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01x04 - Raising Hell

Posted: 02/03/16 08:24
by bunniefuu
My best friends is suffering.

You're bleeding.

Simon: Previously on Shadowhunters...

Jace: The vamps broke the Accords.

They kidnapped a mundie, that's a big no-no.


Isn't this the wrong time to be antagonizing the Clave?

She who controls the Mortal Cup, controls the Shadow World.

Shouldn't you be teaching me to fight vampires or something?

So how would you get in?

How would you?


They're in the building. Stop them.

I k*lled him.

He was already dead.

If you would all just follow me.

Go! Go! Go!

Raphael: Go! Take him!

Jace Wayland!

Remember who your friends are.

young Clary: Mom, I don't wanna do this.

Magnus: She won't be a child forever, Jocelyn.

[Clary muttering]

Jocelyn: For now, I don't want her part of our world.



It's okay, I'm here. You're safe.

[breathing heavily] Jace...


Simon: You all right?

You still seem... kind of freaked.

[exhales] Simon.


I got you. You're okay.

Must have been one hell of a nightmare.

[exhales] You have no idea.

I was strapped to this piece of furniture and my mom was there.

She kept telling this guy to protect me, but then he reached his hand into my skull and ripped out my brain.

Hello, Freddy Krueger.


Tell me about it.

[inhales] What are you doing here anyway?

Shouldn't you be in the infirmary?

Uh, I just... really needed to see you.

I am so sorry that my messed up life put you in danger.

I'm fine.

No, if those vampires hurt you...

I couldn't live with myself.

You're all I've got left.

Don't get me wrong, I'm totally grateful that your friends got me out before the vampires drained me like a Big Gulp.



How well do you know this Jace guy? Can you trust him?

I think so.

I mean, he saved my life... and yours.


But I was thinking... all of this craziness started the minute you bumped into him at Pandemonium.

You think that's just a coincidence?

Honestly, I don't even know what to think anymore.

All I know is I have to get my memories back.

I need to know who I really am. Maybe... [inhales]

Maybe I saw where my mom hid the Cup, and... and if I could just remember...

I could save her.

I just... I wanna put all of this behind me.

[stammering] But I don't know this world.

I don't even know where to start looking. I'm...

I'm just lost.

Hey... Okay.

Look, start with what we know, okay?

We know that dreams are remnants of memories.

Right. Yeah.

You saw your mom in the nightmare, before the guy was reaching into your brain.

Yeah, she... She called him Magnus.

I mean, it's completely random, I never...

Magnus Bane?


Why? How do you know that name?

I heard it from the vampire.

[chuckles] You know, the shockingly hot one, it was...

[stammers] Sorry, uh, Camille...

She was super pissed at this Magnus Bane guy when I told her that someone took your memories.

[chuckling] Simon! Simon, you're amazing!

You've just... You've given me my first solid lead.

I did?


Awesome. Wait, where are you going?

I have to find Jace and tell him about Magnus Bane.


What would I do without you?

Really? Again?

I'm such an idiot.

Oh, God.



I gotta get out of here.

Gotta get out of here...

Jace, I need to talk to you about something, it's really...


Sorry, I... [laughs] I really should've knocked first.

Let me just grab a shirt.


[chuckles] Good idea.

So, what's up?

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, um...

I need you to tell me everything you know about Magnus Bane.

Magnus Bane is the High Warlock of Brooklyn, why?

Because that vampire, Camille, practically accused him of stealing my memories.

Where did you hear that?

When Simon told Camille someone took my memories back at the Hotel DuMort, she blamed Magnus Bane.

Right, and you believe your little mundane friend?

I believe Simon.

Besides, I keep having these dreams where this Magnus guy is with my mom and she tells him to protect me.

You mean, like, memory fragments?

Yeah, but... [sighs] They're not making sense.

Whatever, why didn't you tell me about that?

Because, Jace, practically a week ago I didn't even know this world existed.

Let alone that Magnus is real.

Magnus' magic is so powerful, he can invade even the Silent Brothers.

