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03x10 - Incident at Stone Manor

Posted: 02/13/16 01:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Jenny: Abbie! Don't!


Take care of each other.

I found Dad.

You want to reconnect with that deadbeat?

Go ahead.

Just don't come crying to me when it turns out he's still a jerk.

Soon, you will have all you need to restore your strength.

There is a quicker path.

Find the Witness that took the Eye.

Each drop represents a demon.

Crane: They're converging on...

Sleepy Hollow.

I believe if the lieutenant were here, she would urge us to kick some demon ass.

♪ ♪




♪ ♪

We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

I found my way out of purgatory.

Back from the 1700s.

There has got to be a way out of here.

♪ ♪

Pandora: In moments like these, I can sense the beauty this world once possessed.

Hidden one: These lands find the favor of your gaze.

Upon these fields, these hills, these seas, we shall bring a reign of blood and terror until all mortals swear their fealty.

You make it sound so lovely.


Perhaps we should retire to our abode.

No need to travel.

(loud rumbling)

(gasps softly)

My love, without your powers at their height, to move our home, the exertion.

Worth it to bring you joy.

Soon I shall be restored to all that I ever was and more.

The beacon we set, its signal travels far and wide.

All the aberrations of evil that wander the Earth... awake... and come hither.

(thunder rumbling)

Oh, wait. Guys.

Oh, my cell phone, I left it on top.

Go ahead and order me a beer.

Or two. Or nine.


(engine starts)

(stones clattering)

(growls softly)


(man screaming)

Sophie: Must cost more than a few silver spoons to send your kid here.

Yeah, I bet.

No movement on the Nevins escape?

Escape, disappearance, abduction?

Close to a month, and we still don't even know what went down that day.

Yeah, well, an agent I respect once told me the best way to keep your head in the game is to keep it in the game.


What are we looking at? Thanks.

This place is on the National Historic Registry.

The men working on it are government employees.

One of them fell to his death last night.

Question is: was it su1c1de or was he pushed?

Any witnesses?

Rest of the crew went out for an after-shift beer.

Sophie: Cuts and bruises.

Like he was bludgeoned with a blunt instrument.

Examiner thinks he may have hit the sides of the tower on his way down.

Something not adding up?

You could say that.

(doorbell rings)

Hey, good morning.

Everything all right?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. No, I'm actually, uh, I'm off duty. I was just, uh, wondering if I could have a minute of your time.

You already got that.


Uh, my name's Joe Corbin.

I'm applying to the Good Neighbor Next Door program.

New York state offsets the price of a home by about 50% for, you know, teachers, cops..

EMTs. I get the picture.

Joe: Yeah, anyway, so I was just looking at a place down the street, uh, knocking on some doors, seeing what people think of the neighborhood.

Ezra: Mostly families around here, good school districts, you know.

Joe: Oh, no, it's just me.

I'm not married or anything, so, uh...

(conversation continues indistinctly)

What street did you say you were thinking of buying on?

Joe: Um, actually, no, I-I didn't say, actually.

But you know what?

I don't want to take up too much of your time.

You've already been more than helpful.

Thank you so much, Mr., uh...

Uh, Mills. Ezra Mills.

Mr. Mills. Thank you.


Joe: Why wouldn't you tell me that it was your father's place?

Jenny: I thought it would throw you off your game.

No, you thought that if you told me, I would've suggested that you knock on the door yourself.

I knew you'd say that.

Well, no, you didn't, because you didn't give me the opportunity to say it.


Look, you trust me to have your back when we go up against monsters.

I hope you know you can trust me with what's going on in here.

Oh, I know. I...

I do know that.

It's just, knowing and doing are two different things.

We're both very new at this.

We're doing our best, right?

Yeah. And for the record, I would've told you to knock on the door yourself.



Ah! Built to your specifications, Miss Jenny.

Seven foot high, six wide, two deep.

Solid oak, yew pegs.

We just bought that lumber this morning.

Compared to barn raising, this is child's play.

And time is of the essence.

Yeah, according to accounts I dug up from the spiritualist movement of the 1850s, we need to take advantage of a planetary syzygy.


A word I used to win perhaps the finest round of Scrabble I ever played.

It's not English, it's a failed sneeze.

Crane: Triple word score.

Haters gonna hate.

Okay. So this is, like, a Lion, Witch and Wardrobe thing?

Crane: Actually, more of a "locate the lieutenant in oblivion" kind of thing.

This is a spirit cabinet, meant to enable astral projection.

You enter a fugue state, and your spirit is free to travel across different planes of reality.

Miss Jenny believes it may be a way to find the lieutenant in the void between this world and... others.

The locator glyph calls for three totems from the family of the person you seek.

