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01x02 - One More Notch

Posted: 01/21/16 02:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Second Chance"...

Woman: Disgraced sheriff Jimmy Pritchard took his own life today.

You're the first to journey all the way back... to get another chance.

James: I know you. You're one of those rich computer twins.

Otto re-coded your white blood cells to fight the cancer in my blood.

You brought me back to save you?

Otto: He's stronger then predicted.

I'm sorry... mister, do I know you?

What is your connection to my father?!

Who the hell are you?

I'm Sheriff Jimmy Pritchard.

Old James: Wake up!

Wake up!

I don't know what the hell you're laying down for anyway.

There's something in the genes, made it so that they could bring you back.

One in 10 million.

You're very rare.

We're dead.

Wake up, Sheriff.


[thunder rumbles]

Both these men were doing life for a meth-fueled double m*rder.

Once locked up, they got some real violent religion.

Called themselves "Reborn in Blood."

Seattle P.D. has asked us to help track them down.

Work your contacts and the data.

They stick their heads up, I want us there.

Go get 'em.

Agent Pritchard, a word.

Pritchard, I know some of these other agents are looking at you sideways for turning your partner and your boss in, but from where I stand, that was damn fine work.

You took an oath, and you defended it.

Thank you, ma'am.

Listen, right now, it's about getting those two convicts, but then you and I need to have a talk about exactly what happened on that bridge.

Who the hell are you?

What is your connection to my father?!

Not right now.

I'll make myself available.

After the first round of regenerated blood transfusions, Mary's numbers are no better.

At this rate... her cancer will spread to her lymph nodes.

If nothing changes, my sister will be gone by the end of the year.

But the donor grows stronger... much stronger than any of my models anticipated.

Just days after his regeneration, his maximum oxygen uptake is 342 milliliters... six times that of an elite athlete.

His dynamic muscle recovery following isokinetic fatigue testing is 100%.

His body, so recently old and frail, is now operating at the very limits of human capacity.

His blood will save my sister.

It has to.

So that nothing happens to him, he will be confined to this house until that happens.

Woman: In other news, convicted K*llers Leo Stax and Edward Hume remain at large after escaping from Pine Creek Prison following a riot that broke out during the city-wide blackout three days ago. Authorities have now confirmed that the riot began when backup generators failed to activate. A third prisoner captured in the sh**t remains in custody at King Memorial Hospital. Mr. Pritchard, Mary is waiting for her transfusion on the second floor.

You know, if this works, then we try it on others.

You know how many lives you could possibly save?

Must make my blood pretty valuable.

It does.


What are you doing?


Alfred, show her what I was just watching.

Arthur: It is Arthur. Showing now.

A few days ago, there was a city-wide power surge that shut down security at that prison.

There was a riot.

Three cons escaped.

Cops caught one, but there are two murderers out there in Seattle.

I did the math, and I know what was happening right before those lights went out.

Well, so do I.

That's when we brought you back.

The power Otto used from the grid to regenerate you caused the surge and blackout and shut down the prison security system.

By the time they got the lights back on, those prisoners had already escaped.

Through our foundation, we've been funneling money and tech to local authorities.

I know we caused this, and we're helping to fix it.

Now... can you please let go of that tube, or are we still negotiating?

Those two K*llers are out there in my city.

I'm the sheriff.

You want to find those men, I'm the man to do it.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


I'll give you the full power of Lookinglass to help you find those men.

The convict they caught is in the hospital.

Took a b*llet during his capture.

I'd like to question him.

I'm sure the police already have.

We may have different methods.

How you doing, Deputy?

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm with the Prisoners' Rights Commission.

Prisoner what?

I'm just here to make sure the prisoner has everything he's entitled to.

Department of Corrections should have cleared me.

Name is Steven Decker.

Bypassing Department of Corrections database now.

Been with the department long?

Going on 20.

So you were there under Pritchard.

Guy got a bum rap.

You can go in.


Prisoners' Rights, huh?

Yeah, like I said, be sure he gets everything he deserves.

Who the hell are you?

I'm from Prisoners' Rights.

How did this happen?

I wasn't even planning on escaping.

The lights when out, the riot started.

Stax and Hume got through.

What the hell was I supposed to do?

It was like God was telling me to go.

You can't sh**t a man for listening to God, can you?

You guys have a plan?

Way out of the country, place to lay low?

What the hell's that got to do with my rights?

You in a lot of pain?

[sighs] Well... nowhere near as much pain as you're gonna be in if you don't help me find those other two.