If he's the warlock that took your memories... he could be the key to everything.

People are risking their lives to help me get my memories back.

But there might not be anything there.

I might not remember anything that will lead to the Mortal Cup... or my mom.

[inhales] Clary...

Believe me when I tell you that finding your memories is our only shot at getting the Mortal Cup back.

[whispers] But... Look at me...

I'm willing to take that chance on you.

Jace, I need you. The mundie's leaving.

Simon? He can't leave.

He can and he is.

Unless you wanna tie him down and restrain him?

[scoffs] I have to stop him.

Izzy, go wake Alec and Hodge.

We might have a lead on the Mortal Cup.

[sighs] How can one mundane be such a pain in my ass?

Clary: Simon, what are you doing?

I already told Isabelle, they can't keep me prisoner here.

Prisoner? Wait, what... Simon!

Where are you going?

I'm going home, Clary.

And if you haven't already completely drunk their Kool-Aid, then you're coming with me.

You know I can't.

Yes, you can, it's... [quietly] It's not safe here.

[elevator bell dings]

In fact, this is the safest place she could possibly be.

You don't get to talk to me, Captain America.

Considering I'm the guy with the weapons, I get to say what I want.

Okay, come at me, bro!

Oh, yeah?


Hey, what is your problem?

He's my problem!

[softly] He's just like Kirk Duplesse from high school.

Do you remember him? Total jerk with the square jaw.

Smelled like body spray, always bullying people.

Why don't you do your own homework? Just once, yeah?

I can take care of myself.

I'm not saving his ass a second time...

Really, Jace?

Simon! Hey...

Simon... Hey! Simon.


You were kidnapped by vampires, okay?

You of all people should know how dangerous it is out there.

I'll be fine.

Hey, you're not the only one who's in danger.

All right? If you go home right now, you're putting your mother, and your sister, and even Maureen at risk.

Think about them.

I am thinking about them.

Are you?


Because if everything you've said about the Shadow World's true, they're already in danger, and I need to be home to protect them.


Come with me.

We can crash at my place. We can figure all this out.

You have no idea how much I want to go back to the way things were.

To be with you and my mom and...


We've had each other's backs our whole lives.

We've never needed anyone.


Let me help you. We don't...

We don't need these people.


I don't know how to explain this, okay?

But I think... I think these are my people.

Message received, loud and clear.

Simon, wait!


Hodge: Magnus Bane.

He's over 300 years old.

And, as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century.

His tastes are both exquisite... and quite excessive.

He looks like the Downworld's David Guetta.

Isabelle: Guetta's already a Downworlder.


Ever seen him in the daylight?

Alec: Can you two focus?

This is not a joke.

Isabelle: Someone needs to get slayed.

Alec's right.

Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known.

He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters.

Well, then why did he help my mom remove my memories?

Isn't she a Shadowhunter?

Yes, one of the best.

But "help" might not be the most accurate word.

Now, did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn?


But more than likely, your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic.

Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything.

Word from the Clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them.

Valentine must be searching for the warlock, where did Jocelyn...

[rune searing]

Hodge, your rune. You okay?

So how do we find Magnus?

Jace: We don't.

Magnus finds us.

We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected.

Lure him out of hiding.

And I know exactly where we do it.

[Hodge chuckles]

Jace: A Downworld rave.

Nice, Izzy.

And where'd you get that?

During my surveillance of the Downworlders.

From what I hear, Magnus likes to party.

He'll never go for it. Not with Valentine trying to k*ll him.

Of course he will.

He'll blend in. Hide in plain sight.

I don't know, it's seems...

Isabelle: Trust me.

If Magnus is coming out of hiding, he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year.

Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism.

Or his greed.

Come with me.

Is that real?

Hodge: A four-karat, unheated Burmese ruby.

And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus Bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt.

What, Camille and Magnus were lovers?

Warlock gets around.

Magnus bought it in 1857 for the price of his London townhouse.

Now, the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons.

Isabelle: It's so beautiful.

