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01x16 - Delusions of Grinder

Posted: 02/24/16 01:37
by bunniefuu
Right this way.

Thank you.

Ah, damn it.

Uh, b-busboy?

Uh, the mess...

Do you have a rag or something?

(Spanish accent): Sí, I clean.

Special Agent: You'll disappear.

Lodgepole, Nebraska.

Your new identity...

Guillermo Rojas Morajas.

Where's he from?

Born in Guadalupe, Mexico.

Migrated to the States with his family, age 11.

I'll let you fill in the rest.

600 grand will be placed in a safe deposit box.

You'll work at Starvey's Diner, Sixth and Edsel.

Keep your head down
and a low profile.

The world needs to believe that Mitch Grinder is dead.

What about my family?

Your friends and loved ones... you can never see them again.

Dang it, I don't have another pair for court.

We're gonna have to stop by my condo on the way there.

We don't have time, Tom. We have to file the motion for the change of venue by 3:00.

Heather, who are we kidding?

Judge Mathison is going to deny the request anyway.

We're screwed.

Perhaps you will file a motion for reconsideration based on equitable principals.

If your client is innocent, the "yudge"... will have to move it.

'Cause after all, equity...

Both: ...abhors a vacuum.


That could actually work.

Hey, kid...

Who the hell are you?

I am just a busboy.

I am nobody.


Are you watching...?

What? No.

You are, ah.

We talked about this.

The whole point of therapy was to move on from this.

You're right, I'm sorry.

I thought you burned everything.

I did, I... but there was an overlooked DVD in the player, and I just...

I was just gonna watch it once, and then I was gonna burn it.

I swear.

Do you want to set back your recovery?

Is that what you want?


Then you know what you need to do.

Die, Grinder... die!


You know you could have just... destroyed the DVD itself, not the whole...

It's a process.

I'm still learning.

I know.

So he's dating her now, right?

He's-he's dating my therapist.

Isn't she technically his therapist?

Uh, yes, she is, Ethan.

Thank you, uh, for pointing that out.

You know, honey, I trusted this woman.

You know, we worked through some very complicated issues together.

And you're absolutely sure that you saw them kissing?

They did it right in front of me, I'm positive.

They didn't even try and hide it.

It was like they were... they were flaunting it.


It's got to violate some oath, right?

There's an oath that she must have taken that thi-this is against.

I don't know, but ethically, it's in a gray zone.

Oh, okay, there are no gray zones when it comes to love, Ethan.

Yeah, Ethan.

So I'm on the wrong side of this, then?

It's perfectly fine to have a romantic relationship with your therapist?

I heard that.

Someone's feathers are ruffled.

Uh, yes, Dean, they-they are a little bit.

(yawns) For good reason.

It is your house.

I should have gotten permission before I invited an overnight guest.

Wait, you brought Jillian here, to our house? To spend the night?

Yes, she's here now. What would you have me do, get her a cab the minute we're done?

It's Jillian, not some skank.

That's not the reason, Dean.

Dad thinks Jillian can't remain neutral if you guys are dating.

Yes, Ethan, that... that's a big part of it.

Well, Stew, I have to say, I'm a little insulted.

Oh, you're insulted.

Jillian's a professional.

Starting to question that.

She can separate.

You know, you don't think that they taught her at therapy school that, if you're gonna date a patient, you got to separate stuff?

I do not think they taught her that.

I feel like that's not a class...

No. therapy school.

And-and how does this really work?

I mean, do the lines never get blurred?

No, never.

When we're in session, she's my therapist.

When we're not in session, she's my girlfriend.


What if you wanted to talk to your therapist about your girlfriend?

Then I do.

And I have.

And it's helpful.

Jillian: Dean, can you bring me some coffee?

Sure, hon!

That's my girlfriend.

And I want to finish what we were talking about.


Deb gets it.

Stewart: I was gonna talk to you about this at the house, but, um, that felt... uh, inappropriate.

Yeah. (chuckles)

It would have been.

Right, that would've been... inappropriate.

But let's say you did talk to me at the house.

What would you have said?

Well, I would have said something like, "What the hell are you doing, Jillian?

This was not the plan."

