01x07 - Saints

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
Post Reply

01x07 - Saints

Post by bunniefuu »

Look at...

Oh, he's so cute.

Of course he is. He's half Natalie.



So precious.

Oh, and would you look at that.

He got my eyelashes.

You delivered him. That doesn't give him your DNA.

You'd be surprised. The power of these hands.

You can sign out the patient in four.

Look... look at Owen.


Have you been up to see Natalie today?

Not yet.

What's up with him?

Thought he wouldn't leave her bedside.

[phone rings]

Dr. Zanetti.

Dr. Rhodes.

How was the conference?

I spent an entire week listening to people talk about surgeries.

All I wanted was to actually do one.

Kept hoping a speaker would choke on his dentures so I could cric him.

Dinner tonight?

I can't. I'm in-house on call.

Head's up. Incoming traumas. CFD called with a Plan 1.

Multi-victim car crash. Let's go!

Maybe someone'll need surgery.

I'm ready to cut.

What do we got?

Female, mid-20s. GCS 3.

Struck the dashboard and starred the windshield.


Uh, 90 over 50.

Tachy 140. Stats 100%.

Pressure dressing on her head, but she's seeping through.

All right, we're gonna replace the King with an ET.

Grab an intubation kit.

Let's move her on my count.

One... two... three.

[sirens blare]


Jess... Jess...

Mike Carter, 24.

GCS 10. Vitals holding steady.



Not his.

Jess, talk to me!


Mike. Mike.

I'm gonna ask you to calm down.

Jess! Where is she?

Where is she?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You have to lie back down.


All right, on my count.

All right.

One... two... three.

Does Jess have any family in the area we should notify?

I think... her mom lives here. Maybe.

Any allergies to medications?

I don't know.

Do you know if she's currently on any medication?

I don't know.

Is there anything you can tell us about Jess that could help us? No. I'm sorry, I...

I don't even know where she lives.

We're on a first date.

Breath sounds good on both sides.

Good color change.

All right.

She is still bleeding pretty bad.

Hang two units of blood.

Yes, Doctor.

Get me a plastics tray.

Got it.

We need to stop these bleeders.


Got it. Here's saline.

Okay, she's still got glass shards in her scalp.

Heart rate is erratic.


Yeah, got it.

[monitors beeping]

Please, I need to know how she is.

Jess is in good hands.

Right now, we just need to make sure that you're okay.

I'm fine, just please, help her.


Sorry. I'm guessing that's tender.

Ah. Yes.

Pressure's falling.

Get me the ultrasound.

Got it.

Call pharmacy.

Get dopamine going.

[overlapping chatter]

There's free fluid in her abdomen.

Pressure's still low.

She's not stable enough to go to CT.

We need to open her up now.

Call the OR and tell them we're on our way up.

Yes, Doctor.

Talk to me.

Walter Blevins. 53 years old.

GCS 14, SBP 104 over palp. Stats 100.

Dr. Halstead, Treatment 1.

Got it.

4 of morphine per the tele doctor.


Let's rotate.

Give him the head. Give him the head.

Let's go.

What happened?

He was driving the car that t-boned the couple they just brought in. A stolen car.

On my count. One... two... three.


Get this out.


Airway's intact.

Let's get him off that backboard.

Mr. Blevins, we're gonna roll you onto your right side.

I need you to take these handcuffs off.

He carjacked a woman at gunpoint 50 yards from me and my partner.

Led us on a high-speed chase before hitting that couple.

This guy's dangerous.

I'll take my chances.

He served nine years for armed robbery.

He's an ex-con.

He's also my patient.

I can't treat him properly until the cuffs are off.

All right.

Dr. Halstead, you got this?

Yeah, we're good.



All right.

Okay, you're all right.


Any pain on contact?



I'm sorry.

Oh, Dr. Halstead, his arm.

[heavy breathing]

All right. Yep.

That's likely a two-bone forearm fracture.

Let's get an X-ray.

Lap sponges, keep 'em coming.

Yes, Doctor.

There's too much blood.

I can't see where it's coming from.

Feel for it.

[monitor beeps]

Pressure's dropping.

