02x13 - Something Bad Happened

Episode transcripts for the TV show "How to Get Away with m*rder". Aired: September 2014 to May 2020.*
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"How to Get Away with m*rder" revolves around a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor, who become involved in a twisted m*rder plot that promises to change the course of their lives.
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02x13 - Something Bad Happened

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "How to Get Away with m*rder"...


I'm applying to transfer.

And I want you to come with me.

Laurel: [Crying] Annalise knew that Sam got Lila pregnant.

So she had you k*ll her?

I don't know what to believe anymore.

You believe what makes you feel better.

Connor: Philip e-mailed again.

When was this?

Last night.

My mother. Annalise knew her.

Just tell me what you saw that night.

I went into the corner office and saw him...


Annalise: She specifically asked to testify anonymously.

Wes: She didn't show.

I'll get her back.

Don't give your people a bad name.

I don't know what he will do if you don't do what you promised.

You're just as bad as them.

Christophe: Who was that?

Go to bed!

I usually let myself in after school.

But that day... all I saw was blood.

There. Is it true? Did Wes k*ll his mother?


She was the key witness in the case, one of Annalise's.

It was a m*rder trial.

She needed the files, which is why I went to Ohio, but the records show that she backed out of testifying.

Your mother or Annalise?

My mother. She was a key witness.

That's why they k*lled her.

There. Did Wes k*ll his mother?

Has Wes seen this?

No. It's true, then?


Of course not.

Some idiot wrote that down after looking at the crime scene for five minutes.

Now you're nervous Wes will see it, which means it's true.


You've worked with me too long to make these assumptions.

He could've seen this.

It would destroy him. You know that.

Well, it's a good thing you stopped that from happening.

Why let him get near it, though?

You're the one who made him go to Ohio.

Because you gave him that file.

Why? So that he could go on a treasure hunt and find out his mother was k*lled?

Sounds crazy, I know, but...

"Crazy" is not a word we use lightly around here.

[Sighs] I'm just saying I know how it sounds.

It's why I came here.

I don't know how to talk to anyone else about it.

You mean Annalise?

Yes. But everyone else, too.

She died two days after she failed to show up to testify.

That's not a coincidence.

I agree, but I'm a therapist, Wes, not the police.

Yeah, but you can help me remember what happened.

Please. I have no one else.

Annalise: It was a su1c1de.

It was ruled a su1c1de, and don't tell me I'm supposed to believe that after how much we proved the police lie all the time.

Well, they didn't lie about this.

You're just saying that so I won't tell Wes, and I won't, but at least tell me why I shouldn't.

Because it's none of your business.

Well, it is now.


Because now you're boyfriend and girlfriend?

You used up Frank, so now you're on to the next piece of damaged goods?

The fact that you are so angry right now attacking me when I'm trying to help you, it just proves you are hiding something.

Which is my right. You're not Wes.

If he wants to ask me something, he needs to do it himself.

He thinks you hate him!

Well, then he needs to man up and get over it.

Melanie: Okay. Let's start with what you do remember.

You say she was involved with that trial, so do you remember her ever talking about it with anyone?

A friend or someone on the phone maybe?

Pick a card. Any card.


Now what?

Give it here, but make sure I don't see it.

Now, I'm gonna guess which card, and...

[Knock on door]

Christophe. Don't answer that!

[Door opens]

Agent Holt: Is your mother home?

Yes. What is this?

I'm Agent Holt with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Are you Rose Edmond?

[Breathes deeply]

[Buzzer, door opens]


[Door closes]

Ms. Edmond.

I'm the lawyer with ICE. I'll be handling your case.

I've lived here for years.

I don't cause any trouble. I'm just a cleaning lady.

Well, that's not all you are.

Let's get started with your entrance into the U.S.

We have no record as to when you entered or...

Hey, it's Wes. You know what to do.


I don't care if you're not talking to Annalise.

You need to get over here.

I can't say why over the phone, but it involves Philip, so... call me back.


We need to talk.

You mean you do?

[Door closes]

You said you wanted to know me, even the bad things.

Because I never thought you'd admit to k*lling a pregnant sorority girl.


Everything that has happened, Sam dying, whatever it is that happened to Rebecca, although something tells me you k*lled her, too.

I didn't.


There's one thing going for you... if I can even believe that.

Why would I lie about that now?

Because you want me to ignore what you did.

