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01x03 - From Darkness, the Sun

Posted: 01/30/16 05:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Second Chance"...

Woman: Disgraced Sheriff Jimmy Pritchard took his own life today.


You're the first to journey all the way back.

To get another chance.

James: I know you. You're one of those... rich computer twins.

Otto re-coded your white blood cells to fight the cancer in my blood.

You brought me back to save you?

Otto: He's stronger than predicted.

You really knew my grandfather?

There is no way that Jimmy Pritchard k*lled himself.

Duval: What is your connection to my father?!

Who the hell are you?

I'm Sheriff Jimmy Pritchard.

Mary: You have 12 hours before you need to be back in the t*nk.

Set the timer on the phone for you.

You worried about who you brought back?

Should I be?

Gracie, step away from him.

What are you gonna do, Duval?

sh**t your own brother?

I'm family.

You think my son's just gonna walk away?

What is he doing?

Oh, God.

[muffled screaming]

Is that it?

Not even gonna leave a $20 on my nightstand?

I'm sorry.

Thank you for, uh...

My blood?


Not at all. Thanks for bringing me back from the dead.

[chuckles lightly]

I'm not handling this well.

I didn't consider the, um, intimacy of the situation.

So you felt something, too?



It's just that... I don't even know you, and now we're...

Exchanging body fluids.


It's just that you are a, uh... a certain kind of man.

And I live a certain kind of life... one that has not been full of surprises.


So you'll understand if I need a moment to, um... adjust.

I'll be right here.

Duval: I don't understand.

Is the DNA sample a match or not?

Gloria: From what I got off the glass you gave me, there are enough points of commonality for it to meet the criteria for a familial match, but the rest of it seems almost transgenic.

I'm sorry, trans...?


Yeah, like, the way you would modify corn against insects or cows to give more protein-rich milk.

But the sample came from a man, so...

Something's either funky with my machine or real funky with that DNA.

Can you get me another sample?

Yeah, but the match. You sure?


He is family.



Match to what?

You know, if that's a dating service, you should try badge bunnies.

They love guys with g*ns.

I gave the FBI lab a DNA sample of the guy who says he's our half-brother.

Came back a positive familial match.



Like, for sure positive?

That's right. You can't date him.

We're all pretty bummed about it.

Background check has him serving overseas for the last 15 years, but he is lying about something.

I've got calls in to the units he was in.

Or you could invite him over for dinner and just ask him.

Did you run my prints when they brought me home from the hospital?

I had an idea where you came from.

So Dad had another woman. Is that such a shock?

[chuckling] No.

I mean, we might have enough siblings out there for a baseball team.

The big question is why would he want to join this family?

I mean, I've been looking to get out since I was 13.

That's exactly the question.

The guy shows up out of nowhere, and he knows all about me.

The way he looks at me, he's working something.

I need more answers.

And I think I know where I can get them.

[glass clanking]

Can I help you?

I'm looking for the mustard.

That's not what that means.

When I say, "Can I help you?"

I mean you have to help me understand who you are and why you're here before I call Security.

I said I'm looking for the mustard.

But the yellow kind, no, not this... this stuff with seeds in it.

Who puts seeds in mustard?

Those are mustard seeds.

That's what you make mustard out of.

No, mustard is yellow.

You know, you go to The Ball Park.

You put it on a hot dog. Yellow.

I don't need to be learning new things at my... age.

I'm calling Security.


I'm a friend of Mary's.

Oh, are you?

And where exactly on the Venn diagram of Ms. Goodwin's life does your circle overlap with hers?

The Venn...?

Corporate? Academic? Charitable?

I'm quite intimate with all of her circles, and I don't remember you being in any of them.

I'm just curious.

When you were a little girl, did you ever think you'd be the kind of person that grew up to say you're intimate with another person's circle?

I'm calling Security.

It's okay, Alexa.

I see you've met my guest.

Oh... yes.

So sorry.

I am here because I brought you the research reports for your conference call that you have later.

And I did that. So now I can go.

And it was so nice to meet you.

