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02x07 - Season 2, Episode 7

Posted: 02/19/16 02:15
by bunniefuu
One good witness. That's the wedge that cracks everything open.

It's a settlement or it's court.

I just want to know that I have your help, Evy's help.

You keep putting this on us. This is not even our school.

Are you gay?

Mom said that's why you tried to k*ll yourself.

I don't want to ride with him.

I don't want to be around him.

Mom doesn't...


What the hell?

[Chanting in Spanish]

I want to know when I can start to move away from it.

I'm seeing a guy, and he doesn't get it.

Esposito: You're having problems articulating the things that you're feeling.

And writing it in some book does what?

Expressing yourself gives a name to what you have to confront.

Kevin: That dude is a straight bitch.

There's, like, no reason that he can't get handled.


Eric: It's Eric.

We need to talk. I'm gonna be at the rec center.

[Spray can clacks]

Man: [Shouting in Spanish over megaphone]

[Crowd cheers]

[Shouting continues]

[Cheers and applause]

[Spray can hissing]

Woman: [Speaking Spanish indistinctly]

Leslie: We have been locked in a cycle of pain.

There is a pattern of hurt that's formed around us.

People have been wounded, and so they want to wound others.

It has to stop. It has to.

This is the first step.

We understand that your daughter Evy's been caught up in all this through no fault of her own.

That's wrong, and that's unfair.

So, to help make things right, the school will be willing...

Thank you very much.

So, to help make things right, the school is willing to agree to set aside money to go directly toward Evy's educational assistance.

Tuition costs, tutoring, living expenses.

That money is to be used at your discretion.

We can use it how we want?

You may use it however you see fit.

Provided you agree to quit any claims that you may have against the school now or in the future.

You should know we are offering a similar settlement to the Blaine family.

This is a lot of money.

It's your daughter.

It's your family.

We think it's appropriate.

Where'd you get this?

Cammy: It was posted online.

Is it true?


It's against the law to have people's medical records.

Is what that says true?

If you don't speak to it, other people are going to exploit it.

I'm not ashamed.

I had problems.

Depressive psychosis.

That's... That's very serious.

I was a single mother. I was barely getting by.

It was getting to be... It was getting to be too much.

I felt a breakdown coming on.

So you were institutionalized.

No, no.

I was hospitalized.

I put Taylor with friends, close friends.

I knew if I didn't do that, somebody was gonna take him from me.

Taylor means everything to me.

I did what I did so I could get healthy and we could be together.

How are you doing now?

I'm good.

Do you regularly see someone? Are you on medications?

Are you asking me because you care or because you...

You just looking for something to write about?


Dan: Now, normally I wouldn't say anything.

During the nightmare, I didn't say anything publicly.

You know, at some point, though, it's got to stop.


For this woman to say the kinds of things that she said, for her to just demonize people the way she's done, it...

And then, okay, we... we find out she's not only crazy, she...

Okay, well, her medical records were released illegally, so her being crazy...

Okay, hold on a second, okay?

Let... let me just...

Look. She's mentally ill.

Now, I read up on that condition of hers.

She's delusional.

Medically, she's delusional.


She lost custody of her child.

No, she claims she did not lose custody.

She voluntarily gave up custody What kind of parent would ever... until she had recovered.

Look, every step of the way, she lied.

That kid of hers lied.

Now, you saw the e-mails, the texts that he sent to my player.

And those dr*gs that he was supposedly given?

I wouldn't be surprised if he was taking them himself.

Does it bother you that her medical records were released illegally?

It bothers me that that family, that they tormented one of my kids to the point where he almost k*lled himself.

That bothers me.

Leslie: It went well?

I got my points across, yeah.

I can only imagine.

And I'm so glad you had the opportunity to do it.

Somebody needed to speak about that woman and what she did.

Are you adding anything to it?

Are you talking to the reporter?

Me? No. Your word matters.

You represent the team.

You represent young men whose lives have been ruined.

You've been asking me for a chance to defend your boys.

I'm not defending. You got me out there attacking.

Meanwhile, you got this... this way of saying nothing.

Well, the school can't comment on an ongoing litigation.

Just... it feels like you're swimming and the rest of us, you know, we're just sinking a little deeper.

You think this has been easy for me?

I sat in that boardroom and was torn apart because I wanted to welcome back an openly gay student, your player.

I never left you alone in this.

We're partners.

We arrived to this school together.