That's not what I'm asking for.

Then why are we down here?

To find out if I told Annalise? Well, I didn't.

Wes either, so does that help, knowing your secret's safe?

Can I go now?

I'm so sorry.


[Sighs] I don't believe you.

Annalise: There's not a day that goes by that I don't lie to my clients.

Call it unethical or illegal.

I just call it smart.

Connor: Shouldn't we at least tell Nate?

Nate would only get the police involved.

I thought he was the police.

Let me think, damn it.

Your job is to protect your client at all costs, from the prosecution to the judge, our failed justice system, but mostly, you protect them from themselves.

What about Caleb?

He's alone in that mansion and he could...

So what? You want to be the one that tells him we've been playing him this whole time?

We took his money to find Philip, and now we have, in town and wanting to k*ll everyone.

How do we know he's dangerous?

Asher: He tied up and tortured the Hapstalls before he k*lled them.

That means he's pretty much a sociopath.


They're the ones that get off on v*olence.

Everyone stop talking.

Annalise: Clients are some of the most stupid people you'll ever meet.

You give them too much information, they'll act on it, and always in a way that bones you.

[Computer chimes]

Connor: Here we go.

Asher: Please tell me that's a reminder to take your sex-with-Oliver pill.

Nope. It's from our bestie.

Oh, my God.

When was this?

This morning!

I was just trying to be there for him.

You know, keep your enemies close.

He was watching me.

Everybody relax.

It's just him trying to freak us out.

Yeah, well, it's working, isn't it?

We're not safe anymore.

Asher: I am. I-I've never met him, and I've never been in any of his videos.

Maybe we can use that. I'm like a safe house.

We're all fine as long as we're all together.

Connor: Yeah, until he throws a pipe b*mb through the window and blows us all up.

Here. Give it to me.


No! No one can see this.

I'm not playing with our lives anymore.

Give me the damn computer!

Annalise Keating. What can I help you with?

Philip Jessup.

[Door closes]

Wish I had something.

Look at that. Now you do.

He's been watching us, me and my students, which means that my life as well as theirs are in danger.

The FBI has a search out for Philip Jessup in Canada.

Now you're telling me he's been in town this whole time?

What's on this laptop will prove that, as well as provide evidence that could help them locate him.

What do you want?

Blanket immunity to cover me and my associates for anything related to the night Emily Sinclair died.

Why would you need immunity for that night?

In case you misunderstand the evidence on this laptop.

I put Catherine Hapstall away for that m*rder based largely on your testimony.

No, based largely on her confession.

Okay. Whatever game this is you're trying to rope me into based solely on your word...

Then don't believe me.


[Knock on door]


Sleepyhead. I called you like five times.

I was working.

I'm just teasing. Any luck with Rose?

We're all good there. Just take the day off.


Yeah. Go to a bar, get laid. Just leave me be.


Did you eat?

I was just ordering room service.

I, uh, fly all the way here.

I was kind of hoping we could do something better than overpriced hotel food.

It's on the client.

Right. Big spenders, I see.

Yes, I'd like the Cobb salad and Earl Grey tea, and, uh...


Two of each.

Oh, and a bottle of Riesling.

Your best.

Thank you.

I feel like the devil.

Did it work?

She's thinking about it.

She'll say yes.

My point is I might have to go to church so I can atone for my sins.

Mm. You have to believe in God for that.

Or maybe you do now.

Oh. Please.

Wow, you haven't aged at all.

[Chuckles] That's because you just saw me.

It was three years ago, Annalise.


I like the braids.

You still don't know how to take a compliment.



Please tell me you just got fat.

Melanie: Annalise.

Why can't you just ask her these questions?

I'm not here about Annalise. I'm here about my mother.

See, those two people, though.

Your relationship with Annalise, from what I can tell, is very muddy and in some ways feels maternal.

No. You're saying that, not me.

Or there's something you're scared to tell me.

You study the law.

You know anything you say here is protected.

Unless I'm gonna do harm to myself or someone else.

What does that mean?

You're right.

I should just talk to the police about this, not you.

I'm sorry for wasting your time.


[Cellphone ringing]

Michaela: [Sighs] I want to see you, too.


Uh... dinner at your place?

Caleb: Yeah. Be there at 8:00.

I'll have dinner waiting...

and dessert.

Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?

Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

No reason.

