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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 02/29/16 03:42
by bunniefuu
( Birdsong )

( Ominous ambient music )

( Music intensifies )

( She pants and whimpers )

( Car screeches, horn blares )

Ivy Moxam.

I'm Ivy Moxam. I was taken 13 years ago. I've just escaped.

Please help me.

♪ Kiss your face ♪
♪ Turn your cheek ♪
♪ Lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down ♪
♪ Lay your head down. ♪

Police radio: 'Go ahead, 5191.'

Er, pick-up of white female, mate.

She's still claiming to be missing person Ivy Moxam.

Hello, Ivy.

I'm Alia.

I work for the Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

I'm going to be your Family Liaison Officer.

Does that sound OK?

I'll take it from here. Thanks.

Let's get you up.

Keep it open, please.

When the detectives arrive, they'll have to shut it, just for privacy.

But we're OK now.

Spot the difference.

People change, grow into their looks.

Yeah... you're a regular swan.

I'm going to ignore your sarcastic tone and label that as a compliment.

The last you'll get from me.

The year after Ivy was snatched, two girls came forward claiming to be her and neither checked out.

To pretend to be her after this much time...

To be that cruel to her family...

I don't know, humans are shit, granted, but are they THAT shit?

Thanks for asking for us, sir.

Nobody knows she's here?

Let's keep it that way.

What is the precedent on this?

If it is Ivy Moxam, well...

There's no precedent to follow.

There's never been a case of an escaped c*ptive in the UK.

Plenty enough bones, just nothing living or breathing.

( Door opens )

Don't worry, it's just to record what happens in here.

And these four cameras... they do the same.

We call this an ABE interview.

My family, I want to see them.

Of course you do.

Of course you do, and we'll sort that.

Let's just get this out of the way first, OK?

I'm Detective Sergeant Lisa Merchant, warrant number 478, attached to Bristol's Specialist Crime Department.

I'm here with... Detective Inspector Elliott Carne, warrant number 312.

We're here to interview a female who alleges she's been a missing person for the last 13 years.

Can you please state your name?


We have to prove you are who you say you are, I'm afraid.

Can you please state your name?

Ivy Moxam.

Date of birth?

3rd February, 1990.

And what date were you abducted?

Ah, I'm rubbish with dates.

Don't worry.

What about where you were held?

Where was it?

If you could verbalise it, that would be great.

I don't know. A house.

What kind of a house? How many rooms?

I only saw one.

And which one was that, Ivy?

The cellar.

And how were you kept down there?

Chained up.

Were you ever allowed out?

So, this time...

How did you get out this time?

He didn't do the lock up.

"He" being...?


Your kidnapper? And his surname?

What did he look like?

What kind of a build did he have?

Let's take a short break there.

Give you a chance to get your thoughts together.

Does that sound good?

I am Ivy Moxam.

You believe me, don't you?

( Knock on door )

Interview paused at 9.24am.

( Device beeps )

The bastard Chronicle know. Tipped off by some...

Do we move her?

Whoever ratted on us only gave the basics - "Ivy Moxam alive".

The press will be headed straight to the Moxam home.

It's better they hear it from us.

There's just two guesthouses left with rooms, so where are people going to sleep?

Is just a niggle, darling.

"Come to our wedding. Bring your wet weather gear for the inevitable June rain and, oh, I hope you don't mind bunking up with another couple!"

You've got liberal friends, haven't you? Very funny, Mum(!)

I may just have a solution.

Both: Which is?

I'll get my dad to ask around.

All we need is a couple of big gardens, pitch a few tents and what do we have?

I guess, in some circles, it would be called a solution.

Always with the perspective.

( Phone rings )

I was hoping it was my rugged good looks that lured you down the aisle but I'll take that.




( Keypad tone )

Mum, what is?

They said that there's a girl.

It could be Ivy.

( Phone vibrates )

( They groan )

Mood k*ller!

More than.

It's your wife.

Christina, now is not a good...


Yes, yes. I'm coming.

The police have found someone.

Ivy. They think... They... They say...


It won't be her.

Angus, listen to me.

You have to go.

Whatever happens, I'm here. I promise.

( She sobs )

It's OK. It's OK...

( Sobbing )

It's OK.

It's OK.

We'll wait for the DNA, just to be on the safe side.

This is my daughter.

Of course, Mrs Moxam.

All we want is to find her kidnapper as soon as possible.