And you have that, and I'm going.

So... bye.

She thinks we're having sex.

Yes, I got that.

I'll talk to her.

And tell her what... the truth?

A version of it.

Arthur: Good morning, Sheriff Pritchard.

You asked me to alert you to crimes that met your specific criteria.

I'm sorry. You did what?

Just ones that need my particular skills.

Oh. There are crimes to be solved involving drinking and arrogance?

This is unfolding currently.

Newscaster: We have to warn you... some of these images are very disturbing.

You can't see in these pictures, but the letters "F," "D," and "S" were carved into the foreheads of the victims.

Police and the FBI are trying to determine if these letters match any known terror groups.

We're hoping that surveillance footage of the scene will help to identify the k*ller or K*llers, although that footage still has not been recovered at this time.

Mary: Pause. Enhance.

That's the criteria you gave Arthur to search for...

FBI cases your son is working?

Did I?

We're doing everything we can.

We're... we're cooperating...

Turn that guy up. the families of the victims of this tragedy.

The right to peacefully protest is fundamental to our nation, and we are cooperating fully with the FBI to find whoever did this.

That's who has your missing footage... that guy.

Those people are dead.

Yeah. Good eye.

Mary: You really think Duke Davis had something to do with an axe m*rder?

No, I'm suggesting that he took the video footage to cover up whoever he had do it.

I knew this guy back when he was starting up.

The union tried to squeeze him out of a contract.

He had the organizer dumped in the bay.

What do you mean, "Dumped in the bay?"

I mean he was alive and then he wasn't and he was dumped in the bay.

And guess what, security footage was missing.

So now you think he needs a visit from the Sheriff.

Damn right he does.

No. Mary, can we sedate him now?

No, it's okay. I'm just gonna talk to the guy.

Duke doesn't know you.

You'll never get past his security.

But he does know me.

Mary, no!

I can offer Lookinglass' help to update his security.

If I get access to Duke's systems, you can search for the missing footage.

And since I know you won't stay here even if you promise to, you can come, but I will do the talking.

Just talking. It's okay, kid.

I won't let her get in any danger.

That security footage is electronic.

It can't be erased unless someone inside Davis Northwest wanted it to be.

Get a warrant to search the offices and find out what those letters mean.

While you're doing that, I'm gonna take a few minutes personal time.

Hey, Otto, we got a Fed at the curb.

Why are you talking like that?

Mr. Pritchard has been helping me with my vernacular phrasing.

Don't listen to him. Ever.

And show me who's at the gate, please.

My sister isn't here. Goodbye.

I know. I want to talk with you.

Arthur, run the possible scenarios if I let him in.

Analyzing all the variables, including your social skills and what he might find in this house, the probability of you ending up in prison is 62%.

Go away.

I know you're a genius, so maybe you can help me understand why the guy your sister is with has DNA with a, uh, what do you call it, um, transgenic mutation?

Why is he saying those words?

Those are our words.

Read his facial expression. What does he know?

For that data, you will need to engage him in conversation.


Keep your hands up!


How are you, Duke?

Hey, Mary.

Sorry I couldn't, uh, meet at the office.

My people don't want me out after what happened today.

Terrible thing. Brutal.


And to get right to it, your company is built on an old-school model without the digital infrastructure needed to identify future threats.

Case in point, the unfortunate loss of the surveillance footage.

I want to personally put all the reach and resources of Lookinglass at your disposal to help in any way we can.

That's very... very generous of you.

Mr. Pritchard here is my Head of Security, and he can coordinate our resources with yours to track down any leads to who did this.

I think you'll be amazed at what we can do.

Thanks for the offer.

If I need the help, I'll be in touch.

Unless you're not that anxious to find who did it.

Can't be an easy time for coal energy... legislation, protestors.

Anything that discourages trouble might not be so unwelcome.

Always good to see you, Mary.

You mind if I give it a try? It looks fun.

That is, if you're done beating up your kid.

I mean, that is your kid that you're beating up, right?


I won't hurt him. Just keep him busy long enough for you to look around.