It's just, I was thinking... maybe you should stay somewhere else for a little in case Philip came back.

No! Abort! Abort!

What does that mean?

Did Annalise find something?

No, of course not.

Uh, Annalise just got here, and she needs me, so, talk later.

Way to resist the magical penis.

It is magical... and pretty.

Asher: Okay, not everyone wants to hear about that.

Why hasn't she called yet?

No news is good news.

Since when?

[Cellphone rings]

See? That's her.

How'd it go?

He's getting approval right now.

She's waiting on approval.

Approval from who?

Why is it taking so long?

Tell them to relax.

You think that ever works?

[Cellphone beeps]

Hold on.


You at the D.A.'s office right now?

How do you know that?

We just got a call about being ready to serve a search warrant on your house for evidence about Sinclair.

I'm here about Philip. They've given me immunity.

No, they're playing you, Annalise.

[Door opens]

You are in luck.

The D.A. is open to granting the immunity deal.

How generous.

I just need to get some routine information to fill in the blanks.

Who are you calling?

Bonnie, it's me.

Did you hear back from Denver?

I'm sitting with him now.

Turns out when I say "immunity deal," he hears "search warrant."

The cops are coming to raid the house.

What are you doing?!

They'll be there soon, so here's what you do.

Shred everything.

You're asking us to shred files while you're in front of the A.D.A.?

That's right.

Oh, God.

For the record, I thought that this was a bad idea.

Put it down.

So, we do nothing.

Exactly. Burn it all down.

Destruction of evidence before a valid premise search is a felony.

There is no felony if there's no proof, and I'm guessing we have time since you don't have the judge's signature on the warrant yet.

The judge hasn't signed the warrant.

Find the judge on duty for emergency search warrants.

We got the po-po out front.

Judge Hamilton is on call for warrants.

Who's his clerk?

Connor: This is Troy Williams.

I am calling from Judge Hamilton's office.

Yep, he just signed the warrant.

Your, uh, your team should have a copy any minute.

Thank you.

[Phone rings]


Is it signed?

Good. Go in the house now.

And I want evidence of any tampering, any obstruction.

We got a signed search warrant gives us immediate access to these premises.

Where's our copy?

On the way.

You want to play tough guy, or you gonna let me do my job?

Bonnie: Is this Troy?

I'm here at Annalise Keating's office where the police are executing a search warrant.

I was hoping we could get verbal confirmation on the judge's approval on this.

Oh, the judge didn't sign off on any warrant?

Your Honor, I was assured we had your signature. I...

No, no, of course not. I...

Y-Yes, sir, I underst...

Everything in that house turned into fruit of the poisonous tree the second your officers entered it illegally.

So, you've got two options.

Either I sue your ass for abuse of authority... or you give me immunity and get the evidence you want from this computer.

Want one?


Just the first item on a long list of things you can't do now.

I should've told you.

Yep. [Sighs]

I kept thinking something bad will happen.

So, why bother you with the news if I'm only gonna take it back later?

Nothing bad's gonna happen.

You don't know that.

The size of that bump tells me it could fall out of here right now and live a long and happy life.

Is it Sam's?


How am I supposed to know with all the secrets you keep?

It's Sam's, and it's a he.

A mini Sam.


Don't do that.

[Cellphone rings]

This is Annalise.

Wallace: Tell me what your play is after Immigration has shipped our witness back to Haiti.

They're not shipping her anywhere.

How do you know?

Because I'm the one who put her in there.

How'd you find out?

Does it matter?

Reassure me.

She is gonna show up this time, correct?

Well, clearly I'm doing everything I can to make that happen.


No need for me to keep bothering, then.



Is something wrong?


I'm out on a limb here, too, Annalise.


That's why the less you know, the better.

Right. That should be your motto.
[Knock on door]

[Siren wails in distance]

Why haven't you called me back?

Okay. No.

No more of this, especially not today.

What does that mean?

My message, if you listened, was that Philip is back and he's stalking us.

You need to come to Annalise's.

I can't go there.

Did you not hear me?

A serial k*ller is on the loose!

And Annalise is the reason my mom is dead.

That's not true.

You talked to her?

She asked me where we went, so I told her...

You didn't have the right.

She'll tell you what you want to know if you ask her.

She said that to my face.

Get out.

No, I didn't tell her anything we found.

I trusted you.