We have to ask your daughter more questions, I'm afraid.

Right now?

Yeah. I'm afraid so.

Then I'm staying with her.

It's OK.

I can do it.

I can.


( She cries and laughs )

The next stage is then...

Do you know what happened?

The next stage is...? Yes?

When this part of the interview is done with, Ivy will see a female doctor for tests.

What kind of tests?

Could you just let the girl speak?!


Details of the force's wider support team, for you, as a family.

Psychiatrists, psychotherapists.

No need, thank you.

Besides the shock...

This shock you're in right now, they're there to help with Ivy's readjustment.

Maintain a routine as clockwork.

Any sudden changes could set the vic...

Could set Ivy back. I know.

I've read and reread in case.

So, I know.

Could we have a minute, please?

( Door closes )

You need to come home, Angus.

Everything has to be exactly as it was for Ivy.

Us, we're her parents.

We can't take that away from her.

So, your 999 call.

How long from escaping the house to making it? I don't know.

Two minutes fair? Five?

OK, good. Good. We'll say five.

Which is good, because that narrows it down.

And not all this is residential, see?

So, we're much closer. You're doing great.

Now, what was the house like? Was it on its own?

Part of a terrace? Terrace? Good. OK.

Any distinguishing marks?

The door was red.

Was there anything else about the front of the house?

Was there a gate? Green.

Is that the one, Ivy?

Just give me a nod if it is.

Request firearms. Location found.

( Radio static )

( Glass shatters )

( Shouting )

( He sniffs )

Bastard's bleached the place.

( He exhales )

Used his advantage, didn't he?

There's nothing left.

So, he comes back, sees Ivy's gone, loses his shit then runs.

He's got three hours on us.

( Radio static )

No sighting of kidnapper at address.

He's still at large.

( Dripping water )

We'll park up in the relative's room.

I've had the boys in the canteen sort you something to eat.

I thought you might like this.

I can't imagine it's much fun being in that suit.

Like a present?

Mrs Moxam!

How does does it feel...?

( Clamour )

The Moxams...

TV: '..are yet to confirm reports that their daughter, Ivy, snatched as a 13-year-old in 2003, has been found alive. The original investigation into the Sunbridge High pupil's disappearance was the largest in Bristol's history, and although several arrests followed, no-one was ever convicted of the abduction.'

( Phone vibrates )

'If the reports are true, then Ivy Moxam will now be a 26-year-old woman, having to face the loss of 13 years of her life.'

( Door opens )

( Door slams )

I'll be upstairs if you need me.


I don't know what to say.

( She sighs )

It's been a while, Craig.

It's good to see you.

I'm sorry, Em. I couldn't just ignore him.

He is your dad.

It's not Ivy.

That girl...

She's not my big sister.

Can I give you a hand?

I can manage.

You should get back, pack, have the necessarily conversation with your... your bit.

Ivy'll be here soon.

I'll be back before then. Promise.

You should eat. I'm fine.

It's for you.

There's no fish though.

You should eat two portions of fish a week, one oily, the baby needs it.

How do you know that, Ivy?

I read it in a book he gave me.

And... did he ever give you fish?

Only until I didn't...

I didn't need it.

The fish was the nicest.

It tasted of something more than usual.

What was the usual?

Tinned food.

I ate from the can.

No spoon.

We had to earn the right to a spoon.

I never did.

Did he... ever give you... anything?

So, what did you do all day?

There was no light so I didn't know if it was day or night.

( Cameras click )

How did you keep track, then?

I didn't.

Time was just when he wasn't there and he was.

Traces of blood.

Could be the usual kitchen injury.

Could be...

Sick f*ck.

Sick, clever f*ck.

Five different credit cards, five different names.

Not one of them are Leonard.

Run these IDs - wheres, whens - see if we can get a paper trail leading to the real man. Sure.

That's a passport photo.

So, she was allowed out.

We... got a little something for you both.

Ivy's size.

Give or take.

What are her clothes doing in his room? There's more.

We're getting it tested. It's a long, brown hair.

Looks like your little girl's...

Yep. Thanks. Got it, Jim.

Doesn't mean that Ivy slept here.

How do you even know she did?

We can't know the circumstances.

If it was consensual, or less than.

Poor girl. Elliot.

She came in a girl.

She's a woman now.

I know you were only little, but what do you think?

Does it look the same?

I want everything to be just right for Ivy.

Look at you, Emma.