Dr. Rhodes, I'll clamp.

The belly's packed. The spleen is in pieces.

Something else is bleeding.


Run the bowel.

Oh, the mesentery's bleeding.

I will clamp it, Dr. Rhodes. You get the spleen.

Curved 8 to me.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Metz scissors.


And bowl.


Thank you. I'll hold the clamp, you tie.

All right, the bleeding stopped.

How's she doing?

Pressure's coming up.

There we go.


You guys finish up here and bring her down to ICU.

Okay, let's close him up.

Happy to be back in the saddle?


April. Nice to see you.

Bobby, back so soon?

Yeah, my feet this time.

What happened to your shoes?

There's this new guy at the shelter.

He needed winter boots.

I still have my slippers, though.

All right, this is a tetanus shot.

Is that okay?


Anything you say.

Okay. Thank you.


All right.

Now, Bobby, you shouldn't be giving away your boots.

Particularly in January.

Oh, I'll manage. I always do.

How did you manage last week after you gave away your gloves?

Frostbite's all healed.

You're too much.

All right, soak your feet.


I'll be back to check on you.

Okay. Thanks.

That excuse is so lame it needs crutches.

Roger, I put in that order hours ago.

No, I will not hold.




Normally after that, I would go downstairs and ring Roger's ass.

But not today.

I'm in too good a mood.

And why is that?

Christy Pierce.

Oh, yeah. Today's the big day.


Christy Pierce?

Yeah, a teen with aplastic anemia.

Been in and out of Med the last ten years due to infections, but finally, today she's getting a bone marrow transplant.

It hasn't been ten years.

Yes, it has.

I know because I was sitting in your chair the first time her mother brought her here.

You think I'm tough? You should've seen her.

I'm going up to say hello.

Give Christy a kiss for me.

So Dr. Farinas has told me that a transplant isn't painful.

You'll be awake the whole time.

It's a simple process.

We'll administer the donor's stem cells through your central line.

It's just like a blood transfusion.

Is it really happening? Finally.

Well, we just heard from the clinic in Springfield.

The bags are en route.

Oh, my God.

Mom, you promised. No crying.

I'm sorry, I just... I can't help it.

And, Nick, I can't believe you.

You're almost as tall as me.

And he has been a very busy little brother.

He's got all his friends together and they've been shoveling driveways to raise money.

Oh, show Mrs. Goodwin the flyer.

We're gonna send Christy's donor and her family on a vacation.

They've already raised $1,000.

That's a sweet gesture.

He's just trying to build up his muscles to impress the girls.

Am not!

Well, I'll leave you in good hands with Dr. Farinas.

I'll check back later.

Thank you.

Dr. Rose, pretty slick in the OR.

Thank you.

That was a very fast splenectomy for a fellow.

Had to be under 30 seconds.

Where'd you pick that up?



Oil workers got a lot of abdominal injuries on the derricks.


Hold the elevator, please! Hold the elevator!

Ah! Ow!

Damn it.

Sorry. Thanks.

You okay?


I, um, just banged it on the shower in Orlando.

Let me take a look at it.

No, no, no.

It's fine.

No, no.

It's fine, really.

Just... hey, hey.

Shush, shush. Just, shh.

[elevator bell dings]


Wait, no. No, no, no. What are we doing?

You are going to Ortho to get that checked out.

No, it's not necessary.

Uh, your elbow is red and it feels hot. So, yeah, it is.

Yeah, well, I put myself on Cipro, so...

Oh, so you know you have an infection?

Just as a precaution.

Well, as a precaution, you are going to get it checked out, because that may need to be drained.


Look, Sam? Sam.

This is serious.

You know better. Don't mess around.

Okay. All right.

I will get it looked at.

Okay. That's all I'm asking.



You were right.

Two-bone distal fracture, moderately displaced.

Needs to be plated.

It didn't take a diagnostic genius.

Not with that degree of deformity.

Mr. Blevins...

I'm done here.

Let 'em take me away.

Well, I'm afraid, first, you need surgery to realign the bones in your arm.

We're gonna have an orthopedic surgeon come down right now to...

No. No surgery.


Well, without it, your arm may not heal properly.

