04x14 - All Hard Parts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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04x14 - All Hard Parts

Post by bunniefuu »

Next week, Antonio's Boxing Gym, battle of the badges...

Who's fighting for 51?

Actually, I already volunteered.

Colin Becks, alderman for the 52nd Ward.

I'm putting together a fundraiser.

It would mean a lot if you were there.

Every day we come to work, we have to be willing to lay down our lives for perfect strangers.


I heard what happened to your sister.

I am terribly sorry for your loss.

I'm fine.

What happened to drying out?

If drinking's an issue,
you really have to take it seriously.

I can handle this myself.

[doorbell rings]

[somber music]


I'm so sorry.

[dishes clinking]

[indistinct chatter]

We're good.

We're back, okay?

She tried to dump you as her partner.

We all go bananas on this job at some point, Otis.

I've had days where I'd like to give the boot to every single one of you. Boom, Boom.

Excuse me, are you Matt Casey?


That's me.

What can I do for you?

You can run for alderman.

I'm sorry?

I get ahead of myself.

Um, Tamara Jones.



I think you should run against Becks for alderman of the 52nd Ward and win.

Uh, I've never done a political thing in my life.

Neither have I.

I teach junior high.

But I'm over the empty suits in front of the cameras.

You, for the tornado victims?

That was real.

Listen, Tamara, um, I'm flattered.

And I hope you find someone.

But... I'm not a politician.


Well, thanks for your time.

Yeah, sure.

Well, there goes my shot at First Lady.

Was that a gag?

Did you guys put her up to that?

[alarm blares]

Ambulance 61, man down from unknown causes.

2133 123rd Street.

[siren wails]

[dramatic music]

[knocks on door]


Anyone call 911?

Dispatch, can you confirm 2133 123rd Street?

That's the address.

You want a truck company for a forced entry?

It looks like whoever called took off.

We're gonna do a lap and see if anything turns up.

- Copy that...


My brother's been shot!

Uh, all right, stay calm.

Can you open the front door and let us in?

I can't. He came in all messed up, and then he locked the bolt and passed out in front of the door.

Dispatch, we're gonna need that forced entry.

Hey, bud, what's your name?


Tino, I need you to do me a favor.

I need you to leave this window open, and I need you to sit by your brother, okay?

Where was he shot?

In his leg.

The hole's really big.

It's probably a shotgun wound.

Okay, Tino, we're gonna help you until we can come inside.

But what I want you to do now is put pressure on the hole.

I... I can't. Can't you come in?

We can't, not with the deadbolt.

Look, you can do it, sweetie.

All right, you're being really brave.

You'll do great.


Oh, wait!

Oh, something's wrong!

The blood got worse! It's everywhere!

You got to come in!

Tino, buddy, firemen are gonna be here as soon as they can.

But right now, we're gonna tell you how to save your brother.

Pack it?


All right, Tino, I'm gonna need you to take your shirt off, but keep your hand pressed on your brother's leg the whole time.


Take your shirt, and wad it up into a ball, and try to pack it into your brother's leg.

You want to get the shirt in there and under the edges of the hole.


Make sure you get it in there as much as you can.


I did it!

Okay, take off your belt.

I don't have a belt.

That's okay, just anything...

Anything that you can tie around his leg to keep the shirt in place.

Can I tape it? We have duct tape.

Yes, okay, that's perfect.

Just make sure you do it really tight so that the shirt stays put, okay?

[dramatic music]

[sirens wailing]


Now what?

Now we get you and your brother out of there.

Come on, guys! Hurry!

Hey, Tino.

You did a really great job with your brother.

Is he gonna be okay?

He's gonna have to get checked out by a doctor, but he's got a really good chance 'cause of you.

Thank you.

Hey, you want to hop in back with me, ride with your brother to the hospital?

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah? Come on.

So how are you overall?

I'm good.



Because I want to know.

How are you?

I'm fine.

I mean, it's gonna be a process.


I've got to learn how to be honest about my feelings instead of pushing everybody away like I have been.

But I'm up for that.

I'm very glad to see that you are well and confident.

Good, thanks.

But promises... are just words, Chili.

I'd like to see you succeed here.

I really do.

But we are way past the leap of faith stage right now.

You still have two strikes.

That means you have to stay the course.

That means you have to back up your words.

There aren't any more second chances.

Thanks for the pep talk.

Well, if it isn't the Great White Dope.


It isn't just me.

Have you seen the betting board for the smokers?


Every single one of you doesn't think I'll make it past the first round?

Don't take it personally, kid.

Antonio's ex-Golden Gloves.

And you're... you.

You remember the "Rumble in the Jungle"?

Two of boxing's greatest powerhouses facing each other in the ring?

This is not that.

[plate shatters]

[ominous music]



What's up?

