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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 03/01/16 06:53
by bunniefuu
Chelsea, we're on the run, as in we might have to run at some point.


Lola Buckley, aka Lillian Walsh.

She k*lled her de facto, Jackson Delaney, then disappeared into thin air.

The investigating officers assumed Delaney's family k*lled her.

They looked into it, nothing stuck.

Man: (ON PHONE) Are you telling me that your man was taken out by some random woman?

Do you think Maric's gonna believe that?

(CHUCKLES) How am I gonna control him now?

It's crime money, it's a crime car. Maybe it's a good thing.

What, losing millions of dollars is a good thing?

That's what they're chasing. And that's what they will k*ll us to find!

(SCREAMS) He's coming!

Lillian still has family up in a little town called Wooradulla.

She could have been in touch with them, she could be hiding out with them.

Don't come back here, Lil. It's not safe.

Your face is all over the news.

The Delaneys will know you're alive.

Where is she, Donna?

Song: ♪ Whoa, thought it was a nightmare, ♪
♪ Lo, it's all so true ♪
♪ They told me, "Don't go walkin' slow ♪
♪ "The Devil's on the loose" ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Better run through the jungle ♪
♪ Whoa, don't look back to see... ♪


Chelsea: You know, they're actually not that difficult once somebody shows you how to do them.

You just need to know the little tricks.

My mum was crossword mad.

We used to do the cryptic crosswords together every Saturday morning.

I still can't get Friday's out. They're... they're almost impossible.

OK. This one isn't too difficult.

So, the clue is, "Gold king and almost everything of the ear."

So, I think it's gonna mean "of the ear".


And, OK, gold is 'Au'...

Man: Useless bitch.



Get up!

Go on, get up!

Chelsea: A-U-R...

Then almost everything should be 'al', as in everything, minus the final L.


Like I said yesterday, Luke, you're wasting your time.

And... if Lil's alive, it's the first I've heard of it.

Don't you watch the news? It's not her.

And even if it was, do you really think she'd be stupid enough to come back here?

People do dumb things when they're desperate.

Just tell your mum to let it go.


Like that's gonna happen.

Chelsea: So, is this the street where you grew up?

It's nice.

It's not safe.

What? How do you know?

The curtain. It's a signal between me and my sister.


Josh, where are you?

Landed 20 minutes ago.

Did you talk to Ray?

Yep. Told him you called in sick.

Said you'd been on the bog all night.

Nice. What have you got for me?

Not a lot of info on Lillian Walsh. Most of it's sketchy.

It looks like somebody did a number cleaning up for her when she took off.

You think someone maybe in her family?

I double-checked the sister's address.

She still lives in Wooradulla.

OK, well, email me everything you've got.

I should be there in just over two hours.




Playin' phone games, Ray?

I was just gonna call you.


When I call, you answer.

Have you heard from Boke?

He's close.

The word is Anton is mobilising against us.

We've got his property, he'll just have to wait a couple of days.

Talk to him, Kel.

Well, as of today, he's not taking any calls.

And I'm not taking the blame for your incompetence.

Fix it. Today.

What the hell are you doing here?

Nice to see you too.

This isn't time for sentiment, you know?

Luke Delaney's not gonna want a gushing reunion, is he?

20 years, Don.

We deserve a bit of a catch up, don't we?

We used to love coming here and watching the movies.


It was our refuge.

I can't believe you're here.

God, I have missed you.

So, what the hell have you got yourself into?

How long have you got?

Might need a new ID.

Lola Buckley has obviously reached her use-by date.

Do you know anyone?


I'm not in that world anymore.

I'm working in an animal shelter.

I'm dating a vet.



I'm happy for you.

Guess that only leaves one option, then.

Nah, Lola, that is not a good idea.

What, you got any better ideas?

OK. OK. I'll go see him.

No, you won't!


No, it's my mess. I'll do it.

I need to borrow your license.

I'll leave it in your letterbox.


Why haven't you seen her for so long?

Families aren't always close, Chelsea.

No-one's hugged me like that in a very long time.


Where are we going now?

I've got a plan.

A prison? This is your plan?

I know someone here who has the contacts we need.

What contacts do we need?

One that can fit us up with fake passports.

Pass... Passports?

Why do we need pass... Are we going overseas?

When did we...?

We didn't decide this.

Chelsea, relax.

When did we talk about this?

Having a passport isn't just about going overseas, OK?

It's the best form of ID you can have.

It'll help solve a lot of problems.

Trust me.


I'll be as quick as I can.

Take your sunnies off.

