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01x13 - First Date

Posted: 01/21/16 12:08
by bunniefuu
[Sirens wailing]


16-year-old female pushed off stage in a nightclub and trampled.

Right-femur deformity, forehead laceration.

Come on.

Got it.

It's okay. We got you.

16-year-old female, also trampled.

Left-elbow laceration and 10-centimeter laceration above the pelvis.

It's a bleeder.

We climbed on the stage to get away from the fight.

Her father's going to k*ll her. She's not supposed to go out.

Jesse, pulse-check that leg.

I need a F.A.S.T ultrasound and a scout film of the femur.



I was hoping I'd see you here.

24-year-old, multiple s*ab wounds to the chest and abdomen.

B.P. 60 over...

60 over nothing.

No blood pressure. I got it.

This budding Einstein tried to mug an MMA fighter.

Made him a pincushion with his own knife.

I don't get it. What are you doing here?

Finishing my ride-along.

Then I'm yours for the rest of the night.

Nobody told you?

Told me what?


Coming through.

Are you okay?

My leg hurts a lot.

What about you? Elena!

I need a lac kit and some saline bottles.

Staple g*n.

I got a pulse right here.

Did you two take any dr*gs tonight?

No, ma'am, no. I don't take any dr*gs.

Your parents know you're here?

Called them on the way over.

My dad's really upset.

The only thing your parents care about is that you're gonna be okay.

Somebody call a TTA, thoracotomy tray.

Need an R.T., X-ray, and notify blood bank.

And RSI meds, please, Isabel. You see who's here?

I sure do.

Firing it.

Mama, I'm having a flashback.

Me and you both.

Call O.R.

Tia, you have a significant break in your leg.

It's not the kind that'll heal on its own, so I need your father's phone number.

He's on his way here now.

Uh, hi, uh, my name's Adam Benton.

My daughter was brought here.

What's your daughter's name?

Tia Benton... B-e-n-t-o-n.

Please tell me she's okay. Please.

They're working on her now.

I'm gonna take you back there in just a moment.

I can't get this wound to approximate.

Give me the kellys, I'll throw in some deeps.

Push etomidate now, please.

Then sux.

You okay with me doing this?

You gonna save that man?

Learned at the hands of the master.

He'll need the portable chest after this intubation.

He's gonna need a chest tube, as well.

Damn it, no blood. You got the left?

Yep, I got it. New chest tube.

Surgery is here.

Dr. Rorish, I'm taking yours upstairs.


Damn it. Got a pulse?

No, nothing.

I'll start compressions.

Ultrasound, please.

Isabel, we'll take that thoracotomy tray.

1 of epi, another liter, and get the o-neg.

Air embolism in his heart, right ventricle.

I'll need a spinal needle.

What do you think you're doing?

Isabel, can you help? Take the ultrasound wand.

No, don't need it.

Did you hear me?

You don't have privileges here yet, Doctor.


Dr. Perello, I have a needle in this man's heart right now.

Can this wait?



And I got a pulse.

Nice. Good job.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Who the hell is that guy?

That's my brother.


Daddy! Dad!

Are you okay? Is she okay?

Is she okay?

Sir, sir.

Your daughter has a fracture in her leg that requires surgery.

No, this... this no. Stop, stop.


Stop! Stop!

And she is not going anywhere.

This is against our religion.

My daughter cannot have any surgery.

This is the eighth message I've left.

I need a judge to call me tonight.

A traffic-court judge, for all I care. Just get me someone.

This can't be for real.

Just because some guy decides he doesn't believe in medicine?

Well, they have the legal right to refuse medical care if her injury is not imminently life-threatening.

It is life-threatening.

The key word here is "imminently."

She's not gonna die from this tonight.

If we don't operate, she's going to get compartment syndrome, cutting off the blood supply to the leg, which most certainly could k*ll her, so, again, life-threatening.

Well, more likely, she would lose her leg.

[Sarcastically] Oh, just her leg.

She's 16. Legally, she can decide for herself if she wants medical care.

So why aren't we out there convincing her?

Because she already said no, because her father is with her, and because I'm handling it.

