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04x14 - You Can't Always Get What You Want

Posted: 01/22/16 23:30
by bunniefuu
The meningioma is resting between the occipital lobe and the cerebellum.

It gives us reasonably fair access for removal.

What do you mean, "reasonably fair"?

Hey, is that a drinking bird?


I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid.

It's actually methylene chloride that makes this thing work.

Okay, look, I've done some of my own research on this, and the growth rate of this type of tumor is 5% a year.

It's 5.8, but please continue.

Well, either way, that means in three years' time, it could k*ll him.

Well, don't beat around the bush, doc.

Tell me how you really feel.

Take it out now. That's how I really feel.


Well, removal is best.

But the tumor is benign, so we have time.

You know, I really, really wanted one of these when I was a kid.



Will this affect his work?

Not necessarily.

As long as he's not feeling any effects from it... blurred vision, hallucinations.

No. 100%.

Relatively speaking.

Why do I get the distinct feeling you're upset?

I don't know. Maybe because I am.

Alex, you heard Shahir. There's no rush.

The thing is benign.

That's not why I'm upset.


You saw what happened to Kristine.

Alex, Kristine's in a coma because she wrapped her car around a tree.

You know that's not what I mean.

We could finally have a diagnosis for your thing.

I just... I can't believe you're not jumping at the opportunity to get rid of it.

Bec... [sighs] that's because I don't believe one has to do with the other.

You're afraid of losing your... ability, aren't you?


Can we maybe talk about this somewhere else?

Sure, fine. I've got to get started anyway.



I love you.

Me, too.

Gotta go.

[siren wailing]

Precious cargo. Coming through.

Hey, ladies.

This place is bigger than it looks.

[radio chatter]

Jackson, page psych.

No. He's supposed to look like that.

Davey Law.

Jammed his neck at a fan convention.

I'll be fine.

[groans] Okay, that hurts.

He could barely walk when we got to him.

Dr. Miller, do you know who this is?

I don't know. Dressed like a weirdo.

Possible spray tan. I'm gonna go with I don't care.

Davey Law. "Warrior squad."

You know... [deep voice] "Release the warrior within."

Who are you, Jackson?

Look, I know the whole series by heart. Even the TV movie.

Which wasn't that good. The script sucked.


Mr. Law. Davey. Davey Law, sir.

Need a cold shower, Jackson?

Ignore him.

It's always a pleasure to meet a fellow warrior.

Warrior, huh?


Okay, well, we're gonna need ortho.

Let's page Charlie.

I'm on it.

Davey Law's in the house.

That's what I'm talking about.

Can someone get Jackson a girlfriend?

What have we got?

Mordecai Popler, 13.

He was admitted earlier this morning.

No one can figure it out. Severe abdominal distress, kid's in and out of consciousness.

We've already got him on tons of fluids.

Okay. Thank you.

Are you Dr. Reid?

Please, call me Alex.


This is Mordecai.


Did you know that wearing your hair up inhibits growth?

I'm sorry?

The follicles need oxygen.


Ignore him.

That's all right. I grew up with brothers.

Says that you, uh, live on the west side.

That's a long way to come to Hope Zion.

The doctors at the Gen are all quacks.


My mother hates them.


Look, I know you've already been through all of this, but I need to do a work-up for my records, all right?

Does it hurt when I press here?

[weakly] No, but I... feel weird.

Mordecai? Mordecai?

[monitors beeping erratically]

Mordecai, I got you. Okay, I'm gonna roll you over.

What's happening to him?

He's seizing.

You need to back away.

I need lorazepam over here.

[beeping continues]

I might have something in here that can help him.

Okay, you're gonna be all right.

I'm right here with you, all right?

[bottles rattling]

Will any of these help him?!

[beeping continues, fades]

Okay. [monitor beeping steadily]

He's gonna be okay. Isn't he?

We controlled his seizure with medication, and he's on a saline drip to balance his fluids.

Will that fix the problem?

Temporarily, but we do still need to run more tests.

Right now we're only treating the symptoms, not the cause.

What is the cause?



Can I have some water?

There's my guy.

Oh, I'm so glad you're awake. Can he have a drink?

Sure. I'll page a nurse.

Don't bother.

He likes his own water bottle.

Hypoallergenic, mold resistance.


He doesn't drink tap.

Trace amounts of asbestos is found in tap water.

