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01x05 - Moo Shu to Go

Posted: 02/10/16 05:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on Shadowhunters...



You were kidnapped by vampires, okay?

You of all people should know how dangerous it is out there.

I'll be fine.

Seelies have their charm.

Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing.

We've all got our things, don't we?

Magnus: The demon demands payment.

We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most.

It's not true.

Keep this with you and think of me when you wear it.

Give me the Cup!

And he spoke to you?

He said my name.

He said, "Your mother for the Cup."

Alec: Who said that?

both: Valentine.

He's with my mother.

And he can speak to you through that necklace?

Here, in the Institute?

It's like when I saw Dot.

It's a Portal shard.

That's why your mother made sure you had it.

All I know is what I saw...

My mother's alive.

She's unconscious, but alive.

Where are they?

[stammers] I don't know.

But you said you saw them.

Were there any identifying characteristics?

Equipment, weapons, photographs?

I don't remember. It was awful.

Alec, lighten up.

I'm trying to get something we can use out of this.

Clary, what did you see, exactly?

Valentine has my mother. That's what I saw.

Emotions are nothing but a distraction. You're ruled by them.

We're taught to control them.

And how is that working out for ya?

Alec: It is my job to protect the Institute.

If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut.

Now... let me take a look at that thing.

Now, it's in the proper hands.


Alec... where are you going?

To put this somewhere safe. Where no one could be tempted to use it.

Clary scoffing: We should use it.

Alec, we should use it to get to Valentine.

If I were Valentine, I'd make you think that you could rescue Jocelyn.

And then I'd lure Clary to me and leverage her life for the Cup.

Clary: I like Jace's idea.

We saved Simon from the vampires that way.

Yeah... vampires.

Bored, decadent, self-involved vampires.

Valentine is a real threat.

He can't be handled by three-and-a-half Shadowhunters.



Leave it there.

Moo Shu to Go

There you are.

Are you okay?

I saw my mom.

Then your brother...

I heard.

And believe me, there have been many times where I wanted to k*ll Alec.



Look, I know my brother can be a real pain in the ass...

[chuckles] but he means well.

That necklace is very dangerous.

I'll take the risk on my own.

The problem is, you're not on your own, Clary.

You're part of us now.


I just... I wish I knew what to do.

All of this, it's so new to me.

I just...


I'll do anything to save her.

I get it.

You love her.

More than anything.

What's your mom like?

She's kind.


Uh... the kinda person you always want to be around.

I have friends who used to always want to hang out at our house, just to hang out with her.

[both laughing]

She sounds more like a friend than a mom.

She was both.

She's basically sacrificed her life for me, and I'm willing to do the same for her.

Just because you can't have that necklace, doesn't mean you won't see her again.

Walk with me. Tell me everything about her.

So, Alec blew right by you and did what he wanted.

I'd be angry, too.

He took the only way I had to see my mother.

Plus, he kept asking what Valentine's room looked like.

He was interested in Valentine's style?

[scoffing] Fascinating...

No, he thought I might have seen something that could help us find him.

And did you?

I didn't see anything there, but...

I think I might know another way.


Dressed to impress, I see.

And you've been playing with the family heirlooms.

Hi, I'm Clary Fray.

Clary Fairchild.

You look just like your mother. [inhaling sharply]

We know all about you in Idris.


The Shadowhunter homeland.

If you think the Institute is well-hidden, wait until you see that place.

How's Max? We all miss him.

Little brother. Cute but clingy.

Kinda Simon-ish.

Robert's picking him up at the Mumbai Institute.

Where's Jace? We have a situation that has to be handled now.

Well, that's my mom.

Is your mom always like that?

She didn't even hug you. [chuckles]

Shadowhunters aren't big huggers.

[Jace grunts]

[panting] Maryse.

[laughing] Hey. It's great to see you.

How's everyone in Idris?

Where's, uh... where's Max?

Isabelle: No Max.

Just Mom with her hair on fire.

I love how Shadowhunters share. A hidden brother, and a secret country, and a private Portal.

Mother. Welcome back. We didn't expect you.

