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01x03 - Dead Man's Party

Posted: 01/27/16 03:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Shadowhunters"...

My mother told me she hid something from someone.

The Mortal Cup is the most important object in the Shadow World.

You know exactly what'd happen if Valentine gets the Cup before we do.

Maybe a little medicine will trigger your memory.

I suggest you find Clary soon.

I will.

If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories, I'm listening.

If they're as bad as they say they are, it's not good for Clary, is it?

It's not good for any of us.

I've drawn this before. But I don't know what it means.


We're negotiating.

The mundane in exchange for the Mortal Cup.

[Clary] My mother lied to me.

My father is Valentine.

I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than... than what you people call mundanes?

Because we protect humans.

[sighs] You're right.

Humans. You protect humans.

You left Simon all alone in the van.

Great job, guys. You rock.

There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense.

[Clary scoffs]

Alec, not now.

Look, they won't do anything to Simon.

They just wanted to draw you out.

They want the Cup, and they think you have it.

But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that?

What, my mom lies to me my entire life except, "Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like, the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone."

[sighs] What am I supposed to do now?

We have to report to the Clave.


They have to know we've learned about Valentine.

What, that he's my father?

Great. Fine. Tell them.

What good does that do Simon?

Clary, it's all connected. The vamps want the Cup.

Why? It makes new Shadowhunters.

Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself.

Plus, it controls demons.

They'll propose a trade. Simon for the Cup.

So, vampires will trade Simon for the Cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the Cup.

Either way, I lose someone I love.

What if I just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out among themselves?

So this doesn't matter to you?

Yes, of course, it matters!

Listen... when you saved my life...

I put my trust in you.

Now, I need you to put your trust in me.

I can't turn into what you are overnight.

It's true. She was raised as a mundane.

What are you, her spokesman now?

I don't need a spokesman, I need a plan.

[pounding on door] Hello!

[breathing heavily] Anyone?

I'm just an accounting student. I have no value to anyone.

[stuttering] And I barely saw your faces, so if you let me go, I couldn't even identify you.

Not that I would, 'cause you guys are vampires!

Who would believe me?

I didn't even know you guys existed until yesterday!

Is anyone there?

If your goal was to scare the crap out of me, mission accomplished!

And as far as I'm concerned...

[stutters] you can have it out with those Shadowhunters.

Especially, the blonde one.

You know, you don't need me.

On the contrary, I do.


[stutters] Uh, look at all this stuff, these screens.

I mean, can any of this help me find Simon?

Where is he, anyway? Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?

Actually, no. That was Camille's outfit, right?

They're locals.

They're at the Hotel DuMort, down in Gansevoort Street.

And we came back here? Why? We have to go there.

Let's go, now. Come on.

We need a Clave resolution for that.

The four of us can't declare w*r on the vamps all by ourselves.

And we can't react without considering our options.

Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. We're not.

Alec, you can't just jump on all the Downworlders.

Oh, that's right. Seelies have their charms, apparently.



Like faeries. The Fair Folk.

Add pixies, nixies, elves... anybody half-angel, half-demon.

It's pretty much a catch-all term.

Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing.

We've all got our things, don't we?

Okay, I can't listen to this. Simon's been kidnapped by vampires.

I guess I'll just take care of it myself.

Clary, you're gonna get yourself k*lled.

Clary. Simon, too.

Then help me.

While we consider other options, my best friend is suffering.

Is that something Shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?

Clary's right.

They made the first move.

We're gonna take care of this ourselves, right now.

This is a bad idea. I...

What, have you got a better one?

Look, the vamps broke the Accords.

They kidnapped a mundie. That's a big no-no.

The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it.

Come on.

Hard to argue with that.

Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we're going.

We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them.

I know where to get what we need.

[siren wailing in distance]

[Simon] So how does this end?

Do I, uh... do I get out of here or what?

The answer to that is above my paygrade.

Paygrade? They... they pay vampires?