He's careful about everything.

I can see that.

You would be, too, if you were sick all the time.


I'll need a detailed list of everything Mordecai's been taking in case something's contraindicated.

Let's see. There's ciclesonide, pirbuterol for his asthmas, duloxetine for his anxiety, ramelteon for his insomnia, what else?

Methylphenidate. Helps me focus.

That is a lot for a young man to be on.

How long has he been sick?

On and off his whole life.

I guess he got worse when his dad left.

I've taken him to every specialist in the city, but...

Do you have kids?

I do.

It hurts to watch them suffer when nobody can tell you why.

Well, take it from me, Sarah, an answer always reveals itself.

And I won't stop until this one does.

Woman: It's him! It's him! It's really him.

[excited murmuring]

Can you feel me touching you here?

Mm, yeah. You got magic fingers, doc.

Can you spread your fingers wide for me, please?

Dr. Harris is just checking for any nerve damage.

So what exactly were you doing when you hurt your neck?

I was at a fan convention.

Come on, man, don't tell me you don't recognize me.

No. Sorry.


Release the warrior within.

All: Release the warrior!

"Warrior squad," huh?

Bingo, bango. Whatever junior makes, double it.

Do you mind if I...

[phone beeps]

[camera shutter clicks]


"Warrior squad"?

Uh, yeah, it was a TV show.

My roommate watched it all the time.

[under breath] It was really bad.

[normal voice] Ass.

[clears throat] Uh, it is super awesome.

You're a terrible liar, kid.

But I own three houses, and one of them is really nice, so boom.

Okay, so you're on a TV show?

I was for 11 years.

Captain Jim Gibbons, space barbarian, at your service.


I was doing a stunt at the convention.

I hoisted a clinger over my shoulder and...


Uh, half-snake, half-man.

Right. Of course. So where is the pain exactly?

It's right here.

In the T2 region?

If you say so.

Well, your mobility is limited, but we won't know anything for sure until we get you up to imaging, so...

Well, wait. How long is that gonna take?

Because I have to do another appearance tomorrow.

Well, I don't know for sure, but I can tell you that the only appearance you're gonna be making is that of a patient at Hope Zion.

Oh. Method. I like the way you think.

[telephone rings in distance]

Another farewell bundle for your last day.

Wow, what a beauty.

Where should I put it?

How about right there?

Or we could put them here, where they could catch the light.

Sorry, Dr. Williams, I just hate those long, sappy goodbyes, and the... oh. [groans]

Yeah. Me, too.

I'm really gonna miss you.

Don't you do that.

Oh. [sighs] Give me the form.


Must be hard to fill that out.

Leave of absence? No, not since they pulled me off surgery.

[pen clicks] Consults just don't float my boat in the same way.

Yeah, I guess chemotherapy and a surgeon's schedule don't make a great combo.

They certainly don't...

You okay?


Dr. Kinney?



No, it's, um...

Oh, it's just the lighting.


[cell phone vibrates]

Oh, Dr. Lin needs me in the E.R.

You know what? I-I... I'll stay here.

I can get someone else to cover for me.

No, don't you dare. Go. Be a doctor.

Least one of us gets to, huh?

So you're not taking the ofloxacin anymore.

Are those the red ones?

No. They stopped working, or... think they did.

Don't know why my mom brought them.

Do you remember what you were taking them for?

I think an ear infection. Maybe?

You're still choking your hair.

It's a follicle thing.

Oh, I see.

I'm feeling pretty tired here.

Mordecai, are you feeling weak?

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Whoa, he's losing consciousness.

Mordecai? Mordecai?

I thought you did a full neuro.

I did. C.T. came back clean.

Hey, can we get another I.V. in here?

What the hell is going on with this kid?

He's in sinus rhythm.

He's moving air well, bilaterally.

I wanna do a full drug panel and redo his electrolytes.

You think we missed something?

I know we did.

[monitor continues beeping erratically]

What do we got?

Botched robbery.

Poor Carla here caught a stray b*llet in the left thigh.

Any other victims on their way?

No, the other victim died on scene.

Female co-worker, b*llet actually passed through her before it struck Ms. Esposito.

Other worker wasn't as lucky.

[gasping] Okay, so this isn't all her blood. Good to know.

One, two, three.

Ah! Ah! Carla, let's have a look.

Please hurry. Please hurry!