You're not from Prisoners' Rights.

No, I'm not.

Then go to hell.

[muffled shouting]

[muffled screaming]

You're gonna help me find those other two escapees... who might be helping them, where they might be hiding.

You three were on the run together, so you must have had some kind of plan.

I'm gonna tell you a secret.

[muffled screaming]

I have no idea how strong I am.

Now, that egghead at the house, he says like five times a normal man.

Do you want to find out?

He's resting comfortably.

It's me, Pritchard.

How'd it go?

He was very chatty.

They're gonna get their g*ns from an ex-con called Luther Verneck.

Can you get me his address?

Give me a minute.


It's you.

What are you in for?

Oh, they put a stent in my heart.

I had four done right here.

You'll be on your feet in no time.

Yeah, they say 70 years of red meat is what did it to me.

That's what they said to me, too!

Not... 70, obviously.

I mean, more like, what am I, 35, 30?

Not 70. That's crazy.

This is my floor.

Mr. Pritchard?

The man those escaped convicts are going to has been arrested several times for trafficking illegal firearms.

I'll send the address.



So, New York conference call at 10:00, then you have London at 10:45.

[voice breaking] And then, um...

[sniffles] then you have a lunch at the Civic Club about the college endowment.

Alexa, are you okay?

Yeah. Yes.

I am great.

No! I'm not okay.

Mary, you've stopped your chemo, and you're not going to see your oncologist?

Hands up. On the floor.

And you're trying to keep this whole thing a secret, and you're not even easing up on your work load.

And you're being so nice and giving me a tissue, and you're the sweetest ever, and I think it's too much for you.

It's going to be okay, I promise.

[nose blowing]

Alexa, why don't you go clean up.

That's a great idea.

Arthur, show her.

I've hacked into the cops' body cams.

This is happening right now.

Man: On the floor! Do it now!

I'm not the guy you're looking for, all right?

I said now!

This is what happens when he goes out.

Unknown variables, unintended consequences.

It is complete chaos.

It's a puzzle, Otto... solve it.

Please don't come any closer. Okay?

Get down right now! Get on the ground!

I don't want anyone to get hurt.

Get down!

Hey, back off!

He's not listening, man.

I'm gonna hit him with my taser.

Arthur: The potential for v*olence and Mr. Pritchard's arrest is now 98%.

Arthur, who makes those tasers?

This is your last warning.

[men shouting]

Mr. Pritchard? Mr. Pritchard?

Otto? What just happened?

There's no way I could possibly explain it to you, but I would recommend that you run, now.


[both gasping]

Oh, please, mister, don't be dead!

I'm so screwed if you're dead.

Are you dead?

I used to be, not anymore. I gotta go.


He is your cure. Why would you let him walk out the door?

'Cause he's a person, Otto.

He is our person.

We made him.

If he gets caught, what happens to us?



This... this is because of us.

Those lives are ended, and we can't bring them back.

Pritchard thinks he can get the men who did this.

If he gets caught, that's a chance we'll have to take.

He ran g*ns. It seems our cons Stax and Hume k*lled him and took his stash.

We can now assume that Stax and Hume are both heavily armed.

Agent Pritchard, tasers fried the body cam footage, but we managed to get this.

He was standing over the dead guy when the cops rolled in.


Arthur: Maintenance initiated.

I was hoping to talk to Security.

When Miss Goodwin heard you were here, she asked to see you herself.

Agent Pritchard, how can I help you?

Well, like I told your assistant, I was hoping to talk to Security.

I'm not sure this is a C.E.O. matter.

Not sure what is a C.E.O. matter.

I'm looking for the man who is driving this car.

That car is registered to your corporation?

That's not really a question, is it?

You can see it's registered to us.

Ma'am, I'd like to see that car.

Why are you here, Agent Pritchard?

I want to know who that man is.

You show up without a warrant, you want to talk to my security because you figure since they're ex-lawmen, they'll share information with you in confidence... without a warrant.

There was a k*lling today.

I think that man is involved.

And I will look into that.

But have you told your superiors this?

Will they know that you're here?

I can tell this means a lot to you, Agent Pritchard, and that you want to get this done.

But, please, you need to have your organization deal properly with my corporation.



Thank you.

Maintenance complete.

There will be some soreness, but the t*nk healed the fractured ribs.

You think my son's just gonna walk away 'cause you gave him a spanking in your office?

I think I made it clear he has no choice.

Why? What do you think?

I think Duval is an honest-to-God good person.