Magnus has longed to reunite with this necklace.

Offer it to him.

He might just take the bait.

I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange the meeting.

We have to get to Magnus before Valentine does.

Valentine: Why haven't we found the warlock to wake Jocelyn?

How is it that my most effective asset is the one that's comatose?

Blackwell: Sir, I promise...

[shushing] You know what? Your lips are moving yet I hear nothing.

Wait a minute, what's that, hmm?


Scouts from the Clave.


[sighs] He was a loyal Shadowhunter.



But his death is for the best.

How so?

When that filthy warlock tainted Pangborn's pure Shadowhunter blood, she turned him into an abomination.

At least he gave his life for the cause.

[inhales] Gather the dead Seelies, hmm?

Their blood could be interesting.

Alaric: Where the hell have you been?

You're 30 minutes late and you're not responding to calls.

Vargas is looking for you.

Relax, I had something to take care of.


It's not even 9:00.

It's never too early for teriyaki.

Ever since your witnesses wound up dead, command has you under a microscope.

[quietly] One wrong move, you're out.

I'm handling it.

No, you're not. Get your act together, Luke.

Show the mundanes you're doing your job.

Our people need you to keep your shield.

If you want me to get the Cup so badly, I need to get Clary alone.

Clary: Jace said you wanted to see me?

That's right.

What are you wearing to the Downworlder party tonight?

I don't know. I was just thinking about wearing this.

I don't think so.

No Downworlder would be caught dead in that.

Plus, it's a party, not a poetry slam.

♪... over... ♪

Well, I don't really have any party clothes with me, so...

So you'll have to wear mine, hmm?

You realize, one of these days you're gonna have to tell me where and when.

Where and when what?

Where you get your spending money and... when are you letting me go to a store?


Okay, that dress is way too tight.

It's stretchy.

♪ ... atone for last night... ♪

Put it on.

Ugh, fine.

♪ Lose all our fears in white wine ♪
♪ When we wake up ♪

Try these.

♪ We'll do it all over again ♪

I don't know, Isabelle, I think I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kinda girl.

♪ Cause when we wake up ♪
♪ When we wake up we're all gonna be brand new ♪

[sighs] You're so lucky to have such a flat chest.

I can never wear that without a bra. [giggles]



Someone's looking badass.

Oh, thanks.

[Clary chuckles]

She cleans up well.

I'm gonna go see Alec.

He never knows what to wear to these parties either.

♪ ... this way ♪
♪ So far away from the light ♪

[clears throat]


At least you look the part of a Shadowhunter.

Yeah, well, um...

I guess it's pointless for me to ask you to stay behind, while I go meet Magnus by myself.

Things could get sticky.

Magnus is being hunted.

You're gonna need a w*apon.

♪ What the stars revealed to me ♪

That's a seraph dagger.

The blade knows you.

And you know how to handle yourself.

♪ Time to atone for last night ♪
♪ Lose all our fears in white wine ♪
♪ When we wake up... ♪

Elias: Magnus, consider the other warlocks...

When did you become so talkative?

Magnus, I beg you to reconsider.

Always frowning, Elias.

[sighs] You may be immortal but, mmm... you're not immune to crow's feet.

You cannot attend this meeting.

No matter what the Shadowhunter is offering.

Valentine is getting close.

It is far too dangerous for you to leave the lair.

I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly.

While I value your counsel... so much red brick makes me feel like a caged animal.

Is one necklace really worth the risk?

This necklace is.

This discussion is over.

I will meet with Clary Fairchild and the Wayland boy.

[inhales deeply] Mmm!

Go to the Spiral Labyrinth and tell Tessa that we need more shields.

While I'm gone, have every warlock maintain the protective wards.

I may be prepared to take on Valentine... [exclaims] ... but my guests are not.

Drink up.

Pick a w*apon. I suggest your whip.

What's wrong with you?


[Isabelle scoffs]

We're going to a Downworlder's rave.

You should be a little more excited.

It's a mission, not a party.

Yeah, whatever.