Grace Dixon's journal, which belonged to my mother, a necklace that Abbie gave to me, and... this is my father's.

Don't ask.


No, wait.

I should be the one to go.

Abbie sacrificed herself to save me.

No, Miss Jenny.

Your familial bond notwithstanding, you yourself told me that our shared connection as Witnesses means I am the lieutenant's best chance.

When I fall into the trance, draw the curtains to complete the ritual.

(clears throat)

"Soul, be free of its shackles. Spirit, roam where you will. While body rests here in safe embrace, let the spirit to its target race."

It's faint, but it's there.

His astral form has left his body.

If all goes to plan, he should be on his way to wherever Abbie is.

Find her, Crane.

Bring her home.

♪ ♪

Okay, so the candle flame's a tether?

Once it burns all the way down, it'll draw his astral form back.

And he'll have time to find her?

There's no guarantees.

(knocking on door)

Hey, sorry to, uh, show up unannounced.

I'm looking for Crane.

Tried his phone, but got no answer.

Is he around?

Uh... yes and no.

He's released his astral form on a journey to find Abbie.

His what now?

Jenny: Let's just say we can give him a message when he gets back.

Yeah, well, there's a case I'm on, and I might have one of those things that he deals with that needs dealing with.

By "thing," you mean a creature thing?

Right now it's more of a hunch.

That map you found, the one that showed all the monsters headed to Sleepy Hollow, I figured maybe this had something to do with that.

Well, with Crane out of pocket and Abbie still missing, Joe and I are kind of holding down the fort, so why don't you tell us what you know, and we'll look into it.

It's probably better if I just show you.

Sophie: In the background of a crime scene photo, three Gargoyles, right?

But look at this.

There's a fourth right here.

Joe: Maybe they took one down.

They are doing a renovation, right?

I now live in a world where Gargoyles might come alive.

I figured Crane and Abbie might have dealt with something like this.

Not that I can think of.

But I can tell you what they'd do.

Crane would head back to the archives, he'd pull a whole stack of books and learn everything he could about Gargoyles.

Abbie would drink a ton of coffee and find some detail, and Crane would do that thing with his hands.

"I've seen this before, Lieutenant."

And he'd think of a historic detail.

Not any history you think you'd know; it'd be like, George Washington was a zombie."

"Ben Franklin had a demon key to purgatory."

And, what, Jefferson was a hologram?

He told you about that?

Forget it. Moving on.

You said Abbie profiled creatures, right?

And that's not a bad idea.

But the obvious question is: how did it wake up, and how do we stop it?

Stone Manor, stone creature.

Finding out who built the tower and when might give us some clues.

We can get the date and place of origin off the cornerstone.

This tower was most likely once part of the Cathedral de Rouen.

And you know that how?

My parents were archaeologists.

For a while, I considered going into the field.

Saint-Cyr granite.

Mostly used by French craftsmen.

Hand-carved in the baroque style.

So 17th century.

You had me at French craftsmen.

Reynolds said this place was historic; he wasn't kidding.

This tower was relocated from Europe, stone by stone.

And maybe the Gargoyle came with it.

We can get more information in the cathedral's library.

Let's start there.

Your turn.

Oh, really? Call it a night?

In a place where there is no night?


That's check and mate, Crane.

Better luck next time.

Crane: Lieutenant...




Crane: Lieutenant.



All in your head.

It is all in your head, Abbie.


Your move.

Crane: Queen to knight four, Lieutenant.

Queen-knight defense.

What is this?

Crane: I'm close.

I need help for the last bit of the journey.

What do I do?

Our bond, hold it in your mind.

Our partnership.

(whispers): Please be real, please be real, please be real.

Please let this be real.

Oh, it is a relief to find you hale and hearty, Lieutenant.

I knew you were alive.

I'm afraid I am here in spirit form only.

An astral projection.

It was Miss Jenny's idea.

With the assistance of Master Corbin.

We never surrendered hope, Lieutenant.

Over the past few weeks, we've searched high and low.


I've been here ten months, Crane.


Is everything all right, my love?


The effort it took to move our home.


These paltry trifles I am reduced to summoning.

Your power will return.

And with it, your omnipotence.

The Eye was in my grasp.

Then that Witness took it... and fled into the Catacombs.

And I cannot follow to retrieve what is mine.

Clearly I cannot use the same method by which I brought you forth.

But there may be another route.

The Witness has found a path to reach his other half and in turn provided me a way to retrieve what she took from you.


Once the Eye is in my hands, we shall make those mortals pay for what they've done.

The sun has not set, it has not moved in the sky since I arrived here. Once my phone died, I had no way of telling time, so... (chuckles)

Takes roughly 12 hours for the sand to pour out.