I have a feeling we're not long for this place.

We could have done this much more correctly.

You and I, we really could have.

What do you know about that woman's medical records?

From what I've seen, they paint her in the worst possible light.

But what do you know about them?

I don't understand what you're saying.

I'm asking.


You're implying.

Please don't do that.

Steph says that I'm too trusting.

She's your wife.

I can't really speak to that.

[Telephone rings]

Grace, I'm going to this seminar thing.

I'll be back before classes end.

Okay. Have fun.

Yes. Fun.

Uh, Grace?

Did I leave my glasses just over...?


I-I-I'm just gonna check if maybe I left them in Leslie's...




Hey, it's Taylor. Please leave a message.


Taylor, it's your mom.

I feel like we've been missing each other a lot lately.

Trading phone calls, it just isn't doing it.

[Keypad beeps]

I just... I just want to know you're okay.

Taylor, there's some stuff online about me.

It's nothing you don't know.

It's... it's...

It's about when, you know, I wasn't well, when I had to... when I sent you to live with Aunt Patty and Uncle Nate.

Somebody put it out there.

Somebody's, uh, trying to make me look...

I-it doesn't matter what they're trying to do.

[Water running]

I'm not giving up on you.


I'm not.

I love you, Taylor.

I do.

I love you.


You still hurt?

You need to see somebody.


No, just for the pain.

They're, um...

They're messing with my mom.

They're going online and they're...

They're saying stuff.

You can't do nothing about it.

You need to worry about getting yourself right.

Or... or go to the cops. That's what you need to do.

[Utensil clacks]


Taylor, come on.

Taylor, what are you...

[Telephone rings]



Could I close the door for a second?

It's nothing bad.

Really I'm just checking in to see how you're holding up.

Um, you know, I'm... I'm spent.

I don't know if you saw that stuff online this morning about that woman.

Uh, you know, Anderson, I-I can't even care.

The lies, the accusations.

Our son was damaged, and right now, I need to focus on Kevin, I need to work on my family, I...

[Sighs] I need to work on me.

I did things that I don't admire in other people.

But here is where I need to start rebuilding.

You know, this has all...

It's all played out very publicly, and when things...

It... it doesn't make it any easier to focus on what you need to focus on.

No, it doesn't.

[Scoffs lightly]

If you need to take some time off...

Oh, no, no.

Here is where I need to be.

Work is good for me.

I get it. I do.

But if you need to reduce your profile, we'd understand that.


Is this coming from you, or is this coming from corporate?

I'm trying, really honestly, to keep that from coming from upstairs.


Anything you need, just let me know.

Thank you.

[Door opens]

Man: Sebastian, you got a customer.


[Mid-tempo music plays on stereo]

[Poster clacks]


[Vehicle approaches]

[Brakes squeak]


[Cellphone beeps]

[Cellphone keyboard clicking]

[Shouting in Spanish]

[Cheers and applause]

We don't tolerate hate speech at this school.

Not from anyone, and not directed to anyone.

It wasn't directed toward anyone.

Your son spray painted a slur on one of our walls.

Things are going on at home with his brother.

Well, if it's a family matter, then you need to deal with it as a family, not in public.

[Cheers and applause in distance]

You're gonna talk to me about dealing with things in public?

I got... I got to walk through a street protest just to get into the building and you're...

You can shift blame or you can deal with your problem.

Okay, why don't you go deal with that?

Come on.

You need to get your son in front of a counselor.

You deal with that.

[Shouting in distance]

[Cheering in distance]

[Door closes]

[Birds chirping]



What did you do to your face?

I got stomped.

Really? At Marshall?

That school's so bad. You need to get back to Leyland.

What's that?

Something for my counselor.

I'm supposed to... I'm supposed to write about how I'm feeling, things I'm supposed to... confront.

It's empty.

Um, my head really hurts. You... you have anything?

I got some of my mom's good weed.

But that's mostly for chilling.

I have some oxy. Have you ever tried that before?


Well, don't gulp them 'cause they have a kick.

How much?

All of that... $100.

I, uh, I got $68.

I really need something.

[Bag rustles]

Work with this, and then if you get more, I can come back around.

Thank you.

Do you want to hang some...

I got to get back to school.

I really, uh, I need to hang out with someone.

Uh, I heard you were gay.

I just... want to be with somebody.

But how does that work?

Just anybody turns you on?

Drop those and just chill, and you'll be good.

