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01x04 - Rubberneck

Posted: 02/17/16 21:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Outsiders"...

This mountain is ours, but it don't come free.

We gotta pay rent on it.

Only our rent, it come in blood.

Last time they started on that road, what happened?

Two of our people got shot by the police.

One of them was your fa. He was at Bren'in.

And now that the mining permit's finally gone through, we'll need them off our land.

Whatever it is that you think that we have up here, it's goin' away and soon.

What should I do?

Show them who we are.

Tonight, we'll be hearing arguments pro and con concerning the relocation of the homesteader family we call the Farrells.

The start date for hiring full-time positions has been pushed.

Pushed till when?

Until all those people have been moved.

Any of you come up that mountain, you Ain't gonna be coming back down.

We got a message for you.


Something you can take to your kin.



How'd it go down there?

Not too good from the looks of it.

What's right mine, I got a right to take.


I am the one now.

We're in a w*r, G'win.

Looks like we're losing already.

[Whirring overhead]

[Static crackles]

If this don't help, I'm just gonna keep you comfortable from here on out, lady.

I'm sorry, G'winveer.

I know that Bren'in isn't well, but I just didn't know where else to go.

What is it, clive?

There's demons afoot.


[Hammering stops]

We got somethin' to show you.

My boy shot this out of the sky.

G'winveer said that you might know what it be.

Well, they can program these things to fly up here and take pictures.

It's called a drone.

Pic... pictures?

Of what?



That's the company that's gonna dynamite the mountain to get to the coal seam, same way they did all the others.

Maybe they're just trying to figure out how many of us are up here.

Maybe it's got something to do with what Foster did last night.


[Indistinct conversations]

What do they want?

Well, you're looking better since your little altercation.

Maybe next time you'll listen to me before you go on down there.

Well, this is impressive.

You should know, stealing one backhoe is not gonna stop 'em.

First of all, they can't take a shit without some kinda machine doing it for them.

And second, it Ain't stealin' if it's on your land.

That's fine.

They'll just get another one and another and another.

And we'll just take those, too.

Oh, make sure you're smiling next time.

They sent this up to take pictures.

Now if the state gets proof we took from them, we give 'em reason to come at us full force, don't we?

Well, that sounds like jealousy to me.

Sounds like he knows better than to poke the bear.

You really want to get into who's pokin' who?

Hey, you didn't help none, so you don't get no pickin's.

[Object thuds]


All right, tell us, funny man.

How you plannin' on stopping 'em?

Oh, I don't think you'd be interested.

No? And why is that?

'Cause it requires steps, Foster.

You think the Farrells stole a 10-ton backhoe?

Hauled it up Shay mountain. How'd they do that?


As the witty sports analysts like to say, the film don't lie.

Dina, can I get a, uh, I-128, please?


[Radio chatter]


[Telephone ringing in distance]

[Drawer closes]Well, you just go on.

Fill this one out to the best of your ability.

You do the top part.

Don't do that down there. That's us.

And, uh, that'll let the whole process get started.


And by filling this out, that means you're gonna head on up there to retrieve our stolen property?


That's the first step of the process.

And what are the other ones?

Well, ma'am, I don't see nobody in those photos, much less a Farrell.

Deputy, if I go to bed at night and there's no snow on the ground, and I Wake up to a blanket of snow, I'm pretty damn sure it snowed.

Well, you fill that out.

File the claim, get yourself a new one.

And in the meanwhile, if that other one turns up, then it turns up.

Oh. Deputy, I feel terrible all of a sudden.

Why's that, ma'am?

Why you're under the weather, aren't you?

I can see it in your eyes.

I am so sorry to be bothering you when you're not feeling well.

Thank you so, so much for all your help.

[Engine sputtering]

[Sputtering continues]

[Sputtering continues]


[Sputtering continues]

Come on.

Breece, it's on the way to the office.

[Keys jangle, engine resumes sputtering]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Brakes squeal]

Call me if you need anything.

[Indistinct conversations continue]


What's up, James?

[Car departs]

See anything yet?


Hey, you got a light, bro?

No, man, I quit.

I got some of these, though.

Got into 'em underground.

Want one? No, I'm good.

Hey, I like what you said at the hearing.

That shit was real, man. It's good stuff.

Sorry. No work today.

Probably not tomorrow either.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Lowered voice]

What's going on?

Everything's on hold 'cause of some equipment problem.

What does that have to do with anything?

g*dd*mn Farrells took it.

Took what?

Or hid it or something, the backhoe.

Get me trimming trees.

Hell, I'll... I'll wash the damn trucks.

