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03x13 - Dark Mirror

Posted: 03/05/16 03:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow: The beacon is too slow, too weak.

It wakes the creatures, but they do not come.

I know your transition home is a trying one.

Abbie: I didn't eat or sleep for a year.

Time was a flat circle.

Do not worry.

I haven't completely lost it.

Not yet, anyway.

You saved me.

I'm yours.



Oh, man, she's in good shape.





Oh, my God!


Alice! Alice!

(footsteps approaching)



Your skills remain quite admirable.

(hisses, snarls)

Do you not recognize your master?

(hissing, mumbling)

Rise, my servant.

I cannot understand a word you speak.

Forgive me.

I haven't used my voice in a long time.

It is time I gave the Devil his due.



These eggs are named after a traitor to this nation.

These delicious baked goods after a member of the Hapsburg Monarchy, which is an affront to anyone who ever fought a Hessian.

So, what is in a name?

Apparently, nothing.


Okay, this is obviously way more than just hunger.

Spill it, Crane.

Oh, Crane.

I'm so sorry.

This is insane. Immigration can't reject you as a citizen.

You helped create the country.

Yes, the irony is not lost.

Well, wait, it says here you were rejected because you missed your formal interview.

Yes, I was a little preoccupied rescuing your sister from the Catacombs.

We just, we throw Joe's money at the problem.

Hire you a top-g*n lawyer.

Scary, expensive lawyer.

Nice suit.

Jenny: In the meantime, I have a new word for you.


I'll grab the champagne.

Abbie: Jen?


You looking for this?


I was just thinking.

How would you like... to k*ll it out here?

(chuckles) Just you and me.

We don't have to share.

Yeah, except I've seen you drink on an empty stomach, and it's not a good thing.



Come on.

Joe: Okay, no, no, no, that's nothing.

Here, check this out, ready?


Not again.

Jenny: Oh, God.

Crane: Oh, yes.

Very eerie.


Oop, no, thank you.

That was Franklin's party trick.

Not always on his nose.

Oh, Crane!

(Joe laughs)


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

That's good.

Okay, seriously?

Joe: That's mine. I have dibs.

Abbie: Stop! Oh, you think I'm fat?

You seem happier.

Yes, I admit I do feel rather suffonsified.

And your sister's mood appears to have taken a significant upturn of late.

Okay, come on. (laughing)

Oh, my God.


She's running again.

She's back at work.

Seems like she's in a good place.

And yet... my misgivings remain.

Jenny: I can't put my finger on it, but yeah.

She's definitely hiding something.

Yeah, and if we push too hard...

She'll pull away more.

So, what do we do?

Spy on her?

Oh, no. No, no.

We must remain cognizant of her needs.

Whilst vigilant to any subterfuge, intended or otherwise.

Yeah, I'm not sure if Washington explained it, but that is called "spying."

You never met Mrs. Washington.

(wry, quiet laugh)

(Joe and Abbie laughing in distance)

(phone ringing)

Oh, my God!


Agent Mills.

Okay, I'm on it.

Serial k*lling or animal attack.

Local PD is still debating.

Either way, brunch is over.

(camera clicking)

Who would target two antiquarians in such a manner?

This wound pattern doesn't track.

The jugular is ripped out like a canine attack, but no other organs or extremities are targeted.

It's too precise.

(indistinct police radio communication)

Crane: Traumatic laceration, this rash, evidence of leiurus quinquestriatus.

(siren approaching)


The pupils are pinned.

Evidence of extreme toxicity.

So, what was it... were they poisoned or did they bleed to death?

Or both?

Sting of a scorpion.

Claws of a wolf.

Venom of a snake.

Oh, that's great.

A menagerie of evil.

Except if there were multiple attackers, there would be a more disjointed blood splatter convergence point.

Which means these deaths were caused by one beast that combines the deadliest attributes of many.

There was a rumor in my time, passed among woodsmen, of a beast in the Jersey woods.

An amalgamation of creatures.

A monster in Jersey?

That urban legend, still around.

It will be nice if for once, the story was just a story.

And yet, we must face the truth.

The Jersey Devil has come to Sleepy Hollow.

You know the best thing about Sunday brunch is what follows it.

Ooh, you mean, like three NFL games back to back?


Uh, online gaming marathon?

How about hot girlfriend, romantic trailer, cozy bed?


So, like, nap time, or...?

Come here.

(laughs) I know you think you're funny.

But you're about to ruin the moment.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, no!

(groans) The water main hookup must've cracked or something.