Oh, we can hold her for eight hours while I try to get a judge to intervene.

[Door opens, closes]

[Water running]

Hey. Mike.

I know, I know. I should have given you a heads-up. I'm sorry.

You could have stayed at my place.

Your place is a dump.

So, uh, what are you really doing here?

[Sighs] Well, you guys have an opening for an attending, and I got a call about an observation shift.

Promised to keep it quiet.

But I... I thought you hated L.A.


L.A. is kind of like an ex-girlfriend.

You want to stay away, but the sex is too good.

Plus, I get to play with my little brother.


You don't look too happy about this.

No, no, I... I'm so happy.

I'm... I'm, uh... I'm shocked.

Come here.

[Chuckles] Good to see you.

You're looking good. You been working out?

Uh, you know, gurney dips.

Yo, Dr. Leightons!

Oh, Mama, I have missed you.

Yeah, whatever you say, Charm School.

Hey, I need your brother, stat.

I got a guy over here, number 8, found unconscious in the supermarket.

Doesn't speak any English.

I just got you a translator.


Come on, you want to shadow me for a while?


My kung fu is strong.

Oh, the dragon sights his target.

And whips his tail.


Hi. It's Leanne.

Yeah, that's why I'm calling.

Um, I'm not gonna make it.


Well, something came up.

I know, it's really rude to cancel at the last minute, but, um, I just...

I'm sorry.

I'll call you back to reschedule, okay?

Okay, thanks. Bye.

[Speaking Mandarin]

So, uh, what are his symptoms?

No idea.

Excuse me? But you're the translator.

He's speaking Mandarin. I translate Cantonese.

Then what are you doing here?

You called for a Chinese translator.

I'm Chinese.

But, clearly, the wrong kind.


I think he said something about intermittent blindness.



Uh, uh, uh, bad reception?

Ringing in his ears.

Man, you suck at charades.



What do you think, Orson?

Hey, nobody calls me that here.

Really? No one's noticed you look like a young Orson Welles?

Hey, inside voice.

[Speaking Mandarin]

It's your patient, Doctor.

All right.

Um, all right, let's let's see here.

Um, found unconscious, intermittent blindness.

Look. Facial droop.

That's... it's a classic sign of a stroke, right?

Yeah, it could be a stroke.

If it's a clot, the TPA will bust it right up.

He does have eyelid droop, but do this for me.

How do you know the partial asymmetry in his smile isn't just normal for him?

I'm not convinced.

Order a C.T., see what's up.

Ah, brothers-in-arms, huh?

Mario Savetti, right? The dry thoracotomy.

Uh, yeah, that was a long time ago.

I've, uh, told you other things since then.

Yeah, of course.

Good to meet you, Mario.


This is gonna be fun, Orson.


[Chuckles] Notice anything?

You shaved?

No, uh, don't...

Uh, don't I look like a very famous person?

Old Hollywood?

Oh, yeah!

Dustin Hoffman.

Are you blind? Seriously?

Holy father, we pray for your kindness, your charity, and grace to heal...

Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

You're really gonna keep her here?

We are respecting your wishes, but we want to watch her for a little bit.

I understand how scary all this must be, Tia.

I'm... I'm not scared.

Because we have faith.

I appreciate that.

I do.

But I've seen fractures like this before... hundreds, in fact... and if we do nothing, she will get worse.

We're not doing nothing.

I'm healing through prayer.


You stay away.

Dad, please. It's not her fault.

Stay away.

Hey, Jesse.

I wanted to go to the concert.

She's in pain!

I want security.

Tia, they're brainwashing you.

Okay, okay, just...

Please, just leave. Please.

It's okay, she's leaving now.


She's leaving now. Okay, okay.



The law says that you can make your own decisions here.

So let me ask you again, do you want our help?

She doesn't want your surgery.

And I don't want you or anyone else here speaking to her anymore.

We'll pray for you, Doctor.

5-year-old boy, found at the bottom of a swimming pool.

How long was he under?

Parents say they don't know.

Please, help him. Please.

CPR was done in the field.

We had a faint pulse, but we just lost it.

Someone get me some warming blankets, please!

