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03x11 - Kindred Spirits

Posted: 02/20/16 04:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...


Abbie: We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?

The sun has not set. It has not moved in the sky since I arrived here. Ten months.

Searching for a way out.


Joe: Why wouldn't you tell me that it was your father's place?

I would've told you
to knock on the door yourself.

Jenny: Supernatural creatures from all over the world are headed here.

Joe: As if someone's summoning them.

(brakes squeak)

(engine stops)

Pretty creepy, huh?


Oh, yeah.

I am shaking in my boots.


Mm... okay.

It's a first date.

You know, so let's maybe slow our roll a little.

What's the fun in that?

It's the "minding my boundaries and personal comfort" sort of fun.

Come on.

What'd you think we came out here to do?

Wait, I'm not, I'm not kidding.

Stop! What the hell are you doing?!

Whatever the hell I want.




(man grunting, blows landing)


You saved my life.

Who are you?

I have to know. Please.



God, what the hell are you?


No, no!

No, please, no!


No luck in the land of Nod?

Not tonight.

Or last night.

I had hoped your hiatus from the FBI would help facilitate your rest, not hinder it.

Don't worry.

I just getting acclimated to normal life.

I didn't eat or sleep for a year.

Time was a flat circle.

I'm pretty sure this is just par for the post-Catacombs course.

We have not yet had an opportunity to discuss your hardships there.


And the...

Please, Lieutenant.


This is it.

You're looking at it.

Painstaking boredom.

You're my Wilson.

Which is why it's a little bit upsetting that you k*lled all my houseplants.


Now, let it be known that in my time I have cultivated medicinal herb gardens, myriad vegetable patches and, in fact, once even an entire orchard of monkey puzzle, and not one of them has been as recondite as your spiderwort variation.

Two words, Crane: Miracle-Gro.

In all candor, Lieutenant, whilst you were away, I spent every waking hour endeavoring to bring you home.

All other responsibilities fell by the wayside, horticulture not excluded.

That's pretty depressing.



Yes, it is.

Oh, I have an idea.

Perhaps in a couple of hours, we could go to the nursery and pick up some replacement greenery.

Ah, and if we're brisk, we could make it to Colonial Times for their Early Burr special.

I think that I want to take a run.

There's a trail I found that, uh, Jenny and I used to walk as kids.

Uh, Lieutenant...

I know your transition home is a trying one.

But believe me, it will grow easier.

I'll see you in a couple hours.


(door closes)

(birds chirping, indistinct chatter)


Ms. Corinth, what a pleasant surprise.

Gosh, it's been, uh... heavens, a whole fortnight since last we spoke.

Two and a half fortnights, actually.

But who's counting?

And what brings you here?

Uh, we're planting merrybells for an inner-city historical restoration.



Oh, just decorating the home.

I'm afraid I rather neglected my housemate's flora, and they perished.

That is what happens when you ignore things.

Miss Corinth...


Just... call me Zoe, like a normal human being.

Miss Zoe, I...



I owe you the most profound apologies.

During our courtship, my partner went missing.

Or, rather, she took a leave of absence...

Look, all you needed to do was give me a call.

Send me a text.

I'm a big girl. I can take it.

I really didn't think you were the ghosting type.

Well, no, I try not to be.

But they always seem to find their way into my path.

I have no idea what that means.

I'm gonna go, okay?

And if you're taking suggestions, I'd exchange those ferns for some cacti.

Very low-maintenance.



What?! I know exactly what you would say!

"Come now, Lieutenant."

Pandora: Just one long, endless day, hammering away at you until you go mad.


(phone ringing)

Yeah. I know.

I owe you a call.

Reynolds: Want to make it up to me?

Thanks for doing this.

You know I wouldn't ask you here if it wasn't important.

But three double homicides in one week, all torn to shreds.

Yeah, I'm happy to look.

It's the least I can do after quitting so abruptly and leaving town.

A heads-up would've been nice. I was worried about you.

Next time, I will reach out. You got a pen?

Doug Frank and Krissy Kowalick, both k*lled and dismembered by the car.

As you can see, the slashing is precise but also swift, haphazard, full of rage.

It's like a crime of passion, but that doesn't add up.

Yeah, that's the weird part.

The act seems personal, but the pattern's pathological.

Even with a cloudy M.O., the methodology's consistent: couples, at night, always these gruesome, rage-like gashes.