Damn it.

You got it?

Yeah. (groans)

Well, you're gonna need a new system.

Hell, a whole new kitchen, too.

I'm serious, I mean...

You know, Jen, this whole place could use a renovation.


We can afford it.

Look, we have been unearthing the past for months now.

And personally, I'm feeling ready to take on the future.

Hey, blood money or, uh, flood money?

(scoffs) Rich people.

Crane: There have been many reported sightings of this Jersey Devil, dating back to 1777.

And many different descriptions, from flying biped with hooves...

To acoustic Bon Jovi.

Uh, no.

No mention of that particular incarnation.

But here, New Jersey Journal, 1882.

"Citizen sighted a beast with the head of a goat, the skin of a snake and the tail of a scorpion."

Consistent with our victim's wounds.

They have over a dozen unexplained animal att*cks in the last ten years... all in the Jersey woods.

The last reported was a couple of runners in Atlantic County Park.

"Atlantic County Park."


Oh, my God.


Could it be?


I once met a man in Atlantic County Park... a rival scientist more than capable of creating a creature as horrific as this.

It was during my apprenticeship to Benjamin Franklin.

This can't be what you imagined when he offered you the position.

To be the next in a long line of Franklin's whipping boys.

I prefer apprentice.

Ichabod Crane. You are...?

Japeth Leeds.


The competition.

Well, "competition" denotes comparative schools of thought.

Franklin's, uh, so-called "lightning rod" is a pale imitation of my Electrostatic inducer.

Where is the bloated old chap, anyway?

Assuming he's wearing clothes?

I expect him to arrive shortly.

My time is too precious to spend in wait of a brazen Pierrot.

Please pass on a message: If Franklin continues to demean my work in his execrable Almanac, I shall bring him up for a drubbing before the Continental Congress.


Why is your...

Electrostatic inducer superior to Franklin's method of grounding?

(wry, quiet laugh)

The answer is simple.

You chose the wrong mentor.

Crane: Among his many brilliant, albeit dubious, achievements,

Leeds sought a method to isolate animal traits in order to use them to augment humanity.

Genetic mutation?

No wonder he was an outcast.

Leeds had come to confront Franklin over a disparaging comment made in his Almanac, which... is here.


Yes, here.


There's a message written in Franklin's alphabet.

Here: "I take no pleasure in ridiculing Dr. Leeds. My campaign to discredit him is due to the knowledge that he had turned to alchemy and ancient magic."

(electrical buzzing)

"Having turned his back on the scientific community, Dr. Leeds has taken to experimenting on himself, altering his very physiology."







(growling, huffing)



My God. Hmm?

Leeds made himself a monster.

Which is why he's still kicking 250 years later.

You said Leeds' laboratorium is in Atlantic County Park.

What are the odds that it's still there?

Jenny: Hey, I got something for you.

Those two professors who were m*rder*d had a few items on loan from the London Museum.

A Mayan prayer mask... solid gold... and also, a Celtic plate... also solid gold.

You think they were motive?

I don't know, you tell me.

Both artifacts were known to be vessels of the powers of the gods.

I have a book on pantheistic deities back at the trailer.

I'll grab it, check back in.

Okay, I'll talk to you later.

(phone beeps off)

A Franklin stove.

I thought you said Leeds hated the man.

Why would he have his face in his kitchen?

He wouldn't.

A decidedly un-Franklin stove.

Of Leeds' design, I believe.

Leeds was an alchemist of exceeding skill.


These symbols represent composition, reduction, steam and... fire.

(flames whoosh)

Well, it is a stove.

Is it?


An illusion.

(rumbling, clanking)

All right.

I went in first last time.

Lots of details, but no devil.

Wherein we understand why Leeds m*rder*d pursuing those relics and what he intends to do with them.


Built by Leeds himself, no doubt.

(classical music playing)

That a monster would create something of such rare beauty.

"Beauty" is not the word I would use to describe this place.

(quietly): Wow.

This is the Hidden One.

Was Leeds a fan?

A worshipper of the Hidden One.

Leeds was not drawn from his lair like the other creatures we've encountered.

He came in service to his master.

What have you found?

Something on the table.

Ah... that is no alchemy symbol.

What could it mean?

If it in the possession of a fiend such as Leeds, it can only represent evil.

You're not supposed to be back yet.

Why are you carrying a giant red bow?

Well, I, uh, thought about what we talked about, and I figured why get you a new sink, when I could get you a new trailer?

Please tell me this is a joke, so I don't just start screaming.