Sign there.

Put your personals in the locker.




What the hell are you doin' here?

Screws told me Donna was gonna come and see me.

I didn't believe that, but I believe this even less.

It wasn't by choice.

(CHUCKLES) I'll bet it wasn't.

I've got a little telly in my cell, you know?

I've been watching the news.

They reckon you k*lled a cop now.

Is that right?

What do you think?

I think you've got guts, girl, coming in here, when half the cops in the country are chasin' you.

Mind you, that's no surprise to me.

Even as a nipper, you were never afraid of anything.

You know... I never saw you cry once.

Not once.

I cried plenty.

You were just never around to see it.

Yeah, OK.

Anyway, I'm not here to...

I don't have much time.

I'll bet you don't!

But since you're here, you might tell your old man something about his grandson.

What, you think I owe you something?

No, no. You don't, no. That's fine.

No, look, I just wanna...

I just wanna know...

Are you OK?

I'm on the run from the cops, Dad.

If the clean cops catch me, they're gonna put me away.

If the dirty cops catch me, they're probably gonna k*ll me.

And the stupid thing is none of this has anything to do with me.

So, no, I am not OK.

Yeah, OK, alright, alright.

Man: Oi!

Bang that again, I'll put you outta here!

Girl: Hey!

Hey! Get your hands off her! Leave her alone, you bloody mongrel!

Woman: Come on, we'll go sit down.

Now, they said something about there was two of you What's that all about?

Well... she's an accountant, of all things.

Jesus, Lil.

Listen, when the shit hits the fan, you're better off on your own.

Cut her loose, girl. For her sake as well as yours.

I need to get out of the country.

Ah! So, you've come to the old man for some help, eh?

You remember Big Frank?

He could copy anything. He'll help you.

Gave me this little beauty here, remember?

(CHUCKLES) Mum's favourite.

Yeah, I told her it was her.

Ah! "Since when was I a bloody redhead?"

Ooh, boy. Did she give me a run around the kitchen.

Hey, now, listen.

You know that shack out in the bush I used to take you and Don, when you were kids, remember?

You could live a really nice, quiet life out there, all on your own.

I need to go further than that, Dad.

Yep, alright. I've gotta go.

Maybe I will go and see Big Frank. Get myself a new tatt.

Yeah, you tell him Jimbo sent you, OK?

And, Lil? (SIGHS)

Listen, uh...

I made a bloody hash of everything.

You and Don deserved a lot better and I'm sorry, OK?

Yeah, well, you'd better piss off.


Send me a postcard, eh?

Somewhere with a beach.




So, why is he in jail?

Did he k*ll someone?

What?! No!


No, just lots of little things that added up to big things.

He's spent half a century in and out of prison.

Well, what about your mum?

She took off when I was nine.

So, your sister looked after you...

Enough with the 20 questions, OK?

Hey, Frank, how long's this going to take?

What names do you want?




It's cool. Kind of... it's European.

I...I've always wanted to be French.

Tracy Smith.



Well, it's a bit plain.

Plain is good.

You don't look like a Tracy.

What do I look like?


Again with the Catherine.

Catherine Savage.

But you pronounce it Sa-VARGE.

Catherine Savage.

It's... tough.

You sound like a Bond girl.

That'll be 10 grand. Deposit.

Another 50K at the other end, in Mossman.


Laurie only charged me three 20 years ago.

Blame 9/11. It's a different world.

I can do them on the cheap for you. 10K apiece.

But they won't get you through Immigration.

Oh, that's OK. We don't need to get through Immigration.

Actually, we do. Thanks, Frank.


I... You said we weren't leaving the country.

You said, "It's the best form of fake ID you can have."

And then you said, "Trust me."

What, do you think we're just going to keep driving around the country for the next 10 years?

Well... OK. Where are we going?

Somewhere in Asia.

Where in Asia?

Well, Daru, for starters.

Daru... Daru?!

Look, just somewhere we can disappear, OK?

What, like a jungle? No, I don't...

I don't do jungles, OK?

This is about as far north as I'd like to go in terms of humidity.

OK, Chelsea, calm down.

Why did you lie to me?

Because I knew you'd freak out - like you're freaking out now.

Yes, because you're telling me that we're gonna live in the jungle like... like Tarzan and Jane, or Jane and Jane.

Just take a breath.

You don't have to do this, OK?


Look, I just think we should get overseas, find somewhere safe, and then we can sort everything out.


OK. Oh... I need to get some fresh air.

Yeah, good idea.