See if you can find something.

Okay if we sit?

Yes, just not in my chair.

Which is your chair?

All of them.


What can you tell me about transgenic mutation?

You're the one who said those words when you were standing outside.

Yeah, but it involves Pritchard, right?

What can you tell me about him?

About Jimmy Pritchard? Nothing.

A guy in your position doesn't usually surround himself with people he doesn't know.

I don't surround myself with any people.

You and your sister are very close.

You mean to tell me you don't know anything about the guy she's out with right now?

I didn't say I didn't know anything.

I said I couldn't tell you anything.

Where did you learn to box?

Army. Saigon.

Wait, no, not Saigon. Fallujah.

I was in Fallujah.

Come on. Hit me.

You know, Mary's right.

No one stands to make more out of this mess than you do.

You think I benefit from having my name associated with this butchery?

It's been associated with worse.

Do I know you?

Oh, I know you.

I know how you beat the unions in '85.

Oh! Pritchard!

I remember a Pritchard.

Drunk ex-Sheriff who k*lled himself in disgrace.

I see a resemblance.

Arthur: Mary, Otto has let an FBI agent in the house.

It is not going well.

The agent has begun to touch things.

You know, I read that you have issues you deal with... the need for order and predictability.

This Pritchard... I'll bet...

I'll bet he's not predictable at all, is he?

I'd rather you not touch that.


You haven't had dirt under your nails in years, have you, Duke?

But you know who did.

Why is this any of your business?

What happened to those people?


Someone's gonna pay for that.



Mary: Stop!

We're done here.

[Duke groans]

Good round.

I was close. He was gonna talk.

He was not going to talk, and you were going to hit him.

We'll get him another way.

We'll get him?

Look at you.

Wait! Dude.

You just owned my dad.

Totally punked him. It was awesome.

No one does that.

Thank you.


Even the kid wants to bring him down.

Let me go talk to him.

No. We have to get back to Otto now.

He let Duval into the house.

Those glasses work both ways?

How long have you known him, Otto?

You have to talk to Mary. Mary talks to people.

I do not talk to people. I-I think you should go.

When did you first meet him?

You have to talk to Mary!

Just tell me when he showed up!

December 5, 2015. Now go!


Do you know what that day is?

James: Leave the kid alone, Duval.

Gonna ask anybody anything, ask me.

And what will that get me... more lies?

Tell him you have information about the case.

I saw something that ties Duke to the crime.

I, uh... I have a line on who hacked up the protestors.

Meet me at 1081 Woodlawn Avenue... in the back.

What do I know?

What the letters carved on the victims' foreheads mean.

Wow, I'm very smart.

Duke: Asher!

Asher, can you hear me?

I know what those letters are.

I had the video brought to me because I was afraid.

For God's sakes, Asher.

Please tell me this isn't you.

Sorry. I wish I could.

Now be a good father and clean it up for me.

[bird chirps]

Interesting spot to meet.

I picked somewhere I knew we'd never run into anyone.

I've been meaning to come down here and pay my respects.

We're not here to pay our respects to him, are we?

No. We're here because I want the truth... about you.

About him.

And why you showed up at Lookinglass the same day our dad died... that day right there.

I needed Mary Goodwin's help.

How did you know her?

Met her at a conference.

I was in private security after my last tour in Fallujah... that's where I was.

We just kind of hit it off.

You and Mary Goodwin.

Yeah. Even had a thing for a while.

You and Mary Goodwin?

Yes, and I don't appreciate your tone.

When I heard about Dad, I didn't believe for a second that he'd k*lled himself.

And frankly, Duval, I'm disappointed that you did.

[chuckling] Why?

I expected that call every day for 15 years.

Because the Jimmy Pritchard I knew was no quitter.

So I asked Mary if I could use her company to help find out what really happened.

And you did.

So why are you here?

'Cause Dad asked me to keep an eye on you.

I've got information on these killings.

Do you want it or not?

Yeah, I do. What do you have?

Duke Davis went to this fancy prep school.

