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01x05 - The Dead Room

Posted: 02/15/16 10:09
by bunniefuu
It's Aurelia. She was bearing a child.

She tried to end it.

We could repair the perforation.

Was it yours?

You won't be able to bear a child.

I already got one.

Where did all this come from? I insist you answer!

Take this fine lady back up to the wards where she belongs.

A ball? In our home?

Frank: Emma and Alice will be distracting those two blue bellies, keeping them busy at the ball while I slip in and make my way here.

As the provost marshal, you could grant me a reprieve.

[Voice breaking] I can't go back.

Tell Alice that I love her.


Hale: In the lobby, please. Gather in the lobby.

A rebel patient absquatulated from this hospital last night.

Posthaste, we will be bolstering security measures on any ward housing confederate patients.

The number of guards shall be doubled.

The method of changing shifts is being reviewed.

Major Summers, this escaped scoundrel...

Did he act alone?

We're still looking into whether he was abetted in his flight or managed it himself.

Regardless, with "vigilance" as our watchword, I am confident...

Doctor Summers!

Uh, excuse me.

There's a man out front rodent of a bloke... with a ghoulish lady by his side.

Says the inspector general sent him.

The medical inspector today?

[All murmuring]

Oh, he was supposed to come next week.

Shall I send him away, sir?


There's no need to discuss the escaped patient outside these walls...

Or even within.

He's addressing you, Sister Isabella.

Ah, we all know how you girls gossip.

The escaped patient is a minor lapse we will promptly correct.

Carry on!

[All murmuring]

Uh, Major Summers, a word, please.

Have you given any contemplation to the vacant executive officer position?

I feel the promotion is due to me...

Not now, Hale!

Thursday last, I performed 11 amputations in an 8-hour period.

11? Really?

With but two mortalities.

Oh, my, my, that is impressive.

I... I may not have the most tender of touch, but I am efficient and resourceful, with a... a strong military record behind me.



Are you aware the medical inspector is waiting to see me?

Yes, I heard the matron.

She... she just said that.

[Sighs] Fear not, Hale.

I will get to your promotion soon enough.

Dr. Summers, I wanted to discuss a new hygienic i... initiative with you.

It's... it's very important.

Well, I'm sure it is, Miss Phinney.

Not as important as the inspector!


Guard shifts? They'd better change the guards while they're at it, or else these rebs will keep running off whenever they like.

He wasn't right, you know?

He was on the mend, but he wasn't nearly himself.

He outwitted the watchmen.

Perhaps he was more mended than we knew.

Perhaps he was put up to it.

Perhaps he had help.

I was at the ball, Chaplain.

Yes, I know.

I saw what a fine job you did teaching those Union men how to dance.


[Door opens]

Nothing like a rebel escape to mask other nefarious nighttime doings.

Aurelia is being tended to by Sam.

He's a good man.

I don't know why he chooses to be here.

If it's merely to learn medicine...

It's not only that.

It's to be a part of a cause he believes in.

Ah, yes, the noble cause.

Well, who am I to judge? Some men believe in El Dorado.

This malady of yours... is not simply cured.

It is a battle you must continue to fight.

Should you need help... I'm happy offer it.


You seemed to relish locking me away in a room.

As a child, I always wanted a King Charles spaniel.

Well, it's true what they say... the bark is worse than the bite.

Is that what they say?


... make sure the laundress heals well.

Oh, hold still now.

It don't hurt.

I found some eggs in town.

I... could fry them up if you're hungry.

You understand, don't you?

Why I done it.

I wasn't gonna bring a child into this world like that.

Someday, someone is gonna give Bullen what's coming to him.

Oh, leave it alone.

He ain't worth it.

What's he got on you, huh?

Does it have to do with your people down South?

Your little boy?


You'll only make it worse if you get mixed up in it.


I'm tired of waiting!

Please, sir, a doctor will be with you as soon as he can.

We're all the way down from Norfolk, and we're due back quick, or hadn't you heard there's a w*r to be won?

Water, we got here.


In need of help, are you, soldier?

Ezekial Davis, 1 st Delaware Infantry Rregiment.

My brothers, Hiram and Cyrus.

We was granted leave to come down and visit our brother, Jeremiah.

Ah. Let's see where he might be.

He's with the 2nd out of Baltimore.

