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01x06 - Double Talk

Posted: 03/02/16 04:29
by bunniefuu



No! No more. Please.

I had the dream again last night.

That's natural.

You're nervous about leaving.

How do I know he won't come back?

You've been healthy for six months, Arnold.

That's good enough for the state. It should be good for you too.

As long as you maintain a clean break from your past... I'm sure your alternate personality will remain suppressed.

It'll be strange to be out there alone. I mean, really alone.

It isn't much, but it should help you get back on your feet.

Here's where you report in the morning. You were placed in the jobs program... at Wayne Enterprises.

After all the harm I've done, a new home, a second chance.

There must be a guardian angel watching over me.

Two million in bearer bonds. I told you they'd cave with some pressure.

Guess I'm just no good at playing the tough guy.

Open authorization: Lucius Fox.

Arnold, how's everything going?

Oh, hello, Mr. Wayne. Everything's fine, sir.

Thank you again for this chance, sir.

That's okay.

You should be very proud of yourself.

I am.

Well, look who it is.

Mr. Ventriloquist. We heard you was out of stir.

Mugsy? Rhino?

So how come you and the boss ain't stopped by the old digs yet?

We sure do miss you and Mr. Scarface.

Mr. Scarface is gone. Now excuse me, I have to go.

Hey, what's your rush?

You too good for your old buddies now, all high and mighty?

No, no. I have to stay away from you, doctor's orders, to keep Scarface away.

Who you kidding? You can't ditch the boss. He's too smart for that.

Yeah, when's he coming back?

He's not coming back. He's gone.

Let him go.

Hey, we was talking.

Wesker's off-limits. Got it?

What's the matter, dummy? Having a bad day?

Who's there?

Thought you could get rid of me, huh?

Pull some sort of psycho-babble snuff job.

No. No.

Well, I'm coming back, and I got a score to settle with you.

No, please. It can't be.

Nobody pushes Scarface around.


It's okay. It wasn't real.

Just remember it wasn't real.

Sure she was cute, but she had termites... and she wouldn't get herself fumigated.

Hey, watch it.

Watch where you're going.

Whoa, Arnold. Are you okay?

Oh, I'm fine. Excuse me.

Oh, no. Oh, dear.

Tonight, 9:00. Be by your phone.


This isn't happening. It's just my imagination.

Hello, this is Arnold. Please leave a message. Thank you.

Dummy, I know you're there. Pick up.

All right, how about this.

Pick up the phone, or I pop a blood vessel in your head.

One, two...

But you're gone. I'm cured.

Cured? I ain't a case of the sniffles, dummy.

And I don't roll over just because some quack waves a $ 2 watch at me.

Nobody pulls my strings, dummy, especially not you.

No, I don't want you back. You can't...

Shut up! Did I ask your permission? I'm giving the orders here.

But you're not real.

No? Look across the street.

Now strap on your dancing shoes and get ready for my coming-out party.

You got that?

Yes, sir, Mr. Scarface.

That's better.

Now strap on your dancing shoes and get ready for my coming-out party.

You got that?

It sounds like Scarface...
...but it's not his voice.

How could it be?

Clearly someone's trying to drive Wesker mad.

I found this speaker in his room.

But why? Who on earth would want to torment that poor man?

It's a short list.
How long you gonna stand there and stare?

Give me a ballpark so I can plan my day.


Pick me up, already.

Good boy.

Better look sharp, yous mugs. Scarface is back.

Hips McManus.

This is the guy who gave you the run-around last night?

What you talking about? I ain't done nothing.

We've been admiring your wardrobe.

Okay, okay. That was me last night.

But I'm just a working stiff. Mugsy and Rhino was running the show.

Wesker's old crew. Why?

Scarface was the brains of the outfit. They needed him back.

And it worked too. I hear they're pulling a job tonight.


Okay, dummy, yank the gag.

Yes, Mr. Scarface.

Start yapping Foxy. Open the henhouse.

You people have got to be kidding.

You got a problem, you talk to me.

You wanna live through the night, you talk to the safe. Got it?

Open authorization: Lucius Fox.

That's more like it. Okay, Rhino, we're through with him.

Now make it snappy.

And don't miss none neither. Them bonds is untraceable. Easy money.

You're a genius, boss.

After this payoff, it's smooth sailing.

Yeah, up the river.

Freeze, Bats... or Foxy gets a dose of lead poisoning.

Toss them in the box.

Dummy, give me my backup.

This here's what I brung along in case Foxy come down with lockjaw.

Okay, shut it.

Tough luck, Bats. The only way out of this crate's with the right voice... and Fox here is sleeping like a baby.

Come on, mooks, let's move.

Tell me Bruce Wayne can voice-activate this door.

He could if he were outside.

Hold it. Yous two nimwits wanna trip an alarm? This way.

Sure thing.

Sorry, boss.

It's great having you back, boss. We hated working without you.

Don't worry, yous never will again.

I can hack into the voice system from here, but it's gonna take time.

Time we don't have.

What are you doing? We'll never fit through there.

No, we won't.

Now freeze.

What's the matter, boss?

Shut up.

Drop your Roscoes and throw the take over here.

This ain't funny, boss.

No, but it's a laugh riot you blockheads thought you could impressionate me.

Yous thought you could decide when I was coming out?

You could have ruined my plan.

What plan?

I was playing possum, laying low till the heat was off.

But then you two numskulls start up.

And when the muscle starts thinking it's the brains, then it's time to amputate.

No, Mr. Scarface. Please don't k*ll them.

Butt out, dummy, or you can walk the plank too.

Boss, please, we didn't mean no harm.

Yeah, boss. We just needed you is all.

Yeah, yeah. You're breaking my heart. Sayonara, chumps.

No, boss!

Mr. Ventriloquist, stop him.

Mr. Scarface.

Forget me, dummy, get the g*n. Waste them.

Arnold, wait.

Hang on.

Arnold, don't do this.

It's out of my hands.

He's the puppet, not you.

Don't listen to him, dummy.

He's playing you like a cheap fiddle. Do him, already!

I'm sorry.

Come on, what are you waiting for? For once in your life, do something right.


That's it, dummy, when I get my hands on...

And Mr. Wayne even gave me my job back.

I'm so glad, Arnie. Maybe now that you're back... you won't be such a stranger this time.

Use the rec room. Sometimes it helps to be around others.

I will. But for right now... I'm just looking forward to being by myself.