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01x14 - The Fifth Stage

Posted: 01/28/16 02:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Code Black"...



Who the hell's that guy?

That's my brother.

Mama, I'm having a flashback.

So, uh, what are you really doing here?

You guys have an opening for an attending, and I got a call about an observation shift.

Are you really ready to walk away from a job that is your whole life?



[Clears throat]

Can't sleep?

Not really.



Not one.


[Inhales deeply]

This could get complicated.

Why? Because you're management and I'm labor?

People will talk. H.R. will flip.

Well, if we don't talk, they won't talk.

You hungry?

[Grunts] Let me make you something.

There's no time.

[Sighs deeply]

Of course there is.

No. There isn't.

[Monitor beeping]

[Warped voices speak indistinctly]

So you're leaving and have no idea who's taking your place?

Well, when you put it like that...

I'm not laughing, Leanne.

You're the one who told me to live, remember?

I meant take up yoga.

Yoga. Do you not know me at all?

I know you better than anyone, which is why you should've talked to me first.

I don't need anyone's permission for this, Jesse.

I need a break. This place is all I have.

It's everything I have left, and that's the problem.

I need more.

What do you want?

[Mug clatters]

I don't even know what's on the menu.

"Eat, pray, love."

Excuse me?

Come on, girl. You gotta "eat, pray, love."

That's what Oprah says.

[Chuckles] Just for that, I'm not gonna cut you in on my lottery ticket.


Mega Zombie. 2 million bucks.

You bought a lottery ticket called Mega Zombie?

See? You don't know me at all.

Nothing is forever.

Some things are.

[Chuckles] Thank you.

[Telephone rings]


[Indistinct conversations]


It's my day off.

I'll be back tomorrow.

Tell him I'll be more than happy to come back in.

Leanne. Sorry to make you wait.

Get in here.

I invited Gina to join us.

Now, Leanne, I know it is your day off and Gina has to get back downstairs for her shift, so I'm gonna get right to the point.

I told her you've earned the right to choose the person who will succeed you as residency director.

Subject to board approval, of course.

Exactly what does the board know about teaching doctors emergency medicine?

Not one of them has ever worked in an E.R.

No, but I have.

I believe there's still an "M.D." after my name.

Leanne, the board is getting antsy because you haven't stated who you want to take over the program, and you're leaving in two weeks.

I need a little more time.

I approved the hiring of Mike Leighton, a highly regarded former resident and son of one of our board members because I assumed that he would be...

I asked Mike to return despite his father.

And I didn't bring him in to be residency director, necessarily.

I brought him in because we'll be short one attending when I'm gone.

You don't have the authority to hire attendings in Trauma One.

That's the job of the E.R. director.

Is that why I'm here? 'Cause I stepped on your toes?

No, of course not.

Uh, Gina, you're a temp.

I've been here for 20 years, and you drag me up to the principal's office...

I dragged you up here.

And let me be very clear.

The residency program at Angels Memorial is second to none, especially the emergency department.

And why do you think that is?

Yes, you are an integral part of that, but it is bigger than you.

And more to the point, so am I.

Now Mike Leighton is the perfect choice, which is why he will be quickly approved.

Have you already brought this up to the board?

No. His father did.


And what if I decide I think Neal Hudson's a better choice?

Well, then, I'm sure the board would seriously consider that the next time they meet... tomorrow.

[Telephone ringing, indistinct conversations]

Let me talk to her.

Yeah, good luck getting through to her.

Well, you mentioned this gig would have a few challenges when you hired me.

[Door opens]

I'll never get used to the change from nights to day shifts.

[Door closes]

I saw you and Heather.


You, Heather, in here.

Can't unsee it.


[Locker door closes]

You know how Angus feels about her.

Yeah, I know he has a crush on her.

What was I supposed to do?

Tell him.

There are no secrets at Angels.

He's gonna find out, and better it comes from you.

[Siren wailing in distance]

Gina's tethering me to you the whole shift?

Oh, you know the policy.

New attendings spend their first shift with an existing attending to learn the ropes.

Yeah, difference is, I was already a resident here, and I have the rope burns to prove it.

[Tires screech, siren wailing]

Didn't know we had it in the budget to hire a new attending.

[Reverse alert beeping]

Your father pull some strings?

Come on, man. You know that's not my style.

I wonder where Gina got the money.

I don't know. Leanne's the one who called me.

Leanne? Leanne doesn't hire.

