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02x05 - Season 2, Episode 5

Posted: 02/04/16 17:02
by bunniefuu
First thing that the police are going to try to do is secure warrants.

Michael: So, they're saying Kevin did this?

I didn't do anything, man! I didn't touch anybody!

Terri: Stop it. Stop it! They're always saying smack, talking in accents, calling us...

You don't problem-solve by beating on some kid.

You have a three-day suspension.

Leslie: We have an amazing event coming up.

It's going to raise $3 million.

Charles: You're really going through with that?

Why wouldn't we?

Personally, I'd want things to settle down a little bit.

There's a lot this school is dealing with.

You swore nothing happened.

Well, something happened at that party.

The police are gonna start making arrests.

I messed up.

Some booze, some pills...

I'm not your problem anymore.

Did you as*ault that boy?

I didn't r*pe him.

He wanted to hook up.

Those are texts and e-mails your son and Eric exchanged before the party.

Did you go there to have sex with him?

I didn't go there to get att*cked.

[Heavy breathing]

Man: 4, 5, 6. 5, 6.

Rollins: It starts "R.U.H.?"

It means "are you horny?"

"I'm 'h.' wish you could do something about it."

When we go at it, don't stop, 'cause I'm Q2C."

"Q2C?" What does that mean?

What does "Q2C" mean?

No, stop.

Ms. Blaine, would you like to step outside and get some...

No, no.

What does "Q2C" mean?

"Quick to cum."

You wrote those texts to Eric?

The texts about forced sex, r*pe...

That was just talk.

Was... it was like you were flirting?


Who started the flirting?

We both talked about it.

So, by the time you two...

By the time you got together at the party, he knew that's what you liked?


It was just something that I... I could think about.

I don't... I don't...

Had you ever previously had a sexual experience with another man?

One other guy.

This other guy, did you tell him your fantasies?

I never told anybody before.

Why Eric?

Because Eric made me feel safe.

You went to this party. You went to meet Eric.

I told you that.

He knew you liked aggressive contact.

How is any of this r*pe?

He liked it, too.

Because I never said "yes!"

I never got to say "yes."

He gave me a drink. I started to feel sick.

I couldn't... c-control myself.

It was like I was...

Like I was watching this happen to me.

It's like I had to... To watch myself be...

And... and there's a door.

There's a door right there, and there's... there's people on the other side.

And they're right there, but they might as well be a thousand miles away.

And, look, I'm... I'm... I'm opening my mouth, and I'm trying to say something, and I got a hand over.

I got a hand I-in it. I got something in it.


Okay, it...

It happened so fast, but it... it...

It took forever to stop.

And then he leaves me there.

He walks out of the room, and...

He leaves me there to... to crawl out.

After the event...

"Want to see you.


That means...?

"Will you call me?"

Eric assaulted you, but you still wanted to see him?

I needed to see him.

I needed, um...

I needed him to admit what he did.

Krasno: I think that's it for now.

Are you going to arrest anybody?

We're still trying to determine no, it wasn't consensual.

He... he was drugged. He was r*ped.

I mean, h-his girlfriend was there.

Evy was there.

We're going to interview her again.

We're going to talk to as many people as possible.

I mean, he... he... He was assaulted.

Then why did your son lie? What were you afraid of?

Everything you're putting my mom through.

[monitor beeping]

[Indistinct conversations]

Eric: Just kept getting more and more intense, you know?

Every text, every time he sent me something, it was more.

"I want you to hold me. I want you to hold me down. I want you to hold me down and choke me."

Rollins: So you planned to get together?


But it was Kevin Lacroix that invited Taylor to the party?

Kevin runs the deal.

We're both captains, but, you know, he's the man.

Kevin didn't know you were gay?


Krasno: Why did you two want to hook up at the party?

It turned Taylor on to do it kind of public.

Us getting off while everybody else is somewhere getting stupid.

Kind of... Kind of turned me on, too.

