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01x15 - The Ties That Grind

Posted: 02/17/16 00:04
by bunniefuu
Where am I?

You put me in a coffin!

You better damn well k*ll me first!

Come on, Mitchard.

You can do this.


(yelling and thudding on TV)

(wood breaking)

(thunder cracks)


(thunder cracks)


The Grinder isn't ready to rest!


Dean: Ooh.

And that's where I wake up.

Every night for the past week, same nightmare.

Same scene. What does it means?

So wait. I'm sorry.

Did he punch his way out of there?

Yeah, he grinded his way out.

Through six feet of packed dirt?

And an oak coffin.


And-and what does that mean to you?

Grinding. I noticed you say that a lot.

Doing whatever it takes to find justice, no matter how hard the grind.

And what is that? The grind?

The everyday struggle for justice.

In the show.



Dean, I wonder if maybe the line between reality and this TV show haven't been blurred just a hair.

I'm not following.

You, Dean, played this character for a very long time.


And he's a part of you.

Yes, that's my training.

And maybe the reason you feel haunted by this scene is... you, too, feel trapped.

By The Grinder.

He died, but you haven't let him go.


It's so hard.

I understand.

Tell you what.

I'm going to write you a prescription, and I want you to follow it to the letter.

I'm willing to do anything to get better.

Ethan: I got to say you are glowing since you quit that job.

Thanks. I feel like I'm really k*lling unemployment.

Just checking stuff off my list, you know?

Stuff I've wanted to do for years.

Ugh, my list is getting so long, but who has the time?

Lizzie: Is Dad still pissed you didn't talk to him about it first?

What?! No.

He seemed pretty pissed.

I mean, I bet that's why he left before breakfast.

No, no, he left before breakfast because he had to get to work early.

Is that what he told you?

Yup, but he's not mad.

He seemed pretty mad.

Bet you he's weird at dinner.

I bet he doesn't even bring it up.

I bet you he does.

I will take that bet.

Five bucks.

Let's make it ten.

Shake on it.

Plaintiff's name is Cory Manler.

Dad represented him when he was accused of shoplifting in 1998.

Now he's suing us for malpractice.

I can't believe this punk is coming after my license.

Yeah, it's not just about you now, Dad. It's bad for the whole firm, could jeopardize everything we've worked for.

Stewart... don't you think you're overreacting?

I am? Dad, just pull the original case files, and I'll go through it with you.

Nah. Dean's right.

You're overreacting. I got this.

Are you sure, Dad?

I really think we could do it...

Dean: Stew!

Dad says he can take the wheel. Let him take the wheel.

Great. Anything else.

Um, Todd, is there something else on the... on the docket that we need to discuss?

Right. Uh, "Dean has an announcement."

Oh, right. Yes.

Oh, great.

I think many of you have probably been wondering recently, "What's going on with Dean?

Why is he acting so unusual?"

Not really.


I picked up on something.

Well... and I'm not ashamed to admit it... I am in therapy.

Claire: Yeah, we all know that.

You've literally told everyone.

I'm on a journey.

A journey of introspection and self-discovery.

And my... Jillian, my psychoanalyst, has made me realize that I... can sometimes be...


But I am taking steps to correct that, and as part of that, I need to rid myself of everything Grinder.


I know, and it's gonna be difficult.

So, I beg of you, please do not discuss anything Grinder-related in front of me.

Obviously, I can't stop you from doing it on your own time.

And I would never dream of asking that.

Sorry, I can't handle this.


Uh, just a quick suggestion. I think making announcements that you're gonna make an announcement is, in itself, dramatic.

Great note, Stew. From now on, I will not be announcing my announcements. Just like that?

Yeah, just... you just say it.

Just come out with it?

Just come right out with it.

No heads up?

No heads up, just let her rip.

I'm just... going... to say it.

Dean sr.: This isn't the case.

Are you sure you don't need any help, Dad?

'Cause it's like A Beautiful Mind in here.


Is it maybe in one of these...?

Don't touch that!

If you touch something and then move it, and then I won't know where it is, I'll be totally screwed!

Fine. Well, we should at least get the affidavits and the financial records from the plaintiff.

I can get those. They're right here in this area.

No, Dad.

They're not here. We have to actually go to the clerk's office and file a request for those.

They make you jump through so many hoops these days.

In the old days, you took the judge and your opposing counsel, you had a martini.

Things work themselves out.

Well, that sounds, uh, pretty shady, actually.

Um, kind of just spits in the eye of the whole... judicial system.

If I know Judge Cordell as well as I think I do, he'll throw this right out.

Yeah, Dad, Judge Cordell died years ago.