20-year-old male, g*nsh*t wounds, right side, lower abdomen.

Detective Carmody, O.C.U.

Mike: Organized crime?

Okay, let's get him to Center Stage, please.

I'm going with you.

No problem. Just stay out of the way.

[Breathing heavily]

Whoa, whoa. Calm down, man. We're your docs.

All right, ready? Let's transfer him.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

Neal: Okay, I need a F.A.S.T. and two large bore IVs, please.

And, uh, let's check his B.P.

Detective, how dangerous is this guy?

Should we restrain him?

Name is Kiran Petrosian.

He's not the one you have to worry about.

Then who the hell is?

Karo. His father.

If the kid lives, you'll probably get courtside seats or a Porsche.

And if he dies?

Don't let him die.

40-year-old male, g*nsh*t wound to the right shoulder.

He's the one who shot the kid.

Malaya: Good distal pulses, medics said no other wounds.

Neal: Full nook and cranny exam once you've cleared his primary, please.

No holes missed in Center Stage.

This the father? Karo?

That's the uncle, Emanuel.

Kiran and his pals were guarding his father's warehouse when Uncle Emanuel and some of his thugs broke in.

Time he got there, it was O.K. Corral.

Nice family.

The father's in the waiting room, wants to talk to a doctor.

If you don't want him back here, you better go have a chat.

I'll do it. Neal, you got this?

Yeah, I've got it.

Get the O.R. on standby. This wound looks deep.

[Telephone ringing]

Mr. PPetrosian, I'm Dr. Leighton.

Is my boy alive?

He's alive, yes. We're working on him right now.

And the son of a bitch that shot him?

I don't have any information about him. He's not my patient.

Karo, I need to ask you if your friends are carrying weapons.

They're licensed to. You know they are.

Not in here, they're not.

[Telephone ringing in distance]

[Shouting in Armenian]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Man: Whoa, wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa. Whoa! Wait!

[g*n cocks]

Wait! Wait, wait! Wait! Karo, wait!

[People shouting indistinctly, women screaming]

Carmody: Karo, tell your men to put their g*ns away.

Uncle, I don't have anything. See? Okay? Nothing.

Okay? Nothing!

Well, how's my father? How's Kiran?

You don't mention my son! Understand me?

What the hell are you doing?

Uncle, please. I don't...

Get back here right now, doctor.

He's not here to hurt anyone, right?


You need me to get back there and work on your son. Right?

I cannot do that until everybody puts their g*ns down.

[Panting] Okay?

[Police radio chatter]


[Sirens wailing in distance]

Go with the officers.


[Radio chatter continues]


He couldn't have known it was Kiran.

He would never hurt him.

Your father and I always settled issues between us.

You tell him there is no coming back from this if my boy dies.

[Indistinct conversations]

Uncle, come on. Please!

Okay, okay.


Recheck the B.P., please, Jesse, and let's see his latest H&H.

Jesse: Copy that.

You get lost?

I got held up.

What do we have?

Damn it.

Morrison's positive... probable severe liver laceration.

Got blood on his back, too. Where's that coming from?

Okay, let's check.

Left upper quadrant looks normal.

Let's flip him.

Jesse: H&H is ready.

Globin, 9. Crit, 20. B.P., 92 over 60.


And two more exit wounds.

Okay, let's get him upstairs for a pan scan, please.

Malaya: Only one hole here.

Mario: All right, let's roll him. Ready?

One, two, three.

[Emanuel groans]

And there's number two.

Malaya: Looks like the b*llet went straight through.

You got very lucky, sir.

[Strained voice] Yeah, it hurts like hell. Do something.

Any allergies? Past medical?


Let's do 8 milligrams of morphine.

That'll take the burn off.

No, no, no, no, no meds. Just do something with my arm.

All right. Stitch him up.

Let's go 2.0 silk...

[Panting] My... my nephew... is he dead?

Looks like they're taking him to Radiology.


Let's clean this up first.

[Vehicle passing]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Truck horn blares]

[Knock on door]

Going north?

I don't know where I'm going. Sorry.

Well, if you're going north, could I get a ride?


Awkward. [Chuckles]

I just stopped for a bite to eat.

Good luck.

What do you think you're gonna eat?

Excuse me?

Pie? I love pie.

[Chuckles] All right, I'll buy you a piece of pie.

Bam! [Laughs]


Yeah, bam! [Laughs]

[Reverse alert beeps]

[Radio chatter]

Male, 40s, fell off a roof of a 4-story building.