We're slammed. I told Zach that we would fill in until it thins out.

We need to do a full trauma work-up here.

I can still feel it. I can still feel it!

Can I get something more for the pain, please?

20 milligrams of propofol. Already on it.

[gasping, shivering]

How's it looking over there, Dr. Lin?

I think the b*llet severed a vein.

Oh, my god!

Okay, just try to relax, Ms. Esposito.

[monitor beeping rapidly] Oh, too relaxed.

Pressure's dropping.

Okay, she's in shock.

We need to get control of this bleeding right away.

Let me guess. Acute cervical sprain.

I had a similar accident back in '07.

A couple of twins. One magical weekend in Bali.

Nice. Bali.

Well, it was the Bali room at the Cadillac Inn.

Niagara falls. But the twins were real.

Some parts anyway.


Uh, Mr. Law, I wish this was just a sprain, but, um, your X-rays have revealed a mass on your spine.

Imaging suggests the tumor's malignant.

We'll need a biopsy to be sure.

Wait, wait, wait.

I heard him say tumor when he actually meant...


Got it.

You're very lucky to come in when you did when the mass is still small...

As you can see.

There's not much space in that particular region, so, um, the spinal cord can become compromised.

You're going to require surgery.

This is serious?

Uh, I-I gotta call Penny.

Your wife?

Worse. My agent.

I don't do anything without her say-so.

Uh, okay, but, um, if left untreated, this could lead to paralysis.

Even death.

But you said that it was still small.

For now, but malignant tumors are unpredictable.

Yeah, well, so am I.

And, uh, I'm not doing anything without talking to my people.



Sarah, your son has something called hypernatremia.

What does that mean?

It means the sodium level in his blood's too high.

We've put him on a hypotonic fluid infusion.

None of this means anything to me.

I-is he gonna be okay?

We're doing everything we can to stabilize him.

But is he gonna be okay?

We have to normalize his levels.

If we do it too quickly, we run the risk...

Of what? What?

His brain could swell.

We need to find out why his sodium levels are so high.

You know, it would help if we knew some more about his medical history, other doctors he's been to, the tests they might've run.

How the hell am I supposed to remember?

There've been so many.

Oh! I'm sorry. It never ends.

Okay, Sarah. You said you'd been to South General?

Dr. Bishop and I can start there.

That'll give you some time to process all this.

We're gonna do everything we can to help your son.


[voice breaks] Okay.

[exhales deeply]

Still on hold?

I've had plane tickets refunded faster.

What have you got?

Not much so far.

He's not diabetic.

Looking for anything else that might've increased his fluid excretion.

Like an underlying polyuria disorder?

Yeah. Or if he was on diuretic therapy.

No, none of those are diuretics. I already checked.

Dr. Haighton, Dr. Martin.

There's even a Dr. Pepper in here.

I hear he's a little salty.

Tell me you are not making jokes right now.

I'm just saying, who goes for this many second opinions?

A worried mother. I don't blame her.

Wait a minute. Mordecai's been here before.

At Hope Zion?

Yeah, look at this. Last year.

Now why didn't we see this?

He was admitted under his mother's maiden name.

How come that wasn't the first thing she mentioned when she brought him in?

Let's find out.


Hey! It's Char-char and the Spazz.

What's the verdict?

Don't ever call me "Char-char" ever again.

Yeah, why am I the Spazz? Huh?

Hey, you know I'm kidding. I love you guys. Come on.

You must be Penny. The one and only.

Are you his doctor? 'Cause he won't tell me anything.

I don't want you to worry about me.

Honey, it's my job to worry. So...

All right, spill it. How bad is he?

His biopsy has revealed that the tumor is malignant.

You have a tumor? Davey!

You said you sprained your neck again.

Penny, it's okay. It's no big deal.

Isn't that right, tumor?

[high-pitched voice]

Yeah, you're right, Davey.

Normally, you'd have to wait, but, uh, we've had some cancellations, and I can get him in today.

The procedure will take a few hours.

Okay! Great.

All right, looks like you guys have everything under control.

No, wait. But tell her about the recovery time.

6 to 8 weeks, barring complications.

See? There's no way I can be on the shelf that long, right?


Honey, this is your health, okay?

I take it he has a pretty full schedule?

Well, our business is day to day so you never know when it's, you know, about to get busy.

I do.

It just hasn't been busy for Davey lately.