You should be prepared, whether you expect me or not.

I am. We are.

We'll talk about the Institute later.

Right now, we have a bigger problem.

The Seelies have stopped communicating with the Clave and won't explain why.

My guess is they're still upset we asked them to send scouts to look for Valentine, but no one in their realm will talk.

I have Seelie friends.

Yes, I know about your friends.

Isabelle, we stay separate from the Downworld for good reasons.

The wrong move, the wrong word...

Do you think there is such a thing as harmless rebellion?

Who knows what offends these creatures?

Maybe you told him... them... something they shouldn't know.

Maybe you trod on one of their ridiculous customs without knowing it.

Jace: Wait, wait. I don't understand.

You're laying all this on Izzy for having a friend in the Downworld?

When someone upsets the natural order, everything falls apart.

Natural order? What are you saying?

I can help.

I know how to talk to Seelies.

Alec: She's right.

She can visit with Meliorn and see what he knows.

I could go with her if you want.

I'd rather Jace goes along this time.

[inhaling deeply] Alec, you stay with the Fairchild girl.

I want her under control.

She's caused enough trouble already.

Maybe that's because I wasn't even a Shadowhunter until a few days ago!

And what an exciting few days it has been.

The Clave counts on us Lightwoods to maintain order here.

You don't need to tell me that.

If the mission is important to the Clave, I would prefer to be the one who goes with Isabelle.

[chuckles] You're all so eager to do what you would prefer.

It's time to face the truth.

Life is not about what you want to do, it's about what must be done.

I have given you your assignments, now carry them out.

You and you, with me, now.

Well, that was a window into the weird.

What did you do to piss off your mom?

I'd guess, for a start... all the unsanctioned missions on your behalf didn't go over that big with the Clave.


Glad to see you're keeping busy.

Logging all these false confessions in the demonic murders.

Here's a lady in a fifth floor walkup in Bushwick with 15 cats.


Demonic murders? You got anything?

Apart from being drained of blood, it looked like there was no connection between any of the victims.

But check this out.

Everyone was getting treated for psychiatric care and taking meds for hallucinations.

And what'd they see?

Vampires, werewolves, demons.

The Shadow World.

They were mundanes with the Sight.

Vic's drained of blood.

Looks like Valentine's been experimenting again... just like the old days.

What's his endgame?

Before he found Jocelyn and Clary, I'd say he was building an army to go against the Clave.

But now he'll just use his soldiers to get the Mortal Cup.

And he'll destroy the Downworlds.

I've got to find Clary.

Luke, we need you to keep your badge.

For everybody's sake.

This is coming from higher up than me.

Then you need to be my eyes and ears.

Go look for Clary.

If you find anything, call me right away.

Valentine's desperate to find her.

Yeah. Him and everybody else.

I'll find her.

[elevator bell dings]

Jace: You're the acting head of this Institute.

If there's a diplomatic mission, you should go.

Let's switch assignments.


This time I'm actually gonna obey orders, and babysit your girlfriend.


She's more like my responsibility.

Hey, you'll keep an eye on her, right?

What is wrong with you?


I, uh...

[stuttering] You have every right to be mad at me.

What did you do?

Throw my leather jacket in the washing machine again?

This isn't a joke.

At Magnus's.

The demon... image of you.


You love me... so?

I love you, too, Alec.

Come on, man. We're parabatai.

We're brothers.

We've spent almost our whole lives together.

How could we not love each other?

This is what's been bothering you? Seriously?

[stuttering] Yeah.

You're right. That's true.

[stammering] I just thought you'd think that...


Whatever, okay.

If you want to follow Mom's orders tonight, that's great. But... please, just do me one favor...

Swear to me you won't take your eyes off of Clary.


I can't believe I even asked you that.

[chuckles] You won't let me down.

Excuse me.

Are you insane or just an idiot?


What are you after, anyway?

To tell you the truth... I don't know.


You can't think I'm interested in saving your worthless life again?

Honestly, no. No, I don't think that.

Get out of here and don't come back.

Go. Now.


[sighs] Looks like we're stuck with each other.