Found down, multiple fractures, secured his neck in the field.

Heartbeat thready, B.P., 80s over 40s.

Okay, move him. Let's go.

Logan, I'm here!

That's my husband! That's my husband.

Ma'am. Ma'am, your husband's in good hands.

Okay, ma'am.

We'll do everything we can for him.

It's okay. It's okay.

No. No.

Dr. Lorenson.

Center Stage!

Ma'am. Ma'am.

Airway is... no gag.

Can I get an air kit, please? Sir, can you hear me?

Wait here, Lori.

No, you don't understand. I need to explain something.

I need to help your husband now.

Okay. I have the etomidate, doctor.

Push meds now, please.

Risa: And here's the sux.

No, no. What are you doing?

I'm in.

What do we have?

[Logan groaning]

He fell from the 4th story.

No! He jumped.

[Monitor beeping erratically]

X-ray him now, please.

[Monitor flatlining]

Lost pulse.

Christa: Asystole.

Compressions, Dr. Lorenson.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

What are you doing?

Come on!

[Pounding, monitor beeping erratically]

[Indistinct conversations]

Stop it. Don't do that.

You... you have to stop.

Neal: Risa.

Ma'am, he's very sick.

My husband doesn't want this.

Okay, okay, ma'am, ma'am. Risa?

You need to give us room, okay? Give us room.

He jumped! He wants to die!

Have a D.N.R.?

An advanced directive...

A what? Just stop! Stop!

Let us help your husband, okay?

Hold compressions. Check pulse.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

I have a pulse.

[Steady beeping continues]

Jesse: Come on, guys. Let's go.


[Beeping steadily]

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

That clearly states that I have power of attorney for my husband.

This seems to be in order. Mrs. Nicholson, thank you.

It's not right.

We can't let her make that decision for him.

We don't have his side.

His side is he jumped off a 4-story building.

Being suicidal is not the same as desiring no heroic measures.

He's a paranoid schizophrenic?

Does that change anything?


[Clipboard thuds]

His legal documents do.

His wife says he wants to be a D.N.R., so he's a D.N.R.

That means no heroic measures.

A mentally ill man came in here on an ambulance, needing our help. So now what?

We gave him our help, Christa.

But our help is not the same as his right to decline C.P.R.

If he has a D.N.R.

He did not sign a do not resuscitate order!

It doesn't matter. Dr. Perello's right.

He's unresponsive, which makes the wife his proxy.

Schizophrenia is not a death sentence.

With the proper meds and treatment, he could have an entirely different outlook.


Are you really okay with this?

No. No, I'm not. But there are rules.

Screw the rules.

Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong?

Jesse, tell them what you're always telling us.

We are not allowed to k*ll a guest in your house.

This is different. This man doesn't want what we offer.

Christa has a point.

Doesn't feel right.

It's not about how it feels. It's how it is.

We follow the wife's instructions.

[Sighs heavily]

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Monitor beeping steadily]

[Sighs] Hey.

So it's my fourth day with a fever. I don't get it.

[Inhales sharply]

Is that tender?

Ow. Yeah. And your hands are freezing.

Not helpin' with my chills.

Oh, sorry.

So, uh, you really a doctor with those dimples?

[Chuckles] If not, I'm running a pretty good scam.


Her labs are back.

Oh, thanks.

I was in cancun for spring break, fell playing beach volleyball.

It's infected, isn't it? I have the worst luck.

Cancun for spring break, huh?

Yeah, you been?

Nope. You sexually active?

Why? Are you asking me out?

'Cause that would be crazy inappropriate, but when I feel better, I might say yes.

Well, you didn't get this from the fall.

[Clears throat]

You have any vaginal discharge, pain?

I mean, I thought I had a minor U.T.I., but it cleared up.

You have gonorrhea.

But in my knee?

The bacteria can spread to the joints.

In this case, the pus accumulated in your knee.

[Clicks pen]

Are you kidding me?

No, the lab suggests it's definitely gonorrhea.

Okay, stop saying it.

I'll have to drain your knee, and we'll start you on a course of antibiotics by I.V.

We'll get ahead of it. Hang tight.

[Whispers] Oh, my god.

Angus: Wow. She's just about perfect, isn't she?


Um, you're the one that said we'd make beautiful babies together.

[Whispers] Angus, stop.




I am so exhausted.