What?! Ugh!

I got to take a walk, I got to calm myself down.

Stewart: And he just won't listen, and it's frustrating, 'cause this is really serious, you know?

Well, you know, Stew, Jillian says that things are only as serious as we make them.

Perhaps you could benefit from that mindset.

Definitely. Dad, did you ask Mom how her day was?

Mm, uh-uh, not fair.

Oh, that's right. Today was your first day off.


Right. How'd that go?


So good. I got so much stuff done.

Checking stuff off the list... boom, boom, boom.

I have a big list.

Debbie: Yeah?

Yeah, and this is on it.

I am currently checking something off my list.

And how great does that feel?

Oh, I don't know, but... you know, until I'm done checking it off, but it's feeling pretty good.

ETHAN Dad, isn't this cool?

Mom's list stuff?

It is cool.

So cool.

Just would have been cooler if you told me quitting your job was on it.


There it is.


There what is? Why did you...?

Deb, if I may? I really admire you.

Thank you, Dean.

Yeah, you're so brave.

I mean, to take this kind of time off.

I wouldn't know what to do with it.

It sounds great. You know, you have a lot of time, but then you just think and you replay your choices and you wonder if you did the right thing. I would go insane.

Not me, though.

Uh-uh. Love it.

Love it.

Super happy.

So great.

Stewart: Hey, Dean, do you have a minute?

What are you doing?

I'm getting rid of all my Grinder stuff.

Were you not in the meeting yesterday?

No, I was... I was in the meeting.

Why would we be revisiting issues, then, that we've already been through if we already did it in the meeting?

Otherwise, we should just do this and forget the meetings.

Uh, no, let's-let's have meetings.

Let's keep those going, and I'll just...

I'll just promise to pay more attention in them.


Look, I'm a little concerned about...

I'm concerned about...

I'm a little concerned about... Dad...

I'm a little concerned about Dad and the case!

Why are you yelling?

Oh, my gosh, really?!

I know that you're upset about Dad handling this on his own, but this is part of his growth.

He's 75 years old, Dean.

I mean, I think he's done growing.

Who are we to put a limit on a man's growth?

Right. I just... I feel like if this guy throws us a curveball and Dad's not ready, we're screwed.

I would've gone with "screwball" there.

Right. Yeah. "Screwball."

"Screwball" would've been better.

It's not a big deal but for next time.


I just feel like I should take the lead on this case, Dean.

Dad could use my help.

But would it be help? Or would it really just be cutting him down at the knees?

I-I don't even know why I talk to you.

I-I guess I'm-I'm on my own, then, making sure this place doesn't go up in flames.

Look who's being dramatic now. I'm being dramatic?

I'm dramatic?

Stewart, I cannot argue with you right now.

I'm in therapy. I'm very vulnerable, like a raw and emotional baby.

So I'm going to kindly and politely ask you to leave.

Why's the baby...

Stewart! I cannot participate in this drama.

You'll set back my recovery.

Stewart. Your brother is working very hard.

Therapy was your idea, remember?

Yes, I remember, Jillian.

You wanted him to be less dramatic.

I did want him to be less dramatic, but, Jillian, he's being very dramatic about being less dramatic.

Okay. You need to find your breath.


Did you find it?


Yes. I found it.


Thank you.

Dean is just trying to make amends for past behavior, and you need to allow him to do that. Remember?

We've-we've talked about your control issues before.

Jillian, this is not about me!

You're not breathing. Breathe.


I'm calm.

You need to loosen up. Remember when we got you to let Deb take the reins in bed?

That was helpful, right?

Uh, yeah, at first.


But I got it. I see... I see your point.

Thank you.

(indistinct chatter over television)

(door opens)

(door closes)

(Lizzie speaking indistinctly)

Hello?! Someone home?

Mom, hi. What are you doing here?

I thought you were gonna be out, checking stuff off your list.

Oh, I am. I've been knocking so many things off my list. You caught me in a down moment.


Why are you standing so weird and far away?

Hey, Mrs. S.


I know. I was just dropping her off.

Yeah, he wasn't gonna stay...

What? Why? Why not? Come in.

Come inside, you guys, both of you. Come on.

Seriously? You usually yell at me to leave.

No, I don't. That's crazy. Get in here.

Stewart: Yeah, Dad, you have to fill out the other half.

The bottom half.

Back off, will you?

You know how many evidentiary forms I have filled out in my life?

A lot. I know. You j...

You can't put "N/A" for case number.

Well, I'm gonna go back to that.

Relax, Stew, you're all over my ass.

Okay. I'll-I'll, uh... I'll be back here, far from your ass.

