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03x10 - A Ghost Along the Mississippi

Posted: 01/30/16 09:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Originals"...

Freya: If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall...

One by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

When I am buried, the family part of the prophecy will be over.

Elijah, do it!

Someone is ascending to the regency, the witch who was once inhabited by Finn Mikaelson.

They took it, the Serratura.

The w*apon that's used to take down Klaus and Elijah?

I was meeting with a witch.

I was hoping she could help me destroy it.

The only way to get rid of it, is to use it.

Do you actually love her?

I've lost count of the amount of times you've been there for me.

No. No!

Cami: I think you're far more affected by this world than you care to admit.

You want to control it rather than allow it to control you.

The inevitable, unavoidable parts of life make you uneasy.

Klaus: No, no, no, no.

Aah! Ugh!

Some might say death is inevitable, and yet here I am a thousand years old, sipping an exquisite aged whiskey while a beguiling muse sits across from me.

I am the perfect picture of health and vitality, a master of my fate, a conqueror of death itself.

Aah! Yaah!

See? That's exactly my point.

You make some glib, throwaway line about death as though it means nothing to you, but it does.

If not your own, then at least the death of others.

So beneath the devilish banter and charming wit, Klaus Mikaelson bears the burden of a deep-seated psychological trauma about death.



I'll tell you what I know about death, Camille.

Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, And she doesn't give a damn, so...

Why give a damn about her?

You do give a damn.

Why else surround yourself with immortals if not to avoid the agony of loss?

You disagree. Fine.

I hope it's a long time before I'm proven right.




Tell me what happened.


The moment he looks at you as he looked at me.

The moment you know he is in love with you, you're going to do something for me.

You will drink this blood of mine, and then you will slit your own throat and bleed out silently.

You will want to cry out, but you will not make a sound.

She did this to me.

I died.

I'm dead.

Well, you will not stay dead.

She will pay for her actions, I swear to you!


Oh, what's happening to me?

You're transitioning.

You need to feed on blood soon, or you will die again, this time for good.


(Water running)

How is she?

She's just risen from the dead.

As soon as she feeds, her mood will change for the better.

In the meantime, these att*cks need to be answered!

Our retribution must be swift, and it must be brutal!

Agreed. After the Serratura has been recovered.

Freya's pendant is also missing.

And Finn's mystical essence along with it.

So let the imbecile stay lost.

Our business today is to finish off the de Martels.

No, brother. Think, think.

Tristan needs the most powerful witch in the city to activate that w*apon, A Regent.

Vincent, who was once possessed by Finn!

No. Stay here.

She will need you, brother.




I trust this won't take much longer.

I'm on a schedule.

Look, man. If you want me to activate your big, bad Serratura, you're gonna have to backup, give me some space.

Or I could always have my witch put Finn back inside of you, have him complete the deed.

I'm sure he'd be quite pleased to aid in his brothers' downfall.

I do this for you, I get that pendant.

Of course. That was the deal.

"Reveye ak. Reveye moman ak trape dife. Moman ou sè prè. Tann prizonye ou".

Vincent: There.

You wanted it, you got it.

Give me the pendant.

Hold him here.

No, no, no, no, no.

We may have use for him yet.

You really want to cross a Tremé witch?

If he acts up, place my old friend Finn back inside him.

Ok. You poked the witches nest.

What's your plan now?

Heh heh. Worry will be the death of you, Marcel.

The rest of our plan is already in play.

Jackson: Still say we should take my dartboard.

Hayley: Your calendar girls, too?

Some things are best left behind, Jack, and besides, I let you take your bow and arrow.

Not exactly sure what we're gonna hunt in the French Quarter, though.




You gonna hide in the woods, or are you gonna come out here and fight?












(Horn playing jazz)

Uh. The light is k*lling me.

You'll adjust.

Why does the music sound so loud?

Why does everything hurt so much.

As soon as you feed, your heightened senses will cease to be painful and become... euphoric.

You just assume I'm gonna do it?

Feed on human blood?

What did I expect? I chose to live here right along all of you, knowing what you are.

What the hell did I think was gonna happen?

This was only ever gonna end one way.

I deserve this.

No one deserves this, not unless they choose it, and some of us don't have that choice.

We just have to survive what is forced upon us.

But I do have a choice.