And what plan was that, Stewart?

Uh, the one where you talk some sense into my brother, bring him back down to earth for a little bit, and not sleep with him.

That-that plan.


For me to collude with one patient against another would be highly unethical.

That would be unethical?!

That would be unethical?

You know what, Jillian, I feel like we're done, we're... we've come to the end of our-our road.

You seem angry.

Well, yeah, I am angry.

And don't we always say that making big decisions when you're angry is a bad idea?

We do say that, Jillian, but...

But what?

...but t-this is... different.

Now we're getting somewhere.

In what way is this different?

I don't know.

I... i-it's... it's complicated.


Do you think this is maybe less about your brother and I dating, and more about your inferiority issues with him?

No, I wouldn't...

I wouldn't call it that, no.

Well, don't you think we should know what we'd call it?


Yeah, I-I guess...

I guess we should know that.


Let's start with your recurring dream where Dean carries you around in his suit pocket.

(whispering): All right.

Stewart: So,

I went through Dad's case, and for someone claiming to represent himself, this-this Cory Manler is really prepared. I think he's secretly working with a lawyer.

If he had counsel, why would he be hiding it?

I don't know, but I think we should ask for a continuance.

Stew, what did I say?

I'm handling this.

Besides, you're paranoid.

I'm gonna wipe the floor with this guy's ass.

Okay, I have a vanilla latte for... Todd?

Ooh, that's me.

Dean, what are you doing?

I'm sorry, am I interrupting?

I was just on a coffee run.

And why are you doing that?

Well, now that I've cleansed myself of all things Grinder and all things dramatic, I am a blank slate.

So, I've been working with my therapist to build myself back up from ground zero.

Well, Dean, we are here for you, we believe in you, and we love you.

And I love the law.

But I've realized that I am not a lawyer.

What? Say that again.

I... am not... a lawyer.

I mean, sure, I'm great at playing one, but...

I don't know diddly about being one.

Nonsense, you're as much a lawyer as anybody in this room.

Well, Dad...

Thanks, Dad, but that's just not true... and I know that now.

I need to start on the ground floor.

Which is why, from now on, I'm going to be an intern at Sanderson & Yao.

You know, I mean, I'm done with shortcuts, you know?

I want to do things the right way.

Well, Dean, this sounds great.

You're still gonna give us speeches and stuff, right?

And inspire us?

Well, I'll do whatever I can to help the firm, but within the capacity of my own skill set.

Which is...

So, if you'll excuse me...

I am going to empty this trash and get it out of your guys' hair because that is my job and I intend to do it.

Did that just happen?

(all murmuring) I'm not sure.

Please tell me that was real.

Deb! Hey!

Oh, that's right, you're helping Dad.

'Cause he'll accept it from you and not his lawyer son.

Uh, how's that going?

Um, well, it's a lot of work, actually, because your filing system is terrible.

Maybe you just don't know how it works.

Oh, I'm sorry, does it work in some way?

Really well.

Enlighten me.

Name any file, I'll have it in front of you in 20.

20 minutes, and you're proud of that?

That's good!

Come on, just let me help, I'm here.

Let her help.

It's free.

Yeah, it's free.

For now.

We'll talk about that.


Back there. I'm driving.

Dad, this is silly. We don't know what we're up against here.

We shouldn't underestimate this guy.


This is a gimme.

Sorry I'm late.

The copy machine ran out of toner.

Ah, you're working too hard. Take a load off.

The fun's about to begin.

Oh, he gets to sit at the table?

I thought he was an intern.

I am an intern, but your father forgot his briefcase.

You forgot your briefcase? You're a mess, Dad.

(chuckles) Thank God we got a great intern.

Stewart: Yeah.

He brought it right over.

Thank God for the intern.

Okay, let's get started.

Prelim hearing, Manler v. Sanderson.

We'll hear from the defendant first, Mr. Sanderson?

Your Honor, these claims against me are baseless.

The only thing that really matters is the statute of limitations.

It expired two years ago.

And we move for dismissal and suggest that the plaintiff apologize to the court for wasting its time.

Mr. Manler, how do you respond?

All right, here we go.

