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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/23/16 07:18
by bunniefuu

The guy you just shot, he was a cop.

Man: G'day, Lola.

Where's the money?



I think we should call the police.

Oh, yeah, 'cause that worked out so well last time.

Man: Who the hell's Lola?

I really need you find them both. Fast.

Where did they come from?

I don't know. They were just there.


Man: (ON TV) Lola Margaret Buckley at present is a person of interest in three murders.


One of them, as you know, a decorated police officer.

What have you done?

I did it. I stole the money.

It's in her handbag. It points to a second possible suspect, or victim.

You're the one that's wanted anyway...

You're wanted too!

♪ Oh, my, my love, my little dove, my honeybee ♪
♪ I've been the calypso to your Ulysses ♪
♪ I'm not telling you you got to do everything right ♪
♪ I'm just telling you right now you better cast that devil out ♪
♪ You better cast that devil out You better cast that devil out ♪
♪ When love spoke, it was a terrible sound... ♪


Oh, hey, I don't...

Don't worry about that.

It's no trouble.

No, no, I don't need it.

Really, it's not a problem.

(TERSELY) No, I don't need it.

OK. Up to you.

♪ I'm telling you right now you better cast that devil out ♪
♪ You better... ♪
♪ Oh, my, my love, my little dove, my little honeybee ♪
♪ I'm not telling you you got to do everything right ♪
♪ I'm just telling you right now you better cast that devil out ♪
♪ You better... ♪


Oh, God, I knew this would happen.

I said something practical to wear.

What's that?

A disguise.

Flame tree?


You're joking, right? It'll take hours to get your hair that colour.

We haven't got the time.

Just pull your hair out.

No, it goes curly. I hate it.


They'll fit. Trust me.


Chelsea, we are on the run.

As in we might actually have to run at some point.


We'll be hot, we'll be cold.

We'll be sleeping in the car.

We need to be comfortable.

Yes, well, it's elastane.



Get changed.




Chelsea Babbage...

Sir, the KALOF seems to indicate we're looking for a possible accomplice.

It just... doesn't feel right.


Yeah. Well, she left her handbag at the scene.

What kind of crim does that?

It's got everything in it - phone, keys.

Well, what did her colleagues think of her?

Her boyfriend, what did he say?

Well, I haven't spoken to anyone yet.


But you've got a hunch she's innocent?

You see, you don't know all the answers because you don't know all the facts.

Your innocent Chelsea Babbage was caught embezzling over Âo1 million the day before the bus stop incident.

Just focus on Buckley, yeah?




Did you get water?

Yes, and your jerky.

Don't knock it till you try it.


We're going to have to take the back roads, avoid Barlow.

We need lots of distance and then we can ditch the car. OK?



You ready?


Did you pay?



I still can't believe I picked your size so well.

Yes, it's disturbing.

Getting an ass to look like that in 10 jeans without trying them on, that's a knack. I have a gift.

♪ Ain't shady, baby I'm hot like the prodigal son ♪
♪ Pick a petal, eeny, meeny, miny, mo ♪
♪ And, flower, you're the chosen one... ♪

Should we change our names?

You know, I could - I could be Bridget and you could be Catherine.

I don't look like a Catherine.

You don't look like a Lola.

Why do you say that?

(SCOFFS) It's clearly not your real name.

Why not?

Because it's such a stage name.


I quite like Bridget.


What's that?



Did you put petrol in?

No, I thought you were doing it.

Why would you think that?

Because you always do it.

I went to the toilet.

You were paying.

Yes, for the food.

And the petrol!

I don't... I don't even know what side the petrol thing's on.

What, and you didn't notice the warning light flashing for the last however many kays?

No, because I only look at the speed otherwise it's too confusing.

I mean, RPMs - who needs to know that?

I don't even own a car.

No shit, Bridget.

I just want the rest of the file.

Buckley, Lola... M.

You've got all of it.

This only goes back to October 1994.

So it does.

So there is nothing more on the central file?


Glitch, maybe.

Might have to do a ring-around.

Medicare, ATO.

You can do that and I need it ASAP, thanks. Cheers.


It's OK. We'll make it to the next town. We will. For sure.

The alarm always gives you ages.

Especially in these luxury cars.

Says the woman who doesn't own a car.

So you've never made a mistake?

It's about 45 kay back to the servo down this road.


But if we cross over the bush here, it's about 18 kay to the nearest town, so...

You know, most people who stay with their vehicles receive help within hours.

Even people wanted by the cops?

18 kay is not that far.

I mean, you walk an average of 6 kay an hour.