♪ What do I do? Stand in a shop ♪
♪ Waitin' for that money to drop ♪
♪ Stand all day on a concrete slate ♪
♪ My feet are achin', don't get a break ♪
♪ Singin', what do I do? ♪
♪ What am I to do? ♪

It's a black Chrysler. It was nicked just outside of Marlow.

Haven't seen it.

Come on, Frank.

Where would I go to find a stolen car these days?

Try Bernie's Garage.

Most wheels nicked in this district end up through him.

You remember Bernie Patterson?

Oh, yes. Unfortunately.


Shit! Nick off!

♪ I'm more than a little bored ♪
♪ Singin' ♪
♪ What do I do? ♪
♪ What am I to do? ♪


♪ What do I do? ♪
♪ What am I to do? ♪
♪ What do I do? ♪
♪ What am I to do? ♪

Right. Name?

Name, ma'am?

What's your name?



Brigitte Poussin.

Cool name. Where do you live, Miss Poussin?

Uh... je ne... comprend pas.

Yeah, we'll... we'll get to that. What's your address?

Wh...? Quoi?


Alright, look. My boss is in Barooma.

I've got this stack of files to get through before he gets back.

We do a statement, I write up a charge, then you can go.

What, you're charging me?

So you understand me?

No! It was a 6.99 lipstick.

Well, theft is theft.

Now I want you to write out your version of events.

Brigitte? Brigitte! There you are.

Oh, God, I've been looking everywhere for you.

Uh, who are you, ma'am?

I'm Catherine Savage.

I'm Brigitte's sister.

I'm sorry, could you please stay that side of the counter?

What are you doing here?

Your sister's been charged with shoplifting.


You've gone off your meds again, haven't you?

I'm so sorry, Constable.

My sister has a mental deficit.

When she forgets to take her medication, it makes do dumb things like forget to pay for lipstick.

How'd you know it was lipstick?


Did she put on a French accent?


Yeah, look, I'm gonna have to get her to a doctor before she deteriorates, son.

You really don't want to see that.

Thank you so much for being so understanding of mental health.

Oh, my pleasure.

You're awesome. Thank you.

Lipstick! You shoplifted lipstick?

Well, I meant to pay for it.

You don't even wear lipstick.

I do. Um... It was a mistake.

We can't afford to make mistakes like that, Brigitte.

Well, I have a lot on my mind, Catherine, like moving to Asia.

Where are we going now?

Well, we need money to buy the passports, so we need to find the bloody car and then get to Mossman.







May I get a lift?


Man: (ON RADIO) McKenzie, have you checked out the KALOF on those cop K*llers?

Holy shit! Aaah!


Call's just come in.

Yeah, I heard.

Have the suspects been detained?

No, it was just a sighting by a local Constable McKenzie.

Has it been 100% verified?

No, but we'll send a team up there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Wait. Just hold your horses. That...

That's a big expense based on some unverified sighting by some junior cop who's been in the job a week.

Josh Levine's there.


Wait, wait. Levine's there?

You told me he was sick.

Jeez, that was bloody quick.

Yeah, we don't muck around.

Detective Joshua Levine.

Where's everyone else?

I'm the advance party.

Why don't you give me a situation report, Constable McKenzie.

Uh, right.

Um, my boss is on his way back from Baroona.

Big bush bash there this weekend.

He's the president of the Wooradulla Whales footy club and they entered this tricked-up Kombi, the Purple People Eater, raising money for ovarian cancer.

Constable, I really need a map.

Righto. So, four roads, in or out.

You get onto your highway patrol, tell them I want roadblocks set up here and here.

And I want to see everything in your archives on Lillian Walsh.


Wooradulla Police, Constable McKenzie.

It's for you.


You give me one reason why I shouldn't sack you right now.

Alright. For a start, it's a good thing I'm here.

Makes you look good.

Hold on.

Alright, what I'm about to tell you is highly confidential.

The reason I'm being so cautious is I believe the dead cop, Keith Jones, was working for the Marics.

There's other corrupt cops involved.

Maybe even in this department.

So, you convince me, Levine.

Where do your loyalties lie? Are you clean?

Yeah, of course.

Well, I don't know who to trust.

Well, you can trust me.


I'm willing to go with my gut.

You're my guy on the ground, OK?

Whatever you find out, you come to me first, yeah?

Yep. Yep, got it.

Josh, I really need you to find those women.

Let's forget about the car and the passports.

Let's just take off, Lola! We can just turn around and go.

Go where? Without money we're stuffed.

We need to get overseas.

Tasmania, that's technically over a sea.

