know. But if she can get used to this, it's a step towards putting on the inhalation mask.

Okay, well, good luck.

Look, it's just a grazing muzzle.

You're okay.


You gotta be kidding me.


Okay, so why was that so easy?

I don't know. She obviously doesn't have a problem with something being on her face, but...

Yeah. Except for the mask that she needs to be wearing.

Do you think it's the way it looks that scares her?

Or maybe it's the hard plastic?

I actually think it might be something else.

Okay, I'm gonna go wait for my mom outside.

See you later?


(Retreating footsteps)

Don't... don't go.

I mean... don't go to that movie with Olivia.

I don't like the fact that you guys are hanging out 'cause I wouldn't mind hanging out with you and... maybe we could go to a movie or something?

Are you saying you want to be like more than friends?


You realize this could be like opening Pandora's box.

Pandora's box is a Greek myth.

It was said to contain all the evils of the world, and that opening it could have far-reaching consequences.

I know what it means.

So? Do you wanna hang out or not?

(Floor creaks nearby)

Sorry, Mr. Bartlett, but honestly, it's not the way it looked.

I know what I saw.

But nothing even happened!

That's because I was here.

And you, you're supposed to be her tutor, aren't you?

I think you oughta leave.

Well, his mom's not here yet.

That's fine. I'll drive him home myself.

That's okay. I can walk.

(Door opens and closes)

Thanks, Jack. That was so embarrassing... and all over nothing!

Okay, so I just got off the phone with the lawyer.

Yeah, oh yeah...

He said he can meet us this afternoon, so do you think Ty and Amy would watch Katie while we go?

Uh... yeah, I can ask 'em.

Okay, please do that. Thank you.

(Retreating footsteps)

Mitch: That's the last of it off the roof.

How's it looking inside?

Same as it did, just have to... put that back on the bedside table and... we're done.

Great. I'm gonna go tack you up a horse and Maverick and I will ride back with you, all right?

Maverick? The horse that Amy was working with?

That's your horse?

Yeah. She, uh, she really straightened him out.

Yeah, well, I'm not surprised.

She's amazing at what she does.

Hah. Look at you, all proud of your kid sister.

You have siblings?

Uh, only child. Well, technically.

What does that mean?

(Sighs) My cousin, Zack, we were born like a month apart from each other.

My parents have all these pictures of us splashing around in this cheap little Mr. Turtle pool.

I totally remember those.

Yeah, I-I rode the bus with that guy like from kindergarten to high school.

We even joined the military together.

So... (sighs) guess he's more like a brother really.

That's cool. Are you guys still close?

I'm gonna go tack up your horse, okay?


So what do you got going here?

Just reading through Mom's journals to find a recipe for aroma therapy.

We have this client horse in and I don't think she likes the smell of her medication.

I wonder if I could ask a favour?

Lisa and I need to go into town, can you guys watch Katie?

Yeah, of course. She can hang out with us in the barn.

What's in town?

Oh, it's no big deal.

What's going on?

Oh, I don't... really need to get into it.

Do you want me to drop this off at the Post Office?

No, this is Ty's. His Mom gave it to him.

It's the contents from his dad's safety deposit box that no one even knew he had.

What's in it?

Who knows? Ty won't open it.

He doesn't even wanna talk about it.

You know how he gets with his dad.

It always rattles him.

Yeah. I was there when Ty spread Brad's ashes, and he was looking for answers then, too.

I can't help but wonder if some of those answers could've been found in that safety deposit box?

Well, you never know. There could be something in there that sheds a little light on who Brad was.

And I can see why that scares Ty, but... he shouldn't be afraid of the truth though.

You know what? Never mind.

Don't worry about looking after Katie.

I'm not going anywhere.

(Door bangs shut)

We're not going to see your lawyer.

Not today.

Why? No, I mean, if Ty and Amy can't take care of Katie then Georgie will do it.

I know what you're doing.

You're using it as a distraction, and that's no way to deal with this.

No, no. We need to deal with my estate...

And we will, I promise.

But today's not the day.

(Sighs) I'm a little bit worried.

I'm scared...

That's why I just wanna just do something.

You don't need to do anything.

Yes, I do. I just wanna do something or I might just fall apart.

What's wrong with that?


Everything's gonna be okay.


(Birds chirp, parts click into place)

Any reason you wanna do this out here?

I think the open air might help her feel less confined.

I've mixed up two different recipes.

Peppermint and lavender.


All right... Let's see which one she prefers.