Okay, is he disconnected?


Got him.


No pulse.

Giving him air.

Can you help him, please?

We're doing everything we can.

The gardeners left the gate open again. I should have checked, I should have checked!

Steven, just stop.

Check for a pulse, Malaya.

Wait. I feel something.

It's faint, but it's something.

We've got a rhythm.

Thank you, Doctor, thank you.

Why isn't he waking up?

We don't know how long his brain was deprived of oxygen.

If it was longer than five minutes, then it could result in brain damage.


I'm afraid we're just gonna have to wait and see if he wakes up.

How long?

It could be minutes or it could be hours.

I'm afraid we simply don't know.

No, no, no! No, no! [Sobbing]

I love Mike, but this is your patient.

Malaya, he has more experience than both of us combined.

Angus, I haven't seen you like this since the first day of residency.

Like what?


Paging Dr. Freud.

I... [chuckles]

I know. I... I know.

It's just, um, it... it's just, it's always been so easy for him... medicine, uh, girls, everything.

Tonight, when I came in and saw Heather Pinkney, do you know what I did?

Hid behind some old lady.

Back up. You like Heather Pinkney?

Surgical resident Heather Pinkney?

Oh, please, a little louder so dermatology can hear you.

I think you two would have adorable children.


[Wheezing] How long have you had trouble breathing, Mrs. Rockman?

My whole life.



I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow, but... [Wheezes]

I... I couldn't wait.

She's been wheezing all day.

And honestly, a... a trip to the E.R. seemed like as good an excuse as any to get away from the kids.

How many do you have?



Which is like 30. [Chuckles]

I love them, but they are serial K*llers, all of them.

[Cellphone rings]


Hey, honey.

I... I'm so sorry. I... [Wheezes]

I know your test is tomorrow.

That's our oldest, Jayden, A.K.A. Dahmer.


I'm gonna call you right back, okay?

I love you.



Dahmer needs help with algebra.

I can get your prescription now, but we still need to do a few rounds of albuterol to make that your breathing improves.

You should go home.

Go, help Dahmer with his homework.

We'll take care of her.

[Sighs] Are you sure?


Okay, you call me when you're ready to get picked up, okay?

Okay. [Smooches]




Oh! Aw!

Oh. Oh, oh.

Ow, ow.

All right, all right, all right.

[Sighs] Let me take a look.

No, I'm fine, really. I...


Come on. Come with me.

I insist.

Can someone, uh, take care of this?

My husband took a walk.

He wants to call the police.

The police?

To arrest the gardener for leaving the gate open.

He's just worried about Trevor.

We both are.

I know.

You don't think he's gonna wake up, do you?

I'm hopeful.

This is what it feels like.


He's not gonna wake up.

Okay, okay, just breathe slowly. Come on, let's sit.

Look at him.

Come and sit.


There, breathe slowly.

I worked late today.

Okay, don't try to talk now.

Just breathe, okay?

They were already cleaning up dinner.

It's spaghetti night.

And I missed it.

Oh, I just... I took a swim.

I thought it would relax me.

God, the latch to our pool gate doesn't always lock when it closes.

Mrs. Randall, this...

This sounds like a conversation you need to have with your husband.

But I usually check to make sure.

You know?

'Cause we were supposed to get it fixed, but we didn't do it.

God, not usually.

Always. Always.

I always check it.

But today, I just... I was just so tired, you know?

I know.

[Sobs] Oh, my God, what have I done?

[Sobbing] What have I...

And breathe for me, okay? Just try and breathe.


Okay. Okay.

[Praying indistinctly]

The father brought some people from their church to pray for her.

Well, the leg's still broken, so I guess it hasn't kicked in yet.

What are you doing down here?

Can't stay away from me?

Get over yourself.

I came to talk to Tia.

I think I can convince her.

Well, good luck.

She's too all-in.

If Tia were all-in, she wouldn't have been at that nightclub.

How you gonna get past her dad?

You're gonna find some forms for him to fill out in the break room.

Leanne: You might have a slight concussion.

My pride has a concussion.

Stop that.

You defended me.

How'd the other guy look?

A lot better than me, I'm afraid.

