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05x12 - Live to Fight...

Posted: 02/04/16 17:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Suits...

Mike Ross is a fraud, and I'm gonna make sure he never sees the inside of a courtroom again unless he's wearing an orange jumpsuit.

That woman doesn't get anything by prosecuting a fraud like you, but she would love to get Harvey Specter.

I'm not turning on Harvey.

You gotta listen to me!

I'm throwing you a g*dd*mn lifeline!

I want to tell Jeff the truth about Mike Ross.

He told you he loved you, didn't he?

I just don't want to lie to him anymore.

Your whole story about how Louis got his name on the door is bullshit!

And I came here to tell you the truth.

It's over. We're done.

Never even thought for a second that you would even consider an idea so disgusting as turning on Harvey.

The only reason I thought about it is because I am scared to death of you going to prison.

I explicitly told you to stay away from Mike's case.

I don't care.

Donna, I don't think you get it.

There is going to come a time where you're gonna have to choose between yourself and them.

If they're gonna come for me, they're gonna come for me.

Are you saying you coming back to me?

Yes, I am.

Then I'll see you back in the office tomorrow.

[playing scales]

♪ ♪

Dad, you know I have to practice.

I know you do, sweetheart, but there's something I have to tell you.

What is it?

We're moving to Connecticut.

What? Why?

Your mom and I think it's best for you.

And what if it's not best for me?

Honey, it is.

And I found us a great apartment just outside Hartford.

Lot more kids. You're gonna love it.

An apartment.

That's right.

It's gonna be so much better than this big, creaky--

There's something you're not telling me.

No, there isn't.

Yes, there is.

How do you know that?

I don't know, but I do.

Oh, okay, Donna. hasn't worked out, and your uncle offered me a job.

I'm so sorry, honey.

It's okay, Daddy.

I'll let you practice.


Will there be a room for my piano?

Honey, I'm afraid there won't be.

But your aunt teaches musical theater just a few towns away.

I've already signed you up.

Thanks, Daddy.

Ms. Paulsen.

Could I get you a drink?

I'm not gonna be here long enough to finish it.

Oh, you're gonna be here till I tell you you can go.

Which you're gonna tell me sooner than you think, because I've don't have anything to say.

I get it.

Harvey Specter was your boss for a long time-- maybe even more than your boss-- in which case, there's no chance in hell you didn't know that he was conspiring with Mike Ross to break the law.

The only thing I know is... that unless you're gonna arrest me, I'm walking out that door right now.


You're as tough as I expected you to be, so for now, you are free to go.

I told you I wouldn't be here long.

You're gonna get the door for me?

Oh, I'm not opening the door to be polite.

I'm opening the door so I can see the look on your face when you see who's in that room across the hall.


What the hell did you do?

I didn't do anything.

Turns out your father got himself involved in a shady real estate deal several years ago.

My father has never done anything wrong in his life.

Just like Mike Ross and Harvey Specter have never done anything wrong?

Ms. Paulsen, maybe you should reassess the quality of the men in your life.

Let me in that room.

Sorry, not possible.

But next time you see your father, maybe you explain to him you put his life on the line for the man you work for.

You know, I never thought that I'd say this to another woman, but you are a cold, heartless bitch.

I am, and I've got a card.

Why don't I just leave that in your purse?

In case you change your mind about helping me out with Harvey Specter.

♪ Suits 5x12 ♪
Live to Fight...
Original Air Date on February 3, 2016

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ The greenback boogie ♪

What are you working on?

I'm just trying to figure out what Gibbs is gonna do next, figure out how to fight it.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Yeah, you can tell me what your father said you should do about me.

How would that help?

Because I can't really focus on this while I'm worrying about that.

He told me to look in the mirror.


How do you expect him to react, Mike?

He's angry and he's hurt, and--


He told me to get rid of you.


Why good?

Because you told me that you would stay with me no matter what, and when you keep things like that from me, it makes me wonder.

But when you tell me and I see that look in your eyes, I don't.

Mr. Litt, I'm all settled in.

I just wanted to say that I'm so thrilled to be a part of your te--

Yeah, you're happy as a clam.

Let's get one thing straight.