And puncture wounds.

There's two different weapons here.

Yeah, but only one set of boot prints that don't match the victims.

Whew. Big guy.

Six-three, six-four, 240, 250 pounds.

Using an Axe and a spear.


You onto something?

I'm sorry, Danny.

I'm not ready for this.

Can you put Agent Foster on it?

She's really good.

She is, but she's not you.

Well, she's the one currently under your employ, so she'll have to suffice.

I never handed in your resignation.


What you did was rash and illegal.

I wanted to give you time to clear things up, quietly, internally.

Abs, I've made mistakes in the past.

I've regretted all of them.

You know what I'm regretting?

Coming here in the first place.

Look, you know how bad this is. I know you do.

I need you here.

I need time, Danny.

After which, I could begin to entertain the idea of even coming back to work.


I'm sorry.


This isn't one of those typical serial K*llers, is it?

Meet me in the Archives in an hour.


Hey. You sitting down?

Oh, no.

I am standing the length of two men, Lieutenant.

For I am bringing the desert climate to our Mid-Atlantic abode.

It is nonsensical, it is quite unnatural, and yet, because I want it, it is so.

The beauty of America.

And... how was your jaunt?

Interrupted. Reynolds called me down to a crime scene.

Is this the sitting down part?

Yeah. There have been three double homicides in the past week.

All couples, all with very specific wound patterns: clean amputations, puncture stabs.

You're describing lacerations made by the halberd blade.

And only one set of boot prints belonging to a big, hulking guy.

Do you know what that means?

The Kindred has returned to Sleepy Hollow.

The Kindred has finally heeded the call of your bounty's beacon.

He is the last remnant of the dark pale rider of Death.

He will be a great lieutenant to fight by my side.

Pandora: Yes, we were fortunate to find the Kindred.

Ignored by his tormentors and left to wander the Earth alone.

I'm sure he's eager to serve.

Hidden One: You seem sad, my beauty.


Tell me what ails you.

I am not yet at full power.

My bounty, it's destroyed.

I, too, am disappointed at its diminished power.

Its weakened signal has caused the Kindred's delay.

But be patient.

He will come.

No, this is different.

That box has been my sole companion for over 4,000 years.

I don't know why I care so to part with it, but I do.

I remember the very first time I laid eyes upon you.

Enslaved by humanity, a mute in chains.

I loved you then, as I love you now.

You may share the essence of humanity the mortals that surround us do...

...but you are no mere mortal.

Your bounty is of no consequence.

Sophie: So you raised a monster with the help of a witch coven and Benjamin Franklin to defeat the Headless Horseman?

Abbie: Correct.

Because the Kindred has the Horseman of Death's head and is therefore just as powerful?


And you thought this was a good idea because...

At the time, this Franklinstein had our backs.

He was an unlucky ally in the w*r against evil.

However, he has returned with a wholly new purpose, the designs for which can only be explained by one cause.

Pandora and the Hidden One.

They've summoned him for their own devices.

Okay, what can I do?

Because I'm feeling useless.

And if what you're saying is true, this thing won't stop k*lling.

You can help.

You can engage your resources at the Bureau.

Crane's right; we have to attack this at every angle.

You're working surveillance tonight?

Can you look for locations that fit the bill?

Romantic date spots, outdoors, little-to-no witnesses.

Yeah. All right, I'll start narrowing it down.

Thank you.


Handwoven leather thread?

Used to sew together disparate parts of the Kindred.

I bet I can guess who made this.

(door opens)

Franklin, I will eat my bodkin if I have to braid one more of these blasted Kindred threads.

Haven't I been punished enough?

Forgive me.

Pardon me, I thought you were...

Benjamin Franklin? No, I'm afraid not.

Though I was to have an assembly with him here at a quarter past 12:00.

Good luck. I've been waiting to see him since noon.


Mr. Franklin will not be coming.

What makes you so certain?

Given how little he leaves to chance, I'd wager this is his idiosyncratic way of introducing us as new mission partners.

That's assuming you do more than mere plain-work, Miss Ross.

My name is Ichabod Crane.

The Oxford boy.

For mercy's sake, Mr. Crane, if I may be blunt, I have no need for a counterpart.

And the last thing I want is to be responsible for some trigger-happy revolutionary or, in your case, a rebellious bookworm.