Two sleeve-fulls equals a day.

304. Ten months.

What did you do for sustenance?


It's like I don't need to eat, drink or sleep.

Problem isn't hunger.

It's monotony.

I have, uh, spent most of my time exploring, searching for a way out, mapping the place best I could.

There is powerful magic at work here, Lieutenant.

These hieroglyphs are remarkably similar to the Sumerian I found on our ancient tablet.

I cannot tell you how many times I wished you were here to help me decipher them.

Thank you, Crane.

For never giving up on me.

I only did as I knew you would had our roles been reversed.

I just wish I could have come sooner.

Funny thing is it's like you've been here the whole time.

I talk to you, Crane.

Not you you, of course, but, you know, I know what you would say and how you would say it, and it's nice to have someone to talk to, play chess with.

Do not worry, I haven't completely lost it.

Not yet anyway.

Jenny: The French General Lafayette's will stipulated his papers remain here under the sign of the cross.

Nothing about Gargoyles?

It's almost conspicuous in its absence.

It's a dead end.

Hold on.

This guy was a marquis, right?

Educated at the finest universities.

Not that my French is perfect, but there are some odd word choices here and verbs conjugated incorrectly.

Let me see that.

You don't speak French.

Uh, no, but I can spot a pattern.

So I'll just take a look.



It's subtle, but look. This was written in two slightly different tones of blue ink.

It's a cipher.

Jenny: There's another narrative here, hidden right inside the correspondence.

Here, I can translate it.

"I had arranged to meet my contact with the colonial forces at a courtyard near the Rouen Bell Tower... Betsy Ross, General Washington's attaché... where we were to pledge our commitment to the Americans in their battle for independence. But the British had unleashed a creature out of myth to end our new alliance. La Gargouille, an evil beast of living stone, hunted us through the grounds of the cathedral. His sole purpose was to stop us before we succeeded."


This way, quickly!


Sophie: Wait, that's it?

What happened to Lafayette?

Betsy Ross?

That's all there is.

Joe: Crane usually fills in the rest.

Well, her mission must have succeeded, despite General Howe siccing a monster on them.

Lafayette and the French forces joined the Colonials against the British.

They must've found a way to turn the creature back to stone.

So how do we do the same?

Well, Abbie and Crane usually take a lesson from the past and use it to find clues to help with the present.

That's great, but they aren't here right now; we are.

Yeah, and we're working through it.

Okay, I'm just gonna...


Come on, just try...

Joe, I'm fine.


These tell a story of a powerful deity whose name is forever hidden.

I think we know the one.

It says he will appear to his followers in this very temple.

"His power incarnate, flowing from the Eye upon his staff, and opening a pathway between worlds."

The Eye of Providence.

That's how I got here.

Crane: Right. There must be a way to revive it, so that we can use it to get back to our world.

If I bring it back, I'll be giving the Hidden One what he wants.

Wait, wait, wait.

This cutlass.

I've seen this cutlass before.

Impossible. I found it here.


There's no mistaking it, Lieutenant.

This belonged to Betsy Ross.

Pandora: Nothing left but a ruin.

Shame what's become of this place.

In its day, it was glorious.

Sorry, dearest. This is my astral form.

Like your fellow Witness, I have projected it here.

No need for a spirit cabinet though when your husband is a god.

He's a monster.

And you are a very close second.

What do you want?

Nothing from you.

You're searching for a way out, and yes, the Eye is the key.

I can show you how, for a price.

Bring us the Eye, Witness, and you can go back home.

We're not going to give it to you.

There's nothing that you can do... in your astral form.

You are so smart.

You're too smart for your own good.

No, I can't touch you.



But I can touch him.

What have you done?

I've cut you loose.

Now you'll float free for all eternity.

A lost and silent soul.

Unless you give me what I want.



(engine starts)

Some kind of wild animal.

Up in the tower.

Okay, we've got it handled.

Go, go.

The creature. It's here.

Follow my lead.

There, on the ledge.


It's on the move!

Stay sharp.



Hey! Here!

No, wait, wait! The Abbey! Lafayette thought the sign of the cross could keep the creature away.

Hallowed ground. It's worth a shot.

Go, run! I'll cover you!

Joe: Go!


Jenny: Go!


Sophie: You really think that's gonna stop him?

The Gargoyle, he can't come onto consecrated ground.

For now. That thing is still out there.

Yes, but we isolated a weakness.

We can go on the offensive.

Okay, if hallowed ground hurts the thing...

Then we take what we can from this place and we weaponize it.

Hey, holy water could work.

We'll take one of the pews, rip it up and make stakes and pikes.

Hold on.