You could have a permanent deformity and reduced function.

Put a cast on it.

Mr. Blevins, you want some water?

No... no, what I want is to be taken out of here.

Put the cuffs... [gurgles]

Put the cuffs on!

Whoa. Mr. Blevins.




I need...


All right, I need suction.

Get a crash cart and have atropine ready in case his heart rate drops.

We are not losing this guy.

Where is he? Where is Walter?

We are running a few tests right now.

When he's done, I can take you to him.

Oh, Dr. Halstead, this is Mrs. Blevins.

Please, someone tell me what's going on.

Your husband was in a car accident.

He has a badly broken arm and in the last half hour he began coughing up blood and passed out.

Oh, my God!

Is Walter being treated for any illnesses?

No. No, he's... he's fine.

I need to see him.


I can take you to his room.

Excuse me. Um, Mrs. Blevins? My name's Jay Halstead.

I'm a detective with the Chicago Police Department.

I need to ask you a few questions about your husband.

Why are the police involved?

I thought Walter was in an accident.

Uh, yes.

He was driving a car that he stole.

At gunpoint.


There's multiple witnesses.

That son of a bitch.

I'm sorry. Ma'am?

My husband is no angel.

I knew that when I married him, but he has been straight for 18 years.

Has a job, a kid, and now, out of the blue, he throws it all away?

I warned him, if he ever committed another crime, I would leave him, and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

What do you want to know?

Um, why don't we go sit down somewhere?


I'm looking for a Robert Parker.

Bobby's in Treatment 3.

Wha... who called for a psych consult?

The attending, Dr. Movitt.


I know Bobby.

Treated him for a month now.

He's just really kind.

Huh. I guess there's some concern that he can't take care of himself?

Because he gave some clothes away?

He just likes to help people.

Oh, just gonna have a little chat.

He is such a good nurser.

I think it took Jeff three or four days to actually get the hang of it.

He's so beautiful.


Oh, look at this.

I couldn't resist.

A little something for him to wear on the way home.

Isn't that cute?

Oh, I think he's finished.

Oh, you think he is?

Here. I'll get him.

You come here. You come here to me.

Yeah. Oh.

[baby coos]

Oh. [chuckles]

You know, my parents emailed.

They should be here soon.


Well, they'll be so happy to see the baby.

They must miss you terribly.

Yeah, they complain about it all the time.

Always asking when I'm gonna move back to Seattle.

Do you ever think about that?

Oh, yeah, but I want to finish my fellowship.

Oh. Well, you met Jeff here.

You must have a lot of good memories here.

Of course I do.

I mean, I know the weather's not good in Chicago, but Seattle, ugh. That rain?

I'd get depressed.

What do you think?

So, uh, how long you been living at the shelter, Bobby?

Uh, about two months now.

And where were you before that?

At home. Uh, Lincoln Park.

Ooh, nice neighborhood.

Shelter must have been quite a change.

I don't mind.

The people there need me.

I don't have much anymore, but what I do have, I'm happy to give.

And what prompted you to make the move from Lincoln Park?

It's my wife's idea.

She said I was giving away all of our savings.

Bankrupting the family.

She didn't know what happened to me.

Why I changed.

Uh, tell me how you changed.

[chuckles] I used to be a regular guy.

Corporate job, a house, a couple of cars.

One morning I woke up, and I realized that the only thing I wanted to do, the only thing that mattered, was helping other people.

Giving whatever I had to them.

Any idea of the, uh... The source of this inspiration?

You mean did God talk to me? Or an angel?

No, no, I... I just knew... inside.

I can barely see it.

It's the gray spot right here.

That's the hematoma.

We often see it in car crashes.

When the seatbelt you were wearing tightened, it caused a deep bruise around your intestine.

So I'm, like, bleeding inside?

Not anymore.

Blood's clotted now, formed a solid mass, causing the swelling and pain you're feeling in your stomach.

The swelling should go down in a couple days.

For the next few hours, we'll continue to monitor you.

So sit tight, all right?

What about Jess?

She's still in ICU.

We met at this coffee shop, but it was too crowded, so I suggested we drive to one a few miles away.