I think that's probably something he got from his mother.

I think with lives on the line, my son will ruin his career.

When he's gone to jail, he could tell the FBI about me and the bridge, about the car tracing back to Lookinglass.

Duval will expose it all if it helps catch those K*llers.

So, what do we do?


I'll need my old name back.

This guy is connected to those two escaped cons.

Are you telling me no one here can find out who he is?

And where the hell is Duval Pritchard?

All right, these are the bank statements, Gracie's college-fund insurance.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying to me, Duval.

Well, what I'm saying is that I have done something that I shouldn't have.

I got myself jammed up, and I need to go into the FBI and talk about it.

You'll get it straightened out, I mean, you always take care of things.

That's what I'm trying to tell you, Helen.

I may not get it straightened out this time.

And if that happens, I'm gonna need you to take care of things for a while, okay?

Okay, now you're scaring me. I mean, what does that even mean?

It means that I need you to do whatever you have to do to take care of Gracie.

What did you do, Duval?


Gracie, honey, I didn't...

Dad, there's someone here to see you.

All right.

Gracie, step away from him.

What are you gonna do, Duval?

sh**t your own brother?

You're my what?

You're my half-brother, that's what you're saying.

You must have a lot of questions.

Oh, yeah, just a few.

Like who's your mom?

She that waitress from Coco's?

Do I have other siblings I don't know about, or are you just a one-off?

No, scrap those.

What I want to know is what is your relationship with the Lookinglass Corporation?

Actually, no, let's not start there.

Why do you keep showing up at my crime scenes, and what are you doing standing over the body of a m*rder*d g*n dealer?

I know you think you ought to turn yourself in and come clean about me and the bridge, but that's not what you really want.

What do I really want?

You want to catch those guys.

They're gunned up now.

They're gonna do something with those weapons in my... in this city.

You want to stop them, then you got to come with me.

Every cop in Seattle is looking for you.

You first tell me why I don't put you in cuffs right now.

Your father told me that family is the most important thing in the world to you.

I can see it's true by the way you look at your kid.

I'm family.

You look in my eyes, and you can see that, can't you?

What's your name?

Do you really think he's my uncle?

If only because it makes him one less available man in this town.

Well, they stopped talking.

Well, now what are they doing? Is it a stare down?

It is a stare down.

Oh, here they come.

You must be Helen.


And... Gracie.

I am totally flipping out right now.

A brother... a secret brother.

Are you totally flipping out right now?

You really knew my grandfather?


Yeah, I knew him pretty well.

You got something to show me, then show me.

Well, can I ask you a question?

Do you think that he k*lled himself, because I don't think that he would.

Let me tell you something, little lady... there is no way that Jimmy Pritchard k*lled himself.

You, we're leaving, now.

He's got kind of a cowboy vibe.

More like a sheriff.

We think he k*lled that gunrunner.

We know he tuned up your brothers.

All right, let's find this guy.

Let's move!

James... James Pritchard. He gave you his name.

I wouldn't make too much of it.

I'm walking around with Duval.

Duval, and he gives you his name.

It don't sound like he wanted his name anyway.

Make a right here.

Peng's? Why are we going here?

You got a problem with this place?

My dad used to bring me here when I was a kid, and my mom thought he was taking me to the park.

I'd sit in a back booth and do my homework.

And your dad?

Oh, my dad said he was working.

He was working. Peng runs Chinatown.

He and your dad had an understanding that kept the peace.

And every time your dad put a bad guy away, he cut a notch right here.

He took you here, too. Great.

Look, I appreciate the trip down memory lane, but seeing you're a wanted man... maybe you can get to the point?

The point is two heavily armed cons are hiding out in the criminal world of Seattle.

We need a criminal network to find them.

We need Peng.

Then you'll be disappointed.

My grandfather is dead... 10 years.

I'm sorry to hear that.

He was a great man.

He was.

So, uh... who's running things now?

He left the place to me.

You're little Emma, aren't you?

I was little Emma.

Who the hell are you?

Sheriff Pritchard... 's kid.

I... Sheriff Pritchard's son.

Uh, in fact, two of us.

We're his sons.

When Sheriff Pritchard was under investigation, he never gave up my grandfather.

He could have. It would have helped him, but your father kept his mouth shut, so...

I just want to thank his two sons for that.

There's something else you could do.

No. That I can't do.

It would be bad for business if I helped you track down escaped cons.

Drinks here are free.

There are other diversions downstairs, free, but what reason do I have to find that out for you?