Let's just say we invest early and often.

[statue clatters]


[Raphael] Sit down.

Why won't you sit?

I really hate fidgeting.

I'm just, uh... just looking.

For a way out?

Ooh. [inhales sharply]

There isn't one.

[stutters] I mean, all the, uh... the cool stuff you guys collect.


[imitates horn]


It's... Whatever.

Leonidas I has been trying to peddle that junk for years.

Museums make you prove antiquities are legit these days.

Yeah, naturally.

[Raphael] When they ask where you got it, what do you say?

It's not against the law to rob my own grave.


Oh, my God.

[grunts] Oh, please.

Honestly, I just got this jacket.

There's no way out. You're a hostage, so accept it.

I'm a hostage?

That means you won't k*ll me, yeah?

[Camille] Won't k*ll you?

Who said that?


Oh, look.

How sweet.

You're bleeding.

I am so looking forward to getting to know you.

Whose grave is it?

[sighs] Mary Milligan, born January 10th, 1802.

Died, January 10th, 1878.

All right, Alec, let's go.

Wait, what are we looking for?

Cache of weapons.

Stashed here with Mrs. Milligan.

Why are there Shadowhunter weapons in a churchyard?

Because all of the ancient religions recognized demons.

Or at least they used to.

They forgot about the threat because we've been here to protect them.

Typical mundane failure of imagination.

Are you saying we did too good a job?

You just can't let up, can you?

You know what?

Alec, why don't you go check out by the angel?

We couldn't gear up at the Institute, but we know our ancestors left a cache around here someplace.

We'll find it.

I always wondered where my dad was buried.

[sighs] I used to wish he was still alive.

Be careful what you wish for.

This isn't your fault.

This is all my fault.

[cell phone beeping]

[Isabelle] Excellent.

He's home. I'm outta here.

Wait, aren't you coming with us?

Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I gotta find out how to get into the vampires' lair.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Jace... over here.

Yeah, coming.

Are you gonna be all right?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine.

I'm just, um...

[breathes deeply]

Just give me a minute, okay?



[Jace] Yeah?

We're crossing a line into vamp territory.

That's the point.

Come on, Alec, cheer up. It's going to be fun.

Damn it, Jace, just... think this through.

You don't even like this guy.

This isn't about the mundane, this is about Clary.

What, are you so desperate to get laid that you'll risk k*lling us?

Wow, um, there's so much in that that was wrong, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear it.

That's the problem. You're not listening.

Not to this or anything else I've said tonight.

You don't even know this girl. Why do you trust her?

Is this about her being Valentine's daughter?

Haven't we been through this? Alec, look at me.

You can trust her, or not. I don't care.

That's not my business.

But if you don't trust me...

[Clary] Jace! Alec! I think I found it!

Mary Milligan!

Beloved servant?

Who wants that on a headstone?

Someone who is in service to a cause greater than themselves.

At least she is now.


Wait, you people actually say that?

No, Clary, we don't.


Whoa! Where's Mrs. Milligan?

Don't touch that. You don't know how to use it.

What, like at Pandemonium when I k*lled that demon?

You didn't k*ll...


I'm gonna show her the right way to use it.

Do you see what you need in here?

No. There's no bow here. I need one.

I have to rune some arrows. That's back at the Institute.

I gotta go.

Well, how are you gonna get back in the Institute?

Go in the back. Won't bother me if I'm alone.

Okay, good. Go.

I can finish up here.

[sighs] Hey...

I understand what we need to do.

And I trust you, parabatai... but don't ever doubt me.

No matter what I said.

It's already forgotten.

I'll see you at dawn.

At dawn.


Okay, let me show you how to use this thing.

Now, it knows you're a Shadowhunter, so it wants to respond.

But you have to be firm with it. Let it know who's boss.


You make it a part of yourself and it a part of you.

Now, the blade never dims.

It's saying you belong together.

How does it know?