I'm quite capable, thank you.

And your roster of former partners suggests I'm to be a moderating influence to you, not the other way around.

The mission for tomorrow night requires a Masonic Code.

I'm quite confident that is why you were called.

Meet me outside the Ridotto Theatre tomorrow evening.


Very good.

Abbie: "Academiae Philadel, in Pensilvania."

Now, why would Betsy Ross have a UPenn notebook?

Oh, actually, that was Franklin's.

He founded the medical school, the first and only in the Colonies.


Franklin's notes, coded in his own alphabet, of course.

During and after the Kindred failure, Franklin experimented with Kindred proxies... undead creations of bricolage soldiers that he brought to life without the Kindred's immortality.

He wanted to study these beasts, so if he ever found a piece of Death that would allow him to raise the formidable Kindred, he'd know how to control it.

Alas, this yielded no results.


Or maybe he just hid it very carefully.

Those are his results.


Oh, Lieutenant.

"Moderating Influences for Kindred Proxies. First, the Kindred is a creature of habit. When left alone, Kindred proxies return to familiar places... burial sites, resurrection localities. Sec..."

"Second, the Kindred can be soothed, even guided by calming vibrations, most effectively transmitted through a glass harmonica."

Right. When did you learn to read Franklin?

You were abroad for a year, and I got bored.

What's this glass harmonica thing?

An instrument Franklin invented for parties, festivities... and, evidently, Kindred lullabies.

We can get Jenny and Joe on it, see if they can track down Franklin's glass harmonica, use it to draw the Kindred into some...

TBD death trap.

And in the meantime, you and I shall see if our creature of habit has visited his burial site in the depths of the tunnels.

Hell yeah.

(chuckles softly)

Uh, do you have light?



This is your dad's lighter.

So what?

So it's weird enough that we stole this from him in the first place, not to mention the fact that you're carrying around a Zippo from the '90s when you got a flashlight on your phone.

We steal stuff all the time.

We're stealing stuff right now.

Ezra was just another guy who had something that we needed, and you're right, we don't need it anymore.

So, do you mind?

Okay. Okay.


All right, got it?

(phone chimes)

Walking and texting?

You have officially assimilated.

Ah. 'Tis Ms. Corinth.

She wishes to meet up so she can recover a book that she allowed me to borrow.

Which is a very good sign, is it not?

It isn't, actually.

It's a bad sign.

Crane, you have every book imaginable.

If she lent you something, it was to bond with you.

And now she wants it back because I've spoiled what bond we had.


I was very fond of her, Lieutenant.

I know you were. Just bad timing.

He's been here, all right.

A lot of K*llers collect items from their victims to try to stay connected to them.

But this... oh... feels different, like he's trying to understand something.


Abbie: Since when does the Kindred write?

Since when does he care to?

Franklin's list of moderating influences.

A creature of habit who returns to his origins... that means home.

Vibrations from a glass harmonica... that can only mean...

Music, relaxation therapy.

These are moderating influences for people, not monsters.

And the rage behind the killings.

The anger, the pain, longing, emotions.

The Kindred isn't just turning evil.

He's turning human.

(bells jingling)

(horses whinny)



(chattering quietly, laughing)


(gasps) No!



Come on, come on.


(snaps fingers)

(horse neighing)
(hoofbeats approaching)

Hey... good call, Mills.

Geographical monster profiling set me on the right trail at the park.

I see why Reynolds can't let you go.

Well, he might feel differently if he knew that I'd created a monster.

Crane: Human.

According to Franklin's uncharacteristically vague notes, these creations, over time, develop unique human traits, personality, emotions.

We believe the Kindred is k*lling couples because he's envious of the love and connection that he cannot have.

Problem now is that even if we had a way of k*lling him...

We cannot simply destroy a semi-conscious being.

We raised the Kindred in the absence of decency and morals.

'Tis our responsibility to end this humanely.

I get that you guys feel guilty, but whether this is a monster, a human or something in between, it is k*lling innocent people.

We got to get a hold on it.

The Masonic Cell.

It worked for the Horseman of Death.

We can use the glass harmonica to draw the Kindred inside.

One of Franklin's more obnoxious hobbies was rewriting the lyrics of beloved songs to show how they'd hindered the melody.

To illustrate his point, he composed a variation of the Charles Wesley hymn, "Come, Thou Almighty King."