[Paper rustles]

I could sleep here forever.

What's the word, Captain?

[Mouths words]

All right, I'm done.



Angus likes Heather Pinkney.

Did you know that?

I think you can do better.

That so?

Yep. Much better.

Yeah, well, it's a moot point anyway because I just found out that she is hooking up with someone else.

Really? Who?

Her surgical attending.

Karma wheel comes around.

A nurse caught them making out. Can you believe that?

It's just so tacky.

Totally tacky.

[Sighs deeply]

Isn't it, Mario?

Yeah, apparently, she's only interested in guys who are attending or above, so that counts me out.

Sure does.

I hope you wore protection.

Don't wanna end up with a knee full of pus.

Hey, excuse me.

Your father's gonna be fine.

Yeah, no, no, I spoke to him. Um, how's my cousin doing?

Why? You hoping to get in there and finish the job?

It's our fathers' feud, not ours.

[Siren wailing in distance]

How'd they get like this?

Uh... [grunts]

My father and uncle used to have a very successful enterprise.

Ah. An enterprise.

Then they began arguing about money and control.

Each thought the other was cheating them.

Eventually, they got to this place, where they prefer sh**ting one another to just talking.

But you and your cousin were immune?

We had to keep it a secret, but yeah, we became friends.

Who else can understand what it's like growing up in our crazy family?

But now...

We're like brothers.

Your cousin's in critical condition.

He suffered several g*nsh*t wounds.

But he is gonna make it?

We're doing everything we can.

[Elevator bell dings]

I gotta go see him.

That's probably not such a good idea.

Your uncle's still in there.

[Indistinct conversations, telephone ringing]

[Exhales deeply]

Dr. Pineda.

I need help.


Yeah, I'm... I'm in so much pain.

What's going on? Did you reinjure your hand?

No, no. Uh, it's my stomach.

[Exhales sharply]

[Inhales deeply]

I'm surprised you remember me.

I know... I know you have a lot of patients.

It was just yesterday.

I'm... I'm probably just blowing this whole thing out of proportion.

I mean, I-I, uh... [inhales sharply]

Had a-a friend who died recently, so...

I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah. Yeah, cancer.

I stayed with him till the very end.

I know how tough that can be.

I just went through the same thing.

I'm sorry to hear that.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Yeah, I-I'm probably just, you know...

[Exhales] Being paranoid. I just...

Let me run some tests and see what's going on.

And I'll get you something for the pain.

Thank you.


Thank you.

[Exhales deeply]

[Speaking indistinctly]
[Indistinct conversations]

Dad, what are you doing here?

That's how you greet your old man?

Just... surprised.

Dad is in town for the hospital's board meeting tomorrow.

Of course.

Angus, would you give us a minute?

Oh, sure. Yeah, um...

I have, uh...

Some patients.

[Exhales slowly]

You know, I hear he's really coming into his own here.

I'm a little surprised, actually.

Why? I always thought he'd make a great doctor.

You know, I wish I had some of your optimism.

Okay, what did you want to talk to me about?

Well, this isn't public, so please keep it to yourself.

Leanne Rorish is resigning.

Not a chance.

How would you feel about taking her position?

Even if I believe that, which I definitely do not, that job would go to Neal Hudson or Rollie Guthrie.

Definitely not me.

Leanne brought you back.

It seems natural that you would be the one to replace her.

And I don't think it would be difficult for me to move the board in your favor.


That's exactly why I left this place to begin with.

There's nothing wrong with a father trying to help his son.

That is not how I wanna get this job... or any job.

How many times do I have to tell you that?

[Pager beeping]

I have to go, but let me make something clear...

Don't do a thing.

I don't want a favor.

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]


[Indistinct conversations]


[Mouth full] Bam.

So... what's up north?

[Door bells jingle]

Arvin. The prison. My dad is there.

[Door bells jingle]

I see.

It's cool. He deserves it.

[Mug clatters]

You see him often?

Once a month. Least I try.

Wow. You're a good son.

[Chuckles and sniffs] Someone has to be.

My brothers couldn't give a crap's ass.

You want ice cream on that?

Why would you want to ruin something so beautiful?

It's perfect just the way God made it.

Point taken.


"Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right."

Well, that is beautiful.

I never heard that before.

It's the grateful dead. [Chuckles]


[Door bells jingle]

Yeah, he's not a bad dad, even with the stuff he's done.

Plus, he's my dad, so...