'Cause you're part angel, Clary... like all Shadowhunters.

[Clary gasps]

You understand?

Not even a little.

You'll get there.

It's not something you understand in your mind.

It's something you know because it's pulsing through your body.

It's in your blood.

Could I even do this without you?

You just did.

But it... felt like you were still with me.

I am.

I will be.

[clears throat]

We... we will be... there for you.

[chuckles softly]


How do you know they'll come back?

Who? Alec and Izzy?


We were raised together.

They're basically my brother and sister.

You know Alec doesn't like me, right?

Alec doesn't like anybody.

Why would he help me?

Did you hear what he called me just then?

We're parabatai.


There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have.

We're bound together for life.

Bound to fight together, to protect each other.

In battle, our hearts beat as one.

If one of us were to die... a part of the other would die inside as well.

He'll be here, Clary.

Are you ready?

I'm ready.

You look ready.

I hate throwing things.

[stuttering] I don't... I literally hate throwing things.

Even at my own Bar Mitzvah, I wouldn't throw spitballs at a gray table. I mean...

I would never throw things, honest to God!

Oh, God. You guys can't say God, right?

For God's sake, what are you trying to say?

I didn't... I didn't mean to throw that thing.

Of course you did, darling. That's what makes you so amusing.

I don't find any of this amusing.

[stuttering] Me neither. I can't say how sorry I am.

I can pay to have the whole thing...

[snaps fingers]

Thank you.

The living are so exhausting.

But this one will be useful.

I don't know.

I'm not sure breaking the Accords was the best idea.

If you'll forgive me for saying so.

I'll forgive, but I won't agree.

You know as well as I do Clary Fairchild will come after her dearest friend... or whatever he is.

All we have to do is take her.

Either she has the Cup or we'll make her tell us where it is.

She'll bring those Shadowhunters with her.

They won't get past the front door.

Even if they do, we've got them vastly outnumbered.

Have you ever tasted Shadowhunter blood?

[whispers] It's heavenly.

I wouldn't know. Let's stick to the subject.

Isn't this the wrong time to be antagonizing the Clave?

They're our best hope if Valentine really does make a comeback.

How much longer have I been at this than you?

Three, four-hundred...

You weren't supposed to answer that.

Suffice to say, she who controls the Mortal Cup, controls the Shadow World.

He's a tasty little morsel.

Don't you think?

Camille, him?

Remember chocolates?

Sometimes the plainest candy shell has the tastiest center.

We'll see.

[snaps fingers] I'd be happy to pay for a whole new jacket.


Don't worry, my little caramel.

Everything will be just fine.

[chuckles nervously]

[soft music playing]



Have you missed me?

You know I have.

I thought you'd be busy tonight.

The only thing I have to do is you.


Why aren't you all out looking for Valentine's daughter?

We're not looking.

So you found her?



That's not an answer.

Is this?

No, but it's clear enough.

Does she have the Mortal Cup?


Jocelyn's daughter.

Meliorn, are you trying to get information out of me?

[whispers] Yes.

And if I had some questions for you?

I'd have to answer.

You know that.

Seelies can't lie.

But they can evade.

And distract.

Yes, they certainly can.



[rock music playing over speakers]

[Clary] You wanna k*ll time at a biker bar?

We can't move on the vamps until sunrise.

Plus, there's something I need in here.

[Clary] What, a drink?

[Jace] I don't drink.

We need to save Simon, not hang around a bunch of posers.

[Jace chuckles]

Jace, it's not funny.

It's kinda funny.


Shouldn't you be teaching me to fight vampires or something?

Do me a favor.

Look over there. What do you see?

[Clary] A lot of people.

Waitress, people making out.

[Jace] Focus on the couple.

Now, concentrate on seeing through.


There are layers to reality. You can peel them away.

See the Shadow World.

Maybe you can.

Don't just use your mind.

Use your whole self.

Relax into it.