For what it's worth, I think your mom was too tough on you out there.

Mothers are like that.

Mine's not.

Go ahead. Knock me on my ass. You'll feel better.

Don't make me say you're right about something.

Plant your feet wide.

Why did you let your mom say all those awful things about Izzy?

[Clary grunts]

Don't step into the strike. Step through it.

[sighs] Izzy was out of bounds.

The law is hard but it's the law.

Even I forget that sometimes.

So, you're just gonna let her send Jace out instead of you?


If I screw up, I expect to be punished. I'm supposed to be a leader.


You know what a leader does, Alec? Makes decisions.

You need to find Valentine and stop him.

I need to find Valentine and help save my mother.


[groaning and panting]

You need to work on your defense.

Clary chuckles: What do you think?

Do you think we haven't been trying to find your mother?

Of course you have.

But I know you can color outside the lines.

You're just not letting yourself think that way.

Oh, yeah? What's the big thought I'm not thinking?

We can still find Valentine.

I might know a way.

[sighs] My mother hid a lot from me, but I did see one thing... there's a box.

She didn't think I knew about it.

But she opened it once a year and cried.


It belonged to my father.

Had his initials, JC, on top.

But your father's Valentine. Why JC?

Because for 18 years, she told me his name was Jonathan Clark.

That was a lie. But...

[inhaling] whatever was in that box meant a lot to her.

Maybe there's something inside that could help us track him.

Where can we find the box?

I think it's still back at the loft.

Let's go get it. [phone ringing]

Absolutely not. Not without permission.



Hello? Who is this?

Alexander. Hi.

It's Magnus.

We met the other day. You know, with the demon.

Uh, yeah... Yeah, hey, what's up?

I was just thinking it was really nice getting to know you.

You seem... sympathetic.

Would you like to go out for a drink some time?

That sounds fun, um...


How about right now?


You know, now's not a really good time for me.

Another time? Gotta go. [phone beeps]

Playing hard to get.

I love a challenge.


You're late.


[electricity crackling]

Theo: You know the difference between the Circle and the Clave?

I don't.

They all lock the same to me.

Shadowhunters think they're better than us.

They're the ones k*lling each other over petty disagreements.

Is that who you trust with the Mortal Cup?

They expect us to obey orders they don't follow themselves.

I'm sick of it.

Yeah, maybe we don't have angel blood.

We got each other.

We're a family. A pack.

We're stronger than they'll ever be.

I say, we take the Cup for ourselves.

This girl knows where the Cup is.

Find her. Bring her to me.

[phone ringing]

Alec: Why'd you run out?

And what's the point of an Invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone?

That was childish, sneaking out like that...

Simon. Hey. I know I should have called you right back.

I'm really sorry. Are you okay?

[groans] You know that thing when you think you're catching a cold, but you never actually get sick?

Yeah, I totally get it.

Um, can we talk later? Things are kind of insane right now.

Insane, how? Are you okay?

I... I kind of k*lled a demon and lost all my memories forever. So...

You k*lled a what?

Okay, Clary, where are you?

I'm at the Brooklyn Academy.

I'm on my way to...

Hang up.

That's it, we have to go. Right now.

No. I'm on my way to the loft.

There's something there that I think could help me find my mother.

Are you crazy?

That's way too dangerous. You think nobody's watching that place?

I'm fine. I'm with Alec.

And those words are supposed to make me feel better how?

Yeah, I'm coming to help.

No, Simon, you've been through enough already.

So have you. Meet me at the old shortcut. You know the one.

Mundanes. Look at them.

Running around like ants.

Let's go.

Why do you always look so miserable?

I don't.

You do.

It must be hard being in love with Jace and he's straight and everything.

Excuse me? What?

[chuckling] What's the big deal?

I was there when that memory came out. Busted, no?

We're parabatai.

Alec, just say it, you'll feel better. You're in love with Jace.

Forget it. You know what? You're in love with Jace.

Oh, okay? The middle school comeback? Nice.

Alec, we have a real problem to solve, okay?

Come with me.

This better be quick.

[birds chirping]

We mourn those in the path of souls.