You may have filled Donna's shoes with Harvey, but it's not gonna be that easy filling them with me.

Well, if that's how you want to play it.

I already know that. I heard all about you.

Yeah? From Donna?

From Norma.


You knew Norma?

Damn Skippy.

Played mah-jongg with that woman every Tuesday night for the last 30 years.

Mrs. Fillstein's game on 81st Street?

The very one.

I've been trying to get into that game forever.

You know she kept you out, right?


Norma did that to me?

Well, I can't say as I blame her.

Said it was her only peaceful night of the week.

30 seconds in, I can see what she means.

But you could turn this around.

Play your tiles right with me, I could put in a word for you.

Oh, anything you could do would be so appreciated.

Yeah. That's more like it.

I can do even better.

Please, make yourself at home. Take the day.

Well, in that case, I'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early.

You're here.

I am.

It's good to have you back, Harvey.

Good to be back, Donna.

All right, enough sentimentality.

I need you to--

Clear your schedule for the next two months? Done.

I also gave half your business to the partners that backed you and the rest to Jessica and Louis.

I didn't ask you to do that.

No, you asked me to come back to your desk.

I sure as hell did.

What's next?

What's next is, get Mike into this office, and I don't want him wearing casual clothes; I want him with his Superman outfit on.

He's gonna need a hell of a lot more than a cape and some tights, because I just got a special delivery from the U.S. Attorney's office.

Don't tell me; she's issued subpoenas for every case Mike's ever touched.

She issued subpoenas for anything anyone at this firm has ever touched.

What does that mean?

It means they're not just after Mike anymore.

They're officially coming after all of us.

Mike's already here. I'll get him.

I'm telling you, Harvey, this move is no joke.

That woman gets in the door, she will find something to pressure someone into saying whatever she wants, and I'll be damned if I'll let her r*fle through my house.

What exactly are you saying?

I'm saying we need outside counsel.

Absolutely not. There's nobody we can trust.

There is one person we can trust, because you already told her Mike's g*dd*mn secret.

Jessica, I am not bringing Scottie into this thing.

I'm telling you I can handle this.

You don't even have a strategy to stop these subpoenas.

Well, then I guess it's a good thing I do.

Well, then why don't you stop patting yourself on the back and start telling me what the hell it is?

We go on offense.

What exactly does that mean?

It means that we don't have to prove that she can't subpoena our records; she has to prove that she can.

And she doesn't have a shred of evidence proving that you knew about me.

If she got those subpoenas in the first place, she must have something.

Wrong, I worked in the D.A.'s office for five years.

Judges give out subpoenas like candy.

Then I suggest the two of you get the hell on down there and take that woman's candy away.

The fact is, Your Honor, she has no grounds to even issue these things in the first place.

What is he even doing here?

I'm here because I'm a lawyer and I'm innocent until proven guilty.

And those subpoenas aren't about coming after me; they're about coming after him.

You're damn right they are, because there's no way he didn't know you're a fraud.

Where exactly is your evidence of either one of those things?

I see. They're not trying to fight these subpoenas.

They're trying to get me to turn over whatever evidence I have, which I don't have to do for another three weeks.

You'll do whatever I say you have to do.

Now, I want to know what started this whole thing.

We received an anonymous email from a reputable source.

Yeah, and a stranger called me the other day saying you k*lled six people.

Can I subpoena her bank records?

You think this is a joke?

You're damn right this isn't a joke.

I'm being accused of a crime based on some bullshit email no one's even seen.

I'd ask if you have that email on you, Ms. Gibbs, but I wouldn't want to put you in the position of lying to me, so let's have it.

[quiet dramatic music]

♪ ♪

This is from a general Harvard faculty address.

It is. We are working on tracking down the sender.

Well, you'd better find them, because without corroborating testimony, I'll not only quash these subpoenas; I'll toss the entire case.

♪ ♪

Son of a bitch. It's Henry Gerard.

Harvey, if Gerard was gonna say something, why would he wait until now?

I don't know, but it's the only g*dd*mn person it could be.

All right, then I'm gonna go see him.

And do what?

I'm gonna get to him before Gibbs does, get him to recant.

This isn't testimony.

It's a tip to a crime you actually committed.

I don't care. We have leverage on Gerard.