Davis, Davis...

Let me check the registry.

Dr. Foster. I was so sorry to hear of your illness and so relieved to get news of your speedy recovery.

Yes, I was well-tended.

Of course.

Miss Phinney is a wonderful nurse.

A tad short of experience, but just wonderful.

I wonder... has Dr. Summers discussed the position of executive officer?

I know nothing of it.

Oh, no?

It's a position the surgeon general now requires at all of the larger army hospitals... a sort of second-in-command.

Sounds utterly boring.

Now that you're army, I thought a man of your talent and ambition might crave such a position.

I do not crave it, Miss Hastings.

Oh, no? Ah, well, very good.

In any event, if there's anything you need, Doctor, anything at all, I am always at your service.

Brannan: Uh, Dr. Foster?

I'll be needing your help down in the dead room.

Pardon me.

He fought valiantly for weeks.

We did all we could.

You were his doctor?

Uh, not at the very end.

I was... taken ill myself.

Uh, the pastor was there to fortify him on his final journey.


Does he look fortified to you?

We'll need transport for the body back to Delaware.

Uh, that's not something we commonly take care of here at the hospit... we can help you arrange that.

For his trappings, as well.

His r*fle and uniform are army issue.

His personal traps, I mean.

Uh, he didn't have any, I'm afraid.

Mother sent several boxes of provisions here... sweet cakes, uh, canned food, some extra stockings.

She said so in a letter.

Yeah, well, I'll make inquiries.

What is it?

[Door shuts]


He doesn't want it. The job is yours for the taking.

It is?

He seems entirely without ambition.

No wonder he has his sights set on that harridan.

Who, Miss Phinney?

Don't defend her.

I wasn't. I wouldn't...

Stop bloviating.

Go get what's yours, and by "yours" I mean ours.

I can't right now. Summers is with the inspector!

What better opportunity could you want?

Go impress the inspector, my dear docile dove.

Oh! Yes.

Yes! I see!

Oh, by the way, I, um, I need some help in the, uh, the library.

Several new patients just in from Winchester.

Those muddy Massachusetts boys?

Get your friend Miss Phinney.

She's cut from the same unseemly cloth.

I am far too busy.



Summers: As you'll see, Inspector, our staff provides scientific care while striving to create a placid atmosphere, promoting recovery of mind and body.

Not entirely placid.

There appears to be some hubbub about.

Hubbub? I... I'm not...

I'm not sure what you mean, sir... "hubbub."

I've heard some whispers. Is there a patient missing?

A patient what?

There are women here.

Are these sores quite painful, would you say?

Pardon me for a moment, would you?

Uh [Clears throat] Miss Phinney?

These, um... these people... what are they?

They are patients, sir.

Are they fancy girls, Miss Phinney... fast tricks, Dutch gals?

I don't know what those things are, sir.

These women are prostitutes.

[Loudly] What the bloody hell... what are they doing in my hospital?

It's an assistance program I've started for public women.

On your own say so with nary a word to me?

I tried to tell you this morning.

Oh, no, you did not.

It benefits the soldiers, truly.


There's a been a significant increase in cases of syphilis among the boys.

If the girls are clean, it only...

Y... your logic is impeccable, Miss Phinney.

Your timing is not.

If this inspector approves of the way I'm handling the job here, I'll be put on a desk in Washington City.

Do you know how much I would like that, Miss Phinney... a desk in Washington City?

Very, very much!

Now, please, get these women out of here as quickly as possible.

My, my. What a lot of ladies.

What is it, Hale?

Um, I was thinking, if you need some relief, I'd be happy to escort the inspector.

Is that so?

Perhaps if it smoothed the way for, um, what we discussed earlier.

I have to go now.

Quite a day it's shaping up to be.


Oh, Miss Phinney, I could use a spot of help with some of your kinsmen over here. Do you mind?

I'm rather occupied. Could you ask, Miss Hastings?

Asked and answered. Miss Hastings is far too busy.

Come, come.

The nurses can recall no care package ever arriving for your brother.

Tell me, matron, did these nurses look well-fed, have sweet-cake crumbs about their mouth, or happen to be wearing extra socks?

Ah, there's no need to cast aspersions, Corporal Davis.

I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding? Those provisions could've given Jeremiah the strength he needed to get better.