Well, old people do.

You saying...

Oh, no, no, I'm just saying the estimates are of walking times for slow people.

But we... we would walk much faster than 6 kay an hour so we should... get to the town in no time.

Walk in the park.

National park.

Was that humour?

We should never leave money in a car.

What? We can't take it.

It'll slow us down.

Chelsea! The road's deserted.

We haven't seen anyone since that turn-off.

We'll come back and get it later.

Well, we should at least hide it.

Oh, you think? I thought I might leave it on the dash.

Lola, you have to let this go.

It's... It was a mistake and I apologise.

I didn't mean...

Would you shut it?!

Here, get rid of that.

We'll take some money and hide the rest.

There's nothing before 1994.

There's no Medicare, tax statements, parking fines.

There's nothing.

It's like she didn't exist.

You shelve everything else.

I want you to find who this Lola really is.

You go back through the database, archives, manually if you have to.

Crosscheck any references pre-1994 that match her physical description and you work solo on this, you understand?

Are you sure about the files?

There are literally thousands and thousands of files.

You start with major crimes, drug convictions, '92, '93, '94.

My money, it must've been something really big if she wants to disappear, I mean, change her name, her whole life.

She could be running from someone.

Apart from us?

Get on it.

Remember, you report to me and only me the second you find something.

We'll keep this close for now.


Even by really old people walking pace, we should be there by now.

It's just over that rise.


Is there another rise?

We're just not where I thought we'd be.

Where are we?

Somewhere here.

We're lost?

We're just... trudging around here, completely lost?!

This is how people die!

They wander off into the bush and then they get lost and then they dehydrate and then some backpacker finds their bones...

Oh, will you shut up?

...six months later.

We're not going to die, OK?


We do have more water, right?


We'll get some more when we get petrol.

Alright, I reckon if we walk west towards the sun, we're gonna hit this reserve and then we can follow it down to the road.

What happens when it gets dark?

We'll be there by then.

I don't think this is west.


What's out there?

Feeding time.

Feeding time?

Oh, shit.

What? What happened?

It's getting too dark.

We're gonna have to make camp.


Nah, back at the Ecolodge.

Come on. I'll make a fire, just help me get some wood.

Don't move.



Oh, it's a goanna.


Go away!

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

What's wrong? What's wrong?

Something bit my ankle.


My ankle!

What? Whereabouts? Here, OK.

Ow! Ow!

It was probably just an ant or a spider or something.

Just a spi...

I'm allergic to spiders!

I got bitten by a white-tail once and we had to go to emergency and they said it was the most extreme reaction they had ever seen.

Yeah, well, white-tails don't live out this far.


Is it burning or itching?

Yes! Both.


Saliva's antiseptic!

You'll be right.


Any better?

I think my toes are numb.

Well, they're probably cold. Just put them in front of the fire.

My face is really hot.

Here, let me have a look.

Please don't spit on it again.


Yeah. It's looking better.

Just keep the dirt out.

How do you know so much about...

Oh, just spent some time in the bush.


You seem so suburban.


My heart's beating really fast!

OK, well, you just need to calm down, OK?

I don't wanna die!

Hey, no-one's gonna die.

Just... Just breathe, OK?

Just breathe in, here, come on.

Breathe in. (INHALES)

And out!


And in.



And in, there you go.

And out.

I'm thirsty.

Well, I've only got vodka, I'm afraid.

That'll do!

Not a good idea.

Maybe we could mix it with some cranberry juice.

What are you, 18?

I'm 29.


Today, actually.

Your birthday's today?

Well, why didn't you say anything?

Well, that's a bit shit, isn't it?


Happy birthday.


What did you do before you were a supermarket employee?

A checkout chick, you mean?

Um... lots of things, here and there.

When did you move to the city?

Um, a while back, now.

Why do you do that?

Do what?

Not answ...

Well, answer without answering.

No, I don't!

Yes, you do. All the time.

Have you ever been married?

No, never have, probably never will.

Why not?

Because most single men my age are stuffed.

Not just your age. (GASPS)

Nathan, my boyfriend, he forgot my birthday.

Is that why you haven't contacted him?

He went to Comic-Con instead.

What's that?

It's, um, a bunch of adults dressing up as their favourite comic book heroes.

Well, that is sad.

It's his thing! It's his passion.

What about you?

Some comic books are fine, I guess...

No, no, I mean, aren't you his passion?

Yes! Obviously I am.

Oh, right! OK. So the sex makes up for the comics, then.

Um, I'm not gonna talk to you about my sex... my sex life.