The motto was "De Tenebris Phoebus".

And that's the initials carved on the victims' foreheads.

Except the letters weren't "D," "T," and "P."

They were "F," "D," and "S."

When you translate it into English, it means, "From Darkness, the Sun"... "F," "D," "S."

You know Latin?


You don't think I could know Latin?

Say something in Latin.

Go on.



...wants us to look at Duke Davis and his old school, so...

All right.

I'll check the names of his classmates when he was there, see if anything happened.

It should take a day.

Paperwork will take a day.

I've got a quicker way.

Everybody that went to Highland Hall with Duke, everybody that's been there since then, where they are now, and what they're doing.
Mary: So the information I gave you helped?

Can we get him?

She gave you the clue?

It was a collaboration.

Is that FBI Agent Pritchard?

Ms. Goodwin.

Agent Pritchard, some of the information I may or may not have on hand may or may not have been obtained legally.

Do you still want to hear it?

He's nodding "yes," Mary.

Do you want to catch Duke or not?

So, yeah, it's all done with, uh... computers.

Yeah. That was my guess.

Narrow down the search.

Anything bad or newsworthy happen when Duke was at Highland Hall?

No. Nothing comes up.

Oh. But some things did happen when his son was there.

That's the kid. My... my fan.

"Dormitory burns down in fire."

First thought to be arson, later ruled accidental.

Looks like Asher Davis left school after that.

And Duke Davis' only connection then is a large donation made to help rebuild the dorm.

In exchange for making the charges disappear, I bet.

Maybe so. Follow Asher.


Please. Where'd he go next?

One year at Holy Trinity Preparatory Academy.

But he left there, too, after being suspended.

Any dorms burn down?

No, but a lacrosse player was put in a coma after an attack.

[exhales sharply] No charges. Where'd he go next?

Ecole Mont-Leclair in Geneva and then two colleges in the northwest.

Coinciding with an attempted as*ault... no charges, r*pe... no charges filed.

Duke just keeps moving him around, making the charges disappear.

And now to make surveillance footage disappear.

This kid's gone from burning down dorms to axe-murdering.

He's escalating fast.

I think he's trying to get his dad's attention.

"Out of darkness, the Sun."

It is a message... for Duke.

It's a pun.

"Out of darkness... the Son."


No, if this is about that man this morning, no need to explain, but I do have to tell you I am so happy for you.

You work so hard, and you take care of your brother.

And if you want to enjoy the pleasures of a man, even one who doesn't offer any intellectual challenge at all...

Alexa. No.

He's just a donor.

A donor?

You're gonna have a baby?

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

You are going to make the best mom...

No. Blood.

Blood! Blood donor. For me.

An experimental cancer treatment.

We put him up at the house so news doesn't get out.

I should have told you.


It's already working.

There is a light in you, and I can see it.

I didn't tell you to be here.

Why... why are you here?

I know these people. I know how they work.

Been picking up after them for long enough.

And you know them from where?

Dad told me stuff.

I am inclined to believe almost none of that, but the truth here is FBI... not FBI.

So everyone here who's not FBI should take a nice walk.

Feed the ducks.

Dad, I think that FBI agent is here to talk to you about those dead protestors chained to your fence.

Why do you say that?

Oh, you know, they hated coal.

My dad hated them.

Now they're dead.

Close your mouth, Asher.

I mean, it's all over the news.

Do you watch the news?

I don't, but I hear old people do.

Shut your mouth!

I'm not here to talk to your father, Asher.

I've got a few questions for you.

Just need to cover the bases.

If you don't mind, I'd like to know where you were during the hours before and after those killings.

Let me see. Let me see. Let me see.

I know I was somewhere... with someone.

Well, now you're here with me.

So where were you, Asher?

I have thought about it... as a dad, what would I do if, God forbid, Gracie got in serious trouble?

It's not easy. I get it.

But this guy... this... this Duke Davis...

Didn't go well?

He made it clear that if I wanted to talk to Asher again, I'd have to wade through his lawyers.

And the kid?


He said he was with the cart girl.