With all due respect, your brother died of a musket ball to the gut, not a lack of sweet cakes.

Well, at least they would have brought him comfort as he faced his maker.

One thing's for certain, Doctor.

We only die but once.

Gentlemen, my condolences, truly.

But I must resume my rounds.

I'll see about helping you arrange transport for your brother.

Our brother's not going nowhere.

And neither are we, not without the things our mother sent him.

Those from your secret kitchen, boy?

They're from the ward, Mr. Bullen.

If you and that Boston blue nose want to waste your time doing my job for me, well, go ahead.

We appreciate that. So do all the hungry soldiers.

We got a problem between us, don't we?

A failure to... collaborate?

I see how your jaw tightens every time you come near me.

What we have, sir... is... you on one hand.

A man who thinks what he does is invisible.

And on the other hand, me, a man who sees clearly.

I see what you do, Mr. Bullen, and I see what you are.

Leave her alone now. Hear me?

Huh. Ain't for me to do the leaving.

She's the one that keeps coming around.

Stealing food off wounded men is low enough, but some things you take from a person can k*ll 'em.

She say I took it?

Only she gave it, boy gave it willing.

Why would she do that?! Huh?!

Now, you tell me!

Tell me!

We had a deal!

What sort of deal?!

Safe passage here for her family.

S... safe passage from where?

North Carolina, I think.

You think? You don't know?

It was Roanoke Island. I said I knew a man down there.

You said?

And you had no intention of keeping your word, did you?

I'm a hospital steward, not a g*dd*mn conductor for the underground railroad!

[Breathing heavily]

Now you leave her be, or I swear by God, I'll k*ll you myself.


Bayoneted in the arm during a camp fight.

He'll be fine to return to his regiment in a week or so.

Uh, trampled by a horse, crushed his leg.


It'll have to come off, of course.

Oh, musket ball to the buttocks.

Evidently, by one of his own.

Good lesson on the importance of rank and file. Um...

What about that man?

Uh, yes, uh... alas, there's no hope for him.

Best focus your ministrations elsewhere.

What precisely does he suffer from?

Dr. Hale, may I discuss a matter with you?

It's of some urgency... so sorry.

Why are you here with her?

Because you refused to come.

I don't mean that.

I... I tried. I tried to get a meeting with the inspector, but, uh, Summers rebuffed it.

[Cheering in distance]

Try harder, Byron.

Dear God, must I do all the thinking for us?

Man #1: They got him!

Man #2: Traitor!

Man #3: Put that dog back!

First Front Royal, now Winchester?

Your father's right... we won't have to live like this much longer.


[g*nshots and cheers and applause in distance]

Some ruckus at the hotel.

Oh, nothing to be concerned over, dear.

Just rowdy soldiers making trouble.

This is what happens to traitors!

This will learn the rest of them!

Man: Bring 'em all out to see what happens when you run.

He was hiding in the woods, but my aim was true!


Took him down at 50 paces.

You didn't get him, I did.

Shot him right off his horse as he galloped along the riverbed, dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Soldier, enemy or no, this boy was a child of God, and this young lady's friend.

Choose your friends better, Miss.


You cold-blooded savages!

Miss Green, please.


If you're going to tell tales, you might at least get your stories straight.

Was it the woods or the riverbank, on foot or horseback?

What does it matter? The reb got what he deserved.

Better off dead than out here sh**ting at us.


How about one of you marksmen give me a hand with his legs?

Let him rot. A warning to any who'd try the same!

[Crying continues]


That boy got himself k*lled?

He'd have been better off in prison.

Too late now. What happened there?

Banged it in a door.

Mm, better let me take a look.

Knuckles are scraped.

Seems like you hit something.

Dr. Foster, I appreciate your concern, I do, but...

... I punched a pot.

I'm sure the pot had it coming.

The steward and I had a run-in.

Well, it's none of my business, really.

He's the reason... for what happened.

He's the cause.

Mr. Bullen is not someone you can afford to make an enemy of.

So, what then?

He gets away with it?


Lying? Stealing?

Do whatever he pleases... to a vulnerable girl?

Some battles are not worth fighting.

If that's so... then what are we all doing here?

I found some honey in Doctor Summers' private stash.

He won't miss it.

That dead boy...

He was my sister's beau.

We all grew up together.

I'm sorry.

I should have...

