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03x09 - One Life

Posted: 02/06/16 05:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Pandora: He that I love has returned to my side.

We need to stop him before this Hidden One drains The Eye's energy out of Jenny.

Mills requested all this from tactical.

You don't owe me this, Foster.

But I need you to find her.

Abbie: This is rescue mission; pure and simple.

Fire in the hole! We go in hard and fast.

If Pandora and her boyfriend get in our face, we put them down.


Hold on, I'm gonna get you out of here.





Crane: Two at the entrance.

Four on rotation.

Standard two-by-two formation.

Good morrow.

Good morrow.

Do you expect resistance?

William Erskine is quartermaster general to Cornwallis.

The supply charts he has in that house will tell us everything about every British garrison in New York.

So ostentatious.

Typical British.


If the lobsterbacks see you, this mission is over before it's begun.

I made certain I was out of view.

They have eyes everywhere.

Why Washington thought it necessary to include you in this mission is beyond me.

Does the Hale family have something on the general?


Nathan, contrary to accounts in colonial pamphlets, British officers are not stupid.

In addition to soldiers, they employ Loyalist civilians.

They patrol this area.

And they are trained... to spot the glint of a lens.

Two important things to learn: Patience and caution.

Unlike the proverbial cat, you have but one life.

Do not indulge in recklessness.

(engine roaring, tires screeching)

(engine revving)


(g*nf*re continues)

(tires screeching)

(g*ns cocking)

Damn! He's gone.

(men talking indistinctly)

What is this thing that's so important you had to piss off a bunch of apocalyptic cultists?

The Lydian Jug.

According to legend, Orpheus used that very jug to locate Eurydice when she was whisked off to Hades.

And... Yes! This... this third-century Persian account states that I can use the jug to activate the, uh, locator spell to reach the Lieutenant, even if she was in another dimension.

Granted, the spell is most effective if used immediately after the disappearance.

Come on, it's been over a month.

It's not really been tested.

You're grasping at straws.

The Lieutenant's spirit is strong.

She may be hurt, she may be suffering, but she is alive.

It is up to me to find her.

It's up to us, Crane.


Abbie sacrificed herself to save me, so, trust me, we all want to find her.

Yes, of course. I...

I would never imply...

It's okay, Crane.

(sighs, murmurs)

We have a lead... on an artifact.

Something that could help us track Pandora and the Hidden One.

The idea is find the bad guys, find Abbie.

We'll need assistance to find this artifact.

No, no, no. Let us take the ball for a while.

If you burn out, you're of no good to us.

Or Abbie.

Right. Uh...

I-I could use a little respite.

We will find her, Crane.


Pandora: I know you are displeased, my love.

But all will be set right with the fullness of time.

You dare speak to me of time.

I, who have slumbered for millennia.

Humanity has spread unchecked across this world, ravishing it like locusts.

Yet instead of purging this horde, I only have the strength for parlor tricks.

I share your frustration.

Had the Witnesses not intervened...

The fault does not lie with the Witnesses.

It is with you.

Because of your inadequacies, we now hide like slaves.

I have found another way... to return you to your full power.

A remnant of the pithos I once gave you.

I thought it had been destroyed.

Rescued from the debris.

Even a fragment of the box holds enough power to give you what you need.

♪ ♪



(rattling, rumbling)

(rattling, rumbling stop)

(thuds, clanks)

Where are you?

Why are you following me?

Who says I'm following you?

Maybe I just like hanging out in creepy ruins.

You seem to.

Is that a crime, Agent Foster?


But kidnapping is. As is m*rder.

As is making an FBI agent mysteriously disappear, creating lots of extra work for everyone in that agent's office.

Okay, I made that last part up.

What were you doing in here?

What did you see?

Not much.

Just heard you muttering.

Thessalian, right?

You know ancient Greek dialects?

A few.

You know, it's kind of a big deal when an FBI agent goes missing.

Given that you were the last person to see her, you've become what we call a person of interest, so I'm gonna ask you again, what were you doing in here?

If the FBI wishes to formally charge me with a crime, please, be my guest.

But until then, leave me alone.


(rattling, rumbling)


♪ ♪

(door bell jingling)

(video game sound effects blipping)

The Blavatsky Map.

Know it?

Jenny Mills.

Last time you came to see me, I had to ice my face for a week.

That should buy a lot of ice.

The map?

Yes, the map of Helena Blavatsky, 19th-century Russian occultist.

Claimed it allowed her to track demonic presences.

I don't have it.

But you know where it is, right?

(video game blipping)

Maybe this will change your mind.

I need to make sure it's real.

You really think this map will work?

(sighs) I don't know.

All I know is we had to do something to get Crane to stand down.