(Spray spritzes)

Hey, girl, what's this?

(Nervous grunt)

Hey... You like that?

(Nervous grunt)

Nope. Not peppermint.

Here's the lavender one.

Here... Penelope, look. What's this?

(Penelope sniffs)

All right! It looks like Penelope's a lavender girl.



Well, I guess Marion's journal came to the rescue again.

Yeah. These have helped me a lot over the years.

Not just with horses.

Come here. Look at all this.

See all these scribbles and notes here?

Oh yeah.

These are notes and reminders to herself.

Every time I read them, it's like I can hear her voice in my head.


I know what you're trying to do, Amy.

But I don't wanna hear my dad's voice.

You had a real mom, Amy, she was there for you.

My dad was never around, And there's nothing in a safety deposit box that ever is gonna change that.

(Sighs) I know.

But I can't help but wonder what's worse?

The chance that you might find something that you don't like, or that you might never know what's actually in that box?

Come on, let's give this a shot.


(Lavender spray spritzes)

All right... I think you'll like the smell of this much better than that stinky medication.

(Penelope grunts)


What's that smell? Smell that?

I know... (Chuckles)

(Penelope blows out her breath)


There you go! Look, Ty!


Oh, good girl, Penelope.

See? That's not so bad.

Okay, easy now. Easy.

(Inhaler depresses)

Good girl.

(Chuckles) Thank you.


(Birds chirp, hooves clop)

I didn't mean to pry about your cousin.

(Sighs) Hey, I brought him up.

Sometimes it helps to talk about Zack and sometimes it doesn't.

Whatever happened between you two is none of my business.

He's gone.

He didn't make it back from his last tour.

I... I shouldn't have given him the idea to sign up in the first place.

Hey. I'm really sorry.

Come on, now, I'll give you a leg up.


Ow! Ooh! Ow!

Oh, oh, ahh!

Oh, oh, ahh!

Are you okay?

(Pained laugh) Yeah.

(Laughing) What is wrong with us?

(Groaning) I don't know.

(Struggling grunts)

Are you okay?


W-wait! W-What're you doing?

What am I doing?

I-I gotta get outta here.


(Struggling grunts)

I'm sorry, wait. I'll just...

Just hold on a second. I'll get Maverick, we'll ride...

No, I just... I-I gotta go.

You know...

I-I just... have to go.

Come on, (clucks her tongue) let's go.

♪ ♪

(Penelope grunts)

(Clucks her tongue)

Come on... (Clucks her tongue)

All right, let's have a listen to her lungs.

(Stopwatch beeps)

Well, her airways have definitely opened up a little.

So the steroids are working?

Yeah, sure seems like it.

'Kay, well, should we try another round with the mask?

Uh... I think once is enough for today.

Let's give her a break and try again tomorrow.

I'll take her into the barn.

(Cell phone rings)

It's my doctor...

Dr. Anderson? Hi.

I know. I know we have been playing a little phone tag today, right?

Yeah, so...



Yes, I'm relieved.

Yes, that's very good news.

Thank you. Yes.

Thank you for calling back. I really appreciate...

Okay. Okay. Bye.

(Phone beeps off)

(Sighs of relief, emotional chuckle)

See? Everything's gonna be all right.

But I already told you that.

Yes, well, you know everything!


(Doorknob rattles)

(Knock at the door)

(Door opens)

Uh-huh. You do need a ride, don't you?

No. My mom picked me up, but I asked her if she could bring me back.

Look, I really need you to hear me out.


What's going on?

I came back to say I'm sorry.

Well, I appreciate that, but it's not necessary.

In fact, I think I may have overreacted a little.

No kidding.

Be that as it may, we might have to re-think this whole tutoring arrangement.

C'mon, I'll walk you to your mom's car.

Hey, don't forget that...

I have a pretty good view of the whole yard right from that door.

Can't he see my mom's right there?

Just ignore him.

This is weird. I should go.

To that movie with Olivia?

No. I cancelled that.

I didn't think it was appropriate under the circumstances.

What circumstances?

I don't know, but... you're the one I wanna go to movies with and stuff like that, so...

Well, maybe we can hang sometime this weekend?

(Gravel crunches underfoot, hooves clop nearby)

(Car engine starts)



(Horse snorts)

(Grunting, wincing in pain)

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

But you're... you're limping.

No, no, it's uh... it's nothing.

Here, here.

Thank you. It's a long story.

I'm sorry I took so long.

Did it go okay with Adam?

Uh... yeah. Um, actually pretty great.