This ought to be good.

All right, Your Honor, the statute of limitations is tolled due to the precedent of Howerton v. Skarbek, which stands for the proposition that the statute of limitations on legal malpractice is tolled if the client had no reasonable basis upon which to suspect that malpractice had occurred.

What does "tolled" mean?

It means we're screwed.

Did you see that? Did you see that?

Manler is a puppet.

Someone's pulling the strings.

So, I screwed the pooch, all right?

Your old man screwed the pooch.

Is that what you want to hear?

Dad, let me help you.

(Dean Sr. grunts angrily)

So, are you saying that this is some sort of conspiracy theory?

I don't think it is.

Really, Todd?

You jump on literally every idea. There's nothing here?

Yeah, I'm just not feeling it. Right, Dean?

Oh, oh, I don't know.

It's not really my area of expertise.

Ooh, these guys are thirsty.

Conspiracy did nothing for you?

Well, it's above my pay grade, but did you ever consider maybe he has a friend who's giving him free legal advice?

(chuckling): Yeah.

I get free legal advice from my friends all the time.

Uh, I mean...

I... did... before I became a lawyer.

But now, no.

I don't know.

Something's off here.

You know, I feel it in my gut.

Dean: The law's not about your gut.

It's about the facts.

I learned that the hard way.



The only fact we have is that the guy was incredibly well prepared.

To draw any conclusions beyond that feels like a leap.

Now, that's the level-headed Deano I know.

Really? No one thinks that it's possible that something else is going on?

Oh, something else is going on, and Jillian warned me that it might happen.

Now that I'm on the road to recovery, I've left a void on the dramatic mantle of your life.

That's what's happening.

No, that is not what's happening.

And you're subconsciously attempting to fill that void.

I mean, you are sounding a little dramatic.


You might want to work on this, Stew.

Dig in like Dean's doing.

Stewart: Like Dean?

Dean Sr.: Yeah.

All the plants are plastic.

Look at us.

Couple of interns earning our keep.

Hoping one day we can be like them.

Yeah, I'm not really an intern.

We're gonna look back at our scrappy file room days and think those were the best times of our lives.

God, I hope not.
Oh, hon, hey.

Hey, the kids are getting dropped off here in a little.

Oh, the kids are coming here?


So he's just, he's just pulling, pulling everything off the shelf then, huh?

Yeah, listen, I-I need you to drive them to Lizzie's basketball game for me because I might have to stay here late.

Uh, wait, hon, what if I have to stay here late?

Dean: You don't. You're not handling Dad's case, right?

Oh, he's shredding, he's shredding, honey, he's... w-what's he shredding?

Why is he shredding papers?

Oh, my God, will you calm down?

Everything is fine.

Oops, Dean, wrong pile.

You should absolutely not be shredding those.

Oh, I can't... I can't.

Dean: Hey, Deb... um, could I... could I get a squirt?

I'm-I'm out.

Yeah, sure, it's in the bathroom.

Where's Stew?

Oh, he took the kids to Lizzie's basketball game.

(sighs loudly)

You're worried about him, aren't you?


Yeah, me, too.


Yeah, b-b-but we'll get through it because...

...we always do.

What are we getting through?

Sorry you lost your game, Lizzie.

Yeah, it's okay.

The universe wanted me to have a character-building experience.

And the universe didn't say anything about quitting?

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, look at that, kids.

That's Cory Manler. That's Cory Manler.

That's the guy who's suing Grandpa.

Look at him! He's rolling around, not a care in the world.

Ethan: Where are we going?

Stewart: We're just gonna make a little detour.

He's clearly running from something.

He is?

So, the only question is... what?


How are things in here?

Oh, I don't want to talk to you about that.


Didn't say that.

Yeah, that's tough.

All right.

'Cause he's just not seeming like the little Stew-bear we know and love.

You know, all that talk about conspiracies...

That's true, he has been acting a little weird lately.

No, a little weird is you guys not having sex.


This is alarmingly weird.

Look, let's not freak out about it.

I mean, it's Stewart, right?

He's not actually crazy.

Lizzie, get down. Get down.

Lizzie: What are we doing?

Stewart: Shh!