I can choose not to feed.


Hmm. You're an obeah witch, right?

Older sect, too, with all that show you got going on.

Do not speak to me.

You're powerful witches, proud people, and rightly so from what I understand.

I mean, you don't usually bow down to anybody.

Your ancestors must be turning in their graves right now, watching you running around here, doing a vampire's business.

I said do not talk.

Yeah, I heard you.

I just have to know.

What does it feel like to be a backstabbing traitor?

Stay on task.

This is for your ancestors.


May they judge you harshly.

Unh! Agh!

Vincent... we should chat.


Oh, I miss him.

He just wanted me to be happy, Get married, have a few kids.

I guess the great O'Connell family line endeth here.

You know...

I never really got, uh... the comfort he got from his faith, but right now, I wish I believed in an afterlife.

Vampirism is by definition an afterlife.

Which one is it, Klaus, Heaven or Hell?

Vincent: Look. I don't know what to tell you, man.

You want your big, bad Serratura, you're gonna have to go after Tristan because he took it with him after he forced me to activate it.

So deactivate it.

I couldn't even if I wanted to, and just for the record, I'm all done with vampire demands for the day.

Push me and see what happens.

You don't want to see what happens.

My family's in jeopardy, you're responsible.

That's on you, man!

If Tristan didn't have the pendant, then he wouldn't have any leverage over me.



Klaus: The longer you wait, the more you'll suffer.

You know, I think it's better this way.

I mean, look at me.

I'm gonna make a super hot corpse, right?

Perfect for an open casket.


I want my wake to be at Rousseau's. I want it to be epic...

An open bar and dancing, and no one cries, or I come back, and I poltergeist the hell out of...

Klaus: Stop it!

I will not entertain this kind of talk any longer.

You must feed.

I need you.

This is not about you. This is about me.

I like who I am.

I've spent my entire life being this exact version of sane, and if I turn, if I become a vampire, I don't know what I'll be, I don't know who I'll be.

I know.

I know you'll be an extension of the person you are now.

You'll be strong and... and understanding and brave.


You don't know me!

You think you know me, but you don't.

There is a darkness inside of everyone, Klaus.

What if mine takes over?

I won't let it.

You can barely contain your own darkness.

It is better I die as someone I'm proud of than live as someone I despise.

No! It's better a flawed life lived than wasted rotting in clay!

It's not gonna happen, Not to you.



I'm not gonna feed, all right?

So you can either respect that, or we can spend the last...

Couple of hours we have together in a screaming match.

I tried that.

I tried that.

The more you struggle, the more wolfsbane gets pumped into your veins.

Jack, your leg.

Are you ok?

Yeah. They worked me over pretty good.

With all the... the wolfsbane in my system, I ain't healing so well.

Just breathe.

When we get a chance to fight, be ready.

Hayley, Hayley, listen.

I don't know if I'm gonna get that chance.


We are gonna get out of here, Jack.

I love you. Ok?

I've... I've always loved you.


When I first saw you, I broke.

You broke me, and nothing has ever been the same since.

I just want to know that it was all real.

Every moment, every touch, every word.

How absolutely darling or pathetic.

I suppose it's all relative.

You let us out of here, or so help me, I will k*ll you!

Hmm. Somehow, I doubt it.

I've been pondering this moment since you tortured me.


What's the best way to truly hurt a hybrid?

And then it came to me.


No! No!


No! No!



What's happening?

A messenger came.

Some compelled tourist.

He left this.



Courtesy of the Strix.

So unless we meet their demands, Hayley will be next.


Jack, I'm so sorry.

I never should have brought any of this into your life.

I was so selfish.

I never met anyone who was always just there for me.

You let me feel what it is to be loved.


But I will make them suffer for this.

I promise you.

I will make all of them suffer.
Cami: Let go of me!

I'm afraid I don't have time to be delicate.

What the hell?

I had Freya create a boundary spell.


I'm off to save the mother of my child, and to do so, I must face those with a distinct advantage.

I cannot wage w*r if I am worried about you, and I will not entertain any thought of letting you die.

You have no right to do this.

I will be back long before you starve.

In the meantime, if the pain should get too great, I suggest you stop this foolishness and feed.

Type O negative.

Just a hint of copper aftertaste.

Trust me, you'll learn to love it.

