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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 03/06/16 10:23
by bunniefuu
I'm Ivy Moxam. I was taken 13 years ago.

I've just escaped. Please help me.

This is my daughter.

( Glass smashes, shouting )

TV: 'If the reports are true, Ivy Moxam will now be a 26-year-old woman.'

No sighting of kidnapper at address. He's still at large.

There's nothing left.

We have a face!

Mark White.

A 13-year-old who was meant to be in class at your school was TAKEN by a member of YOUR staff.

"Tim, Ivy here..."

I swear, I didn't know.

He's taken another girl.

♪ Kiss your face ♪
♪ Turn your cheek ♪
♪ Lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down... ♪

Radio: 'All units, looking for a silver Ford Fiesta used to abduct ten-year-old Phoebe Tarl, missing for over nine hours. Witnesses identified Mark White as a suspect.'

Did you know him?

Did I know him?

The kidnapper, Mark White.

Was he known to you before your abduction?

We found out he worked at your school as a kitchen porter.

You didn't know that, did you, Ivy?

We're aware it's a big school.

The kitchen alone employ 20 people.

But did you ever cross paths with him?

Did he know the little girl? Is that why you're asking me.

We're yet to establish a connection between White and Phoebe.

Most likely, it was an opportunistic abduction.

It looks as if he followed her back from youth club.

You don't happen to know where he might have taken Phoebe, do you?

Was there anywhere else he talked about?

What about family or friends?

It would make sense if he was hunkering down with someone who loves him enough to protect him.

Uh. His mum.


What did he say about her?

That he'd put her away.

In a home.

Will that help you find the little girl?


"Elliott"? Eh?

Last time I checked, that WAS my name.


( Keypad beeps )

You give a first name, you get trust.

Chief Superintendent Burridge from New Scotland Yard.

But, on this case, you can call me David.

Sorry. "On this case"?

Are we still reporting to you, sir?

As has just been made clear to you, DI Carne, it's Chief Superintendent Burridge's case now.

( He scoffs )

And what about you?


We have offices over at Sunbridge High. Then, of course, there's your girl.

Look. This news, it's...

She's fragile.


There's a Dr Young.

She'll carry out a psych assessment.

Find out how much leeway we have with Ivy.

Which of you is closer to her?


Do the introductions.

Lisa, I want you to find the mother, Carol White.

Time is not our friend.

TV: 'With a second girl taken, questions are, inevitably, being asked of the police. How could this be allowed to happen again? Just days after Ivy Moxam managed to escape captivity and reunite with her family.'

What are you up to?

I can't find my phone.

It's plugged in by your side of the bed, where it always is.

Oh! My brain's crying out for the morning coffee.


Over this way, Mr Tarl.

We'll find her, Ivy.

We will.

They kept me in overnight.

Until they were satisfied that I knew nothing about that...

Him... working here.

Would you... dig out the contact details of all staff from the period that Mark White was on these premises?

I want to talk to them.

Aren't the police doing that?

People clam up with them.

They know me.

This school - everyone in it - it's my responsibility.

I thought it was just bad luck, him taking me.

If he was at my school, it can't have been.

Can it?

I must have been chosen.

( Knock at door, door opens )

A Dr Young here for you?

Thank you.

Hi. DI Carne.

Ivy, hello.

I'm Dr Young.

I'll need to speak to Ivy alone.

I'll be outside, if you need me.

Don't know what they've told you about me but I'm a clinical psychologist and we're going to spend an hour here now to see if the two of us can work together.

Everything you say is just between us.

I'm someone with no agenda apart from to help you.

Someone you can talk to.

I'm tired of talking.

I'm sure. But... it's very important for you to have someone you can feel at ease with.

I do.

With Tim.

And, um...

Tim is...?

A boyfriend.

Not like that, though.

A friend who's a boy.

And he's from your past?

And now.

( Phone rings )

Jesse Rawlins. Hi.

Two hands at your disposal.

From the Met?

