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02x06 - Black Flag

Posted: 03/03/16 05:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on X Company...

I'm glad it's you doing it, and not a stranger.


Everyone's gone.

Everyone I know.

Me too.

Franz Farber. It's time we learned more about him.

There you are. Franz is... particular about his space.


Soldiers are gonna hit the ground soon.

When they do, we'll be ready.

We'll mobilize from behind the line, strike when least expect.

We'll slice every n*zi's throat.

And we'll watch them bleed.

Black Flag

It's cruel to make me wait.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I know what a bad dream looks like.

It was nothing.

No, it wasn't.

I was k*lling a German.

So it was a good dream.

I have to go.

I really feel like I gained her trust. We talked for about two hours, then we left the café and we went for a walk.

Good morning.

What's this then?


She spent the day with Franz Faber's wife.

They left the cafe, then they went for a walk.

Where I found out a Wehrmacht general is coming to Paris.

Did you get a name?

No. But I did learn that our friend Faber takes his work home and he has a safe in his study.

Wait, wait...

He doesn't like Sabine in the study, so I'm guessing the safe contains sensitive material.

And you found that out over coffee?

It was a productive afternoon.

This general you mentioned...

He's coming to Paris for a couple of days. He has a wife named Gertrude.

And there was a junior Gestapo officer, walking his dog.

(voices whispering)

He's in our files at the Camp. Generalfeldmarschall Brandt, has a wife named Gertrude. They have a dog; German Shepherd?


Brandt is tasked with fortifying the Atlantic wall along the Northern coast.

Are you serious?

The raid on France is coming any day now. If Brandt is in Paris, eliminating him could cause a major disruption.

The Germans wouldn't be able to replace him before we hit the beach.

You're sure about the intel?


We have to k*ll him.

Harry, it's not that simple. We have to look at all the sides before we do something like that.

Brandt's in Paris for a couple of days. This is our chance to make an impact.

We don't know if Alfred's intel is still up to date.

Then I'll send it to the Camp, let them run it up the chain.

You're talking about going after a general! That kind of thing, it triggers reprisals.

You don't know how many innocent lives could be lost!

How many lives could we save by removing him before invasion?

k*lling a high-ranking general?

You gotta admit that'd make a pretty persuasive recruitment ad for the Resistance.

Why don't we have a go at old Uncle Adolf while we're at it, that'd be good for morale.

That's not what I meant.

k*lling Brandt is a massive risk. We need to be strategic.

Oh, so that's it? We're not going to do anything because you don't think it's worth it?

Harry, you were in Villemarie.

That village was nearly wiped out for helping the Resistance.

You wanna gamble innocent lives because you're excited about taking a shot at a general?

No! Is that not what we do?

We do difficult things to turn this w*r around.

Did you forget that, playing dress-up with your new friend?

Hey, Harry, take it easy...

No, you know what? René, he may have been a traitor... at least he wasn't a coward.

He doesn't mean it.

We'll talk to him when he's calmed down.

I'm done. I'm done talking to him.

Pop the mag. Check the chamber.

Load it. Safety. Be careful.

That's the Luger; German handgun of choice.

a*t*matic MP38.

You were inside Faber's apartment?

So maybe I was.

There was no one covering you. What if he'd seen you?

He's almost never home during the day.

Almost? He knows your face!

Alfred, sometimes you need to take a risk.

Like running into a POW Camp with no plan.

All right. Guys, I updated Sinclair about General Brandt.

You did what?

We got the green light.

Harry, you had no right to do that.

You radioed Sinclair?

Yeah. The decision's been made. We're doing it.

They're getting us Brandt's location.

Do you want to lead this team, Harry?

No, Aurora. I want you to.

Then go. Get back to work.

What do you want me to...

Stay on the radio, Harry!

Get back to work.

(Morse code)

Just got word from London.

Locating Brandt is priority one.

Messages have been sent out.

Everything we have on the general. It's not much.

Six months ago, he was sighted near Antwerp.