Done more for him.

He chose to run. That's not your fault.

The road they used to bring the wounded men up from the barges...

I've heard them call it "Mercy Street."

Because it leads them here, where they might be saved.

[Voice breaking] It's a lie.

There's no mercy, not here.

Not anywhere.

Isn't there?

Isn't it what we offer every day?

I must go tell my sister.

Thank you, Nurse Mary.

You seem to be short on some wards.

Winchester has set us back a bit.

It will turn around soon, Doctor.

I hear they're moving troops out of the peninsula and into the valley.

A temporary setback.

We will have our way before long.

In the meantime, you must keep up.

Anne: You must be Inspector Mussey.

I'm Miss Hastings, and this is Doctor Hale, our most experienced military surgeon... after Dr. Summers, of course.

Are you the executive officer then?

Well, no, sir.

That post has not yet been filled.

It will be soon. Not to worry.

Though Doctor Hale is most certainly the most qualified candidate.

[Clears throat] Shall we continue with the tour?

Pleased to meet you both.

You two have something in common, I believe.

Isn't that so, Dr. Hale?

[Voice cracks] Yes... yes, we do.

Um, if I'm not mistaken, our fathers served together in the w*r of 1812.

Is that right? Under General Stricker's 5th Regiment?

Y... yes. That sounds correct.

Dr. Summers, a word?

Yes, yes, Dr. Foster.

Uh, Inspector Mussey, I'd like to introduce Dr. Foster.

Mm. A moment?

Quickly, please.

I have concerns about the steward.

Oh, not now, Dr. Foster.

About how he abuses his authority.

[Sighs] Steward Bullen has a challenging job.

The allocation of resources is a thankless task.

This is not an allocation issue.

That'll be all, Dr. Foster.

I'd like to address this later.


Shall we continue?

[Sighs] Well...

That's a good start.

Well done, Hastings.

[Alice crying]

[Knock on door]


[Alice sniffling]


[Crying] They grew up with Tom, went to school with him. Played with him, went to church with him. [Sighs]

It's a terrible thing.

And now poor Olivia. Widowed at such a young age, now childless. She can't even bury her boy properly.

And if it's money that she needs...

Not only that Union rules. They won't let Tom be buried here.

Not everyone manages as we do, James.

Then I will manage this for Mrs. Fairfax. I'll see to it that Tom has a proper burial.
Mary: You seem surprised.

I made it myself.

Well, kindness is more than I've come to expect.

Everyone's got a right to kindness.


Burn on your side... is that your only injury?

Led to an abscess.

Peroneal something or other.

Can't hardly walk now.


It was an accident.

It looks like someone took an iron to you.

Tell her, you yellow dog. Tell her how you run away!

I never did.

Dig your furrow straight, Starks.

We was led right into Stonewall's gunsights.

Don't believe a word this shirker says, Miss!

Damn you, you son of a bitch!

Stop it!

To your bed!

Quiet on this ward, or it'll be the brig for both of you!

I told you not to mind him.

[Moans] Ah!

[InHales sharply]


Linear wound in the soft palate.

Consistent with a p*stol ball.

And this injury in the back of his head is where it came out.

So it's improbable that anyone made this shot from across a field?

Impossible, actually.

There's soot surrounding his mouth.

The p*stol was discharged from point-blank range.

Tearing of the tongue and lips support that, as well.



The barrel was inside of his mouth, which...


Self-m*rder. Yes.

It could be worse, considering the alternative is a full amputation.

Have you had success with this technique?

Excision? Well, as a matter of fact, let's have Dr. Foster answer that.

Foster, I am demonstrating an excision for Inspector Mussey.

Would you care to relate your own experiences with the procedure?

Certainly. Uh, perhaps later.

I was only trying to fetch my kit, and here it is.

Now that you're here, do take a moment.


As I'm sure Dr. Summers explained, removing the bone fragments, but leaving the limb allows new bone to grow, often enough to restore adequate function to the appendage.

Inspector Mussey: And in your experience, this is an effective method?

Well, it's not always successful, but on the whole, it's...

Everything all right, Doctor?


Um, I was... I'm just remembering something I'm...

I need to attend to.

Uh, finish up for me here, Foster, would you?

Frank: Miss? Could I have some water?

Of course.

Frank, you're...

Yes, my beloved, I am.