I mean, we're all taking this thing with a heavy heart, but he is really flailing.

That's why I had to get him to see: we will find Abbie.

How can you be so sure?

Because there's no alternative.

Lovely piece.

So where's the map?

Atticus Nevins bought it earlier this year, but after he pulled his Jimmy Hoffa act, every relic hunter, dealer and wannabe came to town, raided his entire collection.

The Blavatsky Map ended up with your old pal Randall.


Randall... as in Randall who wanted to drive a stick through my temple?

Still locked in on our international man of mystery?

What do you got?

Same old.

He looks through his books, walks in the woods, shouts at the sky.

Anything we can act on?

Not unless you want to arrest him for crimes against fashion.

We're missing something. This guy is wrong. I know it.

He's the only one that can tell us what happened to Abbie the night she disappeared.

I'm gonna get a warrant to tap his phone.

(keyboarding rapidly)

You know, I took this biology class in college.

We learned about an experiment where they train a bunch of dogs to bring back a toy duck.

Only, when they set them loose in a field, no duck. Scientists never put one out there.

It wasn't long before the dogs got depressed, stopped eating, fought with each other...

You see what I'm getting at?

That scientists are jerks?

Yes, definitely that, and also, stress will mess you up.

That cabin you like by West Point... why don't you take a long weekend?

Some fresh air, sunshine, chop some wood...

I don't know what people do out in cabins.

Just... just go and clear your head.

I'll put in for the phone tap warrant.

Biology, huh?


I thought you majored in archaeology.

I did.

I'm a very complex person.



(distant thud)


(distant thud)


(wind whistling, window frames clunking)

(squeaking on mirror)

(Crane grunts)



(phone ringing)

Ichabod Crane.

Sophie: How'd you get into my apartment?

Agent Foster?

Sophie: Yeah.

Agent Foster, the person you just tried to punk.

I have no earthly idea what you are saying, in more ways than one.

You didn't leave this message?

What message?

Sophie: I told Reynolds you were a harmless kook, and now you go and...

Agent Foster!

What message?

You're paying the security deposit.

Did you see or hear anything?

A weird wind.

Figured you were messing with me.

So this wasn't you?

Then who did this?

Someone who is trying to send us a message.

Though why she could choose to communicate through you is, um...

May I?

What are you doing?

I need to check something on your arm, if I may?

Thank you.

What the hell...?

It is part of a message that I received, as well.

This is crazy.

We have both been contacted by an outside force, and given identical mysteries.

Not identical.

They're mirror images.

(electricity buzzing and crackling)


(whooshing, Crane groans)

Help me, Crane.

(grunting, gasping)

Are you okay?

What the hell was that?

(panting): It was Abbie.

She's dying.

(music playing, lively crowd chatter)

Hold it.

The Dynamic Duo!

Come on and pull up a chair, have some champagne.

No, thanks.

Just came by to talk some business.

Oh. Hold on. Hold on. Let me guess.

I'm seeing... a map.

Maybe Russian?

Damn, these artifacts must be rubbing off.

A brother got powers now. (laughs)

McKenna called.

Said something about not owing you any favors.

How much for the map?

Well, let's see...

Last time I saw you, you left my ass handcuffed to a bathtub.

How much you think I should collect for that?

That was just business.

Sometimes it's not just business.

Come on.

Like you haven't been handcuffed by a girl in a motel before.

Come on, Jenny.

You don't have to do this.

Let's go.

Damn, Mills.

No shame.

Always liked that about you.

(laughs quietly) I'll tell you what.

I was gonna have Howie and Russell here beat the crap out of you, but for old times' sake, I'll let you leave in one piece.

You know what's funny?

I didn't even know I had that map.

But once I heard you were looking for it, I made sure to find it and put it somewhere safe.

So... thanks for the heads-up.


Tell me you got it.

He's not too bright, is he?

Dumb as a bag of hammers.

(chuckles quietly)
♪ ♪


This is the Shinto symbol for "gateway."

Now, there are assorted rituals for activating such gateways, but we may need to build one first.

Out of what?

There's a tribe in New Guinea that believes mirrors are so powerful, they don't have a word for it, so instead, they indicate mirrors by showing what they do.

Mirror images.

She wants us to build a gateway out of a mirror.


I believe we have one stored behind here. Yes.

So, all this, this is, um, your personal library?

Uh, not all mine.

It's been cultivated over the centuries.

First by the Founding Fathers, and most recently by the late Sheriff August Corbin.

(grunts) All... vital tools for the w*r against evil.

Believe it or not, I know how you feel.

'Twas not long ago that I, too, was in the dark.

And truth be told, life would be far simpler if I still were.

But, as with every w*r, what we do not know can most certainly harm us.