Not since "Warrior" got canceled.

Oh, that was, like, 7 years ago.

It's gonna pick up, though. I-I'm certain.

For now, though, the next event isn't for months.

So you should do the surgery.

[cell phone vibrates]

Oh, my god. Okay, this is big.

[singsong voice] Hi!

Hey, man.

Just... think about the fans.

So what the hell? Let's do it. What have I got to lose?

Good news. We found no fractures or internal bleeding.

C.T.s and X-rays show that it's not located near any major vessels.

Uh, so we're giving you a round of antibiotics for infection.

Other than that, you'll be good to go.

What... what about the b*llet?

Well, because of where it's settled, there's no medical reason to remove it.

Wait, so you're gonna...

You're gonna leave this thing inside me?

You can't do that.

I know it seems unorthodox, but...

[crying] No, he had a g*n in my face.

My face.

Take it out. No. Please.

Carla, stop.

Take it out!

Please just take it out!

I cannot live with this thing inside of me!


Paula worked next to me for five years.

We ate lunch together.

Now she's dead because of me.

Because when... [sniffles]

Because when I... saw the g*n, I hid behind her.


[inhales sharply]

God, what kind of a person does something like that?

[sniffles, crying]

I guess I do.

Every time I look down at this thing, that's all I'm gonna remember.

Please, I am begging you.

[sighs] So we're not gonna remove the b*llet?

We're doing the right thing, Cassie.

It's not medically necessary.

Plus, it's a plastics issue. So take it up with Storms.

What are you gonna take up with Storms?

Ah. The bank robbery victim.


b*llet removal's a slippery slope.

One I'm not going down.

Her new mantra is, "if it's not medically necessary."

Oh. So what does Storms say?

He says it's discretionary.

Okay. Well, tell that to the cops.

That b*llet could put away the guy who's responsible for this, so...

Speaking as the person who almost got her ass sued off, I'm not diving into a difficult procedure without having any experience.

Well, good thing I do, then.

I thought you were pulled from surgery?

Doesn't mean she can't oversee.

Come on, Lin.

Sitting on the sidelines is k*lling me faster than the cancer.

Ooh, cancer card.

You gonna let me cyrano your surgery or not? Come on.

No. No, thank you.

I will call you if I have any other questions.

Egg salad or ham and cheese?

Egg salad, egg salad, egg salad, egg salad.

I hate egg salad.

Yes, but this one's from a vending machine.

Ham it is.

So, the infusion isn't working.

His sodium levels are still elevated.

How? That makes no sense.

Well, it might.

I just got off the phone with St. Vic's and he was admitted four times this year.

I thought he was at South General.

He was, and, uh, St. Mary's, uh, Memorial.

He's been in and out of hospital over 20 times in the last 2 years.


And the last time at St. Vic's was for high sodium levels.


When they got his levels down, they released him.

Sarah was supposed to bring him in for a post-consult.

And she didn't show.

You got it. Why?

Why wouldn't she?

Well, maybe the same reason she didn't tell us he was admitted under a fake name with these exact same symptoms.

She doesn't want him to get better.

I'll follow your lead. You just tell me how you wanna play this.

Page social work. Get them here ASAP.

Where are you going?

To talk to her myself.

Where are we going?

Just for a little walk.

I thought we could speak for a moment.

This must be incredibly difficult for you.

I try not to focus on that.

So you have people? You have support?


I have friends, family.

Everyone's been really sympathetic.

They've been there for me.

Get a lot of attention?

I'm not sure what you're implying.

We've been going over your son's medical records.

Some of the dots we've been connecting are alarming.

What are you talking about?

He's been in and out of hospital over 20 times in the last two years alone.

He's a sick boy.

Why'd you skip the follow-up appointment the last time he had these sodium issues?

Because he was feeling better.

I... I didn't wanna drag him in for nothing.

I still don't understand why you didn't explain that this has happened before.

Because I wanted you to draw your own conclusions.

I didn't want you to take any shortcuts.

Sarah, I think you should see someone.

A social worker.



I need to get back to him.

I'm sorry.

Sarah, you can't see your son until you've been evaluated.

You can't possibly think I would do something to hurt my own child.

I am just trying to figure out what's going on. That's all.

Join the club!

I've spent years waiting for an explanation from you people, years praying for someone to tell me what the hell is wrong with him.