You want to toss water on a Gargoyle and hope it's allergic?

No, I got a better idea.

Okay? We... we turn it to stone with no magic involved.

The restoration crew left their mixer out there.

We can use that, too.

We already have a plan.

What is the issue?

We are on the same side, so why the static?

Joe: Everybody just-just take a second, all right?

Look, maybe we should hear her out.

Are you kidding me right now?

Look, I know it's been... it's been a really weird day for you.

I get it, believe me.

But we need to throw everything we got at this thing.

Pandora: There is still a chance to save your fellow Witness.

I can show you how to use the Eye to return.

But you'd rather die than give us what we need.


But there are fates worse than death, Abbie.

A month has passed in the world, yet here in the Catacombs, time has flown ten times as fast.

How long will you be able to stand the solitude?

There have been moments where I thought I would go mad.

And there may be a day in the future where I do.


...for that reason...

I will do this.



In chess, we call that move a sacrifice.

On the face, it presents a loss, but in the end, gives tactical superiority.

You despicable creature.

You enjoy that superiority while you rot in this prison for all eternity!

(thunder rumbling softly)

Coast is clear.

Give me a minute or two to get it started, all right?

Roger that.

It's the right plan, Jenny.

I hope so.

We're betting the farm on it.


That thing with my dad this morning... it's not that I don't trust you.

It's just that I've been keeping people at arm's length for so long.

Stick with it, okay?

You try and stop me.

(water sloshing)


You know, I had an ex-boyfriend like that.

Lots of attitude, head full of rocks.

Start, start.

(engine starts)


Hey, ugly!


Over here!


Come on, big guy.

Just a little bit closer.


Grab my hand!

Joe: Hey!

(engine stops)

(cement crackles)

We did good.


All of us.


♪ ♪

You made your move.

Live with it!

Crane (echoing): Lieutenant.

Is that you, Crane?

Crane: Lieutenant.

Guess it won't matter much... in the end.

Broken record, Crane.


I meant what I said before.

You're always here with me.

Ever since we first met. There's no explaining it.

Two people could not be any more different, but we work things out together.

I know exactly what you would say.

"Come now, Lieutenant. If there is an eternity before us, let's face it with chin held high."

You said this cutlass belongs to Betsy Ross, Crane?

"Indeed, Lieutenant. If she left her w*apon here, was she once c*ptive here herself?"

Or did she escape?

There is something here.

I know it.

This knife was left there for a reason.

What have I missed?

"Something made these marks, Lieutenant."

Not a blade.


A rope!

The knife was used as a stay to support the rope around the stump.

And lower someone... into the well.


Still there?

Crane: Lieutenant.

It's you.

I know you are still with me.

And if this is the way out, then you come with me.

You said that Jenny and you used totems to help find me.

Now just use me.

If I get out of here...

(panting) will you.

Stay with me, Crane.

Crane: Lieutenant!

Abbie: Stay with me, Crane. Lieutenant!

Abbie: I need you.

Crane: Hold fast, Abigail Mills.

Pandora: How does that feel, to know that you're alone now?

Abbie: Crane!


(birds chirping)

(jet engine whooshing in distance)

Oh, thank God.

The candle's out.

He should be awake.

It's the same as when we left.

His body's here, but his spirit isn't.

What? That makes zero sense.

The candle was supposed to be a tether. It should've... should've snapped him back.

It was cut.




You, your plan worked.


Crane found me.

I was trapped in this place; Pandora called it the Catacombs.

Pandora was there?

Crane and I were working on a way out.

She appeared and cut his tether.

She cut it?


That means he's still out there, alone.

No, not alone. Not ever.

He was supposed to follow me back.

I told you to stay with me, Crane.

That we would make it out together.



Oh, thank heavens.

That was strange.

That was strange.

I was awake but dreaming.

I was here but-but not here.

In the darkness, lost...

...I heard your voice.

I followed it.

We made it.



I... Oh, no, no, no, no, no.


In the Catacombs, I didn't get a chance to tell you.

Your move to counter my queen's knight four, that was a false gambit.

I'd have outfoxed you handily.

(chuckles) Do not start.


Did you find the Witness?

What of the Eye of Providence?

I'm sorry, my love.

It was dormant.

The Witness... she destroyed it.

At every step these mortals confound us!

The beacon.

It wakes the creatures, but they do not come.

I thirst, Pandora.

I hunger.

It causes me pain.

The beacon is too slow, too weak.

It needs to be bolstered, charged.

Many years ago, you gave to me of your power, raised me to your side.

You would offer that to me?

I failed you.

Let this be my punishment, my shame.

Take what you need.

(rumbling, whooshing)



(crying softly)

(rumbling, whooshing)