Before Clary got here, every day was the same.

Go on a mission, k*ll demons. Go on a mission, k*ll demons.

At least now things are interesting.


Valentine is alive and actively seeking the Cup.

He threatens our entire world.

And we're helping his daughter.

Who, by the way, we have no reason to trust.

And who showed up out of nowhere.

On top of that, we're gonna end up overpaying some warlock who may or may not have information we need.

So, no, Izzy... I don't find it interesting.


Feel better now?

No, I don't.

Okay, maybe a little.

You can't keep bottling things up, Alec.

It's only a matter of time before they explode.

And not the fun kind of explode.

All right, let's go.

And we're not going for the music.


[knock at door]

Simon, thank God you're here.

[groggily] Oh, hey.

Where were you?

Yeah, I'm fine.

What's wrong?

We were supposed to have rehearsal last night and you never showed, and I was calling and texting, you didn't answer.

And then your mom said you were going out, so I didn't know what I...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Maureen. I just, uh...

I got caught up with school stuff.

[stammers] Yeah, no, that... that's cool.

I totally get it. You're swamped.

[stammers] Um...

Just say it.

I had this all rehearsed...


Oh, good, you're home. Hi, Maureen.

Hey, Ma.

Look, honey...

I don't want to be one of those mothers, you know, and I know that you're a man now and everything...

Oh, God, this is not happening.

But if you stay out all night long, I expect at least a phone call.

Ma, I'm 18!

So you're supposed to know better.


I don't know what you and Clary were doing all night, but I do know that between the two of you at least one of you has got to have a phone.

Okay... Okay!

All right? So use it.

I was worried sick.

[sighs] I'm sorry.

All right. Well, let's get a hustle on.

The crockpot's been going all day, so dinner's almost ready.

You are welcome to join.

Thank you.

If you like.


So, wait, you were with Clary all night?

Maureen, I'm sorry.

Because you just said that you were swamped with work.

And if you guys are dating, then just say so.

No, no, no, we're... We're... [sighs]

We're not... we're not dating.

Oh, you're not?


Well, good, then... because I'd like to.

[clears throat]

You'd like to what?

I'd like to date you.

Oh, my God, I don't know why this is so hard for me to talk to you.

[object clattering]

[glass shatters]

[stammers] I'm sorry. I'm...

It's okay.

I'm really... Let me just...

Ow! Damn it!


I'm bleeding.

Do you have a...



Simon, are you even listening to me?
Clary: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Last time we were here, this place was crawling with vampires.

Relax, all Downworlders hang out here.

We just came on vampire night.


And when is all this gonna sound normal to me?

I don't know.

[footsteps approaching]

All clear.

Do you think red's my color?

Iz, with a body like yours, everything's your color.

Good point.

Damn, I make this necklace look so good.

Will you take it off?

I'm certain Magnus Bane doesn't want drool on his ruby when we make the exchange.

You know, I wouldn't be so sure.

Most men like it when I admire their jewels.

Alec: Can you just give it to Jace?

[Isabelle giggles]

You're such a buzzkill.

[loud techno playing]

Blend in. Keep your weapons ready.


Clary Fairchild.

You've grown into a beautiful young woman.

Magnus Bane.

So you're the one who stole my memories.

At your mother's request. She knew the risk.

Show me the jewelry, Shadowhunter.


Give Clary back her memories, and you get the jewelry.

I have to confirm it's authenticity.

"Amor verus numquam moritur."

"True love cannot die."

[sighs] Oh, how I've missed this jewel.

Now, it's your turn to pay up.

I wish I could retrieve your memories, but I no longer have them.

What? Where are they?

I fed them to a memory demon for safekeeping.

And why the hell would you do that?

To protect Clary and the Cup.

If Valentine ever captured me, he could t*rture Clary's memories out of me.

Just like he tortured Dot.


Wait, is Dot okay?

You don't know?

Dot is dead.


How do you know?

I can't feel her magic anymore.

Valentine k*lled her because she would not betray your mother.