All that puppy fat.

Rows of it.

Oh, darling. Your dad's only joking.

It's not that.

Mum, I'm sorry.

But that girl, it...

It isn't her.

It isn't Ivy. How can you say...?

You were only 11 years old, Emma.

It is totally, totally understandable that you would have a different idea of Ivy in your head.

( Phone rings )


When are you bringing her home?

Thank you.

The DNA's come back as Ivy's.

( She gasps )

We found some items of yours up in his room... suggesting you were allowed out of the cellar.

We'd come to understand from you that this wasn't the case.

It's easy to get things mixed up.

I do it all the time.

Did you ever leave the cellar?

And did you also leave the house?

There was a passport photo of you.

Was he planning on taking you away?

But he did take you out and about?

Just once.

Do you want to talk us through what happened?

Where did you go?

I don't know, there...

There were people everywhere.

Did you try to communicate your situation to any of these people?

You're thinking I should've told someone.


That it was my fault.

No-one's thinking that.

Can I go home now?

I'm afraid we've a lot more to ask.

Why can't you do that at my house?

In here, we can keep an eye on you. Make sure you've got everything you need.

I need my mum.

There is the option of a safe house for you and your family.

No. I...I just want to go home.

Ivy, you have to understand, your safety is the most important thing to us.

I'd be safest there.

Preparations would have to be made to your house. Security measures.

But I could go back?

Yes. Yes, you could. We'll finish our questions here, let them get everything sorted the other end, and then we'll go. OK?


The day you were taken... you were meant to be at school, but you weren't. Why was that?

I was going to meet El.



My best friend.
There he is!

( Voices clamour )

Press are after a comment. I put something together for you.

All thoughts and wishes are with the Moxam family at this time.

Better pupil than Ivy you couldn't have hoped for. That sort of thing.

She should have been in school.

That day she was taken, she should have been here, under our care.

Look, if you can keep people at bay, I'll try and work out what we're going to do.

It's been years, Tim. Have you spoken to Christina yet? 'No.'

I didn't know what to say.

'Still a p*ssy, then?'

Still a bitch? Always.

I'll call her.

Who was that?


( Clamour )

She's back. I'll call you in a couple of days, Eloise. Bye. Bye.

I love you so much.

Have you found him?

I'm afraid not. Not yet.

Is there a chance he could come here?

There is a system in place to protect Ivy.

Your home's monitored by the cameras and she has an around-the-clock police detail.

What about you, DI Carne?

We'll be out finding your kidnapper, Ivy.

This first night, if it reassures you, I'll keep an eye out.

What's the plan for arresting him?

We're looking at all the Colbridge Road home owners.

A picture will emerge of this man and once we...

Can we have some time alone with our daughter now?

I'm afraid Alia will be stationed here until the situation's calmed down. I'm trained in melting into the background and when you need me...

We'll be back tomorrow to talk some more. If that's OK, Ivy?


I missed you.

Pride of place.

Year Four, you made that, remember?

Of course you do.



Well, I'm getting married.

Would you like to...

I know he'd love to meet you.


He's really a lovely man.

Ivy, hi. I'm Craig.

Craig lives with us now. And very glad of it, I am.

Good to have a man about the house.

You know what your dad's idea of DIY is, dusting off the Yellow Pages!

Sorry to intrude on this.

No, it's my fault.

Sorry, Ivy.

( Knock on window )

Man: Ivy!

( Camera shutters click )

Can you do something about that?

Uniform will keep them back as much as possible.

It's not ideal. I know.

Sorry about that, darling.

You must be hungry. Can I get you a snack? Something to drink?

Give her a chance, Chris.


I'm... sorry.

Everyone stop saying sorry.

Is my room still...?

It's just how I remember it.

'No joy so far. No-one seems to have known the guy. He kept odd hours, never said a word to anyone.'

What about home security cameras? Mm-mm.

It's a safe little place.

Well, that's what they thought until a few hours ago.

'Are you OK over there?'

We have to find him.

His cards are being run. Where he spends, we pull out the CCTV.

'We'll get there. Breakthrough. All that jazz.'

How about when our turn's over we see off the longest day with a drink?

Tempting though it is, I can't. I promised Ivy.

I'll try not to take it personally.


In fact, let's rain check for Friday.

And I'll even lob you in a feed round mine.

'If you promise not to judge the state of my flat.'

Whispering: I'm sorry.

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry...