How's it going?


Did you see the betting board in there?

Everyone's betting that Jimmy's not gonna make it through the first round.

I saw.

It's kind of crazy.

It should be fun, though.

Are you gonna go to the fight?

I'm gonna try and make it.

Cool. Should be fun.

Yeah, you just said that.

Anyway... [laughs]

Back to the salt mine.

[clears throat]

So I heard that you are thinking about running for alderman.

Oh, nice.

Okay, well, this is a joke.


Whole thing's a joke.

I swear to God...

No, I looked it up.

It's only one meeting a month.

Lots of aldermen have full-time jobs...

Businessmen, cops.

Hey, salary's about 100 grand a year.

How much?

I am dead serious, okay?

Aldermen... they get to vote on where contracts go, what laws get passed.

That stuff isn't just politics, man.

That makes a difference for people.

100 grand? I'll run.

Zip it, Herrmann.

It's not just one meeting a month.

That's the bare minimum.

Then you have committee meetings, public events...

Come on, Mouch.

Hey, when's the last time the CFD had a real voice?

[claps] Exactly.

And how do I give the CFD a real voice, Otis?

I don't know.

I just thought it was a good thing to say.

Guys, enough.

Casey's not gonna do it, okay? Back off.

Yeah. Back off.

I would look really cute in a little pillbox hat, though.

Bet you would.

That lady who was here earlier today, she left a message for you.

"Meet me at this address in an hour, and I'll never bother you again after that.

I'll bring doughnuts."

Couldn't hurt to hear her out.

Oh, you're gonna get k*lled!

Are you out of your mind?



You can't look that good in front of people.

Come on.

Yeah, see? That's more like it.


Are you sure this is cool?

These guys, Antonio, they think you're gonna get destroyed.

But you and me, we got a plan, don't we?



You defend.

You're gonna land one punch... one.

Then you're gonna stay the hell out of Antonio's way, 'cause that's how you're gonna get to the second round and make your 400 bucks.

Come on, keep the punches low.

People are watching.

Taking a ride.

Oh, this place is bleak.

I'm only here for the doughnuts.


Nice try.

You're here 'cause this woman needs to be heard, and nobody's doing it.

And you're the kind of guy who can't let someone down in need, and I love you for that.



Thanks for coming.

Gabriella Dawson, Tamara Jones.



Here you go.





So, uh, why exactly are we here?

I wanted you to see where the kids in your ward are playing.

It's in violation of about a dozen safety laws.

The alderman promised to get us the funds to get it up to code, but you can see how that turned out.

Hey, I get it.

I've met Becks. The guy's a jerk.

Not Becks. Davis.

That's the alderman before Becks.

That's how long this neighborhood's been living with broken promises.

You seem more cut out for this than me.

That's because you haven't seen me put my foot in it.

We need a hero, not a hothead.

First step is getting a petition with neighborhood signatures.

I can get you more than half of what you need.

Here you go.

Thank you.

[radio beeps]

Truck 81, Ambulance 61.

Level one hazmat.

1301 West Grand Avenue.

[sirens wailing]

[dramatic music]

Hey, we received reports of a hazmat incident.

That was me.

We use an ammonia cooling system for the flowers.

Nate, he radioed that he was moving some flats, and he clipped a pipe with the forklift, snapped a valve.

Said he was gonna try to close it, but he never made it out.

Dispatch, what's the situation with Squad 3?

Still on that SCUBA call.

Squad 6 en route. ETA 15 minutes.

Okay, take one man, do a quick sweep.



Your gear won't last long.

Do a quick sweep.

You don't find him, you get out.


Yes, Chief.

Ammonia's gonna react with any moisture on your body.

Control the breath, minimize condensation.


How's it going in there?

Nothing so far, Chief.

We got to find this guy in five.

We'll definitely be feeling the burn.

You all right?


Still no sign of the victim?


Okay, I'm calling it.

Get out of there.



We got him.

He's lying in a pool of ammonia.

Casey, Jimmy, your gear is not rated for liquid ammonia.

Do not step into that liquid, do you hear me?

Yeah, we hear you, Chief.


Let's step backward.

Good plan.

[dramatic music]

Chief, how long till Squad 6 gets here?

Five minutes at least.

What are this guy's chances lying in this ammonia for five more minutes?

Not good.

Can't wait. We're bringing him out.

Get on my six and be ready to pull.

Copy that.

Okay. One, two, three.

Decon tent, over here.

Decontamination fog will neutralize the ammonia right away.

They're cleared.


He's not breathing.

I got to tube him.


[whispering] God.

His airway's trashed.

I can't see the cords.

Do you want a hand?

No, I got it.

Damn it!


Oh, Chili, no.

No, I can do it. Move.

No, the ammonia burned his trachea.