"Come, Thou Almighty Kin."

As in "Kindred."


This is the summoning tune.

(organ music playing)

Look, I am just saying, grabbing a cup of coffee with the guy wouldn't be the end of the world.

I don't want to have a latte with my deadbeat dad.

Why are you fixating on this?


Because I did the exact same thing.

The whole week before I deployed, I was crashing on a friend's couch, and I timed it so that I went home and packed my bag when my dad was out on duty.

I mean, do you know what I'd give to see him, talk to him, even, like, for a second?

Just about anything in the world.

I'm sorry, Joe.

No, no.

I don't... I don't want you to be sorry.

I just... want you to, like, put your ego aside for half a second and talk to the guy.

We went through this already.

Abbie doesn't want to talk to him.

Oh, Jen, I mean, you can't use Abbie as an excuse not to have a relationship with your father.

This is your life.

You got to live it for yourself.

(sighs) Let's give this thing a whirl.

All right. (clears throat)

(glass harmonica playing melody)



Six years of piano lessons.

I could've been shredding on a glass harmonica.

Missed opportunity.

Hey, Crane?

We need the sheet music for the summoning tune.

Oh, zounds.

'Tis in the Archives.

I shall have it in a shaking of a lamb's tail.

Well done, Professor Crane, you fool.

(clears throat)



Good evening.

Uh... what are you doing here?

Uh, figuring out a time to meet was becoming more of a production than the meeting itself, so I thought I'd just swing by and grab it.

My book?

Your book. Of course. Uh...

What was it called again?

A People's History by Howard Zinn?

Of course it was.

Um... right.

I... don't know exactly where your book is... exactly, and, uh, the long and short of it is, I'm a little preoccupied at the moment.

With what?

You're alone in the Archives, literally doing nothing.

Yes, I can understand why you would think that, but I...

Zoe, I am, uh...

It's very difficult to explain.

Can you just tell me what it is?

Do you have a wife or a secret family?

Are you, like, a drug addict?

No, I...

(thumping, roaring)


Oh, Joe, he's coming out.



Come on, just try something.





(glass harmonica playing melody)


It's working.

(melody continues)

(man and woman speaking indistinctly)

What's happening? Why'd he stop?



What the hell is he doing?

It's not the right music.

Didn't keep his attention.

It's more than that.

He's following something.

Where'd he go?

Abbie: I get it now.

This is not just about envy and punishment.

He's looking for connection.

He wants a wife.

I told my family about you.

I asked my brother-in-law to help you with your immigration.

Which was an unbelievably kind, and I'm very grateful.

No, it was foolish!

Because none of this mattered to you, none of it was real.

It was just something I made up in my head, that we had this... special connection, and obviously we didn't.

Look, forget it.

I'm gonna go.





You follow, she dies.

Normally, he would take a hostage to the tunnels.

But, that location has been compromised.

Well, why the sudden change in M.O.?

He's been k*lling victims, not kidnapping them.

He's sick of waiting.

He wants a bride, and he wants one now.

The Carriage House.

The Kindred has been there before.

It's where the Headless Horseman tried to keep his own bride.

I will text you the address, we'll meet you there.

And do what?

The Kindred has Zoe, we have no way of controlling him, and it's entirely my fault.

I brought the Kindred into this world with the same thoughtless inelegance with which I dismissed poor Zoe, ghosted upon her.

If he harms her in any way...

Crane, the Kindred does not want to harm Zoe.

He wants to hurt you, which is a good thing.

He's getting joy from your suffering, which buys us some time.

I know you're worried about her, but we'll get her back.


But how?

For all Franklin's experiments, these books offer nothing of any practical use.

Wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on.

University of Pennsylvania? That...

It's almost like the insignia we saw at the opera house.

What opera house?

Jenny: The Jersey Opera House, where we stole Franklin's harmonica. We got lucky.

It was a place he used to patron back in your day, but it was called something else then.

The Ridotto Theatre. Yes, I know it well.

Wait. So you know the insignia?

It's on a weird door?


Franklin tasked Betsy and me with hiding medical supplies.

It was our first mission.

Do you know what time they lock the doors?

6:30. You should make haste.

The "Venere Bella" aria is about to begin.

Wouldn't miss it for world.


Oh, nice. We're both an hour ahead of form.