I thought you were very brave.

He was huge.

Uh, not that you're short, because you're not.

Thank you.

How long have you two been together?

Uh, this is our first date.

I had many a first date in this place.


Very romantic, I'm sure.

Works for me.

Kamilla, would you mind stepping out for a minute?

Oh, it's cool. She can stay.

Uh, I mean, if you want to.

I'd love to stay.


Do you take any medications?


Do you have an pre-existing medical conditions or allergies?

Perfectly healthy.

Well, I take klonopin.

For panic att*cks?

No, for stress.

It... it's no big deal.

Totally good otherwise.

There's a patient for you in bed 2, and a Paul Weatherly is calling for you again.

Look, tell him I have his two previous messages, and I'll get back to him when I can.

J.J., your C.T. is clear, but we should do a more thorough work-up before you go.

Put a rush on that TPA, please.

You ordered TPA?

[Sighing] Yeah.

Uh, the C.T. just came back on Sang Han.

It's clearly a stroke.

Hey, I got this. I don't need you to step in.

I'm happy to help.

His most significant symptom is isolated Horner's syndrome.

That's not a clear indication of stroke.

But a microvascular change on the C.T. is.

And if I'm right, we don't have a lot of time before his stroke symptoms are permanent.

And if you get it wrong, it causes a catastrophic bleed that kills him.

So let's slow down, make sure we get it right.


How does the ringing in the ears fit your theory?

You want me to stop treatment because you think a non-English-speaking patient may have said he has ringing in his ears?

Could it be a carotid dissection that wasn't detected on the C.T.?

I've seen a carotid dissection, and I've also used TPA successfully.

So, I'm sorry, Mike, this is my patient, and I got to go with my gut.

Is working with your brother going to be an issue?

Nothing I can't handle.


Remember, you don't have privileges yet, so no crossing the line, okay?

No crossing the line.

All right, Tia, how you feeling?


I can feel God's love healing me.

Do you see that swelling?

That's your leg filling up with blood.

Soon, that blood won't have anywhere to go, and it's gonna stop the circulation, which means it's gonna need to be amputated.

My father says that God will stop the bleeding if I have a pure heart.

You realize this could k*ll you, right?

We come from different churches, but I grew up reading the Bible with my family every night.

My father taught me that there's no absolute, not even in a Bible.

You know, even Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John couldn't agree.

That's why there are four gospels.

Not even your father agrees with everything in the Bible.

You don't know my father.

Well, he doesn't believe in medical care of any kind, right?


We heal through prayer.

Okay, well, I just have one question, then.

Why is he wearing glasses?

Why is it okay for him to allow a doctor to help him see again, but you can't let us help you walk again?


Tia, you don't have time, honey.


Can you take me without him seeing?
[Monitor beeping steadily]

Trevor could die, Danielle.

I don't care how sorry you are or how badly you feel.

I don't care! All I care about is my son!

How is Trevor?

Are you okay?

How is he? How is our son?

Trevor's vitals are stable.

So there's no brain damage?

Neal: We can't be sure yet.

There's no definitive evidence of brain damage, which is a good sign.

Thank you, Doctor.

We'll let you know when we learn more.

She's never gonna forgive herself.

She might.

But he'd have to forgive her first.

Be careful.

Might give yourself another heart attack.

Oh, don't worry about me.

I'm on a new diet.


So, those aren't doughnut crumbs all over your scrubs.

Today's my cheat day.

And what about yesterday?

So, who is this, uh, Paul Weatherly that keeps calling for you?

You know, I would get more privacy working in a strip club.

Have you ever actually been in a strip club?

How do you think I paid for med school?

Oh, my girl is getting her groove back on.

I will gut you like a fish.


Hmm. You ordered reinforcements? Is it that bad?

[Chuckles] No, not at all.

May I?


I see you've had three rounds of nebulizers.


Are you feeling better?

I am.

I mean, sometimes it takes a while for this stuff to kick in completely.

But I feel good.

Do you think I can leave soon?

Well, I don't see why not.

Can I talk to you, Dr. Hudson?

Excuse us.

I think we should keep her for observation.