Maybe let me take care of this one.

Again, FBI... not FBI.

She's just gonna blow smoke up your ass.

Then lying to a federal agent is one more thing I'll get her for.

[engine shuts off]

You take me to the nicest places.


You don't belong here.

Yeah, I've been feeling that a lot lately.

What are you doing here, Bobbi? Huh?

Something for Asher?

You don't know anything about Asher.

I know he's a prince, and you're a cart girl.

I've seen this movie.

It doesn't end well for the cart girl.

What are you doing for Asher?

[door creaks]

Ah, well, if it isn't Mary Goodwin's Head of Security.

That's what you are, isn't it?

That's what you're wearing?

Okay, well, don't just stand there.

Let's go down.

[door creaks]

[indistinct conversations]

Man, that really pissed my dad off when you took him down in the ring.

Yeah, you liked that, didn't you?

Look at you trying to get all up in my head.

Oh, don't worry about her.

Right now you got a choice to make... red or blue?

Hey, I know you want to talk to me tonight, but party's over if you don't swallow.

You first.


I'd put your seat back and tray table up if I were you.

[conversations, laughter echo]



[distorted camera shutter clicking]

[conversations echoing]

♪ The sound is rising from the west ♪


Did you come here to save me from the Evil Prince?

Do you want me to save you?

Hey, do you want her, man?


It's cool. She's the cart girl.

Everybody wants the cart girl.

Asher, cut it out!

You ass!


Does your dad beat on you a lot in the ring?

Yeah, it makes him feel big. Whatever.

You know, if you want, I could maybe teach you a few moves, get inside that right cross.


No, I don't think I need that.

Hey, this pill makes me want to tell secrets.

You want to hear a secret?

I know you're here for me, and I'm ready, okay?

I'm ready for it.

♪ I do owe my way ♪


You should see your face right now, dude!

You're so wasted.


♪ I do owe my way ♪
♪ Everybody sit ♪
♪ I do owe my way ♪

[bell dings]



Yeah, he's definitely my dad's son.

I recorded the whole thing.

[indistinct conversations]

Okay, well, you're just gonna have to trust me.

He brought it up. He wants to get caught.

He called me out.


Oh. Hi. You okay?

[device shuts off]

You look a little bit like Grandpa.


No, I mean, the way that he used to look.

You know, sometimes, in the morning.

[moans, chuckles]

Why... why don't you just be a good girl, huh, and make me that, uh, famous hangover cure?

It was just one time.

Gracie, Gracie, Gracie.

Don't do dr*gs. Understand?

But Dad brings me all the good stuff from the evidence locker.

Hey. Not funny.

The designer dr*gs kids do these days... in my day, all you needed was a little Mary Jane and some whiskey, and you were set.

Your day?

Oh, I got to run.

All right, so, to recap, you spent a night of illegal behavior with our m*rder suspect, had him drop you off on the investigating FBI agent's lawn...

[voice echoing] and got no information.


That's great.

No. Wait. I-I-I forgot.

I got this from the cart girl.

You stole that from our cart girl.

She's his favorite toy.

I don't think he'd go anywhere without her.

[voice echoing] Where's he going?

You're the FBI agent. You find the clue.

Gracie... I got to go, okay?

Sorry. See ya.

Her dog.

She put her dog in the kennel.

She kenneled her dog.

Why would anyone kennel their dog?

Just go ahead and say it.

They kennel their dog because they're leaving town.

Or in this case, fleeing.

Yes. Good work with the wallet.

Maybe next time you can get some legally obtained evidence so that I have something, you know, to put in the report.

Life is not reports.

More like him every day.

He knew how to tail someone.

You lose her, we get nothing.

So I won't lose her.

Really? Driving like this?

You ever tailed anyone before?

Never. This is very exciting. It's my first tail.

[airplane whooshes]

I guess Duke Davis' jet?

Taking the kid and the girl out of the country?

He's still covering his kid's tracks.

[Bobbi screams]

I'll call for backup. You stay put.

Duke? Duke?

Where's your kid?