I thought when they brought Tom back, I... I was afraid...

I was dead?

I would be...

If it wasn't for Tom.

We were headed for the woods.

We'd almost made it... just one last clearing to cross.

We took fire.

Some bluejackets hiding like cowards in the bushes.

Is that when Tom...


Tom made it to the tree line.

Halfway across, my my horse threw me.

Oh, Frank!

And I'm lying there...

r*fle gone, good as dead, and...

[sniffles] And then out of nowhere, Tom comes back.

He's yelling and waving his arms, drawing their fire.

I race into the woods, sure that he is right behind me, but I turned and saw that he had fallen.

And you went back for him?

I started to. [Sniffles]

But they were upon him.

I saw him raise his hands high into the air to surrender.

But they shot him anyway.

m*rder*d him in cold blood.

Those are the type of men... that we are fighting, Emma.

It's important that everyone knows it.

It's why we must win this w*r at any cost.


Have you seen Miss Hastings?

No, sir.

Well, you'll have to do. Come with me.

Please come with me.

If this is about the ladies, sir I...

[lock clicks]

I need you to cut off my finger.


Just the tip.

I don't understand.

I was performing an excision on a gangrenous arm.

While so doing, I nicked my fingertip.

And now in order to prevent the spread of the gangrene through the rest of the hand and beyond, the digit must go.

That seems an extreme course of action.

It is.

But, um, I have seen enough to take no chances.

An hour from now, it might be the entire finger.

Two hours, the whole hand.

Surely, there are others more qualified than I...

Doctor Foster or...

I am hoping to spare not only my hand but my pride, as well.

Oh, my. I d...

I don't think I can.

It is not complicated.

I'll talk you through it.

Can I count on your help and your confidence?

You're gonna need this.

And I...

I'm going to need this.

He'll be buried today in the Fairfax family plot.

My father's seen to it.

It may seem like small comfort, but the solace of prayer...

I'm not here to pray.

Help me understand how men can be so cruel.

There's no good explanation for the cruelty of w*r.

When otherwise decent men believe strongly enough in a cause... this is not about decent men.

This is about Union men.

Decent men wouldn't take all that my family has with nary a second thought.

Decent men would not parade Tom's remains like a trophy.

It was wrong, undeniably, and yet we have... decent men would not cast their lot with those who are so clearly not decent men.

You want to know who's responsible for Tom's death?

You are.

You and everyone who aided his escape.

Aided him? I never...

Don't lie to me.

He wasn't well. You knew that as much as I.

I knew no such thing!

He wasn't ready to go back...

How dare you say I k*lled him!

... to hold a musket in his hand and face the horrors of w*r.

If his friends hadn't broken him out, he'd still be alive.

His friends were not the ones who shot him in cold blood.

His friends didn't pull the trigger that ended Tom's life!

That's right! Tom did!

Tom did.

I know it to be true.

[Breathing heavily]


You the brothers of Jeremiah Davis?

We are. This coffin's heavy, so stand clear.

I heard from the matron that your brother's belongings went missing... some provisions he was sent.

You know what happened to them?

I'm afraid I do, sir, and I'm here to apologize for my misdeeds.

Silas Bullen at your service the steward of mansion house.

Are you responsible for the disappearance of those packages?

Not directly, sir, but a man in my employ has proved to be a craven thief, and he's the culprit.

This man still work here?

I ran him off as soon as I discovered his thieving ways.

He's one of them free n*gg*r*s.

Seemed to think freedom meant freedom to take what don't belong to him.

Does this thief have a name?

I know Dr. Summers regarded your visit with the highest priority.

No matter. You seem more than capable of answering our questions and a good deal less concerned with giving us the whitewash.

Tell me your concerns about the steward.

That's her! That's the whore!

You'd better bump her to the front of the line!

She's the reason I've been burning for a month!

That right? Yeah, next, you're gonna blame that bum foot on me, too?!

You tramp!

Just how long have you been treating ladies at this hospital?

I believe it's a new program, Inspector.

As you can see, it is not irrelevant to our men's health.

Ezekial: Where can I find Sam Diggs?

Tell me where he resides, boy.

You better not lie, or we'll be back for you next.

Uh, Inspector, excuse me for a moment?

Don't you disappear on me, too!

What's this stir all about, soldier?