Her breathing doesn't sound better to me.

Her sats look fine.

I don't feel right about discharging her.

She'll come back if her symptoms persist.

Neal, I just have a hunch.

So, if you want me to sign off on keeping your patient here 'cause you have a hunch, well, tell me why.

[Sighing] I don't know.

Because I'm asking.

One more hour.

Thank you.

Gordon: I was out for a run in Silver Lake, and I saw this girl crossing the street, texting.

Uh, didn't see the car coming.

Guess what the driver was doing?

Also texting?


So, um, I...

I pushed hipster girl out of the way, and then I took a nosedive on the sidewalk.

You're quite the good samaritan.

Good samaritan or complete idiot?

I haven't decided yet.

Maybe you're a little of both.

Let me take a look.


That hurts?

I, uh, I can ignore it if it means you'll...

You'll keep holding my hand. [Chuckles]

Okay. You might have a fracture.

We'll get you over to X-ray.

I'll live?

You'll be saving more annoying hipsters in no time.

[Chuckles] Thank you so much.

Thank you.


I'll have a nurse take you up.

[Monitor beeping]

Help him! Please!

He's de-satting.

Do something!

Okay, let's get him into center stage.

Tell them to clear a bed.

We need to get him off the vent.

Grab the bag.

Where's Dr. Hudson?

Risa: Radiology, I think.

Let's go.

Hey, where are you taking him?

I have the TPA.

His therapeutic window is almost over.

I'm taking him to get the CTA you ordered.

I... I didn't order a CTA.

Your signature is right there... "Dr. Leighton."

That is not my signature. You ordered a CTA?

I'm sorry, I couldn't let this one slide by.

The stakes were just too high.

Would you give us a second, please, Risa?

What the hell, Mike? You're not even on staff here.

No, but I'm still a doctor, and I'm not gonna let a resident, even you, get tripped up by a tough neuro exam.

This stuff is tricky, man.

It looked like a classic stroke, I know, but it's a dissection and the TPA would have k*lled him.

[Monitor beeping]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Damn it.

He's fading.

Airway first, right? Does he have a gag?



No. No, no, no gag.

You got this. I'm gonna back you up.

What are the next steps, man?

Uh, Risa, call neurosurg.

Make sure they have the scanner ready.

Um, okay.


I can't see the cords, Mike. I can't.


I've got your back. Keep it together.

Okay. Okay.

Okay, I see the cords.

I'm passing the cords.

And I'm in.


Okay, good breath sounds bilaterally.

Okay, thank God, his sats are improving.

You guys intubated? What the hell happened?

Scans were negative initially, but we think we got a bleed.

Likely dissection.

Angus ordered a CTA, but he's decompensated, lost his airway.

Neurosurg is aware.

Um, yeah.

Very nice, Angus.

He needs more imaging and neurosurg.

Watch his B.P. Strict management.




He's okay.

And so are you.

Dr. Hudson, how is he?

Well, he, uh, he lost a pulse, but it's back.

Why did Trevor's heart stop again?

Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you.

You know, Trevor's more unstable now than he was before.


The next few hours are really important.

We're gonna monitor him very closely.

I wish we could give you something more to hold on to, but all we can do right now is wait.

Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, s...

I'm so sorry, Steven. I'm...


Mr. Randall, I can't pretend to know what you're going through at the moment...

But she can.


Right now, you need each other more than ever.

I don't know if I can.

Would you ever do anything to deliberately hurt Danielle?

Of course not.

Just like she'd never do anything to deliberately hurt your son.


I'm so sorry. I'm...

I know. It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

[Breathing heavily]

Dr. Rorish, I think there's something wrong with J.J.

He's in a lot of pain.

Where's the pain coming from?

I'm fine. It's nothing.

It's not nothing, J.J.

He said it was in his stomach.

[Breathing heavily]

Well, there doesn't seem to be any tenderness.

That's because it's not exactly my stomach which hurts.

Then where?

Uh, it... it's my bean sack.

Your what?

My family jewels.

Your testicles?

Yeah, if you want to get technical.

Uh, I think I took a shot down there during the fight.

