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02x15 - The Mystery of the Unknown Caller

Posted: 02/25/16 04:08
by bunniefuu




Laura: (OVER VOICEMAIL) You've reached Detective Laura Diamond, NYPD, 2nd Precinct. If this is an emergency, you should be calling 911, not me. Leave a message.


Laura, you probably don't remember me...



(STUTTERING) We really need your help.

They're gonna k*ll us.

No, no, no wait!


Jennifer and I are taking all of the boys for Chinese!


You mind if I keep ours for tonight?

More Xbox time for me.

(CHUCKLES) Good night.

You okay?

Of course.


(VOICEMAIL) You have one new message.

Today, one minute ago.


Man: (PANTING) Laura, you probably don't remember me...


(STUTTERING) We really need your help.

They're gonna k*ll us.

No, no, no wait!


(AUTOMATED VOICE) End of message.

You sure you're okay?

Now, I'm not.

You don't recognize the voice?

I do, I just can't place it.

Each one of these files is a background sound I was able to isolate.

Here's number one. (KEYBOARD CLACKING)


Okay, train brakes, above ground, that narrows it down to all five boroughs, the metro, and the Long Island rail road. Next.



A boat?

So East River or Hudson.


East River ferry runs underneath the Manhattan Bridge, trains run on either side of it.

So Manhattan side or Brooklyn side?

Let's see what else we got.


Okay, well if it was the Manhattan side, we'd hear FDR traffic and the Wall Street heliport.

There's no way we'd be able to make out bird sounds.

So Brooklyn side?

A place that has no traffic and birds.


Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Train, water adjacent, quiet at night, tons of bird poop.

Half way through the call he breaks glass.

Play the glass breaking again.


I think I know where he went.

Meredith: What made you think of this place?

Laura: Jake and I used to come here.

Best calzone in the city and...


Annoying jangly bell on the door.



You know this guy?

Uh, I've seen him before, I just don't remember from where.

Laura, what are you doing?

We're in the 82nd's jurisdiction.

We can't touch anything until CSU gets here.

This isn't our body.

Guess it is now.

So why were you his last call? Ever.

Let's find out.


No wallet, ID.

He left somewhere in a hurry.

Sweatpants, no socks, t-shirt, it's freezing outside.

Lucky Eight Motel on Mott.

Gum's still soft.

So our victim most likely ran here from there.

Where are you going?

Uh, the Lucky Eight Motel.

This isn't our body, and we can't leave a crime scene unsecured.



By the power vested in me, I hereby deputize you to secure this crime scene.


Does that come with more pay?

Uh, that is an HR question.

But there's a dead body in there.

So no one comes in or out until the cops show up.

The other cops.


Man: That's him.

We had a lot of complaints about this room.

What kind of complaints?

Shouting, obscenities, breaking things...

Well, you know, couple stuff.

He was part of a couple?

Hmm, pretty girl. Loud.

Ian Gendry.

Man: Hmm, that's not the name I have on file.

That's 'cause he didn't want anyone to know he was staying here.

Someone found him anyway.

No forced entry, windows open.

So the victim heard something, peaked out front, bailed out back.

Then someone searches the room for something worth k*lling over.

You have been a really big help.

Can you just give us a moment?

(SIGHS) Thanks.

That's it.

Tell me what's going on.

That's definitely the victim.

Must be the wife.

It's the girlfriend.

And you know that because?

She's my sister.

You never thought to mention you have a sister?

Please lay off the sister talk for now.

I have to figure out what she's into this time.

This time?

Reynaldo: Ho-oh!

Hello, Reynaldo.

You're awfully buddy-buddy with the 82nd.

Fun fact, I actually work with the entire NYPD, not just you, Diamond.

(CHUCKLES) Detective Harris from the 82nd.

This is Detective Diamond and Bose of the 2nd.

Oh, the geniuses who put a meter maid in charge of my John Doe.