Oh, my God.

Come with me, Clary.

My lair can offer you protection no Shadowhunter ever could.



No, I'm not going anywhere with you.

Don't be a fool. Your mother would want you to live.

Then help me get my memories back from whatever demon you gave them to.

Valentine is hunting you, too.

And every moment we're outside my lair's protection, is a moment Valentine gets closer to finding us.


Come with me.

I won't offer again.


No, I won't hide from my problems and neither should you.

woman: Look out!


Who are you?

Magnus, wait!

You're my only hope.

Valentine found us.

I warned your mother this might happen.


The area's secure. Looks like he was the only assassin.

He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck.

They found us. It's not safe here. Clary, we have to go.


[gasps softly]


Clary, we have to move.

I'm catching my breath.

You know what? This is great.

And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace.

This is fantastic...

Jace: Alec, the girl... her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down.


What, are you afraid I'm gonna upset her?

We have risked our lives again and again for this girl, and where has it gotten us?

All right? Nowhere. We're no closer to getting the Mortal Cup.

And we've lost the Institute's necklace.

Clary: Hey, I am right here.

I don't care about your damn jewelry.

I'm sorry you're gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay?

But my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air.

Clary, it's gonna be fine.

No, it's not!

People are dying because of me.

And Magnus?

Magnus will never come out of hiding again while Valentine is still after him.

[laughs] We're never gonna find him.

And I will... I will never get my memories back.

You give up way too easy.

What is he doing?

He's tracking Magnus.

Be quiet and keep your distance.

The button belonged to Magnus.

Jace can pinpoint the location using that.


The signal's not strong enough.

Magnus must be blocking the track. Let's do this, Alec.

Do what?

Parabatai tracking.

Of course they are.

When parabatais track, their power grows stronger.

Jace and Alec are gonna track Magnus together.

Yeah, this whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate, if you ask me.

[sighs] You don't know the half of it.

Got him.

Magnus' lair is right behind that fence.

Magnus lives in a warehouse?

Not exactly.

Warlock glamour.

Something's wrong. It's far too easy to get this close.

His protective wards must be down.

Alec: You...

Don't get in the way.

[man grunting]

[sword slicing]

[man groaning]

Oh, God! Valentine found Magnus!



Daddy, get up, please!

Watch out!

[dull booming]

Clary Fairchild.

Valentine will be so pleased to meet you.


[exhales] Thanks for that.

Any time.

Stick close. It's safest if we stay together.

It's okay.

I won't leave you alone, I promise.

Your magic's strong, warlock.

Much stronger than that horned weakling I k*lled this morning.



That was his name.

Well, lucky for us, he sold you out before I took his warlock mark.



Cat's eyes. Be a nice addition to my collection.

[arrow thudding]



Well done.

More like medium-rare.

I'm Magnus.

I don't think we've been formally introduced.


[stammering] Oh, uh... We should really... You know, probably get...

Right, we should join the party.


This fight's far from over.


Go join the others, my dear. This is no place for a little girl. Go.


I heard what you did for Zoe.

You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child.

She was just a girl and she was in trouble.

I had no choice.

You always have a choice.

You're not like the others, Clary Fairchild.

Most Shadowhunters protect Downworlders out of sense of duty, but you saved young Zoe because of what was inside your heart.

You're more like your mother than you will ever know.

Magnus, please... you can't hide from this battle.

Look, Valentine, he found you once, he will find you again.

We need to work together.

Help me.

I can summon the demon, but you must make the demand.

Now, I warn you... retrieving your memories will not be easy.

I will do what I have to do.

All right.

But we're not safe here.

The lair's location has been compromised.

Hold tight, everyone, we're about to move.

[energy pulsating]


[phone dialing]

[line ringing]

Clary on voicemail: Hey, it's Clary. Leave a message.

Hey, it's me.

I just...

I want to flat-out say I'm sorry.

I feel like crap for leaving you with Jace and those guys.

I don't know.

Ever since we ditched those vampires, I've been feeling like crap a lot lately.