[bells chiming]



I see you brought a friend.

More like a brother.

Jace Wayland.

Here to deliver a message?

Here to ask questions.

So you do want something.

Nice to know that some things never change.

But the information we want will cost you nothing.

Sometimes knowledge is the most precious thing of all.

Ask away.

We can discuss the price later.


Valentine: Medicine has failed you.

Humankind has failed you.

An improved life.

May the bravest of you step forward.

Take the mark of the angels and live a life with a future again.


[chuckles softly]

[flesh searing] [screaming]

And now the Seelie blood.

You shall be more than Forsaken.


If he is worthy, he will live.

He will live in the glory of angels.
Hey, you.

Oh, thanks for being here.

You don't need to do this alone.

It's not who we are.

Are you sure you're feeling up to this?

Yeah, it's just a cold. Not the end of the world.

The world's been ending for a thousand years.

Ah, you get used to it. Now, we need to move.

Yeah, my mom's loft is just across the alley.

All right, well, we have to be careful.

There are eyes all over this place and everybody in the Shadow World's looking for you.

I mean, I guarantee you, no one's gonna find this shortcut.

I used to take it back in middle school to see Clary.

You might know the Shadow World, but trust me...

I know Brooklyn. Come on.


Clary: Have you been doing parkour or something?

You've gotten a lot better at this.

I was just gonna say the same thing about you.

Climbing a fire escape excites mundanes.

I'll never understand these people.


I don't remember it like this.

These are runes and wards of protection cast by a warlock.


Some of these have been here for years.

The only difference is now I can actually see them.

Simon: Yo, Clary.

What are all these tags?

You can see the runes?

Yeah, kind of hard to miss.

For a Shadowhunter.

They should be invisible to most mundanes.

When did you get the Sight?

[chuckling] I don't know.

But whoever drew these should take some lessons from Clary.

Their, uh, work is pretty sloppy.

This is from when Simon and I were engaged to be married.

Alec: You were engaged?

I'm almost certain I don't wanna hear this story...

We were eight years old.

That was a whole other world ago.

[clattering] [grunting]


There's only one flaw in your plan here, Simon.

Here, let me try.


After you.


Ooh. After me.

Holy crap, Clary. Who torched your loft?

Yeah, I can see this, too.


You okay?

There's nothing left of me here.


Of course, there isn't.

Your mother was trying to erase any trace that you existed.

So that you couldn't be tracked.

She was protecting you.

[floorboard creaking]

Let's see how well that worked.

Alec: You're alive, aren't you?


These floorboards...

They sound different in these two spots.

Can't you hear it?

There's something under here.


Another score for Brooklyn.

Hey, out of the way.

You're welcome.

Alec: There's something down here.

Is this the box you remember?


She used to wait till she thought I was asleep and then take it out.

Well, let's open it.

I don't know what any of this is.


There's someone here.

Get what you need. Do not move until I get back.

We've been here too long.

[growling] [rustling]




Simon grunting: Let go. Seriously, Alaric.

Is it true that your queen has broken off communications with the Clave?

You've heard that's the case?


Does it have anything to do with the scouts you sent out after Valentine?

Is there another reason you can think of?

Butterflies can mean only one thing...

Fair Folk are in mourning.

How do you know our customs?

Apparently, I'm not the only Shadowhunter who enjoys the company of a Fair Folk.

Maybe if more Shadowhunters exhibited such good taste things would be different today.

Jace: The scouts are dead.

That's who you're mourning.

Valentine k*lled them, right?

If you know so much, maybe I should be asking you.

If that's true, Valentine needs to be stopped.

Don't you agree?

Why break the Accords now when there's a threat?

Perhaps the Accords don't provide equal protection for all Shadow Realms.

Perhaps all threats don't affect all of us the same way.

Valentine threatens everyone.

Those who antagonize an enemy stand to lose more.

Which is another way of saying you'll side with whoever wins.

I promise you, that will be us.

I'm sure you believe that.

[phone chiming]

Damn it, Alec.


Clary snuck out of the Institute.

And yet you're blaming our brother?