They're called traffic agents now.

Meredith: His name's Ian Gendry, he left this in his motel room.

No need to thank us, it's what geniuses do.

How are you even here right now?

Guy left a message on my voice-mail, we tracked the call here.

He called you? Why?

That's what we're here to find out.

Any other injuries besides the g*nsh*t wounds?

Harris: Ah, don't answer that.

This is the 82nd's case.


So, you two are done here.

All right, all right, let's go.

Detective Harris doesn't want our help.

I'm gonna need that voice-mail file.

Why didn't you tell him about your sister?

(WHISPERING) Because if I had, she would be Harris' prime suspect.

I've got to find her before he does.

You think she did this?

(SIGHS) My sister is a liar, a mooch, a butthead, but she's no m*rder*r.

Well, I hope you know what you're doing.

What the hell were you doing?

I was simply...


That was a rhetorical question.

Do you want to know what I was doing at 3:30 this morning?

Is that a real question or a rhetorical one?

I was on the phone with the captain from the 82nd getting my ass chewed off!

Who leaves another precinct's crime scene in the hands of a freaking meter maid?

Why is no one giving them respect today?

I might be having an embolism right here, right now!

You are on desk duty for...



I don't want to hear it from you, I...

What's that now?

I said, "Okay." Desk duty.


Did you know Laura has a sister?

Laura mentioned Lucy?

That's a surprise.

Why is that?

Well, when Laura was 17, her dad had an affair with a paralegal.


So half-sister, not in Laura's life.

Laura tried for years, but Lucy was...

Let's just say, she's Laura without the moral compass.


At our wedding she took off with a case of whiskey and a valet parker.

She was 16!

Mmm. How did she come up?

She didn't.

What are you doing?

Laura's on desk duty, thus I'm on desk duty.

Lots of paperwork on my lady's plate.

Why are you doing it at her desk?

So it looks right on the server, duh.

Then where is Laura?

Since I'm doing this, she's doing the coffee run.

Quid pro quo.

Laura went out into the freezing cold, to get you a coffee.

I know, go figure.

The girl really hates her some paperwork.

Leo: What's the name of the game?

Sweet ginger brown.


Oh, come on.



Hustling your neighbors out of their soft snacks.

I don't always win, last week I lost a pair of slippers.

How's Lucy?


Lucy is Lucy, I don't know.

Why this sudden interest in your sister?


So you haven't seen or heard from her?

I didn't say that.

When was the last time you saw her?

She came by yesterday.

She visits.

How much?

How much what?

How much did you give her?

You know, you always think the worst about her.

That's because she is the worst.

How much?


She just came by to sit with me for a while.

Even asked about your Aunt Suki.

What exactly did she ask?

If spending the winters at Scottsdale was helping Suki's lupus.

They say that...

She wanted to know if Suki's apartment in Philly was empty.

Oh, come on!

What else did she do when she was here?

We played cards, we talked.

She checked her email.

Where did she check her email?

On my phone.

Oh, that's not suspicious.

Give it.

Would it k*ll you to say please?

You never know.



FYI, there is an incognito browser if you're gonna be looking at adult content.

Who am I hiding from?

I'm an adult.

Okay, yesterday...






(SCOFFS) Gee, what a surprise!

She was looking into ride shares to Philly.

Where Aunt Suki lives.

No one likes an "I-told-you-so!"



(TALKING IN FALSE VOICE) Hi, is it too late for that ride to Philly?

Man: Uh, yeah.

Someone took the spot.

And my car's tiny.

O-M-G! So am I!

Honey, if I don't get down to Philly tonight, I'm gonna miss the first round of the Hawaiian Tropic Bikini Contest.

And I really think I have a shot at the 18 and over category this time.

Oh, it's in Philly this year?

Laura: Yeah, huh!

But I can't fly with all this weed!

Pretty please?

Well, I'm leaving as soon as I get off my shift.

So if you can get over here...