Did you know they lock the doors at 6:30?

I did not know that.

Nor that you were a patron of the opera.

Oh, at Oxford, I lived and breathed it.

Mr. Crane, I hope you don't take all of this confusion to mean I was intentionally trying to mislead you.

My dear Miss Ross, you tried to lock me out, and then you left the performance immediately before "Venere Bella,"

Cleopatra's lengthy and highly-anticipated aria.

You did this so you could acquire the greatest margin of time to execute our mission alone.

I know you were trying to mislead me.

But you're going to have to do better than that.

Come along. I've already brought in the supplies.

(gears rumbling)

How's that for a rebellious bookworm?

You'll do, I suppose.

Now, let's see to the storage of Franklin's so-called moderating influence.

The medical supplies I believed we were hiding from the British... they were a cover.

The entire medical school was a cover for Franklin's Kindred experiments.

Now, this insignia symbolizes the Kindred, but also the Kindred's ultimate fail-safe.

His one true moderating influence.

That's the insignia we saw.

With the cross at the bottom.

The Venus symbol.

Are you telling me that Benjamin Franklin actually built a female for the Kindred?

Considering how little Franklin leaves to chance, I would rely upon it.

(Kindred growling)

(quietly): They're in the barn behind the Carriage House.

Looks like he is ready to snap. Where are you guys?

We took a slight detour.

(gears rumbling)

Behold... the Kindress.



(gasping, grunting)


And that's off the bucket list.



She's in here!











Well... that was odd.

You never got a good look at him at any point?

He was horribly d*sfigured.

Didn't say much.

I'm sorry. I-I wish I could tell you more.

I know what you're thinking.

Mills would've caught him alive.

She's a damn good agent, Reynolds.

You should talk to her again and tell her how important she is to you.

Crane: Zoe?



For you.

Did you like it?

I did. Very much.

Thank you.

Would it be foolish of me to ask how you fare?

It's all a little overwhelming.

Of course.

Honestly, I'm just happy to be alive.

Zoe, I am sorry.

For all of this.

You really don't need to do this.

No, no, please.

My negligence has been appalling.

I hope you know I care for you very deeply, and I would stand so lucky to be with a woman of your... beauty and character.

I only wish I were ready for a commitment of that caliber.

Truthfully, Ichabod, I think you are ready for someone.

I just don't think it's me.

And that's okay.

(chuckles softly)

Miss Corinth.

Farewell, Mr. Crane.


Reynolds: Five minutes. That's all I need.

So... what's going on, Danny?

You know why I fell in love with you back when we were new agents in training?

You were smarter, you worked harder, smelled better.

You made me push myself.

Made me a better man.

But, lately, I don't recognize that man.

I guess what I'm saying is you're a damn good agent, and the Bureau's gonna feel your loss, but we're gonna have to learn how to get on without you.

Abbie Mills deserves better.

You love me?

You never said that before.

I didn't have to.


I care about you, Abs... always will.

And I just want you to be happy.

I want to apologize for the way that I left.

And I'll come back to work.

Y-You know, I want to come back to work, and I need to come back to work.

And I'm ready now.

So, thank you.

See you Monday.

(door opens, closes)

The Kindred will be here momentarily, and with his arrival comes a new beginning.

Soon, an entire army will follow under his lead, all to serve at my behest.

Yes, my love.

And they will be lucky to serve you.

As am I.

Still, I... think I would be more effective in my service if my powers were restored.

That way we could serve each other.

Rule as one.

What say you, my love?

The Kindred... he is departing Sleepy Hollow.

For what cause?

My most valuable lieutenant has abandoned his post.

For what?!

Love? This weakness?!

I will not allow my power to be diluted by unnecessary partnerships.

These trivial human urges.

I will not allow weakness.

Right. Um...

What is this, amateur hour?



This is not the game I promised, is it?

I'm afraid my mind remains... elsewhere.

Mine, too.

It's been a lot to process lately.

But it is nice to be home.

Speaking of home, is this new Tex-Mex decor really our new normal?

Yes. We're a succulent family now.




Oh, heavens, you're bleeding.


I'll fetch a bandage from the apothecary drawer.

Oh, and no cheating.

Please. Please.

(mutters): "Please."


(chuckles softly)

Crane: Right.


Finger. Oh. Thank you.

You're up.

Oh, well, finally.

(clears throat)