Jesus, put me on something.

You want a job?

Talk to your brother-in-law.

'Cause until the Sheriff's department gets them down, we're up a creek, man.

Hey, y'all. Wait up.

[Door closes]

[Popping sound, tool clatters]

You leave me some gifts this morning?

I did.

Excellent stock.

12-shot repeater r*fle.

Good action.

Where'd you get it?

That's the g*n that shot Elon.

How do you know?

[Object clatters]

'Cause I know.

And that old dog? What about him?

He gone.

You do this for me?

On behalf of my brother.

[Whispers]Thank you.

Did you see what we did to their shovel?

I heard about it, yeah.

Showed smart mouth how we do things around here.

Yes, it did.


I know he got eyes for G'winveer.

I see him.

So don't be too hard on her for it.

As women, you know, they up and down.

Like winter, spring, back again.

But when they go through something like she did, like you both did, losing the little one, she gonna drift away.

She gonna make mistakes.

She gonna cry, then come back.

You just take care of her.

And I would keep my eye on that lostie for you.

[Door closes]

[Birds calling in distance]

[Door bell jingles]

Man on radio: Now, listeners, I want you to ask yourself, in this economy of the elitists, are you an elitist? Because I...

[Bell dinging]

I am sure as hell not. Now we can talk about the U.S.' constant dabbling in r*pe and global genocide...

[Continues dinging]

You think I can't hear you?

...of the U.S. government is only measured...

[Radio station changes]

What's your daddy's name?


Because I know everyone in this town, and I Ain't never seen you before.

Well, I'm not from around here.

Not a problem. What can I do for you?

I was wondering if you could fix this thing.


2k raw, 1-8 aperture. Hmm.

This is state-of-the-art right here.

Where'd you get this?

It, uh, it crashed near me.[Sniffs]


[Drone clatters]

That right?

When you think I was born? Last night?

No, sir.

I don't appreciate people coming in here, trying to pawn stuff off that don't belong to them. Now I don't give two shits about this one planet people, but a man's property is his.

Now leave.

You asked my daddy's name?

Well, it's Farrell.


The company sent this up to spy on us.

Now we got a right to privacy the same as everybody else.

Yeah, man. I... I hear you on that, yeah.

Yeah. Good. So, can you fix it?

I can, but, um...

I understand you guys, you don't, um, deal in cash.

Oh, that is a fact.

Well, I do, so...

And you're still gonna need an HD device to view the footage. But a controller...

Now that I got.

And I would be happy to program it for you if, uh...

[Scoffs]If what?

I've been hearing about that magical Farrell wine ever since I was a kid.

Oh, man.

Yeah, come on now.

Think you can, you know, hook me up with some of that?

Yeah, okay.

So we got a deal?

Well, how do I know I can trust you?

Well, that's simple. I'm a Farrell.

[Door opens, bells jingle]

♪ the dawn is up, there's fire on the mountain ♪
♪ They'll have to answer for their crooked plan ♪
♪ The hollows will surround them ♪
♪ And they'll go runnin' ♪
♪ Back to the wretched realm they came ♪
♪ Nor will the dogs of hell refrain ♪
♪ And the land will suffer those who paid ♪

[Video game g*nf*re]

Hey, Breece?

There's no work today.

Nothing tomorrow either, turns out.

Sure would be Nice for your brother get off of his drunk ass, wouldn't it?

Hi, uncle Breece.

Hey, buddy.

I gotta go back to the church. I'll be back later.

There's some, uh, apples in here and there's some peanut butter.

[Blows kiss]

Wanna play? Here.

I'll get you another one.


Can I help you?

My name's Asa. Asa Farrell.

Ledda...[Clears throat]Dobbs.

I know.

The founder of mountain witness. Your husband is Breece.

I just wanna thank you.


For the work you're doing to save our home.

Oh. Yes.

Well, you're Welcome, I guess.

I was just gonna grab some coffee.

Would you...

Do y'all drink coffee?

Black, please, if you don't mind.

I, uh...[clears throat]

I never gave it much thought when it happened elsewhere.

But when they announced an extraction plan at Shay mountain, our mountain, um... I don't know.

Thank you.

Everything changed.

I grew up in the shadow of that hill.

So it's like a part of me. I mean, all of us.

The Cherokee said it's evil.

They called it "blood mountain" or some such thing, that it had dark powers.

All I know is, it's beautiful.

It changes every day.

Do you know what a web site is?

Is it a dedicated site or just social media presence?

[Chuckles]It's a site.


Oh, wow.

I, uh, seen a couple of y'all a couple of times, but, uh, I've never actually spoken to one of you.