This is the same as force-feeding me!


If you care about me at all, you won't do this.

I will never forgive you.

I'm just going to have to risk you never forgiving me.

I'll never forgive myself if I let you die.


Klaus: Two Original vampires and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants...

I'm rather looking forward to it.

Keep in mind that I'm mortal, and as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing, so let me go to the covens.

I can propose an alliance.

They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on...

There's no time.

Freya: There never is, but before we rush into battle, let's keep in mind that Tristan may be the very foe to lead you to your doom.

Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold?

Rebekah's on the run.

I will not lose the two of you, as well.

Rebekah's safe.

Brother, perhaps you should stay.

And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child?

No. I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan de Martel of all people.

Intention's got nothing to do with it.

As long as Tristan de Martel has the Serratura and your baby's mama, the advantage is all his.

Well, then we should take that advantage from him.

I'm gonna need something that belonged to his sister.


Sispann agresè.

Run him down.

(Vampires groan)

Nice timing.

Oh. My love, I knew you'd find me.

Hello, Camille.

What do you want?

Have you come to gloat?

Actually, I'm quite sympathetic to your plight.

I was once denied the right to die with dignity.

I grew to hate the one who took that choice away from me, so if you have decided to die, so be it.

Thank you.

All things considered, that's the nicest thing anyone's done for me all day.

As you prepare for what's to come, I would offer you another choice.

You can starve alone, or you can choose to risk what remains of your life to help me.

(Cell phone vibrating)

If you touch a hair on her head...

I'll do my very best to restrain my brother, Tristan, but you and I both know he can be impossibly savage when he wants to be.

State your terms.

You'll meet us at Patrick's dock, the warehouse.

We exchange Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura.

Oh. Tristan, I would make it snappy unless of course you want Niklaus to eviscerate that poor girl.

Go retrieve that filthy cur.

Double the dosage of wolfsbane.

Make certain she suffers.

Marcel: Now hold up.

Maybe we should think this through, huh?

I already have.

The Mikaelsons want to make a deal, so I'll give them exactly what they want, and once I know Aurora is safe, I'll order the Strix to descend en masse.

Before the night is over, we will seal them away for all time.

You think this is gonna work?

You are a Regent to the city filled with the power of your ancestors.

I can channel you, add your power to mine, and then we'll see.

Fair enough.

Both: Kache l'nan san. Je chèch je yo.

Here they come.

Tristan: Gentlemen.

I wish I could say it was a pleasure.

Marcellus, made your bed with the enemy, I see.

Membership has its privileges.

Let's get on with this, shall we?

Tristan: Hayley Marshall Kenner only slightly worse for wear.

You'll have to forgive her if she seems a bit off.

There's enough wolfsbane in her system to k*ll an entire pack.

However, here she is as requested.

Now where's my sister?

She lives. You can thank Elijah for that.

I wanted to flay her and hang her skin as a flag.

Anyway, enough chitchat.

Let's conclude this tedious business, shall we?

My sister first, and if you're tempted to argue, consider the numbers.

If they try anything, attack.

Oh, brother, you came for me.


Come on.

Ohh. Come on. Come on.


What are you doing?

No. Aurora, what have you done to us?

Both: Kache l'nan san. Je chèch je yo.

Kache l'nan san. Je chèch je yo.

Not to us.


To you.

Both: Kache l'nan san. Je chèch je yo.

What is this?

You know what they say.

Payback's a bitch.

How is this possible?

The Serratura creates an impenetrable boundary.

Nothing living or dead can pass through.

And thanks to your lunatic sister, I'm neither.




Stay close to me, ok?

What are you waiting for? Take them now!

Before you rush headlong toward almost certain death, As your sire, I would like to invite you all to employ just a little bit of common sense.

Aya: We are ancient vampires, Elijah, each of us almost as strong as you.

You might almost be successful in subduing us, but at what price?

Most of you will die in the process, and for what?

To avenge a fool marching you headlong toward your very extinction in the name of a witch's prophecy?

You do realize he engineered absolutely all of this purely to satisfy some petty grievance against my family?

Tristan... doesn't care for any of you.

Stop listening to him!

The only danger here is the choice that you must make.

You see, I'm not your enemy.

It's true.

I delivered you into this existence.

I can just as easily pluck you out of it.