Please, you just need to talk to her.

Get out!

You are not safe here.

I'm not safe anywhere.

And definitely not around you.

Get the hell out.

[Knock on door]


Hola, chica. Welcome to mi safe-o casa.

Safe-a casa?

Guarida. You made appetizers?

Yeah. It'd be a pretty lame sleepover without pizza bites.

Michaela: Where's Wes?

He thinks he's safe at home.

Uh, there's an opt-out button for this little slumber party?

Nope, because I didn't feel like letting you get m*rder*d tonight.

Okay, Mr. Over-reacter.

He's not overreacting.

Philip's k*lled three people in cold blood.


Okay, let's stop debating about why we're here and instead enjoy these tasty treats that Asher's prepared for us.

Yeah. That's right, yo.

Let's hop on the pizza bite train.


Hey, Laurel, you're the calm one here.

Do you think we're in actual physical danger right now?

Do you think I would be sleeping on a couch if I didn't?

Okay, maybe Stanford is our best option.

Asher: Stanford?

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

To the end, however it comes first.

Philip's knife or the feds throwing us in jail.

[Glasses clink]


So, we gonna talk about it?

You're here with me rather than home banging your girlfriend.

Yeah, she wanted to go to a slumber party.

So, you two aren't fighting?


When are you getting back together with doucheface?

No, that...


Let's not talk about them tonight, okay?

We had lives before we met them.

Way better lives.


Okay, maybe not way better, but...

We weren't covered in blood, at least.

To the end.

To the end.

[Glasses clink]


You're not gonna get in.

Stanford only takes, like, 10 transfers a year, and I know your ranking can't be better than mine.

What's your ranking?

You first.




I win.


Don't go.


I can't survive here all alone.


Don't worry.

I won't get in.

♪ Each one I win ♪
♪ Says I want more ♪
♪ More, more ♪

You need to catch up.

You know you want to.

This is why I didn't want to tell you.

I knew you'd do this.

Do what?

Judge me.

[Chuckling] Oh, no, no, no.

Don't put that on me.

You're judging yourself right now, and you know that.

Of course I am. Of course I am.

Which is why I don't need you to do it, too.

What do you want from me?

Tell you you're glowing, throw you a shower?

I'm terrified, and out of everyone, you should get that.

Oh, I get that. I-I do.

My question is, why do you need me to talk about that and not your husband?

You never met him. You don't get to hate him.

I don't hate him.

I just think he's unprofessional.

And yes, we all do unethical things.

Us right now, for example.

But it doesn't mean I have to like the man.

Okay, well, that's fine.

Don't like him, but at least be honest about the reason why.

Excuse me?

I left you before I met him.

No, you went to therapy with him because of us.

You give yourself too much credit.

Fine, fine, it wasn't me.

It was the fact that I had a vag*na.

Oh, God, this has got so boring!

Just say it, Annalise.

You didn't have the nerve to tell me back then, but I-I need you to say it now.

Say what?

That you got scared.

That's why you left me.

No, I left you because I'm not gay.


All right?

I needed something in my life, someone who loved me.

You did that, and I loved you back.

But not in a way that either of us deserved.

I don't even know what that means.

It means you live your life, I live mine, straight or gay, whatever you want to call it.

I am gay. That's - that's what I call it.

All right.

And so do the women I've happily been with since you ran away like some scared little girl!

Okay, then we both moved on... good for us.

Stop blaming me for your loneliness.

You don't know me at all.

I know you never forgave me.

[Cellphone ringing]

That's [clears throat] me. [Sniffs]


All right. I'll be right there.


Rose asked to see me.

You sit there, say you can help me if I do what you want.

But what about when I tell them what you are threatening me with?

Destroying my life, my son's life because Annalise has asked you to.

Your son's a citizen, Rose.

He gets to stay here if he wants to.

The same rules don't apply for you, unfortunately.

I will do it.

Good. I'll have you transported to the courthouse tomorrow.

No. I go home tonight.

No, I can't...

My son has been waiting outside. He knows nothing.

So, think about what all of this is doing to him.

Let me take him home.



Are they gonna take you?

No. Mommy fix it.

No more problems.

Annalise. Why can't you just ask her these questions?

We're not flying to Ohio when I can just ask Annalise.

Laurel: She doesn't want to see you.

I think you ruined me. Get out.


It's Wes. You there?