The Super sent me over. Said you've a search on.

For White's mum. Yes.

It seems care homes are the last places holding out from the modern world.

Paper records. Find any Carol Whites, give me a shout.

( Sirens wail )

Is this all for the little girl?

The whole force is out looking for her.

( Sirens blare )

( Classical music plays loudly )

I was listening to that.

So was the whole street. Tea?

No. I want everything ready for when Ivy's back.

It's just a cup of tea, Chris. I think you can allow yourself that.

( Door bell rings )

( He sighs )

( Door opens )


I'm sorry to, er, well, just come round like this, but I've something for Ivy, if it's OK to give to her?

I thought because of the other girl being taken...

That's good of you.

She's not here.

They've taken her in to help with the enquiries.

Oh. Could I... maybe wait for her?

We need time alone as a family.

( Door opens )

( Door slams )

It might do Ivy be good to see Tim.

( She whisks )


Put your number in there. When Ivy gets back, I'll give you a call.

See if we can sort something out.

How's she...?

Is she all right?


I don't know.

( Ringing tone )



It's just me.

Who is it?

He hasn't said.

Well... Tell whoever it is I can't speak.

She needs some clothes.

What size is she?

It's not exactly my speciality. I don't know.

Ten? Eight?

I should know. I'm her sister.

Go easy on yourself, huh?

We're a team, right?


It's just this. It's quicker alone.

( Splashing )

Mrs Moxam?



You have no idea how many cakes I've incinerated.

My specialist skill.

Rescuing them.

I thought cake. She always liked cake. That can't have changed.

May I?

Then, load on whipped cream and... as many strawberries as you can find.

( Door opens )

How did it go? You all right?


Well done, darling.

Emma, get your sister a drink.

There's juice in the fridge, or tea. Or...

Thank you, DI Carne.



You always beat me to it.

Lucky not to come and find you with your tongue right in the bowl.

You used to get it all over your face and Mum would say "There are raw eggs in that..."

"There are raw eggs in that, you know!"

Do you have a mobile I could borrow?

Who do you want to call?

Is it Tim?

Shall we have cake first?

I'm not hungry.

TV: '..In the hunt to find ten-year-old Phoebe Tarl after she was abducted by Mark White. Today, her father...'

Are you sure you want to watch this?

'My baby girl Phoebe was snatched last night by Mark White. Mr White, Mark, please don't hurt her. Let her go. Phoebe... Sweetie, if you can hear me, know that Daddy loves you. Lots of people love you, your Nan...'

How's Granny?

'..All your friends are thinking of you and we just can't wait to see you again.'

She's gone, love.

Gone where?

She got sick.

Five years ago.

'She was wearing her jeans, pink coat, and she has on her favourite backpack...'

No, don't.

'I can confirm that this case is linked to the disappearance, 13 years ago, of Ivy Moxam. The suspect in both cases is Mark White. His image is circulating widely and I can assure the public that I have a large team of officers working round-the-clock to apprehend him.'

'If anyone...'


'..has any information on the whereabouts of Phoebe Tarl, please, come forward, and speak to us immediately.'

What are you up to, darling?

( Album slams )

I can carry those down, if you like?

There are some lovely ones in there of you.

We could all have a look.

I'm all cobwebby, I need a shower.

How about I run you a bath?

You're being really brave.

Mum, please...

I want you to know that it will be better now.

I'll do everything I can to make it better.

( Office hubbub )

How was baby-sitting?

You get time out to read the psych assessment?

It only confirmed what I know.

We need to tread carefully.

Take our time.

Did we read the same report?

Let me guess, you want to go at Ivy all g*ns blazing?

I want to find Phoebe.

You shove a lot of bodies in from the Yard, it sends a message - "cock up".

And we didn't.

Phoebe being taken was...

We can't watch all the young girls in Bristol all the time.

We're in the minority that weren't bumped off this case.

Means we're doing something right.

Yeah. You coming?

We have to say something.