Oh, my God.

They're vampires.

Check out that guy. He's got something.

What? Fleas?

Now, now.

Here you go.

Bet you can't handle his charm.

Charm? Are you kidding me?

[Jace] You really wanna help find Simon?

Go on, go compliment him on his motorcycle.

They like that.


I've been wondering who owns this awesome bike.

Well, hey, baby.

You like to ride?


You know you smell like a friggin' angel, right?

But without all that Shadowhunter rune crap all over you.

Much better look, right?

Right. [chuckles]

I don't know what the hell you are, angel doll, but you're one tasty treat.

[both chuckling]

Thank you.

[whispers indistinctly]

♪ If you could only see ♪
♪ I couldn't love you more ♪
♪ If you belong to me ♪

Would you like to help me?



Could you tell me where to find the Mortal Cup?

I wish I could... but I don't know.

Clary knows.

No, she doesn't.
♪ You choke me ♪
♪ You bleed me ♪
♪ I... ♪
♪ Want to die ♪

What if she didn't tell you?

[chuckles] No.

That's not it.

Why do you think we went to the City of Bones?

She's trying to find a way to remember, but they said it's like someone erased her whole past.

Some kind of spell or something. [chuckles]

Damn Magnus Bane.

[chuckles] What's Magnus Bane?

Nothing, darling.


Bloody Mary?

Original recipe.

[Isabelle chuckles]

I missed you when you were in Idris.

What's the Clave like?

I learned how Shadowhunters really feel about us.

It's bad enough not to have a vote.

It's worse to be treated as inferiors.

They act as if Seelies aren't half-angel, too.

[laughs] But you're also half-demon.

You think that makes us a lesser people?

[chuckles] No, are you kidding?

Some of us like a little spice.

Not all Shadowhunters are alike.

[chuckles quietly]

[giggles] Don't you trust me?

No, not really.


I love that you can't lie. Of course, you don't trust me.

But should I trust you?

To do what?

Oh, I don't know.

Not fool around with anyone else?

[laughs] Teasing.

Anyway, I know you've been seeing Camille.


So, you are seeing Camille.

She is very attractive.

No, no. I totally get it.

But how does that work?

Talk about Shadow World enemies.

Seelies and vampires don't really speak to each other unless they have to.

How do you two manage it?

So do you go to her place?


Mmm, that's so brave.

A Seelie can't exactly walk in the front door.

So how would you get in to the Hotel DuMort?

How would you?


I asked first.

[inhales deeply]


Didn't know you were here.

[stammering] Yeah, no, I, uh...

Don't tell me. I don't wanna have to report you.

It's just that, you know, Clary is...

That girl is Valentine's...

[rune searing]



The monster's daughter.

There must be some reason why the roaches are coming out of the woodwork again, right?


I'll leave you to it.


Thank you.

You remind me of me, Alec.

[inhales] A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one.



Don't make the same mistakes I did.

Look where it got me.

Do you wanna jump on the bike, baby?


All right.


Ooh, yeah.


You having fun with my girl?

Piss off, Shadowhunter.

Brad's gonna take me for a ride.

[whispers] That's right.

That's not gonna happen.

You heard the lady. Step aside.


[both chuckle]

Don't move, Clary.


Yoo-hoo, Romeo.



As you were.

Jace, what...

[engine revving]

[tires squealing]

[Clary squeals]

Why did you let him do that to me?

I couldn't exactly dig around in his pockets for the keys.

What, you were gonna let him turn me into a vampire just to get his keys?

Don't you trust me?

[engine throttling]

Better hold tight, this bike runs on demon energy.

It's pretty mean.

Don't their bikes run on that, too?

Why do you think I picked this one? It's been modified.

But we still have to find...


Yes, we'll find your mundie.

You got a good grip?

You keep asking me that!

♪ Bring on the fire ♪

[both laughing]

♪ And bring on the storm ♪
♪ We'll still be standing ♪
♪ Invincible ♪

Why didn't you just do this in the first place?