J, come on, no, no, no.

Hey, look, this is... a 2016 Sport Shark 4D-Thousand.

It's got, like, 200 feet of storage, queen-size bed...


You can't just replace a person's house without asking.

(stammering): I di... I-I'm...

What happened to flood money? I thought... I thought that meant a new garbage disposal, not everything!


My stuff?

There was a crate labeled "fragile" with shipping labels.

Yeah, yeah, from Bangalore.

No, no, no, it's all under lock and key.

Also, I got your Thracian Phiale, the Maelstrom crystal, Blackbeard's Flintlocks...

It's all in the cell.

Everything else is just in the self storage unit.

Joe, I needed a book for Abbie and...

Relax it's in the Masonic with all the rest of the magic store inventory. It's good.


Come on!

(engine starts)

Crane: Lieutenant, have you seen this?

There's hundreds of years of research here.

All the time Leeds was alive he used to uncover a lost historiography.

Any idea what that is?

Wax cylinder.

From some old-school phonograph.

(quietly): Phonograph...

(squeaks, clicks)



Leeds: On this day, in the year of our Lord, 1794, I, Dr. Japheth Leeds, do bear this record.

He built a movie projector 200 years before they existed.

Leeds: ...a history of a deity above all others, our one true god... the Hidden One.

In an era before history, from a palace that shone with a sacred light, the gods of that age ruled over humanity.

Humanity lived at the whims of the gods.

They lived lives of servitude and pain.

One of these servants was Pandora.

Each day, she delivered an offering, a sign of submission and love from her people.

One of the gods had been outcast, made to live below, in the Catacombs of the Dead, hidden from the eyes of all.

Why have you brought that which is forbidden?

I only wanted to bring you a bit of joy.

Leeds: In the dark depths, she was a ray of hope.

Do you know why I stand guard, why I remain hidden in this place, while the others live in the light?

Once, and only once, did all the gods work as one.

We took all the evil in this world, and we hid it away... in this box, Pandora.

And the job of guarding it fell to me.

Evil is the force that my brother above siphons into his Hourglass.

The only power that could destroy him lies within that box.

Leeds: Pandora, aided by her brethren, unleashed its contents.


Leeds: But humanity betrayed the Hidden One, cast him back down, locking him away forever.

My God.

Wait, the Mayan plate and the Celtic mask, they were made of the same primal element.




This must be Leeds' plan.

He's going to recreate the Golden Hourglass.

The Mayan and Celtic relics are pieces of it, reappropriated at disparate cultures over millennia.

Which is why the Hidden One is drawing monsters to Sleepy Hollow... so he can use their power for himself.

And he needs the Hourglass to do it.

Leeds: Unexpected guests in the laboratorium?

Did I leave the stove unlocked?

Franklin's "key man."

We meet again.

My God!

Had I known you were still alive we'd have had sherry and darts Friday nights.

Maybe throw in some ritual m*rder for good measure.

Crane: You think yourself a scientist, but Franklin knew your true nature.

You're an amoral abomination.


Well, better that than ending up a shining example of mediocrity, which appears to have been your fate.

Franklin knew the dangers of your brand of experimentation.

By that, he means animal t*rture, mutation, worshipping a god bent on enslaving humanity.

Bent on bestowing power to the worthy.

Why should great men bow to the small-minded masses?

Imagine an era where genius is rewarded, not feared.

That is the promise of the Hidden One.

A golden age.

You're insane.

No, I'm the Devil.

Well, this has been a treat.

Glad we got the chance to meet again, Crane.

Now, which would you prefer... bleeding out quickly from a severed artery, or expiring from a paralytic toxin?

How about we go with option three?

You get down on the floor right now.

(growls in pain)

That thing is a part of him?

Crane: The tail of a deathstalker scorpion.

Leeds: All of Franklin's talk of kindred corpses rising from the dead.

If only he'd embraced the elegance and power of ancient alchemy.

Oh, the venom... from your tail...

And if only you had come work for me when Franklin wore you down.

(gasps, grunts)

(Crane gasping)



Scorpion venom.

Abbie: We're in a supernatural pharmacy.

There has to be something that can stop this, okay?

We'll make a... antidote.

(groans) Yes.

Abbie: Okay, just talk me through it.

What am I looking for?

Abbie: Come on.

Laudanum powder.

What else? Crane, stay with me.

Crane: Magnesium sulfate.

What else? Magnesium sulfate.

Wait... magnesium sulfate.

Okay, good.

What else?