I got this.

I'm gonna breeze through it this afternoon or maybe over the weekend, and then we'll get it thrown out by Monday.
Sanderson and Yao?

I'll prepare the paperwork.

All right, so it's a few files.

Hi. Can I have a minute?

Or should I come back at a better time?

Um, later would be better.

(sucks air through teeth)

I'm kind of busy the rest of the day.

Okay. Then come in, I guess.

What's up?

Um, as you know, um, I'm in therapy.

Yes, I think you mentioned that.

Before I can move forward, I have to reconcile my past.

So I need to apologize for my behavior.

Yes, you do, but...

Because when I look back on it, I was relentlessly sexually harassing you.

I mean, my whole "will they or won't they" fixation, I mean, what... what was that about?

Looking back, there wasn't one comment that wasn't over the line.

Very true.

It's unacceptable, and we really need to be thinking about gender politics in the workplace.


Just because you are an attractive woman and I am an attractive man does not mean we have to be together. Does it make sense physically? Yes.

Okay. Uh, I'm starting to feel harassed by this apology.

All right. And I hear you. You know what, I'm-I'm gonna go work on it and thin out the sexual harassment stuff.

Come back, give it another shot.

No, don't come back. I think we're good.

I just... I needed a change, you know?

I mean, it was time. I was feeling so stuck.

If not now, when?


That's what I keep telling my band.


But Cody's all like, "I'm in AP Lit and I want to go to college."

And I'm like, "What about the music, bro?"

This Cody sounds like he needs a swift kick in the ass.

He totally does.

He does?

Okay, well, it's getting late, and I think Joel has to be getting home.

What? Why? Because of dinner?

Do you want to stay for dinner?

Are you serious?

Like, really, I can't tell.

I would love to stay, Deb.

Thank you for the invitation.

Thank you for the company.

Do you want to help me in the kitchen?

I can chop.

I'm sorry, wise beyond his years?


I'm just saying I think he's a good listener. There's more to him than we give him credit for.

Well, now I know you had too much time on your hands, honey, because that's... that just... doesn't make sense.

Hey, guys, would you mind joining Jillian and myself in the living room?

Jillian's here?

In our house?

Just let it out.




There you go.


I've been living a lie for a long time.

That's it.

And as a result of that, I've hurt a lot of people.

People I love dearly.

People in this room.

No, I wouldn't say that you've hurt any of us.

Deb, Deb, he has.

I just wouldn't say "hurt."

Deb, just stop talking.

I'm sorry. Okay.

I mean, look at the pressure that I put on this marriage.

I moved in here, I turned everything upside down, and now you two are at each other's throats.

I don't think we're at each other's throats.

No. No, but you have been a little, um...


Yeah, pissy.



"Pissy" is a good way to put it.

You think I've been pissy?

I think "pissy" is fair.

Stewart, why do you think "pissy" isn't fair?

I don't think I want to answer that question.

Isn't that a little pissy, Jillian?

I would say so.

So "pissy" is a psychological term now?

This feels like a family thing. Should I go?

Stewart and Lizzie: Yes.

Debbie: No.

No. You are a guest in our home.


This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Unnecessary drama.

You know? You're fighting over whether she should quit, whether Zadak should stay or go.

You and I are fighting about Dad.

You guys are fighting about me?

We're not fighting about you. I just think that you could use some extra help with the case.

And I think he's cutting you off at the knees.

Mr. Sanderson, do you think Stewart is cutting you off at the knees?

Oh. Really?

Well, a little bit, now that you mention it.

Then let's not mention it! Let's stop mentioning!

Yeah, I've been a lawyer for 50 years. I can handle this case.

You know what, I'm gonna do what Dean suggested.

I'm gonna sit in the driver's seat of my life.

That's progress.

Instead of riding shotgun like a woman.

All right.

- Isn't she great?


When she told Dad, you know, to go rogue like that, that's certainly not gonna harm the firm.

Well, actually, Joel had a great take on that.

Stewart: Joel did? Joel had a great take?



Oh, I would love to hear this, Joel. What do you got, buddy?

Well, Stew, I was thinking, since the old man's in a little over his head...

Shut up.

Who is this guy?

...and Deb's a great office manager, bored out of her mind.

You are? What happened to the-the list?

Oh, honey, I finished the list forever ago.

I have nothing to do. I am losing my mind.

Jillian: Joel, are you suggesting that Deb help Mr. Sanderson?

Is that what I'm hearing?

I mean, it just feels organic.

Stewart: It's organic. That's the word.

You nailed it, Zadak.

I don't think that this is a bad idea.

Yeah, I think it would work.