I really don't like this. What are we doing?

We can't just walk in there, can we?

Yes, we can! It's our car. Sort of.

We'll be gone before anyone notices, anyway.



Chelsea, here.



Oh! Are you sure this is our car?

Man: Hold it right there.

♪ I am weak but thou art strong... ♪


♪ Jesus, keep me from all wrong ♪
♪ Lord Jesus, if you please... ♪

Are we going to Wooradulla?


No, love. We're not going anywhere near Wooradulla.

♪ As I walk, dear Lord, close with... ♪

Yeah, they're here now.

How long?

Oh, you're that close? Rightio.

That car belongs to us, Bernie.

Yes, someone stole it.

Really? That's a pretty serious accusation.

I hope you're not pointing the finger at me.

Oh, no, I'm sure you didn't realise it was stolen when you got it.

But if you just give it back to us, we won't have to tell the cops anything.

Oh, that's very considerate of you.


Here, chuck us the keys.

Come on.

You've changed since high school.

You've still got a pretty face, though.

I could never forget that face.

I always knew you'd be a star one day, Lil.

Yeah, and you were always a shit.

Look, whatever the police reward is, we'll double it.

With what?

Oh, we've got money.

In a b... bank account in...


I think I'll just stick with the car.

The police are gonna want the car, Bernie!

What makes you think that I called the police?


G'day, Lil.


Righto, I want two more cars out on the main highway, just south of the Barooma turn-off.

You tell the highway boys to make sure they've got a couple of bikes ready to go in case this thing turns into a pursuit.



McKenzie, you're sure you didn't see what they were driving?

Sorry, Detective.


Can you tell me about Jim Walsh?

Oh, well-known crim. Before my time.

Where is he now?

Doing 7 to 10 at the Q.

That's the local lock-up. We call it the Q 'cause...

Can you check and see if he's had any visitors recently?


Here's the file on Jackson Delaney. Happy reading. Family's a class act.


Come on, Lil. Don't need that.

Let's go. Inside.

You, come on.

That way. Go.

Gee, the years haven't been kind, have they, love?

What's your name?



Oh, they're lovely names.

And, Lola... slightly trashy, yet somehow appropriate.

Just in time.

Veal casserole.

It was one of Jackson's favourites.

Always loved his mum's cooking.

And he said yours tasted like an old biker's sweaty leathers.

(SIGHS) He had a way with words, my boy.


He would have turned... 50 this year.

Time to say grace?

For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.

For Christ's sake, amen.

(WHISPERS) What's going on?

Dig in, before it goes cold.

Still like playing games, don't you, Bev?

Oh, she speaks.

No doubt with the same forked tongue that sweet-talked my boy.

What do you want?

What I want, Lil, I can't ever have.

You saw to that.

You look a little lost, Chelsea Brigitte.


Don't you know who it is you've taken up with?


A cold-blooded murderess.

Black widow.

She stabbed my son in the throat over his chicken dinner.

Bad wife, bad cook.

Then she fled into the night like the cowardly whore that she is, never to be seen again.

Until now.

Oh, don't look to her if it's the truth you're after.

She's an habitual liar.

She's cunning, she's deceitful.

Oh, she'll tell you tales about Jackson, I'm sure.

That he had a short fuse.

(VOICE ECHOES) She'll paint a picture if you let her.

It'll be full of lies.

You see, the truth is...

(VOICE FADES) boy, Jackson...

It was... it was an accident.

It was your own silly fault.

You had a few too many wines.

You gave my Jackson such a scare, finding you like that at the bottom of the stairs.

Because that's what happened, dear.


You had a few too many wines, you fell down the stairs.

Didn't you, Lil?

I fe... I fell down the stairs.

Good girl.

What did you say?

I said save room for sweets.

It's gonna be a dish served cold.

I've got the main roads covered but she's got local knowledge.

I need more men to cover the back tracks.

Alright, mate, as soon as you can.

Detective, the prison sent this over.

Jim Walsh had a visit from his daughter, Donna, this morning.

According to records, her first visit in years.

Alright, you call the prison and tell them I want Jim Walsh in an interview room right now.



Just let her go, Bev. This has got nothing to do with her.

You should have thought about that, Lil, before winding her into your web.


Lola? Lola, what's going on?

She's just trying to scare you.

It's gonna be fine, OK?

I don't even know who you are.

The cops are closing down the town.

They must want you real bad.

Well, there'll be a big reward, won't there?

It's not about the money, Lil.

No, no!

What are you doing?!

I know she came to visit you this morning, Mr Walsh.