[Bag rustles]

[Birds chirping]

[Door slams]


What are you doing here?

Why aren't you at school?

Didn't feel like going.

Are you all right?


You need to talk to your counselor?


Well, if there's nothing wrong, you need to go to school.

You need to get back into a routine.

What routine?

Stop it.

What's routine about my life anymore?

Would you stop it? Would you stop it?

Do you know what's happening to your brother?


Do you know what's going on with him?


I need help with all of this.

I am sitting here watching my whole life fall apart.


I need to breathe.

I'm supposed to do what?

Help me.

I'm always doing for you.

All you ever tell me... Go to Leyland, get a scholarship so you can pay for school, be a big brother to that little...


I'm supposed to go to that school where everybody calls me a freak.

You come home pissed 'cause I don't want to go back to that?

You come in here and talk about how you got to breathe?

[Door opens]

[Door slams]

[Cellphone rings]


Sebastian: Uh, Anne... Anne Blaine?


Hi, Annie. My name is Sebastian.

And... and I'm calling 'cause I wanted to, um, I wanted to talk to you about your son, your... your son and his situation.

No, I'm not... I'm not... I'm not doing interviews.

I-I-I don't want an interview. I want to help.

See... see, I've been following what's going on with your son and how they've been trashing him online and all the things they're saying about you.

Wait, who... who... Who are you with?

N-nobody controls the digital space.

And I got two girls, and if anything ever happened to them...

Somebody needs to pay for what's going on with your son.

I can help you.

Don't call me anymore.

[Cellphone beeps]

[Dial tone]

[Cellphone beeps]
[Bird caws]

[Cellphone keyboard clicking]

[Vehicle approaching]

For real?


I thought you said you drove a muscle car.


Well, if I said I drove a mini van, you wouldn't have hooked up.

Todd's my real name.


I like cars.

I-I don't have anything cool, but if you want to talk cars...

Forget it.

Hey, Eric. Eric.

I got a wife. I got a 2-year-old at home.

I can't face them, man. I just...

I need a little time to be me.

How you doing?

I'm okay.

Just okay?

Yeah, just okay.

You got stuff going on?

I'm all right.

What do you like?

Give, take?

I just want to make out.

You got someplace you like to go?


Okay, well...


This all right?

[Brakes screech]

[Engine shuts off]

[Seatbelt lock clicks]

Want a beer?

Uh, no.

I need a beer.

[Bottle cap clinks]

It's gotten so I got to take one every time.

I used to be able to get it up real regular.

Not anymore.

Maybe you don't want to do this.

Got a wife, a kid.

I-I know this... I knew this kid in my school.

Same thing.

He said he was all curious or whatever.

Turned him out.

Started screaming about how he didn't really want it.


That bitch.

You got a lot of anger in you.

That's just where they all put it.

[Sighs] You know, my mom and my dad, all the ass... on my team.

I'm not trying to hear that.

My brother thinks I'm like a freak or something.

He thinks that...

[Both grunting]

[Skin slices] [Screams]


[Bottle opener clatters]

[Breathing heavily]

[Groaning continues]

[Breathing heavily]


[footsteps approaching]

Patty: Oh, my God. Taylor.

I'm okay. I-I wrecked my bike.

Have you seen a doctor?

Yeah, he just, um...

[Door closes]

Could I get a water?

Well, yeah. Yeah. Sit down.

You don't have classes?



Have you been checking in with your mom?


'Cause Nate says she told him you haven't been checking in, and, you know, she's your mom, you know.

Did she tell you that they're getting on her, saying... saying things about her?

What was that?

It's nothing. Thank you.



Look, I know it can feel like all she does is hover.

But she loves you.

You're her whole life.

Everything she's ever done was just to...

W-w... it wa... it wasn't easy for her.

And you need to know that she never, ever wanted to...

Can I...

I wanted to borrow some of Nate's tools.

I got to fix my bike.


It's in the garage.


[Light switch clicks]


[Lock clatters]

[Door opens, closes]

Can I use your bathroom?

Patty: Yeah. Of course.

[Drawer opens]

[Drawer opens]

[Breathing heavily]

Patty: Taylor.



[Insects chirping]


[Birds chirping]



[g*n clicking]

[Bird cawing]

[Pen tapping]

[g*n cocks]



[Birds chirping]

[Water rushing]


[Child cries]

What are you... What are you thinking?

I miss you. [Chuckles]


I love you, Taylor. You lied to me.