So you're okay with Deb working with you, but you won't let me?

Deb's not trying to control me like a puppeteer.

Dean: Ah, that's what this is all about.


Control. We all want it.




I know I do.

And that's why tomorrow I'm taking it back.


I'm gonna burn it all, E.

I'm gonna cleanse myself of The Grinder and I'm gonna do it... right out back.

On the foundation of my new house.

I'm gonna build my new life... atop the old.

Well, at least there won't be any more drama.


Hello, Todd.

I thought I might find you here.

Well, it's my apartment.

You haven't come in to work for a couple of days.

Are you sick? Or... are you trying to avoid me?

Dean, I can't.

Don't you think this is hard enough for me?

Telling you that your hero is nothing more than a facade?

Why are you doing this?

Because none of it was real.

It was real... to me.

If you're not The Grinder, I don't know who you are anymore.

I'm just a man.

Standing behind another man.

Telling him that I'm no hero.

I'm just a human man.

I think you should go.

If that's how you want it.


I'm having a good-bye ceremony at the house.

It would mean the world to me if you came.

You made... paper invitations?


Stewart: Oh, wow, he, uh, put you right to work, huh?


Well, he asked me to go through some documents for him.

Actually, he shoved a box at me and said, "Figure this crap out."

Yeah, that sounds... that sounds like him.

So glad he asked you to do this.

And not me, who-who knows what this all means.

Uh-oh. Feeling a little upset?

I mean, you know, I feel like I would have been helpful.

You know, he's just trying to impress you.

He wants to show you he's still got it.

Yeah, but what if he doesn't got it, Deb? Then what?

Well, then he will be very organized while he's losing his case.


Stewart, if you're that worried about it, just take a little peek.

Oh, I don't want to overstep.

I won't tell my boss.

Maybe just a quick peek. Maybe just a little...

Just a quick one, just get in there.

Sneak a little.


You came.

I thought it was mandatory.

No, I don't think so.

That's what it said on the memo.


Either way, you wanted to come and...

I appreciate that.

Yeah. Of course.

So please... accept this envelope.

You told me that you were adopted.

Inside, you will find the name and telephone number of your birth parents.

Open it whenever you want.

They're expecting your call.

Um, Dean, I found my birth parents, like, ten years ago.

We have a relationship.

Well, that would explain why it was very underwhelming for them.



(whispers): I love you, too.

We're starting!

All right!

Your brother is yelling for us to join his Grinder bonfire.

Oh, wow.

Hon, the plaintiff did these?


For a guy who's not a lawyer, these are... are really well-prepared.

Is this... bigger than we thought?

I don't know yet.

Wait, are you being serious? 'Cause I was joking.

Thank you all for being here.

It is with a heavy heart that I say good-bye not just to a multi-layered TV character... but to a friend.


You can do this.

Right, guys? He can do this.



I'm gonna need it. Especially from you, Deb.

Oh. Ah! Oh.

Come on, support him.

Um, you can light the fire.


If I light this, I can't un-light it.

The fire you have lit... cannot be un-lighted.


Light it up!

Uh, Dean, can I, uh, talk to you for a second before you burn all of your belongings for no reason?

No, Stew, there's no more talking.

Back off, Stew.

Dean: There's no more stalling.

This is the moment that all of our lives have been building towards.

I agree.

Yeah, this is that moment.

All of our lives?

Let's do this.

Oh. It's not about me. I'm gonna...

Behold the cleansing flame.

Good-bye, old friend.

I will see you on the other side, sir.

No more drama.

Like a phoenix, I arise from the ashes a normal, human man!

(scattered applause, whooping)

Hey, Liz, why isn't Zadak here?

Why would he be?

You know, 'cause he's your boyfriend and he's into cool stuff like fire.

Okay, Mom, I was only into Zadak because you guys hated him.


Well, would you mind if I still, you know, talk to him?

I mean, I wouldn't make plans with him or anything, but, you know, if I ran into him at the mall...

No, that'd definitely be inappropriate and weird, so...

I always cry at these things.

I get it.

Even Claire feels it.

No, it's just the smoke. It's burning my eyes.

I don't care about any of this.

Dean, I was...



I was going through Dad... I was...

Sorry. I was going through Dad's files, and it doesn't add up.

Stewart. Do you not get what's going on here?

Look at those flames.

No more drama.

Okay, yeah. I... I'm telling you, Dean, there's more to this.

You know what, I'm sorry, I am going to remove myself.

The two of you are speaking about legal things and...

Yeah, that'd be...

As a professional...


...I believe in the importance of confidentiality.

Be great.

Thank you, Jillian.

Of course.