I'm on my way!

Boy, is he in for a shock!

Eat your pudding.

You my ride?


Over 18 is right.

(CHUCKLES) I mean, it's cool and all. I'm down with MILFs.

Oh, God!

Where's your ride share gal?

She went to the little girl's room.

There she is.

Man: Hey!

Oh no, you didn't!

Man: Hey!


Hey, Luce!

Missed me?


Sorry, I haven't called.

I told Dad, I've been so busy with my job and my volunteer work.

Oh, would you shut up?

You wanna know how I know you're lying?

Your lips are moving.

Now, tell me what you're really into.

Mostly yoga, meditation, just trying to find balance in life.

You do not want to mess with me today.

I am trying to help you.

By the way, you're so good at this policing thing.

If I didn't know you, I would be terrified right now.

Hey, how are Jake and the boys?

What are they, five now?

Oh, the boys are eight.

And Jake is 44, and we're divorced.

Lucy, listen to me.

If they had found you before I did, you would be on your way right now to Rikers on m*rder charges.

What are you talking about?

Lucy, Ian's dead.


He called me for help.

Right before they shot him in the chest for whatever you're into.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!


Hey, I'm sorry, Lucy, but you gotta focus.

Right now, you are the prime suspect.

And perhaps the next target.

So tell me what happened.

We had a fight.

It was dumb relationship stuff.

I went for a walk to cool down, and when I came back the motel room was trashed and Ian was gone.

Why run if you didn't do anything?

What are you two involved in?

Okay, you met him once.

Please don't act like you knew him.

I know you.

And I know that you weren't racing to Philly to visit our aunt who you haven't seen since puberty.

Ian told me he went straight six months ago.

So when I saw the trashed room, I figured he must have gotten into something.

I didn't want to get mixed up in it.

So I just bailed.

But on top of everything our van was stolen a couple of days ago, so I had to post for a ride share.

You could've come to me for help.

(SCOFFS) Come to you?

You serious?

Laura, we hardly even know each other.

If you wanna avoid going to jail for m*rder, or being m*rder*d yourself, let me help.

I will protect you.

Pinky swear.

Hey! You said I wouldn't go to jail.

I said you wouldn't go to jail for m*rder.

This is the safest place for you, so just sit.

And do what?



Find balance in your life.

Oh, and if anyone asks who you are, you are not my sister.

You are no one.

Hey, Laura.

How was your coffee run?

You know, the one where you went out to get coffee, and came back with your sister in handcuffs, and no coffee.

Sup, Jake?

Hey, Luce.

A word?

That's your explanation?

Just give me time.

You know that Lucy is not a k*ller.

And I may not like her, but I don't want her dead.


You're going to be doing more time than she will.

There you are.

Sorry to interrupt, whatever this is.

Um, I found what you wanted on Lucy Diamond.

It's so funny, this woman has the same last name as you.

You're not supposed to be working your sister's case, and you got Max working it too?

Oh, so she's your sister?

That makes so much more sense.

And why don't I know you have a sister?


That's enough, Max.

Fine, but there will be a conversation about this at a later date.

Page two is the rap sheet for what I now assume is your brother-in-law.

They weren't married.

Guy's got some resume.

Small-time con, fraud, larceny.

Over $3,500 unpaid parking tickets.

In with some real shady people.

What were Lucy and Ian working here?

Lucy said that that he might be into something, but she didn't know what it was.

I believe her. Ish.

That makes one of us.

This is going to blow up in all our faces.

If they had over $3,500 worth of parking tickets, the van was probably towed not stolen.

We'll have Meredith and Billy check it.

Then you're going to give everything you have over to Santiani.


But ask yourself this, what if they pulled some real money, and Lucy offed Ian?

And she was trying to make off with the cash.

But then where's the cash?

It's not possible.

We'll see.

There it is, F47.

And why do we care?

Jake thinks whoever k*lled Ian Gendry was looking for something.