(mutters, gasps)

Leiurus quinquestriatus.

Abbie: What?

Crane: Uh, in the vial.

Okay... Oh!





(weakly): Abbie...

(eerie, whispering voices)

(eerie, whispering voices)

Abbie: I've been here ten months, Crane.

What do I do?

(shout echoing)



(grunts in pain)

Damn it.

Hold on, Crane.



Magnesium sulfate.

Stay with me, Crane.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Crane, hey...

Come on, come on.

Come on.

(sudden gasp)

(rapid gasping)

I'm sorry.

I was a little distracted.

By that symbol.


One you clutch in your hand even now.

You were drawn to it, Lieutenant.

It has a hold on you.

If it is here, it is a thing of evil.

That doesn't change the fact that I need it.

And I have for months.



That would mean...

The Catacombs, the year of solitude...


No sleep, no way to dream...

There was no escaping it.

I was in my head the whole time, in a bad place, and then, one day, that's when I saw it, on the temple wall.

I started drawing it, tracing it...

It gave me peace.

Gives me peace.

When soldiers return from w*r, they do what they need to carry on.

I almost let you die.

Now who's a subpar alchemist?

(phone ringing)


Hey. You okay?

I've been better. What's up?

I finally relocated that book I was telling you about.

(whispers): Sorry.

There's a legend in many pantheons about an item left by the ancient gods.

An artifact that literally bestows omnipotence.

Let me guess: an hourglass?

Jenny: Containing "The Sands of Life."

Apparently, there's a ceremony that can be used to take items forged from Primal Gold and reduce them to the Sands of Life.

The key ingredient is the "Fire of the Gods."

Thanks. Um, call you on the road.

Okay, Leeds has the mask and the plate and apparently he needs the "Fire of the Gods" to make the Hourglass work.


The device he took with him, that was his electrostatic inducer.

A homemade lightning rod?

If he's gonna collect lightning, he's gonna need to get to the highest point in the area.

Yes, I think I know where that is.

Quickly, it's close.

Leeds: Praise be to he who has long been hidden.

Praise be to one true God above all.

With the fire of the gods, the primal gold shall be made consecrate.

With the fire of the heavens, I shall bring forth the Sands of Life.

(thunder rumbling)

Who's the true master of lightning now, Benjamin?

Abbie: Hold it right there.

(g*ns cocking)

You survived my venom.

It appears I made the same mistake your mentor did: underestimated you.

This has nothing to do with the past, Leeds.

The forces with which you tamper...

The Hidden One cannot be trusted.

You fear him, just as those who betrayed him did, aeons ago.

I shan't repeat the same mistake.

I choose him as my master.

I bow as his faithful servant and bring forth the very Sands of Life!

(electrical crackling)

(wind whistling)


Beautiful, isn't it?

Crane: It's folly! Franklin would laugh at such adolescent parlor tricks.

I know what you're trying to do, Crane... goad me into jealousy.

You think your delusions of grandeur will set you apart.

Your master will enslave you as surely as the rest of us.

I shall be rewarded for this.

Sooner than you think.

(Leeds grunting)

Clever ruse, Crane... (panting)

I'll grant you that.

I was mentored by one of the greatest minds in history.

(thunder rumbles)

Benjamin Franklin sends his regards.

The Sands of Life... where are they?

Okay, yes, the spigot is still broken, but you said you wanted everything back, exactly as it was, and I heard you.

Well, that's a more recent concept.

Oh, can we please move past this?

I mean... yes, I jumped the g*n, but I think you know that my heart was in the right place.


And now everything's back the way it was, craptacular plumbing and all.

Okay. You see, right there?

You still think that replacing my house was a romantic gesture, instead of what it actually was: stealing.

I get it.

It's about boundaries, isn't it?





Never, ever touch my stuff without asking.

Yes, ma'am.


(latch clicks)



Don't go.

Come and talk to me.

I overstepped my bounds.

I have seen enough men scarred by w*r.

They must use whatever means they can to... live with the memories they carry.

It is not my place to judge how one bears their private burdens.

You could've died... because of how much I needed this.

And the scary part is how normal I made it in my mind.

I was certain I could control it and manage how much it meant to me.

Keep it a secret.

That's a lie.

The first step in... (exhales)

...solving a problem is admitting that there is one.


(quietly): I need your help, Crane.

My gift was meant for you.


You are the only gift I have ever needed.

As it was then, so it shall ever be.

Now... please, my love, will you join me?

(water bubbling)

The time has come.

The new world begins now.