Were you in there?

This woman has her sights on both of us.

You go up to Boston, she's gonna have people crawling all over Harvard, and you're gonna be the one who led her to Gerard.

I can't just sit here and wait for the sword to drop.

Wait a second.

You can't go there, I can't go there, but I know someone who can.


I was wondering when you were gonna show up at my door.

So you've heard about Mike Ross.

Oh, everybody's heard about Mike Ross.

Now I finally know what you were hiding from me the whole time.

But what I don't know is how the hell you let something like this happen in the first place.

We'll talk about that in a minute.

But I'm not just here to apologize for what happened between us.

I'm here to ask for your help.

You want me to represent the firm.

If it comes to it, I want you to represent me.

You got a lot of nerve coming in here to ask me that.

Jeff, please.

I made the mistake of not trusting you once.

I don't want to make that same mistake again.

Then you're gonna have to tell me the truth about everything right now, and it's not gonna be protected by attorney-client privilege, and you're gonna have to trust that I'm not gonna turn you in.

I was never worried that you were gonna turn me in.

I was worried about putting you in a position where you had to lie.

But I was ready to tell you that night anyway, so I might as well tell you now.

Rachel, what's going on?

I just got a call.

They took Donna down to the U.S. Attorney's office.

We have to get down there right now.

No, we don't. I'm gonna take care of her.

You go ahead and do what we were gonna do together.

Harvey, Donna getting taken in changes everything.

It changes nothing, so stop talking to me and do what you have to do.

It was Henry Gerard.


The person who handed me in was Henry Gerard.

It was an anonymous email.

No way. How would he even know that you're not a lawyer?

That case we took last year, he figured it out.

Well, then why would he wait to turn you in now?

I don't know, but what I do know is, you need to get up there and you need to get him to take it back.

How the hell am I supposed to do that?

That's what you and I are gonna figure out right now.

Wait a second. Where's Harvey?

He's got an important meeting that--

What could be more important than this?

Louis, it's a personal matter--

Where is he?

They brought Donna in for questioning.

g*dd*mn it, this is what I was afraid of.

I'm heading down there right now.

Louis--Louis, listen to me.

They're gonna try and put pressure on Donna to turn on Harvey, and the best way to make that pressure go away is to make Gerard go away, which can make this whole case go away.

Give me the g*dd*mn email.

Now, before you go up there, we're gonna--

I'm sorry. Wait a second.

Why would someone who knows you're guilty call you a "potential" fraud?

I-I don't know.

He's trying to cover his ass somehow.

"A potential fraud besmirching the sacrosanct name of hallowed Harvard University"--

Louis, we really don't have time for this. Please.

Mike, I know who wrote this email.

It's not Henry Gerard.

Excuse me, miss.

Are you alone, or can an old man pull up a seat?

[both chuckle]

Hi, Dad.


So have you looked over the deal?

I have.

And you see the potential I'm talking about?

It's a great project.



I'm not sure how wise it is for you to get back into development.

I understand you would feel that way after what it did to you, but--

I feel that way because of what it did to you.

Donna, I told you.

The banks are crazy for this kind of thing right now.

All I need is $250,000.

I can get a loan five times the size.

I don't know; that just sounds really risky.

Aren't you always telling me that Harvey says if you want to get ahead, you need to take risks?

That's why you came to me.

You're not looking for my money; you're looking for Harvey's.

It would just be to secure the loan.

After the bank gives me the money, he's free and clear.

Harvey's never gonna go for that.

I mean, even I know that's not legal.

Donna, people do this kind of thing all the time.

It's a sleight of hand, nothing more.

Dad, you're doing fine.

Do you really need to risk everything again?

Donna, I manage a real estate office.

Everybody there makes more. Everybody there is doing better.

I used to be better.

I know I can do this.

Please, all you have to do is ask Harvey.

If he says no, he says no.

Dad, I'm so sorry.

Don't worry, sweetie.

People have tried to rattle my cage plenty of times.

It's never worked before, and it's not gonna work now.

That's what I told her. You're gonna be okay.

Donna, can you give us a minute?



They're saying this has to do with that deal I talked to you about seven years ago.


Is there something you're not telling me?