Yeah. But I think I might have opened Pandora's box.

(Happy sighs)

I've been thinking about what you said... about the box.

(Gate creaks closed)

Well, the truth is... when I first found out about it, I was actually... I was excited.

I mean, maybe there's something in there that would make me feel better about my dad.

But it was the same kind of feeling I'd get every time he'd come back into my life and... you know how that turned out.

Yeah. No, I... I get it.

You don't want him to hurt you anymore and that's fine.

We can just go throw it out together.

No, Amy, I've changed my mind.

I wanna open it.

You're sure?

Yeah, I am.

I mean, maybe I just wanna punish myself more, or... maybe it's the fact that I know that no matter what's in that box, nothing can ruin how good we have it.

So let's just open the damn thing.


(Paper rustles)

(Chuckles) Huh.

What? It's just his birth certificate.

He lied to me about his age. (Laughs)

Drivers license.

My parents' divorce papers.

I think this is an old race track ticket.

Why would he have kept that?

Who knows? Maybe it's the one time he actually picked a winner.

We should try and cash it.

Is that you?

Yeah, that's me.

This is the day I learned to ride a dirt bike.

My dad taught me. Well, not very well.

I mean, I crashed three or four times, but...


I can't believe he kept this.

That day must have meant something to him.

Okay... It's addressed to my Mom.

Open it.

(Envelope rips)

(Light thunk)



This is my mom's engagement ring.

Why would he have that?

Because he stole it.

He stole it?


He pawned it off to pay off some gambling debt.


Yeah, it was the final straw in their marriage.

(Paper rustles)

"Hey, Lil, I thought you should have this.

So I saved up a little dough and... and bought it back for you.

I guess every dog has his day.


(Paper rustles)

She never got that, did she?

No, she-she never really had a... fixed address, you know?

Are you gonna give her the ring?

Yeah. I will.

On my next visit.

But first I'm going to send her this letter.

She deserves to know Brad wasn't all that bad.

Thank you for being there for me today.

I'm sorry I was so crazy.

Well, I'll give you a pass this time.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

You know, me neither...

Especially since you're saddling me with an entire horse breeding operation.

Hey! We are going and doing that this week, by the way.

Yeah, yeah...

Are you charging your phone?

(Door bangs shut)


Let's just say that it's been a long day and leave it at that.

What happened to your mother?

She didn't wanna talk about it.

Oh. I don't suppose you feel like talking either... you know, about what's going on with you and Adam.

Nothing happened, remember?


You know, I actually like that kid... as far as teenage boys go, so try not to break his heart.

(Sighs) Whatever.

(Retreating footsteps)

(Hooves clop)

(Pained grunt)

(Clears her throat)

Uh, hey.


Uh, how's-how's it feeling?

Seriously? You're gonna ask me about my ankle?

That's what you have to say to me right now?

Look, I'm sorry about the whole...

I guess I just got caught up in the moment.

Yeah. You did.

What about you?

It... it was a mistake.

(Sighs) Right.

Look, this job, it means a lot to me. Please...

You're not gonna get fired, okay?

Jack likes having you around too much.

Really. You're keeping me around because Jack likes me?

Yeah... that's right.

But I'm still your boss when it comes to the Dude Ranch, so... that can't happen again. It was wrong.


Hey, don't make light of this.

We'll just pretend it never happened.

That's right.

Because I don't want things to get weird.

Oh, what the hell... Things are weird already.

♪ ♪


It's just... there's this whole series of jokes about the ranch hand and the farmer's daughter that...

Oh my God.

(Chuckles, blows out his breath)

♪ Took a ride on the carousel ♪
♪ I got on along with you ♪
♪ Pretty horses, fairy lights in blue ♪
♪ I hear an often played song ♪
♪ Where the rides don't cost a dime ♪
♪ I'm taking the seat right next to you ♪

Amy: So maybe after we go to the post office, we could go shopping for my anniversary present?

How do you know I haven't already got you something?

What did you get me?

I can't tell you.

You're gonna have to wait and see.

And no snooping around this time.

♪ Somewhere with you ♪


(Engine rumbles)

♪ Somewhere along the horizon ♪
♪ Where colours mix with light ♪
♪ I know I can go anywhere ♪
♪ When you take me by your side ♪

Announcer: On the next Heartland.

I can't guarantee your safety, or the safety of those sweet little kids.

Announcer: Betrayal and revenge.

The horses. We have to grab them!

Announcer: Danger strikes close to home.

Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.
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