You owe Pritchard. He kept his mouth shut.

We kissed on it.

Plus, you know, you said it yourself, he was a hero.

Pretty sure she didn't say hero.

And you're not Sheriff Pritchard, so the debt is not a debt to you.

Can I have a word alone?

Let's go get those K*llers.

What just happened in there?

I love the smell of this alley.

It smells of history, you know, old Seattle.

Pritchard, wait!


Three passports have been requested from a forger Emma knows.

Three? There are two cons.

One's for Stax, one's for Hume, and one's for a little girl.

I'll find out if Stax or Hume has a daughter.

Where are we going?

Why do we have to leave?

We just do.

When are we coming back?

I'm not sure yet, sweetheart.

I'm not going.

Just come with me now, and I'll explain in the car.

This is my house. I'm not going.

Lisa, please, we don't have time.

Then tell me why.


It's about your daddy.

My daddy's locked up in Pine Creek Federal Penitentiary, though.

He was, but he got out somehow.

I'm worried he might come for us.

And I can't let that happen.

We have to go, okay?

[sighs] Okay.

[smooches] That's my good girl.

Run, run!


Who've you been seeing, huh? Hmm?

Beth, this is my friend Hume.

You can call him the Minister.

You're gonna feel a whole lot better once we get you clean.

No record of a relationship for either Stax or Hume.

No prison visits, no wives, no boyfriends, no girlfriends.

Check for a restraining order. See if either one of them had a restraining order.

Restraining order taken out against them.

Can I get an R.O. check on both men?

How did you get that woman to give you the passport information?

Your father and her grandfather had this understanding that kept the streets safe.

I told her you're an FBI agent, and if she watched your back, you'd watch hers.

What, did I compromise my badge, you told her that?

You want to catch these guys or not?

Yeah, I do, but I didn't get the corrupt cop gene.

Stop boo-hooing. Grow up.

This is how the world works.

Wow. You really are his son.


That's fantastic. All right.

Great. I got it.


Before going to jail, Stax had four restraining orders taken out against him by the same woman.

There's our relationship.

Yep, and I got her address.

Good. Let's go.

Let me see your phone.

My battery died, and I need to call Gracie.

Oh, come on. You really gonna do this?

I really am gonna do this.

You like the smell of this alley, enjoy it until I come back for you.


I changed since you went away.

I put down the pipe.

I'm not who you knew.

I know you're mad.

I understand.

But I have a life now.

Stax: Life? You have a life now, huh?

Tell her the word, Minister.

That's the life he's come to get.

You had our child, and you kept it a secret from me.

You changed your name... so I couldn't find my own family.

Our child should have my name.


I was hoping you'd have one of these.

All right.

So I guess we can get started then.

If anyone got any objections, speak it up now... or forever hold your peace.

Beth? Hmm?

I guess not.

[muffled screaming]

Go, go, go!

Duval: All right, all right.

It's all right.

It's all right. Come here.

It's all right.

He took her. He made me say "I do."

When she came home from school, he took my baby.

She's my life!

You have to find her!

Mary: We have the address your son got, but Stax and Hume are gone.

They didn't take the woman, but they took a little girl, her daughter.

Jimmy: Then you need to figure out how to find them.

You did this, you need to fix it.

The girl's on you.

There might be a way.

She's eight years old, second grade.

Lookinglass gave a tablet to every student in the Seattle school system.

If she has hers with her... we can pinpoint her location.

Please hold.

I have an address. You ready?


80143 Mercator.

GPS has a location at 50 feet off the ground.

He was seen in this area about an hour ago.

We go door to door.

Oh, God. You still got that door that leads to the building across the street?

Yes, Captain.


You bricked up the escape door? Why would you do that?

What are you doing?

Oh, God!


That wall is three feet thick.

Okay, well, three feet of bricks is a no.

That door was too public.

I put a pen out the back of the walk-in freezer.

It takes you to the building basement one street over.


Use the handle, okay?

[cell phone ringing]


Man: Agent Pritchard, you may have cuffed someone to this van, but there's nobody here now.

But there's definitely something going on down here.

Local P.D.'s all over this place.

Let me see if I can get anything useful off this phone.

It's been wiped clean.

I need a tail put on someone.

Mary Goodwin.

I wiped his phone. Even the FBI won't get anything off it.

But, Mary, with no phone, he will have no timer to warn him when he starts breaking down.

It won't matter.

Pritchard's not gonna stop until he gets those men and that little girl is safe.