Thank you for letting me stay.

Stop it.

Oh, could've stayed at a hotel.

But you want a professional to protect you.


I know.

I do got a bone to pick with you.


You should've called the minute he sent that video of us.

You would've had the SWAT team standing guard outside my house.

So you'd rather just have the D.A.'s office come after you?

I have immunity.

Let's hope.

I shouldn't complain.

It's nice to have another body to keep me warm.

Another body?


Another beautiful, brilliant body.

Besides, if anyone is the body here, it's you.



This doesn't prove anything.

Your students were at the crime scene the night my A.D.A. was m*rder*d.

There's no time stamp on the video.

Who knows what night it was?

Why were they running from the house?

I'm not a detective.

Use these e-mails to find Philip.

Make a name for yourself.

This could still be a win for you.

He might have more footage, Annalise, none of which will be covered by your immunity.

So who knows, huh?

Maybe we'll get to see the rest of what happened that night real soon.

You should be a writer.

You're good at making up stories.

[Cellphone chimes]

Holy schnikeys. Philip just sent an e-mail.


Oh, my God, is that last night?

I stayed up all night. It couldn't be.

You just got punk'd!


[Door closes]

I hate you!

You should've seen your face.

You were like, "Ooh."

Is everyone here?

Did they find Philip?

No, but we've got immunity... if we all keep quiet.

Now, they're gonna come after me and each of you... ask questions, play to your weaknesses, but it won't work as long as everyone in this room keeps their mouth shut.

That means no one talks to their priest, their sex buddies, boyfriends, hookers, no one.

That speech would work if we were all here.

Enough about your boyfriend.

Wes, this is an initial report.

Later they ruled it a su1c1de.

Peritraumatic dissociation.

In the aftermath of a traumatic event, people can get amnesia.

That is true, but...

I remember standing over her holding the knife.

A false memory you might have created to make sense of this report.

Or I'm remembering it exactly right.

Then look at the facts, Wes.

What happened that day? Were you arrested?

Charged for her m*rder, assigned a lawyer?

She's gonna do it.

Thank you.

Come on in.

Let's... not do the whole apology thing.

Let's forget we ever said anything and just go out for a nice meal or something.




The baby.

Is something wrong?


Not with it.

With me.


Miscarriages were easier, you know, because I didn't have to worry, but now this.

He wants to live, and I...


I'm not ready. I don't think I'm ready.

You are going to be a great mother.

I don't know that.

Why wouldn't you be?

You've kicked the ass of every other challenge in your life.

Your childhood, Harvard... lesbianism.


[Breathes deeply]

You can always give him away.

If it turns out you don't like the whole parenting thing, there are tons of people who really want a baby I want a baby.


It means you're ready.


Laurel: Do you really not care where he is?

Laurel, I won't say it again.

Is it because you had something to do with his mother being k*lled?

What did I say?

There is a reason why you are not telling him the truth.

Wes: Maybe someone hid the evidence.


I don't know.

Someone who wanted to protect me.

No one would do that.

Besides, you told me yourself you remembered coming home from school that day to find your mom.

You told me that in our first session.

Yeah, well, there's other things I've done I haven't told you about.

What does that mean?

I know what you and Frank do to people.

What do we do? Tell me.


You know.

Why don't you say it?

Say it.

Or are you just upset because we cover up murders to save your asses again and again, and this is what you call a thank you?

All I'm asking you to do is to talk to him, make him come here.

Otherwise he could get hurt or hurt himself or say too much.

But that's not on me anymore.


It's on you.

Wes: I'm not the person you think I am.

And I can't tell you what that means or what I've done, so don't ask me. Just...

You need to believe me when I say it's possible...

I could've k*lled her.

I don't want to leave.

Fe vit.

You said everything was okay!

I lied, okay? We're not safe here.

So help me pack.

Therapist: I'm not going to push you to explain.

But I do want you to at least consider the possibility that you didn't do this, that this is your brain making things up.

Rose: We'll find a motel, maybe one with a pool.

Then what?

We just live in a motel for the rest of our lives?


We'll... we'll get a place, nicer than any we've had so far.

I just want to go home.

Stop this, okay? I made up my mind.

Someday you will understand, but today, I need you to listen to me.

Christophe, come back here!



Melanie: You're tired and upset and traumatized, which is understandable. But that doesn't mean you had anything to do with your mother's death.