The Brits sent in their best Commando unit after him.

What do we got?

Incoming! Stand by!

What happened at Antwerp?

It was a setup. Our men were massacred in the streets.

Paris City Transport confirms road closures. There's a VIP on the move.

Thank you. Let's get Aurora's team in position.

We're going to get this son of a bitch.

The police are locking things up. You should have a clear shot.

I find the b*ll*ts tend to work better inside the g*n.

We're going to get one shot at this before every copper in the city comes running.

This way the b*llet expands on impact, makes it count.

Lots of movement on the street. Any sign of the convoy yet?

You've got one job to do and that's keeping your eyes on our exit.

Don't worry; the way out's clear. I wanna watch it happen.

Get back to your post now!

He needs a kick in the arse.

He's still just a kid. Can't be easy for him.

Better he figures it out now.

There he is.

Lead car's too exposed. Brandt'll be riding in the middle.


I'd say one, maybe one-fifty.

Let's call it one twenty-five.

Action in the lead vehicle.

The wind's picking up. Coming from the northwest.

All right, this is gonna be him.

Hold fire! Hold fire! It's a decoy.

It's the right uniform, but he's way too young.

Where the hell is he?

Aurora: You can't assassinate a man you can't find.

If only we had access to our old contacts...

I know, but we're on our own.

There is one person. Sabine.

She knew Brandt was in town. She might know why.

If we learn why, we may learn where.

No, we keep her out of this.


Because if it was ever traced back to her she'd be ex*cuted.

Germans being caught in the crossfire isn't usually considered a problem.

She isn't just some "other German."

That's what I thought.

What I'm saying is that we'd sacrifice our long-term strategy.

Everything I've built with her would be gone.

She's still the enemy.

Please stop making assumptions about my feelings.

You're right. She's not an asset we want to burn.

Maybe there's a way to pull off the assassination without it tracing back to Sabine.

I'm listening.


Klaus, I'm sorry.

Something's come up. We'll have to talk later.

The Russians would at least give us work.

An idle mind is cruel t*rture.

I'm sorry. I'll have them take you back to Bowmanville.

I wait here. I wait there.

Have you heard from your father?

Not yet.

I've been thinking about how I got transferred to Canada.

Well, your father reached out to me.

Because he knew it would be safer for you here than spending the w*r in a Russian gulag.

I can't help but wonder... what did it take for my father to betray his country?

Sir, we've got an update from France.

Thank you. We'll talk again soon.

Next time I'll see if we can get you a deck of cards.

Thank you. That would be nice.

How are you finding Bowmanville?

I've heard some of the other men at the prisoner camp are making plans... talking with the guards.

They talk about how, when the w*r ends... they'd like to buy land here.

Move their families from Germany.

And what do you think about that?

I think they're playing a dangerous game.

Talking like traitors.

I'll see about those cards.

Aurora: So, I take it things didn't go well?

I took your suggestion, but he just won't make time for me.

He's a senior officer; he could if he really wanted to.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

A waste of a good dress.

A good dress is never wasted.

So, he didn't say anything at all?

Please, no need to fuss about it.

If it were me, I wouldn't be able to sleep until I got it off my mind.

You're very sweet.

It matters.

It's the usual.

He's busy with work and won't compromise.

So he's using work as an excuse to avoid you?

I know things are busy with a special guest in town. But lately, he seems to always be too busy. You know, that reminds me of what happened with my cousin.

But you're right. Maybe we shouldn't talk about all this.

I think the sherry is going to my head.

No, please, tell me.

Well, she and her husband were also having some problems. And he was working all the time, coming home later and later.

And then eventually she followed him one night.

And she caught him in a hotel with his secretary.

That's horrible.


But Franz would never...

No. He wouldn't do something like that.

Well, that's exactly what my cousin said.

No. I know he had a ticket to a concert tonight.

At Théatre de l'Opéra.

Franz hates the opera. He would only go because of a special guest.

There you go. Don't give it another thought.

If only we could go back to the way things were.