That's when it happened.

Can I see her?

I'll have a nurse take you up to ICU once Jess has been cleared for visitors.



And initial there, please.

And sign here to acknowledge receipt.

That's two bags HLA-matched bone marrow-regenerating stem cells for patient Christy Pierce.

Thank you.

Careful with these.


Fingers crossed.


I'm sorry to have to tell you this, believe me.

Tell me what?

The hospital's decided to shut down Christy Pierce's transplant.


Have you seen these?

Yeah, Christy's brother put them up.

He organized a fundraiser.

For Christy's donor.

And the hospital is concerned about the appearance of an individual being compensated for donating an organ, which...

Violates federal law. I know that, but no one's being paid.

The donor agreed months ago.

Well, it still puts the hospital and its staff at risk for hefty fines, sanctions, I mean, even imprisonment.

It's a kid doing a good deed.

He's a minor.

It doesn't matter.

These flyers have put us in an impossible situation.

Well how about Christy's impossible situation?



Christy has just gone through five days of chemotherapy and radiation.

Her body has been ravaged in preparation for this transplant.

Without it, she will die.

It's out of my hands.

No, Peter, it's still in your hands.

Find a way to fix this.

I will do my best, but the law does not give me a lot of room to maneuver on this.

You need to look for another donor.


I don't understand.

They can't just shut the transplant down.

They can't do that.

I'm sorry, Kathleen. They can and they have.

No, there must be something you can do.

We're exploring our legal options, but the only thing we can do right now is look for another donor which we're doing.

Wha... what if we promise not to give any of the proceeds to the donor?

Unfortunately, the intent was to give a financial gift to the donor, which is enough in the eyes of the law.


Are these lawyers gonna go in there and tell my daughter that intent is more important than she is?

Are they willing to let her die?

Do you want me to break the news to Christy?


I'm her mother.

I'll tell her.

Mr. Blevins, how are you feeling?

I hope that means better.

Has anything like that ever happened before?

How's the couple I hit?

She's in the ICU. We're monitoring him.

Can they take me away now?

First, we need to discuss the results of your chest X-ray.


We discovered a mass, approximately two centimeters in diameter, in the left lobe of your lungs.

Now, a finding like that, in conjunction with coughing blood...

I'm concerned.

We need a CT scan, and then a possible biopsy...

Don't bother.

Well, we really should determine...

It's cancer.

I've known about it for a few months.

When I spoke with your wife earlier, she didn't mention that you were diagnosed.

She doesn't know about it.

Well, have you started treatment, or...

Look, you've run your little test.

You've checked all the boxes, but now, I just want the cops to get me out of here.

Well, I can't release you until I'm sure you're stable enough for jail.

Well, do what you have to.

All right.

Don't tell my wife about this.

[monitors beeping]

[whispers] Jess.


I wanted to see how you were.

How are you feeling?

Oh, he smells like heaven.

Think he knows me?

Of course he does.

[door opening]




Hello, sweetheart.

Hi, Daddy.

Helen. Hello, Helen. Congratulations.

[gasp] Oh, let me hold him.

Well, he... he's asleep.

Oh, yes, he is. Yes, he is.

Oh, yes you are. Yes, you are.

Look at this beautiful boy.

Can you believe we're grandparents?

Oh, I think he has your daddy's mouth.

You think?

Watch his head.

Oh, here. Here he is.

Oh, my goodness.


Oh, wait till Auntie and Uncle Cliff meet him.

We're putting a crib in your room for when you and Owen come to visit.

Just don't take down my Nick Carter poster, okay?

We won't. We promise.

Good. Right.

Dr. Charles.

I heard Bobby was upstairs getting a CT?

Yeah, just want to rule out any organic cause for his behavior, that's all.

You think he's crazy?

You mean like delusional or psychotic?

Not at all.

Quite rational, in fact.

Then why the CT?

Actions are a little obsessive, if not compulsive.

You know, giving your shoes away in Chicago in the middle of the winter?

You've, um... taken quite an interest in Mr. Parker, haven't you?

Yeah, I guess I have.

It's... never mind.

Try me.

St. Francis.