You were a 12-year-old boy, and your mother was in the middle of an extremely stressful situation.

Which is why what you've been told your whole life, that this was a su1c1de, makes a lot of sense here.

Much more than her getting m*rder*d.

Christophe: Mom?




Mommy, please!

[Crying] What happened?!

Mommy, no!

What now?

You want to show me where you offed Rebecca?

Stop, please.

There was a reason it took me so long to tell you, 'cause I didn't know where we stood, but I do now.

Or at least I know what I feel.

I love you, Laurel.

I thought I was gonna lose you, and it made me sick, so I told you the thing I haven't told anyone.

Which proves you love me?

When you're as screwed up as me... yeah.

Please, Laurel, I don't know a lot, but I love you.

You k*lled an innocent girl.

Strangled her on a roof.

And for what?

To make Annalise happy?

Do you think that's the type of person I want to love me?

It's not.

And the truth is, I don't love you back.


So, we're done.

It's over.

And I won't tell anyone else... not to protect you, but to protect them.


'Cause if they knew any of this, after everything we've been through, I can't do that to them, Frank.

Christophe: Mom?



Mommy, please!

What happened?!

I want a baby.


It means you're ready.


[Cellphone ringing]

Is it Sam?

[Sighs] I wish.

I presume you're aware that our witness is no longer in custody?

She'll be on the stand tomorrow as promised.

She tried to leave town.

Glad one of us is paying attention.


Yeah, she's back at her apartment.

I'll go there right now.

Hold on.

I understand if you think that I am a... bad person.

I'm just a parent... trying to protect my son.

Any minute now, you'll be doing the same for your child.

Tell Rose that if she wants to protect her son... then she also needs to protect mine.

You touch that boy, and I guarantee you Charles goes to jail.

Well, let's hope we don't get there.



It's me, Annalise. I want to talk.

I thought you were Christophe.

He's not here?

No. We were in the car.

I was driving. He just ran.

I can't call anyone or they'll take him away from me.

The won't do that.

Your lady threatened they would.

She didn't mean that. I'm sorry I dragged you into this.

And I hate that I did that, but that's in the past.

You're involved now, and so am I, and these people...

Yeah, I know these people.

Then you know you need to do this for Christophe.

What did he say to you?

Mr. Mahoney. Did he thr*aten Christophe?


You tell him no.

Listen. I am not on their side.

But I will protect you if you do this.

You can't.

Yeah, I can.

You don't know what that man is capable of.

What do you mean?

Rose, tell me.

It's too late.

No, Rose.

[Knock on door]

Wes, please, I-I know you're in there because I can see the light on.


He doesn't own me or Christophe.

We are not things to be owned and used and thrown away.

I was born free, I will stay free... so will Christophe! You tell him that.

Okay. I will.


There's no reason to hurt him now.

What do you mean?

Take care of my boy.

Rose, no!

Tear it from my heart again ♪


[Rose gagging]


♪ Tear it from my heart ♪



♪ Tear it from my heart ♪
♪ Tear it from my heart again ♪



♪ Tear it from my heart ♪
♪ Tear it from my heart ♪
♪ Tear it from my heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪

[Floor creaking]

♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪


[Door closes]

♪ And time, it heals like the wine ♪
♪ I'll go and fill my cup and then ♪
♪ Tear it from my heart ♪



♪ Tear it from my heart ♪

What happened?!

[Crying] I'm sorry.


♪ Tear it from my heart again ♪

What happened?!

[Crying] Mommy, no.

[Sobbing] Mom! No!

♪ Tear it from my heart ♪


Mom. [Sobs]

♪ Tear it from my heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪


♪ Heart again ♪

I'm gonna come in now, all right?

♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪
♪ Heart again ♪





Woman: 911. What's your emergency?

Something bad happened.

♪ Tear it from my heart ♪


♪ The ventricles you pulled apart ♪

You don't have to hide from me.

♪ Simply to see where the blood would flow ♪
♪ And you hold the pieces of my beating heart ♪

[Cellphone ringing]



♪ As I open my arms to the depths below ♪

Now is not a good time.

I don't care.


Wes is here.


I just came home from a date, and he was waiting in my lobby.

He found my name on his mother's immigration documents, and he wants to know how I know her.

Call 911.


There's someone in Wes' apartment!



♪ Tear it from my heart again ♪
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