People change, but... when you love somebody that much, hang on.

Don't let go.

What do you say to another drink?

I would love to, but I promised my colleagues that I would help them with a project.

Heil Hitler.

Aurora: Are you sure this is gonna work?

I think so.

There can't be any trace back to Sabine or the Resistance.

It'll work.

All right, boys. You're going to the opera.

Harry? We're gonna need a b*mb.

I thought you'd never ask.

Neil: All right, we don't have a lot of time, but here's what we've got.

The best way in is through the main doors. Security is going to be tight, so we can forget about trying to get a g*n in there.

There's a dual staircase that leads into a foyer.

The foyer has three phone boxes in it, with a bar to the left.

The phone boxes are isolated, safe distance from the performance hall.

Hey. No tours today. Come back tomorrow.

Of course.

Those phone boxes are our best bet to draw out Brandt.

Can you make that work?

Of course I can.

Alfred and I worked on a motive.

Should be easy enough.

What's this?

Brandy. It's a long show.

It's a family recipe. Give it a try. If you're interested, I can make you a bottle.

You'll go blind drinking that swill.

It can be a little dangerous unless you know what you're doing.

Harry's ready for us.

My eleven o'clock. Gestapo.

Guessing he's got friends nearby.

No shortage of uniforms either.

Is this still a good idea?

It was never a good idea.

The guest of honor's arrived.

Ten minutes to get into place.

If you're thirsty, they make a mean sidecar.

If you like ladies' drinks.

Have we met before?

Ah, I don't think so, madame.

Einen Goeringschnaps mit Eis, bitte.

I'm sorry, sir, I'm not familiar with the German cocktails.

Whiskey. You have this?

Of course.

No. Not this one. That bottle.

No, madame, I'm sorry...

I'd like to show you around. Such a romantic city, don't you agree?

I'd like to show you something.

Yes, uh...

Vor acht Jahren das letzte Mal in Berlin.

He knows we only have a few minutes, right?

Wait a minute.

Well, it's not doing the flowers any good, is it?

What the hell's he doing?

Just keep to the schedule. We'll make do if we have to.

No. It doesn't work without Tom.

(knocking on door)

Warum ist sie geschlossen?

Das weiss ich nicht.

What do we do?

Nichts besonderes.

Keep going.

(knocking on door) Finally!

Nice of you to join us.

It's not my fault.

There was a soldier outside who was very interested in getting in. Better hurry.

You're the one who's late.

Alright, Harry, come on. The call's going to come.

(opera aria in French)


You remember how this works?

Push the cork in, place it down, it explodes.

Reaction should happen pretty quick. Ten seconds, give or take.

Give or take?

I didn't have time to test it.

Just get it as close as you can, put it down, walk away.

Be careful. No sudden movements.

(key turning)

What are you doing in here?

Why is there no one watching this room?

There shouldn't be anyone in here.


We've had nothing but problems with people trying to break into her dressing room.

Who are you?

We are Madame's musicians.

For Madame.

Compliments of Generalfeldmarschall Brandt.

Very good.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Wait in the car with Harry.

That's not the plan.

That Bosche just saw your face and we need to do this fast.

No, I'm here to back you up...

There's no time to argue. Just go.

(phone ringing)

Excuse me.

Dies ist ein dringender Anruf aus Berlin.


Only a coward runs.

(people screaming)

Hierher. Los.

Go, go, go!

What the hell happened?

The bastard's still alive.

Sir. I want you to know I accept full responsibility for the bad intel regarding Brandt's movements.

You couldn't have known.

Our sources were correct. The Germans were a step ahead.

I should have anticipated the decoy, checked with other sources.

There's no time. It's always a gamble.

Every mistake we make costs lives.

And everything we do right saves them.

We have to look at the bigger picture.

Right. And at the end of the day, we just do a little arithmetic?

See if we made the right calls? See if we get to sleep?

Something like that.

Anything else?

This just arrived by courier.

What is it?

The USS Nevada recovered wreckage of four MIA Mustangs in the South Pacific.