Oh, I see!

No, you don't see!

You don't see anything.

You don't know anything about me or Nathan so just...


..stop with all the judging.

OK! OK! Alright. Alright. OK.


Get comfy.

I'm sorry, OK?

You're right, I don't know anything.

I do know that 29 was a pretty good age to be single, though.

You haven't mentioned your leg in a while.

Must be your super spit!


Did your dad teach you how to do that?

Make a fire?

Nah, he wasn't around much.

Neither was mine.

My sister Donna taught me everything.

Well, the good stuff, anyway.


Woman: (ON RADIO) Go ahead.

Man: Are you there, Caro?

Woman: Yeah, Caro here. Copy.

Just got a report from police on the Barlow Track.

Head over and take a look.

No worries. On me way.

Copy that.

Man: (ON RADIO) All stations.

Henry's Reserve's clear now.

You can let local traffic back through.





Come on. We've gotta get moving.

Oh. How's your ankle?


Is this how gangrene starts?

Come on. Hey.

Oh! Oh, Jesus!

You got a permit for that camp?

What? No! We got lost.

Yeah, righto. Tell it to the judge.

Come on. Let's go.

Ah! Careful!

Do you want it cleaned or do you want it amputated?

Cleaned, please.

Ah, yeah, so if we could just get some petrol and get back to the car, that'd be great.

There's a total fire ban in this park. It's a fineable offence.

We're really sorry, we just got lost.

Please, if you can just help us get some petrol and maybe... maybe we can make a donation to the Rangers charity or...?

She's nuts. If she fines us, she's gonna want ID and then she's gonna call it in.

We need to get back to the car.


No, Lola! No! We don't need to... We can just talk our way out of this.


Lola! Lola!

Oh, shit.

Nice dog!

It's bracken fern. Good for bites.

Do you think it's a white-tail?

They're not out here.

You a ranger now?

There's plenty of them out here.

You feel like some fresh air?

No, I've got to get through all this.

Stuff you, then. Hey, Patty.

I've gotta get this back to Babbage's house.

You wanna come along?

Chelsea Babbage?


Yeah, yeah.

There you go. Good on ya!

Careful, please!

The hard drive is water cooling.

Well, sorry.

Did Chelsea ever mention anything to you about a Lola Buckley?

What about other friends?

She doesn't really have any.

Victor Maric?


Did Chelsea ever use dr*gs?

(LAUGHS) Chelsea?



Where were you over the weekend?

I was at the Comic-Con in Melbourne.

That's the comic book thing?

It's a... It's multi-platform.


Listen, would you mind if I took a look around?

Well, if it's really necessary, I guess.

So you didn't hear from Chelsea for the whole weekend?


I mean, we're not the type of couple who feel the need to call every second.

Not even yesterday?



Our records say that it was her birthday.

All this air-conditioned hard drive stuff must cost a bit?

Ah, yeah.


So, you and Miss Babbage can afford this type of stuff?

Look, you've got it wrong. Chelsea wouldn't embezzle that money.

I mean, there's been some kind of mistake.

She's already rich! Or her old man is. She doesn't need the money!

Really? What about her mum?

She died, years ago.

Sit down.

Man: (ON RADIO) Blackburn base to Ranger Hart.

You there, Susan?


Tree down on the outer west boundary entrance.

I'm just looking after two women I found in the bush.

I'll get them back to their car and I'll head out after that, OK? Over.

Copy that.



We left it back at the car.

Never leave valuables in your car!

Yes, we know.

The idea was just to get petrol and get back as soon as we could.

Without your purse?

Well, we took cash with us.

We just left everything else.

You know, lighten the load.

Fine's Âo150. I'll need you to fill in these forms.

I'll verify your ID when we get back to the car and then we'll go out in search of petrol, yeah?

Sure, great. Thanks.

Or we could give you cash now.

No, we don't do it like that.


Um, excuse me. I don't actually understand this clause here.

What don't you understand?

Man: (ON RADIO) You there, mate?

Well, it's not legally accurate.

(INDISTINCT) Those two women you found...

I don't feel comfortable signing something when I don't understand it.

So, maybe I can just cross this bit out.

...cop K*llers on the run from Sydney.

Is that alright?

They're meant to be armed and dangerous.

Should I put you down as Catherine or Cathy?

Susan, are you there?

Get back!


Look, we... we just need to get away.

OK? It wasn't our fault, what happened. It...

You there, Susan?

Ah! Lola, please!

We need to get out of here.

We're innocent.

There are some very bad people after us.

If you're innocent, why are you running?

Because... Well...