He reminds me of St. Francis.

I was raised Catholic.


And growing up, we had this little statue of San Francisco in the garden.

Of all the saints, he was my favorite.

He gave away all his money, all his possessions, to the poor.

Took care of the sick with no thought of himself.

Remarkable fella.

I'm not saying Bobby is an actual saint, but... saintly?


We're just... Want to make sure we're doing the right thing by him, that's all.




Peter Kalmick's in Treatment 4.



What happened?

I've been getting these pounding headaches.

His blood pressure spiked.

Dr. Movitt put him on a nipride drip.

Pressure's coming down.

Thank you.

Christy Pierce, there's nothing I can do.

You understand why the sale of human organs is illegal.

Once they have monetary value, at best, poor people will sell them.

At worst, people will get k*lled for them.

I get all that.

How about you try this?

Bone marrow is not an organ.

According to the National Organ Transplant Act, it is.

But that's wrong.

A donor's marrow regenerates itself within two weeks.

It's just like giving blood.

Come on, Sharon. I've done my homework.

In 2011, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that bone marrow donors can be compensated because the cells are blood parts, not organ parts.

So what's the problem?

The problem is that that's the Ninth Circuit.

It's Arizona, Montana. We're in Illinois, the Seventh.

It hasn't ruled.

Look... [sighs]

I shouldn't just gone into estate planning like my brother.

It's so much less stressful.

I'm sorry you're suffering, Peter, but your stress is nothing compared to what's going on upstairs.

[alarm blares]


That's Jess's room.

She must have thrown a clot.

Help him, please. Somebody!

He was complaining of abdominal pain.

CT showed a duodenal hematoma.

Oh, Mike!



It must've ruptured.

We need to get him up to the OR, now.

Yes, Doctor.

Is he gonna be all right?

We'll do our best.


There's too much blood. More suction.


There's food particles mixed in with his blood.

Slow down, it won't do you any good if you make the injury bigger.

If he bleeds out, it won't help me, either.

It's a big duodenal hematoma with pretty brisk bleeding along the anterior perforation.


The lac extends into the second portion.

I can see that.

Stay clear of the ampulla.

What did the Ortho say about the elbow?

Just concentrate on your surgery.

Did he drain it?

Make sure you close transversely.

I got it.

In two layers.

I know what I'm doing.

Don't take that tone with me, Dr. Rhodes.

I'm your attending.


Close him up.

Unless Dr. Zanetti would prefer to.



Why are you out here and not with Natalie?

Oh, um, her... her parents flew in from Seattle, so... they're in there with her.





Je... Jeff was my... My only child, and... and his dad and I divorced when he was three.

He's remarried and... lives in Arizona someplace.

The rest of my family is... gone.

Jeff is gone... and Natalie and Owen... [sobs]

They're... They're all I have.

They're all...

Oh, honey.

I don't want Natalie and the baby go to Seattle.

I'm selfish too. I don't want Natalie to go.


Hey there, Bobby.


Got your CT results back.

I'd like to go over them with you if you have a sec.

I can finish this later.

No, no. Stay.

It's... it's fine.

So... when we talked before about the change you experienced, you said that it was sudden.

Happened overnight.

That's right.

The abrupt nature of the change made me wonder if there might be a physical cause.

So here, I want you to take a look at something.

This... is an image of a typical brain.

And this... is yours.

Why does it look different?

Because you, my friend, had a stroke.

That's... I know stroke victims.

They're... they're crippled or can't speak.

There are actually many different kinds of strokes.

Yours caused lesions to form in the frontal lobe.

That's the region of the brain that controls, among many other things, behavior and judgment.

So you're saying I'm brain damaged?

I'm saying that, in your instance, the stroke didn't cause any physical impairment, but it did cause you to become what, clinically, I would describe as pathologically generous.

Making you compulsively driven to give.

So I help people because of damage to my brain?

Basically, yeah.

But it feels good. It makes me happy.

Makes sense.

I... I... don't want you to fix it.

Well, that's fortunate because, truthfully, even if you did, aside from some behavioral therapy, we can't.



I got back in touch with the shelter.

They're happy to have you back.