The pilots were listed as Canadian.

Have you read it?

Um, no. I thought you'd want to look at it first.

I'll leave you to it...

No... please.

It's not William.

That's good news.

Is it?

Every time I open one of these, I don't know what to hope for anymore.

I'd be happy he's not dead.

And I would hope that if he is in captivity, he's got someone looking out for him, like you are with Klaus.

I made a promise.

Of course.

There's a tent city at the bank of the Seine.

A couple of fire barrels. I'll make sure everything we've touched disappears.

That's a start.

You? Use the leftover peroxide to lighten your hair.

Brandt saw your face. If you get arrested, he'll be able to identify you.

We won't need to worry about Brandt.

He looked spry enough.

He took some of the nails.

Yeah, a couple of pin pricks.

He won't be able to identify Neil.

How can you be so sure?

Because I laced the b*mb with arsenic.

So Brandt's dead.

Or he will be soon.

Jesus, Harry.

Poisoned shrapnel? You didn't think that might be something worth mentioning?

You wouldn't have agreed to it.

You're damn right I wouldn't!

There were innocent people in that room. Any one of them could have took a piece of it. I could have!

These people we're out here fighting? They have chemicals that k*ll hundreds of people at a time. You know that, right?


Tell me you'd rather see that bastard still alive right now.

I got the job done.


There's rumours at the market. SS are on the move.

We just got a message from the camp. Germans are claiming the assassination was carried out by Resistance from Terre-du-Fils.

This makes no sense. We took every precaution.

There isn't a Resistance cell anywhere near that village.

Germans can create whatever truth that they want.

Blaming the Resistance is better than admitting what happened.

Well, we can't just sit here. We have to warn them...

The order's already been given.

Then we go and we stop it.

The five of us against the whole German army? Give your head a shake.

I can get a message to the camp, RAF sends a bomber, maybe they pepper around the village, force the Germans into pulling back.

Harry, we did everything we could.

You wanted to make a greater impact on the w*r. Here it is.


Gehen Sie auch hoch zur Kirche.

Beeilen Sie sich. Los.


Everybody up to the church! Go, go, go!

Excuse me.

The children are upset.

No one is telling us why we need to gather.

It's an identification check. Nothing to worry about.

Class, let's all sing a song while we walk.

♪ Ainsi font, font, font ♪
♪ Les petites marionnettes ♪
♪ Ainsi font, font, font ♪
♪ Trois petits tours et puis s'en vont ♪
♪ Les mains sur la tete ♪
♪ Sautez, sautez marionnettes ♪



What are you doing?

Memorizing their faces.

And then I'll find their names.

Nobody gets to forget.

We need to do something.

You'll only add another body to the pile.

Come on. Move. Let's go. Move.


Keep moving forward.

Sie ist voll. Es gibt keinen Platz mehr.

No, no!



You don't get to do this. You don't get to turn away.

You want to make the tough decisions, then you have to know what it costs.

You're gonna have to live with this.

Please, don't do this.

(g*n clicking)

Please, I am begging you.

Please, don't do this.

Please, I am begging y... (screaming)

It's not safe to be here. Let's go.

Oh, I thought the Colonel was with you.

Not yet.

Who's winning?

I'm ahead by two pawns and a bishop.

Watch his queen.

I've played him too. There's a move he makes.

Can I ask you something?

Um, I have... I have friends out there. You know what that's like.

It kills me that I can't... do more.

For them.

Read this.

Sixty-eight men, innocent men, ex*cuted as reprisals for the assassination of a general.

The m*ssacre... we did that. I mean, the Germans did, but so did we.

We sacrificed the men of a French village for the "long game."

Big picture.

Do you ever have days when you forget what that picture's supposed to look like?

Or what the rules of the game were?

On those days I just... want the game to be over.

I want to go home.


I don't even know if I will recognize the place or anyone there.

I'm sorry...

Don't be sorry.

No, the Colonel will be here soon. Those are for him.

Klaus, have you made your move?