Are you a father?

Yeah, I am.


He was such a tiny baby.

Weighed almost nothing.

My hand covered his whole back.


He was always in trouble.

Just boy stuff.

His mother saw.

I just thought rambunctious.

Then came the business at Highland Hall.

Then he did it again.

And the company... oh, that kind of publicity is gonna hurt all of us... family, friends.

What was I supposed to do... destroy everything just because I couldn't handle my kid?

So many.

At some point, I... I was in too deep.

No one would understand.

Not if they weren't a father.

Oh, Duke.


Officer with a 10-33, med response at the airfield off Cole Avenue.

A s*ab wound, loss of blood.

But this... this last thing... with the axe...

...that was enough.

But you were taking him out of the country, letting him get away with it again.

He thought so.

He didn't want to go.

But he... he wasn't... he wasn't getting away with it.

None of us were. I only put in enough fuel to get us an hour... over the Ocean.

You have kids?

Did I ask you that already?


You want me, kid?

Here I am.


Asher: Sweet, stupid Bobbi.

I saw you do the math on that little cart girl.

I knew you'd follow her.

Follow her sad, little car.

Putt, putt, putt.

Why'd you k*ll your dad, Asher?

Oh, he couldn't stop me. He was weak.

You wanted him to stop you.

[blade scraping]

I wanted him to try.

If you wanted your daddy's attention, you should have gotten a piercing like a normal kid.

I didn't want his attention.

I wanted him to be a man, like you... like us.

I know you understand what being a man is.

I saw it.

And now you want me to stop you.

Is that it?

To try.

That way, when you're dead, I'll be the strongest.

You know what, I've been dead. It's not for me.




Drop it!

I told you to watch the right cross.

Where's the girl?

She doubled back. Her car's gone.

Did you set up a perimeter?

You mean have I done this before? Yeah.

Now I'm gonna cuff him 'cause he's a bad guy.

Leave him alone!





[g*n clicks]



[exhales sharply]

On your knees! Get down now!

Hands behind your back!

Asher. Is Asher okay?

[James coughing]

Is Asher okay?

Oh, God.

Now what the hell did you do?

[straining] I got shot. What's it look like?

All right.

You hang on.

The ambulance is coming, okay?


No ambulance.

Yes! Yes. Yes.

That's shock from the loss of all that blood.

You hang on, all right? You hang on!

Now I'm gonna get you to the hospital.

No, I just took a b*llet for you.

So you just listen to me, all right?

Just once in your life, just listen to me.

Take me to Mary Goodwin's.

[breathing heavily]

[engine revs]

This is Agent Pritchard.

You'll find Duke Davis dead in his plane.

He was k*lled by his son, who's in an ambulance.

An accomplice is cuffed and in a hangar.

I'll make the report after I pursue another lead.

[James breathing heavily]

Why the Goodwin house?

Why does it always take us back there?

And I want the truth this time.

I always told you the truth.

I just told you what you needed to know.

You didn't need to know everything.

You were just a boy.

You were just a boy.

I should have gone to your ball games.

I should have...

I should have been better to your mom.

A child's father is supposed to... protect him from the bad things, not be the bad things.

Sorry, Duval. I was just...

I was just trying to protect you.

What the hell are you talking about?

[cellphone rings]


This is FBI Agent Pritchard.

He's dying.

He begged me to take him back to you.

He said you could fix him.

Can you do that?

What's wrong with him?

Multiple g*nsh*t wounds, cuts, massive blood loss.

I'll meet you at the gate.

No, we're coming in together or I take him to the hospital.

No more lies.


This is not good at all.

I realize that, Otto.

To compromise the security of the operation is to put us at risk, but to refuse will put you at risk.

I understand that, Otto. Let me think.

[breathes heavily]

What the hell is he?

Mary: Not "what." "Who."

He's James Pritchard.

You know that.

He was saying things in the car... going to ball games, like he thinks he's my father.

He said he was sorry.

Why did he say that?

Why did he say he was sorry?

Why does he think he's my father?

Because he is.