[Sighs] We don't get to pick 'em.

That's where he cut me.

I'm just kidding. [Laughs]

Snowboard injury. v*olence isn't his thing.

What's his thing?


[Scoffs] He stole my childhood.

I'm also kidding. [Laughs]

But seriously, though, I just don't look back.

You know what I mean?

I do now.


[Breathing heavily]

Is that the Petrosian kid? What's going on?

He dropped his pressure and lost his pulse after we brought him back from the scanner.

Ah, the exit wound is a fountain.

Whoa, whoa.

Jesse, can you recheck his pulse?

[Monitor emits continuous tone]

I got nothing.

Continue compressions, Angus.

Mike, tack this down, please?



[Monitor beeping erratically]

Okay. Jesse, is trauma surg aware?

I'll repage them.

Okay, hold compressions.

[Monitor emits continuous tone]

[Monitor beeping erratically]

Pulse is back for now.

Hey, what did dad want earlier?

To meddle. Same old. Hand me that suture, please.

He's, uh, never come by here to see me.

Well, lucky you.

All right, I want you to hold this in while I tie it.

Meddle in what?

Angus, not now.

All right, cut it.

What's next?

Um, he needs trauma surg, permissive hypotension, and Q-20min H&H's.

Yep. Can we do that in the sides?


Good. Go forth.


Ready, mama?


Let's roll him out.

These, uh, these scans are devastating.

His liver's obliterated. He needs a transplant.

There's no time to get him on the donor list.

Uh, let's check the family for a match.

They don't seem like the donating type.

Well, might be his only option.

I'll go and talk to them.

Hey. Why is dad really here?

I don't know.

I know when you're lying.

No, you don't.

Why is he here?

Don't tell anybody this, but Leanne's leaving.

Dad wants me to take the job.


I just came to see if you wanted to talk to Kiran's family together.


I'm sure she was planning on telling you.

Yeah, I'm sure.

So we're good?

Yeah. Of course.

[Telephone ringing in distance]

[Door closes]

What do you want?

We need a moment with you. The blood test came back.

Test? What test?

Manny is a donor match for your nephew.

His liver is compatible for a transplant.

You want to take his liver?

Only a portion of his liver would be removed for transplant.

Manny would fully recover, go on to live a normal life, and so would your nephew.



Can you and I talk?

No. You can't talk.

He's my son.

And I won't let him risk himself for them.

Kiran could die.

You're as weak as he is.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Monitors beeping steadily]

What's going on?




Possible bacteria source. We need to aspirate it.

"We"? Is there some sort of surgical complication here?


Are you okay, ma'am?

She's a little out of it.

I gave her a slug of fentanyl.

Oh, I get it.

You get what?

You missed me.

You wanted a little alone time.

16 Gauge, please.

[Gloves snap]

You sure you can handle this?

Major surgeons have stumbled on less.

What about Dr. Campbell?

How are his procedure hands?

Do you have something you want to ask me about Dr. Campbell?

You don't think you should've told me that?

Why? What business is it of yours?

An attending? Really?

Look, I don't know what you think we are, but just to be perfectly clear, we're not a couple.

I'm not saying you can't hang out...

Yeah, we're both free to do whatever we want.

So if you still want to hang out, I'm cool with that.

But don't try and control me in the process. Okay?

Good. Sounds like a plan then.

What's going on?

Nothing. Everything's fine. Relax.

[Voice breaks] Are you two fighting?



[Telephone rings]

The test come back?

It's not cancer.

Oh. [Chuckles] That's...

That is the single greatest sentence that I have ever heard.

How much do you love your job right now, right?

I'm happy for you.

I'm thrilled.

Yes. [Chuckles]

You need to work on your outward display of emotion.

There is something out of the ordinary.

There's blood in your urine, and one of your labs, a test that measures how long it takes your blood to clot, is elevated.


It suggests an anti-coagulation problem.

You're not on any blood thinners?


Coumadin, warfarin...

No. Is... is it serious?

There's a risk of internal bleeding, but we'll get ahead of it.

We'll run some more tests, get you some Vitamin K to help boost your clotting factors.

It's gonna be okay.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Engine turns off]

[Man speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

[Car door opens]

[Indistinct conversations continue]

I thought you were just dropping me off.

I got someone to see here.

Once in a while, you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.



[Both laugh]

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Lori: It creeped in slowly.

The schizophrenia.

I noticed... I noticed little things at first.