The only thing I haven't told you is that I'm gonna get him out of this, no matter what.

What the hell did you do?

What are you talking about?

They didn't bring you in here if you didn't do something seven years ago, and if I'm gonna get you out of this, I need to know what you did.

I did what everybody else did.

I inflated my collateral because you shut me down, so don't come in here telling me this is my fault.

I shut you down to protect Donna from getting involved in exactly something like this.

This is on you, not on me.

Well, aren't you high and mighty, coming in here accusing me of putting my daughter at risk when the whole reason she's in the position she's in is because of something you did?

That's right.

They told me this is because they're trying to get Donna to testify against you, and they want me to help them get her to do it.

Then why don't you?

Because I know it would k*ll her, and no matter what you may think, I would never do anything to hurt my daughter.

Did you talk to Donna?

I talked to Harvey, and he said it's gonna be f--

I don't care what he says.

What are they coming after her for?

Mike, Harvey asked me not to--

Rachel, what are they coming after her for?

They're not coming after her for anything.

They're coming after her father.


Turns out he was involved in some sort of real estate deal and they're saying it wasn't on the up-and-up.

g*dd*mn it!

Mike, calm down. It's nothing.

Harvey's gonna get them out of it.

Look, it's really just a minor violation, and no one would even care if it weren't for--

Me. You were just about to say if it weren't for me.

Mike, I--

That's it.

I'm pleading guilty.

I'm gonna take the reduced sentence, I'm gonna do the time, and all of this is gonna go away once and for all.

That's not an option, and you know it.

The only reason they went after Donna's dad is to get to Harvey and Jessica.

If you plead guilty, all you're gonna do is help them do that, so you're either gonna turn on the two of them or you're gonna fight this thing out till the end.

We need to talk.

About what?

About what we're going to do if that prosecutor gets ahold of those subpoenas.

You mean what we're gonna do about the letter that Mike has that proves you knew he was a fraud.

Yes, that's what I mean.

I'm assuming you were smart enough to destroy that thing the second they let you out.

And I'm assuming you destroyed the affidavit that you had Rachel sign saying she knew the truth about me.

I didn't, but I had the same conversation with Louis, we worked it out, and I'm here to tell you I will get rid of mine if you get rid of yours.

I knew it; you're actually considering turning your back on me and Harvey.

I'm not turning my back on anyone, but we both know you've done some things that make me question whether or not I can trust you.

Well, then, the least you can do is find the time to speak with my attorney before that ruling comes down.

Your attorney?

I'm sure you've heard of him.

His name's Jeff Malone.

You're even lower than I thought you were, and I didn't even think that was possible.

Coming from someone with your moral compass, I take that as a compliment.

What gives you the right to come after my secretary's father?

I'm not the one prosecuting him.

It just so happens that one of my colleagues is going after him on a completely unrelated matter.

Bullshit, the only reason you're doing this is to put pressure on Donna to come after me.

Well, now that you mention it, the judge did say I needed something tying you to Mike Ross's fraud in order to get those subpoenas, and maybe that something is Donna Paulsen.

I should ask her.

You already did ask her, and now you're manufacturing a bullshit case against an innocent man, and I'm gonna make sure you pay for it.

He's not in here because of what I did.

He's in here because of what you did.

So instead of blaming me, take a look in the mirror, 'cause all you have to do is admit what you did, and all of this goes away.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


What are you doing here?

You know why I'm here.

I'm here because of this.

I don't know what that is.

Please, your language is all over it.

You might as well have signed your name.

What I want to know is why.


I got a call about an article on Mike Ross's meteoric rise to junior partner.

Problem is, I remember every student that's ever gone here, and there is no Mike Ross, so I double-checked my file room, and then I sent this.

Sheila, you are messing with my firm.

Why didn't you come to me first?

Because it didn't occur to me that I had to.

That is bullshit!

You reported it anonymously because you didn't want to look bad.

You didn't trust me to keep you out of it.

No, I reported it anonymously because I was ashamed that it happened on my watch, but I'm not gonna stand by while somebody besmirches the good name of Harvard University.

You have no proof that Mike Ross besmirched anything.

Why are you defending this lowlife?

Because if you'd come to me first, I could have stopped this whole thing from happening.