This is his van, maybe something's stashed inside?

Whoa, side panels have been tampered with.

I'm thinking car trap.


I don't know what that is.

It's a hidden compartment, that's only activated if you press a button, or flip a switch.

Kinda like Furiosa had in Fury Road.

That I get.



This stash contains everything from morphine to chemo meds, and enough of it to medicate your whole precinct.

Enough to k*ll for.

Possibly, though some of these actually have no street value at all.

Strictly for genuine medicinal purposes.

So what's the scam?

Take a look at this label.

Looks pretty good.

Except for one thing, Pertuzumab is spelled with an S, instead of with a Z.



All of these pills contain the dr*gs they're supposed to be, but they also contain sugar.

So the bad guys cut it to stretch out the inventory. That's the scam.


And FYI, there have been at least nine local deaths in the last year all associated with counterfeit meds, and nobody could determine where they were coming from.

Until now.

I... I had no idea they were fake.

Ian just told me we were undercutting big pharma, and it was a victimless crime.

But it wasn't victimless.

I didn't know that.

Oh, come on!

Come on, you're not that naive!

I mean, where did you think they came from?

I don't know, Ian had a way of finding things.

Um, Santiani's with a Detective Harris.

They're asking for you, and by asking I mean, run away!

She's your sister?

Half-sister, minor relation.

The brass is gonna have your badge over this, and maybe mine too.

And rightly so.

You tampered with an active m*rder investigation.

No, I worked my own counterfeit drug investigation, which ties into your m*rder investigation.

You're seriously doubling down, right now?

Lucy didn't k*ll anyone, that I know for sure.

How do you know that?

Oh, well for starters there's no evidence of her at the m*rder scene.

Her fingerprints are all over that motel.

Yeah, but Ian wasn't k*lled at the motel.

He was k*lled at the Pizzeria.

Which is in my district.

So your narcotics case is now mine. Okay, sweetheart?

The 2nd precinct is perfectly capable of handling the narcotics case, as well as the m*rder case connected to those narcotics.


Captain, if you can't handle your detective, the IAB can come in here and deal with this precinct.

I'll talk to the chief myself if I have to.

Back off, Harris!

Whether you like it or not, your m*rder and our narcotics case are tied together.

So you are working it with us.

And I will call the Chief if I have to.

Thank you.

Let's get to work.

(SCOFFS) Are you kidding me?

He is working it with Jake.

You are already off the case.

And if your interference jeopardizes a conviction, God help you, 'cause I won't.
Manny Diaz used to be the fifth man in a B&E g*ng.

Jewelry shops, banks, until he got caught.

And this matters because?

Well, word on the street is he now specializes in hideaway compartments like the one we found in Ian Gendry's van.

He uses a custom auto shop as a front.

I'm on it. I'm gonna hit the streets with Harris right now.

Harris? You're not going with Laura?

As far as the Captain is concerned, Laura is in Siberia.

Ah, that explains why I saw her beating the crap out of the vending machine.

Yeah, I get anywhere near Laura and I'll be in the gulag myself.

Yes, Hal?

Lucy Diamond's lawyer is here.

(CHUCKLES) Would you break it to Laura that her dad's here?

Hal, my man. Got an assignment for you, Hal.

(SHOUTING) Come on! Spit it out!

(SCOFFS) You think you're ticked off, huh?

Do you have any idea what it's like to have my own daughter lie to me?

Use me?

It's what I've been trying to tell you for years.

She's a bad seed.

(SHOUTS) Not Lucy! You!

What the hell are you talking about?

I'm the good one!

Leo: (SCOFFS) The good one, she says.

Is that the one that grills me for information about my youngest child?

Doesn't tell me the child is in trouble.

And then tosses said child into lockup?

Said child is 26-years-old.

Your point is?

Goodbye, Hal.


Lucy is not a child.

She is a grownup who acts like a child.