You seem certain of that.

He was corrupt, he crossed lines, but never for himself, always to help others.

He won't stop.

Where are you going?

What happens when he starts to break down?

Who helps him?

We'll send a drone.

And if he's inside the building?

If he starts breaking down then?

It is too dangerous. Don't go.

I have to.

No, you want to.

I was watching you and Pritchard.

Your pulse was elevated when you decided to let him go after those men.

Do you know what caused that?

Stax: I know your mom hasn't told you about me, but I'm here now, all right?

Me and your mom, we're all married up now.

So it's gonna be all good and proper.

Please, can't I just go home now, please?!

J-just one more night!




[muffled] Help!

[normal voice] I'm sorry I screamed.

I'll never do it again.

Be a good girl, and you do your homework.

Go on!

Otto? Otto, look at me.

Otto, please look at me.

It's not just us anymore.



Activate the camera on the girl's tablet.

Lisa? Lisa?

She's scared.

Who are you?

I'm Mary.

You must be scared.

Yes, the men here have g*ns, but there's somebody else down below.

He's come to help you.

Hume: Hey! Who are you talking to?

No one!



Lisa? Lisa?!

Hey, listen.


I don't hear anything.

Whatever's downstairs has gone real quiet.

Go see what it is.

Me? You go see what it is!




Woman: She's pulling into a parking lot.

Do not engage.

Give me the address and clear out.

I've got it from here.

That your little girl?

That's right.

I know you don't want to hurt her.

Not if I don't have to.

You know, I got married today.


Yeah, the preacher, he ministered it.

I got married to make her right, I mean her mom and the bond. You know what I'm saying?

Yeah. I was married once.

Real good woman.

A chance for her.

Got myself reborn.

You think that's possible?

Yeah, I do.

What do you say we, uh... put the g*ns down.

Is that what you want? Huh?

Want Daddy to put his g*n down?


Hey, maybe just... move them away a little bit, huh?

Me and her are walking out of here.

Well... let's talk about that.

There's nothing to talk about.

Because I know how much... you cops hate seeing anything happen to little kids.

So, me and her are walking out of here.

Who are you?!

The lady on my tablet.

Otto, now.

I was reborn in blood, and I will... [grunts]

You talk too much.

We should go. Hey.

It's all right, sweetie.

Let him carry you.

Let's go.


How you doing?

It's all right, honey. You can go to your mother now.

I'm not the kind of guy you would have picked for this experiment of yours.

Hell, I wouldn't have picked me.

You worried about who you brought back?

Should I be?

[sighs softly]

Mr. Pritchard?

[chuckles softly]

I think you can call me Jimmy.

You don't seem like a Jimmy to me.

What about James?

Yeah, sure, okay.


You're starting to break down, aren't you, James?

I think we should get you back in the t*nk.

I think you're right.

I think you should drive.

Agent Pritchard?



They found her.

The little girl, it just came over the radio.

Someone dropped her off in front of her house.

♪ ♪
♪ Six billion backs against the wall ♪
♪ Now do we walk or run ♪

We saved that girl's life.


Now he can get back to saving yours.

I want to check your numbers. Let's take some blood.

Not now.

I don't want to beat my cancer right now.

♪ Those days were all so long ♪
♪ But if we don't do thiiis ♪
♪ Somebody else will ♪
♪ Three billion backs against the wall ♪
♪ A prayer for every one ♪

I thought I'd find you here.

Want a drink?

It's free.

[chuckling] There's other diversions downstairs.

No, thanks.

This used to be a photo of you standing over that body.

I saw it.

But by the time the FBI cleaned it up, you were gone, and Stax was there.

Your friends over at Lookinglass swap you out for him?

Well, he was the k*ller. It says so in the paper.

Hmm. You know, this turned out okay.

That little girl back home with her mom, these two crooks where they belong.

Well, you know about it.

So have you read the paper?


Says here that you put cuffs on the one with the knife.

That's good police work.


And the other?

What about him?

You were there, weren't you?

What if I was?

What if it was you and I that got this done and got that girl home? Hmm?

What if I told you there's a whole city of animals like this that we could do something about.


I don't think so.

Too proud to ask for help.


You sound just like him.


You here to take me in?

Not today.


Well, you just think about what we can do together.

The offer's always open.

♪ Remember when you were a kid? ♪
♪ Those days are all but gone ♪
♪ If we don't do thiiis ♪
♪ Nobody else will ♪
♪ If we don't do thiiis ♪
♪ Nobody else will ♪