Oh, my God.

You knew.

Sheila, please, you don't know him like I know him.

What exactly are you doing here, Louis?

I want you to retract that email.

Tell 'em that you made a mistake; you found the file.

I can't do that.

Sheila, please.

When we broke up, I forced myself to accept it, because ultimately I knew we wanted different things, but it k*lled me, because I also knew that we were soul mates.

But the fact that you're asking me to do this...

We are not soul mates.

I'm begging you.

At least don't come forward.

I never was gonna come forward, Louis.

Now leave me alone.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[sighs] I thought I'd find you here.

How are you doing?

Well, they're coming after my father for something he didn't do.

How do you think I'm doing?

I'm sorry. Do you want to be alone?

[sighs] No. I'm sorry. It's just--

Donna, please, you're worried sick for someone you love.

I get it.

It's just, last year my life was in Harvey's hands, and he told me that my worrying about what would happen if he lost would only make it more likely for him to lose.

I know, and you can't help but worry about it, because it's your father.

No, I can't.

And you can't help wondering, if it comes down to it, what will you do?


No, Rachel, how can you even ask me that?

I get it.

Because if it comes down to it, you want Mike to consider turning on Harvey.

That's not what I said.

You know, if you're just here to get me to think about doing that, I don't need that right now.

No, no, no, Donna, I came in here because I care about you and I am--


I'm sorry that I even brought it up.

Are you sorry?

Excuse me?

Do you think that I don't know that all your problems are solved if I tell them that Harvey did this?

No, Donna, all of my problems are solved if Mike tells them.

But, yes, my life gets a whole lot better if Harvey takes responsibility for what he did.

What he did was give Mike a chance to make something of himself.

Which is why Mike's never gonna turn on him.

But you know what?

I would be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind that maybe Mike should think about making a deal.

And you can't tell me that since they picked up your father that the thought hasn't crossed yours too.

Well, thinking about it and talking about it aren't the same thing, and right now, I'm focusing on having faith in Harvey.

Louis, what the hell?

I've been looking for you all morning.

What happened?

It was her.



She's not gonna retract the email.

Shit. What did she say?

Oh, what the hell do you think she said?

Said she knows you're a fraud, she's not gonna take it back, and now that she's figured out that I've been a part of it, she can't stand the sight of me.

All right, then we need to think of something else--

Oh, did you just hear what I just said?

She can't stand the sight of me.

Louis, I know you're feeling bad, but right now, Donna is under the g*n.

What do you want me to do about that?

I don't know, but if she doesn't retract that email and they find her--

No, they're not gonna find her, because she sent it from a general faculty email because she's ashamed of herself like she's ashamed of me.

And this is all your fault, so get the hell out of my office instead of trying to figure out a way to cover your g*dd*mn ass!

You can believe this or not, Louis, but right this second, I'm actually looking out for Donna.

I'm sorry, Mike.

Right this second, I cannot help you.

Good, you're here.

Listen, I need you to take care of--

Before we get to the game plan, I need to know what's going on with Donna's father.

I'm taking care of it.

Did you get Louis to go see Gerard?

It wasn't Gerard. It was Sheila Sazs.

You gotta be kidding me.

Louis told his girlfriend about you?

No, Harvey, you told your girlfriend about me.

Louis risked his neck to get Sheila to take that email back to save our asses.

What are you so bent out of shape for?

I'm bent out of shape because he couldn't do it, and on top of that, Donna's dad is only in this mess because of what we did, and you won't let me help.

That's right, Mike; I won't let you help, because you're under investigation for being a fraud.

You're under investigation too, and if we're supposed to act like there's nothing to be ashamed of, then let's act like there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Okay, that's all well and good, Mike, but I'm the one representing Donna's father, not you, which means I'm the only one with a credible reason to pay a visit to the banker that gave him that shitty loan in the first place.

Harvey, this is k*lling me!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I have to do something.

Right now, the best thing you can do is think about what we're gonna do if they put it together about Louis's girlfriend, because if they find her, we're in deep shit.

♪ ♪

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

How did you find me here?

I remember every game you have from our work on your case.

And I knew I had to find you at a place where we couldn't be bothered by anyone from Harvard.