Oh, my gosh.

I was right.

He's working with someone.

He... you see that, kids, you see?

You see, Dad is not wrong all the time, okay?

Uncle Dean's not the only person who knows...

How much longer is this gonna take?

Lizzie, this is important.

What-what do you mean?

I'm getting really tired.

Me, too.

Guys... guys, come...

(indistinct talking)

Oh, he's handing him something.

That's a... w-what is... what is that?

That's a small object, guys.

That could be it.

Hold on, I'm getting a picture.

(camera clicks)

Let's see.

Ethan: Looks like a flash drive maybe?

Stewart: Maybe a flash drive?

How about that is definitely a flash drive, Ethan.



So now I have proof.

Of what?

Okay, you know what? I am done with you guys.

You know nothing about what's going on here tonight.

Hey, how's it going?

Where have you been?

I went to pick the kids up at, uh, Lizzie's...

Lizzie's basketball game.

That was three hours ago, Stewart.

We took a drive.

Debbie: Hmm.

You know, it was a nice night.

Then, Stewart, why did Ethan text me this?

Stewart (on video): So, now I have proof.

Ethan (on video): Of what?


You did that?

You sent that?

I sent it to Mom, too.

You b-betrayed your father?

Yeah, sorry, Dad, I...

We had no choice.

Dean: Uh, Stewart, it's true.

You left them no choice.


(Stewart scoffs)

Look, you guys are totally over-reacting.

And why do you think that is?

Jillian, thank you for-for coming on such short notice.

That was definitely necessary.

Stew, look at yourself.

You're tailing people, you're kidnapping the kids...

Okay, I did not kidnap the kids.

Well, you did kind of take them against their will.

All right, would you just look at this?

Here, just... look at this.

A flash drive exchange.

In an alley? In the middle of the night?

That's not normal; that's something.

Stew, people exchange flash drives at all hours.

It's a 24-hour world.

Business isn't just 9:00-to-5:00 anymore.

May I say something?

No, Jillian.

You may not. I-I don't feel like having a-a therapy session right now.

Oh, actually, I'm not here as your therapist, I'm here as your brother's lover.

Right, which we're all fine with.

This is the behavior that I was talking about.

You guys have been talking about me?

Well, honey, Dean is just concerned about you.

This is ridiculous! Guys, I'm fine!

Stew, haven't you been lashing out at Deb because she's trying to help organize at the office?


Yes, honey, you kind of have.

Jillian: We are all trying to help you, Stewart.

How do you feel when you hear that?

Okay, that is therapist Jillian.

There is no way that is Jillian, the lover.

And there's no way that was you being fine.

Come on, Stew.

Talk to us. Please!

We're here for you.

We're not leaving until you do.

Jillian: Yeah, we are here for you.

We're in for the long haul, honey.

100%. - Not going anywhere.

You know what, guys?

I think you're right.

There is something... going on with me.

You've helped me to identify it, and that's... that's half the battle.

It truly is.

Did you hear that?

That was a wall coming down.

Is that what I heard?

Yeah, I heard it.

I heard the wall.

Stew... you know... everybody in this room just... just loves the heck out of you.


That's great. Great, thank you.

I'm gonna work on this, um, on my own time, I think, but, um, (Jillian moans happily) Thank you for... for being there for me.

Stewart: Okay, I know he's working with someone.

So let's go over the plan.

Are you sure this is a good idea, Stewart?

Todd, if this were Dean's idea, you'd be all over it.

All over it, 100%.

Okay, so... just you pretend that I'm Dean, okay?

Okay, that's a bit of a stretch, Stew, but I'll-I'll try.

All right.

You are a real estate agent.

I'm a real estate agent.

All right? You have gone to the apartment to take pictures for a client.

So once he lets you in, you unlock the door, then you distract him...

What kind of agency am I with?


Like, is it a small, boutique agency, where I know everyone?

Or is it a big, like, corporate agency, where I'm trying to work my way up?

What difference does it make?

Well, Dean would have this back-story worked out for me.

You know what, then, you make something up, okay?

Oh, so it's like an improv thing.

Okay, well, what's a good name for an agency?