Hey, be fun, all right?

Be fun.


Do it.





[Birds chirping]




Grace: You doing all right?

You doing all right, Taylor?


Is, um...

Is Dr. Graham gonna be back soon?

Well, her seminar...

She's probably still speaking right about now.

Do you want to make an appointment for tomorrow?

No, I'll wait. Um...

Can I wait?

You can wait.

Are you thinking about coming back to Leyland?


Everything going all right for you at Marshall?

Yeah, it's all right.

It's just, I heard they were having a lot of problems at that school.

Some kind of a riot or something?

Taylor, I have to say, I thought you got a...

I thought the school could have handled your situation better.

I see things here sometimes, and... I just think you deserve better than how you were treated.

A lot of us do.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, what are you doing here, f*gg*t? Huh?

You ratting? Who you talking to?

Who are you talking to?! You better not talk!

I will k*ll you! I will k*ll you!

[Dramatic music swells]

[Music stops]


[Indistinct conversation]

Leslie: It is a fact of life that unfortunate events occur.

Not more so than in times past.

But today when a crisis unfolds, it does so in a digital echo chamber which repeats and then magnifies the situation.

[Cellphone vibrates]

What one must first consider is what it is one is responding to.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Is it rumor or is it fact?

[Cellphone vibrates]

Each requires its own procedure.

[Object clacks]


[Indistinct chatter]

Has followed those procedures.

Again, what we know now...

A student here at Leyland School has been shot.

We do not know his or her condition at this point.

Anne, that's your son's school, isn't it?

But we do know that the sh**t was seen leaving the scene just moments ago.

We have heard from several eyewitnesses...

He doesn't go there anymore.

[Door opens]

Taylor: Mom? [Clears throat]



I think I'm in trouble.

You... you think you're in trouble?

No, I'm... I'm... I'm in trouble.


Is now on the scene. They are searching for the man.

Unfortunately, there are conflicting reports of whether the sh**t is still on the campus.

Where... is the g*n?

Police seem to have no idea if the sh**t is still on the campus.

[Breathing heavily]


Okay. Okay.

Okay. Tay.

[Keys clack]


[Cellphone vibrating]

What happened?

I, uh, I went to the school.

I went... I...

[Telephone rings] Taylor, what happened?

[TV chatter]

Look... look me in the eye. Look me in the eye.

They kept talking about you.

Carla: Anne? Somebody's calling for you.


Anne Blaine, this is Officer Grant with the Indianapolis Police.

We're calling in regard to your son's whereabouts.

Mrs. Blaine?


Do you know where your son is?

What about Taylor?

Mrs. Blaine, do you know where Taylor is?

No. [Receiver beeps, clacks]

Taylor, we have to make...

Taylor? Taylor?


Taylor. Taylor!

Taylor! Taylor.

What we know... the school has followed those procedures.

Where is it?

It's okay. Please. Where is it?

Has been shot.

We do not know his or her condition at this point.

But we do know that the sh**t was seen leaving the scene just moments ago.


We have heard from several eyewitnesses...

Put it down.

Now says the first sh*ts rang out just after...

Put it down.

At that point, the school was immediately placed on lockdown.


There are a lot of concerned parents arrmng on the scene.

Put it down. It's okay.

[ Speaking indistinctly]



[Breathing heavily]



Dispatcher: 911. Police, fire, or medical?

This is Anne Blaine. I have my son.

Who is this?

Anne Blaine.

You're... you're trying to find my son.

He's with me. He's not armed.

Where are you?

I'm... he's not armed.

We are at Catcher's on Douglas.

Ma'am, I need you to leave the premises and get to a safe place.

I'm not leaving.

No, I'm not leaving him.

The police are on the way.

I'm not leaving him.

Please leave...

It's okay.

Carla. Carla!

Get everyone out of here.

Get ev... get them out.

Get everyone out of here right now.

Right now!

[TV chatter continues]

[P.A. System clicks]

Carla: Can I have your attention?

If everyone could please...

If we could please have everyone step out of the building.

If everyone could...

Just step on outside for a minute.

Thank you.

[Chatter, shuffling]



Now, what we know so far is that the school was placed on the lockdown shortly after the sh**ting was reported.

[Sirens wailing in distance]

Schools have procedures to deal with events such as this, and from what we know, this school has followed those procedures.

Again, what we know now...

[Sirens approaching]

[Engine revs]