Because everyone from Harvard now knows you didn't go there.

Which is why I need someone from Harvard to tell them that I did.

Are you crazy?

No, I'm smart.

All they have is an anonymous tip and no corroborating evidence.

You sign this affidavit saying that I was in your class, their whole case gets dismissed.

And what if it doesn't?

Then I go to trial.

This is reasonable doubt.

I get acquitted, they can never try me again.

Or it's not reasonable doubt, you don't get acquitted, and I go to jail for perjury.

I remember when you were willing to commit perjury and we didn't just stop you; we saved your ass.

I don't care. I'm not risking everything for you.

This isn't just for me, all right?

They are coming after everyone that I care about.

I feel for you, Mike, which is why I never turned you in in the first place, but I can't do what you're asking.

And what if I anonymously told Harvard that you took a bribe from a student for a grade?

You willing to bet everything that I won't do that?

You do what you have to do, but I'm not putting my life in jeopardy by signing that g*dd*mn thing.

Wait a minute, wait, wait.

What if I had a way that you could help me without having to perjure yourself?

And how exactly would I do that?

It's right in your wheelhouse.

We're playing poker too.

I just--

I just need you to help me bluff.

Harvey, I need to ask you to do something.

Of course, Donna. I'd do anything for you.

Well, it isn't for me. It's for my father.

He wanted to know if you would consider investing in his real estate project.

I'm sorry. I can't do that.

You just said that you would do anything for me.

I meant I'd consider anything, and I just did.

You haven't even looked at it.

I don't need to.

You're family to me, he's family to you, and you don't invest money with family.

That's not what you said when Marcus needed money for his restaurant.

That's different.


Because Marcus actually knew what the hell he was doing.

You know what, Harvey?

If you don't want to invest, don't invest, but I don't need a lecture from you on what a bad businessman my father is.

Yes, you do.

Oh, really? Why's that?

Because if I know you, you're thinking of giving him access to your 401(k).

So? What if I am?

Donna, this man lost your family's money once.

You're gonna give him the chance to do it again?

Harvey, this man is my father, and he has been there for me my whole life.

And I know what happened between you and your mother, but don't you judge him for what she did.

How dare you? This has nothing to do with that.

You have a blind spot when it comes to him.

I'm trying to protect you.

Well, you're not. You're being an assh*le.

And for your information, keeping me from being there for my father isn't protecting me.

It's pissing me the hell off.

Good, Donna, you're here. Look, I need you to--

The only thing I need is for you to tell me what you did, because I just found out that they're formally charging my father with bank fraud tomorrow.

g*dd*mn it.

What did you do?

All I did was strong-arm a banker.

And why the hell would you need to strong-arm a banker?

Because he had evidence that needed to get lost.

I knew there was something you weren't telling me.

What the hell happened seven years ago?

What happened is, you came to me asking a favor for your father, so I went to him asking a favor of my own.

Bullshit. You don't ask people for favors.

You force them to do things!

You're g*dd*mn right I do.

I told your father if he took your money, I'd pull every string I have to shut his deal down.

You had no right to do that.

I don't care if I had a right to do it or not.

I wasn't gonna let you lose everything just because you couldn't see the truth about him.

The truth is, you went behind my back, and then he did something illegal, and now I have to choose between you and him because of what you did!

What I did was keep you from being involved in this mess.

No, Harvey, what you did was start this mess the day you went ahead and hired a fraud.

What happened?

They're formally charging Donna's father, and we need to figure out a way to get his case thrown out.

Well, then we have to get my case thrown out, because then they won't care about Donna's dad.

And how the hell are we gonna do that?

I went to see Gerard.

God damn it, didn't I tell you not to do that?

That was before we knew he wasn't the one that tipped them off.

If he wasn't the one who tipped them off, what the hell did you go to him for?

I went to him for this.

This is a vaguely worded statement.

It doesn't even specifically say you went to Harvard.

It doesn't have to.

It says that he's known me to be an amazing lawyer, that I've shown mastery of the material that he teaches, and that as far as he's concerned, I'm an outstanding student of the law.

It's total bullshit.

It's not total bullshit, all right?

If they don't find Sheila and we do this, we could get the whole case thrown out.