The sentries have changed their pattern.

(whispering): We must retreat.

Crane: Oh, no... Hale.

What is he doing?

I told him to stay at the base.

Crane: The fool's brave, I'll give him that.

We must assist.

You there... stop!

Stop him!

(overlapping shouting, grunting)

There's nothing we can do.

Crane: He will hang.

Spies do not get a trial.

If we don't leave now, we will share the same fate.

Look there! At the treeline!

Look there! Through the gate!

(bell clanging)

So why are we doing this in your, uh, dungeon?

The Masonic cell concentrates mystical energies.

Gives us the best chance to bridge dimensions.

I need you to anchor me.

Whoa, buy a girl a drink first, why don't you?


I'm just a little... little nervous.

This is my first "rescue a lost spirit from another dimension" mission.

(sighs anxiously)

If the Lieutenant were here, she would say something... tough yet encouraging, of which I would wholeheartedly concur.

She is very good at that.

I get why you want to find her so badly.

(rumbling, whooshing)

(rumbling fades)

Ah! Oh...






(startled gasp)


(grunts, snarls)

(whimpers, gasps)

(eerie screech)


That thing wasn't human.

And it wanted to k*ll us.


We were supposed to be rescuing Mills, not facing down living nightmares.

Evil engages us when we least expect it.

So you had no way of knowing that that... that thing would come through?

Well, the ancient texts say the gateway spell is often used for darker purposes.

You knew you might summon a monster?

I thought the Lieutenant had calculated a way to appropriate the spell.

You wanted to find Abbie so badly you allowed a demon to play you.

You're the reason it's in our world.

I took a chance.

Working with the supernatural is not an unequivocal science, and if the Lieutenant were here she would tell you...

She's not here.

I am.

And I don't need to be Abbie Mills to see that you are pushing too hard.

You insisted on participating in this mission.

Why was that?

I may not know about the supernatural, but I know when someone screws up.

You don't think I'm to blame, do you?

What I think's not important, Crane. What do you think?

Who asked you, anyway?

(knocking on door)

Local cops found a body and the death is unusual.

This might be the work of our mirror monster.

I-I don't know enough about this stuff to know what to look for, so...



Victim was a car thief.

He stopped to ditch a hot ride in the parking lot of a diner, but didn't get very far.

A witness said she saw a woman in white running from the scene.

Also, uh...

I have experienced firsthand the creature that created these marks.

Where's the diner?

Off Route 10.

Away from town.

I must examine the area.

♪ ♪

According to my research, this is an onryo, a Japanese vengeance demon.

Typically associated with the spirits of wronged women, but this particular one feeds off desperation.

The locator spell I cast must have brought it to the area.

And it focused on me because of my... emotional state.

So it picked up on your cues and pretended to be Abbie.

You were catfished.

If that peculiar ichthyic reference means I was duped, then yes, you are correct.

Okay, so then why'd it mark me?

Perhaps because you were present when I cast the spell.

The demon must have assumed we were...


I have worked and fought alongside many people in my time.

It was only recently that I truly understood what a partner is.

What it means to have someone who makes you more than you are simply by being by your side.

Truly your better half.

You were right.

I acted recklessly.

I get it.

It's not easy losing someone like that.

You speak as if from personal experience.

My parents.

They were archaeologists.

When I was a kid, they went out on a dig.

Mayan ruins.

Officially, their disappearance was ruled an unsolved mystery, but local workers swore they were taken away by demonic forces.

I tried to convince myself that it was just superstition talking.

But you knew there was some truth to it.

So you studied everything you could on the supernatural.

My whole life I've been looking for proof that there is another world out there.

And you... you've been living in it.

(phone rings)

It's Foster.

When did this happen?

All right, yeah, got it. Thanks.

They just found another body with the same marks.

A hitchhiker.

Farther north on Route 10.

That's further away from town.

If desperation truly is the onryo's lure, it would surely head to more populated areas.

This road is the opposite direction.

Next closest exit is West Point.

This... this thing feeds on desperation, right?


Could it be tracking not just people who are desperate, but people who are desperate to find Abbie?

Its focus could be that specific.


I think I know where it's headed.

There's only one person who is as desperate to find out what happened to Abbie Mills as you.

It's going after Daniel Reynolds.

Our call has been heard, my love.

Soon you will have all you need to restore your strength.

There is a quicker path.

Find the Witness that took the Eye.

She no longer exists in this realm.

But if she still lives, I will hunt her to the ends of time.

I swear it.


Because if you fail to find her...

I will not suffer alone, my love.

Jenny: Randall made three calls to this storage facility.

The manager said that he paid for six months, up front, in cash.

What, he just volunteered that information?

I've done business with him before.