Did you drink?

Uh, yeah, but I wasn't drunk.

How long were you both alone in the room?

15, 20 minutes.

It was consensual?

He was the one coming after me. He was talking me through it.

You know, "do this to him, do that to him."

And he was conscious the entire encounter?

He was buzzing, but he knew what was going on.

Did you provide him with alcohol?


Did Kevin give him alcohol?

I don't know.

Did you offer him anything to enhance the sex to make it feel better?

I didn't need to. He was into it.

He was telling me to hold him down, telling me to choke him.

And then he wants me to unload.

Soon as I do, he starts freaking out.

You know, gets all sad and scared like some bitch who's sorry he got turned out.

I don't need to hear that, so I was out.

And then later, right, I hear he was pounding, sparking it up, acting stupid.

I come back, he's pants down, ass up on the floor, puking on himself.

Everybody else snapchatting his ass.

I felt bad for him, so I got him home.

After he was incapacitated, you were with him?

His girl was in the car the whole time.

The whole time.

And then the next day... Like, right the next day...

He starts texting me like, "Oh, I want to see you. I want to talk."

I didn't want anything to do with him.

That's when he started popping off on how I r*ped him, after I didn't want to give him any more.

So I didn't r*pe him. I did what he wanted.

I'm sorry I ever went anywhere near him.

You don't seem sorry.



Who was the... Other one? Who was the... First one?

Mark, when I was, um, in eighth grade.

He used to come over.

How did it... Start?

It just did.

Well, did... He do things to you?

Did... did you do things to him?

It was both of us.

He used to sleep over.

Never did anything in the house.

So that makes it all right?

As if it wasn't in the house, then whatever you were doing, it's okay?

If it was a girl, you wouldn't care.

If you can't tell me what you were doing, don't tell me what I'm feeling.

Eighth grade? No, I would have cared.



Did Evy know you liked boys?


The e-mails, being rough...

Why do you want that?

It's just stuff I think about.

Well, did Eric know that?

Did he know that it's just stuff?


[Door slams]

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Heavy breathing]

Steph: I just like going monochromatic better.

It... it focuses your eye on the subject, rather than the world around it.

I mean, these are raw.

I can... I can put color back in.

No. No, these are stunning.

How's Dan coping?

Dan is, um... Dan is... Dan is Dan.

You know, he's...

I think he... he trusts that everything's gonna work out.

Uh, he doesn't tend to confide in me, but I can tell he was affected by Eric's su1c1de attempt.

His boys... they're good kids. They're strong kids.

It's hard for all of them, with this accusation hanging over their heads.

I can only imagine the anxiety as they're called in to speak with the police.

If Dan were to have a message for them, I would hope that he would tell them to do what they know is right in their hearts.

Oh, sure.

And... and to be guided by all the principles he's taught them... Unity, fidelity, loyalty.

Those are the values that will get us all through this.

You want me to tell Dan to tell that to his players?

I just think it would be great if they could hear that from Dan.

I hope you two are still planning on attending the gala this evening.

However things... However they work out, it's important for people to know we are a community.


Okay. Thank you.

Kevin: I don't know what to do, man.

I'm... I'm freaking out.

And... well, you can't stress it, man.

We're a team, man. We're gonna do like a team.

Police arrest me, I... I could do like six years.

That's not gonna happen.

You know that?

Look, none of us are gonna say anything to the police.

So it's not gonna happen, man.

Stay strong, man.


Peace out.

Hey, you, uh...


You think it's gonna be how they say?

Like... You know, everything is gonna be cool?

I mean... I mean, it's just not the world I know.

I'm just being real with you.

Hit me up.


Taylor: And people say, "you got to speak up."

You got to say something.

"If you don't say something, you're just a victim."

But if you go online for a minute, you look things up.

Most times, assaults, nobody ever gets arrested, nobody... Nobody goes to jail.

You don't feel you have the right to say something?

No, it's not about me.