( Phone vibrates )

I can't really... 'Talk? No?

'I can't wait. You can't lie yourself into loving her again, Angus, into everything being how it was.'

I'm sorry, but I... 'I love you, and I know you love me.' Sorry.

Will we be expecting many more of these late-night calls? Please.

I don't want to fight with you.

Ivy... she won't let me near her.

We just need to give her some time.

I'll run the iron over this.

'You were meant to be at school but you weren't. Why was that?'

'I was going to meet El.'


'Eloise. My best friend. She wanted to go to the Stokes Croft Arcade.'

'You were last seen on Docton Lane at 9.08. That's quite a way from the arcade.'

'El was late so... I started to walk towards her house.'

'Down the back streets? Mm.'

'I had my MiniDisc on. Mum always told me off for how loud I had it.'

'What happened next, Ivy?'

'A hand... over my... and my neck. Dragged back I got shoved in a van. Hit something sharp. And then nothing. And when I awoke... it was dark and... and I was there.'

( She breathes raggedly )

We have a face!

( Phone rings )

Wake up, slowpoke.

'Charming(!) And for the record, I was awake.'

We've got him.

Forecourt footage from a garage.

He used one of his stolen IDs to tab up.

The PNC's giving us a name.

Mark White.

We need Ivy to confirm.

Is this him, Ivy?

What happens now?

We circulate the image city-wide.

You'll get him?

It's a significant step forward.

( Knock on door )

Will you do my make-up?

Craig, do you mind?

( He sighs )

So, what are we going for? You choose.

Is this all yours?

It's not much.

So, what's the occasion?

I want to look nice.

Who for?

It's been, um...

Ivy told you I was coming, right?


Come upstairs. Oh, I don't know if that's a good idea.

It's OK, Mum.

I'm 26.

You look...

How are you?

That's a stupid question.

Bored of talking about me.

I want to know how you are.

And I want to know how you are.


And, as the oldest by 15 days, I win.

How's El and... and the rest of the g*ng?

Did Holl manage not to get kicked out of school?


Too fast.

Pick a question.

Holl made it. She works in Debenhams now.

I never see her though.

( Knock on door )

Can I bring you up some drinks?

We're fine. Thanks, Mum.

How's your mum? Dad? Sisters?


That's good.

I liked them.

Did they like me? I know I could be...

They liked... like you.

All of them said to send you their love, say that you're in their prayers.

So, what's changed?




Can I go for somewhere in between?

( Knock on door )

Ivy, we need to resume our interview. I've got my friend here.

So I see, but it's important.

Sure, no worries. I'll be down when I'm ready.

I should go. Not yet, please.

Do you still skate?

I could watch you for hours.

( He laughs )

I'm practically an old man now.

I've got dodgy knees.

I'm not sure I'd even know how any more.

I wouldn't say old.

Older, maybe, but... everyone is.

I'm so...

I can't...

You're back!

Back in a min.

We know who he is, we just have to validate...

( She hyperventilates )

Ivy? Ivy! IVY!

I'll find her. I'll find her.

( Baby screams )

( She laughs )

We'll bring her back.


I thought you'd be here.

Are you OK?

Ivy, tell me that you're OK, please.

I'm here now.

You're safe.

Christina. I've found her.

No, she's fine.

I'll bring her back.

( Phone rings )

'Ivy's been found.'

( He sighs )

'See you back here soon.'


One moment, Mrs Moxam. They're being escorted in now.

She never leaves our sight again. We can't be with her every minute.

Just watch me.

Chris, I just don't think that we can wrap her up in some sort of bubble.

We haven't even told her about our time apart. No sudden shocks.

( She scoffs )

And "time apart" is a funny way to describe shagging your PA.

Please! She'll be in in a sec.

None of us, none of us have even the tiniest idea what she's been through, what it's been like.

Because you won't let us ask.

You just want to ram your fingers in your ears, block it all out.

It's not going to go away, Chris. Things happened to her...


We were worried. Beyond worried.

Don't listen to your dad.

We're just... just glad you're OK. Where were you?

The courtyard off Broadmead. We used to go there after school.

Why would you risk going outside?

Where are you go...?

Of course, you must be exhausted.

I'll bring you up some cocoa if you like and we'll keep it quiet down here so you can get some sleep...

Can't have her out wandering the streets when...

When her kidnapper's out there.

Why, when Ivy knows this, did she CHOOSE to leave the house?