You know, someday you're gonna have to give me the full rundown on the adventures of Jenny Mills.

It's not that interesting.

Look, I understand, you know.

You want to keep acting cool, professional.

Stick with what you know.

Because if you can convince yourself that it's just business as usual, then the truth of what might have happened to Abbie can't sink in.

But sooner or later, you are gonna have to face that truth.

All right? Just... just remember that you'll be okay.

Oh, yeah?

How do you know that?

'Cause I'm not going anywhere.

Got it.

Randall: Nice job.

When you gonna learn, Mills?

I'll always be one step ahead.


(punches thudding, Joe grunting)

Randall, call them off.


(gasps) I guess your boy was misbehaving.

Now, where's my phone?

Drop it.


Your guys are sleeping on the job out there.

You should hire better guys.


Thanks, but, uh...

Dumb and Dumber will be getting up any second now.

Come on.

(fire crackling)

(eerie screeching)

(hissing, snarling)


The mirror from whence you came, I was able to hurt you with its glass.

That is your weakness.

Crane: Agent Foster!

(Sophie gasping)



(muffled screeching)

(muffled thumping, banging, screeching)

(Sophie grunts)

Welcome to the other world.

I have to tell you something.

It's-it's okay, you-you don't have to...

You are so... stupid.

Whoa. Okay. I mean, that's not where I thought you were going with that.

What else can I do to get you to see?

I am not the kind of person that talks about feelings and gets to know you.

I don't share stories and have relationships.

I'm the person who knocks heads and moves around.

My world is filled with Randalls and McKennas.

And-and that's all you want it to be?

Why not?

What good ever came from the other way?

My dad left when I was three.

Mom checked out not long after that.

Even Abbie abandoned me.

And Abbie came back.

Yeah, and now she's gone.

Possibly for good.

Because she was saving me.

She gave up herself for me.



When I thought... when I thought Randall's guys had shot you...

I thought, "I lost Abbie, and... now I'm gonna lose another person that I love."

Sorry about cutting your weekend short.

Someone called in a Mills sighting.

Turned out to be a false alarm.

No worries.

I needed an excuse to get out of that cabin.

I was starting to go stir-crazy.

Too much fresh air?

And wood chopping.

How's that wiretap warrant going?

I haven't put in for it yet.

Crane dresses funny, yeah, and-and he talks like a Jane Austen novel.

But is he really capable of having done something to Mills?

I know what it's like to need answers.

It can eat at you, make you desperate.

I've seen it happen with... a friend.

(phone rings)


Yeah, a-all right. Hold on.

M... Maybe you're right.

Maybe it is time to shift focus.



Man: Justice will not be served.

(distant, overlapping voices fading in)

You draw fire from the flank.

I'll charge them before they reach the gallows, lift him on my mount.

We will not need the horses.

(horse whinnies in distance)

Then how do we save him?

Officer: We have before you a traitor!

Nathan Hale, a spy, caught reporting on His Majesty King George's fleet.

We are here to let him know he's not alone in his last moments.

Nathan Hale will die a hero.

Officer: He's to be hung by the neck until dead, on this day of Our Lord...

I cannot simply stand by.

The British believe Hale to be just a rogue.

But if we launched a rescue, and by some miracle, were able to save him, they'd be alerted to our presence.

The redcoats would scour the area, not just for us but for all our men, men who can't leave their posts.

Scores would die.

Officer: ...his crimes, and as a warning to others of you, who would follow in his treacherous path!

I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.

He was our partner... and we just let him die.

Not all our partners will survive.

Sometimes you must accept that there aren't going to be any miracles.

The best you can do is continue your mission.

You're suspending the search?

Oh. No.

I will never cease my efforts to find the Lieutenant.

But in the past month, I have allowed nothing but my single-minded drive to fill my field of view.

And that led to terrible consequences.

A friend once told me, "You must accept that there are not going to be any miracles."

"The best you can do is continue your mission."

I believe the Lieutenant would agree.

And what is that mission?

For one, I must continue the hunt for Pandora and the Hidden One, put an end to their evil.


There is much to review.

Jenny: Crane, you gotta see this.

How's it going?

What is she doing here?

Agent Foster has been most valuable in helping me deal with a... sticky situation.


You can speak freely.

This map... shows the energy signatures of demonic creatures.

It's like, um, a radar that detects monsters.

We thought we might be able to use it to locate Pandora.

No dice.

But... we discovered something else.

Each drop represents a demon.

They're converging on...

Sleepy Hollow.

Supernatural creatures from all over the world are headed here.

It's as if someone's summoning them.


(stammers) You're saying a... monster convention is coming to town?

So... what do we do?

I believe if the Lieutenant were here, she would urge us to "kick some demon ass."