And I couldn't tell you the truth because I knew that you would cover for her, like always, like now!

That's what family does.

We watch out for each other, we help each other.

Dad, I am trying to help Lucy.


The people that she is involved with are no joke.

The safest place for her right now is here in holding.

Spoken like a true representative of the police state.

The '60s called, they want their bullcrap back.

You listen to me.

I am here as the legal counsel for Lucy Diamond, and I demand her immediate release.

Sorry to break it to you, but being disbarred means that you are no longer a lawyer.

For your information, missy, I have since passed the bar in both Nevada and Guam.

Santiani: Diamond!

I cannot take any more of the two of you bickering in my precinct.

Officer, would you kindly escort this gentleman to the suspect in holding.

You have five minutes.

Thanks, gorgeous.


Desk duty.

What do you guys want?

You made a special van, for Ian Gendry.

Yesterday, he was shot twice in the chest.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Jake: Hey, Harris!

Come, check this out!

But be careful not to damage this baby.

Copy that.


Yo! What the...

Oh, stop!

My bad!

This isn't my car, man. The owner's gonna k*ll me dead.

We will stop as soon as you tell us who referred Ian to you.

All right, I'll tell you everything I know.

But I'm not going to talk in front of a jury, okay?

I do, everyone I know is gonna end up like your boy, Ian.

We're listening.

You know Jimmy Chung?

Illuminate us.

Chinese dude, rollin' in it.

Brings me most of my business, okay?

Had me customize a van specially for Ian.

That is until Ian tried to make a punk outta Chung.

So Chung took care of him.

Make a punk out of him, how?

By going into business using contacts he met through Chung.

Skimmed money, bought product from a competitor.

(SCOFFS) They punked the wrong dude if you ask me.

Who's the "they" in this story?

Ian and his hot-ass girlfriend.

Ian's girlfriend is involved?

She picked up the van herself.

Tested all the compartments.

Girl is in it deep.

Lying little snake.

I don't appreciate the name calling.

And what exactly did I lie about?

What didn't you lie about?

Does the name Jimmy Chung ring a bell?

You knew all along that you were selling counterfeit dr*gs.

Everything that you said was a self-serving lie.

No, not everything.


Okay, I swear to you, I had no idea the pills were fake.

Yeah, but you had to know that they were obtained illegally.

I couldn't get out of it.

Oh, of course not.

I told Ian we were getting in too deep.

But he had already made the deal with Jimmy, and Jimmy Chung is not the kind of person you screw over.

But how can you be so idiotic as to skim money from him?

That was Ian!

Oh, of course it was!

I swear to you.

Why do you think Ian's dead and I'm still here?

Lucy, withholding information like that is another prosecutable offense.

You are not doing yourself any favors here.

I'm sorry.

I panicked.

Where's the skimmed money?

I mean, I'm guessing it wasn't stuffed down Ian's pants when he was running for his life.

Laura: And we didn't find 10 bucks on you.

And don't even think about lying because I will smack the living...

Santiani: Diamond!

Sisters can smack sisters.

Not in a police precinct they can't.

Ian had me put it in a safe place.


Way uptown.

Do not tell me that you stashed drug money in Dad's apartment.

Oh, boy!

Under his couch, he has no idea.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

How can you drag him into this?

The one person in the world who has your back.

Okay, how much?


But we owed 100.

Ian blew the rest.

Ah, surprise, surprise.

When Jimmy caught on, Ian wanted to buy us some time.

He made up a story about landing a buyer, who could handle all of the pills that Jimmy had stacked up.

A whale.

But, I guess our time ran out.

If you had told me the truth from the beginning, I could've helped you.

But now there's nothing I can do to save you.

You're going to prison.

No, I'm not.

I was never read my Miranda Rights.

Please, tell me that is also a lie.

(INHALES) We were in the mall, arguing, sister to sister.

You handcuffed me.


I was in custody, just like I am now.