In case you didn't know, you've become something of a star there.

Do you mind if I share some details of your condition so that they can help take care of you?




Please call me if there are any changes.

Thank you.

Was that the National Registry?

So far no matches, but we're in touch with every donor network in the region.

We're not giving up.


What is it?

Something's wrong with Christy.

Oh, God.

[dramatic music]

[monitor beeping rapidly]

No, Christy!

No, no, no.

We should stay out here.

♪ ♪

[whimpers] No.


Mr. Blevins is stable.

I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee.

Take that basket to Natalie, would you?

Radiology sent it.



You know, I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression.

The wrong impression?

Natalie just had a baby.

Oh. Uh-huh. I know that.

Her husband died only six months ago.

I know that too.

So, I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression.

It amazes me how dumb a doctor can be.

Everybody knows you like Natalie.

They do?

So, don't make things too complicated.

Just take the basket.

[baby coos]

From your fans in radiology.

Well, hey there, stranger.

What can I tell you?

These crazy sick people just keep rolling into the ED.

Owen started to think you forgot about him.

Pretty sure the only thing he thinks about is his next hit of dairy.


So, tell me what's been going on downstairs.

You want to talk shop?

I'm desperate.

Well, I do have this one patient.


Hi, Will.

Hi, Mrs. Manning.

Oh, please. Call me Helen.

I'm so glad you came up.

Natalie's been looking for you.

Oh, don't guilt him out, Helen.

I'm afraid I'm good at that.

You're a Chicago boy, aren't you, Will?

Canaryville. Three generations.

We used to live out in Canaryville. South Aberdeen.



You guys are talking, so...

You know, Mom and Dad just went down to the cafeteria to grab a bite if you want to join them.

Oh, yeah, I'll do that.


What's up with her?

What do you mean?

Yesterday she wasn't so friendly.

It's the birth.

It was very stressful for her.


All right, tell me about this patient.

Okay, so, he was in a car accident.

Severely fractured arm, lung cancer, and as soon as I discharge him, he's going to jail.

Oh, and his wife just left him.

Ooh, sounds like a country song.

Yeah. Pretty hopeless case.


Well, the one thing he's got going for him.

At least in prison, he'll get the treatment that he needs.

Yeah, he will.

[elevator bell dings]



About what happened in the OR today...

Pro forma, I was acting as your supervising attending physician.

I think maybe it was more than that.

Look, Sam, you're a surgeon, that's who you are, and right now, you can't operate.

Oh, I see.

So out of my frustration, I laid into you.


Couldn't possibly have anything to do with you or your performance, it's just me.

I'm the crazy bitch.

Aw, come on. Look.

You're taking this the wrong way.

You are such a macho cliché.

Sam, you put yourself at risk to do some serious damage to your arm, and for what?

This need to be the big, mighty surgeon?

You know that was stupid.

You have this all figured out.

You are so full of yourself.

Come on, that's... that's hilarious, coming from you.

You know what, I think this whole thing was a mistake.

Yeah, I'm with you on that.

Christy developed staph myocarditis, causing her cardiovascular system to collapse.

Well, considering her suppressed immune system, it was just a matter of time.

How is she now?

Antibiotics are controlling the infection, but it's not a long-term fix.

Only by giving her a new immune system can the infection be eradicated.




Is Christy stable enough for the transplant?

You mean right now?

Right now.

Yeah, she is.

Then do it. Do the transplant.

But the hospital shut it down. We...

Yes, I'm aware.

Sharon, they'll have your job. And legally, we...

I will take full responsibility.

All right, I'll prep the team.

Thank you.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Now, you got to promise not to give these away.


Or any other pieces of clothing.

I don't want to see you back here.

I promise. I'll be...

I'll be... Bobby? Bobby!

Dr. Choi!

♪ ♪

He's stroking.

Let's roll him on his side.

♪ ♪

[knocking on door]

Mr. Blevins?

Mind if we talk?

Nurse says I'm being discharged.

Yeah, we're almost finished with the paperwork.

Then what's there to talk about?

My brother. He's a cop.

Good for you.

He tells me stories about dumb crimes people commit.