It's not... It's not just about me.

I have to watch what they do to her.

Your mother.

What the police do to her, how they treat her.

And at school, she...

She trusted them.

And she went to them for help.

And she begged them...

And, no, they... They turned on her.

They treat her like a dog.

And now it's... it's just... It's the same thing...

Same thing all over again.

It's being made to feel helpless.

Speaking about what happened, that doesn't make you feel like you're fighting back?

I feel more alone now than when this started.

Before, I... I just wanted to run and hide, and now... I want...

What do you want?

Evy: Tell me what you did.

Tell me what you did!

I...Didn't do anything.

You lied to me, right?

You did that.

I don't care that you're gay.

I'm not. I...

Just be a man. Okay?

Tell the truth.

I'm trying to figure stuff out.

You texted Eric about holding you down, about choking you.

You didn't have to figure that out, right?

You knew how you wanted him to grind on you.

So how are you confused? What are you confused about?!

How I feel about you.

When did you feel anything about me?

I see how you lied to me.

I see how you'd get a few beers in me, tell me to hard-grind on you some.

Was I supposed to be a boy to you?

Is that why you did me like that?

Is that why you were with me?

Am I a boy to you?



[Breathing heavily]

[Voice breaking] Did you give me anything?

Are you clean?

I'm clean.

How do you know?

I got tested.

You did it enough you had to get tested?

I just...

I got tested.

I stood up for you.

Everybody else... they cut you, but I stood up!

You want I should go tell the police that you're a lying piece of...


Do you want me to go and tell them that you're a liar?

Tell them I got drunk.

Tell them I was just lying on the ground, kids taking my picture 'cause I got down with a boy and I had to get messed up.

You tell them that.

Where were you at the time of the alleged event?

I was by myself.

Taylor was wherever.

I wasn't having fun.

The people at that party... They were jerks.

I just wanted to leave.

There's been new information about the intentions of both young men that evening...

Why Taylor went to the party, why he separated himself from you.

Knowing that, do you still believe someone intentionally incapacitated Taylor Blaine?



Because of how he looked...

How he acted.

Krasno: Impaired?




And I thought I was getting Taylor into a car away from whatever was happening, but I put him into a car with the kid who r*ped him.

Do you know for a fact...

You asked what I believe.

Besides Taylor, you're the only person who was at that party who's claiming there was a r*pe.

How many people have to say it's a r*pe before you care?

[Door closes]

I should run this stuff through the wash.

You want to eat first? What do you feel like?

[Rubs palms together]

You want pizza...

Or whatever?

Where's Peter?

He's with your mother.

They're gonna, uh... They just went out some.

[Refrigerator door closes]

I have got to get him on this place when he gets back.

I told him...

Do you want to talk about it?

Well, we, uh...

We've still got a lot out in front of us...

I mean, the police.

You want to talk about me being gay?


When you're...

Up to it, we can, uh...

You know, when you're ready.

[Indistinct conversations]

Come in.

Dante: What you're doing is wrong.

You're punishing us.

You're profiling us.

Profiling you?

Why were Mateo and his friends expelled?

That's not your business.

If it affects us, then we have a right to know.

Mateo was defending us.

No, he wasn't.

He was defending one of us.

Evy was being harassed. Mateo was protecting her.

S-she doesn't deserve suspension.

Those black boys do.

There weren't "black boys" in that fight.

There was one black kid, and Mateo and his friends were beating on him.

Well, what was happening before that?

What was happening before that doesn't matter.

[Sniffs] If the black boys were bullying Evy?

Stop saying "black boys."

If they were being r*cist?

How you know he was?

Do you know they weren't?

I saw Mateo and his guys...

So it's about what you saw?

Three kids beating up on one boy.

Don't come in here acting like he was doing something right.

You weren't even there, and you're blaming Mateo.

All Mateo was doing was acting like a thug!

He was standing up for Evy, and we're standing up for him!