It doesn't make any sense. It was hardly a calculated decision.

What are you suggesting, DS Merchant?

I don't know.

The delays in her intel, the inconsistencies, the lack of a decent description of her attacker...

It could all speak to Stockholm Syndrome.

You don't agree, DI Carne?

I think it's been a long two days.

Detail is what's missing from your account so far.

We want to work back from the months after you were first snatched to the end of year one. Is that OK with you?

For this to be of any use to us, we're going to need you to communicate as much as possible.

( Knock on door )

Can I get anyone tea? Coffee?

Maybe just some water, then.

I'll give you a hand, Mrs Moxam.

You're not in trouble for running off, if that's what you think, Ivy.

It's just you worried a lot of people.

This kidnapper, he could be anywhere.

OK? OK, DI Carne.


You should...

Elliot's my name.

I know it must be hard to put your trust in people.

I trust you... Elliott.


I...I'm glad.

I'm not very good with these, with this sort of thing, but I, um...

You've been through a lot.

More than any girl should have to.

But you need to give yourself a chance to start living again.

Everything was on pause, but now... now...

Well, now, it's not.


It's not.

You're right.

If you ever need to talk...

( Door opens )

She's so changeable.

I can't get a handle, a fix on it... Her.

Whatever happened in that house... it doesn't change the fact that Ivy's been damaged.

Possibly beyond repair.

I feel for her. I do.

But we have to be careful around her.

YOU have to be careful around her.

She's getting attached.

Who's buying, then?

Polish lad, Aron Bazan, recognised White from the picture from 11 years back, give or take a few.

He worked with him. Regular employment, regular pay cheque.

Where? Now, this is gold.

Mr Stone, we'd like you to come to the station to ask you a few questions regarding Ivy Moxam.

Sorry, why? Information has come to light that puts the kidnapper here as a former member of staff.

What? You've got it wrong!

As headmaster of the school, Mr Stone is responsible for all employees.

Whatever you're starting to say, save it.

It's hard to believe you.

You can see that, can't you?

It's hard to believe that you've no recollection of a man who was on the payroll of your school.

Look, there's hundreds of staff.

And that's just now. Let alone going back that far. Back to...

Back to when a 13-year-old, who was meant to be in class at your school, back to when she was TAKEN by a member of YOUR staff.

We've a long night of this ahead.

Anyone you'd like to call?

Um, thank you.

Yeah, um...

( Phone rings )

Hasn't stopped.

It's no-one's business but ours.


'It's Henry. Henry Stone.'

Who is it?

Can I have some peace, please?

Why are you calling here?

'What you'll hear about me - I swear I didn't know. I'd never do that to you.'

What are you talking about?

'The man who took Ivy, the police are saying he worked at the school when... and after...'

( She sobs )

"Tim. Ivy here. Hi. We used to write letters to each other all the time, so... Hello. Me again. 13 years on, it's... it's a long time. Yesterday when I saw you I thought maybe too long. That I couldn't expect anyone to have waited, but you'd waited. Now, it's up to me to press play. Start living. So we can be like we were. Everything else has changed. Not us."

( Footsteps )

This looks...

Where's Alia and the others?

I told them we needed one night.

Smells good, Christina.

It really does, Mum.

It's your favourite, Ivy...

Shit! Here, run it under the tap.

I'm fine. There's no need to fuss.

Would you do the honours and serve?

Eat up, love, before it gets cold.

Save some space if you can. There's crumble for afters.

Oh, and I dug out Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

I thought we could watch it.

It's really delicious, Mum.

( Cutlery clatters )

Sorry, Mum.

You've nothing to be sorry for.

( Knock on door )

One night! Do you want me to get it?

We're having a family dinner, like a normal family.

I'll get rid of them.

I'm sorry, Ivy, love.

We need Ivy to come in.

He's taken another girl.

Is this all for the little girl?

I thought it was just bad luck, him taking me.

If he was at my school, it can't have been, can it?

Maybe he plans to hole up, recreate what he had with Ivy.

This girl that's been taken. I'm sorry.

What is it?

Just watch it.

She's lying to us. Making a fool of you.

♪ Don't say nothing ♪
♪ No ♪
♪ I can see when you're lying Oh ♪
♪ When you're alone You're so alone ♪
♪ When you're alone You're so alone... ♪

They're saying another girl's been snatched.

Just like... just like Ivy Moxam was.