He's trying to leave quietly. Let him.

Sir! I just wanted to say, it's really shitty what they've done.

Careful, son.

A case like this is the kind you look up from a year on and you've lost everything else.

All done.

Leaving us three options.

Two, actually.

Tillwell got closed down four years ago.

And this is?

James. Thanks.

Actually, it's Jesse.

Got it down to two Carol Whites in Bristol care homes.

My kind of odds.

We get to his mother, you crack a smile?

Yeah. Well, anywhere's better than here.

And I wouldn't go waiting for that smile.

Maybe I'll get one tomorrow night?

You hadn't forgotten, had you?

I've defrosted some old chicken and everything.

Way to make a girl feel special!

( He chuckles )

( Knock at door )

I'm busy.

( Knocking continues )

I'm sorry to...

I don't want you to think that I'm interfering, but I've spoken to Tim and he's going to meet you this afternoon.

Alia'll take you.

Thanks, Dad.

I'll leave you to get ready.


Carol White.

Passed away in 2002.

Do you ever think about updating your records?

Save us a lot of time when we don't really have it to waste.

Sorry about him. Does it have a next of kin on there?

I'll check.

Mark White.

She's our girl.

WAS our girl. Well, elderly lady...

Could you print us off a copy of her file?

When I'm been the charming one, we're in trouble.

What's up with you?

These places... I'm not a fan.

Whereas, I positively love the stale air and threat of imminent death(!)

There you go.

Carol White's previous address, 15, Denby Close, Basingstoke.

Let's get a team out there.



This girl that's been taken...

I can't imagine how you must...

I suppose I'm trying to say, I'm... I'm sorry.

You remembered this place.


I used to come here when...


Lucky dip.

Close your eyes.

Still got yours?

I saved you the chest.

That was the best bit.

Pick again.

El tried to get me to sneak out after curfew to see you.

Mm. Eloise was the definition of trouble.

Do you still see her?

I haven't. Not for, um...

She couldn't get out of this place quick enough.

But this place is home.

I think so.

Your last pick.

You kept them?

No-one seems to write any more.

You're lucky if you get a postcard.

What do you mean?

It's all e-mails now.

Facebook, text, Twitter.

Modern life has k*lled the art of letter-writing.

What's that?

No sign of Mark White at his mum's house.

It's been rented out for the past 14 years.

All money's going to her son.

So, our kidnapper's solvent.

And income equals options.

He's headed somewhere.

Maybe he plans to hole up, recreate what he had with Ivy?

We won't let him. We'll pick him up en route.

Put this sorry mess to bed.

Year Six.

Your sponsored silence.

I reckon you lasted... four minutes?

I can see the telltale signs, Ivy Moxam.

That's a smile you've got brewing.

It was six minutes, actually.

Well, that's a record for you.

( They laugh )

Before it gets dark, do you want to go for a walk?

A walk?

All right, grandpa!

Try and keep up.

( She shrieks happily )

( Laughter )

( She gasps for breath )


For giving you a head start?

( She pants )

For the first time since... I've felt free.

Well, don't get too excited. And, erm...

It's called an iPod.

It's somewhere you can keep all your music, your CDs, all in one place.

There's 13 playlists on there, one for each year.

Sort of like a musical tour.

That must have taken you ages.

I liked doing it.



Which song do you want to hear first?

Surprise me.

How about that song that we wore out?

This has been the same for me.
( Tinny music from headphones )

♪ This is just a simple song to say what you done ♪

( Soundtrack music swells )

♪ I told you about all those fears ♪
♪ And the way they did run ♪
♪ You sure must be strong ♪
♪ When you feel like an ocean being warmed by the sun ♪
♪ When I was just nine years old ♪
♪ I swear that I dreamt ♪
♪ Your face on a football field... ♪

( Camera shutter clicks )

Mark White was in a rush.

The forgotten hair tie is proof of that. He dumps the car.

Has he found another? Is he on foot? Where's he going?

Nowhere. He's staying in Bristol.