There's no way...

Just be quiet!

Chili, he's gone.

Damn it!

[scope clatters]

What? He didn't make it, okay?

[somber music]


I'm sorry.

He's dead?

Oh, God.

God, I should've gone to get him.

If you had, we would have lost you too.

He never had a chance.

The exposure was too great.

There was nothing you could've done.


You okay?

Just part of the job, right?

Do our best for them, and then move on.

You ready to get out of here?


The betting window is closed.

Dawson and Herrmann are the only two idiots...

Sorry, people...

Who think that Jimmy will make it out of the first round.

Do you have a ring girl yet?

Not yet.

Wasn't really planning on it.

Can I be the ring girl?

Isn't that kind of...


That's the word.

It's always been a dream of mine.

You know what my dream's always been, Connie?

Getting rid of that single-ply toilet paper you signed off on three months ago.

I can probably make double-ply happen again.

You're the ring girl.

[laughs] Yes!

[humming melody]


What's up?

Uh-oh, you... you want something.


What's your take on Chili?

[sighs] Uh... I don't know.

One second she's great, and then the next, she's blowing up on a call.

And then she takes breather, and then she's on top of the world.

I don't know, Brett seems to feel good about her as a partner.


Why, what are you picking up on?

I don't know yet.

Um, but thank you.


[bell rings, applause]

Ladies and gentlemen, before we get to the main event, I wanted to remind you that all ticket sales tonight go to help the families of those affected by the att*cks at the Morrison Center for African-American Culture.

[cheers and applause]

Thank you.

You hear that?



I don't see Chili.

Are you surprised?

Sure I can't talk you out of this?

And forfeit? No way.

You trained me. I'm ready.

Well, I trained you for Roman.

Hey, I hurt my wrist, not my ears.

It's cool. I'll take it easy on him.

Aww, that's so nice of you, Antonio, but you know what?

He doesn't need that.

All right.

All right.

Okay, good fight.

Good luck.

Let's go.

Yeah, good luck.

You'll need it.

All right, you feel like you're in trouble, I want you to say, "Angela del Rios."


It's a girl we went to high school with.

You want to throw Antonio off his game, drop her name.

I'm not gonna need that.

I know what I'm doing.


[cheers and applause]

[rock music]

Giving it to 'em!




[cheering continues]



We're not worthy!

All right, you got this.

Stay on your toes and use your punch combinations, just like we practiced.

Fighters, to the center of the ring.

Obey my command at all times.

Let's have a clean fight. Tap gloves.

Come on, Jimmy!

Get him, Antonio!

[cheers and applause]

Come on, you got this. You got this.

Hands up. Hands up, all right?

[bell rings]


Come on, Jimmy!

Come on, Antonio!

Jab, Jimmy!

k*ll him!

Come on, come on!


Hands up, Jimmy! Hands up!



Eat that!

Yeah! Good job, buddy!

That's it, Jimmy! That's it!

Okay, you got your one hit.

One hit.


Both: CFD!

Oh, my God.

[crowd chanting] CFD! CFD!

Oh, no.

Easy! Okay, all right.

[crowd chanting] CFD! CFD!

[dramatic music]



Oh, no!




Come on, Jimmy! Don't let him count you out!








What are you doing?

Six! Seven!

He's just a kid!

Get up!


Get up!

Nine! Ten!

What's the matter with you?

It's over!

[bell rings]


That was a crap move!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Boo! Boo!

Yeah, whatever.





How you doing?

Good, great.

Hold up, hold up. Wait.

What happened? You missed Jimmy's fight.

Oh, yeah.

I... I got caught up in something.

Plus, I hear I didn't really miss much.


Look, I'm getting some red flags here.

Uh, okay.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Like your temper flaring up, being distracted.

You come back from your car, you pop in a piece of gum, and everything's cool?

I'm going out right after work, so I went to grab my makeup from my car, and I happen to like gum.

Chili, if... if you got something going on, there's no shame in admitting it.

It's what I did.


I was in some trouble, I asked a friend for help, and I got it.

And the CFD, they have programs.

Uh, there's a place...

You're seeing things that aren't even here.

Yes, I had a rough patch, okay?

And I dealt with it.

But I've been taking care of myself for a really long time, and you don't need to do it for me.

[alarm blares]

Engine 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, house fire.

9048 Paxton Avenue.

They're playing my song.

[alarm blares]

Squad 3, single vehicle accident.

2100 block East 91st Street.

[horn honks, siren wails]

Guys, I don't have a driver.

He get thrown?

Nothing here.

Where the hell did he go?

[siren wails]

Here! Over here! Hurry!


I'm Lieutenant Casey.

Come with me. Come this way.

Come to the medics.

This way.

51, get a line in that first floor.

Chief, kids were already outside when we pulled up.