Said what you had to say. It's done.

[Door slams]

[Buckle jingles]

[Zipper closes]

[Toilet flushes]

[Water runs]

[Water stops]

[Heavy breathing]
[Indistinct conversations in distance]

[Birds chirping]


Krasno: Miss Blaine?


Detective Krasno.

I'm calling to let you know that based on what we know, the county prosecutor is not bringing charges in your son's case at this time.

I'm sorry. "At this time"?

If there's new information, we'll give you a call as soon as we know something.

Wait, y-you're not doing anything?

Based on what we know, the county prosecutor is not going to bring charges.

If there's anything new, we'll be in touch.


Miss Blaine?

[Sighs] The police called.

They're not gonna...

There are not gonna be any charges.

They're not gonna arrest anybody.

So... It's done.

I need to know from you that... That this is over, that you're done putting us through this.


Rollins: It's the decision of the county prosecutor not to move forward with any charges.

So, Kevin has been cleared?

He hasn't been cleared of any involvement, but the county prosecutor isn't bringing charges.

He's still a suspect?

Your son, anyone connected to the allegations would only be charged if new or additional...

Is he still a suspect? Please just say what you mean.

Will you tell her to answer me?

Are, are you, are you charging our son, or are you not?

You either are or you aren't.

This is not moving forward, but the county prosecutor wants to reserve the right to...

So you're going to just do that to Kevin.

Look, we need to...

You're gonna leave this over him.

He deserves better.


I understand your wife's upset.

I hope you can help her understand that we're being as thorough as we can.

Hey. Terri... she's fierce.

Yes, she... She really is.

But please do not mistake me for being the reasonable one, especially when it comes to our son.




Gamboa: Mr. Dixon?

Go for Dixon.

There's a problem out in front of the school.

What problem?

All: [Chanting] No somos matones!

No somos matones!

No somos matones!

No somos matones!

No somos matones!

No somos matones!

-No somos matones!

We are not thugs!

No somos matones! No somos matones!

[Chanting continues]

Want me to call the police?


Let them burn it off.

If they're out here tomorrow, we can start handing out discipline notices.

No somos matones! No somos matones!

Leslie: It has to be about forgiveness.

While everyone else rushed to judgment, we remained steadfast in support of our two accused students...

One black, one gay.

Let other people defend their bias.

That already puts us in the lead.

Eric Tanner's return has to be a display of acceptance on our part.

Our families... This isn't San Francisco.

Nobody is trying to deal with having a gay kid on a sports team.

We start calling those people out as h*m*, they start to pivot.

You want us to call our families bigots and h*m*?

We let the students do it.

We have any number of them who are progressive, vocal.

We promote their voices.

We've got a block of fundamentalist families to deal with.

We don't have to change what they believe.

What we have to change is how they perceive the issue.

Make it about forgiveness.

Make it about things that are central to them.

Don't push any actual acceptance of Eric's lifestyle.

Stick to the tolerance for it.

Nicholson: What about our black families?

I mean, we put a lot behind Eric.

They're gonna expect the same for Kevin.

It's not gonna take the same effort with Kevin.

It's just not.

We've done any number of things in support of the Lacroix family.

And to be honest, we only have three black families who pay full tuition.

They're not gonna raise the same concerns the same way.

Beyond that, we talk publicly about how we've learned from this, what reforms we're implementing, but it's about making the message as simple as we can.

The other boy lied.

Ours told the truth.

We start preaching that with our event tonight.


Yeah. Well... It's not over.


But I think we're putting it behind us.

Thank you, Leslie.

Oh, my goodness.

Good job. Thank you.

Burrows: Very grateful.

Oh, my god. To you, to you.

[Water running]

Sarah: [Crying] I don't know why.

Just made me feel...


Becca: Why was aunt Sarah crying?

Steph: Okay, don't... don't say anything to your father.


Um, Sarah went out to get a coffee, and some guy started talking to her... Ab...