Where he knows most people are looking for him?

So, what's keeping him here?


So, why take Phoebe?

A straight replacement.

The man can't stand a moment without a c*ptive. Someone in his power.

Or, he isn't finished with Ivy yet.

( Distant sirens )

( Tinny music plays )

I'm afraid we've got to go via the station before home.

I've spoken to your mum.

( Their song plays loudly )




Table eight have asked again for their bottle of Pinot Noir.

Shit, yeah. Sorry. Coming right up.

Interview of Ivy Moxam commencing at 21.04 by DS Merchant and DI Carne.

We've an update for you on the Phoebe Tarl investigation.

You found her?

Unfortunately not. Yet.

White's car's been found abandoned.

We think he's now on foot or already in a secure location.

Which is where you can help by retracing your movements the day of your abduction.

Knowing how White acted before could tell us how he'll act now.

Get us one step ahead of him.

What about his mum? What did she say?

Not a lot.

Carol White passed away in 2002.


I thought she was alive while...

Why would he do...?

If we could go back to the 2nd May, 2003.

From your previous statement, it seems you lost consciousness after the blow to the head.

That would account for a few minutes.

The rest?

That's all I remember... sorry.

Can you try?

See if anything else comes back.

For Phoebe?

OK. Thanks, Ivy.

Well, how will you find Phoebe... if I can't remember?

That'll be hard.


The memories are there, Ivy.

It's just a question of unlocking them.

I don't know how.

Then that's us done.

( Recorder clicks off )

There is a way.

We could take you back there.



A word?

She'd be totally safe, both of us'll be with her.

Being back there could bring her memories to the fore.

At what risk to her recovery?

None. If we do it properly.


I can do sensitively.

I don't like it.

Oh, God. No shit(!)

I want to go back to the house... to help Phoebe.

Go at your own pace towards the house.

Anything that strikes you an image, a noise, a smell, anything at all, just shout. OK?

Forensics finished up this morning so everything should be as was when you were here.

( Door slams shut )

Man's voice, distorted: 'Will you be a good girl? See, there's a good girl.'

( Metallic click )

'I knew you were a good girl.'


Are you OK?


Do you remember being brought here?

Whatever was on me was pulled off.

I could see, but...

I could... I couldn't...

You were gagged?

What did you see?


He had a g*n.

Did he thr*aten you with it?

You don't have to go back there. Ivy?

What have you done to it?

It's as was.

No, it isn't.

It isn't!

This is how we found it, Ivy.

It wasn't the police who left it this way. It was Mark White.

This was ours.

Even you have to admit - that was really odd behaviour.

She actively wanted to go into the cellar and when she was in there...

It was her whole life for 13 years, Lisa.

But what kind of life?

That's the question.

Thank you for doing that, Ivy. I can't imagine...

I'll get you home.

Don't tell my family.

I don't want them to know I came back.

( Car door opens, engine starts )

There's dinner for you here, love.

( He sighs )

( Tinny music plays )

( He knocks )

I didn't get the memo.

Last night's events...

It was nothing.

Not strictly true.

Lisa, tell him your theory.

In the cellar, Ivy said, "This was ours."

There's a possibility - and it's just that, a possibility - that Ivy knew Mark White before the abduction.

That she had seen him in school.

Why would she lie?

If he was grooming her.

If it was a pre-existing relationship that then went sour.

Sorry. Sorry.

I'm not sure I'm hearing this right.

You're saying she willingly went into that house, into that cellar, and stayed there for 13 years?

Like I said, it's a possibility.

And one we need to consider.

Because if Ivy is misleading us, then we can't trust her, and if we can't trust her, then...

No-one's denying it's an unpalatable thought, Elliott, but if there is any truth in it, for Phoebe's sake, we need to follow it through.

I'd really like to know why you've gone behind my back with this.

We're supposed to be a team.

Yeah, we are.

And I should be able to go to you with anything.

If I can't, whose fault is that?