But you don't understand that, do you?
Sophia Barns, social work.


Dr. Bishop paged me. Should I come back?

No, take it from here.

[monitor beeping steadily]

Where's my mom?

She had to step out for a few minutes.

But I wanted to tell you the good news.

Your levels are balancing out.

Does that mean you fixed me?

Not yet. But you are definitely on the mend.

Can I have more water?

Sure, of course.

Hey, Mordecai, who prepares your food at home?

My mom does.



No one else? Not an aunt or a grandmother?


Even before my dad left, he never made dinner or anything.

Said mom was too critical when he did.

She likes to oversee things, huh?

It's only because she cares.

Why do you think she takes me to so many doctors all the time?

[monitors beeping steadily]

Cassie: So, according to the scan, it looks like this thing's near the femoral artery.

Maggie: That's closer than we'd like, and pretty far from the entry wound.

Dana: We'll need to make a note later for chain of evidence.

I'm starting to wonder if this thing isn't deeper than we thought.

Maybe we should stop.

No, no.

No one's gonna sue you, Dr. Lin.

I can't help but wonder what I would do if I was in her shoes.

If I was the one under fire.

Well, I don't think you can really know until it's your ass on the line.

[telephone rings in distance]

What the hell's going on, doc?

You said I didn't have anything to worry about.

You don't.


I just floated out of my body in there.

I didn't go to med school or anything, but I'm pretty sure that that means I'm dead.

Not dead. I'm scrubbing into your surgery right now.

But I am glad to see you taking this a little more seriously.

Wait, wait. Hold on a sec.

[exhales slowly]

We're good.

And he's back.

Okay, why don't you just kick back and relax?

And we'll get to you before you know it.


Yeah, go visit Penny. See how she's doing.

No, look. She's right there.

Dr. Harris, there's a woman outside.

She's asking for you. She says it's an emergency.

Um, I'm about to do a surgery here, so...

She's flipping out. She says you can't operate, that you have to wake up the patient.

Something about "Ashes and rust."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. "Ashes and rust"?

This is important, Charlie.

Go see what Penny wants. Go to her.

I-I will after the surgery.

I mean, uh, I-I will... then.

Now, Charlie! I'm not kidding around, man.

This is life or death.

[sighs] Actually, Davey, this is life and death.


Calm down.


I'm asking you to go outside. Can you do that for me. Please?

[stomps] Come on, man.


It's an independent.

But it's a serious film, and it's the lead.

I need my script. I made notes in the margins.

It's in the nightstand. My passport's in there, too.

Wait. I thought you wanted him to have the surgery.

I did. But he's been waiting his entire career for an opportunity like this.

Trust me.

Where's my big bag?

Listen, Davey's hanging on at the agency by a thread as it is.


If he knew what was at stake, he'd ask you to wake him up.

Come on. Where's your ethics?

She's right, bro.

You're not next of kin.


His mother lost her mind years ago.

I'm the closest he has.

Okay, well, then you'll care about him enough to understand that "Ashes and rust" can wait.

No, it can't. Get in there and wake me up.

Oh, so he mentioned "Ashes," then?


Yeah. Did he also mention that it sh**t in Romania?

And that I have to have him on a set in less than 48 hours.

48 hours? Crap.

You gotta wake me up, Charlie. I'm serious.

Tick-tock, doc.

Wake me up!

She's with a psychiatrist now. It's too soon to know anything.

I still need to talk to the child.

And then?

And then, based on what he says, we notify the police.

Man over P.A.: Code blue. I.C.U. bay three.

Code blue. I.C.U. bay three.

That's Mordecai.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Bishop, talk to me.

Pressure's falling. His potassium's sky high.

His creatinine's more than doubled.

Okay, ready? Three, two, one, switch.

His kidneys are failing.

I need immediate insulin, D-50, calcium, and diuretics.

Now let's tube him.

Mordecai, come on. Stay with us here.

[breathing heavily]

Come on.

The hydrodissect will help you see the b*llet in ultrasound.

Makes it easier to excise.

[monitor beeping steadily]

There it is.


Dr. Williams, would you like to do the honors?

I'd love to.


[monitor beeping steadily]



You need to get through the fascia to the muscle fibers.


Could you use your fingers for that?

Sure. To each his own.

You just have to make sure that you don't touch the b*llet with those scissors for ballistics, right?