He'd see the mailman at the grocery store and wanna leave.

Or he'd get angry about the weather and he couldn't say why.

Then he started throwing things, punching walls, hearing voices.

And the little things became big things.

And then the big things became everything.

Did you try treatment?


But a year ago, he decided it was over.

He was clear.

[Crying] He wanted to be allowed to die.

I...I tried.

I tried to convince him to fight, but...

It was like trying to change a direction a river flows.

You know, if Logan loses a heartbeat again, we won't do C.P.R.

We won't do anything.

Is that what you want?

[Clears throat] It's what he wants.

You sure?

I could take you to the waiting room if you'd like, Mrs. Nicholson.

No, I wanna stay.

Jesse: Okay.

I know you think I'm giving up on him, doctor.

[Sighs heavily]

[Indistinct conversations]


[Men shout indistinctly]

[Indistinct conversations continue]

Why are you here, Dr. Rorish?

I sent you 32 letters, all of 'em returned unopened.

They were a part of my recovery.

They weren't part of mine.


[Clears throat]

I can't go against my father.

You said Kiran was like your brother.

It'd be choosing a side.

At least it'd be your choice and not your father's.

I get your father, man.

I get why you feel like you have to obey him, but don't.

He's my father.

Respect is everything to him.

Then tell him no.

Make him respect you.



[Man speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

I didn't know you were coming today.


Neither did I.

Look, if you've come here to yell at me some more, I...

Don't bother.

I'm already in hell, you know?

This place...

You don't know what happens here.

And I know. I-I know I-I deserve it. I...

I deserve all of it. I...

[P.A. announcement continues]

I shouldn't have been driving that night. I-I know that.

I was drunk, and I knew that I was drunk, and I-I drove anyway.

And I'm... I'm sorry, you know.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

And I don't know how many times I gotta say that before you believe me.

I believe you.

That's why I'm here.

I forgive you.

I know this place isn't your real prison.

Your real prison was needing me to say those words.

It was my prison, too.


[Stamp thuds]


Sorry. Sorry.

What are you doing in here?

I'm sorry. You should see your face right now.

I mean... I'm really sorry.

It was completely... totally unintentional, but kind of funny.

Not funny at all.

Totally. No, not... not funny at all.

You shouldn't be out of bed.

I know. I know, I just... I was looking for you, and, um, I saw you through the window.

This is the break room. Doctors only.

Totally get it. Uh, I-I'll make it quick.

I-I just wanted to ask you about that bleeding disorder that you mentioned.

I don't wanna be a wimp or a cyberchondriac.

But I was Googling it, and it seems pretty scary.

[Sighs] Gordon, first, don't surf and self-diagnose.

I'm happy to talk, but...

Is coffee a blood thinner?

It was not... it was not clear online.


You okay? You seem...

Stressed out.

Gordon, I need to get you back to your bed.

[Door opens]

Okay, uh...

What's going on, Dr. Pineda? Who are you?

[Door closes]

This is Gordon. He's a patient.

You shouldn't be in here.

I'm sorry.

He's waiting on some tests, and he's a little nervous.

Patients are not allowed in the break room.

I told him that. I just wanted...

She's a really good doctor.

All right, good to know. Let's go. Out.

That's a little rude, isn't it?

Well, this isn't a diner.

You're not guaranteed a smile and a slice of pie, and the customer isn't always right.

Do I need to call security?


Thanks, Dr. Pineda.

[Door closes]

You didn't have to be so rough on him.

He's just a...

A patient.

And you're a doctor.

And he clearly likes you.

I don't care if it's innocent.

You don't want to give him the wrong impression.

He's not your friend.

Trust me on this, Malaya, as a woman, you have to be aware that the appearance of a situation sometimes matters just as much as the real.

[Man speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

[Door opens]

[Monitor beeping steadily, telephone ringing]


You know, I got great respect for you, but this is something I have to do.

I said no.

You're letting your hatred blind you.

Makes you look weak.

What did you say to me?

How are you not getting this?

I'm giving a piece of me to save Kiran's life.

That would make Uncle Karo owe us.

It puts us at an advantage, gives us a position of strength.

Isn't that what we want?

[Telephone rings in distance, monitor beeping steadily]

Transplant team's waiting upstairs.

We gotta move, folks.

Neal: Mr. Petrosian, we have to discharge you now.

[Exhales deeply]

Think you know what that means.

[Handcuffs clink]

Leanne: You were right. I was waffling.