The choice is yours to make.

It's done. The moment has passed.

Be smart, Aya, smarter than Tristan.

Don't waste any more of our guys.

Stand down.

Tristan: You will not abandon me.

It's a shame it has to end like this.

Aya, this isn't over.

May the ghosts of our fallen keep you company.

Aya. Aya!


Klaus: Where are you going?

Are you so eager to die?

I'm already dead.

Well, at least let me thank you.

Do not mistake me helping your family with forgiveness for what you tried to do.

My choice in this is the only thing I have left, and no one is taking that away from me. you need to get that.

Camille, I'm begging you.

Don't leave me.

I won't let her die.

If you care for her, you will let her choose.

I will not lose her because of your stupid principles.

Allow her the dignity of this choice, Niklaus.

You force her, you lose her forever.

We finish this.

So this is to be my end.

Elijah: No, no.

This is the very beginning.

You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries.

This will be your splendidly horrific and perpetual end.

What have you done with my sister?

Klaus: Nothing... yet, but I assure you her death will be spectacular.

Hayley: Wait.

You took a very good man from this world.

He will be with me forever, but you... you will be forgotten...

And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face.

Because it's gonna be the last one that you ever see.

Got your text.

It's a funny place to have a chat.

Hmm. Hilarious.

A dead girl leaving soon-to-be dead flowers at her dead brother's grave.

It's just another pointless ritual in a pointless life.

I know what you're going through.

I... look.

As pointless as you think your life is, there are people out there right now, right now...

Davina, Kinney, hell, even Klaus... who know better.

Well, you don't need to give me a speech.

I called you here because you've been a friend, and I figured you wouldn't be judgey no matter what I choose.

No way. I'm the last person to be judgey.

My life is messed up as it is, but, uh, I will say this.

As crazy as this world is with the monsters and the lunatics running around, it's still a better place with you in it.

You know, I did something today.

I risked my life fighting one of those monsters.

It felt good.

Yeah. I know that feeling.

It's amazing what happens when you stop fighting what you are.

My uncle was really big into doing the right thing, wanted to help the people, fix the city.

Maybe... if I stuck around I could... continue what he did.

If I was a vampire, I would have the strength to make a difference.

Of course, I would have to feed.

Are you sure about this?

Not in the slightest.

(Jazz playing)

Back inside enemy lines, huh?

I hardly think we're enemies, Marcellus.

I know where your loyalties lie.

If I had know that they were gonna go after Hayley, I would have warned you.

I know.

Thank you.

And speaking of where things lie, what did you do with Tristan?

Well, I persuaded some rather dedicated longshoremen to release our little monster in a box to the deepest, darkest depths of I don't give a damn.

Well, then to the devil in the deep blue sea.

How can Aurora be gone?

Oh. Apologies I left your lunatic ex unattended.

See, I was busy casting the spell that saved the day.

The effort left me a little taxed.

She was drugged to a stupor and confined by your spell.

Well, she couldn't have broken free of my barrier on her own.

Either she was aided by a witch or someone who has access to dark objects.


He's the only one left who would risk his life for Aurora.

Dotan: ♪ But I'm not here anymore ♪
♪ I'm not here anymore ♪
♪ I'm not here anymore... ♪

It's time.

♪ Without you ♪
♪ Silence soars through the phone ♪
♪ Come back down the distant shore ♪
♪ Catch these waves like before ♪
♪ Without you ♪
♪ Crystal lights rusted in our future ♪
♪ Covered up with lies ♪
♪ Wearing off on our dreams ♪
♪ Through these cold, cold nights ♪
♪ Shallow frames are the memories we contain ♪
♪ But I'm not here anymore ♪
♪ I'm not here anymore ♪
♪ I'm not here anymore ♪
♪ Without you ♪
♪ Oh, silence soars through the phone ♪
♪ Come back down the distant shore ♪
♪ Catch these waves like before ♪
♪ Without you ♪

Till death do us part.

(Cami breathing heavily)


I hope you don't mind.

I helped myself to the Mikaelson family blood stash.

And how do you feel?

I have to admit at first it felt strange, that... metallic taste, but then it was like electricity coursing through my body, a million stars exploding in my mind all at once like nothing I have ever felt before.

It was amazing, and all I can think now... is I want to do it again.