♪ Invincible ♪


[breathing heavily]

[Alec] Izzy.

I got your text. Where are we exactly?

It's an old meatpacker's service entrance.

If we go back there, we come up into the basement of the Hotel DuMort.

Perfect, right?

We distract the vamps, Clary and Jace have time to find Simon.



It was hard work interrogating Meliorn to get this intel.

Great job, Izzy.

You have faerie dust on your dress.

And I hate being the distraction.

[Isabelle] I don't.

You know, you'd be a lot happier if you weren't so freaking repressed.




[Simon] What? Come back.

I smell angel blood.

We've been breached.

I don't know how many there are, but it's the real thing.

I want them stopped now. I don't care how.

They're near the stairwell or in it. Go!

It's all right, darling.

Will you just stay right there, just for a minute?

Are you all right?

I'm a little light-hearted.

[chuckles softly] Light-headed.

Light-hearted and light-headed.

I guess I had a little too much to drink.

[laughs] You had?

That's a mind-blower because... you had too much to drink, and I'm... whatever I am.

You certainly are.

They're in the building. Stop them.

[Jace] What that vamp did to you back at the bar... it's called encanto.

[flesh searing]

That was just the first step.

[inhales sharply]

It's kind of like what a cobra does to a mouse right before it strikes.

This will keep you safe just in case you run into Mr. Fascinating again.


Give me your arm.

I'm never gonna live that down, am I?

Probably not. No.

Ow! What is that?

This is for silence.

The vamps won't hear us coming, but we can't disguise the scent of our blood from them.

[inhales sharply]

Once we enter the building through there, they'll know something's up.

But if our plan works, we'll have time to find Simon.

The mundane world is all into vampires.

I don't get it. They see everyone else as an animated sack of meat.

Yeah, I certainly don't see the romance.

That's 'cause now you know it's all real.

Still, you gotta hand it to them, though.

They know how to frame a narrative.

How will we find Simon?

He'll be in the most secure room in the building.

Trust me, we'll know it when we see it.

What if they do an encanto on him? Will he turn into a vampire?

No, you have to drink vampire blood for that.

Even then, there's more to it.

It's an overly involved process, if you ask me.

But I don't get it. What if a vampire bites him?

They won't drain him right away.

They like to take their time.

Vampires are real gourmets.

He'll be terrified.

Actually, he'll feel kind of high, kind of like he's in love.

With the one who bit him?


That's awful.

It's awful?

Guess I wouldn't know.

You've never been bitten?

You've never been in love.

The point is it wears off. Just like love.

What's the deal with you and that guy, anyway?

He seems kinda...

Be careful.

Unworthy of you? How's that?

You really think you have it all figured out?

I do.

You don't even understand friendship.


You have a parabatai, right?

Alec would die for me.

Now you understand me and Simon.

[inhales deeply] Sun's gonna come up soon.

Remember how to use the blade?

Keep your arms steady and don't overestimate what you know.

They can be tricky.

We'll try and keep them off you as much as we can.

Where are Alec and Isabelle?

Being distracting.

You're really not gonna talk to me, are you?

That's because you have no idea what you're talking about.

But I do. You're hiding from yourself, not me.

You have feelings, whether you like 'em or not, Alec.

This is not the time or the place, Izzy.

I don't know. Looks pretty smooth so far.

This must be the way.


Well, not that smooth.

Any day now.

Yeah, if you hold the door still, it might be a lot easier.

It's not taking it.

Whoever said, "The pen is mightier than the sword," was an idiot.

When you're right, you're right.

Wait, I hear something.

Hold up.

[vampires shrieking]

Do you think they know where we are?

That's the idea, right?

How long do you think we have to distract them for?

Ten more minutes.

Ten minutes? Are you kidding?

We're liquid lunch in five.

So let's distract them.

So let's distract them.