Where is she? Where's Clary?

She's gone.

What do you mean, gone?

She and Simon got arrested when I was securing the fire escape.

[stuttering] I got distracted.

The mundane was here?

Isabelle: Simon?

He's gone, too?

It was an unmarked car. I don't know where they took her.

What did you do, Alec?

[breathes heavily]

Clary: Where are we? This isn't the police station.

Just cooperate and everything will be fine.

Get out!

Clary grunts: We didn't do anything wrong.

Be quiet or you're gonna make this worse for yourself.

[phone ringing] Hey, you're not a cop!

Alaric, who is this guy?

Luke's calling.

Ignore it. That's an order.

Are you guys with Luke?

Did he send you?

None of your business.

[breathing deeply]

Damn it. [panting]

She's not showing up.

We need to parabatai track.

Alec, concentrate.


I'm doing it. She's not showing up.

[phone chimes]

Just like I thought. She wasn't arrested.

It was your job to look after her.

I did my best, Jace.

Then maybe your mother was right, and your best is just isn't good enough.

Jace! Hey!

Are you so blinded by your feelings for Clary, you've lost sight of us?

Clary snuck out.

I went after her... to protect her.

I did nothing you haven't done a thousand times before.

Yes, you did. You lost her.

Enough, both of you.

Why do I keep getting kidnapped?

Not to be self-centered, but I think it's me they're after.

[both grunt]

Okay, what is going on?

Alaric, did you arrest us for trespassing or something, because, news flash, I was in my own apartment.

We're just having a little conversation, that's all.

Do you always handcuff people you wanna talk to?

I bet this guy has one of the scariest online profiles ever.

This guy's funny. I like funny.

Look, I know you're scared of Luke.

He's trying to find you, I can keep you safe.

You just need to tell us where the Mortal Cup is.

Everyone thinks I can find this Cup, but I don't know where it is!

Think, Clary. I'm trying to give you a chance.

I can't help you. I'm sorry.

Now, will you please let us go?

Playtime's over.

Theo, just let me talk some sense into them.

No, we did it your way. Now, we're gonna try it my way.


Hey, hey...

Hey, don't touch him!

Don't move. Tell us where the Cup is or your funny friend dies.

[gasps] Please, please... Please, don't hurt Simon, okay?

[stammers] I promise you, I swear to you, I do not where this Cup is.

That's too bad. Get rid of him.

What? Hey, let go of me!


Get your hands off me! Clary!

Please, wait, don't hurt him.



Please, wait! Simon... no!

Please, tell me if Simon's okay.

He's alive... for now. [sighs]

Thank God.

You can thank whoever you want.

But if you don't tell us where the Cup is... we're gonna introduce Gretel here to your friend.


She's one of our fiercest warriors.


She'll rip him to shreds.

[gasping] You're werewolves.

Theo: Obviously.

And your friend is dog meat if you don't give us the Cup.


[Clary shuddering]

Okay! Okay...

You win.

I'll tell you where the Cup is, just...

Just please, let Simon go.

I'm listening.

It's, uh...

It's in the loft where you found me.

There's a loose floorboard in the bedroom.

My mom didn't know I knew, but she hid it there.

Bring me the Cup.

If you're lying...

I'm not just gonna k*ll your friend...

I'm gonna make you watch as Gretel rips him to shreds.


This... again?

[grunting] Again?

[Simon straining] [clattering]

Whoa! [panting]



[phone beeps] Who do I... Wait.

Who do I call? Simon, think. Who do you call?

Whoever took Clary and Simon must be holding them over a body of water.

That's why our Tracking rune won't work.

[phone ringing]

Clary left her phone in her backpack.

[phone beeps] Hello?

[panting] Oh, I thought I'd never utter these words, but thank God it's you.

It's me, Simon.

Where are you? Where's Clary?

I don't know. Some Chinese restaurant, I think?

This cop Alaric arrested us, but it was a total fake-out.

Him and his buddy, they took us...

They us to their hangout and then they told Clary that they'll k*ll her if they don't find the Cup.

Just calm down, all right? Tell us what you see.