Oh, this damn thing's the "Where's Waldo?" of b*ll*ts.

[chuckles] Where's what?

Oh, I remember when you were the baby face in the O.R., Lin?

Look at you. All grown up.

Dana? You okay?

What? Yeah, sorry. I don't know what happened there.

Whoa. What's going on?


What'd you do? Did you cut something?

No. I don't think so.

It's 'cause I distracted you. You may have nicked the femoral.

Let me see.

We're gonna have to leave the b*llet.

What? The hell we are. Let me in there.

Lin, slow the bleeding. Keep the wound clean for me.

We'll repair the artery after.

Uh, do we have time for that?

Look at me. We're fine.

Just keep your finger in there until I get things under control.

Okay, I need a bigger visual.

[monitor beeping]

Help me set up the retractors.

SATs are dropping, people.

Give her more volume.

What... what are you doing?

Well, if we don't get it now, they'll never let us back in.

She's tachy.

More volume.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Almost there.

[inhales deeply]

And I got it. Give me the rubber tips.

[beeping continues]

All right, and I want that in an airtight jar.

Wow. That was...

All right.

That was... wow.

All right, doctors, on to the next thing.

Let's repair that artery, shall we?

Okay... [speaks indistinctly]

[breathes sharply]



That was just...

Better than sex.


Close, but we pulled it out of the fire.

Mm-hmm. You pulled it out of the fire.

I kind of stuck it in the fire, actually.

No. That was my fault completely, but aren't you glad it happened?

'Cause it took the edge off, didn't it?

Yeah, a little bit.


I owe you.

Oh, honey, you try to be perfect, you're gonna screw up, guaranteed.

Plus, perfect is so boring.

Mm, I don't know if I completely agree with you after watching you work in there.

Oh. No, stop. You're not so bad.

Dana? Dana?


Dana? Okay, I need some help out here.

Just relax. You need to sit up. Okay.


What are you doing?

I said wake me up.

And what should I tell people?

That, uh, I woke him up 'cause his ghost told me to?

Just say new information presented itself.

Look, what is it that you guys say?

Your... your-your motto. What the hell is it?

"Do no harm."

Yeah, that's the one.

You're breaking it, bro.

By... by telling you you need this operation?

You said yourself that it could wait.

I said maybe it could wait, with "maybe" being the operative word.

Come on. This is bull!

Look, it's a job, Davey. It's a job.

Another one's gonna come around, right?

Oh. [laughs] Oh, will it?

Oh, all right. Thanks, bro. I feel way better.

Okay, then you still have the conventions.

Yeah! Awesome. Awesome.

Hey, did it ever occur to you that I hate dressing up like... like-like an idiot?! And mugging for the cameras?

You could've fooled me.

Yeah, 'cause that's my job.

Well, if you hate it so much then why do you do it?

Because I didn't think it was gonna be forever.

Look, I was a weird, misfit kid from Kingston, and I busted my ass to get into Yale.

Well, that's impressive.


I was.

I played all the leads.

Hamlet, Stanley.

God, I loved being onstage.

So what happened?

Right out of theater school, I booked "Warrior."

They put a pile of money in front of me.

Suddenly, I could walk into a store, and I could buy anything I wanted.

And it went out as fast as it came in.

And it took who I was with it.

Oh, come on, Davey.

No, now I am a classically trained monkey, dancing for peanuts. "Say the line."

"Move here." "Do the stunt, Davey."

"Dance, monkey. Dance, dance, dance!"

You really think this role's gonna change all that?

I don't know.

But when you're at the bottom, Charlie, I figure there's only one way to go.

Wake me the hell up. Can you... can you do that?

I can't.

Come on.

Hey, man. Please. Please.

If I wake you up, and you walk out of here, this thing... this thing could k*ll you.

And if you don't, I'm already dead, so...

Dev: Can we page him again, please?

Sorry about that. Something came up.

Dr. Harris, I was starting to worry you weren't gonna show up.

Ready to do this?


Some new information's presented itself.

We need to wake him up.

I don't get it. Let's regroup.

Figure out what we might've missed.

Alex, we've done every test out there.

We haven't missed anything.

Then why is that kid hanging by a thread in there?

I don't know.

Okay, let's retrace the treatment plan.

His levels were under control when I talked to Sarah.

And she hasn't been anywhere near him.

And he's been monitored every hour on the hour.

So what happened?