Which means that everything you have against me is inadmissible.

I get to walk.

According to my lawyer.

Thank you for letting him come by.


Oh, boy!



Bartender: Here you go, girl.

Thank you.

If you're just gonna sit there judging, I can go back to my seat.

What, did I say a word?

I'm a mind reader.

Oh, you should spend less time reading people's minds and more time reading them their rights.


I'm... No, no, no!

Just sit, stay.

How about we just take off our detective hats?

And let's just be two ladies having a drink.

Tough day?

I have this pain in the ass boss who always thinks she's right.


But today she was right.

I messed up.


I have a pain in the ass detective who always knows she's right.

And though she did mess up, profoundly, I think that she stumbled onto a really big fish and I would like to help reel him in.

What's the play?

I'm not sure.

We've got no physical evidence tying Chung to the m*rder, we've got one witness who won't testify, and the other one, I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her.

No offense.

None taken.

So how do you catch a big fish when you don't have any bait?

With a whale.

Keep talking.

What if... The whale Ian made up showed up to make the deal?

Let me guess, the whale has fantastic hair and vodka breath?

Well, I brush my teeth.


It's viable.

But, you wouldn't be able to contact them out of the blue.

We would need someone from the inside to set it up.

But we do have someone on the inside.

And exactly why should my client do anything to help the police?

She is not your client.

If we are going to get hung up on titles, this negotiation isn't going anywhere.

This isn't a negotiation!

I need help, okay?

There is a drug kingpin out there causing who knows how many deaths.

On top of ordering the m*rder of Lucy's boyfriend.

And if she doesn't make it right, she's next.

So, she can just sit on her ass and do nothing, or for the first time in your life, you could do the right thing.

Don't listen to her...


I'll do it.

How do I know you're not gonna screw me and bail like you always do?

Pinky swear.

I never should have taught you two that.

Have something for me?


It's the 50,000.

That's only half.

I know. I need to talk to him.

Hey, I need to talk to you!

I'm done talking.

Get me my money or you end up like your boyfriend.

Wait. Listen to me.

Ian blew 50,000 reeling in a buyer.

There was no buyer.

That was a fantasy he worked up to stall.

You're wrong. She's real.

Alexandra Muller, Lunara Health.

And she's has been calling me non-stop, wanting to know when she can make the buy.

She wants it all.

All this five million dollars?

She wants it all.

You mess with Jimmy Chung, you die.

I'm not messing with you.

Two 'o clock, JFK, terminal five.

Inside the terminal?

Gate 37, tell her to come alone.

Let's go.

It's on.

He bought it.

Let's hope so.




Package is delivered.

Team is in position.

Woman: (OVER RADIO) Copy. Sixty seconds, Intel incoming.

So, you do realize that pulling a fast one on Jimmy Chung is what got your sister's boyfriend k*lled?

And now you're doing the exact same thing.

If at first you don't succeed...

Yeah, I know that one.

I also know the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Except this time the results would be busting a drug lord and saving who knows how many lives.


Just remember, do not call the cavalry until...

Until I have dr*gs in hand.


Don't "duh" me.

This is your life that we're talking about.

Not to mention a $5 million conspiracy.

No idea how five million bucks worth of pills are going to magically appear in an airport terminal.

He's got something up his sleeve.

I mean the guy is smart enough to get you to come inside the airport.

It's insurance against you being armed or miked.

So you beeline to the bathroom...


Get your phone, I gotta follow you on Find My Friends.


Precautionary measures in case we lose track of you.

Captain, I have blown an operation a grand total of zero times.

And I am not about to start now.

Yeah, Justin gave me an earful too, but, ever since I lost him in Walmart, I track him 24/7.

Paranoid much?

It's true in parenting as it is in police work.

You hope for the best, but you plan for the worst.



I guess this makes us friends.

(CHUCKLES) I guess it does.


Come through.

Buddy, why don't you watch where you're going?

Get in.