Here. We just need to borrow your car, OK?

We'll ditch it when we get ours back.

And this is for the radio.


Oh, thank you for everything.

My leg feels so much better already.

I'm so... I'm sorry.

I'll leave your g*n at the end of the drive, alright?

The boss finds out I spilled this to you first...

He won't. Don't worry.

There you are, front row tickets.

What have you got?

Whoever cleaned the g*n left me nothing to work with.

Of course, there are algorithms that can try and match a print or make a guess at a half print or a quarter print but this - this took some human ingenuity.


I have been manually inputting curve variations.

Dino, Come on.

She's got form.

She's wanted for m*rder.




You did that back there like it was nothing.

You look very comfortable with that g*n.

I got us out of there is what I did.

OK, so what did you do before you worked in a supermarket, Lola?

Hey, Listen, we don't trust anyone, OK?

You keep your feelings out of it or you're not going to survive.

Not forever, just for now.

(SIGHS) I need to go to the toilet.

You really need to look into some pelvic floor exercises.

Just pull over! Please.

We need to get petrol and get back to the car.

Look, I'm filthy.

Can we at least just clean ourselves up before we go into town?






You lost?


Where are the women?

Who are you?

Nice place.

So... where are they?

I dropped them back at their car.

Where's your car?

The far paddock.


Come here. Come on. Come on.


♪ Take something beautiful I'm gonna smash it ♪
♪ Take something perfect and pervert it ♪
♪ Take something young and proud and then shame it. ♪

Come on, we've got to get going.

Look at my leg it's almost better.

Those ferns worked.

Shhh! Shhh!





Why would someone do that?


What are you going to do with that?

Get in the car.


What if it's just a family going camping?

Wouldn't have parked us in.

How are we gonna get out?

This is ridiculous.


Why are you going forwards!?

Hold on.



(GASPS) Oh, God, he's getting closer. Faster!



Oh, God. Go! Go!



Who was that?

I don't know.

Do you think it was another cop?

I don't know.

You're a really good driver.


Lola Buckley, aka Lillian Walsh.

Wanted for m*rder, February, 1994.

See k*lled her de facto, Jackson Delaney, then disappeared into thin air.

The investigating officers assumed Delaney's family k*lled her.

They looked into it, nothing stuck.

Should I know them?

They're small-time crims up north.

Not the type to forgive and forget.

20 years under the radar - that's pretty impressive.

Looking less and less like an innocent bystander at the bus stop.

I had forensics run her name past the partial print they found on the g*n and it's a match.

Lillian still has family up in a little town called Wooradulla.

She could have been in touch with them, she could be hiding out with them.

I'd like to follow it up.

It's very good.

But I'll follow it up.

What's your problem with me, Ray?

Not a problem, really.

It's very impressive.

Alright, I'll update the KALOF to include the name 'Lillian Walsh'.

No you won't.

Last thing we want is Walsh to know her cover's been blown.

You off home early then?

Yeah. Listen, I'm thinking of chucking a sickie tomorrow.

You don't look real sick to me.

If you go up to Wooradulla and start poking around, you're not just off the task force, you're off the force.

Listen, I have to go, alright?

Because this, all this isn't right and the boss will never know I'm gone.

It's on my own coin - it's one flight up, one fight back.

Will you cover for me?


Go on.

Are you sure it was here?

There's the tyre.


I told you we should have taken all the money with us.


Maybe it's a good thing.

Losing millions of dollars is a good thing?

It's crime money.

It's a crime car.

That's what they're chasing.

And that's what they will k*ll us to find.



So what are we gonna do?

Five grand. Cash.

Bullshit, three.



Of course, we could come to another agreement.


We agreed on three.

We agreed on four.


What the hell?


For what?

For being a misogynist pig.

Oh, get a dictionary.


Is she crazy?

No, she's making a lot of sense to me.

We're at 2,700.

Apologise and we've got a deal.

Fine. 2,700.


I'm sorry.

Ah, keys!

Thank you.

Did you get a full t*nk?

What do you think?

I've just gotta make a call.



Woman: Hello.

I need your help.

I was wondering when I'd hear from you.

Don't come back here, Lil, it's not safe.

Your face is all over the news.

The Delaneys will know you're alive.

I don't have a choice.


So will you help?

Always. No matter what.


I'll see you.

You will.

Be careful, alright?

Yeah, you too.


Where is she, Donna?

I've got a son.


You wanted to know stuff about me.

That's who I was calling the other day at the servo.

Is that where we're headed now?


I can't eat it anyway... gluten intolerant.