Well, you know, he just started talking to her.

And he was... He was interesting, I guess.

She thought he was.

And before she left, he gave her his number.

She cheated on uncle Charlie?

No, no. She didn't call the guy, but she kept the number.

Well... well, it... you know, it didn't feel good to her.

She didn't do anything.

I know, but it didn't feel right.

But then why did she keep the number?

That's stupid.

Stop it.

No, it's stupid to feel bad about something you didn't do.

You know what? You're 17, and you don't get it.

[Chuckling] Then what?

I mean, feeling bad about stuff you don't do.

No, she feels guilty.

But you have to do something before you can feel guilty.

No, you can...

You have to care about something.

Then you can feel guilty.

All right, whatever.

♪ Numbered low ♪
♪ Less ♪
♪ King than knave ♪


♪ The leader's mind is thrown ♪
♪ But left unscathed ♪

[Cellphone vibrates]

♪ Press ♪
♪ The shutter snap that plot the way ♪

[Microwave door closes, beeping]

♪ I'm overrun ♪


♪ My cause nowhere ♪
♪ Show me ♪
♪ Your masterpiece, there's nothing there ♪
♪ The Iris has no point of view ♪

Peter: Are you gay?

Mom said that's why you tried to k*ll yourself.

She said that you're gay and that's why you tried to k*ll yourself.

She can't deal with it.


Peter, I'm...

You're an ass...

[Footsteps depart]

[Exhales sharply]

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday, dear Steph ♪

Dan: Sometimes I like to look at you from across the room...

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

And I think, "if I didn't know this girl..."

Would I still fall in love?"

What's the answer?




[Breathes deeply]

How would you feel about leaving the school?

Uh, about me leaving the school?

This whole thing has been... A mess.

How they've handled it was a mess.

You spent... you spent six years building your program, and they just... they... They screwed it.

Leave and do what?

Go to another school.

Go to be an assistant at a college.


It's not gonna work here anymore.

Look, this thing, it... It's not gonna last.

All right, the... the... The school, the team...

They're gonna get past all this.

You're not gonna work here anymore.

You tell me what you think when you look at me.

[Breathes deeply]

I look at you, and I see a man...

A good man... Who's in over his head.

Happy birthday.

Hey, w-why are you mad? Why are you mad?

Because I'm telling you you're good?

Look, y-you're not using that as a compliment. All right?

That's like breaking up with me 'cause... 'cause my... Too big.

All right?

Don't get profane.

Yeah, well, if... if one of us is slinging stuff...

This... this thing... It tore your boys up.

It tore you up.

And... and this... this stuff doesn't happen in college?

In college, they have rules.

Hmm? Yeah, okay.

They have procedures.

Yeah. I'm not leaving Leyland.


Our daughter doesn't know what love is.


Becca came to me.

She... she doesn't know what love is...

Yeah, she's 17.

Or commitment.

She doesn't know what guilt is.


Are you... A-are you on your candy?

Oh. Why?

Because the only time I have anything to say is when I'm high or I'm hysterical?

I don't know, because you're going from how I'm too nice to how Becca doesn't understand love.


I mean, that's how...

That's how people sound when they're high.

Love... And commitment.

They're hard.

Right? Talking about them is hard.

And you don't have hard conversations.

You... you... you know, you always lead with trust and with honesty and...

Oh, and that's... That's wrong, huh?

That's wrong?

And you tell your boys to be good, right?

You tell them to do right.

And that's always worked, you know, because... because nobody ever had to put it to the test.

But... but the first chance they get to lie...

To really, really lie...

I mean, they could... They could have come to you.


But they didn't.

Let's stop.

Because it doesn't stick with these people.

You know, it's... Look, it's so...

It's just... It's so easy to be cynical.

That whole school is cynical.

Every step, it was, "go down there, go to those kids, you know, make them confess."

You know, next thing, I'm standing in a hospital over Eric because he tried to k*ll himself.