I'm sorry?

Get in and pull the tarp over you.

We're going to Jimmy.

Oh, goody gumdrops.

Um, okay, I just need to pop into the little girl's room.

Jimmy says, "Get in or the deal's off."

And I need your phone.

Is she going to the bathroom?

Maintenance dude cut her off.

Does anybody have eyes on her?

I'll go check.

She never made it in. The package is still here.

Billy: (OVER RADIO) Where did that maintenance guy with the cart go?

Hey, Captain, there's a problem.

Laura appears to have been intercepted before she retrieved the package.

I'm not seeing her on my phone.

Damn it, where the hell is she?

No, no, no.


(SIGHS) The cart.

They've got her.


Miss Muller, yes?

If I'd known I would be riding in a trash bin, I wouldn't have showered.

A necessary irritant in order to ensure the safety of all parties.

If you say so.

Could we do this? I have a dinner.

Let's do it.


Santiani: Why aren't we seeing her?

Santiani: Damn it, Laura, where are you?

Identical look in chemical composites, 99% of the efficacy of the big pharma product at one fifth the price.

I'll take 'em all.

I take it you know that the price tag is five million.

I'll thrown in the truck at no extra charge.

Lucky me.

I will need my phone to transfer the funds.

I assume you would like to get paid while I'm here.

You assume correctly.


Routing number.

Oh, wow, he looks brand new.

Ten days.



Say hello to five million bucks.


Well, assuming the efficacy is what you say it is, let's do this again in six months. Good?

Quite good.

It's a plan.

So can I have the keys so I can get the hell out of here?

My colleague will have to drive you out the gate.

Sorry, airport protocol.

You can take it from there.




I was just making sure you didn't have a stick shift, this is my first truck.


Policeman: Move it, move it, move it.

Hands up!

Meredith: Drop your w*apon.

On the ground.

On the ground.

Drop it.

Billy: Nobody move.

99% efficacy, my ass.

Santiani: James Chung, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Ian Gendry, distribution of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and at least nine deaths attributed to those pharmaceuticals.

That's nine that we know of.

You can bet we're gonna keep looking.

I'll find out who you are, where you live.

There's no hiding from me.

You're dead, you hear me? Dead!

Gonna miss you, too.

Take care.

Harris: Pretty good sting, Detective.

Pretty good?

Just stay the hell out of my district.

As long as you stay the hell out of mine.

Hey. Just in case you were wondering how we found you.

Laura: Look at that.

Like I said, you hope for the best, but you plan for the worst.

Thanks for finding me...



Hey, I heard it worked.

It did. We got him.


On the road again?


Actually, you guys, confiscated my stuff at the motel.

So, I'm just getting it back.


Actually, I was wondering if I could come stay with you a while.

Finally, get to know my nephews.

You know, forget it. It's a stupid idea.

No, no, no.


It's a great idea.

I would just need you to promise that you really would stay for a while.

They're little boys, I can't dangle an aunt in front of them just to have her disappear again.

I pinky swear.

That's adorable. Grab your bag.

Where are we going?

One PP is holding a press conference to announce the bust live on the local news, so it's time for your close up.

Oh, no, no, no. I'm allergic to close ups.

Too bad.

This was your bust.

I'm not doing this alone.

Thanks to a joint effort by the 2nd and the 82nd precincts, today the NYPD dealt a major blow to the city's black market pharmaceutical trade and scored a big win for justice.

Santiani: Our thanks to...

Jake: And Laura eye roll, drink!

Santiani: ...contributing to the success of this operation, but in particular Detective Malcom Harris from the 82nd.

(LAUGHS) Drink!

And from my own command, Detective Laura Diamond.


Was that a g*nsh*t?

Reporter: You are watching live footage of a press conference inside 1 Police Plaza where it appears g*nf*re may have downed a female officer.




The female officer that they brought in, where is she?

I think they're still in triage.


She's gone.