He asked me for a drink.

[monitor beeping steadily]

You had us pretty scared.

Kind of my specialty.

Yeah, I bet.

What's wrong? Where's my mom?

That's, uh, that's kind of what we wanted to talk to you about.

We found out some stuff from the tests we've been running.

You did? Like what?

Did you find out why I'm sick?

I think... I think we might've.

So... what is it?

Mordecai, we think you've been inadvertently ingesting poison.

Hold on. You think someone's been poisoning me?

Who... would do that?

I wanna talk to my mom.

She can't talk to you right now, honey.

Why not?

Well, she's talking to someone that might be able to help her out.

You don't think my mom did any of this, d-do you?

The most important thing is for you to get some rest.

No. My mom didn't do anything.

You have to tell them that.

How do you know that?

I just... I do.



[breathing heavily]

It's all right, Mordecai.

You already know, don't you?

Know what?

It was me.

I made myself sick.

I'm sorry.

[monitor beeping steadily]

[woman speaks indistinctly over P.A.]

Dad left.

Then you wouldn't get out of bed.

It was like you were both suddenly gone.

I was always there.

Not till I got the flu.

It was like I got sick, and you came back.

So I figured... if I kept being sick...

[inhales sharply]

[whispers] Baby.


I just wanted my mom back.

Oh, there he is.

The man... of the hour.

[sighs] So you're ready to go, I take it?

Penny's booked my flight.

I just wanted to shake your hand before I flew the coop.

How's the pain, Davey?

Ah, it's nothing I can't take.

Plus, these little angel kisses you got me on will sure come in handy.

Thanks for giving me a shot, doc.

Well, Penny drives a hard bargain.

Why do you think I hired her?

And it wasn't my choice.

It was yours, and... you've made it.

Come on. Don't look at me like that.

[imitating Marlon Brando] It's, uh, a steady job.

A couple extra potatoes. That's all I want.

And you have my cell. Anything happens...

What? You don't trust the romanian medical system?

You'll be my first call.

When you're finished?

We call it wrapping, bro.

Like, "and that is a picture wrap on Davey Law."

[imitates crowd cheering]

Davey. You're already late.

All right. [pats arm]

Hey, Davey.

You may not make it back here.

I need to know you understand that.

I'm gonna knock 'em dead, doc.

I'm gonna knock 'em dead or die trying.

[siren wailing in distance]

[sighs] I still feel it.

I thought if you removed the b*llet, that I...

[crying] I don't know.

That you wouldn't feel guilty anymore?

Yeah. [sniffles]

What happened was completely out of your control.

I just wish I could go back. Do it again.

What would you do differently?

I would fight back.

What if you still could?

What do you mean?

The b*llet that we removed is evidence.

With it and your testimony, you could put that guy away for a long time.

Everyone will know what I did.

It's true. They would.

But at least you wouldn't be hiding anymore.


Just wanted to see how you were feeling.

Like a has-been surgeon who just collapsed in the hallway.

[book thuds]

Oh. [inhales sharply]

I shouldn't even have been in there.

Yes, you should have. You were great.


No, it was too much.

All too much.

God, I miss it already, and I haven't even left yet.

Isn't that sad?


If today taught me anything... this place is gonna miss you a lot more than you're gonna miss it.

So will I.

It's been a real pleasure working with you, Dr. Williams.

[voice breaking] It has been an honor working with you, Dr. Kinney.

Come on, kiddo.

Don't do this to me, okay?

You know what I said about sappy, right?

[both chuckle]

Can I walk you to your car?

I can carry some of these boxes for you before you head home.

Actually, I'd love to, sweetheart, but I'm, uh, I'm not going home.

Uh, so, what you could do is, uh, help me up to my room.


Great. Just give me a minute to finish up.


[Haley Bonar's "sun don't shine" playing]

♪ Lose myself on the side of the road ♪
♪ where the buzzards bleed ♪
♪ and the rain don't go ♪
♪ cause the world is made of many things ♪
♪ god don't slow on the angel wings ♪
♪ the angel wings ♪

♪ there's always someone ♪
♪ waitin' at the gates ♪

[indistinct conversation]

♪ gonna roll away to heaven ♪
♪ on a pair of roller skates ♪
♪ no more waitin' for my time to pass ♪
♪ life's too short to make things last ♪
♪ to make things last ♪
♪ oh ♪