That wasn't your fault.

Well, I gave in, and that was my fault.

All right? It's... [Sighs]

I gave in as a... as a... As a coach, as a friend, and Eric almost died.

So, when people, they start coming to me, telling me what to do...

Well, they're not your wife. But I got no need for it.

What, I don't have a right to talk to you?

Not when it comes to my team... All right?...

Or what I do for them or how I do it.

So, what am I supposed to do?

I'm just supposed to stand around and cheer for you?

Okay, look, I know... because you already have those people.

I-I know this is your birthday.

I... it was hard for me, too, this one.

Stop. You're dismissing me.


Look, for whatever... Whatever reason, you... you want to get into it with me.

You want me to throw some punches.

No, I'm... I'm not trying to hit you.

All right, well, what do you want? What the... Do you want?

You want me to stand here and spew...

So you can feel good about the guy you married?



Leslie wanted me to tell you...

To tell your boys to lie to the police.

She wanted me to tell you to give them one of your little talks...

About fidelity...

And unity.



I don't know what she wanted, but I never would have told them to lie.

But have you ever really tried to find out the truth?

The truth...

Isn't cynical.


I just... I want something better for you...

And better for our daughter.

Becca has us.

Those... those boys... They need me.

You know, and you...

T-they need somebody like you, too, at that school.

Yeah, documenting the sins.

I'm not leaving them.

Then we better get ready to go to this thing tonight.

Leslie really wants you to go to this thing.

We have to go. You know that, right?

So the haters can hate?

Haters gonna hate regardless, honey.

That's all they have for themselves.

[Sighs] I know this hurts.

But there hasn't ever been one thing that we've ever done or not done where we were worried about what other people were gonna say.

So... Tonight...

You and me...

Heads high...

Looking fine and undefeated.

That's how we start to get our son's name back.

Rhys: Ladies and gentlemen, there are any number of pleasures that come with being on the board of directors of Leyland, but none greater than presenting the head, heart, and soul of our school, Dr. Leslie Graham.


To all our friends, families, and donors who helped make tonight's performance possible, thank you.

We have a long history of academic excellence here at Leyland.

In recent days, although this entire community has been challenged, I am happy to say our future has never been more assured.

We are so proud of all of our students, who showed everyone what we at Leyland already know...

Real men stand up for each other.

Real men stand up for what they believe in.

And most importantly, real men tell the truth.

Thank you, and enjoy your evening.


[Soft, slow music plays]

[Music continues]

[Music intensifies]

[Music stops]

[Soft, slow music resumes]

[Music stops]

[Breathing heavily]

[Cheers and applause]

[Indistinct conversations]

James: I just need to speak to the manager, Anne Blaine.

Yeah? I'm Anne.

Hi, my name is James.

Is there somewhere we can... Talk?

James: Our daughter was a student at Leyland.

It's been about six years now.

What... what happened?

She was having problems with one of the teachers.

She was being harassed.

S-she was being touched?

No, no. No, it was verbal.

The teacher would say things to her...

Just the... The most lewd things.

We... we couldn't get anybody at Leyland to pay attention, to do anything.

Finally, we sent our daughter to school with a...

One of those little pocket recorders.

You got him on tape? Did you bring it to the school?

They said we didn't have the right to record conversations on school property.

And they suspended my daughter for a week, started spreading rumors about her to the faculty.

After that, the response was just brutal.

The whole school... teachers, some of the parents.

They turned against you.

We tried to sue.

My wife couldn't take the legal battles.

And it was just gonna get a lot worse before it got better.

So... We ended up taking a settlement.

Felt like the right thing to do.

But it wasn't.

It was the easy thing to do.

Say something to somebody. Tell somebody what happened.

Can't. I signed an agreement.

I'm not even supposed to be talking to you.

Well, then why are you?

I heard the police aren't going forward with your Case.

But something's got to be done about that school.

I'm hoping you'll be stronger than me.