I know. All these years, being treated like ninth-class citizens, uh, my kin don't trust people down here very much.

And you?

How well do you know the people from the energy company?

Well, it's not like we're friends.

And the woman in the suit from the other night...

Who's she?

I don't know her. She's new.

And the guy that was sitting next to her with gray hair?

That's Ned. Ned osborn.

He's from around here.

Could I, um, could I trouble you for some more coffee?

It's real good.


Thank you.

[Taps keys]

[Clears throat]

I don't know if you heard, but, um, Ned's colleague was k*lled by his own son.

They were trying to say that it was your Farrell wine that was in part...

[Mug clatters]

[Sighs and scoffs]

[Scoffs] I heard a rumor you were looking for me.

It will just take a second, I promise.

[Laughs] Coffee?

No, thank you. You go right ahead.

So, Sheriff...

Mm, Tom.

Tom, as you know, I have such respect for you and for your position in this community.

So I just wanted to get your feedback on a dumb little idea of mine.

[Coffeepot clatters]

Oh, I'm sure it's not dumb.

Well, you haven't heard it yet.


So we were considering forming a little outreach committee, and it would be great if someone from law enforcement could help me to not screw it up.

You met Wade Houghton, right?

I did, and he is just great.

Uh, but I'm not sure he has the time either.

I was in here earlier today to report how the Farrells stole a $220,000 piece of construction equipment.

They did?

Mm, and it seems that Deputy Houghton is under a lot of stress.

And I would not want to do anything to put any extra pressure on him with his health problems and all.

Does he have back problems? Is that it?

'Cause my sister-in-law has terrible spinal issues, so I know all about it...

The constricted pupils, the fatigue.

Oxycontin, isn't it?

It is written all over his face, the poor guy.

Here's the deal.

I like you people. I do.

You got our best interest in mind.

But you're not gonna come in here and tell me how to run my county.


Oh, 100%.

You have a really Nice day there, Sheriff.


Move aside.

[Coughing, wheezing]

Fetch some water. Lady Ray. Bren'in.

How long... I've been away?

13 days.

My boy...

Bring him to me.

Oh, come on, Tice. While we're alive, please.

I'm going. I'm going.



He's not here. Don't know where he is.

The Bren'in's woke up.

[Indistinct conversations]

Well, what a glorious day.

Don't you gentlemen agree?

Oh, what'd she say when she woke?

Well, she wants to see you.

And I can't wait to see her.

Did she say anything else?

No, she did not, but I'm pretty sure she meant now.

Well, I gotta get cleaned up.

[Inhales deeply, exhales sharply]

[Taps tabletop]

That's game.

But what'd you have?

More than you.

[Breathing heavily]

[Tombstone Three's "The Devil Rides Out" playing]

Where is he?


I gotta come find you here?

You're lucky I don't shove your head in that g*dd*mn toilet.


You got no problem climbing up a barstool, but climbing up a mountain to investigate a g*dd*mn crime? That's too much for you?

What are you talking about?

They stole a g*dd*mn backhoe.

There was no proof.

Look at you. You are such an embarrassment.

That rookie is running circles around you.

You think I don't see that?

What the hell is wrong with you?

I got...[coughs]Problems with my boy.

We all got problems, and right now my problem is you.

I Ain't putting my neck out for you no more.

I am sick of carrying you, ever since Andi-Rae died, and that was five years ago, Wade.

Get over it!

Get right with this shit!


You be sober tomorrow, because I am gonna take you by the hand and lead you up that hill, and we are finding that tractor and we are going to the state and gettin' this done.

Then you be ready to have a discussion about your future with the department.

Because this shit... Is over.

[Fiddle playing]

[Indistinct conversations, laughter]

[Laughter, conversations continue]

What is it, fa?

I got a shit feeling about this.

About what?

Well, who knows what kind of nonsense she might spew out of her gourd, in front of all them people like that?

Listen to me.

Whatever she says, whatever she tries to do, you stay right by me.

'Cause if I go down, it's gonna be kickin'.

Yeah, I'm here, fa.

[Laughter, indistinct conversations]


[Indistinct shouting]

Go get 'em! The one you want!

[Laughter and cheers]

[Stick thumps]

Ayn taw.

[Stick thumps, indistinct conversations]

Ayn taw!

[Conversations stop]

[Crickets chirping]

My boy.

My son.


Maw. Maw.


What took you so long to come to me?

Oh, I just had to look my best for you, maw-maw.

My, and so you do.[Chuckles]

Before I went away, did I say my sorry for Elon?