He says there are no smart criminals.

If they were smart, they wouldn't be criminals.

Okay. And?

I don't think you're dumb, Walter.

Yet you carjacked a woman right in front of two police officers.

When you first came in, you said you were sorry.

I think you really were.

You never meant to hurt anyone.

That wasn't part of your plan.

You don't have health insurance.

And without it, the cost of surgery on your arm, that'd be pretty expensive.

Not to mention the cost of cancer treatments.

Those could easily exceed $200,000.

Man, what do you want from me?

You wanted to get caught... because in... in prison, health care is free.

You don't owe me an answer, but your wife, she ought to know the truth.


Bobby suffered another ischemic stroke, much more severe this time.

His judgment remains impaired despite the medications we've given him, and we have noticed further changes to his temperament.

What kind of changes?

They're profound.

I've contacted DHS, and they're gonna provide a guardian who can help Bobby get placed in a... In a state-funded nursing home.

I'm sorry, April.

Hey, Bobby.

Here, let me fill that for you...

It's mine.

I just want to fill it up...

It's mine!


Thank you.

Vitals are stable. Incision looks good.

He's gonna be fine. They both are.

A few hours ago, they didn't even know one another.


Yeah, wouldn't know it to look at 'em.

Shared trauma. Saw it in the Navy.

People who experience a life and death situation together, it creates a bond.


Some kind of brain chemistry.

I'm sure Dr. Charles can explain it.

Right, so what happens later?

After they get back to normal lives?

Does it last?

I have no idea.

Doubt it.

Nick, you'll have to say "Happy Birthday" to your sister.

It's not till summer.

Well, when a patient receives a transplant, we call that "Day Zero."

So, in a way, it's like a second birthday.

We're so grateful, Sharon.

What changed their minds?

I think they just had to get their priorities straight.

Don't start, Peter. I know what I'm in for.

Hey, hey. I'm the bearer of good news.

The hospital's not gonna take action against you given the gravity of the situation.

"U.S. prosecutes hospital administrator for saving girl's life."

I don't think the Justice Department needs that kind of publicity.

So I think it is safe to assume you are in the clear.

Well, ain't that great.


A girl has to almost die for this hospital to realize that it's actually here to treat patients?

You stay on your blood pressure meds, Peter.

He puts cops' lives at risk and then he nearly gets that couple k*lled so he can get free health care?

They should let the guy rot.

The guy was trying to protect his family.

Sure. Sure.

Here's a stat for you.

Health care expenses account for over half of all bankruptcies in the U.S.

Be thankful you got a great health plan.

I hope you report this.

Doctor/patient confidentiality and you're not gonna say anything, either.

This knucklehead ready to be signed out?


Okay, then.

It isn't exactly free health care, Jay.

The guy is going to prison.



Here. Hey...

I got benched for two weeks.

How about dinner?

I'll even cut your steak for you.




[gentle music]

♪ ♪

So you're off?


All right.

See you later, little man.


Let me know if you need anything.

Thank you.

All right.



You know, I think that Will's a very nice man.

Yeah, he is.


Hi. Dad's outside with the car.

[baby talk]

Okay, here we go.

Here we are.

Cover him up.

Want me to take that?

Oh, I'm good.

He's gone.

The Bobby I knew is gone.


I mean, maybe he never really existed.

I wanted to believe that self-sacrifice came from the soul...

And not lesions on the brain?

I mean, what if there's no such thing as saints?

What if Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Saint Francis...

They all just... were people who suffered a stroke to the frontal lobe?

Who knows?

Theories abound.

I mean, as a shrink, I'm supposed to tell you that we project saintly qualities onto others 'cause we need to.

Makes us feel hopeful. Safe.


But this I know for certain: whoever those people were or weren't, they absolutely understood the power of a simple act of human kindness.

I guess I'm just trying to figure out what to believe in right now.

I don't know.

Sometimes I think... proof's all around us.

You're almost there. You're doing great.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I got him.

I got him. I got him right here.

Hold him. Oh. You good?

Here we go.

Be more careful.


Be careful.

I got you some tea.


[inspirational music]

You just got to remember where to look.

♪ ♪
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