I thought the pain would go away, but it's gotten worse.

Okay, I'll get you medication, and then we'll run some tests.

Asthma alley... somebody start talking.

Kelly Rockman came in looking for a neb prescription.

Which she now has.

So tell me why she's still in my E.R.

Her wheezing hasn't improved.

We thought there could be something else wrong.

And yet her sats are normal and she looks perfectly fine to me.

Dr. Perello...

No, those puppy-dog eyes may have worked on Taylor, but they don't work on me.

Why are you still sitting here? Go, discharge her. Thank you.

That wasn't your call.

No, it was supposed to be yours, but you seem to have blinders on when it comes to Christa Lorenson, so you're welcome.

Excuse me?

Dr. Hudson, let me give you some advice, and please listen carefully.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Where is she?! I want to see my daughter!

Sir, you can't do that at this point.

I'll call the police!

What seems to be the problem?

These two sent my daughter to surgery against my wishes.

The law says that Tia can make her own decision, and she did.

Tia would never do that.

She would never go against our church.

Dr. Pinkney, Dr. Savetti, did Tia make an informed decision to consent to surgery?

Yes, she did.

By who? By you?

I forbade all of you from speaking with her.

Excuse me!


You're in charge here, right?

My daughter is in surgery.

I want it stopped immediately.

Actually, Mr. Benton, I was just coming to find you.

I've got a court order here that says Angels has the right to stop you.

Now, you are welcome to wait in the family room until your daughter is out of surgery, or you're welcome to wait outside the building.

Your decision.

[Scoffs] You don't understand what you've done.

Any disobedience can result in my daughter's death.

Excuse me? If she disobeys you, she'll die?

No, not me! God! If she dis...

If she disobeys God.


You don't understand.

None of you understand.

What were you two thinking?

The law says...

I know what the law says.

I also know what Tia's father said and, frankly, what Dr. Perello said, which was, "stay out of it."

[Sarcastically] Oops.

Excuse me?

I don't care. We did the right thing.

Is that so?


And you can call my attending and get me fired, but that girl is gonna keep her leg because I had the balls to stand up for her!


I'm not gonna stand here and get scolded like I'm in high school.

We did the right thing. Deal with it.

"Deal with it"?

Who exactly do you think you're talking to?

I didn't mean to be disrespectful.

I just think...

I didn't ask what you think.

Dr. Savetti, we're done here.

I hate to admit it, but I kind of like her.

Yeah, me too.


Plus, I don't exactly have that court order.

Receipt for hospital linens.

It's hard to get a judge out of bed at 2:00 in the morning.


Someone page cardiology now!

What happened?

Your asthma patient.

Found unconscious in the parking lot.

She's in cardiac arrest.


Check cardiac motion.

I got it. I got it.

Hold compressions.


Take the bag.

Hold it.

Asystolic arrest?

Did she have any chest pain?

No, just wheezing.

Any murmurs, cardiac factors?

No, nothing!

Another 1 of epi.

Any right heart strain, any P.E. risk factors?

No and no.

Pulse check.


Get the ultrasound.

[Gasps] No cardiac motion.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Time of death 2:41 A.M.

I... I'm s... I'm so sorry.

I'll call her husband.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Surgery went very well, Tia.

How you feeling?

Tired, but the pain's gone.

Where's my dad?

Your dad isn't here.

Is he in the waiting room?

Can... can one of you go get him?

Because I... I really need to explain all this to him.


He, uh...

He left.


Yeah, of course.

Unholy will.

What's that?

It's what they call it when you deliberately think or do something to sabotage divine will... God's will.

It's very serious in the church.

People are excommunicated for it.

We've, uh, called Child and Family Services, and they're gonna send someone to help you figure out where you're gonna go.

Do you have any relatives that you can stay with?

Um, an... an aunt, maybe, but she lives in Minnesota.

I'm so sorry, Tia.



Thank you... for saving my life.

Tia... you saved your own life.


[Breathes shakily]

What is it?

You have a torsion in your left testicle.

It's twisted, cutting off the blood supply.

Can you untwist it?

You should have told me about this sooner.

The torsion has a ticking clock.