Gibbs'll see right through this.

She'll put Gerard on the stand, and she'll ask him point blank if he knows for a fact that you never went to Harvard, and we'll have signed our own death warrant.

She's not gonna do that, because it violates the number one rule of being a lawyer that you taught me: don't ask a question that you don't have the answer to.

It's too big a risk.

Harvey, Donna's dad is at risk, and he's at risk because of me.

The only way to get him out is to have me to turn on you or for us to get this whole thing thrown out, so are you on board with this or not?

We better pray this bullshit works, because, if it doesn't, at least one of us is gonna end up in prison tomorrow.

All right, what are we doing here?

Your Honor, we have a motion to dismiss Mike Ross's case.

On what grounds?

On the grounds that I have a letter here from Professor Henry Gerard of Harvard Law saying that Mike Ross was in his class.

This is ridiculous.

Even if Mr. Ross were in that class, it doesn't mean he was matriculated.

You still haven't shown any evidence that he wasn't, which is why that document should get this case dismissed.

This document is a cryptically worded piece of shit, and you're a man who has a reputation for crossing the line.

Ms. Gibbs, language. What are you implying?

Your Honor, there's a good chance he coerced this Professor Gerard into signing this thing.

So our exhibits are all from blackmail, but yours are squeaky clean because you're Mother Teresa?

I may not be Mother Teresa, but I don't resort to coercion to get my evidence.

Then what exactly are you doing with Donna Paulsen's father?

Care to tell me what he's talking about?

I'll tell you. She fabricated a charge against an innocent businessman to pressure my secretary into giving false testimony against me.

Your Honor, it's standard practice to find leverage against a vital witness.

Oh, is it also standard practice to have a federal marshal rough me up in a holding cell?

Ms. Gibbs, if I find out there's an abuse of power here, I will be switching my focus to you.

Then before you rule on their motion, the state has the right to question this Professor Gerard.

Your Honor, can Ms. Gibbs and I have a minute alone?


You think I don't know this letter is complete bullshit?

I pull this clown up on the stand, he's gonna tell me the truth in a minute.

Okay, this clown is one of the most distinguished ethics professors in the country.

You put him up there, this case is over for you before you even get started.

Then why the hell isn't he here right now verifying this thing?

Because that kid cares more about Donna Paulsen than he does about himself.

What do you want?

I want to make a deal-- that letter for Donna's father.


This is too good for you.

If you really had Gerard, he'd be down here right now.

If it were up to me, he'd be down here right now, but this is Mike's call.

This is a one-time offer, and the clock's ticking.

You still get to go to trial, we get Donna and her father off limits, and we both live to fight another day.

I want my subpoenas too.

No way. Judge said no.

You try to pull this thing out at trial, I will rip your professor friend to shreds.

Your Honor, Ms. Gibbs and I have come to an agreement.

She's dropping all charges against James Paulsen, and we withdraw our motion to dismiss.

See you next week.

Nice club.

Are you new?

Just visiting. Not much of a golfer.

Unfortunately, neither am I.

Harvey Specter.

Jim Paulsen.

I assume this is about the opportunity Donna brought you.

It'd be an opportunity if the numbers added up, Jim, but they don't.

I don't understand.

I thought you were the type of man that was willing to take risks.

I am--but not if it puts people I care about in jeopardy, which is why I'm here to tell you that when Donna offers you her 401(k), you're gonna tell her you don't need it anymore.

No offense, Mr. Specter, but what my daughter does with her money is none of your business.

Well, it became my business when Donna put you so far up on a pedestal that she couldn't smell the bullshit you were dishing out.

It's not bullshit.

Yes, it is. I looked at that deal.

There's no way you're getting the kind of money you need without doing something shady.

Inflating my assets to get a loan isn't shady.

Everybody does it.

That's what everybody thinks until the music stops, which is why if you involve Donna in this deal, so help me God, I will pull every string I have to tie your project up in court for the next 20 years.

I'm just trying to make my way.

All I'm telling you is, you can make it without Donna.

You act as if you think I don't love my own daughter.

People who love other people don't put them in positions to break the law.

[footsteps approaching]

I just got off the phone with my dad.

He told me the good news.