I wasn't sure I could do it, step away, but now I am.

What changed?

I went for a drive.

All right. [Sighs]

So... have you decided on who?

[Knock on door]

[Door closes]

[Mike sighs]

[Clears throat] I know what you're gonna say, but my answer isn't gonna change.

The answer to what?

Mr. Harbert and my father called to offer me the residency director job.

They did what?

I turned it down.

Never really liked the way my father does business.

Look, you're the only one anyone can see in that job, Dr. Rorish, but if you can't do it for whatever reason, it should really go to Neal.

Mike... I appreciate everything you've done for me. I do.

But one thing you taught me is that our decisions matter.


[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

[Button clicks, monitor emits continuous tone]


[Heart beating]

[Monitor beeping]

I can't. I can't.

What... no, what are you doing?

I can't.

What are you doing?

I can't.

[Distorted voice] What are you doing? Stop!

[Distorted voices speak indistinctly]

[Distorted voice] Stop.


[Continues crying]

Listen to me. You have to stop. Stop now!

[Normal voice] Christa. Christa!


[Whispers] Stop.

[Inhales sharply]



[Whispers] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry.

[Monitor emits continuous tone]

[Monitor beeps]


Time of death... 3:45 P.M.

I'm sorry.


Risa: Dr. Savetti, she's tanking!

[Monitor beeping erratically]

Spiked a fever, then her blood pressure suddenly dropped.

I need two large bores, fluids wide open, a lactate, and recheck her B.P.

What happened?

Knee infection. Gonorrhea.


God, I thought I had her on all the right I.V. coverage.

Late presentation, right?

Yeah, symptoms for at least a week.

She probably went into septic shock. It happens.

Let's get her into Center Stage.

Get ready to do a central line.

Get broad coverage antibiotics started and pressors.

[Gurney clacks]


[Door closes]

[Cell phone touchscreen clicking]

[Cellphone beeps and chimes]

[Woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.]


[Locker door closes]

[Pager beeping]

[Gasps] You scared the crap out of me.

What are you doing in here? Why are you wearing scrubs?

You have an attitude problem.

All right, we've got a critical patient here. Focus.

Wait, I can't tell if I'm in an artery or vein.


Pulse is dropping, guys.

It's dark, but it's bleeding out too much for a vein.

She's in septic shock.

It's hard to tell if it's an artery or a vein.

Okay, hold on. Let me show you.

[Monitor beeping erratically]

Okay, take this tube...

Here. [Clears throat]

Insert it into the syringe catheter, hold it up like this.

Angus: And it fills with blood.

Exactly. Like Mercury in a thermometer, right?

Goes high, it's an artery. Low, it's a vein.


Pulse is thready.

We're gonna be breaking ribs soon.

Come on, come on.


[Indistinct conversations]

All right, I'm in. Jesse, hook this up.

Jesse: Got it.

Some more fluids.

Yes! Pressure's improving.

Okay, let's start levophed, more fluids, draw a lactate.

See? Didn't need me. In a vein already.

[Indistinct conversations]

Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?

You know why, Neal. You were there.

The 30-car pileup out on the freeway.

So is that what this is about?

Both of those patients survived, Leanne.

It's not the point.

I made the wrong call, and it's not the first time.

I made it, too.

But you knew it was wrong.

That's why you came with me, so it would get done faster.

Our job was to prioritize patient need.

I didn't do that because I couldn't extricate myself and my needs from the equation.

Both of those patients could've died.

But they didn't, Leanne.

[Sniffles] Yeah.

[Sniffles] Yep.


The truth?

I never really took the time I should've after my accident.

You've told me that many times before.

Oh, yeah.

I've let this...

This place fill the vacuum that my family left behind.

I never figured out who I am without them.

I need to do that.



[Monitors beeping steadily]

[Exhales slowly]


I spoke to Leanne.

Great. So it all worked out?

What worked out?

You took the job, yeah?


Didn't she offer it to you?



It's fine, really.

I saw you with, uh, Angus and Mario in Center Stage.

They were scared, but you pulled them through.

Yeah, well...

And you did it without humiliating them.

Encouraged them, guided them, taught them.

You were born for this, Mike.

Leanne knew that. It's why you're here.

Oh, come on. You're great at all that stuff.

Don't... don't walk away from this, okay?

[Man speaking indistinctly over P.A.]


[Object thuds]

[Gasps] Oh!



Somebody help!