The testicle can't survive very long without blood.

Hopefully, we're still within that window.

Does... does this mean that I'm not gonna be able to have children? Oh, God.

J.J., I have two chances to get this done down here.

If not, you need a surgeon.

Maybe you should wait outside, Kamilla.

I... I'm sorry. I should have told you everything up front.

I also take Rogaine for my hair.

I... I don't know if that matters.

Also, I'm colorblind.

That's completely irrelevant, right?


I picked up a girl at a bar about a month ago.

She turned out to be a hooker.

I didn't know until I had to pay her.

I... I haven't had an STD test.


Maybe I should step out.

Are you ready?

[Breathing heavily]

Looking at your son Trevor just now, his pupils were suddenly reactive, and he has good reflexes.

Oh, my God, so, he... he's okay?

Well, there's no guarantee, but those are very good signs that there may not be brain damage after all.


[Chuckles] Your son's a fighter.

Thank you, Doctor...

[Sniffles] For everything.

[Sobs] Thank you.

[Indistinct conversations in distance]

Mr. Rockman.

Oh, hi.

I got your message to come down.

I'm sorry, um, my mind was frazzled last night.

I've forgotten your name.

I'm Dr. Lorenson.

Right, right, sorry.

Son went to school without his algebra homework.

I'm pretty sure I sent my daughter to kindergarten in her PJs, but the youngest sent her this.

Sweet, huh?

So, is she ready?

There were complications.

With what?

Mr. Rockman, your wife died.

What? Wait. What?


Mr. Rockman, wait.


Please, just listen to me.

She had a heart attack.

I'm so sorry.




[Curtains open]

Kamilla, you're still here.

Of course I'm still here.

Is he gonna be okay?

He should be back to 100% in no time.

Well, let's not oversell it.

She already knows... way too much about me.

Look, I dye my hair.

I snort when I laugh.

And this breast is bigger than the other one.

Don't all girls have that?


[Both laugh]

Do me a favor.

Invite me to the wedding.

Aw, too soon, Doc.


[Both breathing heavily]

Hey. You okay?

I'm fine.

[Chuckling] Are you sure?


Hey, is Mario in there?

I just want to talk to him for a second.

No, I think I saw him leave.

Come on, let's get out of here.

[Plastic wrap crinkling]



You okay?

I should have fought harder for her.

Don't do this to yourself.


I knew something was wrong.

I knew it... and I didn't fight for her.

You did.

She was my patient.

My patient... not Perello's, not yours, mine.

And I screwed up, and now she doesn't get to go home and tuck her kids in!

They don't get to see their mother again!

You should have seen the look on her husband's face!

It's called a silent heart attack, and it comes with very little warning.

I know what a silent heart attack is!

I know!

But that doesn't mean anything to her family [sobs] and that doesn't do anything for me!

I know, I know.

I still have to live with the fact that I...

I know, I know, I know, I know.


See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.


See you, fellas.

All right. Take care.

What's up?

So, you, uh, you got the job?

If I want it.

Is that gonna be a problem for us if I take it?

If it is, are you gonna turn it down?

I appreciate your saving my ass and covering for me.

I do.

It's just, um...

I'm just starting to get on my feet here.

[Voice breaking] And with your coming back, it'll be like high school all over again, where you are the star quarterback and I am the water boy... invisible in your shadow.

Not possible.

I've heard how the doctors and nurses around here talk about you.

You're smart, sensitive... good listener.


You don't know how good you are, do you?

Oh, are you kidding me? I screw up in there all the time.

Yeah, that's not what I'm talking about.

I mean, good.



Everything you need to know to be a doctor... you can learn, except for what you were born with.

You are good, man.





Come on, beer's on you.

[Laughing] Okay.


That's the deal.

Sorry I canceled, but...

I brought in the new attending today, and I needed to hang around and watch him.

Paul: You needed to, or you wanted to?

What's the difference?

Well, the difference is the very reason you're here, isn't it?

Let me ask you something.

Will therapy make me feel any better?

Not if it's working.

Let me ask you something.

Are you really ready to walk away from a job that is your whole life?

That's the very reason I'm here.