Forget the name of the agency, Todd.

No one's gonna ask you that question.

He's not gonna care.

You don't think that's the first thing he's gonna ask?

I don't think he's gonna ask you that at all, at any point.

So, uh, what agency did you say you work for?

Oh, um, I'm, uh, just between agencies right now.

You know, doing my freelance thing.

You know.

Do you mind if we go take some pictures in your bedroom, to show my clients?

All right, yeah, just follow me, all right?

So, what kind of carpet is that?

I don't know.

I think it's just carpet.


All right, man, this is the room.

Oh, this is cute!

(camera clicks)

Todd (in distance): Big closets... are impressive!

(Todd continues, indistinctly)

(phone rings)

(whispering): No.

(whispers): Hello?

Debbie: Honey, hey, why are you whispering?

I'm not.


Um, hey, can you pick up dinner for you and the kids on the way home, please?

Why? Why-why me?

Because I'm working late.

You know, honey, I'm-I'm working, too.

You are? On what?

You're not at the office.

I'm finding proof.

Come on, I thought you gave up on all that conspiracy crap.

Well, I didn't, honey, I lied.

Obviously, therapy doesn't work that fast.

That's what I've been saying this whole time.

Oh, I gotta go.

I gotta... (hangs up)

What... Wait... are you... ugh.

Come on, come on, come on... come on, come on, come on.

So, that agency you were with, was it, like, a boutique type place, or...?

Um, it's, uh, the agency, uh, it's... transitionary.

Todd: Yeah, I guess we'll just go back into the living room now.

Cory: All right, man.

(thudding, clattering)



(Dean gasps)

Hi. Were you sleeping?

Yeah, it's-it's the middle of the night.

I have to show you something. Come meet me in the living room.

Can it wait till the morning?


No, living room, now.

(Dean sighs)

Remember the flash drive I was telling you about?

Well, Todd and I snuck into Manler's apartment and copied all the files.

Wh... you did what?!


What else was I supposed to do?

No one would believe me.

What are you guys doing down here?

Oh, oh, honey, perfect. I was just about to show them all the proof I discovered because I'm not crazy.

All right, Manler is a pawn working off of a script, and it's all right here. Come here.

Look, look, come here.

Read it and weep.


What's this? What...

What's happening?

Jillian: I don't know.

This is proof of nothing, actually.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it was here.

It was here. I-I sw... I promise.

It was... It was right here.

I'm sure it was.

Honey, why don't you come back to bed?

It was a virus.

There must have been an encrypted virus.

An "encrypted virus"? Bro...

Stewart, you are in a very dark place.


I'm telling you the truth, guys.

You don't believe me?


I believe you, honey.


Yeah, if you... say that an encrypted virus erased all the proof...

I believe you.

That was a nice moment for you two.

Hopefully one that'll culminate in sex, 'cause I know that that's been a problem area.


I will explain it later.

And if you guys need any help at all, Oh, she's... in that area, please...

What area?


I don't know what you're talking about.



Easy, fella.


I am asking you to trust me.

There is more to this.

I mean, come on, you're always, you know, doing a stakeout, or-or-or, you know, flushing out a mole.

I mean, none of this sounds like anything to you?

It does sound like something.

It sounds like a TV show.

Stewart, the real law doesn't work like that.

Real law is boring.

It's paperwork and drudgery, and drones in an office.

Testimony... jury selection...

And you're trying to make it sexy.

But... hey, believe me, I get it.

I've been there.

But I am not going to let you make the same mistakes that I did.

But what if he's right?

Oh, Deb... you're such a caregiver.

Look, tomorrow, I'm going to tell Dad that we need to get other legal counsel, okay?

I'm-I'm taking you off the case.

You don't have the authority to do that.

I mean, you didn't before, either, but you certainly don't, now that you're an intern.

I may be an intern, but I am still my father's son.

And he has a Constitutional right to a fair trial.

So, if you'll excuse me...

I'm going to go make love to my therapist.

Oh, good. I'll go freshen up for that.

I thought when you were "making love" she was your girlfriend.

Yeah, we're trying something different.

Role-playing. You should think about it.

It might help.

Help what?

We don't need help.