Now, where's she going?

What's her plan?

I mean... believe it or not, I actually want to help your daughter.

(LAUGHS) Don't try and bullshit a bullshitter, son.

Your, um... your rap sheet here is pretty impressive.

I don't think I've ever seen one as impressive.

I take it you've never been nominated for father of the year.

Listen, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of catching her.

Lil knows how to look after herself.

I taught her well.

You probably have more of an idea about the local coppers than I do, but from what I've seen, they're a bit on the jumpy side.

The type to sh**t first, ask questions later, you know?

So, what's your point?

They've got roadblocks set up, they've all got shotties and they'd love nothing more than to bag themselves a cop k*ller.

So, what makes you think Lil isn't already long gone?

Well, she might be.

But what if she's still here?

The Delaneys.

I'll bet they're the kind of family that likes to hold a grudge.

The Delaneys have harboured a long grudge against Lillian Walsh.

Join the queue.

I'm gonna head out to their place now, check 'em out.

Where do they live?

A few k's south of town. They've got an excavation business.

Alright, let me know what you find.

Hello, Ray. Cute kids.

Beautiful wife.

We need to talk.


Are you really gonna do this, Luke?

Stand by and watch your mother sh**t us like dogs?

You know the truth. You know what Jackson was like.

Shut your filthy lying mouth.

Get on over there!

I'm gonna burn this whole shed down, bury all the bad rubbish.

There'll be no sign you were ever here.

Yeah, 'cause that's what you're good at, Bev, isn't it?

Burying the truth.

I never liked you.

I don't know what Jackson ever saw in you.

So... this is for my son.

No, what about your grandson?!


You had Jackson's kid?

It's not true.

I heard her.

How old is he?

He's not Jackson's.

You're lying! Where is he?

(SHOUTING) Run! Just go! run!


sh**t the bitch!


sh**t the both of them.

I don't blame you, Luke.

Jackson was your big brother.

Everybody loved him.

No-one knew what he was really like.

Only me.

And you.

Shut up! She m*rder*d your brother.

I know you wanted to help me.

Luke, do it.

You're not Jackson. Do it!

You're better than that.

Finish it!

Chelsea: Please...

Ohh! Get outta here.



Are you OK?

I'm sorry.

Where are we going now?

To get our car back.

♪ I am weak but thou art strong... ♪
♪ Jesus, keep me from... ♪



Detective Joshua Levine.

Is Mrs Delaney or Luke Delaney at home?

No. Who are you?

A friend of the family.

Do you know where they are?


Listen, I'd really like to talk to them, so get them to call me on this number.







(FIRES g*n)


Yeah, McKenzie, I need back-up. Quick.

Where's the car?

You're crushing my legs!

That's the idea. Where's the car?!

Screw you.

Alright, alright! My son Liam's got it.




He left... for Barooma about two hours ago.

He's off to the big bush bash.

Hey! Where are you going?!

You can't leave me here like this!

Lillian! Lillian!

Yeah, Ebert, mate, it's me.

Listen I need you to put out a KALOF on a beige Kingswood.

Uh, early model, reg first three numbers 1-4-5.

And run a distinctive marking check.

We're looking for a crim with a triple-8 tatt.

Yeah, as in eight, eight, eight.

Alright, mate, thanks. As soon as you can. Yep.


Just a precaution?

This is not an overnighter, is it?

I don't know.

When you show up with suitcases, I start to worry.

Should I be changing the kids' names?

Sorry, alright?

No, no, Ray.

You told me, you gave me your word, this would never come home.

I'll work it out.

What does that mean?

It means that you don't need to worry.

It's bad, isn't it?


You know, in my job, when something goes wrong, I go down the chain of command, I find the broken link, I fix it.

If I can't, I remove it.

I'm flying up there tomorrow, I'll sort it out in person.

I promise. Everything's gonna be fine, OK?

Go, go.

See you, sweetie.


Hey, buddy.

Bye, Dad. Love you.



I don't know what you're on about, mate.


The women? Did you tell them?

Who the hell do you think did this to me?!

Now get this bloody thing off me!




Try and get some sleep.

Song: ♪ Take something beautiful ♪
♪ And go and smash it... ♪




♪ Take something perfect and pervert it... ♪


Bev: Good girl.


♪ Take something young and proud and then shame it ♪
♪ I want to smile... ♪



♪ Without regret ♪
♪ I want to die in my own bed ♪
♪ I want a free mind, not caged ♪
♪ I'm not here, I'm not there ♪
♪ I'm not anywhere at all. ♪