You better get ready.




[both panting]

This is fun.

Keep coming, boys.




Just ran 30 blocks to get here before I freaking burned to death in the sun!

You missed your ride, angel doll.


Why'd you go with him, huh?

You really know how to hurt a guy.



You're right.

I really do know how to hurt a guy.


Clary, look out!


Bitch, you're finished!

The blade!

[flesh searing]

[Brad groaning]

Damn it! [grunting]




I k*lled him.

He was already dead.

Plus, he wanted to k*ll you. Remember that.

She did great, right?

Yeah, you did. You should be proud.

Thanks, but... it's not about me.

Let's go find Simon.

Why is it so loud out there? What is that?

It's nothing, dearest. A party.

You know the neighbors in these places. Short-term rentals.

I know. Bloody Marys for everyone.

Where is everyone?

Clary! I'm here!

I told you, you're a hostage! Accept it!


[Simon breathing heavily]

Don't move. I know you wanna find out how this story ends.

Thank you, Raphael. I'll take care of this from here.

You don't have to bother.

No, honestly. I've had it with this thing.

Give it to me. I'll finish it off.

[Raphael] Camille, we have a bigger problem.

They're almost here and you can't be caught.

You're too valuable. Don't worry, I'll k*ll it.

That's a little excessive, yeah?

Shut up.

Take the back passage out through the tunnels.


[Simon breathing heavily]

Now you listen and do exactly as I say... nothing more.

They're coming.


[Jace] Clary!

That's not gonna do any good.

Listen to him, Clary Fairchild.

Put it away.

I've had more than enough of your friend for one day.

I'd love to cut his throat. Don't give me a reason.

Put it away!

Simon. Simon, are you all right?

I wouldn't say all right...

Stop talking!

Now... if you would all just follow me.

Let's go!

Come on, let's go! Up here now!

That's right, get down there now!

Get down there or I'll k*ll him right now!

Look, we're not gonna hurt you. We just want Simon.

I'm glad you do. We don't!

We wanted you.

Well, here I am.

Stop! I said "wanted." Not my idea.

Now, get out! Go!

Not without Simon.

Shut up! Open that door right now or I'll k*ll him right here.

Listen to him!

But Simon will die if...


Clary, go!

[Jace] Go! Go! Go!

[Raphael] Go! Take him! Go!

I don't know how to thank you.

Don't thank me. You mean nothing.

This is about Valentine and the chaos he can bring.

Come on!

Jace Wayland!

[panting] Remember who your friends are.

[Simon breath trembling]

Shouldn't we get the hell out of here?

Why, Simon?

They're right downstairs.

Let them come after us.

They'll just turn into a bunch of fried eggs out here.

I thought you said you watch movies.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, it's over. It's actually over.

I was so afraid I would lose you.

But it's true, you're actually here.

You know I'd do anything for you.

You don't have to die! [sighs]

I'd rather not do that.

I couldn't live without you.

Say that again.

I couldn't live without you, Simon.

You're all I have left.

My whole life just disappeared.

I'm supposed to... be this other thing, live this other way.

You're my best friend.

Don't you ever, ever let yourself get in that kind of trouble again.

Got it? Yeah?

♪ You're the one, You're the one, You're the one ♪

Well... no accounting for taste.

Yeah, you should talk.

Look, can I just say one thing?

You will, whatever I say, so sh**t.

You think you know Clary, right? But you may not.

Think about who her father is.

You know what, Alec?

Do not start this again with me, Alec.

She just came out of nowhere, Jace.

She has no one.

Just listen to me for one second...

Alec, stop!


Just stop.

I'm older than you, Jace.

I'm not in your shadow.

If you really feel that way about her... why did you help us tonight?

♪ You're the one, You're the one, You're the one ♪
♪ Running through my brain It's in my brain ♪
♪ You're the one Who keeps me on my own ♪
♪ You're the one, You're the one, You're the one ♪