It's... these waves...

[stammering] they hit me and I can't think straight.

[sighs] I don't know, it's probably just the flu.


Clary, you...

You're the last person I'd ever want to leave in this world.

I'm so, so sorry.

Call me back. Let me know you're okay.


[sighs deeply] Ah, much better.

Ugh, it's inevitable.

After each move, I get the itch to redecorate.

Normally, I love a dirty lair, but this is one is just sloppy.

I believe in payment for services rendered.

Thank you for defending the warlocks.

Isabelle: I couldn't.

Oh, but you could.

And you should.

The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years.

Besides, this would look silly on your brother.


About Alec, is he more of a flower or cologne man?


Okay, so how do we summon the memory demon?

Are you certain?

Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal.

I'll do anything to save my mother.

Where is the demon?

Okay. Pretty boy, get your team ready.

Jace: You know what to do.

I'm not talking to you.

I'm talking to... you.

Come with me.

Everyone wants the Mortal Cup.

Don't trust anyone, especially not the Clave.

Then why should I trust you?

You shouldn't.

Only trust yourself.

These chalks are beautiful. What are they for?

If a person wants their memories returned, they must draw the pentagram to summon the demon.

I can walk you through it, if you like.

I got this.

Shadowhunter... prepare Clary as best you can.

The memory demon is a Greater Demon.

The rune will be far more powerful than anything you've faced so far.

Do it.

This might sting.

[flesh searing]


Magnus: Jocelyn was right, your artistry is beyond compare.

I don't know about that.

Oh, the only other person I've known who could draw as well was Michelangelo, who was excellent in bed, I might add.

[Isabelle laughs]

Magnus: Okay.

We're ready.

Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram.




We must initiate a bond.

Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats.

No matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands.

[low booming]

[hazy voice whispering]





You people are pathetic.


[whispering continues]


I will lead the ceremony, and you all must do exactly as I say.

The demon's name is Valak.

And at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clary's memories.

What do you mean? What kind of payment?

We will see.

Let us begin.

[speaking Chthonian]

The necklace. It's pulsing.

[wind rushing]

[creature growls]

Valak is among us. Do not break the bond.

Hold on!

I'm trying.

It is time, the demon demands payment.

What does it want?

We must each relinquish a beloved memory of the one we love the most.


[Alec grunts]

No, it's not true! The demon deceived me!

Do not break the bond!

Alec, it's okay!




[straining] I cannot contain the demon much longer!

No! [grunts]



[creature roaring]


Grab him!

Grab him!

Alec: Hold on!

The demon is growing stronger!

Alec: He's slipping!

Clary! Help us!

Clary, if you k*ll the demon, your memories will be lost forever!

Help us!

[creature screeching]

Clary: Jace...

Oh, my God, Jace.

Jace, get up.

Is he gonna be all right?

Magnus: I don't know.

Does he normally just lay like that without moving?

Get up. Jace.


[gasping and coughing]


[breathing heavily]

[weakly] I'm all right. I'm all right.

I'm all right.

I'm just getting my second wind.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You will.

Thank God, you're okay. For a second there, I thought we lost you.

[chuckles] Remind me again, what's the, uh...

What's the count on how many times I saved your life?

I... I think we're even.

[chuckles] I don't think so.





How you doin'?

I'm fine.

Can I come in?


You know, that move you did... launching into the tornado, that was pretty impressive.

You must have one hell of an instructor.

I didn't even know what I was doing.

I just acted.

Clary... you k*lled one of the Greater Demons.

There's not a lot of Shadowhunters who can make that claim.

Yeah, but in k*lling that demon, I lost my memories forever.


I can't believe that... I'm never gonna find my mother, am I?


We will find her.

I promise.

Get some sleep, okay?


[phone beeps] [line ringing]

[sighs heavily]

Come on, Simon.

Pick up!

[phone ringing]

[phone clicks]


[rings clattering]

Nice to see you, Clary.


You want your mother?

Give me the Cup!


[breathing heavily]