You did.

What else did I say?

Well, you spoke about that demon boy, and then you just fell asleep.

But thank the spirits you're back now.

Yes, I am, my son. I am back.

And we are one.

One family.

[Shouting in native language]

[Feet stomping]

Thank all the spirits!


[Indistinct conversations]

And your Asa?

Uh, I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him.

Wait. Let it settle out.

And then you find him and you bring him to me.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Brakes squeal, engine turns off]

[Dog barking in distance]

[Door closes]

[Birds chirping][Snoring]

Your fa happy she's back?

Yeah. Why wouldn't he be?

He didn't seem that concerned when she was out, is all.

What are you talking about? Of course he was.


He was plenty concerned.

Hey, you see brother Hasil?

Well, he was in the barn earlier.

Okay, thank you.


Looks like I missed some fun here.

Lady Ray woke up.

Well, that Ain't nothing new, is it?

You missin' out on stuff?

Oh, well, I'll be sure to pay my blessings when she's available.

Hey, listen, I'm kind of tired.

You know, I'm... I'm... I'm a little beat.

So I'll see you tomorrow, okay?


How's the hand doing?

[Sighs]This is the only thing that makes it feel better.

Was it worth it?

[Laughs]Coulda been.

But, uh, but no. No, she didn't show up.

What about you? You glad to be back?


What'd you do? Did you, uh...

You sell 'em?

What you asking me for?

Just curious.

Got greedy.

What I should've done was just snatch one at a time.

But patience is a virtue learned, I guess.

Well, when I was your age, I would've taken 10.

[Laughs]Yeah, I bet you would've.

Hey, how's the bookreading goin'?

Oh. I can't even spell my girl's name.

[Laughs]I mean, come on.

I seen it written right there on her breast, and I still can't spell her name.

What's her name?

Miss Sally-Ann.

She, uh...

[Lowered voice]She works in the store.

Down the hill?

Down the hill.

[Lid twists]






Sally Ann.


What I owe you for the schoolin', cousin?

Well, what's mine is yours, as we say.

Let me ask you this...

What'd you do with that second jug?

[Coffeepot clinks]

I swear to god, I'll never let her go fishing with us again.

We talk about it all the time.

Breece Dobbs.



Yes, ma'am.

That is such a nice name. Is that Irish?

Uh, English, I think.

Oh, my family's blood comes from all the corners of the globe, but I'm all Texas, in case you can't tell.


You come on with me.

I'm sorry, fellas. I thought they told you guys.

You know, maybe you can come back tomorrow and try that number.

Right now I got nothing for you.

Boo, hiss. I know.

Here we go.

[Indistinct conversations]

For shit's sake, Wade. Could you go any slower?


What kind of shape are you in?

Take in a piece of fruit once in a while, besides apple schnapps.

Fults, talk to me. You look healthy.

Where you going for your blow jobs?

I can't remember the last time my wife touched my balls.

See, that's what you gotta look forward to when you get married.

But seriously, tell me.

[Hawk caws]

Where's a guy go to get sucked off around here?

Uh, just tell me. I won't bust nobody.

Uh, behind the gas station, I guess?

I don't know, boss. I got a girlfriend.

Oh, shut the hell up then. You're no g*dd*mn use to me.

[Horn honks]

[Shift gears, turns off engine]

[Horn honks]

My lord. What the heck is this?

It's a hot air balloon.

Yeah, I see that. You bought a new truck?

How am I gonna do that? It was lent to me.

What am I missing?

Did you get a job?

Honey, I've been a miserable son of a bitch the last two years. That all stops right now.

Come on. Get in.

[Pats seat]


Heated seats. Keep your butt warm.

And it turns over when you put the key in.

Thought they weren't hiring yet.

I made a good impression on the right people, I guess.

And they give you a truck?

For managers, they do.

Manager? Like, in an office?

[Laughs]I guess so.

Managing what?

I mean, you haven't done something like that before.

I'm community liaison officer.

What's that?

[Laughs]I connect with the community, I guess.

Well, how?

[Scoffs]I'm sorry, Breece.

I mean, I-I just... I don't get it.

Like, one minute, there's no jobs.

And then all of a sudden, you're driving a brand-new truck.

You know somethin'?

I back you in whatever you do, even though most of the time it's against me.

And I respect you and I don't fight you on it.

And now I got something good happens, you gotta shit all over it.

Can't you just be happy for me for five minutes?

Okay. Sorry.


[Birds chirping, indistinct conversations]

You followin' me?

Marry me.


Listen, I know you're a free woman, but we've been together a long time, and I gotta know.