( Tinny music plays )

You sure I should go to work?

Can't have both of us not earning.

( Loud clunking )

You'll wake Ivy up!

"Exclusive photo of Ivy Moxam... Moxam caught on a date with mystery man when ten-year-old Phoebe's still missing."

"Oh, it'll do her good to see Tim"(!)

Bra-f*cking-vo, Angus!

( He sighs )

How did they know?

You have to assume they're still watching you all the time.

I'd hope they'd move on.

They... They will eventually.

What exactly were you doing?

Ivy does know her mystery man is married, doesn't she?

Of course!

She was upset, that's all.

After everything she's gone through, and here's me...


Please, don't apologise.

Could we borrow a word, Ivy?

I don't want to talk.

It won't take long, I promise.

To be clear, you had never seen White before the 2nd May, 2003, when he abducted you from Docton Lane?

I've already told you all of this.

No, I hadn't.

Not even maybe just to wave to at school or maybe just a smile?

Thanks, Ivy.

There's one more area we need to track back on... if I may?

The time White allowed you out of the house, where did you go?

I'm not sure.

Did he leave you alone at any point?

She was allowed out... of that place!

Why didn't she run or scream or ANYTHING?!

Emma, can you give us a minute alone, please, love?

No. You're not shutting me out from it all again.

We're not going to be able to move forward as a family unless we face up to what's happened.

I've got a load of washing...

We have to be prepared to ask questions, Chris.

No matter how difficult the answers might be.

She'll talk when she's ready to talk.

She won't.

Not if we're behaving like everything's normal.

This doesn't FEEL very normal.

Where's the phone?

Who do you want to call?

I just want the phone, OK?

You're not calling Tim.

We'll let ourselves out.

The papers, these people, they twist things.

They're already twisting things.

I would like the phone.

You can speak to him when it's all died down.

You can't tell me what to do.

It's for your own good, darling.

People see you with a man and it might give the wrong impression.

I'm not a child any more.

I've had sex.

( She gasps )

Any service this side of Christmas?

Not open yet.

That go for an old friend, too?

Shit! Hello, mate!

( She laughs )

As greetings go, that's on the shoddy side.

You've put on a few quid.



Supposed to be buttering you up.

Why's that?

I need a bottle of wine and a terrible night's sleep on your floor?

I need to work out what I'm going to say to Ivy.

That makes two of us.

( She sobs )

You were right.

You were right about everything.

For the girl who's hard to impress.

What is it?

Just watch it.

Then work out how you're going to pay me back.

"29th May, 2002. Today, in the canteen, Tim asked me to see The Scorpion King. El kicked me under the table before I could answer. She says I need to learn to play games, though I don't want to play games. He's asked me out. He's finally asked me out and I want to scream 'Yes!'"

( Doorbell rings )

( Knock on door )

Who is it?

It's me. Tim.

Come in.

You're OK?

That moment in the park was for us.

I'm really sorry, I...

Don't say sorry.

It's not you, it's me. They won't... leave me alone.

When's it enough for...

I went back there for HER.

Doesn't matter!

Let's just enjoy being alone for five minutes.

Ivy, I...

Five minutes would be a record with Mum around.

How was she with you?

She was...

She doesn't want me to see you.


She'd happily keep me in my room.

She just loves you.

I know.

Ivy, there's something...

Please don't!

Music: "In Your Dreams" by Dark Dark Dark

♪ Don't say nothin' No ♪
♪ I can see when you're lyin' Oh ♪
♪ When you're alone You're so alone ♪
♪ When you're alone You're so alone... ♪

( Knock on door )


They need you back in.


( Music distorts )

You're about to hear one audio extract, one visual extract.

Both relate to 5th July, 2013, when you were permitted to leave 5, Colbridge Road.

We appreciate you helping us out.

From an interview you gave us today at 9.10, as it plays, if could you turn your attention to the screen on your left.

Lisa, on tape: 'The time Mark White allowed you out of the house, 'where exactly did you go?