Dad and the youngest daughter are still inside.

Kids say the nine-year-old went to hide in the crawl space, and the dad went after her.

We know where the entry point to the crawl space is?


Too much fire to get them out through the front door.

Find a basement window.


Hey, I got a blood trail here.

So our guy crashes, gets out and crawls, and heads this way.

Trail goes up the field.

Let's check it out.

Got a window, but it's cement and glass blocks.

Bust it open.

[both grunting]

This look like blood to you?


The hell?

I think our crash victim headed here.

He's in such a hurry to get the kids, he crashed the car.

Yeah, and he just kept going.

Dad and one more kid are still inside.

Let's go.

Jimmy, Otis, take a spell.

[dramatic music]

Hey, fire department! Call out!

All right, ladder.

Fire department, call out!


Come on. We got ya.


Got her.


Sir, can you make it up the ladder?

I'm going in.



Right here. Yeah.

All right, come on.


You're okay. Come on.


Give him a moment.

Deep breaths.

You're okay.

Come on, get up.

Up you go. Put your hands.

Let's hit these flames with some water.


How's she doing?

She took in some smoke, but she's not that bad.

Not sure Dad's so lucky.


We need to tube him.

All you.


Got it.

Nice save, Chili.

Watching Herrmann part with money is like watching... Help me out here.

Uh, it's like watching Liberace give up his mink coats.

Okay, that's fine.


And all I'm gonna say is, you had one job.

I said I was sorry.

Herrmann... did you try and rig it by making Jimmy look like a bum so we'd all get fleeced?


See, this is why I don't bet on sports.

Also, you don't understand them.

We can take that poster down now.

[somber music]

Um... [chuckles]

I have something for you.

An early Valentine's Day present.

What did I do to deserve this?

It's not what you did.

It's what you're going to do.

Application to run for alderman?

I know I said I'd back you up no matter what.

But you keep saying, "This isn't me," and the thing is... it is.

You're that guy, Matt.

You fight for people, and you think it's gonna take too much time to do what's right?

All I see is the one man who cares about doing it right.

Without you, what do the people have?



What's up?

How long you been drinking on the job?

[scoffs] Come on.

I don't know what you think you saw, but it's not what I was doing.

You need to talk to Boden, now, Chili.


I'm not doing anything.

Listen, Chili, you talk to Boden.

You tell him about this the way you want, or he gets my version.

I mean, it's not like I've ever been drunk at work.

I'm not making excuses.

I just... I've just been really stressed out lately because I feel like everybody is watching me.

It just sounds so stupid.

Like, I'm drinking because everyone thinks I'm drinking.

It means I need help.

Yes, you do.

It's just... it's been really hard.

It's my Dad, and then it's Jellybean, and...

I just... I need to go to counseling.

And I really want to take that time that you offered, and I will do whatever you ask, and I really just want to make this work.

I will make this work.

God, I wish you'd come to me earlier.

I want you to know you will always have support here at 51.

Just not as a paramedic.

I'm sorry.

And believe me, I wish I didn't have to say this.

You're fired.

Are you kidding me?

[somber music]

After everything that I just told you?

I'm sorry.

Stop saying you're sorry!

Lower your voice.

Drinking on shift is a fireable offense.

It would be even if you didn't have the two strikes.

Yup, okay.


None of this changes how we at 51 feel about you.

If you need help, just ask.

I just did.

I'm out of here. See ya.

You know what, guys?

No offense.

I'm really not in the mood for a good, old-fashioned 51 "Kumbaya," so...

Chili, maybe there's something we can do.

Really, Brett?

What are you gonna do about it?

Come on, kid, let us help you out.



If you say that you are my family, I swear to God...

[slams locker door]

Just forget it, okay?

It's over. It's done.


[knocking on door]



Come on in.

Hey, Chili.

I don't even know if you're home, but if you are...

just know a lot of people care about you.

No bridges are ever burned with us.

We got you... if you want us.

Here you go.

So, uh... how many signatures are we talking about?

[keypad tones]


I need your help.



You got this.

Calling me was the hardest part.

It all seems like hard parts.

If I get clean, what do I have?

I don't have a job.

I don't have any friends.

I screwed it all up.

Friends forgive.

God, I got to call Brett... and Herrmann and apologize to them.

They believed in me, and I let them down.

All you got to do today is walk through those doors.

But I'm scared.



[bluesy rock music]

♪ Want to get the best of living ♪
♪ Good living times, that's what you got ♪



I have a surprise for you.


Early Valentine's present.

♪ When you lend a helping hand ♪

♪ If you want to have a good loving woman ♪

I'm running for alderman.


Oh, my God.

♪ If you want to have a good loving woman ♪

[both laugh]

♪ You got to be a good loving man ♪
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