I told you I'd take care of it.

What did you do?

It's not important.


We withdrew our motion to dismiss Mike's case in exchange for her leaving you alone.

So I hurt Mike's case.

No, you didn't.

The whole thing was based on a bluff that never would have held up anyway.


This way, we at least got something for it.

Thank you, Harvey.

And I'm sorry for what I said.


You were right to say it.

I never should have put you in this position, Donna.

If you want to go back to work for Louis, I'll understand.

No, you shouldn't have put me in that position, but if I was gonna leave you for hiring Mike, the time to do that would have been years ago.

I hope I'm not interrupting your premature celebration.

You better not be reneging on our deal.

Oh, no, I'm gonna honor it.

I just dropped by to serve you with these.

You and your partners are hereby subpoenaed to hand over every single document in the entire firm.


No way the judge granted that just because we withdrew our motion to dismiss.

She didn't.

She granted it when a Sheila Sazs from Harvard came forward and said she wrote that anonymous email.

That's right, Mr. Specter.

Your chances of winning this case just took a mighty big turn for the worse.

What are you doing here?

You never came to see me, so I thought I would come to you and find out why you're so willing to let all those dangerous letters just keep floating around out there.

I think you mean letters that are dangerous to your client.

Well, I'm holding one right here that puts your woman in a world of trouble, Mike, so no, no, I don't.

Oh, I get it.

I didn't crumble to Jessica, so now you're here to take a shot at strong-arming me into a trade.

No, see, I came to see why, when the woman that's been protecting you for so long asks you for a simple gesture of trust, you seem to think that all she's doing is protecting herself.

Because she is protecting herself.

You're g*dd*mn right that's what she's doing, but that's not all she's doing, because from the second that she found out about you, she's had to lie for you, and she still treated you like family, and it cost her everything.

Give me a break. Until now, it didn't cost her anything.

You better watch yourself.

What the hell are you doing?

It cost her her relationship with me!

You didn't know about that, did you?

Well, now you do.

So you'll destroy that if I give you mine?

I'm an attorney. I can't destroy evidence. But you? You can do whatever you want.

You trust me to do that?

[chuckles] No, Mike.

Jessica does.

Louis, I need you to sit down.

What is it? What happened?

Is your father okay?

I'll go down there right now.

He's fine. Harvey took care of it.

Oh, well, then I don't need to sit down.

'Cause whatever it is, if you're okay, I'll be okay.

Sheila came forward.


She admitted she was the one to write the email.

That's not possible.

She promised me she wouldn't do that.

I'm sorry, Louis, but she did.

I need to be alone.

Louis, I don't think this is the time for you to--

I said get out.

He did it?

He did.

What did you say to him?

I told him how much it cost you, and then I did what we talked about.

Well, it's a good thing you did, because those subpoenas just came down.


Jessica, I don't know that I've ever been much of a spiritual person, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that sometimes I think God has a plan.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that maybe he's trying to show you that there's more to life than Pearson Specter Litt.

I'm not gonna be your attorney on this one.

I think you can find someone better.


I trust you, and there's no way I find someone that I trust more.

Then find me when this is all over, and we'll see if we can put that trust to better use.

Gretchen, whatever it is, it can wait till tomorrow.

This can't wait.

I want to apologize to you.

For what?

When Jack Soloff nominated Mike Ross for partner, I know it hurt Harvey a little, because he wanted to be the one to do it, so I called the "ABA Journal" to write an article about Mike.

I wanted to surprise Harvey with it.

You're saying the article that tipped Sheila off was you?


Why are you telling me this?

Because I'm sorry.

And if anyone ever asks, I'll deny ever saying this, but...I know you all knew.

And I'm with you.




What's the matter?

I know I said I don't want you to keep things from me, but I don't want to keep things from you either.

What are you keeping from me?

It's actually good and bad news.

We had a chance to get this whole case thrown out today, and it didn't work, but we did get Donna off, and for the first time, I actually started to believe we can get out of this thing.

And why were you afraid to admit that to me?

Because I didn't want to get your hopes up.

And I didn't really believe it before.

Yeah, what's up?

Sheila Sazs came forward, which means they're gonna try and pit us all against each other even more.