Okay. Uh...

Uh, we're definitely on a pier.

There's a ton of water. Uh...

I see lockers and...

[muttering] Oh, my...

I'm in some sort of t*rture chamber.

There's claw marks all over the wall.


That's possible.

Okay, Simon, you need to get more specific. Tell us what you see.

Help us find you.

There's nothing else that can help...

Wait, hold on! Hold on.


I'm at the Jade Wolf Chinese Restaurant on the pier at Greene St.

And they have really inexpensive cocktails.

Just hurry, just hurry.

You need to create a diversion.

Stall them.

How? All I have are clothes and a lighter.

Jace: Start a fire, Simon.

That never works!

Have you ever seen an action movie?

We're on our way. [phone beeps]

[breathing heavily]

What's taking them so long?

[alarm ringing]

[air hissing]

It's a fire. Find it!

I'll take care of the girl. Go.

Clary grunting: Would you let me go?

Where's Simon?

Theo: Get in there.

[grunting] Keep your mouth shut!



[Clary gasping]

I finally found you, Clary.

Luke: Clary, Clary!

You stay away from me!

Don't be afraid.

I traced Alaric's car to the pier when he didn't return my calls.

I'm here to help you.

Oh, really?

I heard what you said at the precinct.

You told those creeps the last 18 years of your life were a lie.

Those were Valentine's people.

I lied to them to protect you.

Don't come any closer.

You want the Mortal Cup, just like everyone else.

You know you can't cast spells with that thing?

Yeah, but I already stabbed one demon with it.

I'm sure it hurts a lot worse on a man.


You need more training.

And we gotta go. Now!

Clary: What? Hey!


Where are you taking me?

Someplace safe.

These people aren't messing around. They will k*ll you.

Jace: Alec!

Alec: Got her.

Jace: Put her down!

[Luke groaning]

You okay?

I will be.

As soon as we find Simon. Come on.

[alarm ringing] [wheezing]

I'm getting seriously tired of saving your life.

I am not!

Simon: Clary! Simon!

Oh, my God.

Simon: Are you okay?

Clary: I was so worried.

I hate to break up this little reunion, but we got a bunch of werewolves trying to k*ll us so maybe we should get going...

Wait, wait, the box. My backpack. I think I left it at the loft.

No, we've got it. I didn't screw up everything.

Let's get out of here, then.

Wait, Simon!

Whatever you do, do not make any fast moves.

[werewolves growling]

This can't be good.

Alec: We're surrounded.


Everyone, stay together.

Believe me, I'm not going anywhere.

Everyone, get back, that's the alpha leader.

Jace, behind! [howling]

[both snarling]

He's challenging the alpha.

He's helping us!

Or cutting in line to k*ll us.

[werewolf whimpering]

Isabelle: The alpha's dead.


Oh, my God, Luke.

[werewolves howling]



What is it? What's happening?

When a werewolf kills the alpha leader, he becomes the new alpha.

Your friend Luke's the leader of the pack now.




It's okay.

I promised your mother I'd always protect you.

Luke! Oh, my God!

Hey... we need to get Clary back to the Institute and stay out of Downworlder business.

Why don't you stay out of it? I'm going to help Clary.

We have to report back to our mother.

You and Isabelle can do that.

Simon: Luke...

I'll be fine on my own.

His wounds are deep.

Only a warlock's magic can cure an alpha's bite.

We have to get him to Magnus.

Hey, that's exactly what we're gonna do.

[Luke grunting]

Simon: Clary, we gotta go.

We have to get him to his car.

[Luke groaning softly]

Simon: Here, I'll drive.

I got you.

I'm the only one with a mundane license. Come on.

Are you two okay?

I don't know.

♪ Soldier keep on marchin' on ♪

I never should have doubted you.

We never should have lied to you.

♪ Head down til the work is done ♪
♪ Waiting on that morning sun... ♪


Luke, hey!

It's okay. We're getting you help, okay?

Just, please, don't leave me again.

I can't have anyone else die because of me.

♪ Soldier keep on marchin' on ♪
♪ Soldier keep on marchin' on ♪