Did you?

Did I what?

Don't try to sell me no dog.

Did you?

You know, somebody's gettin' it here, but it's not me.

It's you, by your fa, the poison he's spewing in your mind.

Why would you listen to his nonsense?

I'm gonna prove him wrong.

Take my hand.

We don't have to prove him wrong, Foster.

I don't have to prove anything.

[Metal rattling]

Well, my legs felt so strong at sunup, I pushed the wheels out of the way.

Now whatever G'winveer did while I was gone, the spirits' energy took hold.

Why, I feel like a new faun.


Now you come on. Come on, Foster.

I gotta show you the tomatoes.


They're ripe. They got ripe while I was out.

Would you look at this?

Now there you go.

Thank you for coming.

Well, what is it, ma?

I know what you did.

And the only reason your heart is still beatin' is you're my son.

What are you saying?

Don't you say a good g*dd*mn word.

I could call the circle and have you gone by sundown.

But I'm not gonna do that 'cause you're my blood.

No, I didn't mean it, all right?

I just... I didn't mean it.

I was upset about Elon. I was crazy.


Stop it!


Tradition say you be the next Bren'in.

But that's not the only way that the sticks might fall.

You understand?

You get out of line one more g*dd*mn time, and I will be forced to take you out my damn self.

The eyes of the entire clan are on you now.

There's others more fit, more to be trusted.

But I'm your mother and I love you.

Now go.


Don't ever leave me alone with him again.

[Continues panting]

My biggest regret is I didn't take you by the hand sooner, Wade, show you how this is done.

I'm an elected official.

I got larger responsibilities than the day-to-day.

You wanna know something funny?

I never even fired this g*n.

Not once.

Maybe I'll do it now just for fun.

[Laughs]Uh... We got a problem.

What's that?

I think we're lost, boss.

We've been through here twice already.


Let's go that way.

Maybe we should, uh, come back tomorrow w-when we have more of a sense of the terrain.

Wade, you g*dd*mn kidding me? Terrain?

It's steep!

Now take your g*dd*mn balls out of your vag*na and find a way up this thing.

When we get back down there, you are going on sick leave.

You hear me?

And if I can fire you, g*dd*mn it, I will do so.

This is ridiculous, the crap I gotta put up w...


Ow! Aah! Oh, shit! Ow!

Boss, you're caught. Don't move.

Your leg's caught. Sir, you're caught.

Get away from me! I don't need your g*dd*mn help!



[Exhales sharply]


Oh! Oh!



[Whispers] Shit.

[Normal voice] Family been contacted yet?

No, I have no bars.

I'll call 'em when I get to the station.

[Wheels rattling]

You gonna take his car back?


You might as well. It's yours now.

I'll, uh, I'll see you back there.

[Radio chatter]


[Pill clatters]


[Breathing heavily]

[Exhaling heavily]


[Both speak native language]

[Spits liquid]


Give me a second.

I Ain't perfect.

I make mistakes.

And I've been very unfair to you of late.



I've been bent about things, and I took it out on the one I should not be.

'Cause you're my best son.

You always were.

Now I said that I was gonna look out for you.

So I found this in G'winveer's shop.

Now I only want what's right for you, you understand?

'Cause you're gonna be Bren'in someday, too, after me.

You lost it.


[Shouting indistinctly]


[Indistinct shouting continues]

[Grunting continues]

[All shouting indistinctly]

[Grunting continues]


All right, then.

[Indistinct shouting continues]

[Exhales deeply]


[Indistinct conversations]

Lady Ray wants to see you whenever you're ready.

All right, but I'm...

I can't see you again, Asa.

When you left, he was there, and he'll always be there.

He doesn't run.

You love him?

I do.


[Door creaks]


[Indistinct conversations]

[Door closes]

My son do that to you?

No, ma'am, it was his.

Human beings can be such different animals, Asa.

No different is a bird is to a deer or a mouse to a bear or a bug.

You know, we all grow older, maybe wiser, but our beings stay the same.

The very first time my son went huntin' with his fa, he cried.

He didn't wanna hurt the buck.

Now it be fun.

The k*ll.

And that's all he sees, and nothing more beyond the bow.

From what affliction he suffers?

I knoweth not.

If I sent him out, where could he go?

He's my son.

He's mine and mine alone to reckon.

[Taps key]


Prophecy says one will save and one will destroy.

One good, one evil.

I believe in those words, that you have gone forth and come back to us for a reason.

I thinketh you be the only one who can save us.

I'm old and not long for this rock, Asa Farrell.

Am I wrong?

Or do I see a future before me?