Ivy, on tape: 'I'm not sure.'

This is where you went.

Darterton Shopping Centre in 2013.

We found CCTV of it.

You may not have known the name. It was poorly signed.

On tape: 'Were you left alone at any point?'


Can you confirm that the CCTV image shows you walking, unaccompanied by Mark, into the ladies' toilets?


But it was for...

Um, I was...

On tape: 'Did you feel there was ever an occasion where you could've attempted to flee?'

'No, he was with me the whole time.'

Except he wasn't.

What's the time stamp, DI Carne?



Six minutes after you walk into the toilets alone, you emerge from the toilets alone.

Six minutes is a long time, Ivy.

Why didn't you run from here?

A public space? Yet, you DID run from Mark's house.

I couldn't.

He was outside.

Outside where?

Because he isn't here.

Instead, here YOU are... LOOKING for Mark White.

Actively looking for your kidnapper.

You walk past these other shoppers, not once alerting them to your situation, as if in a rush to find Mark.

And when you do, you sit down beside him and take his hand...

Turn it off.

I'm sorry if this is upsetting.

Turn it off, Elliott.

I can't do that.

Not until we're through, and we almost are.

You've lied to us about this.

What's to say you're not lying about other things? About knowing White?

About what really happened the day you were taken?

About where Phoebe is?

How many times? I want you to find her.

You did know him, didn't you?

Do you know where he is right now?

I don't.

I want to believe you.

I really do.

But if anything happens to Phoebe and you're found to have mislead us, it will be very serious indeed.


You believe me, don't you?

Ivy, we ARE on your side. You need to know that.

You don't want us to find him, do you?

You walked up to him - your abductor - and you took his hand!

Maybe it would just be easier if you admitted to us... you love him.

I need to see Tim.

You're right to go hardline.

Oh, we don't think Ivy's been through enough?

Save your empathy for Phoebe.

If Ivy is protecting White, even by omission, she's abetting a serial kidnapper. Remember that.

How do we move forward then, sir?

See where she goes, who she speaks to.

If there's a sniff of her knowing where White is.

Can I speak to Tim, please?

Don't you know who I am?

I need to speak to Tim.


Live and direct, in the flesh.


Please, can I go?

Cos I've got all the words ready and I don't want something else getting in the way again.

People making out I feel things when I don't.

Everything's changed.


Except me and you.

I want us to be together like we were and... I love you.

Who's this?

Tearfully: Tim, who's this?



( She gasps for air )


Ivy, wait!

Can we go?

( Car engine turns )

( Engine revs )

Guess our date's off, then?

You thought it was a date?

No, course not.

You wanted to eat, that's all.

To the casual observer, I'd say you're taking this Ivy business a mite too personally, wouldn't you?

f*ck off!

I'll take that as an admission, then.

Here was me feeling sorry for you, worrying that SHE was getting too attached, when look at you!

Careful, you're sounding jealous.

Of her?

( He sniffs )

( She scoffs )

You're going down a stupid path, even with your track record.

She's lying to us, making a fool of you.

So much of what she says doesn't add up.

There's a little girl out there...

Don't pretend this is about finding Phoebe. Remember, I know you, Lisa.

This is about you. It always is.

You sniffed out a chance at being DI and you're going for it, snarling jaws and all. Tell you something - it's not an attractive look.

Now take your hands off my car.

Hands off!

We're here.



I don't want my mum to see me like this.

Could I have a minute alone?


Of course.

It'll... It'll be OK.

( Muffled screams )

I'm not going to hurt you, Ivy.

Is she OK?

You're very brave.

Mark White, we believe that you're telling us you want to talk.

So, where were you?

I don't really go in for the Good Samaritan side of things.

That would be a hell of a lie from Ivy.

Hardly the first.

♪ Don't say nothing No ♪
♪ I can see when you're lying Oh ♪
♪ And when you're alone You're so alone ♪
♪ When you're alone You're so alone... ♪