We found out who it was stole from our dying brother.

Your steward come clean about the whole affair.

Miss? Miss, come join us, please.

I feel your report might benefit from the perspective of an actual patient here.

I'll leave you be then so as not to color her answers.

Be forthright and thorough in your conversation, young lady.

Forthright and thorough are my specialties, sir.


No one must know about Tom.

It's bad enough he's here.

Must you disgrace our whole family by walking with him after what they did to Tom?

The chaplain was Tom's friend.

He has a right to pay his respects.

Thank you.

I spoke the truth. Nothing more.

Let's dig a good grave for Tom.

Is this a rebel party?

It is. This family's plot's here.

Not anymore. This cemetery is under Union control now.

Go on home.

Listen here, young man.

For generations, these people have buried their dead in this spot.

Go... on... home.


You may speak to the provost. He knows me.

We have an agreement.

And I have orders. [g*n cocks]



I have signed the loyalty oath just yesterday.

Now... let us bury this boy with his ancestors.

Show me the document.

The papers are at my residence.

Go get them.

Do you really want to make this mourning party stand here while I do that?

Hasn't this boy's poor mother suffered enough?!


That's my son.

I beg you!

No, James.

I'm going to dig this grave now.

If you want to sh**t me, so be it.

I'll dig it big enough for two.

You quite possibly saved my life.

I'm relieved I got through it.

Well... I suppose even Miss Dix occasionally gets something right.

[Door opens]

There you are, major.

I was wondering if you'd ever turn up again.

Oh, m... my sincere apologies, Inspector.

I, um, I trust Dr. Foster...

Disappeared, as well. [Chuckles]

It's as if you all have something better to do than show me around.

Perhaps Miss Phinney and I can continue your tour.

Not necessary.

I've seen more than enough to make my evaluation.

I'll find Miss Evans, and we'll be on our way.

Thank you for the hospitality, Summers.

And you, too, Miss Phinney.

Are you leaving already, Ispector?

I am.

Well, I certainly hope you had an informative visit.

Indeed. Perhaps a recommendation from you will spur Dr. Summers to fill that vacant position.

Perhaps, but in all candor, Miss Hastings, my recommendation will be to appoint Dr. Foster.

What?! Why him?!

He seems to be the man for the job.

Thanks, honey.

Miss, one more thing...

Oh, Dr. Foster!

They took him! They're gonna hurt him!

Please don't let them hurt him!

Samuel: Mr. Bullen was lying to you!

If I had your brother's things, you think I'd be willing to die for 'em?

Ezekial: With freedom comes responsibility, boy.

That's something all you people are gonna have to learn.

You about to learn the hard way.

Go to hell, both of you.

Looks like you gonna go there first.

Let go of the rope!

This ain't none of your business, doc!

Well, this g*n's about to be your business if you don't let it go.

I'm a member of the Union army.

So am I.

You gonna sh**t me over a n*gg*r?

I don't think so.

You're already sending one brother home in a box.

Don't make it two.

Now take the noose off.

Get now. Take your brother back home.

Don't let me see you again.

You go inside, you get some things, and then you leave.

Go to Boston, go to Philadelphia... just go someplace else.

But Aurelia, I...

I'll see to her.

The way things are with Bullen, he won't let you be now.

You're as good as dead in Alexandria.

Frank, I know.

I know what happened.

That Tom's death wasn't... how you said it was.

Where did you hear such a lie?

The chaplain found out the wound was self-inflicted.

And you'd believe that holy joe over me?

Are you falling for him?


A yankee nonetheless?

No, but I wanted the truth.

And I didn't get it from you.

I... I understand why you did it.

They spin their lies, so we spin ours... all to strengthen our will.

But I'm not a soldier.

And I'm not a child who needs to be shielded from the truth.

I didn't want you to think it was all for nothing, what we did.

What we're... doing.

I didn't want you to lose faith because of it.

Of course I wouldn't.

Good, 'cause I am working for the knights of the golden circle now.

They are prepared to do anything.

There are things you may hear of, things I might be involved in...

I never want you to doubt.

Did you run, soldier?

Did you?


Anyone can get scared in battle, make a mistake.

This was my second time trying.

My wife, Addy, she... she sent me letters daily, each more dire than the last.

Our farm is in trouble, my child's health is failing.

Got too much to handle alone.

There's a man in town more than happy to lend a hand.

She started to think that I... I was never coming home.

She stopped answering my letters.

You felt you had to make a choice?

I chose my family.

I know what it is to feel you are failing a loved one.

I've felt that myself.

They sent word to her that I was here, but I've heard nothing.

Do you think I will?

As a woman... do you?

I'm sure of it.

[Inhales deeply] Rest now.

Dr. Hale, you led me to believe he was beyond saving.

Is it so?

Or is it only your moral diagnosis?

This hospital has limited resources, Miss Phinney.

Whom do you think should go without care?

A soldier who performed his duty with honor?

Or one who took a French leave?

His wife needed him. His child...


A true muggins will never acknowledge the corn, especially when facing the great beyond.

It is not for us to decide.

I gave you explicit instruction...

Every man has a right to mercy, no matter his sins.

I would insist on it for any soldier.

Even you, sir.

He's a hospital rat, Miss Phinney.

Don't be taken in.

He sent those men after you?

I'm sorry you had to find out, but it's better you know.

Silas has no intention of bringing your boy to Alexandria.

Never did.

He made me a promise!

Which he'll never honor.

It was all just a nasty game to him.

You got to believe that, don't you?

'Cause otherwise you ruined it... me getting back the only thing that mattered to me.

It was for you!

I's hanging from a rope for trying to protect you!

Please, no, I'm sorry.

It's just...

I care for you.

I do.

Leave with me.

I can't.

Don't you see?

I's waiting for my Gabriel.

The doctor's right.

It ain't safe for you here, not if you stay on my account 'cause you think there's something for us.


We better off without it.

I hope your findings allow you to be kind when reporting back to your superiors.

Don't fret. I will be kind, indeed.

As will I, Dr. Summers.

[Chuckles] Miss Evans, you will be reporting to the, um, inspector general, as well?

No, I am the personal attaché to the first lady, Mrs. Lincoln.

Oh, I am sorry. I... I didn't realize...

You weren't meant to.

The purpose of my visit here was best accomplished without fanfare.

Might I ask... what was that purpose?

To determine whether mansion house is a suitable venue for the first lady's itinerary.


Mrs. Lincoln is not afraid of real life, Dr. Summers, she embraces it.

So, expect a visit from her and the president both soon in the very near future.

Mary: Long day?

Is there any other kind?


I lied to a man today.

I told him he'd be hearing from his wife when I'm quite certain he will not.

There can be mercy in a certain kind of deception.

So, mercy is making a liar of me?

The man is a deserter.

And so Hale has deserted him... left him to die.

I would ask that you see him.


About this morning, I should have said... or rather I should have asked... may I call you "Mary"?

You already have.

Have you seen Samuel?

I needed his help with some meals, but he's nowhere to be found.

Mr. Diggs is gone.

I don't think we'll be seeing him again.

[Insects chirping]

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

I made sure I wasn't followed.

I must say, sir, what a pleasure it is to meet you.

I saw you in "Richard III" last year.

My family went to Richmond for it.

Wonderful, really. I... The hump... so... uh, realistic.

The hump... is merely the external representation of what's happening in here.

Yes. Of course.

Now, as to the matter at hand, that hospital you have access to, the mansion house, it's been determined today that Dishonest Abe shall be visiting there within the next two weeks.

We need your help in order to implement a plan.

What sort of a plan?

We're going to blow that place to kingdom come.

Jane: It was a reckless action.

I thought they might sh**t you on the spot.

They need me too much to sh**t me.

Those boys didn't seem clever enough to know that.

What will happen now, Papa, when they find out the truth?

I'll work it out with the provost.

The vital thing is that Tom's in his final resting place and his mother has some small comfort.

Father... I... I'm amazed.

I did what I promised I'd do.

Oh, it was much more than that.

You did the Green name proud.

To Tom, who gave his life in courageous defense of the confederacy.

Ail: To Tom.

And to my father, who honored that sacrifice today.

Emma and Alice: To Father.

Excuse me. Union men here to see you, sir.

James Green? You're hereby placed under arrest.

Why?! What is this?!

Lying to a United States officer, violating the Union authority's rules by burying a rebel in a Union-controlled cemetery, and various counts of treasonous subversion.


Major, I beg of you, please...

Do not follow!


Oh, my God.